/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 jMonkeyEngine * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jme3.opencl.jocl; import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA; import com.jme3.opencl.*; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLPlatform; import com.jogamp.opencl.llb.CL; import com.jogamp.opencl.llb.gl.CLGL; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * * @author shaman */ public class JoclImage extends Image { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JoclImage.class.getName()); final long id; final CL cl; public JoclImage(long image) { super(new ReleaserImpl(image)); this.id = image; this.cl = CLPlatform.getLowLevelCLInterface(); } public static int decodeImageChannelOrder(ImageChannelOrder order) { switch (order) { case A: return CL.CL_A; case ARGB: return CL.CL_ARGB; case BGRA: return CL.CL_BGRA; case INTENSITY: return CL.CL_INTENSITY; case LUMINANCE: return CL.CL_LUMINANCE; case R: return CL.CL_R; case RA: return CL.CL_RA; case RG: return CL.CL_RG; case RGB: return CL.CL_RGB; case RGBA: return CL.CL_RGBA; case RGBx: return CL.CL_RGBx; case RGx: return CL.CL_RGx; case Rx: return CL.CL_Rx; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown image channel order: " + order); } } public static ImageChannelOrder encodeImageChannelOrder(int order) { switch (order) { case CL.CL_A: return ImageChannelOrder.A; case CL.CL_ARGB: return ImageChannelOrder.ARGB; case CL.CL_BGRA: return ImageChannelOrder.BGRA; case CL.CL_INTENSITY: return ImageChannelOrder.INTENSITY; case CL.CL_LUMINANCE: return ImageChannelOrder.LUMINANCE; case CL.CL_R: return ImageChannelOrder.R; case CL.CL_RA: return ImageChannelOrder.RA; case CL.CL_RG: return ImageChannelOrder.RG; case CL.CL_RGB: return ImageChannelOrder.RGB; case CL.CL_RGBA: return ImageChannelOrder.RGBA; case CL.CL_RGBx: return ImageChannelOrder.RGBx; case CL.CL_RGx: return ImageChannelOrder.RGx; case CL.CL_Rx: return ImageChannelOrder.Rx; default: //throw new com.jme3.opencl.OpenCLException("unknown image channel order id: " + order); LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown image channel order id: {0}", order); return null; } } public static int decodeImageChannelType(ImageChannelType type) { switch (type) { case FLOAT: return CL.CL_FLOAT; case HALF_FLOAT: return CL.CL_HALF_FLOAT; case SIGNED_INT16: return CL.CL_SIGNED_INT16; case SIGNED_INT32: return CL.CL_SIGNED_INT32; case SIGNED_INT8: return CL.CL_SIGNED_INT8; case SNORM_INT16: return CL.CL_SNORM_INT16; case SNORM_INT8: return CL.CL_SNORM_INT8; case UNORM_INT8: return CL.CL_UNORM_INT8; case UNORM_INT_101010: return CL.CL_UNORM_INT_101010; case UNORM_INT16: return CL.CL_UNORM_INT16; case UNORM_SHORT_565: return CL.CL_UNORM_SHORT_565; case UNORM_SHORT_555: return CL.CL_UNORM_SHORT_555; case UNSIGNED_INT16: return CL.CL_UNSIGNED_INT16; case UNSIGNED_INT32: return CL.CL_UNSIGNED_INT32; case UNSIGNED_INT8: return CL.CL_UNSIGNED_INT8; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown image channel type: " + type); } } public static ImageChannelType encodeImageChannelType(int type) { switch (type) { case CL.CL_FLOAT: return ImageChannelType.FLOAT; case CL.CL_HALF_FLOAT: return ImageChannelType.HALF_FLOAT; case CL.CL_SIGNED_INT16: return ImageChannelType.SIGNED_INT16; case CL.CL_SIGNED_INT32: return ImageChannelType.SIGNED_INT32; case CL.CL_SIGNED_INT8: return ImageChannelType.SIGNED_INT8; case CL.CL_SNORM_INT16: return ImageChannelType.SNORM_INT16; case CL.CL_SNORM_INT8: return ImageChannelType.SNORM_INT8; case CL.CL_UNORM_INT8: return ImageChannelType.UNORM_INT8; case CL.CL_UNORM_INT16: return ImageChannelType.UNORM_INT16; case CL.CL_UNORM_INT_101010: return ImageChannelType.UNORM_INT_101010; case CL.CL_UNORM_SHORT_555: return ImageChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_555; case CL.CL_UNORM_SHORT_565: return ImageChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_565; case CL.CL_UNSIGNED_INT16: return ImageChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT16; case CL.CL_UNSIGNED_INT32: return ImageChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT32; case CL.CL_UNSIGNED_INT8: return ImageChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT8; default: //throw new com.jme3.opencl.OpenCLException("unknown image channel type id: " + type); LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown image channel type id: {0}", type); return null; } } public static int decodeImageType(ImageType type) { switch (type) { // case IMAGE_1D: // return CL.