In this exercise, you'll create your own pixel art maker which allows a user choose colors from a palette and then "paint" pixel art. The interface is completely up to you, but it could look something like this.
1. Expand the palette with the rest of the standard colors as well as an eraser. (i.e. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, gray, black, white, etc.)
**TIP:** Check out [this handy tool]( to see a list of all the named colors in CSS.
Add tools that augment the type of user interaction
* Pencil tool: Click and drag across the canvas to paint pixels.
* Selection tool: Click and drag across the canvas to paint all pixels that fall inside a rectangular selection.
### Bonus 2
Add a color picker which allows the user to select any color using the new, HTML5 `<input type="color">` tag. See the [Mozilla Developer Network]( more information.