/* * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Vitaly Tomilov * * See the LICENSE file at the top-level directory of this distribution * for licensing information. * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. */ const {InnerState} = require(`../inner-state`); const {assertOptions} = require(`assert-options`); const {TableName} = require(`./table-name`); const {Column} = require(`./column`); const npm = { os: require(`os`), utils: require(`../utils`), formatting: require(`../formatting`) }; /** * @class helpers.ColumnSet * @description * Performance-optimized, read-only structure with query-formatting columns. * * In order to avail from performance optimization provided by this class, it should be created * only once, statically, and then reused. * * @param {object|helpers.Column|array} columns * Columns information object, depending on the type: * * - When it is a simple object, its properties are enumerated to represent both column names and property names * within the source objects. See also option `inherit` that's applicable in this case. * * - When it is a single {@link helpers.Column Column} object, property {@link helpers.ColumnSet#columns columns} is initialized with * just a single column. It is not a unique situation when only a single column is required for an update operation. * * - When it is an array, each element is assumed to represent details for a column. If the element is already of type {@link helpers.Column Column}, * it is used directly; otherwise the element is passed into {@link helpers.Column Column} constructor for initialization. * On any duplicate column name (case-sensitive) it will throw {@link external:Error Error} = `Duplicate column name "name".` * * - When it is none of the above, it will throw {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Invalid parameter 'columns' specified.` * * @param {object} [options] * * @param {helpers.TableName|string|{table,schema}} [options.table] * Table details. * * When it is a non-null value, and not a {@link helpers.TableName TableName} object, a new {@link helpers.TableName TableName} is constructed from the value. * * It can be used as the default for methods {@link helpers.insert insert} and {@link helpers.update update} when their parameter * `table` is omitted, and for logging purposes. * * @param {boolean} [options.inherit = false] * Use inherited properties in addition to the object's own properties. * * By default, only the object's own properties are enumerated for column names. * * @returns {helpers.ColumnSet} * * @see * * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#columns columns}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#names names}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#table table}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#variables variables} | * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#assign assign}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#assignColumns assignColumns}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#extend extend}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#merge merge}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#prepare prepare} * * @example * * // A complex insert/update object scenario for table 'purchases' in schema 'fiscal'. * // For a good performance, you should declare such objects once and then reuse them. * // * // Column Requirements: * // * // 1. Property 'id' is only to be used for a WHERE condition in updates * // 2. Property 'list' needs to be formatted as a csv * // 3. Property 'code' is to be used as raw text, and to be defaulted to 0 when the * // property is missing in the source object * // 4. Property 'log' is a JSON object with 'log-entry' for the column name * // 5. Property 'data' requires SQL type casting '::int[]' * // 6. Property 'amount' needs to be set to 100, if it is 0 * // 7. Property 'total' must be skipped during updates, if 'amount' was 0, plus its * // column name is 'total-val' * * const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet([ * '?id', // ColumnConfig equivalent: {name: 'id', cnd: true} * 'list:csv', // ColumnConfig equivalent: {name: 'list', mod: ':csv'} * { * name: 'code', * mod: '^', // format as raw text * def: 0 // default to 0 when the property doesn't exist * }, * { * name: 'log-entry', * prop: 'log', * mod: ':json' // format as JSON * }, * { * name: 'data', * cast: 'int[]' // use SQL type casting '::int[]' * }, * { * name: 'amount', * init(col) { * // set to 100, if the value is 0: * return col.value === 0 ? 