const express = require ( 'express' )
const axios = require ( 'axios' )
const twitchStreams = require ( 'twitch-get-stream' )
const app = express ( )
const port = 4501
app . listen ( port , ( ) => console . log ( ` Example app listening at http://localhost: ${ port } ` ) )
const bodyParser = require ( 'body-parser' )
const { json } = require ( 'body-parser' )
const Pool = require ( 'pg' ) . Pool
app . use ( bodyParser . json ( ) )
app . use (
bodyParser . urlencoded ( {
extended : true ,
} )
const nodemailer = require ( 'nodemailer' ) ;
const fileUpload = require ( 'express-fileupload' ) ;
const unzipper = require ( 'unzipper' ) ;
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
const moment = require ( 'moment' ) ;
const { exec , spawn } = require ( 'child_process' ) ;
app . use (
fileUpload ( { createParentPath : true ,
limits : { fileSize : 15 * 1024 * 1024 , files : 1 } ,
safeFileNames : true , preserveExtension : true ,
abortOnLimit : true , uploadTimeout : 0 } )
const QuickChart = require ( 'quickchart-js' ) ;
let allowCrossDomain = function ( req , res , next ) {
res . header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' , "*" ) ;
res . header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' , "*" ) ;
res . header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' , "*" ) ;
next ( ) ;
app . use ( allowCrossDomain ) ;
const db =
new Pool ( {
user : 'postgres' ,
password : '' ,
host : 'postgres' ,
database : 'divar' ,
port : 5432 ,
} )
app . get ( '/song/:songname' , ( req , res ) => {
db . query ( 'select * from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . songname ] , ( error , results ) => {
if ( error ) {
res . status ( 500 ) . json ( error . message )
} else {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( results . rows )
} )
} )
app . get ( '/songs' , ( req , res ) => {
db . query ( 'select songs.*,songdata.rating as rating,songdata.difficulty,songdata.notecount from songs left join songdata on' , ( error , results ) => {
if ( error ) {
res . status ( 500 ) . json ( error . message )
} else {
var data = { }
results . rows . forEach ( ( song ) => {
if ( data [ song . id ] ) {
if ( typeof ( data [ song . id ] . rating ) === "string" ) {
var oldRating = data [ song . id ] . rating ;
var oldNoteCount = data [ song . id ] . notecount ;
data [ song . id ] . rating = { }
data [ song . id ] . notecount = { }
data [ song . id ] . rating [ data [ song . id ] . difficulty ] = oldRating ;
data [ song . id ] . notecount [ data [ song . id ] . difficulty ] = oldNoteCount ;
data [ song . id ] . rating [ song . difficulty ] = song . rating ;
data [ song . id ] . notecount [ song . difficulty ] = song . notecount ;
} else {
data [ song . id ] = song
if ( data [ song . id ] . rating === null ) {
data [ song . id ] . rating = { }
if ( data [ song . id ] . notecount === null ) {
data [ song . id ] . notecount = { } ;
} } )
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data )
} )
} )
/ * a p p . p o s t ( ' / r e g i s t e r ' , ( r e q , r e s ) = > {
if ( req . body && req . body . username &&
req . body . username . length > 2 && req . body . email ) {
var duplicateFound = false ;
db . query ( 'select * from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . body . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
throw new Error ( "User " + data . rows [ 0 ] . username + " already exists!" ) ;
} else {
return db . query ( 'insert into users(username,email) values($1,$2) returning username,email' , [ req . body . username , req . body . email ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows ) } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . json ( err . message ) } )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . json ( "Invalid username!" )
} ) * /
app . delete ( '/remove' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . body &&
req . body . username !== undefined && req . body . authentication _token !== undefined && req . body . playid !== undefined ) {
var userObj = { } , songObj = { } , rating = 0 , isFirstClear = false ;
db . query ( "select id,authentication_token,playcount,fccount,cool,fine,safe,sad,worst,eclear,nclear,hclear,exclear,exexclear from users where username=$1 limit 1" , [ req . body . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { userObj = data . rows [ 0 ] ; if ( req . body . authentication _token === userObj . authentication _token ) { return db . query ( "delete from plays where id=$1 and userid=$2 returning *" , [ req . body . playid , userObj . id ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Could not authenticate user!" ) } } else { throw new Error ( "Cannot find user!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { songObj = data . rows [ 0 ] ; return CalculateRating ( req . body . username ) } else { throw new Error ( "Could not find play!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { rating = data ; return db . query ( "select * from plays where songid=$1 and userid=$2 and difficulty=$3 and score>0 limit 1" , [ songObj . songid , userObj . id , songObj . difficulty ] ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length === 0 ) { isFirstClear = true ; } /*console.log([data,userObj.playcount-1,(,,userObj.fine-songObj.fine,,userObj.sad-songObj.sad,userObj.worst-songObj.worst,(songObj.difficulty=="E")?userObj.ecount-1:userObj.ecount,(songObj.difficulty=="N")?userObj.ncount-1:userObj.ncount,(songObj.difficulty=="H")?userObj.hcount-1:userObj.hcount,(songObj.difficulty=="EX")?userObj.excount-1:userObj.excount,(songObj.difficulty=="EXEX")?userObj.exexcount-1:userObj.exexcount]);*/ return db . query ( "update users set rating=$1,playcount=$2,fccount=$3,cool=$4,fine=$5,safe=$6,sad=$7,worst=$8,eclear=$9,nclear=$10,hclear=$11,exclear=$12,exexclear=$13 where id=$14 returning rating,playcount,fccount,cool,fine,safe,sad,worst,eclear,nclear,hclear,exclear,exexclear" , [ rating , userObj . playcount - 1 , ( songObj . safe == 0 && songObj . sad == 0 && songObj . worst == 0 ) ? userObj . fccount - 1 : userObj . fccount , userObj . cool - songObj . cool , userObj . fine - songObj . fine , userObj . safe - songObj . safe , userObj . sad - songObj . sad , userObj . worst - songObj . worst , ( songObj . difficulty == "E" && isFirstClear ) ? userObj . eclear - 1 : userObj . eclear , ( songObj . difficulty == "N" && isFirstClear ) ? userObj . nclear - 1 : userObj . nclear , ( songObj . difficulty == "H" && isFirstClear ) ? userObj . hclear - 1 : userObj . hclear , ( songObj . difficulty == "EX" && isFirstClear ) ? userObj . exclear - 1 : userObj . exclear , ( songObj . difficulty == "EXEX" && isFirstClear ) ? userObj . exexclear - 1 : userObj . exexclear , userObj . id ] ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { user : data . rows [ 0 ] , song : songObj } )
axios . post ( "" + userObj . id , { password : process . env . GMAIL , type : "delete" } )
} else { throw new Error ( "Could not update user information, but song is deleted!" ) } } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . json ( err . message ) } )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Missing required parameters!" ) ;
} )
app . post ( '/upload' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( ! req . files || Object . keys ( req . files ) . length === 0 || req . body . username === undefined || req . body . authentication _token === undefined ) {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( 'No files were uploaded. Invalid parameters.' ) ;
return ;
let file = req . files . file ;
if ( file . size > 15 * 1024 * 1024 ) {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "File is too large! Max is 15MB! Consider splitting your plays into chunks (Recommended 50 files per zip)." )
return ;
if ( file . mimetype !== "application/x-zip-compressed" &&
file . mimetype !== "image/jpeg" && file . mimetype !== "image/png" && file . mimetype !== "application/octet-stream" ) {
return ;
var uploads = 0 ;
var userId = - 1 ;
var fileLoc = "" ;
var count = 0 ;
db . query ( "select uploads,id from users where username=$1 and authentication_token=$2" , [ req . body . username , req . body . authentication _token ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
uploads = data . rows [ 0 ] . uploads ;
userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ;
fileLoc = "files/plays/" + userId + "/" + uploads ;
return file . mv ( fileLoc ) ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "Could not find / authenticate user with name " + req . body . username + "!" )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( file . mimetype !== "application/x-zip-compressed" ) {
return db . query ( "update users set uploads=$1 where username=$2" , [ Number ( uploads ) + 1 , req . body . username ] )
} else {
uploads ++ ;
return { }
} } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( file . mimetype !== "application/x-zip-compressed" ) {
if ( req . body . playid !== undefined ) {
//Add the url to that play.
return db . query ( "update plays set src=$1 where id=$2 and userid=$3" , [ "" + fileLoc , Number ( req . body . playid ) , userId ] )
} else {
return axios . post ( "" , { url : "" + fileLoc , user : req . body . username , auth : req . body . authentication _token } )
} else {
//This is a zip file.
