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E j Œ º -¡ Y¡ ‡¡ á¡ <¢ Œ¢ «¢ '£ L£ †£ Å£ &¤ L¤ ¤ ±¤ Þ¤ ]¥ ™¥ Æ¥ ñ¥ ,¦ i¦ ঠ§ “§ Ƨ ¨ y¨ ¶¨ ÷¨ )© V© “© Æ© ò© 'ª Wª yª ïª ,« V« <EFBFBD>« Ú« .¬ `¬ ¬ ͬ R „ ± Þ ]® œ® ¯ ?¯ o¯ Á¯ ô¯ !° S° ‘° Å° ù° %± Z± ’± ϱ ² C² u² ¢² ã² ³ 5³ _³ ”³ ̳ |
´ „´ Å´ µ /µ dµ ¡µ ¶ .¶ ¶ ì¶ P· <EFBFBD>· η ¸ 2¸ ^¸ —¸ ˸ þ¸ .¹ P¹ €¹ ª¹ ß¹ Vº Šº ·º 6» a» ‚» ú» ¼ >¼ ¢¼ ˼ ø¼ -½ k½ ˜½ ν E¾ †¾ ³¾ 2¿ q¿ À BÀ uÀ ¢À ×À Á @Á ¾Á 5 w ´Â ñ $à fà –à ¸Ã äÃ Ä RÄ ‡Ä ½Ä ðÄ Å TÅ ~Å ¸Å äÅ %Æ yÆ «Æ ÙÆ Ç 3Ç ²Ç È ’È É =É †É ÅÉ ñÉ (Ê iÊ ½Ê ïÊ Ë FË Ë ÀË Ì 3Ì `Ì <EFBFBD>Ì ÆÌ =Í jÍ éÍ Î 5Î ³Î ÅÎ ùÎ &Ï ¥Ï Ð gÐ <EFBFBD>Ð ½Ð ïÐ Ñ ^Ñ ›Ñ ÅÑ üÑ )Ò bÒ ŸÒ áÒ Ó QÓ †Ó ²Ó ïÓ Ô AÔ ¸Ô åÔ HÕ ‰Õ ÊÕ üÕ )Ö QÖ ‚Ö ¶Ö ãÖ b× ¢× Î× Ø ~Ø ¾Ø úØ $Ù ZÙ ‡Ù ²Ù îÙ Ú UÚ ÌÚ |
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à >à hà Ÿà Ûà á Dá zá Ãá êá â ¦b9 You use a pomander of strength.¦b9 Strength courses through your body. |
¦b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of strength.¦b9 Three seconds until transference.¦b@ Niconico N. gains 9,713 experience points.¦b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.¦b9 Transference initiated!"¦b± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
òGÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HSprint Penalty'Ïÿ.(¦b9 Floor 33-¦b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.-¦b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.-¦b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of lust.:¦b©( The nightmare bogy hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.=¦b©( The nightmare bogy hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.>¦b+( The nightmare bogy readies Curse.A¦b+( The nightmare bogy uses Curse.A¦bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.C¦bª( The nightmare succubus misses Niconico N..D¦b@ Niconico N. gains 9,713 experience points.F¦b©( The nightmare succubus hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.H¦b+( The nightmare succubus readies Dark Mist.L¦b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.L¦b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare succubus takes 1686 damage.N¦b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.R¦b+( The nightmare ogre readies Heartburn.U¦b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.U¦b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare ogre takes 1687 damage.U¦b+( The nightmare ogre's Heartburn is interrupted.W¦b@ Niconico N. gains 11,913 experience points.\¦b©( Critical! The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 333 damage.^¦b+( The nightmare mummy readies Rotting Bandages.a¦b+( The nightmare mummy's Rotting Bandages is interrupted.a¦b9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!c¦b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.c¦b@ Niconico N. attains level 54!c¦b@ You learn Ruin III.c¦b@ You acquire Ruin Mastery II.e¦b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of rage.j¦b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.j¦b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.x¦b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.x¦b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare hecteyes takes 1722 damage.z¦b©( The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.|¦b+( The nightmare hecteyes readies Hex Eye.}¦b+( The nightmare hecteyes's Hex Eye is interrupted.¦b@ Niconico N. gains 11,112 experience points.<EFBFBD>¦b©( The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.‚¦b©( The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.ƒ¦b+( The nightmare mummy readies Rotting Bandages.…¦bª( The nightmare mummy misses Niconico N..…¦b+( The nightmare mummy readies Rotting Bandages.‡¦b+( The nightmare mummy uses Rotting Bandages.‡¦bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.‡¦b©( The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 217 damage.‰¦b+( The nightmare mummy uses Rotting Bandages.‰¦bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.‹¦b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.‹¦b©( Parried! The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 183(-15%) damage.Ž¦b©( The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 219 damage.‘¦b©( The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 210 damage.”¦b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.”¦b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare mummy takes 1795 damage.”¦b9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!–¦b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.š¦b@ Niconico N. gains 11,913 experience points.ž¦b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.ž¦b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare hecteyes takes 1675 damage.Ÿ¦b©( The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 206 damage.£¦b@ Niconico N. gains 11,112 experience points.§¦b©( The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 207 damage.¨¦b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.¨¦b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare mummy takes 1669 damage.©¦b+( The nightmare mummy readies Rotting Bandages.«¦b+( The nightmare mummy's Rotting Bandages is interrupted.¦b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.±¦b©( The nightmare ogre hits Niconico N. for 215 damage.´¦b+( The nightmare ogre readies Heartburn.µ¦b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.µ¦b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.¶¦b+( The nightmare ogre's Heartburn is interrupted.¸¦b@ Niconico N. gains 11,913 experience points.»¦b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.¼¦b©( The nightmare ogre hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.¾¦b+( The nightmare ogre readies Heartburn.¦b+( The nightmare ogre uses Heartburn.¦bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.æb0D Topaz Carbuncle loses the effect of ' |
òLÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHVulnerability Down'Ïÿ.Ħb©( The nightmare ogre hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.Ǧb@ Niconico N. gains 11,913 experience points.ɦb©( The nightmare bogy hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.ʦb+( The nightmare bogy readies Curse.ͦb+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.ͦb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare bogy takes 1766 damage.Ϧb@ Niconico N. gains 9,713 experience points.Ò¦b©( The nightmare bogy hits Niconico N. for 32 damage.Ô¦b+( The nightmare bogy readies Curse.Ô¦b+( The nightmare bogy's Curse is interrupted.Õ¦b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of serenity.Ö¦b@ Niconico N. gains 9,713 experience points.Ö¦b@ Niconico N. attains level 55!Ù¦b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of purity.Û¦b9 Three seconds until transference.Þ¦b9 Transference initiated!è¦b9 Floor 34ì¦b< Unable to obtain the Hò%Iò&'òÚHòôIòõî‚»IHtuft of phoenix down'ÏÿIH. You already possess one.ò¦b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of serenity.ô¦b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.ô¦b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.ý¦b©( Critical! The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.ý¦b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.ý¦b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare mummy takes 1796 damage. §b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.§b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.§b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.§b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.§b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.§b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.§b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare eye takes 1706 damage.§b+( The nightmare eye's Stone is interrupted. |
§b@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.§b9 You return the pomander of strength to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.§b9 You use a pomander of strength.§b9 Strength courses through your body.§b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of strength. §b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone."§b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone."§b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 355 damage.%§b@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.(§b> Niconico N. obtains 3 Hò%Iò&'öT HòôIòõî‚»IHmega-potions 'ÏÿIH.)§b©( The nightmare ogre hits Niconico N. for 345 damage.*§b+( The nightmare ogre readies Heartburn..§b+( The nightmare ogre uses Heartburn..§bª( î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses Niconico N..1§b@ Niconico N. gains 11,913 experience points.2§b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.2§b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.B§b©( The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.D§b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.D§b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare mummy takes 1773 damage.I§b9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!I§b9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!K§b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.R§b9 Three seconds until transference.U§b9 Transference initiated!Y§b¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' |
òIÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HAuto-heal Penalty'Ïÿ.^§b9 Floor 35^§b9 Your body is fatigued and wounds refuse to heal on their own.^§b9 The gathering gloom appears to invigorate the floor's denizens.h§b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.j§b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.j§b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! Niconico N. takes 679 damage.j§b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.j§b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! The nightmare eye takes 2089 damage.l§b@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.u§b+( The nightmare mummy readies Rotting Bandages.w§b> Niconico N. obtains 3 Hò%Iò&'öT HòôIòõî‚»IHmega-potions 'ÏÿIH.w§b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.w§b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.x§b+( The nightmare mummy uses Rotting Bandages.x§bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.|§b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.‹§b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.‹§b)C î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare eye takes 1530 damage.‹§b)C î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare ogre takes 627 damage.‹§b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.<EFBFBD>§b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.<EFBFBD>§b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.Ž§b©( The nightmare ogre hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.<EFBFBD>§b+( The nightmare ogre readies Heartburn.<EFBFBD>§b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.’§b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.’§b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 186 damage.“§b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.“§b+( The nightmare ogre uses Heartburn.“§bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.“§b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.“§b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare ogre takes 578 damage.“§b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! The nightmare eye takes 2230 damage.”§b+( The nightmare eye's Stone is interrupted.•§b©( The nightmare ogre hits Niconico N. for 430 damage.–§b@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.˜§b©( The nightmare ogre hits Niconico N. for 416 damage.›§b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.›§b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare ogre takes 1454 damage.<EFBFBD>§b@ Niconico N. gains 11,913 experience points.ž§b©( The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 481 damage. §b+( The nightmare catoblepas readies Quarry Lake. §b©( The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 490 damage.¤§b+( The nightmare catoblepas uses Quarry Lake.