# Copyright (C) 2010 Brett Hartshorn
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

VERSION = '0.5.8'

    * Added silent auto update checks if blender2ogre was installed using
      the .exe installer. This will keep people up to date when new versions are out.
    * Fix tracker issue 48: Needs to check if outputting to /tmp or 
      ~/.wine/drive_c/tmp on Linux. Thanks to vax456 for providing the patch,
      added him to contributors. Preview mesh's are now placed under /tmp 
      on Linux systems if the OgreMeshy executable ends with .exe
    * Fix tracker issue 46: add operationtype to <submesh>
    * Implement a modal dialog that reports if material names have invalid
      characters and cant be saved on disk. This small popup will show until
      user presses left or right mouse (anywhere).
    * Fix tracker issue 44: XML Attributes not properly escaped in .scene file
    * Implemented reading OgreXmlConverter path from windows registry.
      The .exe installer will ship with certain tools so we can stop guessing
      and making the user install tools separately and setting up paths.
    * Fix bug that .mesh files were not generated while doing a .txml export.
      This was result of the late 2.63 mods that forgot to update object
      facecount before determining if mesh should be exported.
    * Fix bug that changed settings in the export dialog were forgotten when you
      re-exported without closing blender. Now settings should persist always
      from the last export. They are also stored to disk so the same settings
      are in use when if you restart Blender.
    * Fix bug that once you did a export, the next time the export location was
      forgotten. Now on sequential exports, the last export path is remembered in
      the export dialog.
    * Remove all local:// from asset refs and make them relative in .txml export.
      Having relative refs is the best for local preview and importing the txml
      to existing scenes.
    * Make .material generate what version of this plugins was used to generate
      the material file. Will be helpful in production to catch things.
      Added pretty printing line endings so the raw .material data is easier to read.
    * Improve console logging for the export stages. Run Blender from
      cmd prompt to see this information.
    * Clean/fix documentation in code for future development
    * Add todo to code for future development
    * Restructure/move code for easier readability
    * Remove extra white spaces and convert tabs to space
    * Update to Blender 2.6.3.
    * Fixed xz-y Skeleton rotation (again)
    * Added additional Keyframe at the end of each animation to prevent 
      ogre from interpolating back to the start
    * Added option to ignore non-deformable bones
    * Added option to export nla-strips independently from each other

    * Remove this section and integrate below with code :)
    * Fix terrain collision offset bug
    * Add realtime transform (rotation is missing)
    * Fix camera rotated -90 ogre-dot-scene
    * Set description field for all pyRNA

bl_info = {
    "name": "OGRE Exporter (.scene, .mesh, .skeleton) and RealXtend (.txml)",
    "author": "Brett, S.Rombauts, F00bar, Waruck, Mind Calamity, Mr.Magne, Jonne Nauha, vax456",
    "version": (0, 5, 8),
    "blender": (2, 6, 3),
    "location": "File > Export...",
    "description": "Export to Ogre xml and binary formats",
    "wiki_url": "http://code.google.com/p/blender2ogre/w/list",
    "tracker_url": "http://code.google.com/p/blender2ogre/issues/list",
    "category": "Import-Export"

## Public API
## Search for "Public API" to find more


def UI(cls):
    ''' Toggles the Ogre interface panels '''
    if cls not in UI_CLASSES:
    return cls

def hide_user_interface():
    for cls in UI_CLASSES:
        bpy.utils.unregister_class( cls )

def uid(ob):
    if ob.uid == 0:
        high = 0
        multires = 0
        for o in bpy.data.objects:
            if o.uid > high: high = o.uid
            if o.use_multires_lod: multires += 1
        high += 1 + (multires*10)
        if high < 100: high = 100   # start at 100
        ob.uid = high
    return ob.uid

## Imports

import os, sys, time, array, ctypes, math

    # Inside blender
    import bpy, mathutils
    from bpy.props import *
except ImportError:
    # If we end up here we are outside blender (compile optional C module)
    assert __name__ == '__main__'
    print('Trying to compile Rpython C-library')
    assert sys.version_info.major == 2  # rpython only works from Python2
    print('...searching for rpythonic...')
    import rpythonic
    rpythonic.set_pypy_root( '../pypy' )
    import pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.rffi as rffi
    from pypy.rlib import streamio
    rpy = rpythonic.RPython( 'blender2ogre' )

        materialNames=str, # [str] is too tricky to convert py-list to rpy-list

    def dotmesh( path, facesAddr, facesSmoothAddr, facesMatAddr, vertsPosAddr, vertsNorAddr, numFaces, numVerts, materialNames ):
        print('PATH----------------', path)
        materials = []
        for matname in materialNames.split(';'):
            print( 'Material Name: %s' %matname )
            materials.append( matname )

        file = streamio.open_file_as_stream( path, 'w')

        faces = rffi.cast( rffi.UINTP, facesAddr ) # face vertex indices
        facesSmooth = rffi.cast( rffi.CCHARP, facesSmoothAddr )
        facesMat = rffi.cast( rffi.USHORTP, facesMatAddr )

        vertsPos = rffi.cast( rffi.FLOATP, vertsPosAddr )
        vertsNor = rffi.cast( rffi.FLOATP, vertsNorAddr )

        VB = [
            '<vertexbuffer positions="true" normals="true">'
        fastlookup = {}
        ogre_vert_index = 0
        triangles = []
        for fidx in range( numFaces ):
            smooth = ord( facesSmooth[ fidx ] ) # ctypes.c_bool > char > int

            matidx = facesMat[ fidx ]
            i = fidx*4
            ai = faces[ i ]; bi = faces[ i+1 ]
            ci = faces[ i+2 ]; di = faces[ i+3 ]

            triangle = []
            for J in [ai, bi, ci]:
                i = J*3
                x = rffi.cast( rffi.DOUBLE, vertsPos[ i ] )
                y = rffi.cast( rffi.DOUBLE, vertsPos[ i+1 ] )
                z = rffi.cast( rffi.DOUBLE, vertsPos[ i+2 ] )
                pos = (x,y,z)
                #if smooth:
                x = rffi.cast( rffi.DOUBLE, vertsNor[ i ] )
                y = rffi.cast( rffi.DOUBLE, vertsNor[ i+1 ] )
                z = rffi.cast( rffi.DOUBLE, vertsNor[ i+2 ] )
                nor = (x,y,z)

                SIG = (pos,nor)#, matidx)
                skip = False
                if J in fastlookup:
                    for otherSIG in fastlookup[ J ]:
                        if SIG == otherSIG:
                            triangle.append( fastlookup[J][otherSIG] )
                            skip = True

                    if not skip:
                        triangle.append( ogre_vert_index )
                        fastlookup[ J ][ SIG ] = ogre_vert_index

                    triangle.append( ogre_vert_index )
                    fastlookup[ J ] = { SIG : ogre_vert_index }

                if skip: continue

                xml = [
                    '<position x="%s" y="%s" z="%s" />' %pos,    # funny that tuple is valid here
                    '<normal x="%s" y="%s" z="%s" />' %nor,
                VB.append( '\n'.join(xml) )

                ogre_vert_index += 1

            triangles.append( triangle )
        VB.append( '</vertexbuffer>' )
        VB.append( '</sharedgeometry>' )

        file.write( '\n'.join(VB) )
        del VB        # free memory

        SMS = ['<submeshes>']
        #for matidx, matname in ...:
        SM = [
            '<submesh usesharedvertices="true" use32bitindexes="true" material="%s" operationtype="triangle_list">' % 'somemat',
            '<faces count="%s">' %'100',
        for tri in triangles:
            #x,y,z = tri    # rpython bug, when in a new 'block' need to unpack/repack tuple
            #s = '<face v1="%s" v2="%s" v3="%s" />' %(x,y,z)
            assert isinstance(tri,tuple) #and len(tri)==3        # this also works
            s = '<face v1="%s" v2="%s" v3="%s" />' %tri        # but tuple is not valid here
            SM.append( s )
        SM.append( '</faces>' )
        SM.append( '</submesh>' )

        file.write( '\n'.join(SM) )

    sys.exit('OK: module compiled and cached')

## More imports now that Blender is imported

import hashlib, getpass, tempfile, configparser, subprocess, pickle
from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator, quoteattr

class CMesh(object):

    def __init__(self, data):
        self.numVerts = N = len( data.vertices )
        self.numFaces = Nfaces = len(data.tessfaces)

        self.vertex_positions = (ctypes.c_float * (N * 3))()
        data.vertices.foreach_get( 'co', self.vertex_positions )
        v = self.vertex_positions

        self.vertex_normals = (ctypes.c_float * (N * 3))()
        data.vertices.foreach_get( 'normal', self.vertex_normals )

        self.faces = (ctypes.c_uint * (Nfaces * 4))()
        data.tessfaces.foreach_get( 'vertices_raw', self.faces )

        self.faces_normals = (ctypes.c_float * (Nfaces * 3))()
        data.tessfaces.foreach_get( 'normal', self.faces_normals )

        self.faces_smooth = (ctypes.c_bool * Nfaces)()
        data.tessfaces.foreach_get( 'use_smooth', self.faces_smooth )

        self.faces_material_index = (ctypes.c_ushort * Nfaces)()
        data.tessfaces.foreach_get( 'material_index', self.faces_material_index )

        self.vertex_colors = []
        if len( data.vertex_colors ):
            vc = data.vertex_colors[0]
            n = len(vc.data)
            # no colors_raw !!?
            self.vcolors1 = (ctypes.c_float * (n * 3))()  # face1
            vc.data.foreach_get( 'color1', self.vcolors1 )
            self.vertex_colors.append( self.vcolors1 )

            self.vcolors2 = (ctypes.c_float * (n * 3))()  # face2
            vc.data.foreach_get( 'color2', self.vcolors2 )
            self.vertex_colors.append( self.vcolors2 )

            self.vcolors3 = (ctypes.c_float * (n * 3))()  # face3
            vc.data.foreach_get( 'color3', self.vcolors3 )
            self.vertex_colors.append( self.vcolors3 )

            self.vcolors4 = (ctypes.c_float * (n * 3))()  # face4
            vc.data.foreach_get( 'color4', self.vcolors4 )
            self.vertex_colors.append( self.vcolors4 )

        self.uv_textures = []
        if data.uv_textures.active:
            for layer in data.uv_textures:
                n = len(layer.data) * 8
                a = (ctypes.c_float * n)()
                layer.data.foreach_get( 'uv_raw', a )   # 4 faces
                self.uv_textures.append( a )

    def save( blenderobject, path ):
        cmesh = Mesh( blenderobject.data )
        start = time.time()
            ctypes.addressof( cmesh.faces ),
            ctypes.addressof( cmesh.faces_smooth ),
            ctypes.addressof( cmesh.faces_material_index ),
            ctypes.addressof( cmesh.vertex_positions ),
            ctypes.addressof( cmesh.vertex_normals ),
        print('Mesh dumped in %s seconds' % (time.time()-start))

## Make sure we can import from same directory
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
if SCRIPT_DIR not in sys.path:
    sys.path.append( SCRIPT_DIR )

## Avatar

bpy.types.Object.use_avatar = BoolProperty(
    name='enable avatar',
    description='enables EC_Avatar',
bpy.types.Object.avatar_reference = StringProperty(
    name='avatar reference',
    description='sets avatar reference URL',
BoolProperty( name='enable avatar', description='enables EC_Avatar', default=False) # todo: is this used?