var promises = [ ]
promises . push ( new Promise ( ( resolve ) => {
var stream = fs . createReadStream ( fileLoc )
. pipe ( unzipper . Parse ( ) )
. on ( 'entry' , function ( entry ) {
const fileName = entry . path ;
const type = entry . type ; // 'Directory' or 'File'
const size = entry . vars . uncompressedSize ; // There is also compressedSize;
if ( type == "File"
&& ( fileName . includes ( ".jpg" ) || fileName . includes ( ".jpeg" ) || fileName . includes ( ".png" ) ) ) {
promises . push ( new Promise ( ( resolve ) => { var file = "files/plays/" + userId + "/" + uploads ++ ; entry . pipe ( fs . createWriteStream ( file ) )
. on ( 'finish' , ( ) => { /*console.log("Promise finished!");*/ count ++ ; resolve ( { file : "" + file } ) } )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => { return db . query ( "insert into uploadedplays values($1,$2,$3)" , [ data . file , userId , new Date ( ) ] ) ; } ) )
} else {
entry . autodrain ( ) ;
} )
. on ( 'finish' , ( ) => { /*console.log("Read finished");*/ resolve ( ) } )
} ) )
setTimeout ( ( ) => ( console . dir ( promises ) ) , 5000 )
return Promise . all ( promises )
} } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( file . mimetype !== "application/x-zip-compressed" ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "Your play has been submitted! Thank you." ) ;
} else {
fs . unlink ( fileLoc , ( err ) => { } )
return db . query ( "update users set uploads=$1 where username=$2" , [ Number ( uploads ) + 1 , req . body . username ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( file . mimetype !== "application/x-zip-compressed" ) {
} else {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "Submitted " + count + " plays to the submission system. They will be processed shortly! Thank you." )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { console . log ( err . message ) ; res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} ) ;
app . post ( '/submit' , ( req , res ) => {
function addToQueue ( src , userid , songid ) {
if ( src ) {
db . query ( "select * from uploadedplays where filename=$1" , [ req . body . src ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
if ( data . rows [ 0 ] . tries > - 5 ) {
db . query ( "update uploadedplays set filename=$1,userid=$2,submissiondate=$3,id=$4,tries=$5 returning *" ,
[ src , userid , moment ( ) , songid , ( data . rows [ 0 ] . tries * - 1 ) + 1 ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
console . log ( "Added back to queue: " + JSON . stringify ( data . rows [ 0 ] ) )
} )
} )
if ( req . body &&
req . body . username !== undefined && req . body . authentication _token !== undefined && req . body . song !== undefined && req . body . difficulty !== undefined && req . body . cool !== undefined && req . body . fine !== undefined && req . body . safe !== undefined && req . body . sad !== undefined && req . body . worst !== undefined && req . body . fail !== undefined && req . body . percent !== undefined ) {
if ( req . body . cool == - 1 || req . body . fine == - 1 || req . body . safe == - 1 || req . body . sad == - 1 || req . body . worst == - 1 ) {
fs . writeFileSync ( "invalidSongs" , JSON . stringify ( req . body ) + "\n" , { flag : "a" } ) ;
res . status ( 400 ) . json ( "Invalid note parameters!" ) ;
var fail = true ;
if ( req . body . fail !== undefined ) {
fail = ( req . body . fail == 'true' ) ;
//console.log("Fail is "+fail+" type:"+typeof(fail))
var submitDate = new Date ( ) ;
if ( req . body . submitDate !== undefined ) {
submitDate = req . body . submitDate ;
var playstyle = "" , songsubmitdata = { } , mod = "" , combo = - 1 , gameScore = - 1 , isFC = false , songRating = - 1 , userId = - 1 , songId = - 1 , playcount = - 1 , fccount = - 1 , cool = - 1 , fine = - 1 , safe = - 1 , sad = - 1 , worst = - 1 , alreadyPassed = false , eclear = - 1 , nclear = - 1 , hclear = - 1 , exclear = - 1 , exexclear = - 1 ;
var songdata = { } , userObj = { } ;
if ( req . body . mod !== undefined ) {
mod = req . body . mod ;
if ( req . body . combo !== undefined ) {
combo = req . body . combo ;
if ( req . body . gameScore !== undefined ) {
gameScore = req . body . gameScore ;
db . query ( "select id,authentication_token,playcount,fccount,cool,fine,safe,sad,worst,eclear,nclear,hclear,exclear,exexclear,playstyle,megamix,futuretone from users where username=$1 limit 1" , [ req . body . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { if ( data . rows [ 0 ] . authentication _token === req . body . authentication _token ) {
var obj = data . rows [ 0 ] ;
userObj = data . rows [ 0 ] ;
playstyle = data . rows [ 0 ] . playstyle ;
eclear = obj . eclear ; nclear = obj . nclear ; hclear = obj . hclear ; exclear = obj . exclear ; exexclear = obj . exexclear ;
cool = data . rows [ 0 ] . cool ; fine = data . rows [ 0 ] . fine ; safe = data . rows [ 0 ] . safe ; sad = data . rows [ 0 ] . sad ; worst = data . rows [ 0 ] . worst ;
fccount = data . rows [ 0 ] . fccount ; playcount = data . rows [ 0 ] . playcount ; userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( "select id,mega39s,futuretone from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1" , [ req . body . song ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Could not authenticate!" ) } } else { console . log ( req . body ) ; throw new Error ( "Could not find user." ) }
} )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { songId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ;
songdata = data . rows [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! ( req . body . difficulty === "H" || req . body . difficulty === "N" || req . body . difficulty === "E" || req . body . difficulty === "EX" || req . body . difficulty === "EXEX" ) )
throw new Error ( "Invalid difficulty!" )
if ( req . body . cool == - 1 || req . body . fine == - 1 || req . body . safe == - 1 || req . body . sad == - 1 || req . body . worst == - 1 ) {
throw new Error ( "Invalid submission!" )
return db . query ( 'select rating from songdata where songid=$1 and difficulty=$2 limit 1' , [ songId , req . body . difficulty ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Could not find song." ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { songRating = data . rows [ 0 ] . rating ; return db . query ( "select id from plays where userid=$1 and score>0 and difficulty=$2 and songid=$3 limit 1" , [ userId , req . body . difficulty , songId ] ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { alreadyPassed = true ; /*console.log(data);*/ } ; var score = CalculateSongScore ( { rating : songRating , cool : req . body . cool , fine : req . body . fine , safe : req . body . safe , sad : req . body . sad , worst : req . body . worst , percent : req . body . percent , difficulty : req . body . difficulty , fail : fail } ) ; return db . query ( "insert into plays(songId,userId,difficulty,cool,fine,safe,sad,worst,percent,date,score,fail,mod,combo,gamescore,src,playstyle) values($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17) returning *" , [ songId , userId , req . body . difficulty , req . body . cool , req . body . fine , req . body . safe , req . body . sad , req . body . worst , req . body . percent , submitDate , score , fail , mod , combo , gameScore , ( req . body . src ) ? req . body . src : "" , ( playstyle ) ? playstyle : "" ] ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) {
songsubmitdata = data . rows [ 0 ] ;
//console.log(alreadyPassed+" / "+typeof(alreadyPassed))
if ( alreadyPassed === false && songsubmitdata . score > 0 ) { switch ( req . body . difficulty ) { case "E" : { eclear ++ } break ; case "N" : { nclear ++ } break ; case "H" : { hclear ++ } break ; case "EX" : { exclear ++ } break ; case "EXEX" : { exexclear ++ } break ; } }
isFC = songsubmitdata . safe === 0 && songsubmitdata . sad === 0 && songsubmitdata . worst === 0 ;
return CalculateRating ( req . body . username ) } else { throw new Error ( "Could not submit song." ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { return db . query ( "update users set rating=$1,last_played=$3,playcount=$4,fccount=$5,cool=$6,fine=$7,safe=$8,sad=$9,worst=$10,eclear=$11,nclear=$12,hclear=$13,exclear=$14,exexclear=$15,megamix=$16,futuretone=$17 where username=$2" , [ data , req . body . username , new Date ( ) , ++ playcount , fccount + ( ( isFC ) ? 1 : 0 ) , cool + Number ( req . body . cool ) , fine + Number ( req . body . fine ) , safe + Number ( req . body . safe ) , sad + Number ( req . body . sad ) , worst + Number ( req . body . worst ) , eclear , nclear , hclear , exclear , exexclear , ( songdata . mega39s || userObj . megamix ) , ( songdata . futuretone && ! songdata . mega39s ) || userObj . futuretone ] ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { return songsubmitdata ; } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
//password, type
axios . post ( "" + userId , { password : process . env . GMAIL , type : "submit" } )
if ( req . body . src ) {
db . query ( "delete from uploadedplays where filename=$1" , [ req . body . src ] )
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
console . log ( err ) ;
addToQueue ( req . body . src , userId , songId )
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) ; } )
} else {
console . log ( req . body ) ;
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Missing required parameters!" ) ;
} )
CalculateSongScore = ( song ) => {
if ( song . fail == true ) { return 0 ; }
var noteCount = Number ( song . cool ) + Number ( song . fine ) + Number ( song . safe ) + Number ( song . sad ) + Number ( song . worst ) ;
var comboBreaks = Number ( song . safe ) + Number ( song . sad ) + Number ( song . worst ) ;
/ * c o n s o l e . l o g ( " C o m b o B r e a k s : " + c o m b o B r e a k s )
console . log ( "Is FC? " + ( comboBreaks === 0 ) )
console . log ( "Is PFC? " + ( song . fine === 0 && song . safe === 0 && song . sad === 0 && song . worst === 0 ) ) * /
var scoreMult = 1 ;
var percentMult = 1 ;
if ( song . percent > 110 ) {
song . percent = 100
if ( song . fine === 0 && song . safe === 0 && song . sad === 0 && song . worst === 0 ) { scoreMult = 2.4 } else if ( comboBreaks === 0 ) { scoreMult = 1.4 } else { scoreMult = 1 }
switch ( song . difficulty ) {
case "E" : { if ( song . percent < 30 ) { percentMult = 0 ; } else { percentMult = 1 + Math . pow ( 1.0 * ( ( song . percent - 30 ) / 70.0 ) , 3 ) } } break ;
case "N" : { if ( song . percent < 50 ) { percentMult = 0 } else { percentMult = 1 + Math . pow ( 1.0 * ( ( song . percent - 50 ) / 50.0 ) , 3 ) } } break ;
case "H" : { if ( song . percent < 60 ) { percentMult = 0 } else { percentMult = 1 + Math . pow ( 1.0 * ( ( song . percent - 60 ) / 40.0 ) , 3 ) } } break ;
case "EX" :
case "EXEX" : { if ( song . percent < 70 ) { percentMult = 0 } else { percentMult = 1 + Math . pow ( 1.0 * ( ( song . percent - 70 ) / 30.0 ) , 3 ) } } break ;
default : {
if ( song . percent < 60 ) { percentMult = 0 } else { percentMult = 1 + ( Math . pow ( 1.0 * ( ( song . percent - 60 ) / 40.0 ) , 3 ) ) }
/ * c o n s o l e . l o g ( " S c o r e m u l t : " + s c o r e M u l t )
console . log ( "Percent mult: " + percentMult ) * /
var score = ( ( song . cool * 100 + song . fine * 50 + song . safe * 10 + song . sad * 5 ) / 1000.0 ) * percentMult * scoreMult
if ( scoreMult > 0 && percentMult > 0 ) {
score += Math . pow ( song . rating , 3 ) / 5
return Number ( score ) ;
CalculateAccuracy = ( cool , fine , safe , sad , worst ) => {
var noteCount = cool + fine + safe + sad + worst ;
var sum = cool + ( fine * 0.5 ) + ( safe * 0.1 ) + ( sad * 0.05 ) ;
return sum / noteCount ;
CalculateRating = ( username ) => {
var songs = [ ] ;
var debugScoreList = "" ;
var userId = - 1 ;
/* / / Old rating algorithm .
