/* * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Vitaly Tomilov * * See the LICENSE file at the top-level directory of this distribution * for licensing information. * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. */ const {Events} = require(`./events`); const npm = { spex: require(`spex`), utils: require(`./utils`), mode: require(`./tx-mode`), query: require(`./query`), text: require(`./text`) }; /** * @interface Task * @description * Extends {@link Database} for an automatic connection session, with methods for executing multiple database queries. * * The type isn't available directly, it can only be created via methods {@link Database#task Database.task}, {@link Database#tx Database.tx}, * or their derivations. * * When executing more than one request at a time, one should allocate and release the connection only once, * while executing all the required queries within the same connection session. More importantly, a transaction * can only work within a single connection. * * This is an interface for tasks/transactions to implement a connection session, during which you can * execute multiple queries against the same connection that's released automatically when the task/transaction is finished. * * Each task/transaction manages the connection automatically. When executed on the root {@link Database} object, the connection * is allocated from the pool, and once the method's callback has finished, the connection is released back to the pool. * However, when invoked inside another task or transaction, the method reuses the parent connection. * * @see * {@link Task#ctx ctx}, * {@link Task#batch batch}, * {@link Task#sequence sequence}, * {@link Task#page page} * * @example * db.task(t => { * // t = task protocol context; * // t.ctx = Task Context; * return t.one('select * from users where id=$1', 123) * .then(user => { * return t.any('select * from events where login=$1', user.name); * }); * }) * .then(events => { * // success; * }) * .catch(error => { * // error; * }); * */ function Task(ctx, tag, isTX, config) { const $p = config.promise; /** * @member {TaskContext} Task#ctx * @readonly * @description * Task/Transaction Context object - contains individual properties for each task/transaction. * * @see event {@link event:query query} * * @example * * db.task(t => { * return t.ctx; // task context object * }) * .then(ctx => { * console.log('Task Duration:', ctx.duration); * }); * * @example * * db.tx(t => { * return t.ctx; // transaction context object * }) * .then(ctx => { * console.log('Transaction Duration:', ctx.duration); * }); */ this.ctx = ctx.ctx = {}; // task context object; npm.utils.addReadProp(this.ctx, `isTX`, isTX); if (`context` in ctx) { npm.utils.addReadProp(this.ctx, `context`, ctx.context); } npm.utils.addReadProp(this.ctx, `connected`, !ctx.db); npm.utils.addReadProp(this.ctx, `tag`, tag); npm.utils.addReadProp(this.ctx, `dc`, ctx.dc); npm.utils.addReadProp(this.ctx, `level`, ctx.level); npm.utils.addReadProp(this.ctx, `inTransaction`, ctx.inTransaction); if (isTX) { npm.utils.addReadProp(this.ctx, `txLevel`, ctx.txLevel); } npm.utils.addReadProp(this.ctx, `parent`, ctx.parentCtx); // generic query method; this.query = function (query, values, qrm) { if (!ctx.db) { return $p.reject(new Error(npm.text.looseQuery)); } return config.$npm.query.call(this, ctx, query, values, qrm); }; /** * @method Task#batch * @description * Settles a predefined array of mixed values by redirecting to method $[spex.batch]. * * For complete method documentation see $[spex.batch]. * * @param {array} values * @param {Object} [options] * Optional Parameters. * @param {function} [options.cb] * * @returns {external:Promise} */ this.batch = function (values, options) { return config.$npm.spex.batch.call(this, values, options); }; /** * @method Task#page * @description * Resolves a dynamic sequence of arrays/pages with mixed values, by redirecting to method $[spex.page]. * * For complete method documentation see $[spex.page]. * * @param {function} source * @param {Object} [options] * Optional Parameters. * @param {function} [options.dest] * @param {number} [options.limit=0] * * @returns {external:Promise} */ this.page = function (source, options) { return config.$npm.spex.page.call(this, source, options); }; /** * @method Task#sequence * @description * Resolves a dynamic sequence of mixed values by redirecting to method $[spex.sequence]. * * For complete method documentation see $[spex.sequence]. * * @param {function} source * @param {Object} [options] * Optional Parameters. * @param {function} [options.dest] * @param {number} [options.limit=0] * @param {boolean} [options.track=false] * * @returns {external:Promise} */ this.sequence = function (source, options) { return config.$npm.spex.sequence.call(this, source, options); }; } /** * @private * @method Task.callback * Callback invocation helper. * * @param ctx * @param obj * @param cb * @param config * @returns {Promise.} */ const callback = (ctx, obj, cb, config) => { const $p = config.promise; let result; try { if (cb.constructor.name === `GeneratorFunction`) { // v9.0 dropped all support for ES6 generator functions; // Clients should use the new ES7 async/await syntax. throw new TypeError(`ES6 generator functions are no longer supported!`); } result = cb.call(obj, obj); // invoking the callback function; } catch (err) { Events.error(ctx.options, err, { client: ctx.db && ctx.db.client, // the error can be due to loss of connectivity dc: ctx.dc, ctx: ctx.ctx }); return $p.reject(err); // reject with the error; } if (result && typeof result.then === `function`) { return result; // result is a valid promise object; } return $p.resolve(result); }; /** * @private * @method Task.execute * Executes a task. * * @param ctx * @param obj * @param isTX * @param config * @returns {Promise.