620 lines
18 KiB
620 lines
18 KiB
5 years ago
'use strict'
const debug = require('debug')('nock.interceptor')
const stringify = require('json-stringify-safe')
const _ = require('lodash')
const querystring = require('querystring')
const { URL, URLSearchParams } = require('url')
const common = require('./common')
const { remove } = require('./intercept')
const matchBody = require('./match_body')
let fs
try {
fs = require('fs')
} catch (err) {
// do nothing, we're in the browser
module.exports = class Interceptor {
* Valid argument types for `uri`:
* - A string used for strict comparisons with pathname.
* The search portion of the URI may also be postfixed, in which case the search params
* are striped and added via the `query` method.
* - A RegExp instance that tests against only the pathname of requests.
* - A synchronous function bound to this Interceptor instance. It's provided the pathname
* of requests and must return a boolean denoting if the request is considered a match.
constructor(scope, uri, method, requestBody, interceptorOptions) {
const uriIsStr = typeof uri === 'string'
// Check for leading slash. Uri can be either a string or a regexp, but
// When enabled filteringScope ignores the passed URL entirely so we skip validation.
if (
!scope.scopeOptions.filteringScope &&
uriIsStr &&
!uri.startsWith('/') &&
) {
throw Error(
`Non-wildcard URL path strings must begin with a slash (otherwise they won't match anything) (got: ${uri})`
if (!method) {
throw new Error(
'The "method" parameter is required for an intercept call.'
this.scope = scope
this.interceptorMatchHeaders = []
this.method = method.toUpperCase()
this.uri = uri
this._key = `${this.method} ${scope.basePath}${scope.basePathname}${
uriIsStr ? '' : '/'
this.basePath = this.scope.basePath
this.path = uriIsStr ? scope.basePathname + uri : uri
this.queries = null
this.options = interceptorOptions || {}
this.counter = 1
this._requestBody = requestBody
// We use lower-case header field names throughout Nock.
this.reqheaders = common.headersFieldNamesToLowerCase(
scope.scopeOptions.reqheaders || {}
this.badheaders = common.headersFieldsArrayToLowerCase(
scope.scopeOptions.badheaders || []
this.delayInMs = 0
this.delayConnectionInMs = 0
this.optional = false
// strip off literal query parameters if they were provided as part of the URI
if (uriIsStr && uri.includes('?')) {
// localhost is a dummy value because the URL constructor errors for only relative inputs
const parsedURL = new URL(this.path, 'http://localhost')
this.path = parsedURL.pathname
this._key = `${this.method} ${scope.basePath}${this.path}`
optionally(flag = true) {
// The default behaviour of optionally() with no arguments is to make the mock optional.
if (typeof flag !== 'boolean') {
throw new Error('Invalid arguments: argument should be a boolean')
this.optional = flag
return this
replyWithError(errorMessage) {
this.errorMessage = errorMessage
this.options = {
this.scope.add(this._key, this)
return this.scope
reply(statusCode, body, rawHeaders) {
// support the format of only passing in a callback
if (typeof statusCode === 'function') {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
// It's not very Javascript-y to throw an error for extra args to a function, but because
// of legacy behavior, this error was added to reduce confusion for those migrating.
throw Error(
'Invalid arguments. When providing a function for the first argument, .reply does not accept other arguments.'
this.statusCode = null
this.fullReplyFunction = statusCode
} else {
if (statusCode !== undefined && !Number.isInteger(statusCode)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid ${typeof statusCode} value for status code`)
this.statusCode = statusCode || 200
if (typeof body === 'function') {
this.replyFunction = body
body = null
this.options = {
this.rawHeaders = common.headersInputToRawArray(rawHeaders)
if (this.scope.date) {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-
this.rawHeaders.push('Date', this.scope.date.toUTCString())
// Prepare the headers temporarily so we can make best guesses about content-encoding and content-type
// below as well as while the response is being processed in RequestOverrider.end().
// Including all the default headers is safe for our purposes because of the specific headers we introspect.
// A more thoughtful process is used to merge the default headers when the response headers are finally computed.
this.headers = common.headersArrayToObject(
// If the content is not encoded we may need to transform the response body.
