//ant.importBuild 'build.xml' import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder import java.util.zip.ZipFile if (!hasProperty('mainClass')) { ext.mainClass = '' } configurations { corelibs optlibs testdatalibs } dependencies { corelibs project(':jme3-blender') corelibs project(':jme3-core') corelibs project(':jme3-desktop') corelibs project(':jme3-effects') corelibs project(':jme3-jbullet') corelibs project(':jme3-jogg') corelibs project(':jme3-lwjgl') corelibs project(':jme3-networking') corelibs project(':jme3-niftygui') corelibs project(':jme3-plugins') corelibs project(':jme3-terrain') testdatalibs project(':jme3-testdata') optlibs project(':jme3-bullet') optlibs project(':jme3-jogl') } artifacts { // jar null } task checkPlatformConfig { description = "Downloads the NetBeans platform base and registers it in the SDK project if needed" def platformFile = file("nbproject/private/platform-private.properties") if(!platformFile.exists()){ def netbeansFolder = file("../netbeans") if(!netbeansFolder.exists()){ println "Downloading NetBeans Platform base, this only has to be done once.." def f = file("netbeans.zip") new URL("http://download.netbeans.org/netbeans/8.0/final/zip/netbeans-8.0-201403101706-javase.zip").withInputStream{ i -> f.withOutputStream{ it << i }} copy{ from zipTree(f) into "../" } f.delete() } file("nbproject/private/").mkdirs() platformFile.createNewFile() platformFile.write("nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir=${netbeansFolder.absolutePath}\r\n"+\ "nbplatform.default.harness.dir=${netbeansFolder.absolutePath}/harness\r\n") } } task copyBaseLibs(dependsOn:configurations.corelibs) <<{ description "Copies the library files needed to run the SDK to "+ "jme3-core-baselibs and jme3-core-libraries" // for each dependency in corelibs.. project.configurations.corelibs.dependencies.each {dep -> // copy built jme3 jar files to jme3-core-baselibs dep.dependencyProject.configurations.archives.allArtifacts.each{ artifact-> if(artifact.classifier == "sources"){ } else if(artifact.classifier == "javadoc"){ } else{ copy { from artifact.file into "jme3-core-baselibs/release/modules/ext/" } } } // copy external jar files to jme3-core-libraries copy { from dep.dependencyProject.configurations.compile.copyRecursive({ !(it instanceof ProjectDependency); }).resolve() into "jme3-core-libraries/release/modules/ext/" } } } task createBaseXml(dependsOn: configurations.corelibs) <<{ description "Creates the project.xml files for "+ "jme3-core-baselibs and jme3-core-libraries" def depJars = [] // jme3 jar files def depExtJars = [] // external jar files // collect jar files project.configurations.corelibs.dependencies.each {dep -> // collect external jar files dep.dependencyProject.configurations.compile.copyRecursive({ !(it instanceof ProjectDependency); }).resolve().each{ file-> depExtJars.add(file) } // collect internal jar files (classes, sources and javadoc) dep.dependencyProject.configurations.archives.allArtifacts.each{ artifact-> if(artifact.classifier == "sources"){ } else if(artifact.classifier == "javadoc"){ } else{ if(!depJars.contains(artifact.file)){ depJars.add(artifact.file) } } } } // collect base packages def packages = [] depJars.each{jarFile -> ZipFile file = new ZipFile(jarFile) file.entries().each { entry -> if(entry.name.endsWith('.class')){ // TODO: "/" works on windows? def pathPart = entry.name.substring(0,entry.name.lastIndexOf('/')) def classPath = pathPart.replace('/','.'); if(!packages.contains(classPath)){ packages.add(classPath) } } } } // collect library packages def extPackages = [] depExtJars.each{jarFile -> ZipFile file = new ZipFile(jarFile) file.entries().each { entry -> if(entry.name.endsWith('.class')){ // TODO: "/" works on windows? def pathPart = entry.name.substring(0,entry.name.lastIndexOf('/')) def classPath = pathPart.replace('/','.'); if(!extPackages.contains(classPath)){ extPackages.add(classPath) } } } } def writer = new StringWriter() def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer) xml.mkp.xmlDeclaration(version:'1.0') xml.project(xmlns:"http://www.netbeans.org/ns/project/1"){ type "org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project" configuration { data(xmlns:"http://www.netbeans.org/ns/nb-module-project/3") { "code-name-base" "com.jme3.gde.core.baselibs" "suite-component"{} "module-dependencies"{ dependency{ "code-name-base" "com.jme3.gde.core.libraries" "build-prerequisite"{} "compile-dependency"{} "run-dependency"{ "release-version" "1" "specification-version" "3.0.0" } } } "public-packages"{ packages.each{ "package" it } } depJars.each{jarFile -> "class-path-extension"{ "runtime-relative-path" "ext/${jarFile.name}" "binary-origin" "release/modules/ext/${jarFile.name}" } } } } } // write XML file File baselibsProjectFile = file("jme3-core-baselibs/nbproject/project.xml"); baselibsProjectFile.write(writer.toString()) def extWriter = new StringWriter() def extXml = new MarkupBuilder(extWriter) // extXml.mkp.xmlDeclaration(version:'1.0') extXml.project(xmlns:"http://www.netbeans.org/ns/project/1"){ type "org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project" configuration { data(xmlns:"http://www.netbeans.org/ns/nb-module-project/3") { "code-name-base" "com.jme3.gde.core.libraries" "suite-component"{} "module-dependencies"{} "public-packages"{ extPackages.each{ "package" it } } depExtJars.each{jarFile -> "class-path-extension"{ "runtime-relative-path" "ext/${jarFile.name}" "binary-origin" "release/modules/ext/${jarFile.name}" } } } } } // write XML file File librariesProjectFile = file("jme3-core-libraries/nbproject/project.xml"); librariesProjectFile.write(extWriter.toString()) } // workaround method to add a tag with the name "name" and "file" to an XML MarkupBuilder def makeName(builder, nameR) { builder.name nameR } def makeFile(builder, nameR) { builder.file(name:nameR, url:nameR) } task createProjectXml(dependsOn: configurations.corelibs) <<{ description "Creates needed J2SE library and layer XML files in jme3-project-baselibs" def eol = System.properties.'line.separator' def j2seLibraries = [] // created J2SE library descriptors // for each dependency in corelibs.. project.configurations.corelibs.dependencies.each {dep -> def depJars = [] // jme3 jar files def depSources = [] // jme3 sources def depJavadocs = [] // jme3 javadoc def depExtJars = [] // external jar files j2seLibraries.add(dep.dependencyProject.name+".xml") // collect external jar files dep.dependencyProject.configurations.compile.copyRecursive({ !(it instanceof ProjectDependency); }).resolve().each{ file-> depExtJars.add(file.name) } // collect internal jar files (classes, sources and javadoc) dep.dependencyProject.configurations.archives.allArtifacts.each{ artifact-> if(artifact.classifier == "sources"){ depSources.add(artifact.file.name) } else if(artifact.classifier == "javadoc"){ depJavadocs.add(artifact.file.name) } else{ if(!depJars.contains(artifact.file.name)){ depJars.add(artifact.file.name) } } } // create J2SE library descriptor xml file def libraryWriter = new StringWriter() def libraryXml = new MarkupBuilder(libraryWriter) // xml.mkp.xmlDeclaration(version:'1.0') libraryWriter << '' << eol libraryWriter << '' << eol libraryXml.library(version:"1.0", encoding: "UTF-8"){ makeName(libraryXml, "${dep.dependencyProject.name}") type "j2se" "localizing-bundle" "com.jme3.gde.project.baselibs.Bundle" volume{ type "classpath" depJars.each{jar -> resource "jar:nbinst://com.jme3.gde.project.baselibs/libs/${jar}!/" } depExtJars.each{jar -> resource "jar:nbinst://com.jme3.gde.project.libraries/libs/${jar}!/" } } volume{ type "src" depSources.each{jar -> resource "jar:nbinst://com.jme3.gde.project.baselibs/libs/${jar}!