¤§bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.¨§b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.¨§b@ Niconico N. attains level 56!ª§b©( The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 441 damage.§b+( The nightmare hecteyes readies Hex Eye.±§b+( The nightmare hecteyes uses Hex Eye.±§bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.²§b9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!³§b> Niconico N. obtains 3 Hò%Iò&'öT HòôIòõî‚»IHmega-potions 'ÏÿIH.´§b@ Niconico N. gains 11,112 experience points.´§b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.¸§b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.¸§b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.¼§b©( Critical! The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.¾§b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.¾§b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare hecteyes takes 1462 damage.À§b©( The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.§b9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!ħb@ Niconico N. gains 11,112 experience points.ʧb9 You return the pomander of witching to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.ϧb8 -------------------Ù§b©( The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 468 damage.Ú§b+( The nightmare catoblepas readies Quarry Lake.Û§b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.Û§b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare catoblepas takes 1471 damage.Þ§b+( The nightmare catoblepas uses Quarry Lake.Þ§bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.â§b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.ã§b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.ä§b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.ä§b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 440 damage.æ§b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.æ§b©( The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 435 damage.è§b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.è§b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 410 damage.é§b+( The nightmare hecteyes readies Hex Eye.é§b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.ê§b+( The nightmare eye readies Eyes on Me.ê§b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.ê§b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 435 damage.ì§b+( The nightmare hecteyes uses Hex Eye.ì§bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.î§b©( The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 422 damage.ð§b+( The nightmare eye uses Eyes on Me.ð§b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 619 damage.ñ§b©( The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 434 damage.ó§b@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.ô§b©( The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 424 damage.ö§b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.ö§b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.÷§b©( The nightmare hecteyes hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.ú§bª( The nightmare hecteyes misses Niconico N..û§b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.û§b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare hecteyes takes 1537 damage.ý§b@ Niconico N. gains 11,112 experience points.ý§b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.¨b©( The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.¨b+( The nightmare mummy readies Rotting Bandages.¨b+( The nightmare mummy uses Rotting Bandages.¨bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.¨b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.¨b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare mummy takes 1484 damage.¨b©( The nightmare mummy hits Niconico N. for 188 damage.¨b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.¨b9 The toading trap is triggered...¨b¯0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' |
ò·ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HToad'Ïÿ.¨bª( The nightmare ogre misses Niconico N..¨b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.¨b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare ogre takes 1506 damage.¨b@ Niconico N. gains 11,913 experience points.%¨b± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
ò·ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HToad'Ïÿ.2¨b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.2¨b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.8¨b©( Critical! The nightmare dahak hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.;¨b9 You return the pomander of intuition to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.<¨b@ Niconico N. gains 14,384 experience points.>¨b9 You use a pomander of intuition.>¨b9 You can now discern the call of the Accursed Hoard.>¨b9 You do not sense the call of the Accursed Hoard on this floor...@¨b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of intuition.D¨b9 Three seconds until transference.H¨b9 Transference initiated!K¨b± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
òIÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HAuto-heal Penalty'Ïÿ.L¨b¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' |
òHÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HKnockback Penalty'Ïÿ.Q¨b9 Floor 36Q¨b9 Your entire body feels heavy.Z¨b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.Z¨b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare catoblepas takes 1734 damage.[¨b©( The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 386 damage.[¨b©( The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 399 damage.]¨b+( The nightmare catoblepas readies Quarry Lake.]¨b©( Parried! The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 321(-15%) damage._¨b©( The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 379 damage._¨b+( The nightmare catoblepas's Quarry Lake is interrupted._¨b+( The nightmare catoblepas readies Quarry Lake.a¨b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.a¨b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.b¨b+( The nightmare catoblepas uses Quarry Lake.b¨bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.b¨b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.b¨b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare catoblepas takes 1864 damage.d¨b©( The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 407 damage.g¨b©( Critical! The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 572 damage.i¨b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.n¨b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.n¨b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.s¨b+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.u¨b+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.u¨b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.x¨b@ Niconico N. gains 16,073 experience points.x¨b@ Niconico N. attains level 57!{¨b9 You return the pomander of steel to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.¨b9 You use a pomander of steel.¨b9 Your body is steeled to enemy attacks.€¨b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of steel.—¨b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.—¨b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare dahak takes 1735 damage.—¨b)C î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare dahak takes 731 damage.›¨b©( The nightmare dahak hits Niconico N. for 231 damage.›¨b©( The nightmare dahak hits Niconico N. for 234 damage.ž¨b@ Niconico N. gains 14,384 experience points. ¨b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury. ¨b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare dahak takes 1874 damage.¡¨b©( Parried! The nightmare dahak hits Niconico N. for 188(-15%) damage.£¨b9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!¥¨b@ Niconico N. gains 14,384 experience points.¥¨b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.¨¨b+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.ª¨b+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.ª¨bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.¬¨b+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.®¨b+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.®¨b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 230 damage.®¨b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.®¨b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare troubadour takes 1735 damage.°¨b@ Niconico N. gains 16,073 experience points.¶¨b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.¶¨b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.¶¨b©( The nightmare dahak hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.¸¨b9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!º¨b@ Niconico N. gains 14,384 experience points.¼¨b+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.½¨b+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.½¨b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.Á¨b@ Niconico N. gains 16,073 experience points.Á¨b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.èb+( The nightmare monk casts Water.èb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.Ĩb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.ƨb+( The nightmare monk casts Water.ƨb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! Niconico N. takes 0 damage.Ǩb+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.Ǩb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare monk takes 1843 damage.ʨb@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.ʨb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.˨b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.˨b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 101 damage.Ψb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.Шb+( The nightmare monk casts Water.Шbª( î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses Niconico N..Шb+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.Шb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare monk takes 1888 damage.Ѩb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.Ò¨b+( The nightmare monk's Water is interrupted.Ô¨b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.Ö¨b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.بb+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.بb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 223 damage.Ù¨b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.Ù¨b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare eye takes 1740 damage.Û¨b@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.Û¨b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.ݨb+( The nightmare monk casts Water.ݨb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 224 damage.á¨b9 You return the pomander of strength to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.â¨b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.ä¨b9 You use a pomander of strength.ä¨b9 Strength courses through your body.å¨b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of strength.ê¨b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of flight.ï¨b9 You return the pomander of serenity to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.©b+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.©b+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 232 damage.©b@ Niconico N. gains 16,073 experience points.©b@ Niconico N. attains level 58!©b@ You learn Dreadwyrm Trance.©b@ You acquire Aethercharge Mastery.©b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.©b©( The nightmare dahak hits Niconico N. for 226 damage. |
©b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis. |