return db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1' , [ username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select * from plays where userid=$1 order by score desc limit 100' , [ userId ] ) } else { return 0 } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { return data . rows . reduce ( ( sum , song , i ) => {
return sum + Number ( CalculateSongScore ( song ) * ( Math . pow ( 0.8 , i ) ) ) } , 0 ) } else { return 0 } } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { throw new Error ( err . message ) } ) * /
return db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select * from songs order by id asc' ) } else { return 0 } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { songs = data . rows ; return Promise . all ( data . rows . map ( ( song ) => { return db . query ( 'select * from plays where userId=$1 and songId=$2 and score!=$3 order by score desc limit 100' , [ userId , song . id , "NaN" ] ) . then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { debugScoreList += song . name + "\n" ; songs [ song . id - 1 ] . score = data . rows . reduce ( ( sum , play , i ) => { debugScoreList += " " + ( play . score ) + " -> " + ( play . score * Math . pow ( 0.2 , i ) ) + "" ; if ( i === 0 && play . fine + play . safe + play . sad + play . worst === 0 ) { songs [ play . songid - 1 ] . pfc = true ; debugScoreList += "+" } else if ( i === 0 && play . safe + play . sad + play . worst === 0 ) { songs [ play . songid - 1 ] . fc = true ; debugScoreList += "*" } debugScoreList += "\n" ; /*console.log("Play score:"+play.score+". Sum:"+sum);*/ return sum + play . score * Math . pow ( 0.2 , i ) ; } , 0 ) ; debugScoreList += " " + songs [ song . id - 1 ] . score + "\n" ; } } ) } ) ) } } )
. then ( ( ) => { return songs . sort ( ( a , b ) => { var scorea = ( a . score ) ? a . score : 0 ; var scoreb = ( b . score ) ? b . score : 0 ; return ( scorea > scoreb ) ? - 1 : 1 ; } ) . reduce ( ( sum , song , i ) => { if ( song . score && ! isNaN ( song . score ) ) { debugScoreList += song . name + ": " + song . score + " -> " + ( song . score * Math . pow ( 0.9 , i ) ) + ( ( song . pfc ) ? ( "+" + 2 ) : ( song . fc ) ? ( "+" + 1 ) : 0 ) + "\n" ; return sum + song . score * Math . pow ( 0.9 , i ) + ( ( song . pfc ) ? 2 : ( song . fc ) ? + 1 : 0 ) } else { return sum } } , 0 ) ; } )
. then ( ( data ) => { /*console.log(debugScoreList);*/ return data } )
app . get ( '/songdiffs' , ( req , res ) => {
var diffObj = { }
db . query ( "select COUNT(*) from songdata where difficulty='E'" )
. then ( ( data ) => { diffObj . E = data . rows [ 0 ] . count ; return db . query ( "select COUNT(*) from songdata where difficulty='N'" ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { diffObj . N = data . rows [ 0 ] . count ; return db . query ( "select COUNT(*) from songdata where difficulty='H'" ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { diffObj . H = data . rows [ 0 ] . count ; return db . query ( "select COUNT(*) from songdata where difficulty='EX'" ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { diffObj . EX = data . rows [ 0 ] . count ; return db . query ( "select COUNT(*) from songdata where difficulty='EXEX'" ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { diffObj . EXEX = data . rows [ 0 ] . count ; res . status ( 200 ) . json ( diffObj ) } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/accuracy/:username' , ( req , res ) => {
db . query ( 'select cool,fine,safe,sad,worst from users where username=$1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { return CalculateAccuracy ( data . rows [ 0 ] . cool , data . rows [ 0 ] . fine , data . rows [ 0 ] . safe , data . rows [ 0 ] . sad , data . rows [ 0 ] . worst ) } else { throw new Error ( "User does not exist!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { accuracy : data } ) } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/updates/:userid' , ( req , res ) => {
db . query ( 'select * from userupdate where userid=$1' , [ req . params . userid ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows [ 0 ] )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "No user update found!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} )
app . post ( '/updates/:userid' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . body && req . body . password && req . body . type ) {
if ( req . body . password === process . env . GMAIL ) {
db . query ( "insert into userupdate(userid,update_type,date) values($1,$2,$3) on conflict(userid) do update set update_type=$2,date=$3 where userupdate.userid=$1 returning *" , [ req . params . userid , req . body . type , moment ( ) ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length >= 0 ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( data . rows [ 0 ] )
} else {
throw new Error ( "Could not update user." )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 403 ) . send ( "Could not authenticate" )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
app . get ( '/recalculatescore/:playid' , ( req , res ) => {
var userId = - 1 ;
var username = null ;
var songRating = - 1 ;
var song ;
db . query ( 'select * from plays where id=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . playid ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { song = data . rows [ 0 ] ; userId = song . userid ; /*console.log(song);*/
return db . query ( 'select rating from songdata where songid=$1 and difficulty=$2 limit 1' , [ song . songid , song . difficulty ] )
} else { throw new Error ( "This play does not exist!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { songRating = data . rows [ 0 ] . rating ; var score = CalculateSongScore ( { rating : songRating , cool : song . cool , fine : song . fine , safe : song . safe , sad : song . sad , worst : song . worst , percent : song . percent , difficulty : song . difficulty , fail : song . fail } ) ; return db . query ( 'update plays set score=$1 where id=$2 returning *' , [ score , req . params . playid ] ) ; } else { throw new Error ( "Failed to retrieve song data!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { //console.log(data);
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
var scoreData = data . rows [ 0 ] ;
return db . query ( 'select username from users where id=$1' , [ userId ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { username = data . rows [ 0 ] . username ; return CalculateRating ( username ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => { db . query ( "update users set rating=$1 where username=$2" , [ data , username ] ) } )
. then ( ( ) => { return scoreData ; } )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
throw new Error ( "Could not update score" ) ;
} )
} else { throw new Error ( "Failed to update score!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data )
axios . post ( "" + userId , { password : process . env . GMAIL , type : "recalculate" } )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { console . log ( err ) ; res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) ; } )
} ) ;
/ *
app . get ( '/playdata' , ( req , res ) => {
db . query ( 'select * from plays' )
. then ( ( data ) => { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows ) } )
. catch ( ( err ) => res . status ( 500 ) . json ( err . message ) )
} ) * /
app . post ( '/recalculatePlayerData/:id' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . body && req . body . password ) {
if ( req . body . password === process . env . GMAIL ) {
db . query ( " select COUNT(*) as plays,SUM(cool) as coolsum,SUM(fine) as finesum,SUM(safe) as safesum,SUM(sad) as sadsum,SUM(worst) as worstsum,COUNT(*) filter(where safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0) as fc from plays where userid=$1" , [ req . params . id ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
var d = data . rows [ 0 ] ;
return db . query ( "update users set playcount=$1,fccount=$2,cool=$3,fine=$4,safe=$5,sad=$6,worst=$7 where id=$8 returning playcount,fccount,cool,fine,safe,sad,worst,id" ,
[ d . plays , d . fc , ( d . coolsum !== null ) ? d . coolsum : 0 , ( d . finesum !== null ) ? d . finesum : 0 , ( d . safesum !== null ) ? d . safesum : 0 , ( d . sadsum !== null ) ? d . sadsum : 0 , ( d . worstsum !== null ) ? d . worstsum : 0 , req . params . id ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows [ 0 ] )
} )
} )
app . get ( '/completionreport/:username' , ( req , res ) => {
//Number of passes,plays,fcs,pfcs, and the best play.
