/* * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Vitaly Tomilov * * See the LICENSE file at the top-level directory of this distribution * for licensing information. * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. */ const {assertOptions} = require(`assert-options`); const {TableName} = require(`../table-name`); const {ColumnSet} = require(`../column-set`); const npm = { formatting: require(`../../formatting`), utils: require(`../../utils`) }; /** * @method helpers.update * @description * Generates a simplified `UPDATE` query for either one object or an array of objects. * * The resulting query needs a `WHERE` clause to be appended to it, to specify the update logic. * This is to allow for update conditions of any complexity that are easy to add. * * @param {object|object[]} data * An update object with properties for update values, or an array of such objects. * * When `data` is not a non-null object and not an array, it will throw {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Invalid parameter 'data' specified.` * * When `data` is an empty array, it will throw {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Cannot generate an UPDATE from an empty array.` * * When `data` is an array that contains a non-object value, the method will throw {@link external:Error Error} = * `Invalid update object at index N.` * * @param {array|helpers.Column|helpers.ColumnSet} [columns] * Set of columns to be updated. * * It is optional when `data` is a single object, and required when `data` is an array of objects. If not specified for an array * of objects, the method will throw {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Parameter 'columns' is required when updating multiple records.` * * When `columns` is not a {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} object, a temporary {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} * is created - from the value of `columns` (if it was specified), or from the value of `data` (if it is not an array). * * When the final {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} is empty (no columns in it), the method will throw * {@link external:Error Error} = `Cannot generate an UPDATE without any columns.`, unless option `emptyUpdate` was specified. * * @param {helpers.TableName|string|{table,schema}} [table] * Table to be updated. * * It is normally a required parameter. But when `columns` is passed in as a {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} object * with `table` set in it, that will be used when this parameter isn't specified. When neither is available, the method * will throw {@link external:Error Error} = `Table name is unknown.` * * @param {{}} [options] * An object with formatting options for multi-row `UPDATE` queries. * * @param {string} [options.tableAlias=t] * Name of the SQL variable that represents the destination table. * * @param {string} [options.valueAlias=v] * Name of the SQL variable that represents the values. * * @param {*} [options.emptyUpdate] * This is a convenience option, to avoid throwing an error when generating a conditional update results in no columns. * * When present, regardless of the value, this option overrides the method's behaviour when applying `skip` logic results in no columns, * i.e. when every column is being skipped. * * By default, in that situation the method throws {@link external:Error Error} = `Cannot generate an UPDATE without any columns.` * But when this option is present, the method will instead return whatever value the option was passed. * * @returns {*} * An `UPDATE` query string that needs a `WHERE` condition appended. * * If it results in an empty update, and option `emptyUpdate` was passed in, then the method returns the value * to which the option was set. * * @see * {@link helpers.Column Column}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet}, * {@link helpers.TableName TableName} * * @example * * const pgp = require('pg-promise')({ * capSQL: true // if you want all generated SQL capitalized * }); * * const dataSingle = {id: 1, val: 123, msg: 'hello'}; * const dataMulti = [{id: 1, val: 123, msg: 'hello'}, {id: 2, val: 456, msg: 'world!'