# Tundra IDs

bpy.types.Object.uid = IntProperty(
    name="unique ID",
    description="unique ID for Tundra",
    default=0, min=0, max=2**14)

# Rendering

bpy.types.Object.use_draw_distance = BoolProperty(
    name='enable draw distance',
    description='use LOD draw distance',
bpy.types.Object.draw_distance = FloatProperty(
    name='draw distance',
    description='distance at which to begin drawing object',
    default=0.0, min=0.0, max=10000.0)
bpy.types.Object.cast_shadows = BoolProperty(
    name='cast shadows',
    description='cast shadows',
bpy.types.Object.use_multires_lod = BoolProperty(
    name='Enable Multires LOD',
    description='enables multires LOD',
bpy.types.Object.multires_lod_range = FloatProperty(
    name='multires LOD range',
    description='far distance at which multires is set to base level',
    default=30.0, min=0.0, max=10000.0)

## Physics

_physics_modes =  [
    ('NONE', 'NONE', 'no physics'),
    ('RIGID_BODY', 'RIGID_BODY', 'rigid body'),
    ('SOFT_BODY', 'SOFT_BODY', 'soft body'),
_collision_modes =  [
    ('NONE', 'NONE', 'no collision'),
    ('PRIMITIVE', 'PRIMITIVE', 'primitive collision type'),
    ('MESH', 'MESH', 'triangle-mesh or convex-hull collision type'),
    ('DECIMATED', 'DECIMATED', 'auto-decimated collision type'),
    ('COMPOUND', 'COMPOUND', 'children primitive compound collision type'),
    ('TERRAIN', 'TERRAIN', 'terrain (height map) collision type'),

bpy.types.Object.physics_mode = EnumProperty(
    items = _physics_modes,
    name = 'physics mode',
    description='physics mode',
bpy.types.Object.physics_friction = FloatProperty(
    name='Simple Friction',
    description='physics friction',
    default=0.1, min=0.0, max=1.0)
bpy.types.Object.physics_bounce = FloatProperty(
    name='Simple Bounce',
    description='physics bounce',
    default=0.01, min=0.0, max=1.0)
bpy.types.Object.collision_terrain_x_steps = IntProperty(
    name="Ogre Terrain: x samples",
    description="resolution in X of height map",
    default=64, min=4, max=8192)
bpy.types.Object.collision_terrain_y_steps = IntProperty(
    name="Ogre Terrain: y samples",
    description="resolution in Y of height map",
    default=64, min=4, max=8192)
bpy.types.Object.collision_mode = EnumProperty(
    items = _collision_modes,
    name = 'primary collision mode',
    description='collision mode',
bpy.types.Object.subcollision = BoolProperty(
    name="collision compound",
    description="member of a collision compound",

## Sound

bpy.types.Speaker.play_on_load = BoolProperty(
    name='play on load',
bpy.types.Speaker.loop = BoolProperty(
    name='loop sound',
bpy.types.Speaker.use_spatial = BoolProperty(
    name='3D spatial sound',

## ImageMagick

    ('NONE','NONE', 'do not convert image'),
    ('bmp', 'bmp', 'bitmap format'),
    ('jpg', 'jpg', 'jpeg format'),
    ('gif', 'gif', 'gif format'),
    ('png', 'png', 'png format'),
    ('tga', 'tga', 'targa format'),
    ('dds', 'dds', 'nvidia dds format'),

bpy.types.Image.use_convert_format = BoolProperty(
    name='use convert format',
bpy.types.Image.convert_format = EnumProperty(
    name='convert to format',
    description='converts to image format using imagemagick',
bpy.types.Image.jpeg_quality = IntProperty(
    name="jpeg quality",
    description="quality of jpeg",
    default=80, min=0, max=100)
bpy.types.Image.use_color_quantize = BoolProperty(
    name='use color quantize',
bpy.types.Image.use_color_quantize_dither = BoolProperty(
    name='use color quantize dither',
bpy.types.Image.color_quantize = IntProperty(
    name="color quantize",
    description="reduce to N colors (requires ImageMagick)",
    default=32, min=2, max=256)
bpy.types.Image.use_resize_half = BoolProperty(
    name='resize by 1/2',
bpy.types.Image.use_resize_absolute = BoolProperty(
    name='force image resize',
bpy.types.Image.resize_x = IntProperty(
    name='resize X',
    description='only if image is larger than defined, use ImageMagick to resize it down',
    default=256, min=2, max=4096)
bpy.types.Image.resize_y = IntProperty(
    name='resize Y',
    description='only if image is larger than defined, use ImageMagick to resize it down',
    default=256, min=2, max=4096)

# Materials

bpy.types.Material.ogre_depth_write = BoolProperty(
    # Material.ogre_depth_write = AUTO|ON|OFF
    name='depth write',
bpy.types.Material.ogre_depth_check = BoolProperty(
    # If depth-buffer checking is on, whenever a pixel is about to be written to
    # the frame buffer the depth buffer is checked to see if the pixel is in front
    # of all other pixels written at that point. If not, the pixel is not written.
    # If depth checking is off, pixels are written no matter what has been rendered before.
    name='depth check',
bpy.types.Material.ogre_alpha_to_coverage = BoolProperty(
    # Sets whether this pass will use 'alpha to coverage', a way to multisample alpha
    # texture edges so they blend more seamlessly with the background. This facility
    # is typically only available on cards from around 2006 onwards, but it is safe to
    # enable it anyway - Ogre will just ignore it if the hardware does not support it.
    # The common use for alpha to coverage is foliage rendering and chain-link fence style textures.
    name='multisample alpha edges',
bpy.types.Material.ogre_light_scissor = BoolProperty(
    # This option is usually only useful if this pass is an additive lighting pass, and is
    # at least the second one in the technique. Ie areas which are not affected by the current
    # light(s) will never need to be rendered. If there is more than one light being passed to
    # the pass, then the scissor is defined to be the rectangle which covers all lights in screen-space.
    # Directional lights are ignored since they are infinite. This option does not need to be specified
    # if you are using a standard additive shadow mode, i.e. SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE or
    # SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE, since it is the default behaviour to use a scissor for each additive
    # shadow pass. However, if you're not using shadows, or you're using Integrated Texture Shadows
    # where passes are specified in a custom manner, then this could be of use to you.
    name='light scissor',
bpy.types.Material.ogre_light_clip_planes = BoolProperty(
    name='light clip planes',
bpy.types.Material.ogre_normalise_normals = BoolProperty(
    name='normalise normals',
    description="Scaling objects causes normals to also change magnitude, which can throw off your lighting calculations. By default, the SceneManager detects this and will automatically re-normalise normals for any scaled object, but this has a cost. If you'd prefer to control this manually, call SceneManager::setNormaliseNormalsOnScale(false) and then use this option on materials which are sensitive to normals being resized.")
bpy.types.Material.ogre_lighting = BoolProperty(
    # Sets whether or not dynamic lighting is turned on for this pass or not. If lighting is turned off,
    # all objects rendered using the pass will be fully lit. This attribute has no effect if a vertex program is used.
    name='dynamic lighting',
bpy.types.Material.ogre_colour_write = BoolProperty(
    # If colour writing is off no visible pixels are written to the screen during this pass. You might think
    # this is useless, but if you render with colour writing off, and with very minimal other settings,
    # you can use this pass to initialise the depth buffer before subsequently rendering other passes which
    # fill in the colour data. This can give you significant performance boosts on some newer cards, especially
    # when using complex fragment programs, because if the depth check fails then the fragment program is never run.
bpy.types.Material.use_fixed_pipeline = BoolProperty(
    # Fixed pipeline is oldschool
    # todo: whats the meaning of this?
    name='fixed pipeline',
bpy.types.Material.use_material_passes = BoolProperty(
    # hidden option - gets turned on by operator
    # todo: What is a hidden option, is this needed?
    name='use ogre extra material passes (layers)',
bpy.types.Material.use_in_ogre_material_pass = BoolProperty(
    name='Layer Toggle',
bpy.types.Material.use_ogre_advanced_options = BoolProperty(
    name='Show Advanced Options',
bpy.types.Material.use_ogre_parent_material = BoolProperty(
    name='Use Script Inheritance',
bpy.types.Material.ogre_parent_material = EnumProperty(
    name="Script Inheritence",
    description='ogre parent material class', #default='NONE',
bpy.types.Material.ogre_polygon_mode = EnumProperty(
    name='faces draw type',
    description="ogre face draw mode",
    items=[ ('solid', 'solid', 'SOLID'),
            ('wireframe', 'wireframe', 'WIREFRAME'),
            ('points', 'points', 'POINTS') ],
bpy.types.Material.ogre_shading = EnumProperty(
    name='hardware shading',
    description="Sets the kind of shading which should be used for representing dynamic lighting for this pass.",
    items=[ ('flat', 'flat', 'FLAT'),
            ('gouraud', 'gouraud', 'GOURAUD'),
            ('phong', 'phong', 'PHONG') ],
bpy.types.Material.ogre_cull_hardware = EnumProperty(
    name='hardware culling',
    description="If the option 'cull_hardware clockwise' is set, all triangles whose vertices are viewed in clockwise order from the camera will be culled by the hardware.",
    items=[ ('clockwise', 'clockwise', 'CLOCKWISE'),
            ('anticlockwise', 'anticlockwise', 'COUNTER CLOCKWISE'),
            ('none', 'none', 'NONE') ],
bpy.types.Material.ogre_transparent_sorting = EnumProperty(
    name='transparent sorting',
    description="By default all transparent materials are sorted such that renderables furthest away from the camera are rendered first. This is usually the desired behaviour but in certain cases this depth sorting may be unnecessary and undesirable. If for example it is necessary to ensure the rendering order does not change from one frame to the next. In this case you could set the value to 'off' to prevent sorting.",
    items=[ ('on', 'on', 'ON'),
            ('off', 'off', 'OFF'),
            ('force', 'force', 'FORCE ON') ],
bpy.types.Material.ogre_illumination_stage = EnumProperty(
    name='illumination stage',
    description='When using an additive lighting mode (SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE or SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE), the scene is rendered in 3 discrete stages, ambient (or pre-lighting), per-light (once per light, with shadowing) and decal (or post-lighting). Usually OGRE figures out how to categorise your passes automatically, but there are some effects you cannot achieve without manually controlling the illumination.',
    items=[ ('', '', 'autodetect'),
            ('ambient', 'ambient', 'ambient'),
            ('per_light', 'per_light', 'lights'),
            ('decal', 'decal', 'decal') ],

_ogre_depth_func =  [
    ('less_equal', 'less_equal', '<='),
    ('less', 'less', '<'),
    ('equal', 'equal', '=='),
    ('not_equal', 'not_equal', '!='),
    ('greater_equal', 'greater_equal', '>='),
    ('greater', 'greater', '>'),
    ('always_fail', 'always_fail', 'false'),
    ('always_pass', 'always_pass', 'true'),

bpy.types.Material.ogre_depth_func = EnumProperty(
    name='depth buffer function',
    description='If depth checking is enabled (see depth_check) a comparison occurs between the depth value of the pixel to be written and the current contents of the buffer. This comparison is normally less_equal, i.e. the pixel is written if it is closer (or at the same distance) than the current contents',

_ogre_scene_blend_ops =  [
    ('add', 'add', 'DEFAULT'),
    ('subtract', 'subtract', 'SUBTRACT'),
    ('reverse_subtract', 'reverse_subtract', 'REVERSE SUBTRACT'),
    ('min', 'min', 'MIN'),
    ('max', 'max', 'MAX'),

bpy.types.Material.ogre_scene_blend_op = EnumProperty(
    name='scene blending operation',
    description='This directive changes the operation which is applied between the two components of the scene blending equation',

_ogre_scene_blend_types =  [
    ('one zero', 'one zero', 'DEFAULT'),
    ('alpha_blend', 'alpha_blend', "The alpha value of the rendering output is used as a mask. Equivalent to 'scene_blend src_alpha one_minus_src_alpha'"),
    ('add', 'add', "The colour of the rendering output is added to the scene. Good for explosions, flares, lights, ghosts etc. Equivalent to 'scene_blend one one'."),
    ('modulate', 'modulate', "The colour of the rendering output is multiplied with the scene contents. Generally colours and darkens the scene, good for smoked glass, semi-transparent objects etc. Equivalent to 'scene_blend dest_colour zero'"),
    ('colour_blend', 'colour_blend', 'Colour the scene based on the brightness of the input colours, but dont darken. Equivalent to "scene_blend src_colour one_minus_src_colour"'),
for mode in 'dest_colour src_colour one_minus_dest_colour dest_alpha src_alpha one_minus_dest_alpha one_minus_src_alpha'.split():
    _ogre_scene_blend_types.append( ('one %s'%mode, 'one %s'%mode, '') )
del mode

bpy.types.Material.ogre_scene_blend = EnumProperty(
    name='scene blend',
    description='blending operation of material to scene',
    default='one zero')

## FAQ

_faq_ = '''

Q: I have hundres of objects, is there a way i can merge them on export only?
A: Yes, just add them to a group named starting with "merge", or link the group.

Q: Can i use subsurf or multi-res on a mesh with an armature?
A: Yes.

Q: Can i use subsurf or multi-res on a mesh with shape animation?
A: No.

Q: I don't see any objects when i export?
A: You must select the objects you wish to export.

Q: I don't see my animations when exported?
A: Make sure you created an NLA strip on the armature.

Q: Do i need to bake my IK and other constraints into FK on my armature before export?
A: No.


''' todo: Update the nonsense C:\Tundra2 paths from defaul config and fix this doc.
    Additionally point to some doc how to build opengl only version on windows if that really is needed and
    remove the old Tundra 7z link. '''

_doc_installing_ = '''
    Installing the Addon:
        You can simply copy io_export_ogreDotScene.py to your blender installation under blender/2.6x/scripts/addons/
        and enable it in the user-prefs interface (CTRL+ALT+U)
        Or you can use blenders interface, under user-prefs, click addons, and click 'install-addon'
        (its a good idea to delete the old version first)

        1. Blender 2.63

        2. Install Ogre Command Line tools to the default path: C:\\OgreCommandLineTools from http://www.ogre3d.org/download/tools
            * These tools are used to create the binary Mesh from the .xml mesh generated by this plugin.
            * Linux users may use above and Wine, or install from source, or install via apt-get install ogre-tools.

        3. Install NVIDIA DDS Legacy Utilities - Install them to default path.
            * http://developer.nvidia.com/object/dds_utilities_legacy.html
            * Linux users will need to use Wine.