100 : col.value; * } * }, * { * name: 'total-val', * prop: 'total', * skip(col) { * // skip from updates, if 'amount' is 0: * return col.source.amount === 0; * } * } * ], {table: {table: 'purchases', schema: 'fiscal'}}); * * // Alternatively, you could take the table declaration out: * // const table = new pgp.helpers.TableName('purchases', 'fiscal'); * * console.log(cs); // console output for the object: * //=> * // ColumnSet { * // table: "fiscal"."purchases" * // columns: [ * // Column { * // name: "id" * // cnd: true * // } * // Column { * // name: "list" * // mod: ":csv" * // } * // Column { * // name: "code" * // mod: "^" * // def: 0 * // } * // Column { * // name: "log-entry" * // prop: "log" * // mod: ":json" * // } * // Column { * // name: "data" * // cast: "int[]" * // } * // Column { * // name: "amount" * // init: [Function] * // } * // Column { * // name: "total-val" * // prop: "total" * // skip: [Function] * // } * // ] * // } */ class ColumnSet extends InnerState { constructor(columns, opt) { super(); if (!columns || typeof columns !== `object`) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid parameter 'columns' specified.`); } opt = assertOptions(opt, [`table`, `inherit`]); if (!npm.utils.isNull(opt.table)) { this.table = (opt.table instanceof TableName) ? opt.table : new TableName(opt.table); } /** * @name helpers.ColumnSet#table * @type {helpers.TableName} * @readonly * @description * Destination table. It can be specified for two purposes: * * - **primary:** to be used as the default table when it is omitted during a call into methods {@link helpers.insert insert} and {@link helpers.update update} * - **secondary:** to be automatically written into the console (for logging purposes). */ /** * @name helpers.ColumnSet#columns * @type helpers.Column[] * @readonly * @description * Array of {@link helpers.Column Column} objects. */ if (Array.isArray(columns)) { const colNames = {}; this.columns = columns.map(c => { const col = (c instanceof Column) ? c : new Column(c); if (col.name in colNames) { throw new Error(`Duplicate column name "${col.name}".`); } colNames[col.name] = true; return col; }); } else { if (columns instanceof Column) { this.columns = [columns]; } else { this.columns = []; for (const name in columns) { if (opt.inherit || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(columns, name)) { this.columns.push(new Column(name)); } } } } Object.freeze(this.columns); Object.freeze(this); this.extendState({ names: undefined, variables: undefined, updates: undefined, isSimple: true }); for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) { const c = this.columns[i]; // ColumnSet is simple when the source objects require no preparation, // and should be used directly: if (c.prop || c.init || `def` in c) { this._inner.isSimple = false; break; } } } /** * @name helpers.ColumnSet#names * @type string * @readonly * @description * Returns a string - comma-separated list of all column names, properly escaped. * * @example * const cs = new ColumnSet(['id^', {name: 'cells', cast: 'int[]'}, 'doc:json']); * console.log(cs.names); * //=> "id","cells","doc" */ get names() { const _i = this._inner; if (!_i.names) { _i.names = this.columns.map(c => c.escapedName).join(); } return _i.names; } /** * @name helpers.ColumnSet#variables * @type string * @readonly * @description * Returns a string - formatting template for all column values. * * @see {@link helpers.ColumnSet#assign assign} * * @example * const cs = new ColumnSet(['id^', {name: 'cells', cast: 'int[]'}, 'doc:json']); * console.log(cs.variables); * //=> ${id^},${cells}::int[],${doc:json} */ get variables() { const _i = this._inner; if (!_i.variables) { _i.variables = this.columns.map(c => c.variable + c.castText).join(); } return _i.variables; } } /** * @method helpers.ColumnSet#assign * @description * Returns a formatting template of SET assignments, either generic or for a single object. * * The method is optimized to cache the output string when there are no columns that can be skipped dynamically. * * This method is primarily for internal use, that's why it does not validate the input. * * @param {object} [options] * Assignment/formatting options. * * @param {object} [options.source] * Source - a single object that contains values for columns. * * The object is only necessary to correctly apply the logic of skipping columns dynamically, based on the source data * and the rules defined in the {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet}. If, however, you do not care about that, then you do not need to specify any object. * * Note that even if you do not specify the object, the columns marked as conditional (`cnd: true`) will always be skipped. * * @param {string} [options.prefix] * In cases where needed, an alias prefix to be added before