const express = require ( 'express' )
const axios = require ( 'axios' )
var http = require ( 'http' ) ;
var https = require ( 'https' ) ;
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
var key = fs . readFileSync ( './' ) ;
var cert = fs . readFileSync ( './' ) ;
var options = {
key : key ,
cert : cert
} ;
const app = express ( )
var server = https . createServer ( options , app ) ;
const port = 4504
server . listen ( port , ( ) => console . log ( ` Example app listening at http://localhost: ${ port } ` ) )
const bodyParser = require ( 'body-parser' )
const { json } = require ( 'body-parser' )
const moment = require ( 'moment' ) ;
const Pool = require ( 'pg' ) . Pool
app . use ( bodyParser . json ( ) )
app . use (
bodyParser . urlencoded ( {
extended : true ,
} )
let allowCrossDomain = function ( req , res , next ) {
res . header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' , "*" ) ;
res . header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' , "*" ) ;
res . header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' , "*" ) ;
next ( ) ;
app . use ( allowCrossDomain ) ;
const db =
new Pool ( {
user : 'postgres' ,
password : '' ,
host : 'postgres' ,
database : 'ngsplanner' ,
port : 5432 ,
} )
endpoint : "class" ,
requiredfields : [ "name" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "icon" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "class_level_data" ,
requiredfields : [ "class_id" , "level" , "hp" , "atk" , "def" ] ,
optionalfields : [ ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "class_weapon_type_data" ,
requiredfields : [ "class_id" , "weapon_type_id" ] ,
optionalfields : [ ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "weapon" ,
requiredfields : [ "name" , "rarity" , "level_req" , "atk" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "potential_id" , "variance" , "base_affix_slots" , "drop_info" , "pb_gauge_build" , "icon" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "weapon_existence_data" ,
requiredfields : [ "weapon_type_id" , "weapon_id" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "popularity" , "editors_choice" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "weapon_type" ,
requiredfields : [ "name" , "dmg_type" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "icon" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "armor" ,
requiredfields : [ "name" , "rarity" , "level_req" , "def" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "hp" , "pp" , "mel_dmg" , "rng_dmg" , "tec_dmg" , "crit_rate" , "crit_dmg" , "pp_cost_reduction" , "active_pp_recovery" , "natural_pp_recovery" , "dmg_res" , "all_down_res" , "burn_res" , "freeze_res" , "blind_res" , "shock_res" , "panic_res" , "poison_res" , "battle_power_value" , "pb_gauge_build" , "icon" , "popularity" , "editors_choice" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "potential" ,
requiredfields : [ "name" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "icon" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "potential_data" ,
requiredfields : [ "potential_id" , "level" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "mel_dmg" , "rng_dmg" , "tec_dmg" , "crit_rate" , "crit_dmg" , "pp_cost_reduction" , "active_pp_recovery" , "natural_pp_recovery" , "dmg_res" , "all_down_res" , "burn_res" , "freeze_res" , "blind_res" , "shock_res" , "panic_res" , "poison_res" , "battle_power_value" , "pb_gauge_build" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "builds" ,
requiredfields : [ "users_id" , "creator" , "build_name" , "class1" , "created_on" , "last_modified" , "data" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "class2" , "likes" , "editors_choice" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "skill" ,
requiredfields : [ "name" , "skill_type_id" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "icon" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "skill_type" ,
requiredfields : [ "name" ] ,
optionalfields : [ ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "skill_data" ,
requiredfields : [ "skill_id" , "level" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "variance" , "mel_dmg" , "rng_dmg" , "tec_dmg" , "crit_rate" , "crit_dmg" , "pp_cost_reduction" , "active_pp_recovery" , "natural_pp_recovery" , "dmg_res" , "popularity" , "editors_choice" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "augment" ,
requiredfields : [ "augment_type_id" , "name" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "variance" , "hp" , "pp" , "mel_dmg" , "rng_dmg" , "tec_dmg" , "crit_rate" , "crit_dmg" , "pp_cost_reduction" , "active_pp_recovery" , "natural_pp_recovery" , "dmg_res" , "affix_success_rate" , "all_down_res" , "burn_res" , "freeze_res" , "blind_res" , "shock_res" , "panic_res" , "poison_res" , "battle_power_value" , "pb_gauge_build" , "popularity" , "editors_choice" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "augment_type" ,
requiredfields : [ "name" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "icon" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "food" ,
requiredfields : [ "material" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "potency" , "pp" , "dmg_res" , "hp" , "pp_consumption" , "pp_recovery" , "weak_point_dmg" , "hp_recovery" , "popularity" , "editors_choice" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "food_mult" ,
requiredfields : [ "amount" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "potency" , "pp" , "dmg_res" , "hp" , "pp_consumption" , "pp_recovery" , "weak_point_dmg" , "hp_recovery" ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "roles" ,
requiredfields : [ "name" ] ,
optionalfields : [ ] ,
excludedfields : [ ] //Fields to not output in GET.
