diff --git a/ProjectDivaR New Songs Instructions.txt b/ProjectDivaR New Songs Instructions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f437400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ProjectDivaR New Songs Instructions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Step 1: Obtain song title data from https://vocaloid.fandom.com/wiki/Hatsune_Miku:_Project_DIVA_Mega_Mix
+Step 2: Copy paste table into transformtable.js
+ 2a: Remove the numbers.
+ 2b: Replace tabs w/ ','
+ 2c: Replace newlines w/ '],['
+ 2d: Make any other minor corrections, need 4 args per array value
+Step 3: Run node transformtable.js
+Step 4: Apply SQL output to database table.
+Step 5: Create new entries for songData.sql
+Step 6: select name from songs order by id desc; <-- Run this query and grab the song names. Replace \n with ","
+Step 7: Set these songs under NEWSONGS array in DivaBot.
+Step 8: Play Hard Diff of songs.
+ 8a: Press F1 in DivaBot on each song in song select to grab image barcode.
+ 8b: Image capture results screen of the song. (Send later through twitter bot in order to process results screen barcodes)
+ 8c: Label all the diff ratings in the songData.sql file once you unlock EX.
+ 8d: Load those into the database.
+Step 9: Name images after songs and store captured images in imgParser/demo/resources.
+Step 10: Turn on REDO_COLOR_DATA for imgparser
+Step 11: Run the program, verify colordata is updated.
+Step 12: Turn off REDO_COLOR_DATA.
+Step 13: Upload new color data to the server imgParser. Restart server imgParser.
+Step 14: Add notecounts to songs as they are collected.
+Step 15: Collect BPM and album art data from https://108memo.jp/.
+ 15a: Locally download album art to the server and store in files/album_art/XXX.jpg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/src/App.css b/frontend/src/App.css
index d98ea98..1872ea1 100644
--- a/frontend/src/App.css
+++ b/frontend/src/App.css
@@ -4,12 +4,21 @@ badge-success {hard}
badge-warning {ex}
badge-danger {exex}*/
+ position:relative;
+ background: #eef;
+ z-index:-1;
@@ -85,18 +94,16 @@ body {
background: #eef;
-table th {
position: -webkit-sticky; /* this is for all Safari (Desktop & iOS), not for Chrome*/
position: sticky;
top: 0;
- z-index: 100000;
background: #fff;
position: -webkit-sticky; /* this is for all Safari (Desktop & iOS), not for Chrome*/
position: sticky;
bottom: 0;
- z-index: 100000;
diff --git a/frontend/src/App.js b/frontend/src/App.js
index 297962d..b3d34e9 100644
--- a/frontend/src/App.js
+++ b/frontend/src/App.js
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ function Play(p) {
if (p.mini) {
return (
More stuff goes here.
@@ -1001,19 +1038,9 @@ function Submit(p) {
Simple Submit
Manual Submit
Submit your plays by entering the clear % of a song
The simplest way to submit plays, it won't be entirely accurate, but it lets you submit plays very quickly.
Detailed Submit
Submit your plays by entering all the information about a play
You can submit as many songs as you like, but you will have to provide details for each play.
The simplest way to submit plays, type in a %, tweak the other values quickly, then submit your play! Optionally include a screenshot.
diff --git a/server/.env.twitter2 b/server/.env.twitter2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f596d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/.env.twitter2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server/app.js b/server/app.js
index 8159c97..08958d0 100644
--- a/server/app.js
+++ b/server/app.js
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ app.get('/completionreport/:username',(req,res)=>{
.then ((data)=>{
if (data.rows.length>0) {
- return db.query('select * from songs')
+ return db.query('select * from songs order by id asc')
} else {
throw new Error("Cannot find user!")
@@ -709,8 +709,9 @@ var process_images = []
var processPromises = []
var largestId = 0
var filterId = 0
+var MAX_INDEX = 12 //To prevent being rate-limited.
-function Process(data){
+function Process(data,ind){
for (var i in data.data.statuses) {
var tweet = data.data.statuses[i]
if (tweet.source && tweet.source.includes("Nintendo Switch Share")) {
@@ -724,17 +725,21 @@ function Process(data){
- if (data.data.search_metadata.next_results) {
+ if (data.data.search_metadata.next_results && ind{return Process(data)})
+ .then((data)=>{
+ //console.log("Going to next: "+(ind+1))
+ return Process(data,ind+1)})
return "Done!";
+ maxAge: 86400000 * 30
axios.get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=@divarbot', {
@@ -778,11 +783,12 @@ setInterval(
setInterval(()=>{db.query("select * from twitter_bot limit 1")
//console.log("Filter Id: "+filterId);
- return axios.get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=@divarbot', {
+ return axios.get('https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=%23mega39s', {
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer '+process.env.TWITTER_BEARER //the token is a variable which holds the token
@@ -792,7 +798,8 @@ setInterval(()=>{db.query("select * from twitter_bot limit 1")
- return Process(data);
+ //console.log("Reading Twitter Data...")