/" } } volume{ type "javadoc" depJavadocs.each{jar -> resource "jar:nbinst://com.jme3.gde.project.baselibs/libs/${jar}!/" } } } // write XML file File libraryXmlFile = file("jme3-project-baselibs/src/com/jme3/gde/project/baselibs/${dep.dependencyProject.name}.xml"); libraryXmlFile.write(libraryWriter.toString()) } // create layer.xml file with entries of library xml files def layerWriter = new StringWriter() def layerXml = new MarkupBuilder(layerWriter) // layerXml.mkp.xmlDeclaration(version:'1.0') layerWriter << '' << eol layerWriter << '' << eol layerXml.filesystem{ folder(name:"org-netbeans-api-project-libraries"){ folder(name:"Libraries"){ j2seLibraries.each{lib -> makeFile(layerXml, lib) } } } } File layerXmlFile = file("jme3-project-baselibs/src/com/jme3/gde/project/baselibs/layer.xml"); layerXmlFile.write(layerWriter.toString()) } task copyProjectLibs(dependsOn: configurations.corelibs) <<{ description "Copies the jar files needed to supply the J2SE Libraries in the "+ "SDK to jme3-project-baselibs and jme3-project-libraries" // for each dependency in corelibs.. project.configurations.corelibs.dependencies.each {dep -> // copy jme3 jar files, sources and javadocs to jme3-project-baselibs dep.dependencyProject.configurations.archives.allArtifacts.each{ artifact-> if(artifact.classifier == "sources"){ copy { from artifact.file into "jme3-project-baselibs/release/libs/" } } else if(artifact.classifier == "javadoc"){ copy { from artifact.file into "jme3-project-baselibs/release/libs/" } } else{ copy { from artifact.file into "jme3-project-baselibs/release/libs/" } } } // copy external jar files to jme3-project-libraries copy { from dep.dependencyProject.configurations.compile.copyRecursive({ !(it instanceof ProjectDependency); }).resolve() into "jme3-project-libraries/release/libs/" } } } ant.properties['plugins.version'] = jmeVersion ant.properties['app.version']= jmeMainVersion + jmeVersionSuffix task buildSdk(dependsOn: [copyBaseLibs, copyProjectLibs, createProjectXml, createBaseXml]) <<{ ant.propertyfile(file: "nbproject/project.properties") { entry( key: "plugins.version", value: "${jmeVersion}") entry( key: "app.version", value: "${jmeMainVersion + jmeVersionSuffix}") } ant.ant(dir: ".", antfile: "build.xml", target: "build") } task cleanSdk() <<{ ant.ant(dir: ".", antfile: "build.xml", target: "clean") } jar.dependsOn(buildSdk) clean.dependsOn(cleanSdk); //configurations { // antlibs //} //dependencies { // antlibs filetree(dir: 'ant-lib', include: '*.jar') //} // //ant.taskdef(resource: 'net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties', classpath: configurations.antlibs.asPath) //ant.taskdef(name: 'deb', classname: 'com.googlecode.ant_deb_task.Deb', classpath: configurations.antlibs.asPath) //ant.taskdef(name: 'gcupload', classname: 'net.bluecow.googlecode.ant.GoogleCodeUploadTask', classpath: configurations.antlibs.asPath) //ant.taskdef(name: 'desktopentry', classname: 'com.googlecode.ant_deb_task.DesktopEntry', classpath: configurations.antlibs.asPath) //ant.importBuild 'build.xml' //ant.properties.buildDir = buildDir //ant.properties['buildDir'] = buildDir //ant.property(name: 'buildDir', location: buildDir) //ant.taskdef(resource: 'checkstyletask.properties') { // classpath { // fileset(dir: 'ant-lib', includes: '*.jar') // } //} //ant.checkstyle(config: 'checkstyle.xml') { // fileset(dir: 'src') //} // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Clearing old files // // // // // // // // Copying jMonkeyPlatform jME3 libs // // // // // // // Copying jMonkeyPlatform external libraries // // // // // Copying Project jME3 libs // // // // // // Copying Project external libraries // // // // // // // Copying Test Project Data // // // // // Copying Javadoc // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // Copying Test Examples // // // // // // // // // // //