}]; * * // Although column details can be taken from the data object, it is not * // a likely scenario for an update, unless updating the whole table: * * pgp.helpers.update(dataSingle, null, 'my-table'); * //=> UPDATE "my-table" SET "id"=1,"val"=123,"msg"='hello' * * @example * * // A typical single-object update: * * // Dynamic conditions must be escaped/formatted properly: * const condition = pgp.as.format(' WHERE id = ${id}', dataSingle); * * pgp.helpers.update(dataSingle, ['val', 'msg'], 'my-table') + condition; * //=> UPDATE "my-table" SET "val"=123,"msg"='hello' WHERE id = 1 * * @example * * // Column details are required for a multi-row `UPDATE`; * // Adding '?' in front of a column name means it is only for a WHERE condition: * * pgp.helpers.update(dataMulti, ['?id', 'val', 'msg'], 'my-table') + ' WHERE v.id = t.id'; * //=> UPDATE "my-table" AS t SET "val"=v."val","msg"=v."msg" FROM (VALUES(1,123,'hello'),(2,456,'world!')) * // AS v("id","val","msg") WHERE v.id = t.id * * @example * * // Column details from a reusable ColumnSet (recommended for performance): * * const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['?id', 'val', 'msg'], {table: 'my-table'}); * * pgp.helpers.update(dataMulti, cs) + ' WHERE v.id = t.id'; * //=> UPDATE "my-table" AS t SET "val"=v."val","msg"=v."msg" FROM (VALUES(1,123,'hello'),(2,456,'world!')) * // AS v("id","val","msg") WHERE v.id = t.id * * @example * * // Using parameter `options` to change the default alias names: * * pgp.helpers.update(dataMulti, cs, null, {tableAlias: 'X', valueAlias: 'Y'}) + ' WHERE Y.id = X.id'; * //=> UPDATE "my-table" AS X SET "val"=Y."val","msg"=Y."msg" FROM (VALUES(1,123,'hello'),(2,456,'world!')) * // AS Y("id","val","msg") WHERE Y.id = X.id * * @example * * // Handling an empty update * * const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['?id', '?name'], {table: 'tt'}); // no actual update-able columns * const result = pgp.helpers.update(dataMulti, cs, null, {emptyUpdate: 123}); * if(result === 123) { * // We know the update is empty, i.e. no columns that can be updated; * // And it didn't throw because we specified `emptyUpdate` option. * } */ function update(data, columns, table, options, capSQL) { if (!data || typeof data !== `object`) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid parameter 'data' specified.`); } const isArray = Array.isArray(data); if (isArray && !data.length) { throw new TypeError(`Cannot generate an UPDATE from an empty array.`); } if (columns instanceof ColumnSet) { if (npm.utils.isNull(table)) { table = columns.table; } } else { if (isArray && npm.utils.isNull(columns)) { throw new TypeError(`Parameter 'columns' is required when updating multiple records.`); } columns = new ColumnSet(columns || data); } options = assertOptions(options, [`tableAlias`, `valueAlias`, `emptyUpdate`]); const format = npm.formatting.as.format, useEmptyUpdate = `emptyUpdate` in options, fmOptions = {capSQL}; if (isArray) { const tableAlias = npm.formatting.as.alias(npm.utils.isNull(options.tableAlias) ? `t` : options.tableAlias); const valueAlias = npm.formatting.as.alias(npm.utils.isNull(options.valueAlias) ? `v` : options.valueAlias); const q = capSQL ? sql.multi.capCase : sql.multi.lowCase; const actualColumns = columns.columns.filter(c => !c.cnd); if (checkColumns(actualColumns)) { return options.emptyUpdate; } checkTable(); const targetCols = actualColumns.map(c => c.escapedName + `=` + valueAlias + `.` + c.escapedName).join(); const values = data.map((d, index) => { if (!d || typeof d !== `object`) { throw new Error(`Invalid update object at index ${index}.`); } return `(` + format(columns.variables, columns.prepare(d), fmOptions) + `)`; }).join(); return format(q, [table.name, tableAlias, targetCols, values, valueAlias, columns.names], fmOptions); } const updates = columns.assign({source: data}); if (checkColumns(updates)) { return options.emptyUpdate; } checkTable(); const query = capSQL ? sql.single.capCase : sql.single.lowCase; return format(query, table.name) + format(updates, columns.prepare(data), fmOptions); function checkTable() { if (table && !(table instanceof TableName)) { table = new TableName(table); } if (!table) { throw new Error(`Table name is unknown.`); } } function checkColumns(cols) { if (!cols.length) { if (useEmptyUpdate) { return true; } throw new Error(`Cannot generate an UPDATE without any columns.`); } } } const sql = { single: { lowCase: `update $1^ set `, capCase: `UPDATE $1^ SET ` }, multi: { lowCase: `update $1^ as $2^ set $3^ from (values$4^) as $5^($6^)`, capCase: `UPDATE $1^ AS $2^ SET $3^ FROM (VALUES$4^) AS $5^($6^)` } }; module.exports = {update};