145 lines
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145 lines
5.9 KiB
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.*
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.ajoberstar:gradle-git:1.2.0'
ext {
jmeRevision = 0
jmeGitHash = ""
jmeGitTag = ""
jmeShortGitHash = ""
jmeBuildDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date())
jmeBranchName = "unknown"
jmeFullVersion = "${jmeVersion}-SNAPSHOT"
task configureVersionInfo {
try {
// Users can configure behavior by setting properties on the command
// line:
// jmeVersionName:
// If set this will override all automatic version detection.
// useCommitHashAsVersionName:
// If there is no jmeVersionName set and the current commit has no
// specific tag then setting this to 'true' will cause the version to
// be the full commit ID.
// includeBranchInVersion:
// Set to true if a non-master branch name should be included in the automatically
// generated version.
def grgit = Grgit.open(project.file('.'))
def head = grgit.head()
jmeRevision = grgit.log(includes: [head]).size()
jmeGitHash = head.id
jmeShortGitHash = head.abbreviatedId
jmeBranchName = grgit.branch.current.name
// This code will find an exact-match tag if the current
// commit is the same as the tag commit.
jmeGitTag = grgit.tag.list().find { it.commit == head }
def latestTag;
if( jmeGitTag ) {
// Just use the name. We keep jmeGitTag separate because there
// is some logic that wants to know if this specific commit has
// a tag versus 'whatever tag we are a child of'... which is what
// 'latestTag' will be.
jmeGitTag = jmeGitTag.name
latestTag = jmeGitTag;
} else {
// Use describe to find the most recent tag. Unfortunately,
// in this version of grgit, we don't have the 'always' options
// so we can't make as many assumptions about the format of the
// string.
// If the commit is an exact match then it will return just the
// tag name... else it will be tagName-commitCount-abbreviatedId
// We'll use some groovy regex magic to get the tag either way.
def describe = grgit.describe()
def fullDescribe = (describe =~/(.*?)-(\d+)-g$jmeShortGitHash/)
latestTag = fullDescribe ? fullDescribe[0][1] : describe
println "Latest tag:" + latestTag
// We could enhance this with some more regex if we wanted to sanity
// check that it was formatted like our versions.
def tagVersion = (latestTag =~/v?(.*)/)[0][1];
// If the branch is not master then use the tag.
if( jmeBranchName != "master" ) {
jmeVersion = tagVersion
// Parse out just the base version part. -SNAPSHOT versions
// shouldn't really include our release suffixes
def baseVersion = (tagVersion =~/(\d+\.\d+.\d+)/)
baseVersion = baseVersion.size() > 0 ? baseVersion[0][0] : tagVersion
if( !jmeVersionName ) {
// If there is a specific tag for the top commit then we always
// use that.
if( jmeGitTag ) {
println "Using GIT tag as version"
jmeFullVersion = tagVersion; // already cleaned up
jmeVersionTag = "" // and no SNAPSHOT suffix for an exact version tag
// Note: this will not automatically add SNAPSHOT if the user has
// local changes that they haven't committed. Technically, only
// real CI builds should be using non-SNAPSHOT versions so we may
// eventually want to change the script to always use -SNAPSHOT with
// a CI option to turn it off.
// We could also check the grgit.status for unstaged modified/removed files.
// def unstaged = grgit.status().unstaged;
// def modCount = unstaged.modified.size() + unstaged.removed.size()
// ...but that seems like a wasteful check considering only official
// version builds should not have a -SNAPSHOT.
} else if( useCommitHashAsVersionName == "true" && jmeGitHash ) {
// The user has opted to use the hash... and we actually have
// a hash.
println "Using commit ID as version"
jmeFullVersion = jmeGitHash;
jmeVersionTag = ""
} else {
println "Auto-detecting version"
jmeVersionTag = "SNAPSHOT"
if( includeBranchInVersion == "true" && jmeBranchName != "master" ) {
jmeFullVersion = baseVersion + "-" + jmeBranchName + "-" + jmeVersionTag;
} else {
jmeFullVersion = baseVersion + "-" + jmeVersionTag;
} else {
// Just use defaults
println "Using user-defined version"
jmeVersionTag = "SNAPSHOT"
println("Revision: ${jmeRevision}")
println("Hash: ${jmeGitHash}")
println("Short Hash: ${jmeShortGitHash}")
println("Tag: ${jmeGitTag}")
println("Build Date: ${jmeBuildDate}")
println("Build Branch: ${jmeBranchName}")
println("Use commit hash as version ${useCommitHashAsVersionName}")
println("Base Version: ${baseVersion}")
println("Build Suffix: ${jmeVersionTag}")
println("Build Version: ${jmeFullVersion}")
} catch (ex) {
// Failed to get repo info
logger.warn("Failed to get repository info: " + ex.message + ". " + \
"Only partial build info will be generated.")