} ,
endpoint : "users" ,
requiredfields : [ "username" , "email" , "created_on" , "roles_id" ] ,
optionalfields : [ "avatar" , "editors_choice" ] ,
excludedfields : [ "password_hash" ] //Fields to not output in GET.
function CreateDynamicEndpoints ( ) {
ENDPOINTDATA . map ( ( endpoint ) => {
app . get ( "/" + endpoint . endpoint , ( req , res ) => {
db . query ( 'select * from ' + endpoint . endpoint + " order by id desc" )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( { fields : data . fields , rows : data . rows } )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} )
app . post ( "/" + endpoint . endpoint , ( req , res ) => {
var allExist = true
endpoint . requiredfields . forEach ( ( field ) => {
if ( ! ( field in req . body ) ) {
allExist = false ;
} )
if ( ! allExist ) {
res . status ( 300 ) . send ( "Required fields are: " + endpoint . requiredfields . filter ( ( field ) => ! ( field in req . body ) ) . join ( ',' ) )
var combinedfields = [ ... endpoint . requiredfields , ... endpoint . optionalfields , ... endpoint . excludedfields ]
var all _filled _fields = combinedfields . filter ( ( field ) => ( field in req . body ) )
db . query ( 'insert into ' + endpoint . endpoint + "(" + all _filled _fields . join ( ',' ) + ") values(" + all _filled _fields . map ( ( field , i ) => "$" + ( i + 1 ) ) . join ( "," ) + ") returning *" , all _filled _fields . map ( ( field ) => req . body [ field ] ) )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} )
app . patch ( "/" + endpoint . endpoint , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . body . id ) {
var combinedfields = [ ... endpoint . requiredfields , ... endpoint . optionalfields , ... endpoint . excludedfields ]
var all _filled _fields = combinedfields . filter ( ( field ) => ( field in req . body ) )
db . query ( 'update ' + endpoint . endpoint + ' set ' + all _filled _fields . map ( ( field , i ) => field + "=$" + ( i + 1 ) ) . join ( "," ) + " where id=$" + ( all _filled _fields . length + 1 ) + " returning *" , [ ... all _filled _fields . map ( ( field ) => req . body [ field ] ) , req . body . id ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 300 ) . send ( "Invalid query!" )
} )
app . delete ( "/" + endpoint . endpoint , ( req , res ) => {
if ( req . body . id ) {
db . query ( 'delete from ' + endpoint . endpoint + ' where id=$1 returning *' , [ req . body . id ] )
. then ( ( data ) => {
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( data . rows )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message )
} )
} else {
res . status ( 300 ) . send ( "Invalid query!" )
} )
} )
function CleanUp ( arr , vals ) {
return arr . map ( ( arrVal ) => {
vals . forEach ( ( val ) => {
arrVal [ val ] = undefined
} )
return arrVal
} )
app . get ( '/data' , ( req , res ) => {
var finalresult = { }
db . query ( 'select * from potential_data inner join potential on' )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "potential_data" ] = data . rows
return db . query ( 'select *, as weapon, as potential, as weapon_type from weapon_existence_data inner join weapon on inner join potential on inner join weapon_type on' )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "weapon_existence_data" ] = CleanUp ( data . rows , [ "id" , "name" , "potential_id" , "weapon_type_id" , "weapon_id" ] )
return db . query ( 'select *, as weapon_type, as class from class_weapon_type_data inner join weapon_type on inner join class on' )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "class_weapon_type_data" ] = CleanUp ( data . rows , [ "id" , "name" , "class_id" , "weapon_type_id" ] )
return db . query ( 'select *, as class from class_level_data inner join class on' )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "class_level_data" ] = CleanUp ( data . rows , [ "id" , "class_id" , "name" ] )
return db . query ( 'select *, as class2 from (select *, as class1 from builds inner join users on inner join class on inner join class on' )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "builds" ] = CleanUp ( data . rows , [ "id" , "users_id" , "username" , "email" , "password_hash" , "created_on" , "roles_id" , "name" ] )
return db . query ( 'select *, as skill_name, as skill_type_name from skill_data inner join skill on inner join skill_type on' )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "skill_data" ] = CleanUp ( data . rows , [ "id" , "name" , "skill_type_id" , "skill_id" ] )
return db . query ( 'select *, as augment_type from augment inner join augment_type on' )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "augment" ] = CleanUp ( data . rows , [ "id" , "name" , "augment_type_id" ] )
return db . query ( 'select * from armor' )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "armor" ] = data . rows
return db . query ( 'select * from food' )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "food" ] = data . rows
return db . query ( 'select * from food_mult' )
} )
. then ( ( data ) => {
finalresult [ "food_mult" ] = data . rows
res . status ( 200 ) . json ( finalresult )
} )
. catch ( ( err ) => {
res . status ( 500 ) . send ( err . message ) ;
} )
} )
CreateDynamicEndpoints ( )