        4. Install Image Magick
            * http://www.imagemagick.org

        5. Copy OgreMeshy to C:\\OgreMeshy
            * If your using 64bit Windows, you may need to download a 64bit OgreMeshy
            * Linux copy to your home folder.

        6. realXtend Tundra
            * For latest Tundra releases see http://code.google.com/p/realxtend-naali/downloads/list
              - You may need to tweak the config to tell your Tundra path or install to C:\Tundra2
            * Old OpenGL only build can be found from http://blender2ogre.googlecode.com/files/realxtend-Tundra-2.1.2-OpenGL.7z
              - Windows: extract to C:\Tundra2
              - Linux: extract to ~/Tundra2

## Options

    ('xyz', 'xyz', 'no swapping'),
    ('xz-y', 'xz-y', 'ogre standard'),
    ('-xzy', '-xzy', 'non standard'),

def swap(vec):
    if CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'] == 'xyz': return vec
    elif CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'] == 'xzy':
        if len(vec) == 3: return mathutils.Vector( [vec.x, vec.z, vec.y] )
        elif len(vec) == 4: return mathutils.Quaternion( [ vec.w, vec.x, vec.z, vec.y] )
    elif CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'] == '-xzy':
        if len(vec) == 3: return mathutils.Vector( [-vec.x, vec.z, vec.y] )
        elif len(vec) == 4: return mathutils.Quaternion( [ vec.w, -vec.x, vec.z, vec.y] )
    elif CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'] == 'xz-y':
        if len(vec) == 3: return mathutils.Vector( [vec.x, vec.z, -vec.y] )
        elif len(vec) == 4: return mathutils.Quaternion( [ vec.w, vec.x, vec.z, -vec.y] )
        print( 'unknown swap axis mode', CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'] )
        assert 0

## Config

CONFIG_PATH = bpy.utils.user_resource('CONFIG', path='scripts', create=True)
CONFIG_FILENAME = 'blender2ogre.pickle'

    'MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE' : 4096,
    'SWAP_AXIS' : 'xz-y', # ogre standard
    'TOUCH_TEXTURES' : True,
    'SEP_MATS' : True,
    'SCENE' : True,
    'SELONLY' : True,
    'FORCE_CAMERA' : True,
    'FORCE_LAMPS' : True,
    'MESH' : True,
    'MESH_OVERWRITE' : True,
    'ARM_ANIM' : True,
    'SHAPE_ANIM' : True,
    'ARRAY' : True,
    'MATERIALS' : True,
    'DDS_MIPS' : True,
    'TRIM_BONE_WEIGHTS' : 0.01,
    'lodLevels' : 0,
    'lodDistance' : 300,
    'lodPercent' : 40,
    'nuextremityPoints' : 0,
    'generateEdgeLists' : False,
    'generateTangents' : True, # this is now safe - ignored if mesh is missing UVs
    'tangentSemantic' : 'uvw',
    'tangentUseParity' : 4,
    'tangentSplitMirrored' : False,
    'tangentSplitRotated' : False,
    'reorganiseBuffers' : True,
    'optimiseAnimations' : True,


''' todo: Change pretty much all of these windows ones. Make a smarter way of detecting
    Ogre tools and Tundra from various default folders. Also consider making a installer that
    ships Ogre cmd line tools to ease the setup steps for end users. '''

    'OGRETOOLS_XML_CONVERTER' : 'C:\\OgreCommandLineTools\\OgreXmlConverter.exe',
    'OGRETOOLS_MESH_MAGICK' : 'C:\\OgreCommandLineTools\\MeshMagick.exe',
    'TUNDRA_ROOT' : 'C:\\Tundra2',
    'OGRE_MESHY' : 'C:\\OgreMeshy\\Ogre Meshy.exe',
    'IMAGE_MAGICK_CONVERT' : 'C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick\\convert.exe',
    'NVIDIATOOLS_EXE' : 'C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA Corporation\\DDS Utilities\\nvdxt.exe',
    'USER_MATERIALS' : 'C:\\Tundra2\\media\\materials',
    'SHADER_PROGRAMS' : 'C:\\Tundra2\\media\\materials\\programs',
    'NVCOMPRESS' : 'C:\\nvcompress.exe'

    'OGRETOOLS_XML_CONVERTER' : '/usr/local/bin/OgreXMLConverter', # source build is better
    'OGRETOOLS_MESH_MAGICK' : '/usr/local/bin/MeshMagick',
    'TUNDRA_ROOT' : '~/Tundra2',
    'OGRE_MESHY' : '~/OgreMeshy/Ogre Meshy.exe',
    'IMAGE_MAGICK_CONVERT' : '/usr/bin/convert',
    'NVIDIATOOLS_EXE' : '~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/DDS Utilities',
    'USER_MATERIALS' : '~/Tundra2/media/materials',
    'SHADER_PROGRAMS' : '~/Tundra2/media/materials/programs',
    #'USER_MATERIALS' : '~/ogre_src_v1-7-3/Samples/Media/materials',
    #'SHADER_PROGRAMS' : '~/ogre_src_v1-7-3/Samples/Media/materials/programs',
    'NVCOMPRESS' : '/usr/local/bin/nvcompress'

# Unix: Replace ~ with absolute home dir path
if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('darwin') or sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
    for tag in _CONFIG_DEFAULTS_UNIX:
        path = _CONFIG_DEFAULTS_UNIX[ tag ]
        if path.startswith('~'):
            _CONFIG_DEFAULTS_UNIX[ tag ] = os.path.expanduser( path )
        elif tag.startswith('OGRETOOLS') and not os.path.isfile( path ):
            _CONFIG_DEFAULTS_UNIX[ tag ] = os.path.join( '/usr/bin', os.path.split( path )[-1] )
    del tag
    del path

## PUBLIC API continues


def load_config():
    global CONFIG

    if os.path.isfile( CONFIG_FILEPATH ):
            with open( CONFIG_FILEPATH, 'rb' ) as f:
                CONFIG = pickle.load( f )
            print('[ERROR]: Can not read config from %s' %CONFIG_FILEPATH)

    for tag in _CONFIG_DEFAULTS_ALL:
        if tag not in CONFIG:
            CONFIG[ tag ] = _CONFIG_DEFAULTS_ALL[ tag ]

    for tag in _CONFIG_TAGS_:
        if tag not in CONFIG:
            if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
                CONFIG[ tag ] = _CONFIG_DEFAULTS_WINDOWS[ tag ]
            elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('darwin') or sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
                CONFIG[ tag ] = _CONFIG_DEFAULTS_UNIX[ tag ]
                print( 'ERROR: unknown platform' )
                assert 0

        if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
            import winreg
            # Find the blender2ogre install path from windows registry
            registry_key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, r'Software\blender2ogre', 0, winreg.KEY_READ)
            exe_install_dir = winreg.QueryValueEx(registry_key, "Path")[0]
            if exe_install_dir != "":
                # OgreXmlConverter
                if os.path.isfile(exe_install_dir + "OgreXmlConverter.exe"):
                    print ("Using OgreXmlConverter from install path:", exe_install_dir + "OgreXmlConverter.exe")
                    CONFIG['OGRETOOLS_XML_CONVERTER'] = exe_install_dir + "OgreXmlConverter.exe"
                # Run auto updater as silent. Notifies user if there is a new version out.
                # This will not show any UI if there are no update and will go to network
                # only once per 2 days so it wont be spending much resources either.
                # todo: Move this to a more appropriate place than load_config()
                if os.path.isfile(exe_install_dir + "check-for-updates.exe"):
                    subprocess.Popen([exe_install_dir + "check-for-updates.exe", "/silent"])
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception while reading windows registry:", e)
    # Setup temp hidden RNA to expose the file paths
    for tag in _CONFIG_TAGS_: 
        default = CONFIG[ tag ]
        func = eval( 'lambda self,con: CONFIG.update( {"%s" : self.%s} )' %(tag,tag) )
        if type(default) is bool:
            prop = BoolProperty(
                name=tag, description='updates bool setting', default=default,
                options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, update=func
            prop = StringProperty(
                name=tag, description='updates path setting', maxlen=128, default=default,
                options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, update=func
        setattr( bpy.types.WindowManager, tag, prop )

    return CONFIG

CONFIG = load_config()

def save_config():
    #for key in CONFIG: print( '%s =   %s' %(key, CONFIG[key]) )
    if os.path.isdir( CONFIG_PATH ):
            with open( CONFIG_FILEPATH, 'wb' ) as f:
                pickle.dump( CONFIG, f, -1 )
            print('[ERROR]: Can not write to %s' %CONFIG_FILEPATH)
        print('[ERROR:] Config directory does not exist %s' %CONFIG_PATH)

class Blender2Ogre_ConfigOp(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''operator: saves current b2ogre configuration'''
    bl_idname = "ogre.save_config"
    bl_label = "save config file"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}

    def poll(cls, context):
        return True
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        Report.messages.append('SAVED %s' %CONFIG_FILEPATH)
        return {'FINISHED'}

# Make default material for missing materials:
# * Red flags for users so they can quickly see what they forgot to assign a material to.
# * Do not crash if no material on object - thats annoying for the user.

material _missing_material_
    receive_shadows off
            ambient 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0
            diffuse 0.8 0.0 0.0 1.0
            specular 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 12.5
            emissive 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0

## Helper functions

def timer_diff_str(start):
    return "%0.2f" % (time.time()-start)

def find_bone_index( ob, arm, groupidx): # sometimes the groups are out of order, this finds the right index.
    if groupidx < len(ob.vertex_groups): # reported by Slacker
        vg = ob.vertex_groups[ groupidx ]
        j = 0
        for i,bone in enumerate(arm.pose.bones):
            if not bone.bone.use_deform and CONFIG['ONLY_DEFORMABLE_BONES']:
                j+=1 # if we skip bones we need to adjust the id
            if bone.name == vg.name:
                return i-j
        print('WARNING: object vertex groups not in sync with armature', ob, arm, groupidx)

def mesh_is_smooth( mesh ):
    for face in mesh.tessfaces:
        if face.use_smooth: return True

def find_uv_layer_index( uvname, material=None ):
    # This breaks if users have uv layers with same name with different indices over different objects
    idx = 0
    for mesh in bpy.data.meshes:
        if material is None or material.name in mesh.materials:
            if mesh.uv_textures:
                names = [ uv.name for uv in mesh.uv_textures ]
                if uvname in names:
                    idx = names.index( uvname )
                    break # should we check all objects using material and enforce the same index?
    return idx

def has_custom_property( a, name ):
    for prop in a.items():
        n,val = prop
        if n == name:
            return True

def is_strictly_simple_terrain( ob ):
    # A default plane, with simple-subsurf and displace modifier on Z
    if len(ob.data.vertices) != 4 and len(ob.data.tessfaces) != 1:
        return False
    elif len(ob.modifiers) < 2:
        return False
    elif ob.modifiers[0].type != 'SUBSURF' or ob.modifiers[1].type != 'DISPLACE':
        return False
    elif ob.modifiers[0].subdivision_type != 'SIMPLE':
        return False
    elif ob.modifiers[1].direction != 'Z':
        return False # disallow NORMAL and other modes
        return True

def get_image_textures( mat ):
    r = []
    for s in mat.texture_slots:
        if s and s.texture.type == 'IMAGE':
            r.append( s )
    return r

def indent( level, *args ):
    if not args:
        return '    ' * level
        a = ''
        for line in args:
            a += '    ' * level
            a += line
            a += '\n'
        return a

def gather_instances():
    instances = {}
    for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
        if ob.data and ob.data.users > 1:
            if ob.data not in instances:
                instances[ ob.data ] = []
            instances[ ob.data ].append( ob )
    return instances

def select_instances( context, name ):
    for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
        ob.select = False
    ob = bpy.context.scene.objects[ name ]
    if ob.data:
        inst = gather_instances()
        for ob in inst[ ob.data ]: ob.select = True
        bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob

def select_group( context, name, options={} ):
    for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
        ob.select = False
    for grp in bpy.data.groups:
        if grp.name == name:
            # context.scene.objects.active = grp.objects
            # Note that the context is read-only. These values cannot be modified directly,
            # though they may be changed by running API functions or by using the data API.
            # So bpy.context.object = obj will raise an error. But bpy.context.scene.objects.active = obj
            # will work as expected. - http://wiki.blender.org/index.php?title=Dev:2.5/Py/API/Intro&useskin=monobook
            bpy.context.scene.objects.active = grp.objects[0]
            for ob in grp.objects:
                ob.select = True

def get_objects_using_materials( mats ):
    obs = []
    for ob in bpy.data.objects:
        if ob.type == 'MESH':
            for mat in ob.data.materials:
                if mat in mats:
                    if ob not in obs:
                        obs.append( ob )
    return obs

def get_materials_using_image( img ):
    mats = []
    for mat in bpy.data.materials:
        for slot in get_image_textures( mat ):
            if slot.texture.image == img:
                if mat not in mats:
                    mats.append( mat )
    return mats