var userId = - 1 , songs , promises = [ ] ;
db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ;
return db . query ( 'select * from songs order by id asc' )
} else {
throw new Error ( "Cannot find user!" )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
songs = data . rows ;
songs . forEach ( ( song ) => {
promises . push ( db . query ( "select * from (select userid,count(*) filter(where difficulty='E' and mod='SD' and score>0) as ESDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='N' and mod='SD' and score>0) as NSDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='H' and mod='SD' and score>0) as HSDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='EX' and mod='SD' and score>0) as EXSDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='EXEX' and mod='SD' and score>0) as EXEXSDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='E' and mod='HD' and score>0) as EHDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='N' and mod='HD' and score>0) as NHDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='H' and mod='HD' and score>0) as HHDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='EX' and mod='HD' and score>0) as EXHDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='EXEX' and mod='HD' and score>0) as EXEXHDCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='E' and mod='HS' and score>0) as EHSCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='N' and mod='HS' and score>0) as NHSCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='H' and mod='HS' and score>0) as HHSCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='EX' and mod='HS' and score>0) as EXHSCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='EXEX' and mod='HS' and score>0) as EXEXHSCount,Count(*) filter(where difficulty='E' and score>0) as EClearCount,Count(*) filter(where difficulty='N' and score>0) as NClearCount,Count(*) filter(where difficulty='H' and score>0) as HClearCount,Count(*) filter(where difficulty='EX' and score>0) as EXClearCount,Count(*) filter(where difficulty='EXEX' and score>0) as EXEXClearCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='E') as ECount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='N') as NCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='H') as HCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='EX') as EXCount,count(*) filter(where difficulty='EXEX') as EXEXCount,Count(*) filter(where safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='E') as EFCCount,Count(*) filter(where safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='N') as NFCCount,Count(*) filter(where safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='H') as HFCCount,Count(*) filter(where safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='EX') as EXFCCount,Count(*) filter(where safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='EXEX') as EXEXFCCount,Count(*) filter(where fine=0 and safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='E') as EPFCCount,Count(*) filter(where fine=0 and safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='N') as NPFCCount,Count(*) filter(where fine=0 and safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='H') as HPFCCount,Count(*) filter(where fine=0 and safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='EX') as EXPFCCount,Count(*) filter(where fine=0 and safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0 and difficulty='EXEX') as EXEXPFCCount from plays where userid=$1 and songid=$2 group by userid)t1 join (select rank,t.score,t.percent from (select row_number()over(order by score desc)rank,* from(select distinct on (userid) * from (select * from plays where songid=$2)t order by userid,score desc)t)t where userid=$1)t2 on t1.userid=t1.userid" , [ userId , song . id ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
song . report = data . rows [ 0 ]
} else {
song . report = { ecount : 0 , ncount : 0 , hcount : 0 , excount : 0 , exexcount : 0 , efccount : 0 , nfccount : 0 , hfccount : 0 , exfccount : 0 , exexfccount : 0 , epfccount : 0 , npfccount : 0 , hpfccount : 0 , expfccount : 0 , exexpfccount : 0 , rank : 0 }
} )
} )
return Promise . all ( promises )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( songs ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/ratings/:songname/:username' , ( req , res ) => {
var songId = - 1 , userId = - 1 ;
db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id
return db . query ( 'select id from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . songname ] )
} else {
throw new Error ( "Could not find user!" )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
songId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id
return db . query ( "select * from (select row_number()over(order by score desc)rank,* from(select distinct on (userid) * from (select * from plays where songid=$1)t order by userid,score desc)t)t where userid=$2" , [ songId , userId ] )
} else {
throw new Error ( "Could not find song!" )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/bestplays/:username' , ( req , res ) => {
var songId = - 1 , userId = - 1 , songPromises = [ ] , plays = [ ] , limit = 5 , offset = 0 ;
if ( req . query . limit ) { limit = req . query . limit }
if ( req . query . offset ) { offset = req . query . offset }
db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( "select * from (select distinct on (songid) * from plays where userid=$1 " + ( ( req . query . fails === "false" ) ? "and score!=0" : "" ) + " order by songid,score desc)t order by score desc limit $2 offset $3" , [ userId , Number ( limit ) , Number ( offset ) ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Cannot find user!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/bestplay/:username/:songname/:difficulty' , ( req , res ) => {
var songId = - 1 , userId = - 1 ;
db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; if ( req . params . songname ) { return db . query ( 'select id from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . songname ] ) } else { return db . query ( 'select * from plays where userid=$1 order by score desc' , [ userId ] ) } } else { throw new Error ( "Cannot find user!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( req . params . songname && data . rows . length > 0 ) { songId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select * from plays where userid=$1 and songid=$2 and difficulty=$3 order by score desc,percent desc limit 1' , [ userId , songId , req . params . difficulty ] ) } else { res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Could not find song!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows [ 0 ] ) } else { res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "No data found!" ) } } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message + JSON . stringify ( req . body ) ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/userdata/:username' , ( req , res ) => {
var songId = - 1 , userId = - 1 , finalData = { } ;
db . query ( 'select id,megamix,futuretone,playstyle,playcount,fccount,rating,last_played,cool,fine,safe,sad,worst,eclear,nclear,hclear,exclear,exexclear from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { finalData = data . rows [ 0 ] ; return db . query ( "select t.difficulty,COUNT(t.difficulty) from (select distinct on(songid) songid,*, from plays join users on where users.username=$1 and and plays.worst=0 and plays.sad=0)t group by t.difficulty" , [ req . params . username ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Could not retrieve user data!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data ) {
var fcData = { }
data . rows . forEach ( ( fc ) => { fcData [ fc . difficulty ] = fc . count } )
finalData = { ... { fcdata : fcData } , ... finalData }
return db . query ( "select t.difficulty,COUNT(t.difficulty) from (select distinct on(songid) songid,*, from plays join users on where users.username=$1 and plays.fine=0 and and plays.worst=0 and plays.sad=0)t group by t.difficulty" , [ req . params . username ] )
} else { throw new Error ( "Could not retrieve user data!" ) }
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data ) {
var fcData = { }
data . rows . forEach ( ( fc ) => { fcData [ fc . difficulty ] = fc . count } )
finalData = { ... { pfcdata : fcData } , ... finalData }
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( finalData )
} else { throw new Error ( "Could not retrieve user data!" ) }
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/plays/:username/:songid' , ( req , res ) => {
var limit = 5 , offset = 0 ;
if ( req . query . limit ) { limit = req . query . limit }
if ( req . query . offset ) { offset = req . query . offset }
db . query ( "select plays.* from plays join users on where users.username=$1 and plays.songid=$2 order by score desc,percent desc,date desc limit $3 offset $4" , [ req . params . username , req . params . songid , Number ( limit ) , Number ( offset ) ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/playcount/:username/:songname/:difficulty' , ( req , res ) => {
var songId = - 1 , userId = - 1 ;
db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select id from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . songname ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Cannot find user!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( req . params . songname && data . rows . length > 0 ) { songId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select * from plays where userid=$1 and songid=$2 and difficulty=$3 order by score desc' , [ userId , songId , req . params . difficulty ] ) } else { res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Could not find song!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { playcount : data . rows . length } ) } else { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { playcount : 0 } ) } } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/songpasscount/:username/:songname/:difficulty' , ( req , res ) => {
var songId = - 1 , userId = - 1 ;
db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select id from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . songname ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Cannot find user!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( req . params . songname && data . rows . length > 0 ) { songId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select * from plays where userid=$1 and songid=$2 and difficulty=$3 and score>0' , [ userId , songId , req . params . difficulty ] ) } else { res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Could not find song!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { passcount : data . rows . length } ) } else { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { passcount : 0 } ) } } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/songfccount/:username/:songname/:difficulty' , ( req , res ) => {
var songId = - 1 , userId = - 1 ;
db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select id from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . songname ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Cannot find user!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( req . params . songname && data . rows . length > 0 ) { songId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select * from plays where userid=$1 and songid=$2 and difficulty=$3 and safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0' , [ userId , songId , req . params . difficulty ] ) } else { res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Could not find song!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { fccount : data . rows . length } ) } else { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { fccount : 0 } ) } } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/songpfccount/:username/:songname/:difficulty' , ( req , res ) => {
var songId = - 1 , userId = - 1 ;
db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select id from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . songname ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Cannot find user!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( req . params . songname && data . rows . length > 0 ) { songId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select * from plays where userid=$1 and songid=$2 and difficulty=$3 and fine=0 and safe=0 and sad=0 and worst=0' , [ userId , songId , req . params . difficulty ] ) } else { res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Could not find song!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { fccount : data . rows . length } ) } else { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { fccount : 0 } ) } } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/songmods/:username/:songname/:difficulty' , ( req , res ) => {