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D; // case IMAGE_1D_ARRAY: // return CL.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D_ARRAY; // case IMAGE_1D_BUFFER: // return CL.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D_BUFFER; case IMAGE_2D: return CL.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D; // case IMAGE_2D_ARRAY: // return CL.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D_ARRAY; case IMAGE_3D: return CL.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown or unsupported image type: " + type); } } public static ImageType encodeImageType(int type) { switch (type) { // case CL12.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D: // return ImageType.IMAGE_1D; // case CL12.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D_ARRAY: // return ImageType.IMAGE_1D_ARRAY; // case CL12.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D_BUFFER: // return ImageType.IMAGE_1D_BUFFER; case CL.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D: return ImageType.IMAGE_2D; // case CL12.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D_ARRAY: // return ImageType.IMAGE_2D_ARRAY; case CL.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D: return ImageType.IMAGE_3D; default: //throw new com.jme3.opencl.OpenCLException("Unknown image type id: " + type); LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown or unsupported image type with id: {0}", type); return null; } } private long getInfoSize(int param) { Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16l.rewind(); int ret = cl.clGetImageInfo(id, param, 8, Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16l, null); Utils.checkError(ret, "clGetImageInfo"); return Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16l.get(0); } @Override public long getWidth() { return getInfoSize(CL.CL_IMAGE_WIDTH); } @Override public long getHeight() { return getInfoSize(CL.CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT); } @Override public long getDepth() { return getInfoSize(CL.CL_IMAGE_DEPTH); } @Override public long getRowPitch() { return getInfoSize(CL.CL_IMAGE_ROW_PITCH); } @Override public long getSlicePitch() { return getInfoSize(CL.CL_IMAGE_SLICE_PITCH); } @Override public long getArraySize() { //return getInfoSize(CL12.CL_IMAGE_ARRAY_SIZE); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported in Jocl"); } @Override public ImageFormat getImageFormat() { Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16i.rewind(); int ret = cl.clGetImageInfo(id, CL.CL_IMAGE_FORMAT, 8, Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16i, null); Utils.checkError(ret, "clGetImageInfo"); int channelOrder = Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16i.get(0); int channelType = Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16i.get(1); return new ImageFormat(encodeImageChannelOrder(channelOrder), encodeImageChannelType(channelType)); } @Override public ImageType getImageType() { Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16i.rewind(); int ret = cl.clGetMemObjectInfo(id, CL.CL_IMAGE_FORMAT, 5, Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16i, null); int type = Utils.tempBuffers[0].b16i.get(0); return encodeImageType(type); } @Override public int getElementSize() { return (int) getInfoSize(CL.CL_IMAGE_ELEMENT_SIZE); } @Override public void readImage(CommandQueue queue, ByteBuffer dest, long[] origin, long[] region, long rowPitch, long slicePitch) { if (origin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[2].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(origin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[2].put(region, 0, 3).position(0); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue) queue).id; int ret = cl.clEnqueueReadImage(q, id, CL.CL_TRUE, Utils.pointers[1], Utils.pointers[2], rowPitch, slicePitch, dest, 0, null, null); Utils.checkError(ret, "clEnqueueReadImage"); } @Override public Event readImageAsync(CommandQueue queue, ByteBuffer dest, long[] origin, long[] region, long rowPitch, long slicePitch) { if (origin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } Utils.pointers[0].