def get_parent_matrix( ob, objects ):
    if not ob.parent:
        return mathutils.Matrix(((1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)))   # Requiered for Blender SVN > 2.56
        if ob.parent in objects:
            return ob.parent.matrix_world.copy()
            return get_parent_matrix(ob.parent, objects)

def merge_group( group ):
    print('--------------- merge group ->', group )
    copies = []
    for ob in group.objects:
        if ob.type == 'MESH':
            print( '\t group member', ob.name )
            o2 = ob.copy(); copies.append( o2 )
            o2.data = o2.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "PREVIEW") # collaspe modifiers
            while o2.modifiers:
                o2.modifiers.remove( o2.modifiers[0] )
            bpy.context.scene.objects.link( o2 ) #; o2.select = True
    merged = merge( copies )
    merged.name = group.name
    merged.data.name = group.name
    return merged

def merge_objects( objects, name='_temp_', transform=None ):
    assert objects
    copies = []
    for ob in objects:
        ob.select = False
        if ob.type == 'MESH':
            o2 = ob.copy(); copies.append( o2 )
            o2.data = o2.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "PREVIEW") # collaspe modifiers
            while o2.modifiers:
                o2.modifiers.remove( o2.modifiers[0] )
            if transform:
                o2.matrix_world =  transform * o2.matrix_local
            bpy.context.scene.objects.link( o2 ) #; o2.select = True
    merged = merge( copies )
    merged.name = name
    merged.data.name = name
    return merged

def merge( objects ):
    print('MERGE', objects)
    for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects:
        ob.select = False
    for ob in objects:
        ob.select = True
        assert not ob.library
    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob
    return bpy.context.active_object

def get_merge_group( ob, prefix='merge' ):
    m = []
    for grp in ob.users_group:
        if grp.name.lower().startswith(prefix): m.append( grp )
    if len(m)==1:
        #if ob.data.users != 1:
        #    print( 'WARNING: an instance can not be in a merge group' )
        #    return
        return m[0]
    elif m:
        print('WARNING: an object can not be in two merge groups at the same time', ob)

def wordwrap( txt ):
    r = ['']
    for word in txt.split(' '): # do not split on tabs
        word = word.replace('\t', ' '*3)
        r[-1] += word + ' '
        if len(r[-1]) > 90:
            r.append( '' )
    return r

## RPython xml dom

class RElement(object):
    def appendChild( self, child ):
        self.childNodes.append( child )

    def setAttribute( self, name, value ):

    def __init__(self, tag):
        self.tagName = tag
        self.childNodes = []
        self.attributes = {}

    def toprettyxml(self, lines, indent ):
        s = '<%s ' % self.tagName
        for name in self.attributes:
            value = self.attributes[name]
            if not isinstance(value, str):
                value = str(value)
            s += '%s=%s ' % (name, quoteattr(value))
        if not self.childNodes:
            s += '/>'; lines.append( ('  '*indent)+s )
            s += '>'; lines.append( ('  '*indent)+s )
            indent += 1
            for child in self.childNodes:
                child.toprettyxml( lines, indent )
            indent -= 1
            lines.append(('  '*indent) + '</%s>' % self.tagName )

class RDocument(object):
    def __init__(self): 
        self.documentElement = None

    def appendChild(self, root): 
        self.documentElement = root

    def createElement(self, tag): 
        e = RElement(tag)
        e.document = self
        return e

    def toprettyxml(self):
        indent = 0
        lines = []
        self.documentElement.toprettyxml(lines, indent)
        return '\n'.join(lines)

class SimpleSaxWriter():
    def __init__(self, output, encoding, top_level_tag, attrs):
        xml_writer = XMLGenerator(output, encoding, True)
        xml_writer.startElement(top_level_tag, attrs)
        self._xml_writer = xml_writer
        self.top_level_tag = top_level_tag

    def start_tag(self, name, attrs):
        self._xml_writer.characters(" " * self.ident)
        self._xml_writer.startElement(name, attrs)
        self.ident += 4

    def end_tag(self, name):
        self.ident -= 4
        self._xml_writer.characters(" " * self.ident)

    def leaf_tag(self, name, attrs):
        self._xml_writer.characters(" " * self.ident)
        self._xml_writer.startElement(name, attrs)

    def close(self):

## Report Hack

class ReportSingleton(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def show(self):
        bpy.ops.wm.call_menu( name='MiniReport' )

    def reset(self):
        self.materials = []
        self.meshes = []
        self.lights = []
        self.cameras = []
        self.armatures = []
        self.armature_animations = []
        self.shape_animations = []
        self.textures = []
        self.vertices = 0
        self.orig_vertices = 0
        self.faces = 0
        self.triangles = 0
        self.warnings = []
        self.errors = []
        self.messages = []
        self.paths = []

    def report(self):
        r = ['Report:']
        ex = ['Extended Report:']
        if self.errors:
            r.append( '  ERRORS:' )
            for a in self.errors: r.append( '    - %s' %a )

        #if not bpy.context.selected_objects:
        #    self.warnings.append('YOU DID NOT SELECT ANYTHING TO EXPORT')
        if self.warnings:
            r.append( '  WARNINGS:' )
            for a in self.warnings: r.append( '    - %s' %a )

        if self.messages:
            r.append( '  MESSAGES:' )
            for a in self.messages: r.append( '    - %s' %a )
        if self.paths:
            r.append( '  PATHS:' )
            for a in self.paths: r.append( '    - %s' %a )

        if self.vertices:
            r.append( '  Original Vertices: %s' %self.orig_vertices)
            r.append( '  Exported Vertices: %s' %self.vertices )
            r.append( '  Original Faces: %s' %self.faces )
            r.append( '  Exported Triangles: %s' %self.triangles )
            ## TODO report file sizes, meshes and textures

        for tag in 'meshes lights cameras armatures armature_animations shape_animations materials textures'.split():
            attr = getattr(self, tag)
            if attr:
                name = tag.replace('_',' ').upper()
                r.append( '  %s: %s' %(name, len(attr)) )
                if attr:
                    ex.append( '  %s:' %name )
                    for a in attr: ex.append( '    . %s' %a )

        txt = '\n'.join( r )
        ex = '\n'.join( ex )        # console only - extended report
        return txt

Report = ReportSingleton()

class MiniReport(bpy.types.Menu):
    bl_label = "Mini-Report | (see console for full report)"
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        txt = Report.report()
        for line in txt.splitlines():

## RPython xml dom ends

def _get_proxy_decimate_mod( ob ):
    proxy = None
    for child in ob.children:
        if child.subcollision and child.name.startswith('DECIMATED'):
            for mod in child.modifiers:
                if mod.type == 'DECIMATE':
                    return mod

def bake_terrain( ob, normalize=True ):
    assert ob.collision_mode == 'TERRAIN'
    terrain = None
    for child in ob.children:
        if child.subcollision and child.name.startswith('TERRAIN'):
            terrain = child
    assert terrain
    data = terrain.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "PREVIEW")
    raw = [ v.co.z for v in data.vertices ]
    Zmin = min( raw )
    Zmax = max( raw )
    depth = Zmax-Zmin
    m = 1.0 / depth

    rows = []
    i = 0
    for x in range( ob.collision_terrain_x_steps ):
        row = []
        for y in range( ob.collision_terrain_y_steps ):
            v = data.vertices[ i ]
            if normalize:
                z = (v.co.z - Zmin) * m
                z = v.co.z
            row.append( z )
            i += 1
        if x%2:
            row.reverse() # blender grid prim zig-zags
        rows.append( row )
    return {'data':rows, 'min':Zmin, 'max':Zmax, 'depth':depth}

def save_terrain_as_NTF( path, ob ): # Tundra format - hardcoded 16x16 patch format
    info = bake_terrain( ob )
    url = os.path.join( path, '%s.ntf'%ob.data.name )
    f = open(url, "wb")
    # Header
    buf = array.array("I")
    xs = ob.collision_terrain_x_steps
    ys = ob.collision_terrain_y_steps
    xpatches = int(xs/16)
    ypatches = int(ys/16)
    header = [ xpatches, ypatches ]
    buf.fromlist( header )
    # Body
    rows = info['data']
    for x in range( xpatches ):
        for y in range( ypatches ):
            patch = []
            for i in range(16):
                for j in range(16):
                    v = rows[ (x*16)+i ][ (y*16)+j ]
                    patch.append( v )
            buf = array.array("f")
            buf.fromlist( patch )
    path,name = os.path.split(url)
    R = {
        'url':url, 'min':info['min'], 'max':info['max'], 'path':path, 'name':name,
        'xpatches': xpatches, 'ypatches': ypatches,
    return R

class OgreCollisionOp(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''Ogre Collision'''
    bl_idname = "ogre.set_collision"
    bl_label = "modify collision"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
    MODE = StringProperty(name="toggle mode", maxlen=32, default="disable")

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object and context.active_object.type == 'MESH':
            return True

    def get_subcollisions( self, ob, create=True ):
        r = get_subcollisions( ob )
        if not r and create:
            method = getattr(self, 'create_%s'%ob.collision_mode)
            p = method(ob)
            p.name = '%s.%s' %(ob.collision_mode, ob.name)
            p.subcollision = True
            r.append( p )
        return r

    def create_DECIMATED(self, ob):
        child = ob.copy()
        bpy.context.scene.objects.link( child )
        child.matrix_local = mathutils.Matrix()
        child.parent = ob
        child.hide_select = True
        child.draw_type = 'WIRE'
        #child.select = False
        child.lock_location = [True]*3
        child.lock_rotation = [True]*3
        child.lock_scale = [True]*3
        decmod = child.modifiers.new('proxy', type='DECIMATE')
        decmod.ratio = 0.5
        return child

    def create_TERRAIN(self, ob):
        x = ob.collision_terrain_x_steps
        y = ob.collision_terrain_y_steps
        #pos = ob.matrix_world.to_translation()
            size=1.0 )      #, location=pos )
        grid = bpy.context.active_object
        assert grid.name.startswith('Grid')
        grid.collision_terrain_x_steps = x
        grid.collision_terrain_y_steps = y
        x,y,z = ob.dimensions
        sx,sy,sz = ob.scale
        x *= 1.0/sx
        y *= 1.0/sy
        z *= 1.0/sz
        grid.scale.x = x/2
        grid.scale.y = y/2
        grid.location.z -= z/2
        grid.data.show_all_edges = True
        grid.draw_type = 'WIRE'
        grid.hide_select = True
        #grid.select = False
        grid.lock_location = [True]*3
        grid.lock_rotation = [True]*3
        grid.lock_scale = [True]*3
        grid.parent = ob
        bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob
        mod = grid.modifiers.new(name='temp', type='SHRINKWRAP')
        mod.wrap_method = 'PROJECT'
        mod.use_project_z = True
        mod.target = ob
        mod.cull_face = 'FRONT'
        return grid

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        ob = context.active_object
        game = ob.game
        subtype = None

        if ':' in self.MODE:
            mode, subtype = self.MODE.split(':')
            ##BLENDERBUG##ob.game.collision_bounds_type = subtype   # BUG this can not come before
            if subtype in 'BOX SPHERE CYLINDER CONE CAPSULE'.split():
                ob.draw_bounds_type = subtype
                ob.draw_bounds_type = 'POLYHEDRON'
            ob.game.collision_bounds_type = subtype  # BLENDERBUG - this must come after draw_bounds_type assignment
            mode = self.MODE
        ob.collision_mode = mode

        if ob.data.show_all_edges:
            ob.data.show_all_edges = False
        if ob.show_texture_space:
            ob.show_texture_space = False
        if ob.show_bounds:
            ob.show_bounds = False
        if ob.show_wire:
            ob.show_wire = False
        for child in ob.children:
            if child.subcollision and not child.hide:
                child.hide = True

        if mode == 'NONE':
            game.use_ghost = True
            game.use_collision_bounds = False
        elif mode == 'PRIMITIVE':
            game.use_ghost = False
            game.use_collision_bounds = True
            ob.show_bounds = True
        elif mode == 'MESH':
            game.use_ghost = False
            game.use_collision_bounds = True
            ob.show_wire = True
            if game.collision_bounds_type == 'CONVEX_HULL':
                ob.show_texture_space = True
                ob.data.show_all_edges = True
        elif mode == 'DECIMATED':
            game.use_ghost = True
            game.use_collision_bounds = False
            game.use_collision_compound = True
            proxy = self.get_subcollisions(ob)[0]
            if proxy.hide: proxy.hide = False
            ob.game.use_collision_compound = True  # proxy
            mod = _get_proxy_decimate_mod( ob )
            mod.show_viewport = True
            if not proxy.select:    # ugly (but works)
                proxy.hide_select = False
                proxy.select = True
                proxy.hide_select = True
            if game.collision_bounds_type == 'CONVEX_HULL':
                ob.show_texture_space = True
        elif mode == 'TERRAIN':
            game.use_ghost = True
            game.use_collision_bounds = False
            game.use_collision_compound = True
            proxy = self.get_subcollisions(ob)[0]
            if proxy.hide:
                proxy.hide = False
        elif mode == 'COMPOUND':
            game.use_ghost = True
            game.use_collision_bounds = False
            game.use_collision_compound = True
            assert 0 # unknown mode

        return {'FINISHED'}

# UI panels

class PANEL_Physics(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
    bl_region_type = 'UI'
    bl_label = "Physics"