var songId = - 1 , userId = - 1 , hs = 0 , sd = 0 , hd = 0 ;
db . query ( 'select id from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select id from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . songname ] ) } else { throw new Error ( "Cannot find user!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( req . params . songname && data . rows . length > 0 ) { songId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id ; return db . query ( 'select COUNT(mod) from (select * from plays where userid=$1 and songid=$2 and difficulty=$3 and mod=$4)t' , [ userId , songId , req . params . difficulty , "HS" ] ) } else { res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Could not find song!" ) } } )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) {
hs = data . rows [ 0 ] . count ;
return db . query ( 'select COUNT(mod) from (select * from plays where userid=$1 and songid=$2 and difficulty=$3 and mod=$4)t' , [ userId , songId , req . params . difficulty , "SD" ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) {
sd = data . rows [ 0 ] . count ;
return db . query ( 'select COUNT(mod) from (select * from plays where userid=$1 and songid=$2 and difficulty=$3 and mod=$4)t' , [ userId , songId , req . params . difficulty , "HD" ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data && data . rows . length > 0 ) {
hd = data . rows [ 0 ] . count ;
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { hs : hs , sd : sd , hd : hd } )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} )
app . get ( '/rating/:username' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . params . username ) {
db . query ( 'select rating from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows [ 0 ] ) } else { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { rating : 0 } ) } } )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid username!" )
} )
app . get ( '/recentplays/:username' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . params . username ) {
db . query ( 'select plays.* from plays join users on where users.username=$1 order by desc limit 5' , [ req . params . username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows ) } else { res . status ( 200 ) . json ( [ ] ) } } )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid username!" )
} )
app . get ( '/users/:orderby/:sortorder' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . params . orderby && req . params . sortorder && req . query . limit && req . query . offset ) {
var valid = [ "rating" , "last_played" , "playcount" , "username" , "fccount" ] ;
var validsort = [ "desc" , "asc" ] ;
if ( valid . includes ( req . params . orderby ) && validsort . includes ( req . params . sortorder ) ) {
db . query ( 'select username,rating,last_played,playcount,fccount from users order by ' + req . params . orderby + ' ' + req . params . sortorder + ",rating desc limit $1 offset $2" , [ req . query . limit , req . query . offset ] )
. then ( ( data ) => { return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows ) } )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Not a valid sort option!" ) ;
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid query!" )
} )
function ValidateToken ( username , token ) {
return db . query ( 'select authentication_token from users where username=$1 limit 1' , [ username ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
return token === data . rows [ 0 ] . authentication _token ;
} else {
return false ;
} )
function GetSongId ( songname ) {
return db . query ( "select id from songs where name=$1 or romanized_name=$1 or english_name=$1 limit 1" , [ songname ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
return data . rows [ 0 ] . id ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "Could not get song ID for song '" + songname + "'" )
} )
function GetNoteCount ( songname , difficulty ) {
var songID = - 1 ;
return GetSongId ( songname )
. then ( ( id ) => { songID = id ; return db . query ( "select notecount from songdata where songid=$1 and difficulty=$2 limit 1" , [ songID , difficulty ] ) } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
return data . rows [ 0 ] . notecount ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "Could not get note count for song '" + songname + "' on difficulty '" + difficulty + "'" )
} )
app . post ( '/song/:songname/:difficulty' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . body && req . params . songname && req . params . difficulty && req . body . username && req . body . percent && req . body . authentication _token ) {
var noteCount = 0 , songID = 0 , fail = false ;
ValidateToken ( req . body . username , req . body . authentication _token )
. then ( ( allowed ) => {
if ( allowed ) {
return GetSongId ( req . params . songname )
} else { throw new Error ( "Could not authenticate!" ) }
} )
. then ( ( songId ) => {
if ( songId ) {
songID = songId ;
return GetNoteCount ( req . params . songname , req . params . difficulty )
} else { throw new Error ( "Could not find song ID!" ) }
} )
. then ( ( noteCount ) => {
var percentThreshold = ( req . params . difficulty === "E" ? 100 : 107 ) / 100.0
var percent = ( req . params . difficulty === "E" ? 100 : 107 ) ? Math . min ( req . body . percent / 100.0 , percentThreshold ) : Math . min ( req . body . percent / 107.0 , percentThreshold ) ;
var cool = 0 ;
var fine = 0 ;
var safe = 0 ;
var sad = 0 ;
var worst = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < noteCount ; i ++ ) {
if ( req . body . isFC ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < percent ) {
cool ++ ;
} else {
fine ++ ;
} else
if ( Math . random ( ) < percent ) {
cool ++ ;
continue ;
} else
if ( Math . random ( ) < percent ) {
fine ++ ;
continue ;
} else
if ( Math . random ( ) < percent ) {
worst ++ ;
continue ;
} else
if ( Math . random ( ) < percent ) {
safe ++ ;
continue ;
} else
if ( Math . random ( ) < percent ) {
sad ++ ;
continue ;
} else {
worst ++ ;
switch ( req . params . difficulty ) {
case "E" : {
if ( req . body . percent < 30 ) { fail = true ; }
} break ;
case "N" : {
if ( req . body . percent < 50 ) { fail = true ; }
} break ;
case "H" : {
if ( req . body . percent < 60 ) { fail = true ; }
} break ;
case "EX" :
case "EXEX" : {
if ( req . body . percent < 70 ) { fail = true ; }
} break ;
default : {
if ( req . body . percent < 60 ) { fail = true ; }
} break ;
if ( req . body . fail ) {
fail = req . body . fail
return axios . post ( "" , {
username : req . body . username , authentication _token : req . body . authentication _token , song : req . params . songname , difficulty : req . params . difficulty , cool : cool , fine : fine , safe : safe , sad : sad , worst : worst , percent : req . body . percent , fail : String ( fail )
} )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . data )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => { res . status ( 400 ) . send ( err . message ) } )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid query!" )
} )
function CheckUserExists ( username , email ) {
return db . query ( "select id,username,email,registered from users where username=$1 or email=$2 limit 1" , [ username , email ] )
function SendLoginEmail ( username , emailTo , authCode ) {
const transporter = nodemailer . createTransport ( {
service : 'gmail' ,
auth : {
user : '' ,
pass : process . env . GMAIL // naturally, replace both with your real credentials or an application-specific password
} ) ;
transporter . sendMail ( {
from : '' ,
to : emailTo ,
subject : 'Project DivaR Login Code' ,
html : ` <b> ${ username } </b>,<br><br>Thank you for using Project DivaR!<br><br>Your authentication code is <b> ${ authCode } </b>! `
} , ( err , info ) => {
if ( err ) {
console . log ( err . message )
} else {
console . log ( info . envelope ) ;
console . log ( info . messageId ) ;
} ) ;
function SendRegistrationEmail ( username , emailTo , authCode ) {
const transporter = nodemailer . createTransport ( {
service : 'gmail' ,
auth : {
user : '' ,
pass : process . env . GMAIL // naturally, replace both with your real credentials or an application-specific password
} ) ;
transporter . sendMail ( {
from : '' ,
to : emailTo ,
subject : 'Project DivaR Registration Code' ,
html : ` <b> ${ username } </b>,<br><br>Thank you for signing up for Project DivaR!<br><br>Your authentication code is <b> ${ authCode } </b>! `
} , ( err , info ) => {
if ( err ) {
console . log ( err . message )
} else {
console . log ( info . envelope ) ;
console . log ( info . messageId ) ;
} ) ;
function GetUserInfo ( username ) {
return db . query ( "select id,username,email,code_time from users where username=$1 limit 1" , [ username ] )
function GetUserLoginAllowed ( username , authCode ) {
return db . query ( "select id,username,email,code_time,playstyle,twitter_name,twitch_name from users where username=$1 and code=$2 limit 1" , [ username , authCode ] )
app . post ( '/authenticate/authToken' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . body && req . body . username && req . body . authCode ) {
GetUserLoginAllowed ( req . body . username . trim ( ) , req . body . authCode . trim ( ) )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
return db . query ( "select authentication_token from users where id=$1" , [ data . rows [ 0 ] . id ] )
} else {
return new Error ( "Failed login!" )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows [ 0 ] )
} else {
return new Error ( "Failed to get authentication token!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid Credentials!" )
} )
app . post ( '/authenticate/login' , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . body && req . body . username && req . body . authCode ) {
GetUserLoginAllowed ( req . body . username . trim ( ) , req . body . authCode . trim ( ) )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows [ 0 ] )
} else {
return new Error ( "Failed login!" )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid Credentials!" )
} )
app . post ( '/sendemail/login' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . body && req . body . username ) {
GetUserInfo ( req . body . username . trim ( ) )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "Email sent." )
if ( data . rows [ 0 ] . code _time ) {
if ( moment ( data . rows [ 0 ] . code _time , "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" ) . diff ( moment ( ) , 'minutes' ) <= - 15 ) {
var authCode = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 90000 ) + 10000
SendLoginEmail ( req . body . username , data . rows [ 0 ] . email , authCode )
db . query ( "update users set code=$1,code_time=$3 where id=$2" , [ authCode , data . rows [ 0 ] . id , moment ( ) ] )
//console.log(moment(data.rows[0].code_time,"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSSZ").diff(moment(),'minutes'))
} else {
var authCode = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 90000 ) + 10000
SendLoginEmail ( req . body . username , data . rows [ 0 ] . email , authCode )
db . query ( "update users set code=$1,code_time=$3 where id=$2" , [ authCode , data . rows [ 0 ] . id , moment ( ) ] )
} else {
return new Error ( "User does not exist!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
app . patch ( '/updateRegisteredState' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . body && req . body . username && req . body . authCode ) {
GetUserLoginAllowed ( req . body . username , req . body . authCode )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
return db . query ( "update users set registered=$1 where id=$2" , [ true , data . rows [ 0 ] . id ] )
} else {
throw new Error ( "Could not login!" )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "Registered!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( "Could not finish registration!" )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
app . post ( '/sendemail/register' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . body && req . body . username && req . body . email ) {
//Generate a token for the user to login with.