+ return Process(data,0);
@@ -805,6 +812,7 @@ setInterval(()=>{db.query("select * from twitter_bot limit 1")
return db.query("select id from users where twitter=$1",[obj.user])
if (data.rows.length>0) {
+ console.log("Process new play for User id "+data.rows[0].id+"...")
return db.query("insert into uploadedplays values($1,$2,$3)",[obj.image,data.rows[0].id,new Date()])
} else {
diff --git a/server/transformtable.js b/server/transformtable.js
index 4bc4a8d..c86896c 100644
--- a/server/transformtable.js
+++ b/server/transformtable.js
@@ -1,144 +1,18 @@
-var songs = [['Catch the Wave','Catch the Wave','kz','Miku'],
-['エイリアンエイリアン (Alien Alien)','Alien Alien','NayutalieN','Miku'],
-['39みゅーじっく! (39 Music!)','39 Music!','Mikito-P','Miku'],
-['どりーみんチュチュ (Dreamin Chuchu)','Dreamin Chuchu','emon(Tes.)','Luka'],
-['ヒバナ (Hibana)','HIBANA','DECO*27','Miku'],
-['大江戸ジュリアナイト (Ohedo Julia-Night)','Ohedo Julia-Night','Mitchie M','Miku, KAITO'],
-['テオ (Teo)','Teo','Omoi','Miku'],
-['ジターバグ (Jitter Bug)','Jitter Bug','Hachiya Nanashi','MEIKO, Miku'],
-['ジグソーパズル (Jigsaw Puzzle)','Jigsaw Puzzle','Mafumafu','Len'],
-['ロキ (Roki)','ROKI','Mikito-P','Rin, Len'],
-['ワールドイズマイン (World is Mine)','World is Mine','ryo','Miku'],
-['メルト (Melt)','Melt','ryo','Miku'],
-['ミラクルペイント (Miracle Paint)','Miracle Paint','OSTER project','Miku'],
-['桜ノ雨 (Sakura no Ame)','Rain of Cherry Blossoms','halyosy','Miku'],
-['えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ (Electric Angel)','Electric Angel','Yasuo-P','Miku'],
-['初音ミクの消失 -DEAD END- (Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu -DEAD END-)','The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku -DEAD END-','cosMo','Miku'],
-['みくみくにしてあげる♪ (Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪)','I\'ll Miku-Miku You♪ (For Reals)','ika','Miku'],
-['ロミオとシンデレラ (Romeo to Cinderella)','Romeo and Cinderella','doriko','Miku'],
-['magnet','magnet','minato','Miku, Luka'],
-['愛言葉 (Ai Kotoba)','Love Words','DECO*27','Miku'],
-['Just Be Friends','Just Be Friends','Dixie Flatline','Luka'],
-['from Y to Y','from Y to Y','JimmyThumb-P','Miku'],
-['ぽっぴっぽー (PoPiPo)','PoPiPo (Vegetable Juice)','LamazeP','Miku'],
-['カンタレラ (Cantarella)','Cantarella','Kurousa-P','KAITO, Miku'],
-['ジェミニ (Gemini)','Gemini','Dixie Flatline','Rin, Len'],
-['ハジメテノオト (Hajimete no Oto)','The First Sound','malo','Miku'],
-['サイハテ (Saihate)','The Farthest Ends','Kobayashi Onyx','Miku'],
-['カラフル×メロディ (Colorful × Melody)','Colorful × Melody','Team MOER','Miku, Rin'],
-['初音ミクの激唱 (Hatsune Miku no Gekishou)','The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku','cosMo','Miku'],
-['Palette','Palette','Yuyoyuppe, meola','Luka'],
-['SPiCa -39\'s Giving Day Edition-','SPiCa -39\'s Giving Day Edition-','Toku-P, kentax','Miku'],
-['番凩 (Tsugai Kogarashi)','Wintry Winds','sigotositeP','MEIKO, KAITO'],
-['ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー (Luka Luka★Night Fever)','Luka Luka★Night Fever','samfree','Luka'],
-['*ハロー、プラネット。 (*Hello, Planet.) (I.M.PLSE-EDIT)','*Hello, Planet. (I.M.PLSE-EDIT)','sasakure.UK','Miku'],
-['裏表ラバーズ (Ura-omote Lovers)','Two-Sided Lovers','wowaka','Miku'],
-['ローリンガール (Rolling Girl)','Rolling Girl','wowaka','Miku'],
-['トリコロール・エア・ライン (Tricolor Airline)','Tricolore Airline','Atsuzou-kun','Miku'],
-['on the rocks','on the rocks','OSTER project','MEIKO, KAITO'],
-['LOL -lots of laugh-','LOL -lots of laugh-','mikumix','Miku'],
-['深海少女 (Shinkai Shoujo)','Deep Sea Girl','Yuuyu-P','Miku'],
-['君の体温 (Kimi no Taion)','Your Body Temperature','Kuwagata-P','Miku'],
-['キャットフード (Cat Food)','Cat Food','doriko','Miku'],
-['秘密警察 (Himitsu Keisatsu)','Secret Police','Buriru-P','Miku'],
-['メランコリック (Melancholic)','Melancholic','Junky','Rin'],
-['Weekender Girl','Weekender Girl','kz, Hachioji-P','Miku'],
-['タイムマシン (Time Machine)','Time Machine','1640mP','Miku'],
-['ACUTE','ACUTE','Kurousa-P','KAITO, Miku, Luka'],
-['トリノコシティ (Torinoko City)','Left-Behind City','40mP','Miku'],
-['リモコン (Rimokon)','Remote Controller','Jesus-P','Rin, Len'],
-['モノクロ∞ブルースカイ (Monochro∞Blue Sky)','Monochrome ∞ Blue Sky','Noboru↑-P','Miku'],
-['ワールズエンド・ダンスホール (World\'s End Dancehall)','World\'s End Dancehall','wowaka','Miku, Luka'],
-['ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール (Netoge Haijin Sprechchor)','The MMORPG Addict\'s Anthem','TENKOMORI','Miku'],
-['Nostalogic','Nostalogic','yuukiss, rose','MEIKO'],
-['アンハッピーリフレイン (Unhappy Refrain)','Unhappy Refrain','wowaka','Miku'],
-['天樂 (Tengaku)','Music of Heavens','Yuuyu-P','Rin'],
-['ブラック★ロックシューター (Black★Rock Shooter)','Black★Rock Shooter','ryo','Miku'],
-['Tell Your World','Tell Your World','kz','Miku'],
-['東京テディベア (Tokyo Teddy Bear)','Tokyo Teddy Bear','Neru','Rin'],
-['Sweet Devil','Sweet Devil','Hachioji-P, q*Left','Miku'],
-['千本桜 (Senbonzakura)','A Thousand Cherry Blossoms','Kurousa-P','Miku'],
-['スイートマジック (Sweet Magic)','Sweet Magic','Junky','Rin'],
-['テレカクシ思春期 (Terekakushi Shishunki)','Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence','HoneyWorks','Len'],
-['アマツキツネ (Amatsukitsune)','The Celestial Fox','marasy','Rin'],
-['アゲアゲアゲイン (Ageage Again)','Ageage Again','Mitchie M','Miku'],