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object:
            return True
            return False

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        ob = context.active_object
        game = ob.game

        if ob.type != 'MESH':
        elif ob.subcollision == True:
            box = layout.box()
            if ob.parent:
                box.label(text='object is a collision proxy for: %s' %ob.parent.name)
                box.label(text='WARNING: collision proxy missing parent')

        box = layout.box()
        box.prop(ob, 'physics_mode')
        if ob.physics_mode != 'NONE':
            box.prop(game, 'mass', text='Mass')
            box.prop(ob, 'physics_friction', text='Friction', slider=True)
            box.prop(ob, 'physics_bounce', text='Bounce', slider=True)

            box.prop(game, 'damping', text='Translation', slider=True)
            box.prop(game, 'rotation_damping', text='Rotation', slider=True)

            box.prop(game, "velocity_min", text="Minimum")
            box.prop(game, "velocity_max", text="Maximum")

class PANEL_Collision(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
    bl_region_type = 'UI'
    bl_label = "Collision"

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object:
            return True
            return False

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        ob = context.active_object
        game = ob.game

        if ob.type != 'MESH':
        elif ob.subcollision == True:
            box = layout.box()
            if ob.parent:
                box.label(text='object is a collision proxy for: %s' %ob.parent.name)
                box.label(text='WARNING: collision proxy missing parent')

        mode = ob.collision_mode
        if mode == 'NONE':
            box = layout.box()
            op = box.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='Enable Collision', icon='PHYSICS' )
            op.MODE = 'PRIMITIVE:%s' %game.collision_bounds_type
            prim = game.collision_bounds_type

            box = layout.box()
            op = box.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='Disable Collision', icon='X' )
            op.MODE = 'NONE'
            box.prop(game, "collision_margin", text="Collision Margin", slider=True)

            box = layout.box()
            if mode == 'PRIMITIVE':
                box.label(text='Primitive: %s' %prim)

            row = box.row()
            _icons = {
                'CONE':'MESH_CONE', 'CAPSULE':'META_CAPSULE'}
            for a in 'BOX SPHERE CYLINDER CONE CAPSULE'.split():
                if prim == a and mode == 'PRIMITIVE':
                    op = row.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='', icon=_icons[a], emboss=True )
                    op.MODE = 'PRIMITIVE:%s' %a
                    op = row.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='', icon=_icons[a], emboss=False )
                    op.MODE = 'PRIMITIVE:%s' %a

            box = layout.box()
            if mode == 'MESH': box.label(text='Mesh: %s' %prim.split('_')[0] )
            else: box.label(text='Mesh')
            row = box.row()
            row.label(text='- - - - - - - - - - - - - -')
            for a in 'TRIANGLE_MESH CONVEX_HULL'.split():
                if prim == a and mode == 'MESH':
                    op = row.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='', icon=_icons[a], emboss=True )
                    op.MODE = 'MESH:%s' %a
                    op = row.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='', icon=_icons[a], emboss=False )
                    op.MODE = 'MESH:%s' %a

            box = layout.box()
            if mode == 'DECIMATED':
                box.label(text='Decimate: %s' %prim.split('_')[0] )
                row = box.row()
                mod = _get_proxy_decimate_mod( ob )
                assert mod  # decimate modifier is missing
                row.label(text='Faces: %s' %mod.face_count )
                box.prop( mod, 'ratio', text='' )
                row = box.row()
                row.label(text='- - - - - - - - - - - - - -')

            for a in 'TRIANGLE_MESH CONVEX_HULL'.split():
                if prim == a and mode == 'DECIMATED':
                    op = row.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='', icon=_icons[a], emboss=True )
                    op.MODE = 'DECIMATED:%s' %a
                    op = row.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='', icon=_icons[a], emboss=False )
                    op.MODE = 'DECIMATED:%s' %a

            box = layout.box()
            if mode == 'TERRAIN':
                terrain = get_subcollisions( ob )[0]
                if ob.collision_terrain_x_steps != terrain.collision_terrain_x_steps or ob.collision_terrain_y_steps != terrain.collision_terrain_y_steps:
                    op = box.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='Rebuild Terrain', icon='MESH_GRID' )
                    op.MODE = 'TERRAIN'
                row = box.row()
                row.prop( ob, 'collision_terrain_x_steps', 'X' )
                row.prop( ob, 'collision_terrain_y_steps', 'Y' )
                #box.prop( terrain.modifiers[0], 'offset' ) # gets normalized away
                box.prop( terrain.modifiers[0], 'cull_face', text='Cull' )
                box.prop( terrain, 'location' )     # TODO hide X and Y
                op = box.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='Terrain Collision', icon='MESH_GRID' )
                op.MODE = 'TERRAIN'

            box = layout.box()
            if mode == 'COMPOUND':
                op = box.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='Compound Collision', icon='ROTATECOLLECTION' )
                op = box.operator( 'ogre.set_collision', text='Compound Collision', icon='ROTATECOLLECTION' )
            op.MODE = 'COMPOUND'

class PANEL_Configure(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
    bl_context = "scene"
    bl_label = "Ogre Configuration File"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        op = layout.operator( 'ogre.save_config', text='update config file', icon='FILE' )
        for tag in _CONFIG_TAGS_:
            layout.prop( context.window_manager, tag )

## Pop up dialog for various info/error messages

popup_message = ""

class PopUpDialogOperator(bpy.types.Operator): 
    bl_idname = "object.popup_dialog_operator" 
    bl_label = "blender2ogre" 

    def __init__(self):
        print("dialog Start")

    def __del__(self):
        print("dialog End")
    def execute(self, context): 
        print ("execute")
        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
    def draw(self, context):
        # todo: Make this bigger and center on screen.
        # Blender UI stuff seems quite complex, would
        # think that showing a dialog with a message thath
        # does not hide when mouse is moved would be simpler!
        global popup_message
        layout = self.layout
        col = layout.column()
        col.label(popup_message, 'ERROR')

    def invoke(self, context, event):        
        wm = context.window_manager 
        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

    def modal(self, context, event):
        # Close
        if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE':
            print ("Left mouse")
            return {'FINISHED'}
        # Close
        elif event.type in ('RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'):
            print ("right mouse")
            return {'FINISHED'}

        print("running modal")
        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

def show_dialog(message):
    global popup_message
    popup_message = message

## Game Logic Documentation

_game_logic_intro_doc_ = '''
Hijacking the BGE

Blender contains a fully functional game engine (BGE) that is highly useful for learning the concepts of game programming by breaking it down into three simple parts: Sensor, Controller, and Actuator.  An Ogre based game engine will likely have similar concepts in its internal API and game logic scripting.  Without a custom interface to define game logic, very often game designers may have to resort to having programmers implement their ideas in purely handwritten script.  This is prone to breakage because object names then end up being hard-coded.  Not only does this lead to non-reusable code, its also a slow process.  Why should we have to resort to this when Blender already contains a very rich interface for game logic?  By hijacking a subset of the BGE interface we can make this workflow between game designer and game programmer much better.

The OgreDocScene format can easily be extened to include extra game logic data.  While the BGE contains some features that can not be easily mapped to other game engines, there are many are highly useful generic features we can exploit, including many of the Sensors and Actuators.  Blender uses the paradigm of: 1. Sensor -> 2. Controller -> 3. Actuator.  In pseudo-code, this can be thought of as: 1. on-event -> 2. conditional logic -> 3. do-action.  The designer is most often concerned with the on-events (the Sensors), and the do-actions (the Actuators); and the BGE interface provides a clear way for defining and editing those.  Its a harder task to provide a good interface for the conditional logic (Controller), that is flexible enough to fit everyones different Ogre engine and requirements, so that is outside the scope of this exporter at this time.  A programmer will still be required to fill the gap between Sensor and Actuator, but hopefully his work is greatly reduced and can write more generic/reuseable code.

The rules for which Sensors trigger which Actuators is left undefined, as explained above we are hijacking the BGE interface not trying to export and reimplement everything.  BGE Controllers and all links are ignored by the exporter, so whats the best way to define Sensor/Actuator relationships?  One convention that seems logical is to group Sensors and Actuators by name.  More complex syntax could be used in Sensor/Actuators names, or they could be completely ignored and instead all the mapping is done by the game programmer using other rules.  This issue is not easily solved so designers and the engine programmers will have to decide upon their own conventions, there is no one size fits all solution.

_ogre_logic_types_doc_ = '''
Supported Sensors:
    . Collision
    . Near
    . Radar
    . Touching
    . Raycast
    . Message

Supported Actuators:
    . Shape Action*
    . Edit Object
    . Camera
    . Constraint
    . Message
    . Motion
    . Sound
    . Visibility

*note: Shape Action
The most common thing a designer will want to do is have an event trigger an animation.  The BGE contains an Actuator called "Shape Action", with useful properties like: start/end frame, and blending.  It also contains a property called "Action" but this is hidden because the exporter ignores action names and instead uses the names of NLA strips when exporting Ogre animation tracks.  The current workaround is to hijack the "Frame Property" attribute and change its name to "animation".  The designer can then simply type the name of the animation track (NLA strip).  Any custom syntax could actually be implemented here for calling animations, its up to the engine programmer to define how this field will be used.  For example: "*.explode" could be implemented to mean "on all objects" play the "explode" animation.

class _WrapLogic(object):
    SwapName = { 'frame_property' : 'animation' } # custom name hacks

    def __init__(self, node):
        self.node = node
        self.name = node.name
        self.type = node.type

    def widget(self, layout):
        box = layout.box()
        row = box.row()
        row.label( text=self.type )
        row.prop( self.node, 'name', text='' )
        if self.type in self.TYPES:
            for name in self.TYPES[ self.type ]:
                if name in self.SwapName:
                    box.prop( self.node, name, text=self.SwapName[name] )
                    box.prop( self.node, name )

    def xml( self, doc ):
        g = doc.createElement( self.LogicType )
        g.setAttribute('name', self.name)
        g.setAttribute('type', self.type)
        if self.type in self.TYPES:
            for name in self.TYPES[ self.type ]:
                attr = getattr( self.node, name )
                if name in self.SwapName: name = self.SwapName[name]
                a = doc.createElement( 'component' )
                a.setAttribute('name', name)
                if attr is None: a.setAttribute('type', 'POINTER' )
                else: a.setAttribute('type', type(attr).__name__)

                if type(attr) in (float, int, str, bool): a.setAttribute('value', str(attr))
                elif not attr: a.setAttribute('value', '')        # None case
                elif hasattr(attr,'filepath'): a.setAttribute('value', attr.filepath)
                elif hasattr(attr,'name'): a.setAttribute('value', attr.name)
                elif hasattr(attr,'x') and hasattr(attr,'y') and hasattr(attr,'z'):
                    a.setAttribute('value', '%s %s %s' %(attr.x, attr.y, attr.z))
                    print('ERROR: unknown type', attr)
        return g

class WrapSensor( _WrapLogic ):
    LogicType = 'sensor'
    TYPES = {
        'COLLISION': ['property'],
        'MESSAGE' : ['subject'],
        'NEAR' : ['property', 'distance', 'reset_distance'],
        'RADAR'  :  ['property', 'axis', 'angle', 'distance' ],
        'RAY'  :  ['ray_type', 'property', 'material', 'axis', 'range', 'use_x_ray'],
        'TOUCH'  :  ['material'],

class WrapActuator( _WrapLogic ):
    LogicType = 'actuator'
    TYPES = {
        'CAMERA'  :  ['object', 'height', 'min', 'max', 'axis'],
        'CONSTRAINT'  :  ['mode', 'limit', 'limit_min', 'limit_max', 'damping'],
        'MESSAGE' : ['to_property', 'subject', 'body_message'],        #skipping body_type
        'OBJECT'  :  'damping derivate_coefficient force force_max_x force_max_y force_max_z force_min_x force_min_y force_min_z integral_coefficient linear_velocity mode offset_location offset_rotation proportional_coefficient reference_object torque use_local_location use_local_rotation use_local_torque use_servo_limit_x use_servo_limit_y use_servo_limit_z'.split(),
        'SOUND'  :  'cone_inner_angle_3d cone_outer_angle_3d cone_outer_gain_3d distance_3d_max distance_3d_reference gain_3d_max gain_3d_min mode pitch rolloff_factor_3d sound use_sound_3d volume'.split(),        # note .sound contains .filepath
        'VISIBILITY'  :  'apply_to_children use_occlusion use_visible'.split(),
        'SHAPE_ACTION'  :  'frame_blend_in frame_end frame_property frame_start mode property use_continue_last_frame'.split(),
        'EDIT_OBJECT'  :  'dynamic_operation linear_velocity mass mesh mode object time track_object use_3d_tracking use_local_angular_velocity use_local_linear_velocity use_replace_display_mesh use_replace_physics_mesh'.split(),

class _OgreMatPass( object ):
    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
    bl_context = "material"