CheckUserExists ( req . body . username . trim ( ) , req . body . email . trim ( ) )
. then ( ( data ) => {
var authCode = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 90000 ) + 10000
var authenticationToken = String ( Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 90000 ) + 10000 ) + "-" + String ( Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 90000 ) + 10000 ) + "-" + String ( Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 90000 ) + 10000 ) ;
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
//db.query("update users set code=$1 where id=$2",[authCode,data.rows[0].id])
if ( data . rows [ 0 ] . registered ) {
throw new Error ( "User already exists!" )
} else {
return db . query ( "update users set code=$1 where id=$2 returning code" , [ authCode , data . rows [ 0 ] . id ] )
} else {
return db . query ( "insert into users(username,email,authentication_token,code) values($1,$2,$3,$4) returning code" ,
[ req . body . username , req . body . email , authenticationToken , authCode ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "Email sent." )
SendRegistrationEmail ( req . body . username , req . body . email , data . rows [ 0 ] . code )
} else {
throw new Error ( "Something bad happened!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
function AuthenticateUser ( username , auth ) {
return db . query ( "select id,username,email from users where username=$1 and authentication_token=$2 limit 1" , [ username , auth ] )
app . post ( '/authenticateuser' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . body && req . body . username && req . body . authenticationToken ) {
AuthenticateUser ( req . body . username . trim ( ) , req . body . authenticationToken . trim ( ) )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "Authentication Success!" )
} else {
throw new Error ( "Authentication Failed!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
app . post ( '/updateuser' , function ( req , res ) {
var userId = - 1 ;
if ( req . body && req . body . playStyle && req . body . username && req . body . authCode ) {
GetUserLoginAllowed ( req . body . username , req . body . authCode )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
userId = data . rows [ 0 ] . id
if ( req . body . twitchName ) {
db . query ( "update users set twitch_name=$1 where id=$2" , [ req . body . twitchName , userId ] )
if ( req . body . twitterName ) {
return axios . get ( '' + req . body . twitterName , {
headers : {
/*BEARER*/ Authorization : 'Bearer ' + process . env . TWITTER _BEARER //the token is a variable which holds the token
} )
} else
return { data : { } }
} else {
throw new Error ( "Could not login!" )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . data . id ) {
return db . query ( "update users set playstyle=$1,twitter=$2,twitter_name=$3 where id=$4" , [ req . body . playStyle , data . data . id , req . body . twitterName , userId ] )
} else {
return db . query ( "update users set playstyle=$1 where id=$2" , [ req . body . playStyle , userId ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "Successfully updated user settings!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
app . post ( '/getUserAuthData' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . body && req . body . password && req . body . userId ) {
if ( req . body . password === process . env . GUARDIANPASSWORD ) {
db . query ( "select uploads,username,authentication_token from users where id=$1" , [ req . body . userId ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
res . status ( 400 ) . json ( data . rows [ 0 ] )
db . query ( "update users set uploads=$1 where id=$2" , [ data . rows [ 0 ] . uploads + 1 , req . body . userId ] )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "No user found!" )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Authentication failed!" )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" ) ;
} )
app . post ( '/passImageData' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . body && req . body . user && req . body . auth && req . body . url ) {
axios . post ( "" , { user : req . body . user , auth : req . body . auth , url : req . body . url } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . data )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
app . post ( '/streamstart/:id' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . body && req . body . username && req . body . authentication _token ) {
GetUserLoginAllowed ( req . body . username . trim ( ) , req . body . authentication _token . trim ( ) )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
spawn ( "../divabotguardian/" , [ Number ( req . params . id ) ] )
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "Monitor started" )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Failed to authenticate" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
app . post ( '/streamtop/:id' , function ( req , res ) {
exec ( "ps 43" , ( err , out , stderr ) => {
if ( err ) {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( ` ${ err . message } ` ) ;
return ;
if ( stderr ) {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( ` ${ stderr } ` ) ;
return ;
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( ` ${ out } ` ) ;
} )
} )
app . post ( '/streaminfo/:id' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . body && req . body . username && req . body . authentication _token ) {
GetUserLoginAllowed ( req . body . username . trim ( ) , req . body . authentication _token . trim ( ) )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
exec ( "ps $(cat ../divabotguardian/processes/" + Number ( req . params . id ) + ".ffmpeg)|wc -l" , ( err , out , stderr ) => {
if ( err ) {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( ` ${ err . message } ` ) ;
return ;
if ( stderr ) {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( ` ${ stderr } ` ) ;
return ;
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( ` ${ out } ` ) ;
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Failed to authenticate" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
const lastscores = { }
app . post ( '/eventsubmit' , function ( req , res ) {
const EVENTID = 10 ;
function submit ( ) {
lastscores [ req . body . rank ] = Number ( req . body . points )
db . query ( "insert into eventdata(eventid,rank,date,name,description,points) values($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) returning *;" ,
[ req . body . eventid , req . body . rank , req . body . date ? req . body . date : new Date ( ) , req . body . name , req . body . description , req . body . points ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "Submitted." )
} else {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( "Failed to submit." )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( ` ${ err . message } ` ) ;
} )
//add to table.
//Try to update last scores.
db . query ( 'select distinct on (rank) rank,eventid,date,name,description,points from eventdata where eventid=' + EVENTID + ' order by rank,date desc;' )
. then ( ( data ) =>
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
data . rows . map ( ( row ) => { lastscores [ row . rank ] = row . points } )
if ( ! lastscores [ req . body . rank ] || ( lastscores [ req . body . rank ] < req . body . points &&
( req . body . rank > 20 || req . body . points < lastscores [ req . body . rank ] + 30000 )
) ) {
submit ( )
} else {
if ( lastscores [ req . body . rank ] !== undefined && req . body . rank <= 20 && ( lastscores [ req . body . rank ] < req . body . points && req . body . points < lastscores [ req . body . rank ] + 30000 ) ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "An invalid score attempted to be uploaded. Expected " + ( lastscores [ req . body . rank ] + 30000 ) + " or less but got " + req . body . points + "." )
} else {
if ( req . body . rank <= 20 ) {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( "No update required." )
} else {
submit ( )
} )
var chartData = { }
var predictionChartData = { }
var EVENTSTART = moment ( '2021-02-14 12:00:00+09:00' ) ;
var EVENTEND = moment ( '2021-02-22 20:59:59+09:00' ) ;
var diffData = [ ]
const PREDICTIONS = true
var lastCachedDate = EVENTSTART
const nyoomfactor = { //Percentage of original speed to use when nyoom'ing
1 : 1.0 ,
2 : 1.0 ,
3 : 1.0 ,
4 : 1.0 ,
5 : 1.0 ,
6 : 1.0 ,
7 : 1.0 ,
8 : 1.0 ,
9 : 1.0 ,
10 : 1.0 ,
11 : 1.0 ,
12 : 0.9 ,
13 : 0.7 ,
14 : 0.5 ,
15 : 0.3 ,
16 : 0.3 ,
17 : 0.3 ,
18 : 0.3 ,
19 : 0.3 ,
20 : 0.3 ,
50 : 0.79 ,
100 : 0.72 ,
500 : 0.25 ,
1000 : 0.2 ,
2000 : 0.06 ,
5000 : 0.055 ,
10000 : 0.015 ,
20000 : 0.01
const slowdownFactor = { //Percentage of slowdown per hour.