each column. * * @returns {string} * Comma-separated list of variable-to-column assignments. * * @see {@link helpers.ColumnSet#variables variables} * * @example * * const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet([ * '?first', // = {name: 'first', cnd: true} * 'second:json', * {name: 'third', mod: ':raw', cast: 'text'} * ]); * * cs.assign(); * //=> "second"=${second:json},"third"=${third:raw}::text * * cs.assign({prefix: 'a b c'}); * //=> "a b c"."second"=${second:json},"a b c"."third"=${third:raw}::text */ ColumnSet.prototype.assign = function (options) { const _i = this._inner; const hasPrefix = options && options.prefix && typeof options.prefix === `string`; if (_i.updates && !hasPrefix) { return _i.updates; } let dynamic = hasPrefix; const hasSource = options && options.source && typeof options.source === `object`; let list = this.columns.filter(c => { if (c.cnd) { return false; } if (c.skip) { dynamic = true; if (hasSource) { const a = colDesc(c, options.source); if (c.skip.call(options.source, a)) { return false; } } } return true; }); const prefix = hasPrefix ? npm.formatting.as.alias(options.prefix) + `.` : ``; list = list.map(c => prefix + c.escapedName + `=` + c.variable + c.castText).join(); if (!dynamic) { _i.updates = list; } return list; }; /** * @method helpers.ColumnSet#assignColumns * @description * Generates assignments for all columns in the set, with support for aliases and column-skipping logic. * Aliases are set by using method {@link formatting.alias as.alias}. * * @param {{}} [options] * Optional Parameters. * * @param {string} [options.from] * Alias for the source columns. * * @param {string} [options.to] * Alias for the destination columns. * * @param {string | Array | function} [options.skip] * Name(s) of the column(s) to be skipped (case-sensitive). It can be either a single string or an array of strings. * * It can also be a function - iterator, to be called for every column, passing in {@link helpers.Column Column} as * `this` context, and plus as a single parameter. The function would return a truthy value for every column that needs to be skipped. * * @returns {string} * A string of comma-separated column assignments. * * @example * * const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['id', 'city', 'street']); * * cs.assignColumns({from: 'EXCLUDED', skip: 'id'}) * //=> "city"=EXCLUDED."city","street"=EXCLUDED."street" * * @example * * const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['?id', 'city', 'street']); * * cs.assignColumns({from: 'source', to: 'target', skip: c => c.cnd}) * //=> target."city"=source."city",target."street"=source."street" * */ ColumnSet.prototype.assignColumns = function (options) { options = assertOptions(options, [`from`, `to`, `skip`]); const skip = (typeof options.skip === `string` && [options.skip]) || ((Array.isArray(options.skip) || typeof options.skip === `function`) && options.skip); const from = (typeof options.from === `string` && options.from && (npm.formatting.as.alias(options.from) + `.`)) || ``; const to = (typeof options.to === `string` && options.to && (npm.formatting.as.alias(options.to) + `.`)) || ``; const iterator = typeof skip === `function` ? c => !skip.call(c, c) : c => skip.indexOf(c.name) === -1; const cols = skip ? this.columns.filter(iterator) : this.columns; return cols.map(c => to + c.escapedName + `=` + from + c.escapedName).join(); }; /** * @method helpers.ColumnSet#extend * @description * Creates a new {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet}, by joining the two sets of columns. * * If the two sets contain a column with the same `name` (case-sensitive), an error is thrown. * * @param {helpers.Column|helpers.ColumnSet|array} columns * Columns to be appended, of the same type as parameter `columns` during {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} construction, except: * - it can also be of type {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} * - it cannot be a simple object (properties enumeration is not supported here) * * @returns {helpers.ColumnSet} * New {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} object with the extended/concatenated list of columns. * * @see * {@link helpers.Column Column}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#merge merge} * * @example * * const pgp = require('pg-promise')(); * * const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['one', 'two'], {table: 'my-table'}); * console.log(cs); * //=> * // ColumnSet { * // table: "my-table" * // columns: [ * // Column { * // name: "one" * // } * // Column { * // name: "two" * // } * // ] * // } * const csExtended = cs.extend(['three']); * console.log(csExtended); * //=> * // ColumnSet { * // table: "my-table" * // columns: [ * // Column { * // name: "one" * // } * // Column { * // name: "two" * // } * // Column { * // name: "three" * // } * // ] * // } */ ColumnSet.prototype.extend = function (columns) { let cs = columns; if (!