// Otherwise we leave it as it is.
if (
body &&
typeof body !== 'string' &&
!Buffer.isBuffer(body) &&
!common.isStream(body) &&
) {
try {
body = stringify(body)
} catch (err) {
throw new Error('Error encoding response body into JSON')
if (!this.headers['content-type']) {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-
this.rawHeaders.push('Content-Type', 'application/json')
if (this.scope.contentLen) {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.2
this.rawHeaders.push('Content-Length', body.length)
debug('reply.headers:', this.headers)
debug('reply.rawHeaders:', this.rawHeaders)
this.body = body
this.scope.add(this._key, this)
return this.scope
replyWithFile(statusCode, filePath, headers) {
if (!fs) {
throw new Error('No fs')
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath)
this.filePath = filePath
return this.reply(statusCode, readStream, headers)
// Also match request headers
// https://github.com/nock/nock/issues/163
reqheaderMatches(options, key) {
const reqHeader = this.reqheaders[key]
let header = options.headers[key]
// https://github.com/nock/nock/issues/399
// https://github.com/nock/nock/issues/822
if (header && typeof header !== 'string' && header.toString) {
header = header.toString()
// We skip 'host' header comparison unless it's available in both mock and
// actual request. This because 'host' may get inserted by Nock itself and
// then get recorded. NOTE: We use lower-case header field names throughout
// Nock. See https://github.com/nock/nock/pull/196.
if (key === 'host' && (header === undefined || reqHeader === undefined)) {
return true
if (reqHeader !== undefined && header !== undefined) {
if (typeof reqHeader === 'function') {
return reqHeader(header)
} else if (common.matchStringOrRegexp(header, reqHeader)) {
return true
debug("request header field doesn't match:", key, header, reqHeader)
return false
match(req, options, body) {
if (debug.enabled) {
debug('match %s, body = %s', stringify(options), stringify(body))
const method = (options.method || 'GET').toUpperCase()
let { path = '/' } = options
let matches
let matchKey
const { proto } = options
if (this.method !== method) {
`Method did not match. Request ${method} Interceptor ${this.method}`
return false
if (this.scope.transformPathFunction) {
path = this.scope.transformPathFunction(path)
const requestMatchesFilter = ({ name, value: predicate }) => {
const headerValue = req.getHeader(name)
if (typeof predicate === 'function') {
return predicate(headerValue)
} else {
return common.matchStringOrRegexp(headerValue, predicate)
if (
!this.scope.matchHeaders.every(requestMatchesFilter) ||
) {
this.scope.logger("headers don't match")
return false
const reqHeadersMatch = Object.keys(this.reqheaders).every(key =>
this.reqheaderMatches(options, key)
if (!reqHeadersMatch) {
return false
if (
this.scope.scopeOptions.conditionally &&
) {
return false
const reqContainsBadHeaders = this.badheaders.some(
header => header in options.headers
if (reqContainsBadHeaders) {
return false
// Match query strings when using query()
if (this.queries === null) {
debug('query matching skipped')
} else {
// can't rely on pathname or search being in the options, but path has a default
const [pathname, search] = path.split('?')
const matchQueries = this.matchQuery({ search })
debug(matchQueries ? 'query matching succeeded' : 'query matching failed')
if (!matchQueries) {
return false
// If the query string was explicitly checked then subsequent checks against
// the path using a callback or regexp only validate the pathname.
path = pathname
// If we have a filtered scope then we use it instead reconstructing the
// scope from the request options (proto, host and port) as these two won't
// necessarily match and we have to remove the scope that was matched (vs.
// that was defined).
if (this.__nock_filteredScope) {
matchKey = this.__nock_filteredScope
} else {
matchKey = common.normalizeOrigin(proto, options.host, options.port)
if (typeof this.uri === 'function') {
matches =
common.matchStringOrRegexp(matchKey, this.basePath) &&
// This is a false positive, as `uri` is not bound to `this`.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-call
this.uri.call(this, path)
} else {
matches =
common.matchStringOrRegexp(matchKey, this.basePath) &&
common.matchStringOrRegexp(path, this.path)
this.scope.logger(`matching ${matchKey}${path} to ${this._key}: ${matches}`)
if (matches && this._requestBody !== undefined) {
if (this.scope.transformRequestBodyFunction) {
body = this.scope.transformRequestBodyFunction(body, this._requestBody)
matches = matchBody(options, this._requestBody, body)
if (!matches) {
"bodies don't match: \n",
return matches
* Return true when the interceptor's method, protocol, host, port, and path
* match the provided options.
matchOrigin(options) {
const isPathFn = typeof this.path === 'function'
const isRegex = this.path instanceof RegExp
const isRegexBasePath = this.scope.basePath instanceof RegExp
const method = (options.method || 'GET').toUpperCase()
let { path } = options
const { proto } = options
// NOTE: Do not split off the query params as the regex could use them
if (!isRegex) {
path = path ? path.split('?')[0] : ''
if (this.scope.transformPathFunction) {
path = this.scope.transformPathFunction(path)
const comparisonKey = isPathFn || isRegex ? this.__nock_scopeKey : this._key
const matchKey = `${method} ${proto}://${options.host}${path}`
if (isPathFn) {
return !!(matchKey.match(comparisonKey) && this.path(path))
if (isRegex && !isRegexBasePath) {
return !!matchKey.match(comparisonKey) && this.path.test(path)
if (isRegexBasePath) {
return this.scope.basePath.test(matchKey) && !!path.match(this.path)
return comparisonKey === matchKey
matchHostName(options) {
return options.hostname === this.scope.urlParts.hostname
matchQuery(options) {
if (this.queries === true) {
return true
const reqQueries = querystring.parse(options.search)
debug('Interceptor queries: %j', this.queries)
debug(' Request queries: %j', reqQueries)
if (typeof this.queries === 'function') {
return this.queries(reqQueries)
return common.dataEqual(this.queries, reqQueries)
filteringPath(...args) {
return this
// TODO filtering by path is valid on the intercept level, but not filtering
// by request body?