-['1/6 -out of the gravity-','1/6 -out of the gravity-','Vocaliod-P','Miku'],
-['サンドリヨン (Cendrillon)','Cendrillon','Signal-P, orange','Miku, KAITO'],
-['スノーマン (Snowman)','Snowman','halyosy','KAITO'],
-['骸骨楽団とリリア (Gaikotsu Gakudan to Lilia)','Skeleton Orchestra and Lilia','Tohma','Miku'],
-['ありふれたせかいせいふく (Arifureta Sekai Seifuku)','Common World Domination','Pinocchio-P','Miku'],
-['インタビュア (Interviewer)','Interviewer','Kuwagata-P','Luka'],
-['ピアノ×フォルテ×スキャンダル (Piano × Forte × Scandal)','Piano × Forte × Scandal','OSTER project','MEIKO'],
-['shake it!','shake it!','emon(Tes.)','Miku, Rin, Len'],
-['アカツキアライヴァル (Akatsuki Arrival)','Daybreak Arrival','Last Note.','Miku, Luka'],
-['Glory 3usi9','Glory 3usi9','Hoehoe-P','Miku'],
-['スキキライ (Suki Kirai)','Love-Hate','HoneyWorks','Rin, Len'],
-['指切り (Yubikiri)','Pinky Swear','Scop','Miku'],
-['からくりピエロ (Karakuri Pierrot)','Clockwork Clown','40mP','Miku'],
-['なりすましゲンガー (Narisumashi Genga)','Doubleganger','KulfiQ','Rin, Miku'],
-['こちら、幸福安心委員会です。 (Kochira, Koufuku Anshin Iinkai desu.)','This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee','Utata-P, Tory Hitsuji','Miku'],
-['Hello, Worker','Hello, Worker','Hayashikei','Luka'],
-['メテオ (Meteor)','Meteor','John','Miku'],
-['soundless voice','soundless voice','Hitoshizuku-P','Len'],
-['erase or zero','erase or zero','Crystal-P','Len, KAITO'],
-['エンヴィキャットウォーク (Envy Cat Walk)','Envy Cat Walk','Tohma','Miku'],
-['二次元ドリームフィーバー (Nijigen Dream Fever)','2D Dream Fever','PolyphonicBranch','Miku'],
-['はじめまして地球人さん (Hajimemashite Chikyuujin-san)','Nice to Meet You, Mr. Earthling','Pinocchio-P','Miku'],
-['Hand in Hand','Hand in Hand','kz','Miku'],
-['白い雪のプリンセスは (Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa)','The Snow White Princess is','Noboru↑-P','Miku'],
-['39','39','DECO*27, sasakure.UK','Miku'],
-['ブラックゴールド (Black Gold)','Black Gold','otetsu','Luka'],
-['ヒビカセ (Hibikase)','Resonate','Giga-P, Reol','Miku'],
-['ゴーストルール (Ghost Rule)','Ghost Rule','DECO*27','Miku'],
-['砂の惑星 (Suna no Wakusei)','DUNE','Hachi','Miku'],
-['The secret garden','The secret garden','Satoru Kosaki, Aki Hata','Miku'],
-['こっち向いて Baby (Kocchi Muite Baby)','Look This Way, Baby','ryo','Miku'],
-['積乱雲グラフィティ (Sekiranun Graffiti)','Cumulonimbus Cloud Graffiti','ryo, Dixie Flatline','Miku'],
-['ゆめゆめ (YUMEYUME)','DREAM DREAM','DECO*27','Miku'],
-['結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸 (Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro)','Close and Open, Demons and The Dead','Hachi','Miku'],
-['エレクトロサチュレイタ (electro saturator)','electro saturator','tilt-six','Miku'],
-['炉心融解 (Roshin Yuukai)','Meltdown','iroha(sasaki), kuma(alfred)','Rin'],
-['ダブルラリアット (Double Lariat)','Double Lariat','Agoaniki-P','Luka'],
-['ハイハハイニ (Hai wa Hai ni)','Ashes to Ashes','Tennen, niboshi','KAITO'],
-['壊セ壊セ (Kowase Kowase)','Break It, Break It!','E.L.V.N','MEIKO'],
-['初めての恋が終わる時 (Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki)','When First Love Ends','ryo','Miku'],
-['妄想スケッチ (Mousou Sketch)','Delusion Sketch','40mP','Miku'],
-['デンパラダイム (Den Paradigm)','Den Paradigm','lumo','Miku'],
-['孤独の果て (Kodoku no Hate) -extend edition-','Solitude\'s End -extend edition-','Hikarisyuyo','Rin, Len'],
-['右肩の蝶 (Migikata no Chou)','Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder','Nori-P, Yura Mizuno','Len'],
-['No Logic','No Logic','JimmyThumb-P','Luka'],
-['え?あぁ、そう。 (E? Aa, Sou.)','Hm? Ah, Yes.','Chouchou-P','Miku'],
-['巨大少女 (Kyodai Shoujo)','Gigantic Girl','40mP','Miku'],
-['サマーアイドル (Summer Idol)','Summer Idol','OSTER project','Miku, Rin'],
-['千年の独奏歌 (Sennen no Dokusou Ka)','Thousand Year Solo','yanagi-P','KAITO'],
-['忘却心中 (Boukyaku Shinjuu)','Lover\'s Suicide Oblivion','OPA, Asaki No\'9','MEIKO'],
-['恋スルVOC@LOID (Koisuru VOC@LOID)','VOC@LOID in Love','OSTER project','Miku'],
-['神曲 (Kami Kyoku)','God-Tier Tune','Onew-P','Miku'],
-['ネガポジ*コンティニューズ (Negaposi*Continues)','Negaposi*Continues','sasakure.UK','Miku'],
-['歌に形はないけれど (Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo)','Though My Song Has No Form','doriko','Miku'],
-['Dear','Dear','19\'s Sound Factory','Miku'],
-['どういうことなの!? (Dou Iu Koto na no!?)','What Do You Mean!?','Kuchibashi-P','Miku'],
-['クローバー♣クラブ (Clover♣Club)','Clover♣Club','Yuuyu-P','Miku'],
-['リンちゃんなう! (Rin-chan Nau!)','Rin-chan Now!','Owata-P, sezu','Miku, Luka'],
-['深海シティアンダーグラウンド (Shinkai City Underground)','Deep Sea City Underground','Tanaka-B','Rin'],
-['二息歩行 (Nisoku Hokou)','Two Breaths Walking','DECO*27','Miku'],
-['PIANO*GIRL','PIANO*GIRL','OSTER project','Miku'],
-['システマティック・ラヴ (Systematic Love)','Systematic Love','Camellia, TENKOMORI','Miku'],
-['ココロ (Kokoro)','Heart','Toraboruta-P','Rin'],
-['夢喰い白黒バク (Yumekui Shirokuro Baku)','Dream-Eating Monochrome Baku','Nem','Len'],
-['Knife','Knife','rerulili, mal','Rin, Miku, Len']]
+var songs = [
+['ストロボナイツ (Strobe Nights)','Strobe Nights','kz, yae','Miku'],
+['恋色病棟 (Koi Iro Byoutou)','Love-Colored Ward','OSTER project','Miku'],
+['ねこみみスイッチ (Nekomimi Switch)','Cat Ear Switch','daniwellP','Miku'],
+['パラジクロロベンゼン (Paradichlorobenzene)','Paradichlorobenzene','Owata-P','Len'],
+['カラフル×セクシィ (Colorful × Sexy)','Colorful × Sexy','Team MOER','Luka, MEIKO'],