©b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.©b@ Niconico N. gains 14,384 experience points.©b9 You return the pomander of lust to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.©b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.©b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare dahak takes 1748 damage.©b@ Niconico N. gains 14,384 experience points.©b©( The nightmare dahak hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.!©bª( The nightmare dahak misses Niconico N..#©b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.#©b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare dahak takes 1812 damage.%©b@ Niconico N. gains 14,384 experience points.*©b©( The nightmare dahak hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.+©b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.+©b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare dahak takes 1814 damage.-©b@ Niconico N. gains 14,384 experience points.-©b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone./©b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone./©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 219 damage.0©b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.2©b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.2©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 225 damage.4©b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.6©b> Niconico N. obtains 3 Hò%Iò&'öT HòôIòõî‚»IHmega-potions 'ÏÿIH.7©b@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.?©b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.A©b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.A©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 230 damage.D©b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.E©b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.G©b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.G©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 220 damage.I©b@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.I©b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.K©b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.K©b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.N©b@ Niconico N. gains 12,725 experience points.Q©b9 You return the pomander of steel to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.T©b9 You use a pomander of steel.T©b9 Your body is steeled to enemy attacks.U©b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of steel.a©b9 The enfeebling trap is triggered...a©b¯0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' |
ò"ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HEnervation'Ïÿ.d©b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.e©b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.e©b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare monk takes 1862 damage.f©b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.f©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.g©b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.i©b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.i©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 302 damage.n©b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.t©b9 Three seconds until transference.w©b9 Transference initiated!{©b± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
òHÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HKnockback Penalty'Ïÿ.<EFBFBD>©b9 Floor 37‡©b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.‡©b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.‹©b©( Parried! The nightmare catoblepas hits Niconico N. for 0(-15%) damage.‹©b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.‹©b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare catoblepas takes 1775 damage.<EFBFBD>©b+( The nightmare catoblepas readies Quarry Lake.<EFBFBD>©b+( The nightmare catoblepas's Quarry Lake is interrupted.<EFBFBD>©b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.<EFBFBD>©b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.‘©bª( The nightmare haagenti misses Niconico N..“©b©( The nightmare haagenti hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.“©b+( The nightmare haagenti uses Triclip.“©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.˜©b@ Niconico N. gains 16,923 experience points.˜©b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.œ©b©( Parried! The nightmare gourmand hits Niconico N. for 279(-15%) damage.<EFBFBD>©b± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
ò"ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HEnervation'Ïÿ.<EFBFBD>©b+( The nightmare gourmand uses Beatdown.<EFBFBD>©bª( î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses Niconico N.. ©b@ Niconico N. gains 17,780 experience points. ©b@ Niconico N. attains level 59!¢©b+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.£©b+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.£©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 238 damage.¥©b+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.¥©b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.¥©b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare troubadour takes 1834 damage.¥©b+( The nightmare troubadour's Dark is interrupted.¥©b9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!§©b@ Niconico N. gains 16,073 experience points.¬©b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.©b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 224 damage.¯©b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.±©b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.±©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 224 damage.³©b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.³©b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare monk takes 1817 damage.³©b9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!³©b9 You return the pomander of strength to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.µ©b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.¶©b9 You use a pomander of strength.¶©b9 Strength courses through your body.¸©b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of strength.Å©b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.Å©b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.Ωb©( Critical! The nightmare gourmand hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.Ï©b©( The nightmare gourmand hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.Ó©b+( The nightmare gourmand uses Beatdown.Ó©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.Ö©b@ Niconico N. gains 17,780 experience points.Ö©b> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.שb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.Ø©b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.Ù©b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.Ù©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.Ù©b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.Ù©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 200 damage.Û©b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.Ü©b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.Ý©b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.Ý©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 227 damage.à©b@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.à©b9 You return the pomander of witching to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.î©b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.î©b)C î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare eye takes 1874 damage.î©b+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.ð©b+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.ð©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 207 damage.ó©b@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.õ©b©( The nightmare haagenti hits Niconico N. for 234 damage.ö©b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.÷©b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare haagenti takes 1827 damage.ø©b©( The nightmare haagenti hits Niconico N. for 246 damage.ù©b+( The nightmare haagenti uses Triclip.ù©b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 287 damage.û©b©( The nightmare haagenti hits Niconico N. for 248 damage.ý©b9 You return the pomander of strength to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.ý©b@ Niconico N. gains 16,923 experience points. ªb9 You use a pomander of strength. ªb9 Strength courses through your body.ªb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of strength.ªb+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.ªb®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.ªb+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.ªb+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.ªb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare troubadour takes 1917 damage.ªb+( The nightmare troubadour's Dark is interrupted.ªb+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.ªb@ Niconico N. gains 16,073 experience points.ªb+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.ªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.ªb+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.ªb+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.ªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.ªb9 Three seconds until transference.ªb@ Niconico N. gains 16,073 experience points.ªb9 Transference initiated!&ªb9 Floor 38&ªb9 You sense the Accursed Hoard calling you...+ªb9 You return the pomander of flight to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item..ªb9 You use a pomander of flight..ªb9 The howls of distant creatures begin to fade.0ªb9 You return the pomander of lust to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.3ªb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of flight.;ªb©( Critical! The nightmare haagenti hits Niconico N. for 383 damage.Aªb@ Niconico N. gains 16,923 experience points.Aªb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.Bªb+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.Bªb®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.Cªb+( The nightmare monk casts Water.Cªbª( î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses Niconico N..Eªb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.Fªb+( The nightmare monk's Water is interrupted.Hªb@ Niconico N. gains 15,226 experience points.Hªb> Niconico N. obtains an Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potion 'ÏÿIH.Hªb+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.Jªb+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.Jªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.Lªb+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.Mªb+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.Mªb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare eye takes 1924 damage.Mªb+( The nightmare eye's Stone is interrupted.Oªb@ Niconico N. gains 13,548 experience points.Oªb@ Niconico N. attains level 60!Oªb@ You learn Astral Flow.Tªb9 You discover a piece of the Accursed Hoard!Tªb9 Niconico N. obtains a piece of the Accursed Hoard.Xªb9 You return the pomander of intuition to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.[ªb9 You use a pomander of intuition.[ªb9 You can now discern the call of the Accursed Hoard.[ªb9 You do not sense the call of the Accursed Hoard on this floor...^ªb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of intuition.dªb+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.fªb+( The nightmare eye casts Stone.fªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 209 damage.hªb+( The nightmare eye begins casting Stone.mªb+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.oªb+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.oªbª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.qªb+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.qªb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare troubadour takes 1892 damage.qªb+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.sªb+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.sªbª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.tªb+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.vªb9 The impeding trap is triggered...vªb+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.vªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 237 damage.vªb9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!vªb¯0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' |
òlÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HPacification'Ïÿ.vªb¯0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HSilence'Ïÿ.|ªb9 You return the pomander of sight to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.ªb9 You use a pomander of sight.ªb9 The map for this floor has been revealed!€ªb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of sight.‹ªb9 You use a pomander of lust.‹ªb9 You transform into a succubus!Žªb©( The nightmare gourmand hits Niconico N. for 254 damage.‘ªb©( The nightmare gourmand hits Niconico N. for 243 damage.‘ªb± î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HSilence'Ïÿ.’ªb+( The nightmare gourmand uses Beatdown.’ªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 319 damage.”ªbª( The nightmare gourmand misses Niconico N..”ªb± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
òlÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HPacification'Ïÿ.•ªb+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.•ªb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gourmand takes 1909 damage.Ÿªb+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.Ÿªb®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.¤ªb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of lust.«ªb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.ªb+( The nightmare monk casts Water.ªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.¯ªb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.±ªb9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!´ªb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.µªb9 You return the pomander of affluence to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.¶ªb+( The nightmare monk casts Water.¶ªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.»ªb9 You use a pomander of affluence.»ªb9 You sense a treasure coffer somewhere nearby.¼ªb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of affluence.Áªb9 Three seconds until transference.Īb9 Transference initiated!Ϊb9 Floor 39Ϊb9 You sense the Accursed Hoard calling you...Ѫb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of fortune.Þªb9 You return the pomander of intuition to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.àªb+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.àªb®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.íªb+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.îªb+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.îªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.îªb+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.ïªb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare troubadour takes 1895 damage.ñªb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.ñªb9 You discover a piece of the Accursed Hoard!òªb9 Niconico N. obtains a piece of the Accursed Hoard.òªb+( The nightmare monk casts Water.òªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.õªb+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.öªb+( The nightmare monk casts Water.öªb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.ùªb+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.ùªb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare monk takes 1835 damage.úªb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of rage.«b9 You use a pomander of intuition.«b9 You can now discern the call of the Accursed Hoard.«b9 You do not sense the call of the Accursed Hoard on this floor...«b+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark. |
«b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water. |
«b+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 233 damage.«b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 221 damage.«b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of intuition.«b+( The nightmare troubadour begins casting Dark.«b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.«b+( The nightmare troubadour casts Dark.«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 237 damage.«b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare troubadour takes 1864 damage.«b9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!«b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 230 damage.«b+( The nightmare monk begins casting Water.«b+( The nightmare monk readies Sucker.«b+( The nightmare monk casts Water.«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 237 damage.«b+( The nightmare monk uses Sucker.«b9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!«b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.«b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.«b9 Three seconds until transference."«b9 Transference initiated!,«b9 Floor 40.«b9 You use a pomander of lust..«b9 You transform into a succubus!3«b¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ Ixtab suffers the effect of ' |
òÊÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HVulnerability Up'Ïÿ.4«b0D Topaz Carbuncle loses the effect of ' |
òLÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHVulnerability Down'Ïÿ.6«b¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ Ixtab suffers the effect of ' |
òÊÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HVulnerability Up'Ïÿ.6«b©( Ixtab hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.6«b+( Ixtab begins casting Ancient Eruption.8«b¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ Ixtab suffers the effect of ' |
òÊÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HVulnerability Up'Ïÿ.:«b+( Ixtab casts Ancient Eruption.:«bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.;«b¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ Ixtab suffers the effect of ' |
òÊÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HVulnerability Up'Ïÿ.;«b©( Ixtab hits Niconico N. for 447 damage.=«b¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ Ixtab suffers the effect of ' |
òÊÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HVulnerability Up'Ïÿ.>«b+( Ixtab begins casting Ancient Eruption.A«b+( Ixtab casts Ancient Eruption.A«bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.C«b©( Critical! Ixtab hits Niconico N. for 695 damage.E«b+( Ixtab begins casting Ancient Eruption.I«b+( Ixtab casts Ancient Eruption.I«bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.K«b©( Critical! Ixtab hits Niconico N. for 669 damage.M«b+( Ixtab begins casting Ancient Eruption.Q«b+( Ixtab casts Ancient Eruption.Q«bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.R«b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.R«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ Ixtab takes 2694 damage.R«b©( Ixtab hits Niconico N. for 453 damage.T«b+( Ixtab begins casting Entropic Flame.Y«b+( Ixtab casts Entropic Flame.Y«bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.Y«b+( The nightmare bhoot begins casting Blizzard.Y«b+( The nightmare bhoot begins casting Blizzard.Z«b+( The nightmare bhoot casts Blizzard.Z«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 126 damage.Z«b+( The nightmare bhoot casts Blizzard.Z«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 116 damage.[«b©( Ixtab hits Niconico N. for 449 damage.[«b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.\«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare bhoot takes 1864 damage.]«b+( Ixtab begins casting Accursed Pox.]«b+( The nightmare bhoot begins casting Blizzard.^«b+( The nightmare bhoot casts Blizzard.^«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 125 damage.`«b+( The nightmare bhoot begins casting Blizzard.`«b+( Ixtab casts Accursed Pox.`«bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.a«b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.a«b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.b«b+( The nightmare bhoot casts Blizzard.b«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.c«b+( The nightmare bhoot begins casting Blizzard.c«b©( Ixtab hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.d«b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.d«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ Ixtab takes 2782 damage.d«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare bhoot takes 747 damage.e«b+( The nightmare bhoot casts Blizzard.e«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.e«b+( Ixtab begins casting Entropic Flame.f«b+( The nightmare bhoot begins casting Blizzard.g«b+( The nightmare bhoot's Blizzard is interrupted.i«b+( Ixtab casts Entropic Flame.i«bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.k«b©( Ixtab hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.l«b¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ Ixtab suffers the effect of ' |
ò³ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HAddle'Ïÿ.m«b+( Ixtab begins casting Accursed Pox.o«b+( Ixtab's Accursed Pox is interrupted.y«b< You cannot carry any more Hò%Iò&Allagan tomestones of poeticsIH.y«b< You cannot carry any more Hò%Iò&Allagan tomestones of aphorismIH.y«b> You obtain 15 Hò%Iò&Allagan tomestones of astronomyIH.y«b> You obtain 2,000 gil.y«b> Niconico N. obtains 2 Hò%Iò&'ò?*HòôIòõî‚»IHbronze-trimmed sacks'ÏÿIH.€«b9 Duty registration complete.ƒ«b9 The Palace of the Dead (Floors 41-50) has begun.…«b9 The current duty uses an independent leveling system.‰«b9 You return the pomander of sight to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.Œ«b9 You use a pomander of sight.Œ«b9 The map for this floor has been revealed!<EFBFBD>«b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of sight.‘«b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.‘«b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.™«b©( The nightmare demon hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.›«b+( The nightmare demon uses Dark Dome.›«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.<EFBFBD>«b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.<EFBFBD>«b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 342 damage.ž«b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH. «b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 417 damage.¡«b> Niconico N. obtains 3 Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potions 'ÏÿIH.¢«b+( The nightmare gnat readies Thunderstrike.¢«b+( The nightmare gnat's Thunderstrike is interrupted.¤«b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.§«b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 417 damage.¨«b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 414 damage.©«b+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.©«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 394 damage.©«b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 396 damage.¬«b+( The nightmare gnat readies Thunderstrike.®«b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.®«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gnat takes 1522 damage.°«b+( The nightmare gnat uses Thunderstrike.°«bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.±«b> Niconico N. obtains 2 Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potions 'ÏÿIH.±«b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 408 damage.¹«b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.¹«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gargoyle takes 1432 damage.º«b©( Critical! The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 630 damage.½«b©( Parried! The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 361(-15%) damage.¾«b+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.¾«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Parried! Niconico N. takes 326(-15%) damage.ëb+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.ëb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! The nightmare manticore takes 2141 damage.Ê«b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 415 damage.Ì«b+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.Ì«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 389 damage.Í«b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.Í«b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.Ï«b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.Ï«b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.Ï«b9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!Ô«bª( The nightmare gnat misses Niconico N..