# Pixel Art Maker In this exercise, you'll create your own pixel art maker which will allow a user to choose colors from a palette and then paint pixel art. The interface is completely up to you, but it could look something like this. ![Example of Pixel Art Maker](pixel-art-maker-alt.png) More specifically, your pixel art maker should allow a user to do the following. 1. Start with a blank canvas of pixels. 1. Select a brush color from a palette of colors. 1. Paint the pixels on the canvas using the brush color. 1. Repeat step 2. Here's a development workflow that we recommend you use. 1. Fork and clone this repository. 1. Create a small, 2x2 grid canvas made up of white, square `div` tags with a border. 1. Add an event listener to each `div` so when clicked the background turns red. 1. Create a small palette of two colors (e.g. red and blue) below the canvas using more `div` tags. 1. Add an event listener to these `div` tags so when clicked the brush color is saved. 1. Expand the dimensions of the pixel canvas. 1. Expand the palette with more colors. (i.e. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, gray, black, white, etc.) 1. Expand the palette with a brush color indicator. 1. Improve the look and feel of the canvas and color palette. Be careful not to break your program's behavior! **TIP:** Check out [this handy tool](http://www.colors.commutercreative.com/grid/) to see a list of all the named colors in CSS. ### Bonus 1 Improve the mouse so it behaves like a real paintbrush. In other words, allow the user to paint by clicking and dragging across the canvas. For this, you'll need a combination of the `mousedown`, `mouseenter`, and `mouseup` events. **TIP:** The [`mouseenter` event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/mouseenter) doesn't bubble up the DOM tree. ### Bonus 2 Add a color picker which allows the user to select any brush color using the [`` tag](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/color) and the [`change` event](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/change). ### Deployment Review the following articles on the Surge platform and then deploy your website to production. - [Getting started with Surge](http://surge.sh/help/getting-started-with-surge) - [Remembering a domain](http://surge.sh/help/remembering-a-domain) A good domain name for this project is `USERNAME-pixel-art-maker.surge.sh` where `USERNAME` is your GitHub username in all **lowercase** letters. Once deployed and everything works as you expect, copy the URL to your site and paste it below. PASTE YOUR PRODUCTION URL HERE