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[2].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(origin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[2].put(region, 0, 3).position(0); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue) queue).id; int ret = cl.clEnqueueReadImage(q, id, CL.CL_FALSE, Utils.pointers[1], Utils.pointers[2], rowPitch, slicePitch, dest, 0, null, Utils.pointers[0]); Utils.checkError(ret, "clEnqueueReadImage"); long event = Utils.pointers[0].get(0); return new JoclEvent(event); } @Override public void writeImage(CommandQueue queue, ByteBuffer dest, long[] origin, long[] region, long rowPitch, long slicePitch) { if (origin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[2].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(origin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[2].put(region, 0, 3).position(0); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue) queue).id; int ret = cl.clEnqueueWriteImage(q, id, CL.CL_TRUE, Utils.pointers[1], Utils.pointers[2], rowPitch, slicePitch, dest, 0, null, null); Utils.checkError(ret, "clEnqueueWriteImage"); } @Override public Event writeImageAsync(CommandQueue queue, ByteBuffer dest, long[] origin, long[] region, long rowPitch, long slicePitch) { if (origin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } Utils.pointers[0].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[2].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(origin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[2].put(region, 0, 3).position(0); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue) queue).id; int ret = cl.clEnqueueWriteImage(q, id, CL.CL_FALSE, Utils.pointers[1], Utils.pointers[2], rowPitch, slicePitch, dest, 0, null, Utils.pointers[0]); Utils.checkError(ret, "clEnqueueWriteImage"); long event = Utils.pointers[0].get(0); return new JoclEvent(event); } @Override public void copyTo(CommandQueue queue, Image dest, long[] srcOrigin, long[] destOrigin, long[] region) { if (srcOrigin.length!=3 || destOrigin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } Utils.pointers[0].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[2].rewind(); Utils.pointers[3].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(srcOrigin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[2].put(destOrigin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[3].put(region, 0, 3).position(0); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue) queue).id; int ret = cl.clEnqueueCopyImage(q, id, ((JoclImage) dest).id, Utils.pointers[1], Utils.pointers[2], Utils.pointers[3], 0, null, Utils.pointers[0]); Utils.checkError(ret, "clEnqueueCopyImage"); ret = cl.clWaitForEvents(1, Utils.pointers[0]); Utils.checkError(ret, "clWaitForEvents"); } @Override public Event copyToAsync(CommandQueue queue, Image dest, long[] srcOrigin, long[] destOrigin, long[] region) { if (srcOrigin.length!=3 || destOrigin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } Utils.pointers[0].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[2].rewind(); Utils.pointers[3].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(srcOrigin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[2].put(destOrigin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[3].put(region, 0, 3).position(0); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue) queue).id; int ret = cl.clEnqueueCopyImage(q, id, ((JoclImage) dest).id, Utils.pointers[1], Utils.pointers[2], Utils.pointers[3], 0, null, Utils.pointers[0]); Utils.checkError(ret, "clEnqueueCopyImage"); long event = Utils.pointers[0].get(0); return new JoclEvent(event); } @Override public ImageMapping map(CommandQueue queue, long[] origin, long[] region, MappingAccess access) { if (origin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } Utils.errorBuffer.rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[2].rewind(); Utils.pointers[3].rewind(); Utils.pointers[4].