Ö«b©( Parried! The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 0(-15%) damage.Ö«b+( The nightmare gnat readies Thunderstrike.Ù«b9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!Ú«b+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.Ú«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Parried! Niconico N. takes 0(-15%) damage.Ü«bª( The nightmare gargoyle misses Niconico N..ß«b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of fortune.ì«b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.ì«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gnat takes 1387 damage.ì«b)C î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gargoyle takes 559 damage.í«b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 403 damage.ï«b+( The nightmare gnat readies Thunderstrike.ð«b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 447 damage.ñ«b+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.ñ«b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 402 damage.ò«b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 430 damage.ò«b+( The nightmare gnat uses Thunderstrike.ò«bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.ô«b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.ô«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gnat takes 1449 damage.ô«b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gargoyle takes 583 damage.õ«b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 446 damage.ö«b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.ù«b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 448 damage.¬b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 379 damage.¬b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gnat takes 1378 damage.¬b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 415 damage.¬b9 You return the pomander of rage to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.¬b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.¬b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.¬b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.¬b9 You return the pomander of serenity to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.2¬b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 411 damage.2¬b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 423 damage.4¬bª( The nightmare gargoyle misses Niconico N..4¬bª( The nightmare gnat misses Niconico N..5¬b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.5¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gargoyle takes 1460 damage.5¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gnat takes 596 damage.6¬b+( The nightmare gnat readies Thunderstrike.:¬b+( The nightmare gnat uses Thunderstrike.:¬bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.<¬bª( The nightmare gnat misses Niconico N..>¬b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.>¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gnat takes 1454 damage.@¬b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.H¬b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of fortune.L¬b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.L¬b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.f¬b9 Three seconds until transference.h¬b9 Transference initiated!l¬b¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' |
òAÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HHP Penalty'Ïÿ.r¬b9 Floor 42r¬b9 An ancient enchantment saps your health.v¬b9 You return the pomander of strength to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.y¬b9 You use a pomander of strength.y¬b9 Strength courses through your body.z¬b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of strength.…¬b©( The nightmare demon hits Niconico N. for 414 damage.…¬b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.…¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare demon takes 1860 damage.‡¬b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.‰¬b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 439 damage.Œ¬b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.Œ¬b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.“¬b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.™¬b< Unable to obtain the Hò%Iò&'òÚHòôIòõî‚»IHtuft of phoenix down'ÏÿIH. You already possess one.™¬b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 380 damage.œ¬b+( The nightmare gnat readies Thunderstrike.œ¬b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.œ¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gnat takes 1821 damage.<EFBFBD>¬b+( The nightmare gnat's Thunderstrike is interrupted.<EFBFBD>¬b9 The enfeebling trap is triggered...ž¬b¯0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' |
ò"ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HEnervation'Ïÿ.Ÿ¬b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.¬¬b©( The nightmare manticore hits Niconico N. for 575 damage.¬b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 534 damage.°¬b©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 534 damage.°¬b+( The nightmare gnat readies Thunderstrike.±¬b©( The nightmare manticore hits Niconico N. for 600 damage.´¬b+( The nightmare gnat uses Thunderstrike.´¬bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.´¬b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.´¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gnat takes 1875 damage.´¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare manticore takes 776 damage.µ¬bª( The nightmare manticore misses Niconico N..µ¬b+( The nightmare manticore readies Ripper Claw.¸¬b+( The nightmare manticore uses Ripper Claw.¸¬bª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.»¬b©( The nightmare manticore hits Niconico N. for 575 damage.¼¬b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.¼¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare manticore takes 1981 damage.¼¬b9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!¬b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 540 damage.Ƭb©( Parried! The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 451(-15%) damage.Ǭb+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.Ǭbª( î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses Niconico N..Ǭb9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!ʬb+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.ʬb®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.Ьb9 You return the pomander of purity to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.Ú¬b± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
ò"ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HEnervation'Ïÿ.Û¬b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.ݬbª( The nightmare gargoyle misses Niconico N..è¬b©( Critical! The nightmare knight hits Niconico N. for 191 damage.ê¬b©( The nightmare knight hits Niconico N. for 444 damage.ë¬b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.ë¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare knight takes 1887 damage.ð¬b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 420 damage.ò¬b©( Parried! The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 376(-15%) damage.ò¬b+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.ò¬b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 376 damage.ô¬b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.ô¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gargoyle takes 1820 damage.ø¬b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 441 damage.ú¬b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 407 damage.û¬b+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.û¬b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 403 damage.û¬b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.û¬b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gargoyle takes 1866 damage.ý¬b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.b9 Three seconds until transference.b9 Transference initiated!#b± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
òAÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HHP Penalty'Ïÿ.)b9 Floor 437bª( The nightmare gargoyle misses Niconico N..Hb+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.Hb®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.Ib9 You return the pomander of steel to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.Ib9 You return the pomander of steel to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.Lb9 You use a pomander of steel.Lb9 Your body is steeled to enemy attacks.Mb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of steel.Vb+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.Vb)C î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! The nightmare gargoyle takes 2874 damage.]b©( The nightmare knight hits Niconico N. for 0 damage._b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno._b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare knight takes 2034 damage.fb+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.fb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare gargoyle takes 2020 damage.jb©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 238 damage.lb©( The nightmare manticore hits Niconico N. for 272 damage.mb©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 246 damage.ob+( The nightmare gnat readies Thunderstrike.obª( The nightmare manticore misses Niconico N..qb9 The Cairn of Passage is activated!rb©( The nightmare gnat hits Niconico N. for 248 damage.rb+( The nightmare gnat uses Thunderstrike.rbª* î<EFBFBD>¯ The attack misses.ub> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.yb9 The Cairn of Return begins to glow!}b9 You return the pomander of fortune to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.}b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 264 damage.b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 270 damage.€b+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.€b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 236 damage.„b9 You use a pomander of fortune.„b9 Fortune now smiles upon you...possibly.†b9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of fortune.‡b+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.‡b®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.<EFBFBD>b©( The nightmare manticore hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.Žb+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.Žb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare manticore takes 1852 damage.Žb> Niconico N. obtains 2 Hò%Iò&'öT |
HòôIòõî‚»IHx-potions 'ÏÿIH.<EFBFBD>b©( The nightmare manticore hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.–b©( The nightmare demon hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.—b+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.—b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare demon takes 1969 damage.˜b+( The nightmare demon uses Dark Dome.˜b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.˜b©( The nightmare demon hits Niconico N. for 4 damage.Ÿb+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury.Ÿb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare manticore takes 1998 damage.¢b> Niconico N. obtains a Hò%Iò&'öw…HòôIòõî‚»IHmax-potion 'ÏÿIH.¤b©( The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 265 damage.¨b+( The nightmare gargoyle uses Grim Reaper.¨b©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 224 damage.¨b©( Parried! The nightmare gargoyle hits Niconico N. for 211(-15%) damage.ªb©( The nightmare manticore hits Niconico N. for 286 damage.b©( The nightmare manticore hits Niconico N. for 267 damage.°b©( The nightmare manticore hits Niconico N. for 284 damage.½b9 You return the pomander of serenity to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.½b9 You return the pomander of serenity to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.½bª( The nightmare demon misses Niconico N..¿b+@ Ruby Carbuncle casts Aerial Blast.¿b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare demon takes 1903 damage.Òb9 Three seconds until transference.Õb9 Transference initiated!Þb9 Floor 44äb+@ Topaz Carbuncle uses Radiant Aegis.äb®@ î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò |
Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Aegis'Ïÿ.åb9 You return the pomander of fortune to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.åb9 You return the pomander of fortune to the coffer. You cannot carry any more of that item.èb9 You use a pomander of fortune.èb9 Fortune now smiles upon you...possibly.éb9 Niconico N. obtains a pomander of fortune.õb+@ Emerald Carbuncle casts Inferno.õb©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare knight takes 2005 damage.üb©( The nightmare bhoot hits Niconico N. for 0 damage.ÿb©( The nightmare bhoot hits Niconico N. for 0 damage. ®b+@ Topaz Carbuncle casts Earthen Fury. ®b©B î<EFBFBD>¯ The nightmare bhoot takes 1952 damage.®b©( Critical! The nightmare knight hits Niconico N. for 416 damage. ®b9 The coffer...bares its fangs!®b©( The mimic hits Niconico N. for 396 damage.d fire loses the effect of ' |
ò |
Éÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHDarkened Fire'Ïÿ.mÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.mÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr recovers 5420 HP.nÃb1 ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.nÃb1 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.oÃb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 13191 damage.oÃb1 ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.oÃb± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.pÃb+H Selene uses Fey Blessing.pÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh recovers 9666 HP.pÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers 6093 HP.pÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 6319 HP.pÃbH î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! Niconico N. recovers 9815 HP.pÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr recovers 9570 HP.pÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ recovers 6078 HP.pÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 6101 HP.pÃb+( The darkened fire's Darkened Blaze is interrupted.pÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 9826 HP.qÃb1 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.qÃb1 '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.qÃb+( The darkened fire's Darkened Blaze is interrupted.rÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.rÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers 3367 HP.rÃb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' ¤ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HThunder III'Ïÿ.rÃb+( The darkened fire's Darkened Blaze is interrupted.rÃb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 13911 damage.sÃb+( The darkened fire's Darkened Blaze is interrupted.uÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.uÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3456 HP.uÃb¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' ¤ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HThunder III'Ïÿ.uÃb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 4965 damage.vÃb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
òOÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDia'Ïÿ.xÃb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 11765 damage.xÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.xÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3378 HP.zÃb+( The phoinix readies Heat of Condemnation.}Ãb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
ò |
ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDeath's Design'Ïÿ.~Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
ò |
ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDeath's Design'Ïÿ.€Ãb+( The phoinix uses Heat of Condemnation.<EFBFBD>Ãb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 53986 damage.<EFBFBD>Ãb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.<EFBFBD>Ãb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 26549 damage.<EFBFBD>Ãb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.‚Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.‚Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 3424 HP.ƒÃb+( The phoinix readies Scorched Exaltation.…Ãb1 ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.…Ãb1 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.…Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
ò©ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HReprisal'Ïÿ.†Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.†Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 3551 HP.ˆÃb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 8161 damage.‰Ãb+( The phoinix uses Scorched Exaltation.‰Ãb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 18320 damage.‰Ãb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 17100 damage.‰Ãb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 15634 damage.‰Ãb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 15865 damage.‰Ãb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 32376 damage.‰Ãb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 13793 damage.‰Ãb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 15804 damage.‰Ãb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 14998 damage.‰Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.‰Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 3416 HP.‹Ãb)) Parried! The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 6962(-15%) damage.<EFBFBD>Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.<EFBFBD>Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3519 HP.ŽÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
ò°ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HCaustic Bite'Ïÿ.ŽÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
ò±ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HStormbite'Ïÿ.ŽÃb¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' ¤ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HThunder III'Ïÿ.ŽÃb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 8442 damage.<EFBFBD>Ãb+( The phoinix readies Devouring Brand.<EFBFBD>Ãb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
ò©ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HReprisal'Ïÿ.<EFBFBD>Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.<EFBFBD>Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr recovers 5564 HP.<EFBFBD>Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
òOÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDia'Ïÿ.’Ãb9 Fire is consuming the field!“Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.“Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr recovers 3409 HP.”Ãb+( The phoinix readies Experimental Fireplume.”Ãb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 5454 damage.–Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.–Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3473 HP.šÃb+( The phoinix uses Experimental Fireplume.œÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.œÃb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 14372 damage.<EFBFBD>Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.<EFBFBD>Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3473 HP.ŸÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
ò°ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HCaustic Bite'Ïÿ.ŸÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
ò±ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HStormbite'Ïÿ.ŸÃb)) Parried! The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 13258(-15%) damage. Ãb+( The phoinix readies Searing Breeze. Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
òÅÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HChain Stratagem'Ïÿ.¡Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.¡Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 5370 HP.¤Ãb+( The phoinix uses Searing Breeze.¤Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.¤Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3479 HP.¦Ãb+( The phoinix readies Left Cinderwing.¦Ãb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 14440 damage.¨Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.¨Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 5378 HP.«Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.«Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3422 HP.¬Ãb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' ¤ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HThunder III'Ïÿ.¬Ãb+( The phoinix uses Left Cinderwing.Ãb°L Selene loses the effect of ' |
ò”ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHRadiant Finale'Ïÿ.®Ãb°L Selene loses the effect of ' Žÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHBattle Voice'Ïÿ.¯Ãb)) The phoinix hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 15265 damage.¯Ãb+( The phoinix readies Heat of Condemnation.¯Ãb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
òOÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDia'Ïÿ.¯Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
òOÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDia'Ïÿ.°Ãb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
òÅÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HChain Stratagem'Ïÿ.°Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.°Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 3463 HP.´Ãb°L Selene loses the effect of ' |
ò |
'ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHArcane Circle'Ïÿ.µÃb+( The phoinix uses Heat of Condemnation.¶Ãb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 51526 damage.¶Ãb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.¶Ãb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 64236 damage.¶Ãb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.·Ãb ' dÿAzalieh Lonebloomî‚‘Azalieh L.'ÏÿShirking ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren! <se.7>·Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.·Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3377 HP.¸Ãb+( The phoinix readies Experimental Fireplume.ºÃb1 ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ºÃb1 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ºÃb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.ºÃb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
ò |
ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDeath's Design'Ïÿ.»Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.»Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 3510 HP.¼Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
òÌÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HHiganbana'Ïÿ.½Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The phoinix suffers the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.¾Ãb+( The phoinix uses Experimental Fireplume.¾Ãb+H Selene casts Embrace.¾Ãb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 3555 HP.ÂÃb)) The phoinix hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 10343 damage.ÅÃb+( The phoinix readies Trail of Condemnation.ÅÃb°L Selene loses the effect of ' |
ò¨ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHThe Wanderer's Minuet'Ïÿ.ÇÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.ÇÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 3441 HP.ÊÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.ÊÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 3396 HP.ÌÃb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
ò°ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HCaustic Bite'Ïÿ.ÌÃb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