markConsumed() {
if ((this.scope.shouldPersist() || this.counter > 0) && this.filePath) {
this.body = fs.createReadStream(this.filePath)
if (!this.scope.shouldPersist() && this.counter < 1) {
this.scope.remove(this._key, this)
matchHeader(name, value) {
this.interceptorMatchHeaders.push({ name, value })
return this
basicAuth({ user, pass = '' }) {
const encoded = Buffer.from(`${user}:${pass}`).toString('base64')
this.matchHeader('authorization', `Basic ${encoded}`)
return this
* Set query strings for the interceptor
* @name query
* @param queries Object of query string name,values (accepts regexp values)
* @public
* @example
* // Will match 'http://zombo.com/?q=t'
* nock('http://zombo.com').get('/').query({q: 't'});
query(queries) {
if (this.queries !== null) {
throw Error(`Query parameters have already been defined`)
// Allow all query strings to match this route
if (queries === true) {
this.queries = queries
return this
if (typeof queries === 'function') {
this.queries = queries
return this
let strFormattingFn
if (this.scope.scopeOptions.encodedQueryParams) {
strFormattingFn = common.percentDecode
if (queries instanceof URLSearchParams) {
// Normalize the data into the shape that is matched against.
// Duplicate keys are handled by combining the values into an array.
queries = querystring.parse(queries.toString())
} else if (!_.isPlainObject(queries)) {
throw Error(`Argument Error: ${queries}`)
this.queries = {}
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(queries)) {
const formatted = common.formatQueryValue(key, value, strFormattingFn)
const [formattedKey, formattedValue] = formatted
this.queries[formattedKey] = formattedValue
return this
* Set number of times will repeat the interceptor
* @name times
* @param newCounter Number of times to repeat (should be > 0)
* @public
* @example
* // Will repeat mock 5 times for same king of request
* nock('http://zombo.com).get('/').times(5).reply(200, 'Ok');
times(newCounter) {
if (newCounter < 1) {
return this
this.counter = newCounter
return this
* An sugar syntax for times(1)
* @name once
* @see {@link times}
* @public
* @example
* nock('http://zombo.com).get('/').once().reply(200, 'Ok');
once() {
return this.times(1)
* An sugar syntax for times(2)
* @name twice
* @see {@link times}
* @public
* @example
* nock('http://zombo.com).get('/').twice().reply(200, 'Ok');
twice() {
return this.times(2)
* An sugar syntax for times(3).
* @name thrice
* @see {@link times}
* @public
* @example
* nock('http://zombo.com).get('/').thrice().reply(200, 'Ok');
thrice() {
return this.times(3)
* Delay the response by a certain number of ms.
* @param {(integer|object)} opts - Number of milliseconds to wait, or an object
* @param {integer} [opts.head] - Number of milliseconds to wait before response is sent
* @param {integer} [opts.body] - Number of milliseconds to wait before response body is sent
* @return {Interceptor} - the current interceptor for chaining
delay(opts) {
let headDelay
let bodyDelay
if (typeof opts === 'number') {
headDelay = opts
bodyDelay = 0
} else if (typeof opts === 'object') {
headDelay = opts.head || 0
bodyDelay = opts.body || 0
} else {
throw new Error(`Unexpected input opts ${opts}`)
return this.delayConnection(headDelay).delayBody(bodyDelay)
* Delay the response body by a certain number of ms.
* @param {integer} ms - Number of milliseconds to wait before response is sent
* @return {Interceptor} - the current interceptor for chaining
delayBody(ms) {
this.delayInMs += ms
return this
* Delay the connection by a certain number of ms.
* @param {integer} ms - Number of milliseconds to wait
* @return {Interceptor} - the current interceptor for chaining
delayConnection(ms) {
this.delayConnectionInMs += ms
return this
* @private
* @returns {number}
getTotalDelay() {
return this.delayInMs + this.delayConnectionInMs
* Make the socket idle for a certain number of ms (simulated).
* @param {integer} ms - Number of milliseconds to wait
* @return {Interceptor} - the current interceptor for chaining
socketDelay(ms) {
this.socketDelayInMs = ms
return this