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package com.jme.ant;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
* @author normenhansen
public class FixWikiLinks extends Task {
File file;
String helpPath;
public void execute() throws BuildException {
BufferedReader rdr;
try {
rdr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
String line = rdr.readLine();
while (line != null) {
//internal links
line = line.replaceAll("wiki/doku\\.php/([^>]*):([^>]*):([^>]*):([^>]*)\\?do=export_xhtmlbody", helpPath + "$1/$2/$3/$4.html");
line = line.replaceAll("wiki/doku\\.php/([^>]*):([^>]*):([^>]*)\\?do=export_xhtmlbody", helpPath + "$1/$2/$3.html");
line = line.replaceAll("wiki/doku\\.php/([^>]*):([^>]*)\\?do=export_xhtmlbody", helpPath + "$1/$2.html");
line = line.replaceAll("wiki/doku\\.php/([^>]*)\\?do=export_xhtmlbody", helpPath + "$1.html");
line = line.replaceAll("/wiki/lib/exe/fetch\\.php/([^>]*):([^>]*):([^>]*):([^>]*)\"", "nbdocs:/" + helpPath + "$1/$2/$3/$4\"");
line = line.replaceAll("/wiki/lib/exe/fetch\\.php/([^>]*):([^>]*):([^>]*)\"", "nbdocs:/" + helpPath + "$1/$2/$3\"");
line = line.replaceAll("/wiki/lib/exe/fetch\\.php/([^>]*):([^>]*)\"", "nbdocs:/" + helpPath + "$1/$2\"");
line = line.replaceAll("/wiki/lib/exe/fetch\\.php/([^>]*)\"", "nbdocs:/" + helpPath + "$1\"");
line = line.replaceAll("]*)>
]*)>", "
line = line.replaceAll("
]*)\\?([^>]*)\">", "
// vvvv------v
//remove class, name and id from tags
line = line.replaceAll(" class=\"([^>]*)\">", ">");
line = line.replaceAll(" name=\"([^>]*)\">", ">");
line = line.replaceAll(" id=\"([^>]*)\">", ">");
//remove obnoxious spans using negative look-behind..
line = line.replaceAll("([^>]*)", "$1");
//remove links to http://www.google.com/search added by wiki
line = line.replaceAll("(.*)", "$3");
//make external links netbeans help external links
// line = line.replaceAll("(.*)", "