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object and context.active_object.active_material and context.active_object.active_material.use_material_passes:
            return True

    def draw(self, context):
        if not hasattr(context, "material"):
        if not context.active_object:
        if not context.active_object.active_material:

        mat = context.material
        ob = context.object
        slot = context.material_slot
        layout = self.layout
        if mat.use_material_passes:
            db = layout.box()
            nodes = bpyShaders.get_or_create_material_passes( mat )
            node = nodes[ self.INDEX ]
            split = db.row()
            if node.material: split.prop( node.material, 'use_in_ogre_material_pass', text='' )
            split.prop( node, 'material' )
            if not node.material:
                op = split.operator( 'ogre.helper_create_attach_material_layer', icon="PLUS", text='' )
                op.INDEX = self.INDEX
            if node.material and node.material.use_in_ogre_material_pass:
                dbb = db.box()
                ogre_material_panel( dbb, node.material, parent=mat )
                ogre_material_panel_extra( dbb, node.material )

class _create_new_material_layer_helper(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''helper to create new material layer'''
    bl_idname = "ogre.helper_create_attach_material_layer"
    bl_label = "creates and assigns new material to layer"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
    INDEX = IntProperty(name="material layer index", description="index", default=0, min=0, max=8)

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object and context.active_object.active_material and context.active_object.active_material.use_material_passes:
            return True

    def execute(self, context):
        mat = context.active_object.active_material
        nodes = bpyShaders.get_or_create_material_passes( mat )
        node = nodes[ self.INDEX ]
        node.material = bpy.data.materials.new( name='%s.LAYER%s'%(mat.name,self.INDEX) )
        node.material.use_fixed_pipeline = False
        node.material.offset_z = (self.INDEX*2) + 2     # nudge each pass by 2
        return {'FINISHED'}

# UI panels continues

class PANEL_properties_window_ogre_material( bpy.types.Panel ):
    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
    bl_context = "material"
    bl_label = "Ogre Material (base pass)"

    def poll( self, context ):
        if not hasattr(context, "material"): return False
        if not context.active_object: return False
        if not context.active_object.active_material: return False
        return True

    def draw(self, context):
        mat = context.material
        ob = context.object
        slot = context.material_slot
        layout = self.layout
        if not mat.use_material_passes:
            box = layout.box()
            box.operator( 'ogre.force_setup_material_passes', text="Ogre Material Layers", icon='SCENE_DATA' )

        ogre_material_panel( layout, mat )
        ogre_material_panel_extra( layout, mat )

class MatPass1( _OgreMatPass, bpy.types.Panel ): INDEX = 0; bl_label = "Ogre Material (pass%s)"%str(INDEX+1)
class MatPass2( _OgreMatPass, bpy.types.Panel ): INDEX = 1; bl_label = "Ogre Material (pass%s)"%str(INDEX+1)
class MatPass3( _OgreMatPass, bpy.types.Panel ): INDEX = 2; bl_label = "Ogre Material (pass%s)"%str(INDEX+1)
class MatPass4( _OgreMatPass, bpy.types.Panel ): INDEX = 3; bl_label = "Ogre Material (pass%s)"%str(INDEX+1)
class MatPass5( _OgreMatPass, bpy.types.Panel ): INDEX = 4; bl_label = "Ogre Material (pass%s)"%str(INDEX+1)
class MatPass6( _OgreMatPass, bpy.types.Panel ): INDEX = 5; bl_label = "Ogre Material (pass%s)"%str(INDEX+1)
class MatPass7( _OgreMatPass, bpy.types.Panel ): INDEX = 6; bl_label = "Ogre Material (pass%s)"%str(INDEX+1)
class MatPass8( _OgreMatPass, bpy.types.Panel ): INDEX = 7; bl_label = "Ogre Material (pass%s)"%str(INDEX+1)

class PANEL_Textures(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
    bl_context = "texture"
    bl_label = "Ogre Texture"

    def poll(cls, context):
        if not hasattr(context, "texture_slot"):
            return False
        else: return True

    def draw(self, context):
        #if not hasattr(context, "texture_slot"):
        #    return False
        layout = self.layout
        #idblock = context_tex_datablock(context)
        slot = context.texture_slot
        if not slot or not slot.texture:

        btype = slot.blend_type  # todo: fix this hack if/when slots support pyRNA
        ex = False; texop = None
        if btype in TextureUnit.colour_op:
            if btype=='MIX' and slot.use_map_alpha and not slot.use_stencil:
                if slot.diffuse_color_factor >= 1.0:
                    texop = 'alpha_blend'
                    texop = TextureUnit.colour_op_ex[ btype ]
                    ex = True
            elif btype=='MIX' and slot.use_map_alpha and slot.use_stencil:
                texop = 'blend_current_alpha'; ex=True
            elif btype=='MIX' and not slot.use_map_alpha and slot.use_stencil:
                texop = 'blend_texture_alpha'; ex=True
                texop = TextureUnit.colour_op[ btype ]
        elif btype in TextureUnit.colour_op_ex:
            texop = TextureUnit.colour_op_ex[ btype ]
            ex = True

        box = layout.box()
        row = box.row()
        if texop:
            if ex:
                row.prop(slot, "blend_type", text=texop, icon='NEW')
                row.prop(slot, "blend_type", text=texop)
            row.prop(slot, "blend_type", text='(invalid option)')

        if btype == 'MIX':
            row.prop(slot, "use_stencil", text="")
            row.prop(slot, "use_map_alpha", text="")
            if texop == 'blend_manual':
                row = box.row()
                row.prop(slot, "diffuse_color_factor", text="")

        if hasattr(slot.texture, 'image') and slot.texture.image:
            row = box.row()
            n = '(invalid option)'
            if slot.texture.extension in TextureUnit.tex_address_mode:
                n = TextureUnit.tex_address_mode[ slot.texture.extension ]
            row.prop(slot.texture, "extension", text=n)
            if slot.texture.extension == 'CLIP':
                row.prop(slot, "color", text="Border Color")

        row = box.row()
        if slot.texture_coords == 'UV':
            row.prop(slot, "texture_coords", text="", icon='GROUP_UVS')
            row.prop(slot, "uv_layer", text='Layer')
        elif slot.texture_coords == 'REFLECTION':
            row.prop(slot, "texture_coords", text="", icon='MOD_UVPROJECT')
            n = '(invalid option)'
            if slot.mapping in 'FLAT SPHERE'.split(): n = ''
            row.prop(slot, "mapping", text=n)
            row.prop(slot, "texture_coords", text="(invalid mapping option)")

        # Animation and offset options
        split = layout.row()
        box = split.box()
        box.prop(slot, "offset", text="XY=offset,  Z=rotation")
        box = split.box()
        box.prop(slot, "scale", text="XY=scale (Z ignored)")

        box = layout.box()
        row = box.row()
        row.label(text='scrolling animation')

        # Can't use if its enabled by default row.prop(slot, "use_map_density", text="")
        row.prop(slot, "use_map_scatter", text="")
        row = box.row()
        row.prop(slot, "density_factor", text="X")
        row.prop(slot, "emission_factor", text="Y")

        box = layout.box()
        row = box.row()
        row.label(text='rotation animation')
        row.prop(slot, "emission_color_factor", text="")
        row.prop(slot, "use_from_dupli", text="")

        ## Image magick
        if hasattr(slot.texture, 'image') and slot.texture.image:
            img = slot.texture.image
            box = layout.box()
            row = box.row()
            row.prop( img, 'use_convert_format' )
            if img.use_convert_format:
                row.prop( img, 'convert_format' )
                if img.convert_format == 'jpg':
                    box.prop( img, 'jpeg_quality' )

            row = box.row()
            row.prop( img, 'use_color_quantize', text='Reduce Colors' )
            if img.use_color_quantize:
                row.prop( img, 'use_color_quantize_dither', text='dither' )
                row.prop( img, 'color_quantize', text='colors' )

            row = box.row()
            row.prop( img, 'use_resize_half' )
            if not img.use_resize_half:
                row.prop( img, 'use_resize_absolute' )
                if img.use_resize_absolute:
                    row = box.row()
                    row.prop( img, 'resize_x' )
                    row.prop( img, 'resize_y' )

## OgreMeshy

class OgreMeshyPreviewOp(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''helper to open ogremeshy'''
    bl_idname = 'ogremeshy.preview'
    bl_label = "opens ogremeshy in a subprocess"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
    preview = BoolProperty(name="preview", description="fast preview", default=True)
    groups = BoolProperty(name="preview merge groups", description="use merge groups", default=False)
    mesh = BoolProperty(name="update mesh", description="update mesh (disable for fast material preview", default=True)

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object and context.active_object.type in ('MESH','EMPTY') and context.mode != 'EDIT_MESH':
            if context.active_object.type == 'EMPTY' and context.active_object.dupli_type != 'GROUP':
                return False
                return True

    def execute(self, context):
        Report.messages.append('running %s' %CONFIG['OGRE_MESHY'])

        if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
            # If OgreMeshy ends with .exe, set the path for preview meshes to
            # the user's wine directory, otherwise to /tmp.
            if CONFIG['OGRE_MESHY'].endswith('.exe'):
                path = '%s/.wine/drive_c/tmp' % os.environ['HOME']
                path = '/tmp'
        elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin') or sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
            path = '/tmp'
            path = 'C:\\tmp'

        mat = None
        mgroup = merged = None
        umaterials = []

        if context.active_object.type == 'MESH':
            mat = context.active_object.active_material
        elif context.active_object.type == 'EMPTY': # assume group
            obs = []
            for e in context.selected_objects:
                if e.type != 'EMPTY' and e.dupli_group: continue
                grp = e.dupli_group
                subs = []
                for o in grp.objects:
                    if o.type=='MESH': subs.append( o )
                if subs:
                    m = merge_objects( subs, transform=e.matrix_world )
                    obs.append( m )
            if obs:
                merged = merge_objects( obs )
                umaterials = dot_mesh( merged, path=path, force_name='preview' )
                for o in obs: context.scene.objects.unlink(o)

        if not self.mesh:
            for ob in context.selected_objects:
                if ob.type == 'MESH':
                    for mat in ob.data.materials:
                        if mat and mat not in umaterials: umaterials.append( mat )

        if not merged:
            mgroup = MeshMagick.get_merge_group( context.active_object )
            if not mgroup and self.groups:
                group = get_merge_group( context.active_object )
                if group:
                    print('--------------- has merge group ---------------' )
                    merged = merge_group( group )
                    print('--------------- NO merge group ---------------' )
            elif len(context.selected_objects)>1 and context.selected_objects:
                merged = merge_objects( context.selected_objects )

            if mgroup:
                for ob in mgroup.objects:
                    nmats = dot_mesh( ob, path=path )
                    for m in nmats:
                        if m not in umaterials: umaterials.append( m )
                MeshMagick.merge( mgroup, path=path, force_name='preview' )
            elif merged:
                umaterials = dot_mesh( merged, path=path, force_name='preview' )
                umaterials = dot_mesh( context.active_object, path=path, force_name='preview' )

        if mat or umaterials:
            #CONFIG['TOUCH_TEXTURES'] = True
            #CONFIG['PATH'] = path   # TODO deprecate
            data = ''
            for umat in umaterials:
                data += generate_material( umat, path=path, copy_programs=True, touch_textures=True ) # copies shader programs to path
            f=open( os.path.join( path, 'preview.material' ), 'wb' )
            f.write( bytes(data,'utf-8') ); f.close()

        if merged: context.scene.objects.unlink( merged )

        if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('darwin') or sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
            if CONFIG['OGRE_MESHY'].endswith('.exe'):
                cmd = ['wine', CONFIG['OGRE_MESHY'], 'c:\\tmp\\preview.mesh' ]
                cmd = [CONFIG['OGRE_MESHY'], '/tmp/preview.mesh']
            print( cmd )
            #subprocess.call([CONFIG_OGRE_MESHY, 'C:\\tmp\\preview.mesh'])
            subprocess.Popen( [CONFIG['OGRE_MESHY'], 'C:\\tmp\\preview.mesh'] )

        return {'FINISHED'}

## Ogre Documentation to UI

_OGRE_DOCS_ = []
def ogredoc( cls ):
    tag = cls.__name__.split('_ogredoc_')[-1]
    cls.bl_label = tag.replace('_', ' ')
    _OGRE_DOCS_.append( cls )
    return cls

class INFO_MT_ogre_helper(bpy.types.Menu):
    bl_label = '_overloaded_'

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        #row = self.layout.box().split(percentage=0.05)
        #col = row.column(align=False)
        #row.scale_x = 0.1
        #row.alignment = 'RIGHT'

        for line in self.mydoc.splitlines():
            if line.strip():
                for ww in wordwrap( line ): layout.label(text=ww)

class INFO_MT_ogre_docs(bpy.types.Menu):
    bl_label = "Ogre Help"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        for cls in _OGRE_DOCS_:
            layout.menu( cls.__name__ )
        layout.label(text='bug reports to: bhartsho@yahoo.com')

class INFO_MT_ogre_shader_pass_attributes(bpy.types.Menu):
    bl_label = "Shader-Pass"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        for cls in _OGRE_SHADER_REF_:
            layout.menu( cls.__name__ )

class INFO_MT_ogre_shader_texture_attributes(bpy.types.Menu):
    bl_label = "Shader-Texture"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        for cls in _OGRE_SHADER_REF_TEX_:
            layout.menu( cls.__name__ )

class _ogredoc_Installing( INFO_MT_ogre_helper ):
    mydoc = _doc_installing_

class _ogredoc_FAQ( INFO_MT_ogre_helper ):
    mydoc = _faq_

class _ogredoc_Animation_System( INFO_MT_ogre_helper ):
    mydoc = '''
Armature Animation System | OgreDotSkeleton
    Quick Start:
        1. select your armature and set a single keyframe on the object (loc,rot, or scl)
            . note, this step is just a hack for creating an action so you can then create an NLA track.
            . do not key in pose mode, unless you want to only export animation on the keyed bones.
        2. open the NLA, and convert the action into an NLA strip
        3. name the NLA strip(s)
        4. set the in and out frames for each strip ( the strip name becomes the Ogre track name )

    How it Works:
        The NLA strips can be blank, they are only used to define Ogre track names, and in and out frame ranges.  You are free to animate the armature with constraints (no baking required), or you can used baked animation and motion capture.  Blending that is driven by the NLA is also supported, if you don't want blending, put space between each strip.