+['劣等上等 (Rettou Joutou)','BRING IT ON','Giga-P, Reol','Rin, Len'],
+['Star Story','Star Story','kz','Miku'],
+['パズル (Puzzle)','Puzzle','Kuwagata-P','Miku'],
+['キップル・インダストリー (Kipple Industry)','Kipple Industry','millstones','Miku'],
+['夢の続き (Yume no Tsuzuki)','Continuing Dream','Dixie Flatline','Miku, Rin, Len, Luka'],
+['Change me','Change me','shu-tP','MEIKO'],
function getSQLString(songs) {
diff --git a/songData.sql b/songData.sql
index e445fda..3516bed 100644
--- a/songData.sql
+++ b/songData.sql
@@ -733,4 +733,63 @@ insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(140,'EX',8);
insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(141,'E',1.5);
insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(141,'N',4.5);
insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(141,'H',7);
-insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(141,'EX',8.5);
\ No newline at end of file
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(141,'EX',8.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(152,'E',2);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(152,'H',5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(152,'EX',7.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(152,'EXEX',8);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(153,'E',2);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(153,'N',3);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(153,'H',5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(153,'EX',8);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(153,'EXEX',8.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(154,'E',4);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(154,'N',5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(154,'H',6);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(154,'EX',9);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(154,'EXEX',9);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(155,'E',2.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(155,'N',3.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(155,'H',5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(155,'EX',7.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(155,'EXEX',8);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(156,'E',3);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(156,'N',5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(156,'H',6.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(156,'EX',9);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(157,'N',5.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(157,'H',7.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(157,'EX',8.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(157,'EXEX',9);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(158,'E',2);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(158,'N',5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(158,'H',7);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(158,'EX',9);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(159,'E',1.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(159,'N',3);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(159,'H',4);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(159,'EX',7);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(159,'EXEX',7);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(160,'E',1.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(160,'N',4);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(160,'H',5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(160,'EX',6.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(160,'EXEX',8.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(161,'N',6);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(161,'H',7);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(161,'EX',8);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(161,'EXEX',9);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(162,'E',2);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(162,'N',4);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(162,'H',5.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(162,'EX',6.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(163,'N',5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(163,'H',6.5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(163,'EX',8);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(164,'E',3);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(164,'N',4);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(164,'H',5);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(164,'EX',7);
+insert into songdata(songid,difficulty,rating) values(164,'EXEX',7.5);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/songDataImport.sql b/songDataImport.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b2c73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/songDataImport.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+update songs set bpm=153 where id=1;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/242.jpg' where id= 1; /*Catch the Wave */;