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(origin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[2].put(region, 0, 3).position(0); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue) queue).id; long flags = Utils.getMappingAccessFlags(access); ByteBuffer buf = cl.clEnqueueMapImage(q, id, CL.CL_TRUE, flags, Utils.pointers[1], Utils.pointers[2], Utils.pointers[3], Utils.pointers[4], 0, null, null, Utils.errorBuffer); Utils.checkError(Utils.errorBuffer, "clEnqueueMapBuffer"); return new ImageMapping(buf, Utils.pointers[3].get(0), Utils.pointers[4].get(0)); } @Override public ImageMapping mapAsync(CommandQueue queue, long[] origin, long[] region, MappingAccess access) { if (origin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } Utils.errorBuffer.rewind(); Utils.pointers[0].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[2].rewind(); Utils.pointers[3].rewind(); Utils.pointers[4].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(origin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[2].put(region, 0, 3).position(0); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue) queue).id; long flags = Utils.getMappingAccessFlags(access); ByteBuffer buf = cl.clEnqueueMapImage(q, id, CL.CL_FALSE, flags, Utils.pointers[1], Utils.pointers[2], Utils.pointers[3], Utils.pointers[4], 0, null, Utils.pointers[0], Utils.errorBuffer); Utils.checkError(Utils.errorBuffer, "clEnqueueMapBuffer"); long event = Utils.pointers[0].get(0); return new ImageMapping(buf, Utils.pointers[3].get(0), Utils.pointers[4].get(0), new JoclEvent(event)); } @Override public void unmap(CommandQueue queue, ImageMapping mapping) { long q = ((JoclCommandQueue)queue).id; Utils.pointers[0].rewind(); int ret = cl.clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(q, id, mapping.buffer, 0, null, Utils.pointers[0]); Utils.checkError(ret, "clEnqueueUnmapMemObject"); ret = cl.clWaitForEvents(1, Utils.pointers[0]); Utils.checkError(ret, "clWaitForEvents"); } @Override public Event fillAsync(CommandQueue queue, long[] origin, long[] region, ColorRGBA color) { if (origin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported by Jocl!"); } @Override public Event fillAsync(CommandQueue queue, long[] origin, long[] region, int[] color) { if (color.length != 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the passed color array must have length 4"); } if (origin.length!=3 || region.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported by Jocl!"); } @Override public Event copyToBufferAsync(CommandQueue queue, Buffer dest, long[] srcOrigin, long[] srcRegion, long destOffset) { if (srcOrigin.length!=3 || srcRegion.length!=3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("origin and region must both be arrays of length 3"); } Utils.pointers[0].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[2].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(srcOrigin, 0, 3).position(0); Utils.pointers[2].put(srcRegion, 0, 3).position(0); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue) queue).id; int ret = cl.clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer(q, id, ((JoclBuffer) dest).id, Utils.pointers[1], Utils.pointers[2], destOffset, 0, null, Utils.pointers[0]); Utils.checkError(ret, "clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer"); long event = Utils.pointers[0].get(0); return new JoclEvent(event); } @Override public Event acquireImageForSharingAsync(CommandQueue queue) { Utils.pointers[0].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(0, id); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue)queue).id; ((CLGL) cl).clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects(q, 1, Utils.pointers[1], 0, null, Utils.pointers[0]); long event = Utils.pointers[0].get(0); return new JoclEvent(event); } @Override public Event releaseImageForSharingAsync(CommandQueue queue) { Utils.pointers[0].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].rewind(); Utils.pointers[1].put(0, id); long q = ((JoclCommandQueue)queue).id; ((CLGL) cl).clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects(q, 1, Utils.pointers[1], 0, null, Utils.pointers[0]); long event = Utils.pointers[0].get(0); return new JoclEvent(event); } private static class ReleaserImpl implements ObjectReleaser { private long mem; private ReleaserImpl(long mem) { this.mem = mem; } @Override public void release() { if (mem != 0) { int ret = CLPlatform.getLowLevelCLInterface().clReleaseMemObject(mem); mem = 0; Utils.reportError(ret, "clReleaseMemObject"); } } } }