/* OneLoneCoder_PGE_ShadowCasting2D.cpp What is this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is an implementation of two algorithms that work together to produuce a "line-of-sight" or "shadow casting" effect depending upon your perspective. To use it compile with olcPixelGameEngine.h, place/remove blocks with left click and hold down right mouse button to illuminate the scene from the mouse cursor. The first algorithm converts a tile map into a set of geometric primitives whcih are more conveninet to use in geometric programs such as this. The second algorithm casts rays to create a triangle fan that represents the visible area form the source. Thanks to these resources for ideas https://stackoverflow.com/questions/563198/how-do-you-detect-where-two-line-segments-intersect https://www.redblobgames.com/articles/visibility/ https://ncase.me/sight-and-light/ License (OLC-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2018 OneLoneCoder.com Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions or derivations of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions or derivative works in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. This list of conditions and the following disclaimer must be reproduced in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Links ~~~~~ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/javidx9 Discord: https://discord.gg/WhwHUMV Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/javidx9 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/javidx9 GitHub: https://www.github.com/onelonecoder Homepage: https://www.onelonecoder.com Relevant Videos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ https://youtu.be/kRH6oJLFYxY Introducing olcPixelGameEngine --> https://youtu.be/fc3nnG2CG8U Video about this very code! Author ~~~~~~ David Barr, aka javidx9, ©OneLoneCoder 2018 */ #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define OLC_PGE_APPLICATION #include "olcPixelGameEngine.h" struct sEdge { float sx, sy; // Start coordinate float ex, ey; // End coordinate }; struct sCell { int edge_id[4]; bool edge_exist[4]; bool exist = false; }; #define NORTH 0 #define SOUTH 1 #define EAST 2 #define WEST 3 class ShadowCasting2D : public olc::PixelGameEngine { public: ShadowCasting2D() { sAppName = "ShadowCasting2D"; } private: sCell* world; int nWorldWidth = 40; int nWorldHeight = 30; olc::Sprite *sprLightCast; olc::Sprite *buffLightRay; olc::Sprite *buffLightTex; vector<sEdge> vecEdges; // angle x y vector<tuple<float, float, float>> vecVisibilityPolygonPoints; void ConvertTileMapToPolyMap(int sx, int sy, int w, int h, float fBlockWidth, int pitch) { // Clear "PolyMap" vecEdges.clear(); for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { world[(y + sy) * pitch + (x + sx)].edge_exist[j] = false; world[(y + sy) * pitch + (x + sx)].edge_id[j] = 0; } // Iterate through region from top left to bottom right for (int x = 1; x < w - 1; x++) for (int y = 1; y < h - 1; y++) { // Create some convenient indices int i = (y + sy) * pitch + (x + sx); // This int n = (y + sy - 1) * pitch + (x + sx); // Northern Neighbour int s = (y + sy + 1) * pitch + (x + sx); // Southern Neighbour int w = (y + sy) * pitch + (x + sx - 1); // Western Neighbour int e = (y + sy) * pitch + (x + sx + 1); // Eastern Neighbour // If this cell exists, check if it needs edges if (world[i].exist) { // If this cell has no western neighbour, it needs a western edge if (!world[w].exist) { // It can either extend it from its northern neighbour if they have // one, or It can start a new one. if (world[n].edge_exist[WEST]) { // Northern neighbour has a western edge, so grow it downwards vecEdges[world[n].edge_id[WEST]].ey += fBlockWidth; world[i].edge_id[WEST] = world[n].edge_id[WEST]; world[i].edge_exist[WEST] = true; } else { // Northern neighbour does not have one, so create one sEdge edge; edge.sx = (sx + x) * fBlockWidth; edge.sy = (sy + y) * fBlockWidth; edge.ex = edge.sx; edge.ey = edge.sy + fBlockWidth; // Add edge to Polygon Pool int edge_id = vecEdges.size(); vecEdges.push_back(edge); // Update tile information with edge information world[i].edge_id[WEST] = edge_id; world[i].edge_exist[WEST] = true; } } // If this cell dont have an eastern neignbour, It needs a eastern edge if (!world[e].exist) { // It can either extend it from its northern neighbour if they have // one, or It can start a new one. if (world[n].edge_exist[EAST]) { // Northern