} */ const execute = (ctx, obj, isTX, config) => { const $p = config.promise; // updates the task context and notifies the client; function update(start, success, result) { const c = ctx.ctx; if (start) { npm.utils.addReadProp(c, `start`, new Date()); } else { c.finish = new Date(); c.success = success; c.result = result; c.duration = c.finish - c.start; npm.utils.lock(c, true); } (isTX ? Events.transact : Events.task)(ctx.options, { client: ctx.db && ctx.db.client, // loss of connectivity is possible at this point dc: ctx.dc, ctx: c }); } let cbData, cbReason, success, spName; // Save-Point Name; const capSQL = ctx.options.capSQL; // capitalize sql; update(true); if (isTX) { // executing a transaction; spName = `sp_${ctx.txLevel}_${ctx.nextTxCount}`; return begin() .then(() => callback(ctx, obj, ctx.cb, config) .then(data => { cbData = data; // save callback data; success = true; return commit(); }, err => { cbReason = err; // save callback failure reason; return rollback(); }) .then(() => { if (success) { update(false, true, cbData); return cbData; } update(false, false, cbReason); return $p.reject(cbReason); }, err => { // either COMMIT or ROLLBACK has failed, which is impossible // to replicate in a test environment, so skipping from the test; // istanbul ignore next: update(false, false, err); // istanbul ignore next: return $p.reject(err); }), err => { // BEGIN has failed, which is impossible to replicate in a test // environment, so skipping the whole block from the test; // istanbul ignore next: update(false, false, err); // istanbul ignore next: return $p.reject(err); }); } function begin() { if (!ctx.txLevel && ctx.mode instanceof npm.mode.TransactionMode) { return exec(ctx.mode.begin(capSQL), `savepoint`); } return exec(`begin`, `savepoint`); } function commit() { return exec(`commit`, `release savepoint`); } function rollback() { return exec(`rollback`, `rollback to savepoint`); } function exec(top, nested) { if (ctx.txLevel) { return obj.none((capSQL ? nested.toUpperCase() : nested) + ` ` + spName); } return obj.none(capSQL ? top.toUpperCase() : top); } // executing a task; return callback(ctx, obj, ctx.cb, config) .then(data => { update(false, true, data); return data; }) .catch(error => { update(false, false, error); return $p.reject(error); }); }; module.exports = config => { const npmLocal = config.$npm; // istanbul ignore next: // we keep 'npm.query' initialization here, even though it is always // pre-initialized by the 'database' module, for integrity purpose. npmLocal.query = npmLocal.query || npm.query(config); npmLocal.spex = npmLocal.spex || npm.spex(config.promiseLib); return { Task, execute, callback }; }; /** * @typedef TaskContext * @description * Task/Transaction Context used via property {@link Task#ctx ctx} inside tasks (methods {@link Database#task Database.task} and {@link Database#taskIf Database.taskIf}) * and transactions (methods {@link Database#tx Database.tx} and {@link Database#txIf Database.txIf}). * * Properties `context`, `connected`, `parent`, `level`, `dc`, `isTX`, `tag`, `start`, `useCount` and `serverVersion` are set just before the operation has started, * while properties `finish`, `duration`, `success` and `result` are set immediately after the operation has finished. * * @property {*} context * If the operation was invoked with a calling context - `task.call(context,...)` or `tx.call(context,...)`, * this property is set with the context that was passed in. Otherwise, the property doesn't exist. * * @property {*} dc * _Database Context_ that was passed into the {@link Database} object during construction. * * @property {boolean} isTX * Indicates whether this operation is a transaction (as opposed to a regular task). * * @property {number} duration * Number of milliseconds consumed by the operation. * * Set after the operation has finished, it is simply a shortcut for `finish - start`. * * @property {number} level * Task nesting level, starting from 0, counting both regular tasks and transactions. * * @property {number} txLevel * Transaction nesting level, starting from 0. Transactions on level 0 use `BEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK`, * while transactions on nested levels use the corresponding `SAVEPOINT` commands. * * This property exists only within the context of a transaction (`isTX = true`). * * @property {boolean} inTransaction * Available in both tasks and transactions, it simplifies checking when there is a transaction * going on either on this level or above. * * For example, when you want to check for a containing transaction while inside a task, and * only start a transaction when there is none yet. * * @property {TaskContext} parent * Parent task/transaction context, or `null` when it is top-level. * * @property {boolean} connected * Indicates when the task/transaction acquired the connection on its own (`connected = true`), and will release it once * the operation has finished. When the value is `false`, the operation is reusing an existing connection. * * @property {*} tag * Tag value as it was passed into the task. See methods {@link Database#task task} and {@link Database#tx tx}. * * @property {Date} start * Date/Time of when this operation started the execution. * * @property {number} useCount * Number of times the connection has been previously used, starting with 0 for a freshly * allocated physical connection. * * @property {string} serverVersion * **(Added in v10.1.0)** - Version of the PostgreSQL server to which we are connected. * Not available with $[Native Bindings]. * * @property {Date} finish * Once the operation has finished, this property is set to the Data/Time of when it happened. * * @property {boolean} success * Once the operation has finished, this property indicates whether it was successful. * * @property {*} result * Once the operation has finished, this property contains the result, depending on property `success`: * - data resolved by the operation, if `success = true` * - error / rejection reason, if `success = false` * */