#!/bin/bash set -e #(c) jmonkeyengine.org #This script creates SFX binaries of the JDK for the specified platform #Author Normen Hansen #gather options os="$1" source="$2" if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "No platform supplied" echo "Specify a platform like macosx, windows-x86, linux-x64 and a source like /path/to/jdk/home" echo "If no source is specified, local/jdk-(platform) will be used" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$2" ]; then source="local/jdk-$os" fi if [ ! -d "$source" ]; then echo "Source JDK directory $source was not found, specify another source folder as second parameter or copy the needed JDK to $source" exit 1 fi unzipsfxname="unzipsfx/unzipsfx-$os" if [ ! -f "$unzipsfxname" ]; then echo "No unzipsfx for platform $os found at $unzipsfxname, cannot continue" exit 1 fi suffix="bin" if [[ "$os" == *"windows"* ]]; then suffix="exe" fi name="jdk-$os.$suffix" echo "Creating SFX JDK package $name for $os with source $source." #code logic rm -rf $name cp -r $source ./jdk_tmp cd jdk_tmp/jre pack200 -J-Xmx1024m lib/rt.jar.pack.gz lib/rt.jar rm -rf lib/rt.jar cd .. zip -9 -r -y ../jdk_tmp_sfx.zip . cd .. cat $unzipsfxname jdk_tmp_sfx.zip > $name chmod +x $name rm -rf jdk_tmp rm -rf jdk_tmp_sfx.zip