1 : 0.00001 ,
2 : 0.00003 ,
3 : 0.00003 ,
4 : 0.00005 ,
5 : 0.00005 ,
6 : 0.00005 ,
7 : 0.00005 ,
8 : 0.00005 ,
9 : 0.00005 ,
10 : 0.00005 ,
11 : 0.00005 ,
12 : 0.00006 ,
13 : 0.00007 ,
14 : 0.00008 ,
15 : 0.00009 ,
16 : 0.0001 ,
17 : 0.0001 ,
18 : 0.0001 ,
19 : 0.0001 ,
20 : 0.0001 ,
50 : 0.0002 ,
100 : 0.0003 ,
500 : 0.0004 ,
1000 : 0.0005 ,
2000 : 0.0007 ,
5000 : 0.001 ,
10000 : 0.002 ,
20000 : 0.003
var MAXSPEED = 0
function SetupPredictionModel ( ) {
if ( chartData [ '1' ] && chartData [ '1' ] . length > 100 ) {
MAXSPEED = Math . floor ( chartData [ '1' ] [ 100 ] . points / ( moment ( chartData [ '1' ] [ 100 ] . date ) . diff ( EVENTSTART , 'minutes' ) / 60 ) )
} else
if ( chartData [ '1' ] && chartData [ '1' ] . length > 0 ) {
MAXSPEED = Math . floor ( chartData [ '1' ] [ chartData [ '1' ] . length - 1 ] . points / ( moment ( chartData [ '1' ] [ chartData [ '1' ] . length - 1 ] . date ) . diff ( EVENTSTART , 'minutes' ) / 60 ) )
} else {
function GetRate ( rank ) {
if ( chartData [ rank ] . length > 2 ) {
var lastpoint = chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 2 ]
for ( var i = chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( moment ( chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . date ) . diff ( chartData [ rank ] [ i ] . date , 'hours' ) >= 1 ) {
lastpoint = chartData [ rank ] [ i ]
break ;
return ( chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . points - lastpoint . points ) / moment ( chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . date ) . diff ( lastpoint . date , 'hours' )
} else {
return GetRank ( rank ) / ( moment ( startPoint . date ) . diff ( EVENTSTART , 'minutes' ) / 60 )
function CreatePrediction ( precision , rank ) {
if ( ! chartData [ rank ] ) {
return [ ]
var startPoint = chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ]
if ( rank <= 20 ) {
startPoint = { points : startPoint . points , date : moment ( ) }
var startTime = moment ( startPoint . date )
if ( PREDICTIONS && startTime . diff ( EVENTSTART , 'hours' ) > 24 && moment ( startPoint . date ) . diff ( EVENTSTART , 'hours' ) >= 24 ) {
//Precision is in hours. 1 is default
var finalChart = [ { y : chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . points , x : chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . date } ]
//Start from the time of the last reported rank.
var myPoints = startPoint . points
var pointSpeed = GetRate ( rank )
var speedGoal = MAXSPEED * nyoomfactor [ rank ]
while ( startTime < EVENTEND ) {
startTime . add ( precision , 'hours' )
myPoints += Math . floor ( pointSpeed )
if ( EVENTEND . diff ( startTime , 'hours' ) > 11 ) {
pointSpeed -= pointSpeed * ( slowdownFactor [ rank ] * 10 /*CONSTANT for adjustment*/ )
} else {
pointSpeed = Math . max (
GetRank ( rank ) / ( moment ( startPoint . date ) . diff ( EVENTSTART , 'minutes' ) / 60 ) ,
Math . min ( ( 12 - EVENTEND . diff ( startTime , 'hours' ) ) * ( speedGoal / 5 ) , speedGoal ) )
//pointSpeed+=(speedGoal-pointSpeed) //Increase towards final goal.
finalChart = [ ... finalChart , { y : myPoints , x : moment ( startTime ) } ]
predictionChartData [ rank ] = finalChart
return finalChart
} else {
return [ ]
function numberWithCommas ( x ) {
if ( Number . isInteger ( x ) ) {
return x . toString ( ) . replace ( /\B(?<!\.\d*)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g , "," ) ;
} else {
return x
function ChartData ( rank ) {
if ( ! chartData [ rank ] ) {
return [ { x : 0 , y : 0 } ]
if ( rank <= 20 ) {
return [ ... chartData [ rank ] . map ( ( data ) => { return { x : data . date , y : data . points } } ) , { x : moment ( ) . isBefore ( EVENTEND ) ? moment ( ) : EVENTEND , y : chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . points } ]
} else {
return [ { x : EVENTSTART , y : 0 } , ... chartData [ rank ] . map ( ( data ) => { return { x : data . date , y : data . points } } ) ]
function GetRank ( rank ) {
if ( chartData [ rank ] ) {
return chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . points
} else {
return "???"
function GetEstimate ( rank ) {
if ( predictionChartData [ rank ] ) {
var currentEstimate = 0
if ( rank > 20 && moment ( ) . diff ( moment ( chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . date ) , 'hours' ) > 0.5 ) {
for ( var i = predictionChartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
if ( moment ( predictionChartData [ rank ] [ i ] . x ) . isAfter ( moment ( ) ) ) {
currentEstimate = predictionChartData [ rank ] [ i ] . y
} else {
break ;
return currentEstimate
} else {
if ( rank > 20 ) {
return GetRank ( rank )
} else {
return "---"
} else {
return "???"
function GetTime ( rank ) {
if ( chartData [ rank ] ) {
return moment ( chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . date ) . fromNow ( )
} else {
return ""
function GetUpdateColor ( rank ) {
if ( chartData [ rank ] ) {
return "rgba(255," + Math . max ( 255 - moment ( ) . diff ( moment ( chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . date ) , 'hours' ) * 3 , 0 ) + "," + Math . max ( 255 - moment ( ) . diff ( moment ( chartData [ rank ] [ chartData [ rank ] . length - 1 ] . date ) , 'hours' ) * 3 , 0 ) + ",1)"
} else {
return ""
var tableValues = { }
app . get ( '/eventdata' , function ( req , res ) {
var eventinfo = [ ]
db . query ( 'select * from event order by id desc limit 1' )
. then ( ( data ) => {
eventinfo = data . rows ;
if ( ! req . query . event ) {
return db . query ( 'select distinct on (rank) rank,eventid,date,name,description,points from eventdata where eventid=$1 order by rank,date desc' , [ moment ( eventinfo [ 0 ] . startdate ) . isBefore ( moment ( ) ) ? eventinfo [ 0 ] . eventid : eventinfo [ 0 ] . eventid - 1 ] )
} else {
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
var finaldata = data . rows
var tiers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 50 , 100 , 500 , 1000 , 2000 , 5000 , 10000 , 20000 , 30000 , 50000 ]
for ( t of tiers ) {
//if (finaldata[String(t)]===undefined) {finaldata[String(t)]={"rank":t,"eventid":eventinfo[0].eventid,"name":"","description":"","date":eventinfo[0].startdate,"points":0}}
var found = false
for ( i in finaldata ) {
if ( finaldata [ i ] . rank === t ) {
found = true
break ;
if ( ! found ) {
finaldata = [ ... finaldata , { "rank" : t , "eventid" : eventinfo [ 0 ] . eventid , "name" : "" , "description" : "" , "date" : eventinfo [ 0 ] . startdate , "points" : 0 } ]
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( finaldata )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} )
app . get ( '/eventdata/t20' , function ( req , res ) {
var eventinfo = [ ]
if ( req . query . date && req . query . rank ) {
db . query ( 'select * from eventdata where date<=$1 and rank=$2 and eventid=$3 order by date desc limit 1;' , [ req . query . date , req . query . rank , 8 ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else
if ( req . query . all && req . query . event ) {
db . query ( 'select * from eventdata where eventid=$1 order by date asc;' , [ req . query . event ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else
if ( req . query . tier && req . query . event ) {
db . query ( 'select * from eventdata where eventid=$1 and rank=$2 order by date desc' , [ req . query . event , req . query . tier ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else
if ( req . query . chart ) {
if ( req . query . event || moment ( ) . diff ( lastCachedDate , 'minutes' ) >= 1 || ( req . query . force && moment ( ) . diff ( lastCachedDate , 'seconds' ) >= 10 ) ) {
chartData = { }
predictionChartData = { }
diffData = [ ]
db . query ( 'select * from event order by id desc limit 1' )
. then ( ( data ) => {
eventinfo = data . rows ;
return db . query ( 'select * from eventdata where eventid=$1 order by date asc' , [ ( req . query . event ) ? req . query . event : eventinfo [ 0 ] . eventid ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data && data . rows && data . rows . length > 0 ) {
data . rows . map ( ( obj ) => { if ( chartData [ obj . rank ] ) { chartData [ obj . rank ] = [ ... chartData [ obj . rank ] , obj ] } else { chartData [ obj . rank ] = [ obj ] } } )
SetupPredictionModel ( )
var tiers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 50 , 100 , 500 , 1000 , 2000 , 5000 , 10000 , 20000 , 30000 , 50000 ]
for ( t of tiers ) {
CreatePrediction ( 1 , t )
var est = GetEstimate ( t )
var temprate = ( chartData [ t ] ) ? Math . ceil ( GetRank ( t ) / ( moment ( chartData [ t ] [ chartData [ t ] . length - 1 ] . date ) . diff ( EVENTSTART , 'minutes' ) / 60 ) ) : undefined
tableValues [ t ] = {
points : GetRank ( t ) ,
lastUpdate : GetTime ( t ) ,
lastUpdateColor : GetUpdateColor ( t ) ,
rate : temprate ? temprate : "???" ,
estimate : Number . isInteger ( est ) ? Math . ceil ( est ) : est ,
prediction : ( predictionChartData [ t ] ) ? predictionChartData [ t ] [ predictionChartData [ t ] . length - 1 ] . y : "???"
