###################################################################################### # JME CI/CD ###################################################################################### # Quick overview of what is going on in this script: # - Build natives for android # - Build natives for linux arm # - Build natives for windows,mac,linux x86_64 and x86 # - Merge the natives, build the engine, create the zip release, maven artifacts, javadoc and native snapshot # - (only when there is a change in the native code) Deploy the native snapshot to bintray # - (only when building a release) Deploy everything else to github releases, github packet registry and bintray # - (only when building a release) Update javadoc.jmonkeyengine.org # Note: # All the actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact steps are used to pass # stuff between jobs, github actions has some sort of storage that is local to the # running workflow, we use it to store the result of each job since the filesystem # is not maintained between jobs. ################# CONFIGURATIONS ##################################################### # >> Configure BINTRAY RELEASE & NATIVE SNAPSHOT # Configure the following secrets/variables (customize the values with your own) # BINTRAY_GENERIC_REPO=riccardoblsandbox/jmonkeyengine-files # BINTRAY_MAVEN_REPO=riccardoblsandbox/jmonkeyengine # BINTRAY_USER=riccardo # BINTRAY_APIKEY=XXXXXX # BINTRAY_LICENSE="BSD 3-Clause" # >> Configure PACKAGE REGISTRY RELEASE # Nothing to do here, everything is autoconfigured to work with the account/org that # is running the build. # >> Configure JAVADOC # JAVADOC_GHPAGES_REPO="riccardoblsandbox/javadoc.jmonkeyengine.org.git" # Generate a deloy key # ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "actions@users.noreply.github.com" -f javadoc_deploy # Set # JAVADOC_GHPAGES_DEPLOY_PRIVKEY="......." # In github repo -> Settings, use javadoc_deploy.pub as Deploy key with write access ###################################################################################### # Resources: # - Github actions docs: https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-github-actions # - Package registry docs: https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-github-package-registry # - Official actions: https://github.com/actions # - Community actions: https://github.com/sdras/awesome-actions ###################################################################################### # - Riccardo Balbo ###################################################################################### name: Build jMonkeyEngine on: push: branches: - master - newbuild - v3.3.* - v3.2 - v3.2.* pull_request: release: types: [published] jobs: # Builds the natives on linux arm BuildLinuxArmNatives: name: Build natives for linux (arm) runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 container: image: riccardoblb/buildenv-jme3:linuxArm steps: - name: Clone the repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 1 - name: Validate the Gradle wrapper uses: gradle/wrapper-validation-action@v1 - name: Build run: | # Build # Note: since this is crossbuild we use the buildForPlatforms filter to tell # the buildscript wich platforms it should build for. ./gradlew -PuseCommitHashAsVersionName=true --no-daemon -PbuildForPlatforms=LinuxArm,LinuxArmHF,LinuxArm64 -PbuildNativeProjects=true \ :jme3-bullet-native:assemble - name: Upload natives uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: linuxarm-natives path: build/native # Build the natives on android BuildAndroidNatives: name: Build natives for android runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 container: image: riccardoblb/buildenv-jme3:android steps: - name: Clone the repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 1 - name: Validate the Gradle wrapper uses: gradle/wrapper-validation-action@v1 - name: Build run: | ./gradlew -PuseCommitHashAsVersionName=true --no-daemon -PbuildNativeProjects=true \ :jme3-android-native:assemble \ :jme3-bullet-native-android:assemble - name: Upload natives uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: android-natives path: build/native # Build the natives BuildNatives: strategy: fail-fast: true matrix: os: [ubuntu-18.04,windows-2019,macOS-latest] jdk: [8.x.x] include: - os: ubuntu-18.04 osName: linux - os: windows-2019 osName: windows - os: macOS-latest osName: mac name: Build natives for ${{ matrix.osName }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - name: Clone the repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 1 - name: Prepare java environment uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: ${{ matrix.jdk }} architecture: x64 - name: Validate the Gradle wrapper uses: gradle/wrapper-validation-action@v1 - name: Build Natives shell: bash env: OS_NAME: ${{ matrix.osName }} run: | # Install dependencies if [ "$OS_NAME" = "mac" ]; then echo "Prepare mac" elif [ "$OS_NAME" = "linux" ]; then echo "Prepare linux" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y gcc-multilib g++-multilib else echo "Prepare windows" fi # Build ./gradlew -PuseCommitHashAsVersionName=true --no-daemon -PbuildNativeProjects=true -Dmaven.repo.local="$PWD/dist/maven" \ build \ :jme3-bullet-native:build # Upload natives to be used later by the BuildJMonkey job - name: Upload natives uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: ${{ matrix.osName }}-natives path: build/native # Build the engine, we only deploy from ubuntu-18.04 jdk8 BuildJMonkey: needs: [BuildNatives,BuildAndroidNatives] name: Build on ${{ matrix.osName }} jdk${{ matrix.jdk }} runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: true matrix: os: [ubuntu-18.04,windows-2019,macOS-latest] jdk: [8.x.x,11.x.x] include: - os: ubuntu-18.04 osName: linux deploy: true - os: windows-2019 osName: windows - os: macOS-latest osName: mac - jdk: 11.x.x deploy: false steps: - name: Clone the repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 1 - name: Setup the java environment uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: ${{ matrix.jdk }} architecture: x64 - name: Download natives for linux uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: linux-natives path: build/native - name: Download natives for windows uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: windows-natives path: build/native - name: Download natives for mac uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: mac-natives path: build/native - name: Download natives for android uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: android-natives path: build/native - name: Download natives for linux (arm) uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: linuxarm-natives path: build/native - name: Validate the Gradle wrapper uses: gradle/wrapper-validation-action@v1 - name: Build Engine shell: bash run: | # Build ./gradlew -PuseCommitHashAsVersionName=true -PskipPrebuildLibraries=true build if [ "${{ matrix.deploy }}" = "true" ]; then # We are going to need "zip" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y zip # Create the zip release and the javadoc ./gradlew -PuseCommitHashAsVersionName=true -PskipPrebuildLibraries=true mergedJavadoc createZipDistribution # We prepare the release for deploy mkdir -p ./dist/release/ mv build/distributions/*.zip dist/release/ # Create the maven artifacts mkdir -p ./dist/maven/ ./gradlew -PuseCommitHashAsVersionName=true -PskipPrebuildLibraries=true install -Dmaven.repo.local="$PWD/dist/maven" # Zip the natives into a single archive (we are going to use this to deploy native snapshots) echo "Create native zip" cdir="$PWD" cd "build/native" zip -r "$cdir/dist/jme3-natives.zip" * cd "$cdir" echo "Done" fi # Used later by DeploySnapshot - name: Upload merged natives if: matrix.deploy==true uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: natives path: dist/jme3-natives.zip # Upload maven artifacts to be used later by the deploy job - name: Upload maven artifacts if: matrix.deploy==true uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: maven path: dist/maven - name: Upload javadoc if: matrix.deploy==true uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: javadoc path: dist/javadoc # Upload release archive to be used later by the deploy job - name: Upload release if: github.event_name == 'release' && matrix.deploy==true uses: actions/upload-artifact@master with: name: release path: dist/release # This job deploys the native snapshot. # The snapshot is downloaded when people build the engine without setting buildNativeProject # this is useful for people that want to build only the java part and don't have # all the stuff needed to compile natives. DeploySnapshot: needs: [BuildJMonkey] name: "Deploy snapshot" runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 if: github.event_name == 'push' steps: # We clone the repo manually, since we are going to push back a reference to the snapshot - name: Clone the repo run: | branch="${GITHUB_REF//refs\/heads\//}" if [ "$branch" != "" ]; then git clone --single-branch --branch "$branch" https://github.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git . fi - name: Download merged natives uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: natives path: dist/ - name: Deploy natives snapshot run: | source .github/actions/tools/bintray.sh NATIVE_CHANGES="yes" branch="${GITHUB_REF//refs\/heads\//}" if [ "$branch" != "" ]; then if [ -f "natives-snapshot.properties" ]; then nativeSnapshot=`cat "natives-snapshot.properties"` nativeSnapshot="${nativeSnapshot#*=}" # We deploy ONLY if GITHUB_SHA (the current commit hash) is newer than $nativeSnapshot if [ "`git rev-list --count $nativeSnapshot..$GITHUB_SHA`" = "0" ]; then NATIVE_CHANGES="" else # We check if the native code changed. echo "Detect changes" NATIVE_CHANGES="$(git diff-tree --name-only "$GITHUB_SHA" "$nativeSnapshot" -- jme3-bullet-native/)" if [ "$NATIVE_CHANGES" = "" ];then NATIVE_CHANGES="$(git diff-tree --name-only "$GITHUB_SHA" "$nativeSnapshot" -- jme3-android-native/)"; fi if [ "$NATIVE_CHANGES" = "" ];then NATIVE_CHANGES="$(git diff-tree --name-only "$GITHUB_SHA" "$nativeSnapshot" -- jme3-bullet-native-android/)"; fi if [ "$NATIVE_CHANGES" = "" ];then NATIVE_CHANGES="$(git diff-tree --name-only "$GITHUB_SHA" "$nativeSnapshot" -- jme3-bullet/)"; fi fi fi # We do nothing if there is no change if [ "$NATIVE_CHANGES" = "" ]; then echo "No changes, skip." else if [ "${{ secrets.BINTRAY_GENERIC_REPO }}" = "" ]; then echo "Configure the following secrets to enable native snapshot deployment" echo "BINTRAY_GENERIC_REPO, BINTRAY_USER, BINTRAY_APIKEY" else # Deploy snapshot bintray_uploadFile dist/jme3-natives.zip \ $GITHUB_SHA/$GITHUB_SHA/jme3-natives.zip \ ${{ secrets.BINTRAY_GENERIC_REPO }} "content" "natives" \ ${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} \ ${{ secrets.BINTRAY_APIKEY }} \ "https://github.