ò±ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HStormbite'Ïÿ.ÌÃb+( The phoinix uses Trail of Condemnation.ÍÃb©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 33475 damage.ÍÃb¯0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÍÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 32994 damage.ÍÃb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÍÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 42054 damage.ÍÃb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÍÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 41191 damage.ÍÃb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÍÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 35498 damage.ÍÃb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÍÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 25786 damage.ÍÃb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÍÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 26357 damage.ÍÃb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÍÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 37886 damage.ÍÃb/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh suffers the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÎÃb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
òOÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDia'Ïÿ.ÎÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.ÎÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers 5390 HP.ÐÃb+H Selene uses Whispering Dawn.ÐÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.ÐÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.ÐÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.ÐÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.ÑÃb1 ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÑÃb1 ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÑÃb1 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÑÃb± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÑÃb1 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÑÃb1 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÑÃb1 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÑÃb1 '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh recovers from the effect of ' |
òyÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HFire Resistance Down II'Ïÿ.ÒÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.ÒÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3538 HP.ÒÃb9 A storm sweeps through, pouring burning rain!ÓÃb+H Selene uses Fey Blessing.ÓÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers 10615 HP.ÓÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 9805 HP.ÓÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh recovers 6214 HP.ÔÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr recovers 6042 HP.ÔÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 5975 HP.ÔÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers 9578 HP.ÔÃbH î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. recovers 6120 HP.ÔÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ recovers 6294 HP.ÕÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 597 damage.ÕÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 818 damage.ÕÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 0 damage.ÕÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 1759 damage.ÕÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 1914 damage.ÕÃb©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 1359 damage.ÕÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 0 damage.ÕÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 1406 damage.ÕÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.ÕÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh recovers 5373 HP.ÕÃb©( The sunbird hits Niconico N. for 18459 damage.ÖÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.ÖÃb)) Parried! The sunbird hits 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr for 13899(-15%) damage.×Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò |
ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDeath's Design'Ïÿ.×Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò |
ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDeath's Design'Ïÿ.×Ãb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 9013 damage.ØÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò±ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HStormbite'Ïÿ.ÙÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.ÙÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr recovers 3423 HP.ÙÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 0 damage.ÙÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 9505 damage.ÚÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 10257 damage.ÛÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò±ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HStormbite'Ïÿ.ÛÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 10604 damage.ÛÃb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.ÜÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 0 damage.ÜÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 4360 damage.ÝÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 7834 damage.ÝÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 7731 damage.ÝÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 8364 damage.ÝÃb©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 8296 damage.ÝÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 8488 damage.ÝÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 8181 damage.ÝÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 3841 damage.ÝÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 5446 damage.ÝÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 10653 damage.ÞÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 11124 damage.ßÃb¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' ¤ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HThunder III'Ïÿ.ßÃb+H Seraph casts Seraphic Veil.ßÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 5289 HP.ßÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.ßÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 8269 damage.ßÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 7971 damage.àÃb+H Seraph uses Consolation.àÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers 4681 HP.àÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.àÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh recovers 4683 HP.àÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.àÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ recovers 7400 HP.àÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.àÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 4802 HP.àÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.àÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr recovers 4799 HP.àÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.àÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 4978 damage.àÃbH î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! Niconico N. recovers 7362 HP.àÃb®H î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.áÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 4659 HP.áÃb*I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren is unaffected.áÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 11106 damage.âÃb+H Seraph uses Seraphic Illumination.âÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise gains the effect of ' |
òSÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Illumination'Ïÿ.âÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh gains the effect of ' |
òSÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Illumination'Ïÿ.âÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 9364 damage.âÃb®H î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. gains the effect of ' |
òSÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Illumination'Ïÿ.âÃb)) Parried! The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 7906(-15%) damage.âÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ gains the effect of ' |
òSÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Illumination'Ïÿ.ãÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren gains the effect of ' |
òSÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Illumination'Ïÿ.ãÃb+H Seraph casts Seraphic Veil.ãÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3435 HP.ãÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.ãÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 7763 damage.äÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 11268 damage.åÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 2916 damage.åÃb©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 363 damage.åÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 3264 damage.åÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 404 damage.åÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 4008 damage.åÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 3137 damage.åÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 5649 damage.åÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 5249 damage.çÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 10975 damage.çÃb+H Seraph casts Seraphic Veil.çÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers 3475 HP.çÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.çÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 11231 damage.êÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 2173 damage.ëÃb+H Seraph casts Seraphic Veil.ëÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3450 HP.ëÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.ëÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 11329 damage.íÃb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 0 damage.íÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 3781 damage.íÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 8260 damage.íÃb©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 7544 damage.íÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 7870 damage.íÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 7801 damage.íÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 7985 damage.íÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 0 damage.íÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 5238 damage.íÃb+( The sunbird readies Great Whirlwind.íÃb+( The sunbird readies Great Whirlwind.íÃb+( The sunbird's Great Whirlwind is interrupted.îÃb+( The sunbird's Great Whirlwind is interrupted.îÃb+H Seraph casts Seraphic Veil.îÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3552 HP.îÃb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren gains the effect of ' |
ò}ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHSeraphic Veil'Ïÿ.ñÃb+H Seraph casts Seraphic Veil.ñÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 3499 HP.ñÃb*I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren is unaffected.òÃb+( The phoinix uses Flames of Undeath.òÃb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 23035 damage.òÃb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 16514 damage.òÃb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 24316 damage.òÃb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 29253 damage.òÃb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 21536 damage.òÃb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 28828 damage.òÃb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 8083 damage.òÃb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 32889 damage.óÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.óÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh recovers 3520 HP.ôÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò±ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HStormbite'Ïÿ.õÃb+( The sunbird uses Joint Pyre.õÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 0 damage.õÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 0 damage.õÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 0 damage.õÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 0 damage.õÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 0 damage.õÃb©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.õÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 0 damage.õÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 0 damage.õÃb+( The sunbird uses Joint Pyre.õÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.õÃb¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' ¤ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HThunder III'Ïÿ.öÃb+( The sunbird uses Joint Pyre.öÃb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 7048 damage.öÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.öÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers 5333 HP.öÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò°ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HCaustic Bite'Ïÿ.÷Ãb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 0 damage.÷Ãb+( The sunbird uses Joint Pyre.÷Ãb+( The sunbird readies Fireglide Sweep.÷Ãb+( The sunbird readies Fireglide Sweep.÷Ãb+( The sunbird readies Fireglide Sweep.÷Ãb+( The sunbird readies Fireglide Sweep.÷Ãb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.÷Ãb¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' ¤ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HThunder III'Ïÿ.øÃb±* The phoinix recovers from the effect of ' |
òÌÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HHiganbana'Ïÿ.ùÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò±ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HStormbite'Ïÿ.úÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.üÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò°ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HCaustic Bite'Ïÿ.ýÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ògÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBiolysis'Ïÿ.ýÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 3574 damage.ýÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 405 damage.ýÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 0 damage.ýÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 4606 damage.ýÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 4291 damage.ýÃb©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 0 damage.ýÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 0 damage.ýÃb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 640 damage.þÃb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò±ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HStormbite'Ïÿ.ÿÃb+H Selene casts Embrace.ÿÃb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ recovers 3533 HP. Äb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò°ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HCaustic Bite'Ïÿ.Äb+( The sunbird uses Fireglide Sweep.Äb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 32213 damage.Äb/) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb+( The sunbird uses Fireglide Sweep.Äb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 36355 damage.Äb/) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr suffers the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb+( The sunbird uses Fireglide Sweep.Äb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 29197 damage.Äb/) î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren suffers the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb+( The sunbird uses Fireglide Sweep.Äb©( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 36382 damage.Äb¯( î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. suffers the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb+H Selene casts Embrace.Äb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ recovers 3522 HP.Äb+( The sunbird uses Fireglide Sweep.Äb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 19057 damage.Äb/) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb+( The sunbird uses Fireglide Sweep.Äb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ Parried! ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 15406(-15%) damage.Äb/) î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren suffers the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ takes 8051 damage.Äb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 7330 damage.Äb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren takes 5332 damage.Äb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 7549 damage.Äb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 4778 damage.Äb©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 6930 damage.Äb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren takes 8547 damage.Äb)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 0 damage.Äb+( The sunbird uses Fireglide Sweep.Äb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh takes 28189 damage.Äb/) î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh suffers the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb+( The sunbird uses Fireglide Sweep.Äb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 36954 damage.Äb/) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise suffers the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb+H Selene casts Embrace.Äb-I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers 3452 HP.Äb1 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ recovers from the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb1 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr recovers from the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb1 ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren recovers from the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb± Niconico N. recovers from the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ.Äb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 12913 damage. Äb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 13161 damage. Äb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 12860 damage. Äb)) The sunbird hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 12794 damage. Äb1 ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren recovers from the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ. Äb1 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ recovers from the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ. |
Äb1 '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh recovers from the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ. |
Äb1 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers from the effect of ' |
òÈÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBlunt Resistance Down'Ïÿ. |
Äb)) The sunbird hits ':ÿArth HellsingArth H.'ÏÿYSiren for 13825 damage. |
Äb¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The sunbird suffers the effect of ' |
ò±ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HStormbite'Ïÿ.Äb+H Selene uses Whispering Dawn.Äb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿ Una WoltUna W.'Ïÿ gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.Äb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Jÿ |
Dog DemonDog D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.Äb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ '@ÿ Raman OhRaman O.'ÏÿYGilgamesh gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.Äb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'BÿShirogane HikariShirogane H.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.Äb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.Äb.I î<EFBFBD>¯ ':ÿRose' RedwoodRose' R.'ÏÿYSiren gains the effect of ' |
ò;ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>œHWhispering Dawn'Ïÿ.s 27388 damage.Gƒb)) î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿShinano TsurugiShinano T.'Ïÿ takes 27172 damage.iconico N. recovers from the effect of ' -ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HBrink of Death'Ïÿ.Œ¢b9 The next Carbuncle summoned will appear glamoured as Ruby Carbuncle.Œ¢b9 “SMN (588)â€<EFBFBD> equipped.Œ¢b< Unable to apply glamour plates here.Œ¢b< Unable to execute command while casting. Flail.L*b+H Eos casts Embrace.L*b-I î<EFBFBD>¯ Critical! 'dÿJaceidus SkylanderJaceidus S.'Ïÿ recovers 5466 HP.R*b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿJaceidus SkylanderJaceidus S.'Ïÿ takes 12951 damage.R*b/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿJaceidus SkylanderJaceidus S.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
ò |
´ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HHot Spell'Ïÿ.R*b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Bÿ |
Coeur DelionCoeur D.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr takes 5172 damage.R*b/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'Bÿ |
Coeur DelionCoeur D.'ÏÿYMidgardsormr suffers the effect of ' |
ò |
³ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HCold Spell'Ïÿ.R*b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿRencurias SibaachiRencurias S.'Ïÿ takes 12695 damage.R*b/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿRencurias SibaachiRencurias S.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
ò_ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDamage Down'Ïÿ.R*b/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿRencurias SibaachiRencurias S.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
ò |
³ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HCold Spell'Ïÿ.R*b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿRencurias SibaachiRencurias S.'Ïÿ takes 48003 damage.R*b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 8236 damage.R*b/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
ò |
³ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HCold Spell'Ïÿ.R*b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ ')ÿVaeles DazkarVaeles D.'ÏÿYJenova takes 11682 damage.«× |
b¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ The Manipulator suffers the effect of ' ¤ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HThunder III'Ïÿ.¬× |
b)1 The steam bit hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 657 damage.× |
b¯ î<EFBFBD>¯ The Manipulator suffers the effect of ' |
ò©ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HReprisal'Ïÿ.®× |
b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'JÿDerek DerplanderDerek D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 2596 damage.¯× |
b)1 The steam bit hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 864 damage.¯× |
b¯ |
î<EFBFBD>¯ The Manipulator suffers the effect of ' ¤ÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HThunder III'Ïÿ.±× |
b+( The Manipulator readies Carnage Zero.±× |
b©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 3599 damage.±× |
b)1 The steam bit hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 861 damage.²× |
b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'JÿDerek DerplanderDerek D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 2500 damage.²× |
b©0 î<EFBFBD>¯ Niconico N. takes 3503 damage.²× |
b/ 'JÿPixel PinesPixel P.'ÏÿYAdamantoise suffers the effect of ' |
òÃÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDecree Nisi A'Ïÿ.´× |
b)1 The steam bit hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 820 damage.¶× |
b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 1900 damage.¶× |
b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'JÿPixel PinesPixel P.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 3097 damage.·× |
b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'JÿDerek DerplanderDerek D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise takes 1808 damage.·× |
b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 1936 damage.·× |
b)1 The steam bit hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 839 damage.¸× |
b)1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ takes 2690 damage.º× |
b)1 The steam bit hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 170 damage.¾× |
b)1 The steam bit hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 775 damage.¿× |
b/1 î<EFBFBD>¯ 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ suffers the effect of ' |
òÃÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDecree Nisi A'Ïÿ.Á× |
b)1 The steam bit hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 523 damage.Á× |
b1 'JÿDerek DerplanderDerek D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise recovers from the effect of ' |
òÃÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDecree Nisi A'Ïÿ.Ã× |
b)1 The steam bit hits 'dÿAzalieh LonebloomAzalieh L.'Ïÿ for 0 damage.Ä× |
b/ 'JÿDerek DerplanderDerek D.'ÏÿYAdamantoise suffers the effect of ' |
òÃÿ HòôIòõî‚»IHHòî<EFBFBD>›HDecree Nisi A'Ïÿ. |