+update songs set bpm=152 where id=2;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/240.jpg' where id= 2; /*Alien Alien */;
+update songs set bpm=130 where id=3;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/243.jpg' where id= 3; /*39 Music! */;
+update songs set bpm=128 where id=4;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/247.jpg' where id= 4; /*Dreamin Chuchu */;
+update songs set bpm=200 where id=5;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/248.jpg' where id= 5; /*Hibana */;
+update songs set bpm=144 where id=6;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/241.jpg' where id= 6; /*Ohedo Julia-Night */;
+update songs set bpm=200 where id=7;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/246.jpg' where id= 7; /*Teo */;
+update songs set bpm=264 where id=8;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/245.jpg' where id= 8; /*Jitter Bug */;
+update songs set bpm=172 where id=9;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/244.jpg' where id= 9; /*Jigsaw Puzzle */;
+update songs set bpm=150 where id=10;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/249.jpg' where id= 10; /*Roki */;
+update songs set bpm=165 where id=11;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/030.jpg' where id= 11; /*World is Mine */;
+update songs set bpm=170 where id=12;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/27.jpg' where id= 12; /*Melt */;
+update songs set bpm=215 where id=13;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/025.jpg' where id= 13; /*Miracle Paint */;
+update songs set bpm=76 where id=14;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/196.jpg' where id= 14; /*Sakura no Ame */;
+update songs set bpm=150 where id=15;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/004.jpg' where id= 15; /*Electric Angel */;
+update songs set bpm=240 where id=16;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/016.jpg' where id= 16; /*Hatsune Miku no Shoushitsu -DEAD END- */;
+update songs set bpm=160 where id=17;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/024.jpg' where id= 17; /*Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪ */;
+update songs set bpm=170 where id=18;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/059.jpg' where id= 18; /*Romeo to Cinderella */;
+update songs set bpm=216 where id=19;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/078.jpg' where id= 19; /*magnet */;
+update songs set bpm=136 where id=20;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/060.jpg' where id= 20; /*Ai Kotoba */;
+update songs set bpm=128 where id=21;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/073.jpg' where id= 21; /*Just Be Friends */;
+update songs set bpm=98 where id=22;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/102.jpg' where id= 22; /*from Y to Y */;
+update songs set bpm=150 where id=23;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/062.jpg' where id= 23; /*PoPiPo */;
+update songs set bpm=144 where id=24;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/056.jpg' where id= 24; /*Cantarella */;
+update songs set bpm=90 where id=25;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/087.jpg' where id= 25; /*Gemini */;
+update songs set bpm=100 where id=26;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/075.jpg' where id= 26; /*Hajimete no Oto */;
+update songs set bpm=146 where id=27;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/074.jpg' where id= 27; /*Saihate */;
+update songs set bpm=185 where id=28;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/055.jpg' where id= 28; /*Colorful × Melody */;
+update songs set bpm=200 where id=29;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/097.jpg' where id= 29; /*Hatsune Miku no Gekishou */;
+update songs set bpm=180 where id=30;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/114.jpg' where id= 30; /*Palette */;
+update songs set bpm=162 where id=31;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/122.jpg' where id= 31; /*SPiCa -39update songs set album_art='s Giving Day Edition- */;
+update songs set bpm=102 where id=32;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/109.jpg' where id= 32; /*Tsugai Kogarashi */;
+update songs set bpm=160 where id=33;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/089.jpg' where id= 33; /*Luka Luka★Night Fever */;
+update songs set bpm=150 where id=34;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/120.jpg' where id= 34; /**Hello*/;
+update songs set bpm=159 where id=35;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/104.jpg' where id= 35; /*Ura-omote Lovers */;
+update songs set bpm=195 where id=36;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/123.jpg' where id= 36; /*Rolling Girl */;
+update songs set bpm=110 where id=37;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/157.jpg' where id= 37; /*Tricolor Airline */;
+update songs set bpm=150 where id=38;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/129.jpg' where id= 38; /*on the rocks */;
+update songs set bpm=138 where id=39;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/232.jpg' where id= 39; /*LOL -lots of laugh- */;