neighbour has one, so grow it downwards vecEdges[world[n].edge_id[EAST]].ey += fBlockWidth; world[i].edge_id[EAST] = world[n].edge_id[EAST]; world[i].edge_exist[EAST] = true; } else { // Northern neighbour does not have one, so create one sEdge edge; edge.sx = (sx + x + 1) * fBlockWidth; edge.sy = (sy + y) * fBlockWidth; edge.ex = edge.sx; edge.ey = edge.sy + fBlockWidth; // Add edge to Polygon Pool int edge_id = vecEdges.size(); vecEdges.push_back(edge); // Update tile information with edge information world[i].edge_id[EAST] = edge_id; world[i].edge_exist[EAST] = true; } } // If this cell doesnt have a northern neignbour, It needs a northern edge if (!world[n].exist) { // It can either extend it from its western neighbour if they have // one, or It can start a new one. if (world[w].edge_exist[NORTH]) { // Western neighbour has one, so grow it eastwards vecEdges[world[w].edge_id[NORTH]].ex += fBlockWidth; world[i].edge_id[NORTH] = world[w].edge_id[NORTH]; world[i].edge_exist[NORTH] = true; } else { // Western neighbour does not have one, so create one sEdge edge; edge.sx = (sx + x) * fBlockWidth; edge.sy = (sy + y) * fBlockWidth; edge.ex = edge.sx + fBlockWidth; edge.ey = edge.sy; // Add edge to Polygon Pool int edge_id = vecEdges.size(); vecEdges.push_back(edge); // Update tile information with edge information world[i].edge_id[NORTH] = edge_id; world[i].edge_exist[NORTH] = true; } } // If this cell doesnt have a southern neignbour, It needs a southern edge if (!world[s].exist) { // It can either extend it from its western neighbour if they have // one, or It can start a new one. if (world[w].edge_exist[SOUTH]) { // Western neighbour has one, so grow it eastwards vecEdges[world[w].edge_id[SOUTH]].ex += fBlockWidth; world[i].edge_id[SOUTH] = world[w].edge_id[SOUTH]; world[i].edge_exist[SOUTH] = true; } else { // Western neighbour does not have one, so I need to create one sEdge edge; edge.sx = (sx + x) * fBlockWidth; edge.sy = (sy + y + 1) * fBlockWidth; edge.ex = edge.sx + fBlockWidth; edge.ey = edge.sy; // Add edge to Polygon Pool int edge_id = vecEdges.size(); vecEdges.push_back(edge); // Update tile information with edge information world[i].edge_id[SOUTH] = edge_id; world[i].edge_exist[SOUTH] = true; } } } } } void CalculateVisibilityPolygon(float ox, float oy, float radius) { // Get rid of existing polygon vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.clear(); // For each edge in PolyMap for (auto &e1 : vecEdges) { // Take the start point, then the end point (we could use a pool of // non-duplicated points here, it would be more optimal) for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { float rdx, rdy; rdx = (i == 0 ? e1.sx : e1.ex) - ox; rdy = (i == 0 ? e1.sy : e1.ey) - oy; float base_ang = atan2f(rdy, rdx); float ang = 0; // For each point, cast 3 rays, 1 directly at point // and 1 a little bit either side for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (j == 0) ang = base_ang - 0.0001f; if (j == 1) ang = base_ang; if (j == 2) ang = base_ang + 0.0001f; // Create ray along angle for required distance rdx = radius * cosf(ang); rdy = radius * sinf(ang); float min_t1 = INFINITY; float min_px = 0, min_py = 0, min_ang = 0; bool bValid = false; // Check for ray intersection with all edges for (auto &e2 : vecEdges) { // Create line segment vector float sdx = e2.ex - e2.sx; float sdy = e2.ey - e2.sy; if (fabs(sdx - rdx) > 0.0f && fabs(sdy - rdy) > 0.0f) { // t2 is normalised distance from line segment start to line segment end of intersect point float t2 = (rdx * (e2.sy - oy) + (rdy * (ox - e2.sx))) / (sdx * rdy - sdy * rdx); // t1 is normalised distance from source along ray to ray length of intersect point float t1 = (e2.sx + sdx * t2 - ox) / rdx; // If intersect point exists along ray, and along line // segment then intersect point is valid if (t1 > 0 && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1.0f) { // Check if this intersect point is closest to source. If // it is, then store this point and reject others if (t1 < min_t1) { min_t1 = t1; min_px = ox + rdx * t1; min_py = oy + rdy * t1; min_ang = atan2f(min_py - oy, min_px - ox); bValid = true; } } } } if(bValid)// Add intersection point to visibility polygon perimeter vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.push_back({ min_ang, min_px, min_py }); } } } // Sort perimeter points by angle from source. This will allow // us to draw a