MaterialDef Unshaded { MaterialParameters { TextureArray ColorMap Texture2D LightMap Color Color (Color) Boolean VertexColor Boolean SeparateTexCoord // Texture of the glowing parts of the material Texture2D GlowMap // The glow color of the object Color GlowColor } Technique { VertexShader GLSL100: jme3test/texture/UnshadedArray.vert FragmentShader GLSL100: jme3test/texture/UnshadedArray.frag WorldParameters { WorldViewProjectionMatrix } Defines { SEPARATE_TEXCOORD : SeparateTexCoord HAS_COLORMAP : ColorMap HAS_LIGHTMAP : LightMap HAS_VERTEXCOLOR : VertexColor HAS_COLOR : Color } } Technique PreNormalPass { VertexShader GLSL100 : Common/MatDefs/SSAO/normal.vert FragmentShader GLSL100 : Common/MatDefs/SSAO/normal.frag WorldParameters { WorldViewProjectionMatrix WorldViewMatrix NormalMatrix } RenderState { } } Technique Glow { VertexShader GLSL100: Cjme3test/texture/UnshadedArray.vert FragmentShader GLSL100: Common/MatDefs/Light/Glow.frag WorldParameters { WorldViewProjectionMatrix } Defines { HAS_GLOWMAP : GlowMap HAS_GLOWCOLOR : GlowColor HAS_COLORMAP // Must be passed so that Unshaded.vert exports texCoord. } } }