/* olcPGEX_Sound.h +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | OneLoneCoder Pixel Game Engine Extension | | Sound - v0.3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ What is this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is an extension to the olcPixelGameEngine, which provides sound generation and wave playing routines. Special Thanks: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slavka - For entire non-windows system back end! Gorbit99 - Testing, Bug Fixes Cyberdroid - Testing, Bug Fixes Dragoneye - Testing Puol - Testing License (OLC-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2018 - 2019 OneLoneCoder.com Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions or derivations of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions or derivative works in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. This list of conditions and the following disclaimer must be reproduced in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Links ~~~~~ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/javidx9 Discord: https://discord.gg/WhwHUMV Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/javidx9 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/javidx9 GitHub: https://www.github.com/onelonecoder Homepage: https://www.onelonecoder.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/javidx9 Author ~~~~~~ David Barr, aka javidx9, �OneLoneCoder 2019 */ #ifndef OLC_PGEX_SOUND_H #define OLC_PGEX_SOUND_H #include <istream> #include <cstring> #include <climits> #include <algorithm> #undef min #undef max // Choose a default sound backend #if !defined(USE_ALSA) && !defined(USE_OPENAL) && !defined(USE_WINDOWS) #ifdef __linux__ #define USE_ALSA #endif #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #define USE_OPENAL #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define USE_WINDOWS #endif #endif #ifdef USE_ALSA #define ALSA_PCM_NEW_HW_PARAMS_API #include <alsa/asoundlib.h> #endif #ifdef USE_OPENAL #include <AL/al.h> #include <AL/alc.h> #include <queue> #endif #pragma pack(push, 1) typedef struct { uint16_t wFormatTag; uint16_t nChannels; uint32_t nSamplesPerSec; uint32_t nAvgBytesPerSec; uint16_t nBlockAlign; uint16_t wBitsPerSample; uint16_t cbSize; } OLC_WAVEFORMATEX; #pragma pack(pop) namespace olc { // Container class for Advanced 2D Drawing functions class SOUND : public olc::PGEX { // A representation of an affine transform, used to rotate, scale, offset & shear space public: class AudioSample { public: AudioSample(); AudioSample(std::string sWavFile, olc::ResourcePack *pack = nullptr); olc::rcode LoadFromFile(std::string sWavFile, olc::ResourcePack *pack = nullptr); public: OLC_WAVEFORMATEX wavHeader; float *fSample = nullptr; long nSamples = 0; int nChannels = 0; bool bSampleValid = false; }; struct sCurrentlyPlayingSample { int nAudioSampleID = 0; long nSamplePosition = 0; bool bFinished = false; bool bLoop = false; bool bFlagForStop = false; }; static std::list<sCurrentlyPlayingSample> listActiveSamples; public: static bool InitialiseAudio(unsigned int nSampleRate = 44100, unsigned int nChannels = 1, unsigned int nBlocks = 8, unsigned int nBlockSamples = 512); static bool DestroyAudio(); static void SetUserSynthFunction(std::function<float(int, float, float)> func); static void SetUserFilterFunction(std::function<float(int, float, float)> func); public: static int LoadAudioSample(std::string sWavFile, olc::ResourcePack *pack = nullptr); static void PlaySample(int id, bool bLoop = false); static void StopSample(int id); static void StopAll(); static float GetMixerOutput(int nChannel, float fGlobalTime, float fTimeStep); private: #ifdef USE_WINDOWS // Windows specific sound management static void CALLBACK waveOutProc(HWAVEOUT hWaveOut, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2); static unsigned int m_nSampleRate; static unsigned int m_nChannels; static unsigned int m_nBlockCount; static unsigned int