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" \ "${{ secrets.BINTRAY_LICENSE }}" "true" # We reference the snapshot by writing its commit hash in natives-snapshot.properties echo "natives.snapshot=$GITHUB_SHA" > natives-snapshot.properties # We commit the updated natives-snapshot.properties git config --global user.name "Github Actions" git config --global user.email "actions@users.noreply.github.com" git add natives-snapshot.properties git commit -m "[skip ci] update natives snapshot" # Pull rebase from the remote repo, just in case there was a push in the meantime git pull -q --rebase # We need to calculate the header for git authentication header=$(echo -n "ad-m:${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" | base64) # Push (git -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: basic $header" push origin "$branch" || true) fi fi fi # This job deploys the release DeployRelease: needs: [BuildJMonkey] name: Deploy Release runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 if: github.event_name == 'release' steps: # We need to clone everything again for uploadToMaven.sh ... - name: Clone the repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 1 # Download all the stuff... - name: Download maven artifacts uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: maven path: dist/maven - name: Download release uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: release path: dist/release - name: Deploy to github releases run: | # We need to get the release id (yeah, it's not the same as the tag) echo "${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH}" cat ${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH} releaseId=$(jq --raw-output '.release.id' ${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH}) # Now that we have the id, we just upload the release zip from before echo "Upload to release $releaseId" filename="$(ls dist/release/*.zip)" url="https://uploads.github.com/repos/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/releases/$releaseId/assets?name=$(basename $filename)" echo "Upload to $url" curl -L \ -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/zip" \ --data-binary @"$filename" \ "$url" - name: Deploy to bintray run: | source .github/actions/tools/uploadToMaven.sh if [ "${{ secrets.BINTRAY_MAVEN_REPO }}" = "" ]; then echo "Configure the following secrets to enable bintray deployment" echo "BINTRAY_MAVEN_REPO, BINTRAY_USER, BINTRAY_APIKEY" else uploadAllToMaven dist/maven/ https://api.bintray.com/maven/${{ secrets.BINTRAY_MAVEN_REPO }} ${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} ${{ secrets.BINTRAY_APIKEY }} "https://github.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}" "${{ secrets.BINTRAY_LICENSE }}" fi # - name: Deploy to github package registry # run: | # source .github/actions/tools/uploadToMaven.sh # registry="https://maven.pkg.github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" # echo "Deploy to github package registry $registry" # uploadAllToMaven dist/maven/ $registry "token" ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Deploy the javadoc DeployJavaDoc: needs: [BuildJMonkey] name: Deploy Javadoc runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 if: github.event_name == 'release' steps: # We are going to need a deploy key for this, since we need # to push to a different repo - name: Set ssh key run: | mkdir -p ~/.ssh/ echo "${{ secrets.JAVADOC_GHPAGES_DEPLOY_PRIVKEY }}" > $HOME/.ssh/deploy.key chmod 600 $HOME/.ssh/deploy.key # We clone the javadoc repo - name: Clone gh-pages run: | branch="gh-pages" export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $HOME/.ssh/deploy.key" git clone --single-branch --branch "$branch" git@github.com:${{ secrets.JAVADOC_GHPAGES_REPO }} . # Download the javadoc in the new directory "newdoc" - name: Download javadoc uses: actions/download-artifact@master with: name: javadoc path: newdoc # The actual deploy - name: Deploy to github pages run: | set -f IFS=$'\n' # Get the tag for this release version="`if [[ $GITHUB_REF == refs\/tags* ]]; then echo ${GITHUB_REF//refs\/tags\//}; fi`" # If there is no tag, then we do nothing. if [ "$version" != "" ]; then echo "Deploy as $version" # Remove any older version of the javadoc for this tag if [ -d "$version" ];then rm -Rf "$version"; fi # Rename newdoc with the version name mv newdoc "$version" # if there isn't an index.txt we create one (we need this to list the versions) if [ ! -f "index.txt" ]; then echo "" > index.txt ; fi index="`cat index.txt`" # Check if this version is already in index.txt addNew=true for v in $index; do if [ "$v" = "$version" ]; then echo "$v" "$version" addNew=false break fi done # If not, we add it to the beginning if [ "$addNew" = "true" ]; then echo -e "$version\n$index" > index.txt index="`cat index.txt`" fi # Regenerate the pages chmod +x make.sh ./make.sh # Configure git to use the deploy key export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $HOME/.ssh/deploy.key" # Commit the changes git config --global user.name "Github Actions" git config --global user.email "actions@users.noreply.github.com" git add . git commit -m "$version" branch="gh-pages" git push origin "$branch" --force fi