lastCachedDate = moment ( )
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( { predictionData : predictionChartData , statistics : tableValues } )
} else {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( { predictionData : predictionChartData , statistics : tableValues } )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( { predictionData : predictionChartData , statistics : tableValues } )
} else {
db . query ( 'select * from event order by id desc limit 1' )
. then ( ( data ) => {
eventinfo = data . rows ;
return db . query ( 'select distinct on (rank) rank,eventid,date,name,description,points from eventdata where rank<=20 and eventid=$1 order by rank,date desc' , [ moment ( eventinfo [ 0 ] . startdate ) . isBefore ( moment ( ) ) ? eventinfo [ 0 ] . eventid : eventinfo [ 0 ] . eventid - 1 ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
var finaldata = data . rows
var tiers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ]
for ( t of tiers ) {
//if (finaldata[String(t)]===undefined) {finaldata[String(t)]={"rank":t,"eventid":eventinfo[0].eventid,"name":"","description":"","date":eventinfo[0].startdate,"points":0}}
var found = false
for ( i in finaldata ) {
if ( finaldata [ i ] . rank === t ) {
found = true
break ;
if ( ! found ) {
finaldata = [ ... finaldata , { "rank" : t , "eventid" : eventinfo [ 0 ] . eventid , "name" : "" , "description" : "" , "date" : eventinfo [ 0 ] . startdate , "points" : 0 } ]
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( finaldata )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} )
app . post ( '/streamkill/:id' , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . body && req . body . username && req . body . authentication _token ) {
GetUserLoginAllowed ( req . body . username . trim ( ) , req . body . authentication _token . trim ( ) )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
exec ( "kill $(cat ../divabotguardian/processes/" + Number ( req . params . id ) + ".ffmpeg)|wc -l" , ( err , out , stderr ) => {
if ( err ) {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( ` ${ err . message } ` ) ;
return ;
if ( stderr ) {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( ` ${ stderr } ` ) ;
return ;
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( ` ${ out } ` ) ;
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Failed to authenticate" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Invalid credentials!" )
} )
app . get ( '/streamdata/:id' , function ( req , res ) {
db . query ( "select twitch_name from users where id=$1" , [ req . params . id ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
return twitchStreams . get ( data . rows [ 0 ] . twitch _name )
} )
. then ( function ( streams ) {
if ( streams . length > 0 ) {
var streamchoice = undefined
for ( var i = 0 ; i < streams . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( streams [ i ] . quality . includes ( "720p" ) ) {
streamchoice = streams [ i ]
break ;
if ( streamchoice === undefined ) {
streamchoice = streams [ 0 ] ;
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( streamchoice . url )
} else {
res . status ( 400 ) . send ( "Not online!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} )
app . get ( '/eventchart' , function ( req , res ) {
const myChart = new QuickChart ( ) ;
. setConfig ( {
type : 'bar' ,
data : { labels : [ 'Hello world' , 'Foo bar' ] , datasets : [ { label : 'Foo' , data : [ 1 , 2 ] } ] } ,
} )
. setWidth ( 300 )
. setHeight ( 150 ) ;
// You can send the URL to someone...
const chartImageUrl = myChart . getUrl ( ) ;
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( '<img src="' + chartImageUrl + '">' )
} )
var process _images = [ ]
var processPromises = [ ]
var largestId = 0
var filterId = 0
var MAX _INDEX = 12 //To prevent being rate-limited.
function Process ( data , ind ) {
for ( var i in data . data . statuses ) {
var tweet = data . data . statuses [ i ]
if ( tweet . source && tweet . source . includes ( "Nintendo Switch Share" ) || tweet . source . includes ( "PlayStation®Network" ) ) {
if ( tweet . extended _entities ) {
for ( var j = 0 ; j < tweet . extended _entities . media . length ; j ++ ) {
var media = tweet . extended _entities . media [ j ]
process _images . push ( { image : media . media _url , user : tweet . user . id , id : tweet . id } )
if ( data . data . search _metadata . next _results && ind < MAX _INDEX ) {
return axios . get ( '' + data . data . search _metadata . next _results , {
headers : {
/*BEARER*/ Authorization : 'Bearer ' + process . env . TWITTER _BEARER //the token is a variable which holds the token
} } )
. then ( ( data ) => {
//console.log("Going to next: "+(ind+1))
return Process ( data , ind + 1 ) } )
return "Done!" ;
app . use ( '/files' , express . static ( 'files' , {
maxAge : 86400000 * 30
} ) )
/ *
axios . get ( '' , {
headers : {
Authorization : 'Bearer ' + process . env . TWITTER _BEARER //the token is a variable which holds the token
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
return Process ( data ) ;
} )
. then ( ( data ) => { process _images . forEach ( ( image ) => { console . log ( image ) } ) } ) * /
/ * s e t I n t e r v a l (
( ) => {
twitchStreams . get ( 'smallant' )
. then ( function ( streams ) {
if ( streams . length > 0 ) {
db . query ( "update streams set stream=$1 where id=1" , [ streams [ 0 ] . url ] ) ;
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
console . log ( err . message )
} )
} , 5000 ) * /
/ *
setInterval (
( ) => {
function addToQueue ( uploadData ) {
if ( uploadData . tries === undefined || uploadData . tries === null ) {
uploadData . tries = 1 ;
} else {
uploadData . tries += 1 ;
if ( uploadData . tries < 5 ) {
console . log ( "Failed to upload. Added back to queue. Tries: " + uploadData . tries + " / " + JSON . stringify ( uploadData ) )
db . query ( "insert into uploadedplays(filename,userid,submissiondate,id,playid,tries) values($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);" ,
[ uploadData . filename , uploadData . userid , uploadData . submissiondate , uploadData . id , uploadData . playid , uploadData . tries ] )
var uploadData = undefined , user = undefined , auth = undefined , playData ;
db . query ( "select * from uploadedplays where tries is null or tries>=0 order by submissiondate asc limit 1" )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( data . rows . length > 0 ) {
uploadData = data . rows [ 0 ] ;
return db . query ( "select username,authentication_token from users where id=$1" , [ uploadData . userid ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( uploadData && data . rows . length > 0 ) {
user = data . rows [ 0 ] . username
auth = data . rows [ 0 ] . authentication _token
if ( uploadData . tries !== undefined && uploadData . tries !== null ) {
return db . query ( "update uploadedplays set tries=$2 where id=$1" , [ uploadData . id , ( uploadData . tries * - 1 ) ] )
} else {
return db . query ( "update uploadedplays set tries=-1 where id=$1" , [ uploadData . id ] )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( uploadData ) {
return axios . post ( "" ,
{ url : uploadData . filename , user : user , auth : auth } )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
if ( uploadData ) {
if ( data . data === "Invalid parameters!" ) {
throw new Error ( "Invalid parameters while trying to submit play!" )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
if ( uploadData ) {
addToQueue ( uploadData )
} )
, 1000 )
* /
//setInterval(()=>{db.query("select * from twitter_bot limit 1")
// largestId=filterId=data.rows[0].lastpost;
// //console.log("Filter Id: "+filterId);
// /*return axios.get('', {
// headers: {
// Authorization: 'Bearer '+process.env.TWITTER_BEARER //the token is a variable which holds the token
// }
// })*/
// return axios.get('', {
// headers: {
// Authorization: 'Bearer '+process.env.TWITTER_BEARER //the token is a variable which holds the token
// }
// })
// //console.log(
// //console.log(
// //
// //console.log("Reading Twitter Data...")
// return Process(data,0);
// //console.log(process_images)
// var promisesDone=0;
// process_images.forEach((obj)=>{
// if (filterId< {
// if (largestId< {}
// processPromises.push(new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
// console.log("Process Twitter Post: ";
// return db.query("select id from users where twitter=$1",[obj.user])
// .then((data)=>{
// if (data.rows.length>0) {
// console.log("Process new play for User id "+data.rows[0].id+"...")
// return db.query("insert into uploadedplays values($1,$2,$3)",[obj.image,data.rows[0].id,new Date()])
// .then(()=>{resolve("Done!")})
// } else {
// reject("Not associated with an Id!")
// }
// })
// .catch((err)=>{console.log(err.message);reject("Failed!")})}))
// }
////setTimeout(()=>{console.dir(processPromises, {'maxArrayLength': null})},2000)
//return Promise.allSettled(processPromises)
// //console.log(largestId)
// return db.query("update twitter_bot set lastpost=$1 returning *",[largestId])
setInterval ( ( ) => {
axios . get ( "" )
} , 20000 )