+update songs set bpm=137 where id=40;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/143.jpg' where id= 40; /*Shinkai Shoujo */;
+update songs set bpm=220 where id=41;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/231.jpg' where id= 41; /*Kimi no Taion */;
+update songs set bpm=174 where id=42;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/148.jpg' where id= 42; /*Cat Food */;
+update songs set bpm=200 where id=43;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/164.jpg' where id= 43; /*Himitsu Keisatsu */;
+update songs set bpm=140 where id=44;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/158.jpg' where id= 44; /*Melancholic */;
+update songs set bpm=132 where id=45;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/147.jpg' where id= 45; /*Weekender Girl */;
+update songs set bpm=126 where id=46;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/176.jpg' where id= 46; /*Time Machine */;
+update songs set bpm=158 where id=47;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/152.jpg' where id= 47; /*DYE */;
+update songs set bpm=175 where id=48;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/149.jpg' where id= 48; /*Fire◎Flower */;
+update songs set bpm=114 where id=49;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/163.jpg' where id= 49; /*ACUTE */;
+update songs set bpm=135 where id=50;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/202.jpg' where id= 50; /*Torinoko City */;
+update songs set bpm=165 where id=51;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/165.jpg' where id= 51; /*Rimokon */;
+update songs set bpm=129 where id=52;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/150.jpg' where id= 52; /*FREELY TOMORROW */;
+update songs set bpm=130 where id=53;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/162.jpg' where id= 53; /*Monochro∞Blue Sky */;
+update songs set bpm=171 where id=54;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/128.jpg' where id= 54; /*Worldupdate songs set album_art='s End Dancehall */;
+update songs set bpm=175 where id=55;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/175.jpg' where id= 55; /*Netoge Haijin Sprechchor */;
+update songs set bpm=140 where id=56;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/184.jpg' where id= 56; /*Nostalogic */;
+update songs set bpm=205 where id=57;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/146.jpg' where id= 57; /*Unhappy Refrain */;
+update songs set bpm=192 where id=58;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/178.jpg' where id= 58; /*ODDS&ENDS */;
+update songs set bpm=232 where id=59;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/153.jpg' where id= 59; /*Tengaku */;
+update songs set bpm=165 where id=60;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/181.jpg' where id= 60; /*Black★Rock Shooter */;
+update songs set bpm=165 where id=61;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/204.jpg' where id= 61; /*Sadistic.Music∞Factory */;
+update songs set bpm=150 where id=62;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/154.jpg' where id= 62; /*Tell Your World */;
+update songs set bpm=204 where id=63;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/170.jpg' where id= 63; /*Tokyo Teddy Bear */;
+update songs set bpm=132 where id=64;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/180.jpg' where id= 64; /*Sweet Devil */;
+update songs set bpm=154 where id=65;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/198.jpg' where id= 65; /*Senbonzakura */;
+update songs set bpm=123 where id=66;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/207.jpg' where id= 66; /*Sweet Magic */;
+update songs set bpm=170 where id=67;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/201.jpg' where id= 67; /*Terekakushi Shishunki */;
+update songs set bpm=190 where id=68;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/236.jpg' where id= 68; /*Amatsukitsune */;
+update songs set bpm=226 where id=69;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/175.jpg' where id= 69; /*Ageage Again */;
+update songs set bpm=125 where id=70;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/177.jpg' where id= 70; /*1/6 -out of the gravity- */;
+update songs set bpm=145 where id=71;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/237.jpg' where id= 71; /*1925 */;
+update songs set bpm=147 where id=72;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/228.jpg' where id= 72; /*Cendrillon */;
+update songs set bpm=127 where id=73;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/193.jpg' where id= 73; /*Snowman */;
+update songs set bpm=130 where id=74;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/230.jpg' where id= 74; /*Gaikotsu Gakudan to Lilia */;
+update songs set bpm=150 where id=75;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/212.jpg' where id= 75; /*Arifureta Sekai Seifuku */;
+update songs set bpm=125 where id=76;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/179.jpg' where id= 76; /*Interviewer */;
+update songs set bpm=135 where id=77;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/234.jpg' where id= 77; /*Piano × Forte × Scandal */;
