A Pixiv Image Tagger, tagging all jpg images from Pixiv automatically with Pixiv's native image naming scheme.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
6.1 KiB

Adding filter jpg
Adding filter jpeg
Adding filter tga
Adding filter tif
Adding filter tiff
Adding filter png
Adding filter bmp
Adding filter gif
....png is not a pixiv image!
2011-04-11-392868.png is not a pixiv image!
20170407_031100000_iOS.jpg is not a pixiv image!
20170417_055852000_iOS.jpg is not a pixiv image!
640956_2.jpg is not a pixiv image!
aeolian_by_wlop-d9ctyhy.jpg is not a pixiv image!
arrowquiver1.png is not a pixiv image!
arrowquiver2.png is not a pixiv image!
arrowquiver3.png is not a pixiv image!
arrowquiver4.png is not a pixiv image!
arrowquiver5.png is not a pixiv image!
arrowquiver6.png is not a pixiv image!
black.png is not a pixiv image!
bronze5wutface.png is not a pixiv image!
Camera Roll is not a pixiv image!
Cs_T3RQVMAAhbJJ.jpg is not a pixiv image!
Cs_T3RQVMAAhbJJ.jpg-large is not a pixiv image!
desktop.ini is not a pixiv image!
encoding.png is not a pixiv image!
fd.png is not a pixiv image!
ffxiv_03312017_161901.png is not a pixiv image!
ffxiv_04172017_174443.png is not a pixiv image!
Fiesta is not a pixiv image!
gentoo.png is not a pixiv image!
glaceon100x100_circle.png is not a pixiv image!
glaceon_follower.png is not a pixiv image!
HelloTwitch.png is not a pixiv image!
image.jpg is not a pixiv image!
IMG_0187[1].jpg is not a pixiv image!
infernalnasus.png is not a pixiv image!
Lulu is not a pixiv image!
lulu1M.png is not a pixiv image!
marisa.png is not a pixiv image!
memtest.png is not a pixiv image!
miko.jpg is not a pixiv image!
name.png is not a pixiv image!
notquite.png is not a pixiv image!
online_version_by_ccayco-da3a503.jpg is not a pixiv image!
os_rip.png is not a pixiv image!
rainofarrows.png is not a pixiv image!
rq4YwJZ.jpg is not a pixiv image!
Saved Pictures is not a pixiv image!
Screenshots is not a pixiv image!
server-icon.png is not a pixiv image!
speedrun.png is not a pixiv image!
Sprite Sheets is not a pixiv image!
ss+(2017-03-31+at+08.55.32).png is not a pixiv image!
starguardlulu.png is not a pixiv image!
starguardlulutop.png is not a pixiv image!
star_guardian-poppy-janna-and-lulu-(501).jpg is not a pixiv image!
Stream is not a pixiv image!
stream_brb.png is not a pixiv image!
stream_games.png is not a pixiv image!
stream_games2.png is not a pixiv image!
stream_games_squish.png is not a pixiv image!
stream_games_squish2.png is not a pixiv image!
stream_games_squish2.xcf is not a pixiv image!
stream_games_squish3.png is not a pixiv image!
stream_games_squish3.xcf is not a pixiv image!
stream_schedule.png is not a pixiv image!
sword of kings.png is not a pixiv image!
TME_48.png is not a pixiv image!
twofish.png is not a pixiv image!
twosidemarker.png is not a pixiv image!
twoyis.png is not a pixiv image!
unqBvmR.png is not a pixiv image!
waifus_maybe.png is not a pixiv image!
waifus_maybe.xcf is not a pixiv image!
Wallpaper is not a pixiv image!
warforge.png is not a pixiv image!
WbIt6Of.png is not a pixiv image!
weaponup.png is not a pixiv image!
wow.png is not a pixiv image!
Adding to Pixiv Album: 76863890
Adding to Pixiv Album: 76928198