    The OgreDotSkeleton (.skeleton) format supports multiple named tracks that can contain some or all of the bones of an armature.  This feature can be exploited by a game engine for segmenting and animation blending.  For example: lets say we want to animate the upper torso independently of the lower body while still using a single armature.  This can be done by hijacking the NLA of the armature.

    Advanced NLA Hijacking (selected-bones-animation):
        . define an action and keyframe only the bones you want to 'group', ie. key all the upper torso bones
        . import the action into the NLA
        . name the strip (this becomes the track name in Ogre)
        . adjust the start and end frames of each strip
        ( you may use multiple NLA tracks, multiple strips per-track is ok, and strips may overlap in time )


class _ogredoc_Physics( INFO_MT_ogre_helper ):
    mydoc = '''
Ogre Dot Scene + BGE Physics
    extended format including external collision mesh, and BGE physics settings
<node name="...">
    <entity name="..." meshFile="..." collisionFile="..." collisionPrim="..." [and all BGE physics attributes] />

collisionFile : sets path to .mesh that is used for collision (ignored if collisionPrim is set)
collisionPrim : sets optimal collision type [ cube, sphere, capsule, cylinder ]
*these collisions are static meshes, animated deforming meshes should give the user a warning that they have chosen a static mesh collision type with an object that has an armature

Blender Collision Setup:
    1. If a mesh object has a child mesh with a name starting with 'collision', then the child becomes the collision mesh for the parent mesh.

    2. If 'Collision Bounds' game option is checked, the bounds type [box, sphere, etc] is used. This will override above rule.

    3. Instances (and instances generated by optimal array modifier) will share the same collision type of the first instance, you DO NOT need to set the collision type for each instance.


class _ogredoc_Bugs( INFO_MT_ogre_helper ):
    mydoc = '''
Known Issues:
    . shape animation breaks when using modifiers that change the vertex count
        (Any modifier that changes the vertex count is bad with shape anim or armature anim)
    . never rename the nodes created by enabling Ogre-Material-Layers
    . never rename collision proxy meshes created by the Collision Panel
    . lighting in Tundra is not excatly the same as in Blender
Tundra Streaming:
    . only supports streaming transform of up to 10 objects selected objects
    . the 3D view must be shown at the time you open Tundra
    . the same 3D view must be visible to stream data to Tundra
    . only position and scale are updated, a bug on the Tundra side prevents rotation update
    . animation playback is broken if you rename your NLA strips after opening Tundra

# Ogre v1.7 Doc

def _mesh_entity_helper( doc, ob, o ):
    ## extended format - BGE Physics ##
    o.setAttribute('mass', str(ob.game.mass))
    o.setAttribute('mass_radius', str(ob.game.radius))
    o.setAttribute('physics_type', ob.game.physics_type)
    o.setAttribute('actor', str(ob.game.use_actor))
    o.setAttribute('ghost', str(ob.game.use_ghost))
    o.setAttribute('velocity_min', str(ob.game.velocity_min))
    o.setAttribute('velocity_max', str(ob.game.velocity_max))
    o.setAttribute('lock_trans_x', str(ob.game.lock_location_x))
    o.setAttribute('lock_trans_y', str(ob.game.lock_location_y))
    o.setAttribute('lock_trans_z', str(ob.game.lock_location_z))
    o.setAttribute('lock_rot_x', str(ob.game.lock_rotation_x))
    o.setAttribute('lock_rot_y', str(ob.game.lock_rotation_y))
    o.setAttribute('lock_rot_z', str(ob.game.lock_rotation_z))
    o.setAttribute('anisotropic_friction', str(ob.game.use_anisotropic_friction))
    x,y,z = ob.game.friction_coefficients
    o.setAttribute('friction_x', str(x))
    o.setAttribute('friction_y', str(y))
    o.setAttribute('friction_z', str(z))
    o.setAttribute('damping_trans', str(ob.game.damping))
    o.setAttribute('damping_rot', str(ob.game.rotation_damping))
    o.setAttribute('inertia_tensor', str(ob.game.form_factor))

    mesh = ob.data
    # custom user props
    for prop in mesh.items():
        propname, propvalue = prop
        if not propname.startswith('_'):
            user = doc.createElement('user_data')
            o.appendChild( user )
            user.setAttribute( 'name', propname )
            user.setAttribute( 'value', str(propvalue) )
            user.setAttribute( 'type', type(propvalue).__name__ )

#class _type(bpy.types.IDPropertyGroup):
#    name = StringProperty(name="jpeg format", description="", maxlen=64, default="")

def get_lights_by_type( T ):
    r = []
    for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
        if ob.type=='LAMP':
            if ob.data.type==T: r.append( ob )
    return r

class _TXML_(object):
    <component type="EC_Script" sync="1" name="myscript">
        <attribute value="" name="Script ref"/>
        <attribute value="false" name="Run on load"/>
        <attribute value="0" name="Run mode"/>
        <attribute value="" name="Script application name"/>
        <attribute value="" name="Script class name"/>

    def create_tundra_document( self, context ):
        # todo: Make a way in the gui to give prefix for the refs
        # This can be very useful if you want to give deployment URL
        # eg. "http://www.myassets.com/myscene/". By default this needs
        # to be an empty string, it will operate best for local preview
        # and importing the scene content to existing scenes with relative refs.
        proto = ''
        doc = RDocument()
        scn = doc.createElement('scene')
        doc.appendChild( scn )

        # EC_Script
        if 0: # todo: tundra bug (what does this mean?)
            e = doc.createElement( 'entity' )
            doc.documentElement.appendChild( e )
            e.setAttribute('id', len(doc.documentElement.childNodes)+1 )

            c = doc.createElement( 'component' ); e.appendChild( c )
            c.setAttribute( 'type', 'EC_Script' )
            c.setAttribute( 'sync', '1' )
            c.setAttribute( 'name', 'myscript' )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Script ref')
            #a.setAttribute('value', "%s%s"%(proto,TUNDRA_GEN_SCRIPT_PATH) )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Run on load')
            a.setAttribute('value', 'true' )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Run mode')
            a.setAttribute('value', '0' )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Script application name')
            a.setAttribute('value', 'blender2ogre' )

        # Check lighting settings
        sun = hemi = None
        if get_lights_by_type('SUN'):
            sun = get_lights_by_type('SUN')[0]
        if get_lights_by_type('HEMI'):
            hemi = get_lights_by_type('HEMI')[0]

        # Environment
        if bpy.context.scene.world.mist_settings.use_mist or sun or hemi:
            # Entity for environment components
            e = doc.createElement( 'entity' )
            doc.documentElement.appendChild( e )
            e.setAttribute('id', len(doc.documentElement.childNodes)+1 )

            # EC_Fog
            c = doc.createElement( 'component' ); e.appendChild( c )
            c.setAttribute( 'type', 'EC_Fog' )
            c.setAttribute( 'sync', '1' )
            c.setAttribute( 'name', 'Fog' )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Color')
            if bpy.context.scene.world.mist_settings.use_mist:
                A = bpy.context.scene.world.mist_settings.intensity
                R,G,B = bpy.context.scene.world.horizon_color
                a.setAttribute('value', '%s %s %s %s'%(R,G,B,A))
                a.setAttribute('value', '0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0')

            if bpy.context.scene.world.mist_settings.use_mist:
                mist = bpy.context.scene.world.mist_settings

                a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
                a.setAttribute('name', 'Start distance')
                a.setAttribute('value', mist.start)

                a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
                a.setAttribute('name', 'End distance')
                a.setAttribute('value', mist.start+mist.depth)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Exponential density')
            a.setAttribute('value', 0.001)

            # EC_EnvironmentLight
            c = doc.createElement( 'component' ); e.appendChild( c )
            c.setAttribute( 'type', 'EC_EnvironmentLight' )
            c.setAttribute( 'sync', '1' )
            c.setAttribute( 'name', 'Environment Light' )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Sunlight color')
            if sun:
                R,G,B = sun.data.color
                a.setAttribute('value', '%s %s %s 1' %(R,G,B))
                a.setAttribute('value', '0 0 0 1')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Brightness') # brightness of sunlight
            if sun:
                a.setAttribute('value', sun.data.energy*10) # 10=magic
                a.setAttribute('value', '0')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Ambient light color')
            if hemi:
                R,G,B = hemi.data.color * hemi.data.energy * 3.0
                if R>1.0: R=1.0
                if G>1.0: G=1.0
                if B>1.0: B=1.0
                a.setAttribute('value', '%s %s %s 1' %(R,G,B))
                a.setAttribute('value', '0 0 0 1')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Sunlight direction vector')
            a.setAttribute('value', '-0.25 -1.0 -0.25')   # TODO, get the sun rotation from blender

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Sunlight cast shadows')
            a.setAttribute('value', 'true')

        # EC_SkyX
        if context.scene.world.ogre_skyX:
            c = doc.createElement( 'component' ); e.appendChild( c )
            c.setAttribute( 'type', 'EC_SkyX' )
            c.setAttribute( 'sync', '1' )
            c.setAttribute( 'name', 'SkyX' )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); a.setAttribute('name', 'Weather (volumetric clouds only)')
            den = (
            a.setAttribute('value', '%s %s' %den)
            c.appendChild( a )

            config = (
                ('time', 'Time multiplier'),
                ('volumetric_clouds','Volumetric clouds'),
                ('wind','Wind direction'),
            for bname, aname in config:
                a = doc.createElement('attribute')
                a.setAttribute('name', aname)
                s = str( getattr(context.scene.world, 'ogre_skyX_'+bname) )
                a.setAttribute('value', s.lower())
                c.appendChild( a )

        return doc

    # Creates new Tundra entity
    def tundra_entity( self, doc, ob, path='/tmp', collision_proxies=[], parent=None, matrix=None,visible=True ):
        assert not ob.subcollision

        #  Tundra TRANSFORM
        if not matrix:
            matrix = ob.matrix_world.copy()

        # todo: Make a way in the gui to give prefix for the refs
        # This can be very useful if you want to give deployment URL
        # eg. "http://www.myassets.com/myscene/". By default this needs
        # to be an empty string, it will operate best for local preview
        # and importing the scene content to existing scenes with relative refs.
        proto = ''
        # Entity
        entityid = uid(ob)
        print("  Creating Tundra Enitity with ID", entityid)
        e = doc.createElement( 'entity' )
        doc.documentElement.appendChild( e )
        e.setAttribute('id', entityid)

        # EC_Name
        print ("    - EC_Name with", ob.name)
        c = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( c )
        c.setAttribute('type', "EC_Name")
        c.setAttribute('sync', '1')
        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', "name" )
        a.setAttribute('value', ob.name )
        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', "description" )
        a.setAttribute('value', "" )

        # EC_Placeable
        print ("    - EC_Placeable ")
        c = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( c )
        c.setAttribute('type', "EC_Placeable")
        c.setAttribute('sync', '1')
        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', "Transform" )
        x,y,z = swap(matrix.to_translation())
        loc = '%6f,%6f,%6f' %(x,y,z)
        x,y,z = swap(matrix.to_euler())
        x = math.degrees( x ); y = math.degrees( y ); z = math.degrees( z )
        if ob.type == 'CAMERA':
            x -= 90
        elif ob.type == 'LAMP':
            x += 90
        rot = '%6f,%6f,%6f' %(x,y,z)
        x,y,z = swap(matrix.to_scale())
        scl = '%6f,%6f,%6f' %(abs(x),abs(y),abs(z)) # Tundra2 clamps any negative to zero
        a.setAttribute('value', "%s,%s,%s" %(loc,rot,scl) )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', "Show bounding box" )
        a.setAttribute('value', "false" )
        # Don't mark bounding boxes to show in Tundra!
        #if ob.show_bounds or ob.type != 'MESH':
        #    a.setAttribute('value', "true" )
        #    a.setAttribute('value', "false" )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', "Visible" )
        if visible:
            a.setAttribute('value', 'true') # overrides children's setting - not good!
            a.setAttribute('value', 'false')