m_nBlockSamples; static unsigned int m_nBlockCurrent; static short* m_pBlockMemory; static WAVEHDR *m_pWaveHeaders; static HWAVEOUT m_hwDevice; static std::atomic<unsigned int> m_nBlockFree; static std::condition_variable m_cvBlockNotZero; static std::mutex m_muxBlockNotZero; #endif #ifdef USE_ALSA static snd_pcm_t *m_pPCM; static unsigned int m_nSampleRate; static unsigned int m_nChannels; static unsigned int m_nBlockSamples; static short* m_pBlockMemory; #endif #ifdef USE_OPENAL static std::queue<ALuint> m_qAvailableBuffers; static ALuint *m_pBuffers; static ALuint m_nSource; static ALCdevice *m_pDevice; static ALCcontext *m_pContext; static unsigned int m_nSampleRate; static unsigned int m_nChannels; static unsigned int m_nBlockCount; static unsigned int m_nBlockSamples; static short* m_pBlockMemory; #endif static void AudioThread(); static std::thread m_AudioThread; static std::atomic<bool> m_bAudioThreadActive; static std::atomic<float> m_fGlobalTime; static std::function<float(int, float, float)> funcUserSynth; static std::function<float(int, float, float)> funcUserFilter; }; } // Implementation, platform-independent #ifdef OLC_PGEX_SOUND #undef OLC_PGEX_SOUND namespace olc { SOUND::AudioSample::AudioSample() { } SOUND::AudioSample::AudioSample(std::string sWavFile, olc::ResourcePack *pack) { LoadFromFile(sWavFile, pack); } olc::rcode SOUND::AudioSample::LoadFromFile(std::string sWavFile, olc::ResourcePack *pack) { auto ReadWave = [&](std::istream &is) { char dump[4]; is.read(dump, sizeof(char) * 4); // Read "RIFF" if (strncmp(dump, "RIFF", 4) != 0) return olc::FAIL; is.read(dump, sizeof(char) * 4); // Not Interested is.read(dump, sizeof(char) * 4); // Read "WAVE" if (strncmp(dump, "WAVE", 4) != 0) return olc::FAIL; // Read Wave description chunk is.read(dump, sizeof(char) * 4); // Read "fmt " unsigned int nHeaderSize = 0; is.read((char*)&nHeaderSize, sizeof(unsigned int)); // Not Interested is.read((char*)&wavHeader, nHeaderSize);// sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); // Read Wave Format Structure chunk // Note the -2, because the structure has 2 bytes to indicate its own size // which are not in the wav file // Just check if wave format is compatible with olcPGE if (wavHeader.wBitsPerSample != 16 || wavHeader.nSamplesPerSec != 44100) return olc::FAIL; // Search for audio data chunk uint32_t nChunksize = 0; is.read(dump, sizeof(char) * 4); // Read chunk header is.read((char*)&nChunksize, sizeof(uint32_t)); // Read chunk size while (strncmp(dump, "data", 4) != 0) { // Not audio data, so just skip it //std::fseek(f, nChunksize, SEEK_CUR); is.seekg(nChunksize, std::istream::cur); is.read(dump, sizeof(char) * 4); is.read((char*)&nChunksize, sizeof(uint32_t)); } // Finally got to data, so read it all in and convert to float samples nSamples = nChunksize / (wavHeader.nChannels * (wavHeader.wBitsPerSample >> 3)); nChannels = wavHeader.nChannels; // Create floating point buffer to hold audio sample fSample = new float[nSamples * nChannels]; float *pSample = fSample; // Read in audio data and normalise for (long i = 0; i < nSamples; i++) { for (int c = 0; c < nChannels; c++) { short s = 0; if (!is.eof()) { is.read((char*)&s, sizeof(short)); *pSample = (float)s / (float)(SHRT_MAX); pSample++; } } } // All done, flag sound as valid bSampleValid = true; return olc::OK; }; if (pack != nullptr) { olc::ResourcePack::sEntry entry = pack->GetStreamBuffer(sWavFile); std::istream is(&entry); return ReadWave(is); } else { // Read from file std::ifstream ifs(sWavFile, std::ifstream::binary); if (ifs.is_open()) { return ReadWave(ifs); } else return olc::FAIL; } } // This vector holds all loaded sound samples in memory std::vector<olc::SOUND::AudioSample> vecAudioSamples; // This structure represents a sound that is currently playing. It only // holds the sound ID and where this instance of it is up to for its // current playback void SOUND::SetUserSynthFunction(std::function<float(int, float, float)> func) { funcUserSynth = func; } void SOUND::SetUserFilterFunction(std::function<float(int, float, float)> func) { funcUserFilter = func; } // Load a 16-bit WAVE file @ 44100Hz ONLY into memory. A sample ID // number is returned if successful, otherwise -1 int SOUND::LoadAudioSample(std::string sWavFile, olc::ResourcePack *pack) { olc::SOUND::AudioSample a(sWavFile, pack); if (a.bSampleValid) { vecAudioSamples.push_back(a); return (unsigned int)vecAudioSamples.size(); } else return -1; } // Add sample 'id' to the mixers sounds to play list void SOUND::PlaySample(int id, bool bLoop) { olc::SOUND::sCurrentlyPlayingSample a; a.nAudioSampleID = id; a.nSamplePosition = 0; a.bFinished = false; a.bFlagForStop = false; a.bLoop = bLoop; SOUND::listActiveSamples.push_back(a); } void SOUND::StopSample(int id) { // Find first occurence of sample id auto s = std::find_if(listActiveSamples.begin(), listActiveSamples.end(), [&](const olc::SOUND::sCurrentlyPlayingSample &s) { return s.nAudioSampleID == id; }); if (s != listActiveSamples.end()) s->bFlagForStop = true; } void SOUND::StopAll() { for (auto &s : listActiveSamples) { s.bFlagForStop = true; } } float SOUND::GetMixerOutput(int nChannel, float fGlobalTime, float fTimeStep) { // Accumulate sample for this channel float fMixerSample = 0.0f; for (auto &s : listActiveSamples) { if (m_bAudioThreadActive) { if (s.bFlagForStop) { s.bLoop = false; s.bFinished = true; } else { // Calculate sample position s.nSamplePosition += roundf((float)vecAudioSamples[s.nAudioSampleID - 1].wavHeader.nSamplesPerSec * fTimeStep); // If sample position is valid add to the mix if (s.nSamplePosition < vecAudioSamples[s.nAudioSampleID - 1].nSamples) fMixerSample += vecAudioSamples[s.nAudioSampleID - 1].fSample[(s.nSamplePosition * vecAudioSamples[s.nAudioSampleID - 1].nChannels) + nChannel]; else { if (s.bLoop) { s.nSamplePosition = 0; } else s.bFinished = true; // Else sound has completed } } } else return 0.0f; } // If sounds have completed then remove them listActiveSamples.remove_if([](const sCurrentlyPlayingSample &s) {return s.bFinished; }); // The users application might be generating sound, so grab that if it exists if (funcUserSynth != nullptr) fMixerSample += funcUserSynth(nChannel, fGlobalTime, fTimeStep); // Return the sample via an optional user override to filter the sound if (funcUserFilter != nullptr) return funcUserFilter(nChannel, fGlobalTime, fMixerSample); else return fMixerSample; } std::thread SOUND::m_AudioThread; std::atomic<bool> SOUND::m_bAudioThreadActive{ false }; std::atomic<float> SOUND::m_fGlobalTime{ 0.0f }; std::list<SOUND::sCurrentlyPlayingSample> SOUND::listActiveSamples; std::function<float(int, float, float)> SOUND::funcUserSynth = nullptr; std::function<float(int, float, float)> SOUND::funcUserFilter = nullptr; } // Implementation, Windows-specific #ifdef USE_WINDOWS #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") namespace olc { bool SOUND::InitialiseAudio(unsigned int nSampleRate, unsigned int nChannels, unsigned int nBlocks, unsigned int nBlockSamples) { // Initialise Sound Engine m_bAudioThreadActive = false; m_nSampleRate = nSampleRate; m_nChannels = nChannels; m_nBlockCount = nBlocks; m_nBlockSamples = nBlockSamples; m_nBlockFree = m_nBlockCount; m_nBlockCurrent = 0; m_pBlockMemory = nullptr; m_pWaveHeaders = nullptr; // Device is available WAVEFORMATEX waveFormat; waveFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec = m_nSampleRate; waveFormat.wBitsPerSample = sizeof(short) * 8; waveFormat.nChannels = m_nChannels; waveFormat.nBlockAlign = (waveFormat.wBitsPerSample / 8) * waveFormat.nChannels; waveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec * waveFormat.nBlockAlign; waveFormat.cbSize = 0; listActiveSamples.clear(); // Open Device if valid if (waveOutOpen(&m_hwDevice, WAVE_MAPPER, &waveFormat, (DWORD_PTR)SOUND::waveOutProc, (DWORD_PTR)0, CALLBACK_FUNCTION) != S_OK) return DestroyAudio(); // Allocate