+update songs set bpm=130 where id=78;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/229.jpg' where id= 78; /*shake it! */;
+update songs set bpm=125 where id=79;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/209.jpg' where id= 79; /*Akatsuki Arrival */;
+update songs set bpm=140 where id=80;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/213.jpg' where id= 80; /*Glory 3usi9 */;
+update songs set bpm=120 where id=81;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/208.jpg' where id= 81; /*Suki Kirai */;
+update songs set bpm=195 where id=82;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/220.jpg' where id= 82; /*Yubikiri */;
+update songs set bpm=228 where id=83;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/225.jpg' where id= 83; /*Blackjack */;
+update songs set bpm=102 where id=84;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/218.jpg' where id= 84; /*Karakuri Pierrot */;
+update songs set bpm=178 where id=85;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/224.jpg' where id= 85; /*Narisumashi Genga */;
+update songs set bpm=128 where id=86;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/215.jpg' where id= 86; /*e*/;
+update songs set bpm=168 where id=87;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/190.jpg' where id= 87; /*Hello*/;
+update songs set bpm=140 where id=88;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/211.jpg' where id= 88; /*Meteor */;
+update songs set bpm=82 where id=89;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/221.jpg' where id= 89; /*soundless voice */;
+update songs set bpm=138 where id=90;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/223.jpg' where id= 90; /*erase or zero */;
+update songs set bpm=160 where id=91;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/206.jpg' where id= 91; /*Envy Cat Walk */;
+update songs set bpm=143 where id=92;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/214.jpg' where id= 92; /*DECORATOR */;
+update songs set bpm=180 where id=93;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/210.jpg' where id= 93; /*Nijigen Dream Fever */;
+update songs set bpm=175 where id=94;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/205.jpg' where id= 94; /*Hajimemashite Chikyuujin-san */;
+update songs set bpm=128 where id=95;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/233.jpg' where id= 95; /*Hand in Hand */;
+update songs set bpm=200 where id=96;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/131.jpg' where id= 96; /*Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa */;
+update songs set bpm=175 where id=97;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/033.jpg' where id= 97; /*39 */;
+update songs set bpm=250 where id=98;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/137.jpg' where id= 98; /*Black Gold */;
+update songs set bpm=140 where id=99;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/235.jpg' where id= 99; /*Hibikase */;
+update songs set bpm=210 where id=100;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/238.jpg' where id=100; /*Ghost Rule */;
+update songs set bpm=96 where id=101;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/239.jpg' where id=101; /*Suna no Wakusei */;
+update songs set bpm=133 where id=102;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/009.jpg' where id=102; /*The secret garden */;
+update songs set bpm=185 where id=103;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/057.jpg' where id=103; /*Kocchi Muite Baby */;
+update songs set bpm=138 where id=104;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/111.jpg' where id=104; /*Sekiranun Graffiti */;
+update songs set bpm=160 where id=105;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/132.jpg' where id=105; /*YUMEYUME */;
+update songs set bpm=169 where id=106;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/110.jpg' where id=106; /*Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro */;
+update songs set bpm=141 where id=107;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/194.jpg' where id=107; /*electro saturator */;
+update songs set bpm=165 where id=108;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/064.jpg' where id=108; /*Roshin Yuukai */;
+update songs set bpm=138 where id=109;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/096.jpg' where id=109; /*Double Lariat */;
+update songs set bpm=130 where id=110;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/155.jpg' where id=110; /*Hai wa Hai ni */;
+update songs set bpm=116 where id=111;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/219.jpg' where id=111; /*Kowase Kowase */;
+update songs set bpm=180 where id=112;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/076.jpg' where id=112; /*Hajimete no Koi ga Owaru Toki */;
+update songs set bpm=174 where id=113;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/127.jpg' where id=113; /*Mousou Sketch */;
+update songs set bpm=220 where id=114;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/169.jpg' where id=114; /*Den Paradigm */;