triangle fan. sort( vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.begin(), vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.end(), [&](const tuple<float, float, float> &t1, const tuple<float, float, float> &t2) { return get<0>(t1) < get<0>(t2); }); } public: bool OnUserCreate() override { world = new sCell[nWorldWidth * nWorldHeight]; // Add a boundary to the world for (int x = 1; x < (nWorldWidth - 1); x++) { world[1 * nWorldWidth + x].exist = true; world[(nWorldHeight - 2) * nWorldWidth + x].exist = true; } for (int x = 1; x < (nWorldHeight - 1); x++) { world[x * nWorldWidth + 1].exist = true; world[x * nWorldWidth + (nWorldWidth - 2)].exist = true; } sprLightCast = new olc::Sprite("light_cast.png"); // Create some screen-sized off-screen buffers for lighting effect buffLightTex = new olc::Sprite(ScreenWidth(), ScreenHeight()); buffLightRay = new olc::Sprite(ScreenWidth(), ScreenHeight()); return true; } bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) override { float fBlockWidth = 16.0f; float fSourceX = GetMouseX(); float fSourceY = GetMouseY(); // Set tile map blocks to on or off if (GetMouse(0).bReleased) { // i = y * width + x int i = ((int)fSourceY / (int)fBlockWidth) * nWorldWidth + ((int)fSourceX / (int)fBlockWidth); world[i].exist = !world[i].exist; } // Take a region of "TileMap" and convert it to "PolyMap" - This is done // every frame here, but could be a pre-processing stage depending on // how your final application interacts with tilemaps ConvertTileMapToPolyMap(0, 0, 40, 30, fBlockWidth, nWorldWidth); if (GetMouse(1).bHeld) { CalculateVisibilityPolygon(fSourceX, fSourceY, 1000.0f); } // Drawing SetDrawTarget(nullptr); Clear(olc::BLACK); int nRaysCast = vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.size(); // Remove duplicate (or simply similar) points from polygon auto it = unique( vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.begin(), vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.end(), [&](const tuple<float, float, float> &t1, const tuple<float, float, float> &t2) { return fabs(get<1>(t1) - get<1>(t2)) < 0.1f && fabs(get<2>(t1) - get<2>(t2)) < 0.1f; }); vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.resize(distance(vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.begin(), it)); int nRaysCast2 = vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.size(); DrawString(4, 4, "Rays Cast: " + to_string(nRaysCast) + " Rays Drawn: " + to_string(nRaysCast2)); // If drawing rays, set an offscreen texture as our target buffer if (GetMouse(1).bHeld && vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.size() > 1) { // Clear offscreen buffer for sprite SetDrawTarget(buffLightTex); Clear(olc::BLACK); // Draw "Radial Light" sprite to offscreen buffer, centered around // source location (the mouse coordinates, buffer is 512x512) DrawSprite(fSourceX - 255, fSourceY - 255, sprLightCast); // Clear offsecreen buffer for rays SetDrawTarget(buffLightRay); Clear(olc::BLANK); // Draw each triangle in fan for (int i = 0; i < vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.size() - 1; i++) { FillTriangle( fSourceX, fSourceY, get<1>(vecVisibilityPolygonPoints[i]), get<2>(vecVisibilityPolygonPoints[i]), get<1>(vecVisibilityPolygonPoints[i + 1]), get<2>(vecVisibilityPolygonPoints[i + 1])); } // Fan will have one open edge, so draw last point of fan to first FillTriangle( fSourceX, fSourceY, get<1>(vecVisibilityPolygonPoints[vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.size() - 1]), get<2>(vecVisibilityPolygonPoints[vecVisibilityPolygonPoints.size() - 1]), get<1>(vecVisibilityPolygonPoints[0]), get<2>(vecVisibilityPolygonPoints[0])); // Wherever rays exist in ray sprite, copy over radial light sprite pixels SetDrawTarget(nullptr); for (int x = 0; x < ScreenWidth(); x++) for (int y = 0; y < ScreenHeight(); y++) if (buffLightRay->GetPixel(x, y).r > 0) Draw(x, y, buffLightTex->GetPixel(x, y)); } // Draw Blocks from TileMap for (int x = 0; x < nWorldWidth; x++) for (int y = 0; y < nWorldHeight; y++) { if (world[y * nWorldWidth + x].exist) FillRect(x * fBlockWidth, y * fBlockWidth, fBlockWidth, fBlockWidth, olc::BLUE); } // Draw Edges from PolyMap for (auto &e : vecEdges) { DrawLine(e.sx, e.sy, e.ex, e.ey); FillCircle(e.sx, e.sy, 3, olc::RED); FillCircle(e.ex, e.ey, 3, olc::RED); } return true; } }; int main() { ShadowCasting2D demo; if (demo.Construct(640, 480, 2, 2)) demo.Start(); }