155 lines
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155 lines
4.1 KiB
5 years ago
var fs = require("fs")
, cons = require("constants")
module.exports = touch
touch.touchSync = touch.sync = function (f, options) {
return touch(f, options)
touch.ftouch = ftouch
touch.ftouchSync = function (fd, options) {
return ftouch(fd, options)
function validOpts (options) {
options = Object.create(options || {})
// {mtime: true}, {ctime: true}
// If set to something else, then treat as epoch ms value
var now = new Date(options.time || Date.now())
if (!options.atime && !options.mtime) {
options.atime = options.mtime = now
} else if (true === options.atime) {
options.atime = now
} else if (true === options.mtime) {
options.mtime = now
var oflags = 0
if (!options.force) {
oflags = oflags | cons.O_RDWR
if (!options.nocreate) {
oflags = oflags | cons.O_CREAT
options.oflags = oflags
return options
function optionsRef (then, arg, options, cb) {
if (!options.ref) return then(arg, options, cb)
return cb
? fs.stat(options.ref, optionsRefcb(then, arg, options, cb))
: optionsRefcb(then, arg, options)(null, fs.statSync(options.ref))
function optionsRefcb (then, arg, options, cb) { return function (er, s) {
if (er) {
er.path = er.file = options.ref
return cb(er)
options.atime = options.atime && s.atime.getTime()
options.mtime = options.mtime && s.mtime.getTime()
// so we don't keep doing this.
options.ref = null
return then(arg, options, cb)
function touch (f, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === "function") cb = options, options = null
options = validOpts(options)
return optionsRef(touch_, f, validOpts(options), cb)
function touch_ (f, options, cb) {
return openThenF(f, options, cb)
function openThenF (f, options, cb) {
options.closeAfter = true
return cb
? fs.open(f, options.oflags, openThenFcb(options, cb))
: openThenFcb(options)(null, fs.openSync(f, options.oflags))
function openThenFcb (options, cb) { return function (er, fd) {
if (er) {
if (fd && options.closeAfter) fs.close(fd, function () {})
return cb(er)
return ftouch(fd, options, cb)
function ftouch (fd, options, cb) {
if (typeof options === "function") cb = options, options = null
return optionsRef(ftouch_, fd, validOpts(options), cb)
function ftouch_ (fd, options, cb) {
// still not set. leave as what the file already has.
return fstatThenFutimes(fd, options, cb)
function fstatThenFutimes (fd, options, cb) {
if (options.atime && options.mtime) return thenFutimes(fd, options, cb)
return cb
? fs.fstat(fd, fstatThenFutimescb(fd, options, cb))
: fstatThenFutimescb(fd, options)(null, fs.fstatSync(fd))
function fstatThenFutimescb (fd, options, cb) { return function (er, s) {
if (er) {
if (options.closeAfter) fs.close(fd, function () {})
return cb(er)
options.atime = options.atime || s.atime.getTime()
options.mtime = options.mtime || s.mtime.getTime()
return thenFutimes(fd, options, cb)
function thenFutimes (fd, options, cb) {
if (typeof options.atime === "object") {
options.atime = options.atime.getTime()
if (typeof options.mtime === "object") {
options.mtime = options.mtime.getTime()
var a = parseInt(options.atime / 1000, 10)
, m = parseInt(options.mtime / 1000, 10)
return cb
? fs.futimes(fd, a, m, thenFutimescb(fd, options, cb))
: thenFutimescb(fd, options)(null, fs.futimesSync(fd, a, m))
function thenFutimescb (fd, options, cb) { return function (er, res) {
if (er) {
if (options.closeAfter) fs.close(fd, function () {})
return cb(er)
return finish(fd, options, res, cb)
function finish (fd, options, res, cb) {
return options.closeAfter ? finishClose(fd, options, res, cb)
: cb ? cb(null, res)
: res
function finishClose (fd, options, res, cb) {
return cb
? fs.close(fd, finishClosecb(res, options, cb))
: finishClosecb(res, options)(null, fs.closeSync(fd))
function finishClosecb (res, options, cb) { return function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
options.closeAfter = null
return finish(null, options, res, cb)