+update songs set bpm=180 where id=115;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/124.jpg' where id=115; /*Kodoku no Hate */;
+update songs set bpm=140 where id=116;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/063.jpg' where id=116; /*Migikata no Chou */;
+update songs set bpm=120 where id=117;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/125.jpg' where id=117; /*No Logic */;
+update songs set bpm=192 where id=118;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/200.jpg' where id=118; /*E? Aa*/;
+update songs set bpm=125 where id=119;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/015.jpg' where id=119; /*packaged */;
+update songs set bpm=135 where id=120;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/085.jpg' where id=120; /*Kyodai Shoujo */;
+update songs set bpm=180 where id=121;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/174.jpg' where id=121; /*Summer Idol */;
+update songs set bpm=108 where id=122;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/112.jpg' where id=122; /*Sennen no Dokusou Ka */;
+update songs set bpm=180 where id=123;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/116.jpg' where id=123; /*Boukyaku Shinjuu */;
+update songs set bpm=180 where id=124;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/199.jpg' where id=124; /*WORLDupdate songs set album_art='S END UMBRELLA */;
+update songs set bpm=130 where id=125;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/005.jpg' where id=125; /*Koisuru VOC@LOID */;
+update songs set bpm=163 where id=126;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/203.jpg' where id=126; /*Kami Kyoku */;
+update songs set bpm=127 where id=127;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/084.jpg' where id=127; /*Yellow */;
+update songs set bpm=220 where id=128;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/160.jpg' where id=128; /*Negaposi*Continues */;
+update songs set bpm=190 where id=129;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/159.jpg' where id=129; /*SING&SMILE */;
+update songs set bpm=98 where id=130;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/118.jpg' where id=130; /*Uta ni Katachi wa Nai Keredo */;
+update songs set bpm=135 where id=131;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/100.jpg' where id=131; /*Dear */;
+update songs set bpm=175 where id=132;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/167.jpg' where id=132; /*Dou Iu Koto na no!? */;
+update songs set bpm=150 where id=133;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/095.jpg' where id=133; /*Clover♣Club */;
+update songs set bpm=200 where id=134;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/189.jpg' where id=134; /*Rin-chan Nau! */;
+update songs set bpm=170 where id=135;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/139.jpg' where id=135; /*Shinkai City Underground */;
+update songs set bpm=180 where id=136;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/216.jpg' where id=136; /*Nisoku Hokou */;
+update songs set bpm=130 where id=137;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/217.jpg' where id=137; /*PIANO*GIRL */;
+update songs set bpm=136 where id=138;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/156.jpg' where id=138; /*Systematic Love */;
+update songs set bpm=140 where id=139;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/072.jpg' where id=139; /*Kokoro */;
+update songs set bpm=197 where id=140;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/188.jpg' where id=140; /*Yumekui Shirokuro Baku */;
+update songs set bpm=110 where id=141;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/222.jpg' where id=141; /*Knife */;
+update songs set bpm=152 where id=142;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/250.jpg' where id=142; /*Bless Your Breath */;
+update songs set bpm=175 where id=143;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/006.jpg' where id=143; /*Koi wa Sensou */;
+update songs set bpm=89 where id=144;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/000.jpg' where id=144; /*Anata no Utahime */;
+update songs set bpm=82 where id=145;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/121.jpg' where id=145; /*Starduster */;
+update songs set bpm=195 where id=146;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/035.jpg' where id=146; /*StargazeR */;
+update songs set bpm=124 where id=147;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/117.jpg' where id=147; /*Rin Rin Signal */;
+update songs set bpm=148 where id=148;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/141.jpg' where id=148; /*Rosary Pale */;
+update songs set bpm=150 where id=149;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/051.jpg' where id=149; /*Tajuu Mirai no Quartet ~QUARTET THEME~ */;
+update songs set bpm=182 where id=150;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/138.jpg' where id=150; /*LIKE THE WIND */;
+update songs set bpm=172 where id=151;
+update songs set album_art='http://projectdivar.com/files/album_art/134.jpg' where id=151; /*AFTER BURNER */;
\ No newline at end of file