Wave|Block Memory m_pBlockMemory = new short[m_nBlockCount * m_nBlockSamples]; if (m_pBlockMemory == nullptr) return DestroyAudio(); ZeroMemory(m_pBlockMemory, sizeof(short) * m_nBlockCount * m_nBlockSamples); m_pWaveHeaders = new WAVEHDR[m_nBlockCount]; if (m_pWaveHeaders == nullptr) return DestroyAudio(); ZeroMemory(m_pWaveHeaders, sizeof(WAVEHDR) * m_nBlockCount); // Link headers to block memory for (unsigned int n = 0; n < m_nBlockCount; n++) { m_pWaveHeaders[n].dwBufferLength = m_nBlockSamples * sizeof(short); m_pWaveHeaders[n].lpData = (LPSTR)(m_pBlockMemory + (n * m_nBlockSamples)); } m_bAudioThreadActive = true; m_AudioThread = std::thread(&SOUND::AudioThread); // Start the ball rolling with the sound delivery thread std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lm(m_muxBlockNotZero); m_cvBlockNotZero.notify_one(); return true; } // Stop and clean up audio system bool SOUND::DestroyAudio() { m_bAudioThreadActive = false; m_AudioThread.join(); return false; } // Handler for soundcard request for more data void CALLBACK SOUND::waveOutProc(HWAVEOUT hWaveOut, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2) { if (uMsg != WOM_DONE) return; m_nBlockFree++; std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lm(m_muxBlockNotZero); m_cvBlockNotZero.notify_one(); } // Audio thread. This loop responds to requests from the soundcard to fill 'blocks' // with audio data. If no requests are available it goes dormant until the sound // card is ready for more data. The block is fille by the "user" in some manner // and then issued to the soundcard. void SOUND::AudioThread() { m_fGlobalTime = 0.0f; static float fTimeStep = 1.0f / (float)m_nSampleRate; // Goofy hack to get maximum integer for a type at run-time short nMaxSample = (short)pow(2, (sizeof(short) * 8) - 1) - 1; float fMaxSample = (float)nMaxSample; short nPreviousSample = 0; while (m_bAudioThreadActive) { // Wait for block to become available if (m_nBlockFree == 0) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lm(m_muxBlockNotZero); while (m_nBlockFree == 0) // sometimes, Windows signals incorrectly m_cvBlockNotZero.wait(lm); } // Block is here, so use it m_nBlockFree--; // Prepare block for processing if (m_pWaveHeaders[m_nBlockCurrent].dwFlags & WHDR_PREPARED) waveOutUnprepareHeader(m_hwDevice, &m_pWaveHeaders[m_nBlockCurrent], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); short nNewSample = 0; int nCurrentBlock = m_nBlockCurrent * m_nBlockSamples; auto clip = [](float fSample, float fMax) { if (fSample >= 0.0) return fmin(fSample, fMax); else return fmax(fSample, -fMax); }; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < m_nBlockSamples; n += m_nChannels) { // User Process for (unsigned int c = 0; c < m_nChannels; c++) { nNewSample = (short)(clip(GetMixerOutput(c, m_fGlobalTime, fTimeStep), 1.0) * fMaxSample); m_pBlockMemory[nCurrentBlock + n + c] = nNewSample; nPreviousSample = nNewSample; } m_fGlobalTime = m_fGlobalTime + fTimeStep; } // Send block to sound device waveOutPrepareHeader(m_hwDevice, &m_pWaveHeaders[m_nBlockCurrent], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); waveOutWrite(m_hwDevice, &m_pWaveHeaders[m_nBlockCurrent], sizeof(WAVEHDR)); m_nBlockCurrent++; m_nBlockCurrent %= m_nBlockCount; } } unsigned int SOUND::m_nSampleRate = 0; unsigned int SOUND::m_nChannels = 0; unsigned int SOUND::m_nBlockCount = 0; unsigned int SOUND::m_nBlockSamples = 0; unsigned int SOUND::m_nBlockCurrent = 0; short* SOUND::m_pBlockMemory = nullptr; WAVEHDR *SOUND::m_pWaveHeaders = nullptr; HWAVEOUT SOUND::m_hwDevice; std::atomic<unsigned int> SOUND::m_nBlockFree = 0; std::condition_variable SOUND::m_cvBlockNotZero; std::mutex SOUND::m_muxBlockNotZero; } #elif defined(USE_ALSA) namespace olc { bool SOUND::InitialiseAudio(unsigned int nSampleRate, unsigned int nChannels, unsigned int nBlocks, unsigned int nBlockSamples) { // Initialise Sound Engine m_bAudioThreadActive = false; m_nSampleRate = nSampleRate; m_nChannels = nChannels; m_nBlockSamples = nBlockSamples; m_pBlockMemory = nullptr; // Open PCM stream int rc = snd_pcm_open(&m_pPCM, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0); if (rc < 0) return DestroyAudio(); // Prepare the parameter structure and set default parameters snd_pcm_hw_params_t *params; snd_pcm_hw_params_alloca(¶ms); snd_pcm_hw_params_any(m_pPCM, params); // Set other parameters snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(m_pPCM, params, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE); snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate(m_pPCM, params, m_nSampleRate, 0); snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(m_pPCM, params, m_nChannels); snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size(m_pPCM, params, m_nBlockSamples, 0); snd_pcm_hw_params_set_periods(m_pPCM, params, nBlocks, 0); // Save these parameters rc = snd_pcm_hw_params(m_pPCM, params); if (rc < 0) return DestroyAudio(); listActiveSamples.clear(); // Allocate Wave|Block Memory m_pBlockMemory = new short[m_nBlockSamples]; if (m_pBlockMemory == nullptr) return DestroyAudio(); std::fill(m_pBlockMemory, m_pBlockMemory + m_nBlockSamples, 0); // Unsure if really needed, helped prevent underrun on my setup snd_pcm_start(m_pPCM); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++) rc = snd_pcm_writei(m_pPCM, m_pBlockMemory, 512); snd_pcm_start(m_pPCM); m_bAudioThreadActive = true; m_AudioThread = std::thread(&SOUND::AudioThread); return true; } // Stop and clean up audio system bool SOUND::DestroyAudio() { m_bAudioThreadActive = false; m_AudioThread.join(); snd_pcm_drain(m_pPCM); snd_pcm_close(m_pPCM); return false; } // Audio thread. This loop responds to requests from the soundcard to fill 'blocks' // with audio data. If no requests are available it goes dormant until the sound // card is ready for more data. The block is fille by the "user" in some manner // and then issued to the soundcard. void SOUND::AudioThread() { m_fGlobalTime = 0.0f; static float fTimeStep = 1.0f / (float)m_nSampleRate; // Goofy hack to get maximum integer for a type at run-time short nMaxSample = (short)pow(2, (sizeof(short) * 8) - 1) - 1; float fMaxSample = (float)nMaxSample; short nPreviousSample = 0; while (m_bAudioThreadActive) { short nNewSample = 0; auto clip = [](float fSample, float fMax) { if (fSample >= 0.0) return fmin(fSample, fMax); else return fmax(fSample, -fMax); }; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < m_nBlockSamples; n += m_nChannels) { // User Process for (unsigned int c = 0; c < m_nChannels; c++) { nNewSample = (short)(clip(GetMixerOutput(c, m_fGlobalTime, fTimeStep), 1.0) * fMaxSample); m_pBlockMemory[n + c] = nNewSample; nPreviousSample = nNewSample; } m_fGlobalTime = m_fGlobalTime + fTimeStep; } // Send block to sound device snd_pcm_uframes_t nLeft = m_nBlockSamples; short *pBlockPos = m_pBlockMemory; while (nLeft > 0) { int rc = snd_pcm_writei(m_pPCM, pBlockPos, nLeft); if (rc > 0) { pBlockPos += rc * m_nChannels; nLeft -= rc; } if (rc == -EAGAIN) continue; if (rc == -EPIPE) // an underrun occured, prepare the device for more data snd_pcm_prepare(m_pPCM); } } } snd_pcm_t* SOUND::m_pPCM = nullptr; unsigned int SOUND::m_nSampleRate = 0; unsigned int SOUND::m_nChannels = 0; unsigned int SOUND::m_nBlockSamples = 0; short* SOUND::m_pBlockMemory = nullptr; } #elif defined(USE_OPENAL) namespace olc { bool SOUND::InitialiseAudio(unsigned int nSampleRate, unsigned int nChannels, unsigned int nBlocks, unsigned int nBlockSamples) { // Initialise Sound Engine m_bAudioThreadActive = false; m_nSampleRate = nSampleRate; m_nChannels = nChannels; m_nBlockCount = nBlocks; m_nBlockSamples = nBlockSamples; m_pBlockMemory = nullptr; // Open the device and create the context m_pDevice = alcOpenDevice(NULL); if (m_pDevice) { m_pContext = alcCreateContext(m_pDevice, NULL); alcMakeContextCurrent(m_pContext); } else return DestroyAudio(); // Allocate