A complete 3D game development suite written purely in Java.
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Kae..pl 5097881499 Refactoring: simplified method that loads the object's transformation. 12 years ago
android Android: Rewrite of EGL config chooser. ConfigType is also now deprecated so that egl* protected parameters in AndroidHarness can be used. These new parameters are copied into AppSettings and then used in AndroidConfigChooser to define the minimum requirements for selecting an appropriate egl config. If a different config is choosen, the AppSettings are updated so users can detect the currently used values. 12 years ago
blender/com/jme3 Refactoring: simplified method that loads the object's transformation. 12 years ago
bullet/com/jme3/bullet * Add capability to serialize BVH data structure for MeshCollisionShape when native bullet is used (see http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/forum/topic/meshcollisionshape-serialize/) 12 years ago
bullet-common/com/jme3/bullet Add isEnabled to PhysicsControl interface 12 years ago
bullet-native * Add capability to serialize BVH data structure for MeshCollisionShape when native bullet is used (see http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/forum/topic/meshcollisionshape-serialize/) 12 years ago
core Fixed how Hardware BoneIndex and BoneWeight buffers are handled in extractVertexData when used for a shared mesh. 12 years ago
core-data Fixing some implicit casts. These must be ignored 12 years ago
core-effects Fixed the DepthOfField effect to work with AA 12 years ago
core-plugins/com/jme3 the ShaderNodesLoader is now properly reset when loading several technique def using nodes 12 years ago
desktop * On Windows, forcefully load our version of OpenAL to prevent any currently installed versions in System32 from overriding it 12 years ago
ios/com/jme3/system/ios - change logging from logger.info() logger.fine and logger.warning() 12 years ago
jbullet/com/jme3/bullet * Add capability to serialize BVH data structure for MeshCollisionShape when native bullet is used (see http://hub.jmonkeyengine.org/forum/topic/meshcollisionshape-serialize/) 12 years ago
jheora/com/jme3/newvideo Replace NetBeans file templates with jME licenses 13 years ago
jogg/com/jme3/audio/plugins - set logging from Level.INFO to Level.FINE for most logging 12 years ago
jogl/com/jme3 One can now change the depth test function throught the additional renderstate of a material. 12 years ago
lwjgl/com/jme3 One can now change the depth test function throught the additional renderstate of a material. 12 years ago
networking/com/jme3/network Added a connected check to DefaultClient's channel-based 12 years ago
niftygui Nifty GUI: improve mouse click interoperability between Nifty and Jme 12 years ago
ogre/com/jme3/scene/plugins/ogre Hardware Skinning now uses its own bone index and bone weight buffers. The vertex buffers are initialized empty when the model is loaded and placed in the cache. 12 years ago
openal-soft-native/android Android: Add support for effects, filters, reverb, and environment to Android implementation of OpenAL Soft 12 years ago
terrain * Avoid FD leaking in AbstractHeightMap save 12 years ago
test/jme3test Properly set the number of samples in some of the 12 years ago
tools/jme3tools GeometryBatchFactory now properly handles batching geometries with different numbe rof lod levels. 12 years ago
xml/com/jme3/export/xml Change all source licenses to say 2009-2012 13 years ago