(cs instanceof ColumnSet)) { cs = new ColumnSet(columns); } // Any duplicate column will throw Error = 'Duplicate column name "name".', return new ColumnSet(this.columns.concat(cs.columns), {table: this.table}); }; /** * @method helpers.ColumnSet#merge * @description * Creates a new {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet}, by joining the two sets of columns. * * Items in `columns` with the same `name` (case-sensitive) override the original columns. * * @param {helpers.Column|helpers.ColumnSet|array} columns * Columns to be appended, of the same type as parameter `columns` during {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} construction, except: * - it can also be of type {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} * - it cannot be a simple object (properties enumeration is not supported here) * * @see * {@link helpers.Column Column}, * {@link helpers.ColumnSet#extend extend} * * @returns {helpers.ColumnSet} * New {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet} object with the merged list of columns. * * @example * * const pgp = require('pg-promise')(); * * const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['?one', 'two:json'], {table: 'my-table'}); * console.log(cs); * //=> * // ColumnSet { * // table: "my-table" * // columns: [ * // Column { * // name: "one" * // cnd: true * // } * // Column { * // name: "two" * // mod: ":json" * // } * // ] * // } * const csMerged = cs.merge(['two', 'three^']); * console.log(csMerged); * //=> * // ColumnSet { * // table: "my-table" * // columns: [ * // Column { * // name: "one" * // cnd: true * // } * // Column { * // name: "two" * // } * // Column { * // name: "three" * // mod: "^" * // } * // ] * // } * */ ColumnSet.prototype.merge = function (columns) { let cs = columns; if (!(cs instanceof ColumnSet)) { cs = new ColumnSet(columns); } const colNames = {}, cols = []; this.columns.forEach((c, idx) => { cols.push(c); colNames[c.name] = idx; }); cs.columns.forEach(c => { if (c.name in colNames) { cols[colNames[c.name]] = c; } else { cols.push(c); } }); return new ColumnSet(cols, {table: this.table}); }; /** * @method helpers.ColumnSet#prepare * @description * Prepares a source object to be formatted, by cloning it and applying the rules as set by the * columns configuration. * * This method is primarily for internal use, that's why it does not validate the input parameters. * * @param {object} source * The source object to be prepared, if required. * * It must be a non-`null` object, which the method does not validate, as it is * intended primarily for internal use by the library. * * @returns {object} * When the object needs to be prepared, the method returns a clone of the source object, * with all properties and values set according to the columns configuration. * * When the object does not need to be prepared, the original object is returned. */ ColumnSet.prototype.prepare = function (source) { if (this._inner.isSimple) { return source; // a simple ColumnSet requires no object preparation; } const target = {}; this.columns.forEach(c => { const a = colDesc(c, source); if (c.init) { target[a.name] = c.init.call(source, a); } else { if (a.exists || `def` in c) { target[a.name] = a.value; } } }); return target; }; function colDesc(column, source) { const a = { source, name: column.prop || column.name }; a.exists = a.name in source; if (a.exists) { a.value = source[a.name]; } else { a.value = `def` in column ? column.def : undefined; } return a; } /** * @method helpers.ColumnSet#toString * @description * Creates a well-formatted multi-line string that represents the object. * * It is called automatically when writing the object into the console. * * @param {number} [level=0] * Nested output level, to provide visual offset. * * @returns {string} */ ColumnSet.prototype.toString = function (level) { level = level > 0 ? parseInt(level) : 0; const gap0 = npm.utils.messageGap(level), gap1 = npm.utils.messageGap(level + 1), lines = [ `ColumnSet {` ]; if (this.table) { lines.push(gap1 + `table: ` + this.table); } if (this.columns.length) { lines.push(gap1 + `columns: [`); this.columns.forEach(c => { lines.push(c.toString(2)); }); lines.push(gap1 + `]`); } else { lines.push(gap1 + `columns: []`); } lines.push(gap0 + `}`); return lines.join(npm.os.EOL); }; npm.utils.addInspection(ColumnSet, function () { return this.toString(); }); module.exports = {ColumnSet};