memory for sound data alGetError(); m_pBuffers = new ALuint[m_nBlockCount]; alGenBuffers(m_nBlockCount, m_pBuffers); alGenSources(1, &m_nSource); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nBlockCount; i++) m_qAvailableBuffers.push(m_pBuffers[i]); listActiveSamples.clear(); // Allocate Wave|Block Memory m_pBlockMemory = new short[m_nBlockSamples]; if (m_pBlockMemory == nullptr) return DestroyAudio(); std::fill(m_pBlockMemory, m_pBlockMemory + m_nBlockSamples, 0); m_bAudioThreadActive = true; m_AudioThread = std::thread(&SOUND::AudioThread); return true; } // Stop and clean up audio system bool SOUND::DestroyAudio() { m_bAudioThreadActive = false; m_AudioThread.join(); alDeleteBuffers(m_nBlockCount, m_pBuffers); delete[] m_pBuffers; alDeleteSources(1, &m_nSource); alcMakeContextCurrent(NULL); alcDestroyContext(m_pContext); alcCloseDevice(m_pDevice); return false; } // Audio thread. This loop responds to requests from the soundcard to fill 'blocks' // with audio data. If no requests are available it goes dormant until the sound // card is ready for more data. The block is fille by the "user" in some manner // and then issued to the soundcard. void SOUND::AudioThread() { m_fGlobalTime = 0.0f; static float fTimeStep = 1.0f / (float)m_nSampleRate; // Goofy hack to get maximum integer for a type at run-time short nMaxSample = (short)pow(2, (sizeof(short) * 8) - 1) - 1; float fMaxSample = (float)nMaxSample; short nPreviousSample = 0; std::vector<ALuint> vProcessed; while (m_bAudioThreadActive) { ALint nState, nProcessed; alGetSourcei(m_nSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &nState); alGetSourcei(m_nSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &nProcessed); // Add processed buffers to our queue vProcessed.resize(nProcessed); alSourceUnqueueBuffers(m_nSource, nProcessed, vProcessed.data()); for (ALint nBuf : vProcessed) m_qAvailableBuffers.push(nBuf); // Wait until there is a free buffer (ewww) if (m_qAvailableBuffers.empty()) continue; short nNewSample = 0; auto clip = [](float fSample, float fMax) { if (fSample >= 0.0) return fmin(fSample, fMax); else return fmax(fSample, -fMax); }; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < m_nBlockSamples; n += m_nChannels) { // User Process for (unsigned int c = 0; c < m_nChannels; c++) { nNewSample = (short)(clip(GetMixerOutput(c, m_fGlobalTime, fTimeStep), 1.0) * fMaxSample); m_pBlockMemory[n + c] = nNewSample; nPreviousSample = nNewSample; } m_fGlobalTime = m_fGlobalTime + fTimeStep; } // Fill OpenAL data buffer alBufferData( m_qAvailableBuffers.front(), m_nChannels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, m_pBlockMemory, 2 * m_nBlockSamples, m_nSampleRate ); // Add it to the OpenAL queue alSourceQueueBuffers(m_nSource, 1, &m_qAvailableBuffers.front()); // Remove it from ours m_qAvailableBuffers.pop(); // If it's not playing for some reason, change that if (nState != AL_PLAYING) alSourcePlay(m_nSource); } } std::queue<ALuint> SOUND::m_qAvailableBuffers; ALuint *SOUND::m_pBuffers = nullptr; ALuint SOUND::m_nSource = 0; ALCdevice *SOUND::m_pDevice = nullptr; ALCcontext *SOUND::m_pContext = nullptr; unsigned int SOUND::m_nSampleRate = 0; unsigned int SOUND::m_nChannels = 0; unsigned int SOUND::m_nBlockCount = 0; unsigned int SOUND::m_nBlockSamples = 0; short* SOUND::m_pBlockMemory = nullptr; } #else // Some other platform namespace olc { bool SOUND::InitialiseAudio(unsigned int nSampleRate, unsigned int nChannels, unsigned int nBlocks, unsigned int nBlockSamples) { return true; } // Stop and clean up audio system bool SOUND::DestroyAudio() { return false; } // Audio thread. This loop responds to requests from the soundcard to fill 'blocks' // with audio data. If no requests are available it goes dormant until the sound // card is ready for more data. The block is fille by the "user" in some manner // and then issued to the soundcard. void SOUND::AudioThread() { } } #endif #endif #endif // OLC_PGEX_SOUND