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', "Selection layer" )
        a.setAttribute('value', 1)

        # Tundra parenting to EC_Placeable. 
        # todo: Verify this inserts correct ent name or id here.
        #   <attribute value="" name="Parent entity ref"/>
        #   <attribute value="" name="Parent bone name"/>
        if parent:
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', "Parent entity ref" )
            a.setAttribute('value', parent)

        if ob.type != 'MESH':
            c = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( c )
            c.setAttribute('type', 'EC_Name')
            c.setAttribute('sync', '1')
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', "name" )
            a.setAttribute('value', ob.name)

        # EC_Sound: Supports wav and ogg
        if ob.type == 'SPEAKER':
            print ("    - EC_Sound")
            c = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( c )
            c.setAttribute('type', 'EC_Sound')
            c.setAttribute('sync', '1')

            if ob.data.sound:
                abspath = bpy.path.abspath( ob.data.sound.filepath )
                soundpath, soundfile = os.path.split( abspath )
                soundref = "%s%s" % (proto, soundfile)
                print ("      Sounds ref:", soundref)
                a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
                a.setAttribute('name', 'Sound ref' )
                a.setAttribute('value', soundref)
                if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(path,soundfile) ):
                    open( os.path.join(path,soundfile), 'wb' ).write( open(abspath,'rb').read() )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Sound radius inner' )
            a.setAttribute('value', ob.data.cone_angle_inner)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Sound radius outer' )
            a.setAttribute('value', ob.data.cone_angle_outer)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Sound gain' )
            a.setAttribute('value', ob.data.volume)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Play on load' )
            if ob.data.play_on_load:
                a.setAttribute('value', 'true')
                a.setAttribute('value', 'false')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Loop sound' )
            if ob.data.loop:
                a.setAttribute('value', 'true')
                a.setAttribute('value', 'false')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Spatial' )
            if ob.data.use_spatial:
                a.setAttribute('value', 'true')
                a.setAttribute('value', 'false')

        # EC_Camera
        ''' todo: This is really not very helpful. Apps define
            camera logic in Tundra. By default you will have
            a freecamera to move around the scene etc. This created
            camera wont be activated except if a script does so.
            Best leave camera (creation) logic for the inworld apps.
            At least remove the default "export cameras" for txml. '''
        if ob.type == 'CAMERA':
            print ("    - EC_Camera")
            c = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( c )
            c.setAttribute('type', 'EC_Camera')
            c.setAttribute('sync', '1')
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', "Up vector" )
            a.setAttribute('value', '0.0 1.0 0.0')
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', "Near plane" )
            a.setAttribute('value', '0.01')
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', "Far plane" )
            a.setAttribute('value', '2000')
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', "Vertical FOV" )
            a.setAttribute('value', '45')
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', "Aspect ratio" )
            a.setAttribute('value', '')

        NTF = None

        # EC_Rigidbody
        # Any object can have physics, although it needs
        # EC_Placeable to have position etc.
        if ob.physics_mode != 'NONE' or ob.collision_mode != 'NONE':
            TundraTypes = {
                'BOX' : 0,
                'SPHERE' : 1,
                'CYLINDER' : 2,
                'CONE' : 0, # Missing in Tundra
                'CAPSULE' : 3,
                'TRIANGLE_MESH' : 4,
                #'HEIGHT_FIELD': 5, # Missing in Blender
                'CONVEX_HULL' : 6

            com = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( com )
            com.setAttribute('type', 'EC_RigidBody')
            com.setAttribute('sync', '1')

            # Mass
            # * Does not affect static collision types (TriMesh and ConvexHull)
            # * You can have working collisions with mass 0
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Mass')
            if ob.physics_mode == 'RIGID_BODY':
                a.setAttribute('value', ob.game.mass)
                a.setAttribute('value', '0.0')

            SHAPE = a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Shape type')
            a.setAttribute('value', TundraTypes[ ob.game.collision_bounds_type ] )

            print ("    - EC_RigidBody with shape type", TundraTypes[ob.game.collision_bounds_type])
            M = ob.game.collision_margin
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Size')
            if ob.game.collision_bounds_type in 'TRIANGLE_MESH CONVEX_HULL'.split():
                a.setAttribute('value', '%s %s %s' %(1.0+M, 1.0+M, 1.0+M) )
                #x,y,z = swap(ob.matrix_world.to_scale())
                x,y,z = swap(ob.dimensions)
                a.setAttribute('value', '%s %s %s' %(abs(x)+M,abs(y)+M,abs(z)+M) )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Collision mesh ref')
            #if ob.game.use_collision_compound:
            if ob.collision_mode == 'DECIMATED':
                proxy = None
                for child in ob.children:
                    if child.subcollision and child.name.startswith('DECIMATED'):
                        proxy = child; break
                if proxy:
                    collisionref = "%s_collision_%s.mesh" % (proto, proxy.data.name)
                    a.setAttribute('value', collisionref)
                    if proxy not in collision_proxies:
                        collision_proxies.append( proxy )
                    print('[WARNINIG]: Collision proxy mesh not found' )
                    assert 0
            elif ob.collision_mode == 'TERRAIN':
                NTF = save_terrain_as_NTF( path, ob )
                SHAPE.setAttribute( 'value', '5' ) # HEIGHT_FIELD
            elif ob.type == 'MESH':
                # todo: Remove this. There is no need to set mesh collision ref
                # if TriMesh or ConvexHull is used, it will be auto picked from EC_Mesh
                # in the same Entity.
                collisionref = "%s%s.mesh" % (proto, ob.data.name)
                a.setAttribute('value', collisionref)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Friction')
            #avg = sum( ob.game.friction_coefficients ) / 3.0
            a.setAttribute('value', ob.physics_friction)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Restitution')
            a.setAttribute('value', ob.physics_bounce)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Linear damping')
            a.setAttribute('value', ob.game.damping)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Angular damping')
            a.setAttribute('value', ob.game.rotation_damping)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Linear factor')
            a.setAttribute('value', '1.0 1.0 1.0')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Angular factor')
            a.setAttribute('value', '1.0 1.0 1.0')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Kinematic')
            a.setAttribute('value', 'false' )

            # todo: Find out what Phantom actually means and if this
            # needs to be set for NONE collision rigids. I don't actually
            # see any reason to make EC_RigidBody if collision is NONE
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Phantom')
            if ob.collision_mode == 'NONE':
                a.setAttribute('value', 'true' )
                a.setAttribute('value', 'false' )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Draw Debug')
            a.setAttribute('value', 'false' )

            # Never mark rigids to have draw debug, it can 
            # be toggled in tundra for visual debugging.
            #if ob.collision_mode == 'NONE':
            #    a.setAttribute('value', 'false' )
            #    a.setAttribute('value', 'true' )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Linear velocity')
            a.setAttribute('value', '0.0 0.0 0.0')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Angular velocity')
            a.setAttribute('value', '0.0 0.0 0.0')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Collision Layer')
            a.setAttribute('value', -1)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Collision Mask')
            a.setAttribute('value', -1)

        # EC_Terrain
        if NTF:
            xp = NTF['xpatches']
            yp = NTF['ypatches']
            depth = NTF['depth']
            print ("    - EC_Terrain")
            com = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( com )
            com.setAttribute('type', 'EC_Terrain')
            com.setAttribute('sync', '1')

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Transform')
            x,y,z = ob.dimensions
            sx,sy,sz = ob.scale
            x *= 1.0/sx
            y *= 1.0/sy
            z *= 1.0/sz
            #trans = '%s,%s,%s,' %(-xp/4, -z/2, -yp/4)
            trans = '%s,%s,%s,' %(-xp/4, -depth, -yp/4)
            # scaling in Tundra happens after translation
            nx = x/(xp*16)
            ny = y/(yp*16)
            trans += '0,0,0,%s,%s,%s' %(nx,depth, ny)
            a.setAttribute('value', trans )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Grid Width')
            a.setAttribute('value', xp)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Grid Height')
            a.setAttribute('value', yp)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Tex. U scale')
            a.setAttribute('value', 1.0)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Tex. V scale')
            a.setAttribute('value', 1.0)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Material')
            a.setAttribute('value', '')

            for i in range(4):
                a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
                a.setAttribute('name', 'Texture %s' %i)
                a.setAttribute('value', '')

            # todo: Check that NTF['name'] is the actual valid asset ref
            # and not the disk path.
            heightmapref = "%s%s" % (proto, NTF['name'])
            print ("      Heightmap ref:", heightmapref)
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); com.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', 'Heightmap')
            a.setAttribute('value', heightmapref )

        # Enitity XML generation done, return the element.
        return e

    # EC_Mesh
    def tundra_mesh( self, e, ob, url, exported_meshes ):
        # todo: Make a way in the gui to give prefix for the refs
        # This can be very useful if you want to give deployment URL
        # eg. "http://www.myassets.com/myscene/". By default this needs
        # to be an empty string, it will operate best for local preview
        # and importing the scene content to existing scenes with relative refs.
        proto = ''
        meshref = "%s%s.mesh" % (proto, ob.data.name)
        print ("    - EC_Mesh")
        print ("      - Mesh ref:", meshref)
        if self.EX_MESH:
            murl = os.path.join( os.path.split(url)[0], '%s.mesh'%ob.data.name )
            exists = os.path.isfile( murl )
            if not exists or (exists and self.EX_MESH_OVERWRITE):
                if ob.data.name not in exported_meshes:
                    exported_meshes.append( ob.data.name )
                    self.dot_mesh( ob, os.path.split(url)[0] )

        doc = e.document
        if ob.find_armature():
            print ("    - EC_AnimationController")
            c = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( c )
            c.setAttribute('type', "EC_AnimationController")
            c.setAttribute('sync', '1')

        c = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( c )
        c.setAttribute('type', "EC_Mesh")
        c.setAttribute('sync', '1')

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', "Mesh ref" )
        a.setAttribute('value',  meshref)

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', "Mesh materials" )

        # Query object its materials and make a proper material ref string of it.
        # note: We assume blindly here that the 'submesh' indexes are correct in the material list.
        mymaterials = ob.data.materials
        if mymaterials is not None and len(mymaterials) > 0:
            mymatstring = '' # generate ; separated material list
            for mymat in mymaterials:
                if mymat is None:
                mymatstring += proto + material_name(mymat) + '.material;'
            mymatstring = mymatstring[:-1]  # strip ending ;
            a.setAttribute('value', mymatstring )
            # default to nothing to avoid error prints in .txml import
            a.setAttribute('value', "" )

        if ob.find_armature():
            skeletonref = "%s%s.skeleton" % (proto, ob.data.name)
            print ("      Skeleton ref:", skeletonref)
            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', "Skeleton ref" )
            a.setAttribute('value', skeletonref)

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', "Draw distance" )
        if ob.use_draw_distance:
            a.setAttribute('value', ob.draw_distance )
            a.setAttribute('value', "0" )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'Cast shadows' )
        if ob.cast_shadows:
            a.setAttribute('value', 'true' )
            a.setAttribute('value', 'false' )

    # EC_Light
    def tundra_light( self, e, ob ):
            <component type="EC_Light" sync="1">
            <attribute value="1" name="light type"/>
            <attribute value="1 1 1 1" name="diffuse color"/>
            <attribute value="1 1 1 1" name="specular color"/>
            <attribute value="true" name="cast shadows"/>
            <attribute value="29.9999828" name="light range"/>
            <attribute value="1" name="brightness"/>
            <attribute value="0" name="constant atten"/>
            <attribute value="1" name="linear atten"/>
            <attribute value="0" name="quadratic atten"/>
            <attribute value="30" name="light inner angle"/>
            <attribute value="40" name="light outer angle"/>

        if ob.data.type not in 'POINT SPOT'.split():

        doc = e.document

        c = doc.createElement('component'); e.appendChild( c )
        c.setAttribute('type', "EC_Light")
        c.setAttribute('sync', '1')

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'light type' )
        if ob.data.type=='POINT':
            a.setAttribute('value', '0' )
        elif ob.data.type=='SPOT':
            a.setAttribute('value', '1' )
        #2 = directional light.  blender has no directional light?

        R,G,B = ob.data.color
        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'diffuse color' )
        if ob.data.use_diffuse:
            a.setAttribute('value', '%s %s %s 1' %(R,G,B) )
            a.setAttribute('value', '0 0 0 1' )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'specular color' )
        if ob.data.use_specular:
            a.setAttribute('value', '%s %s %s 1' %(R,G,B) )
            a.setAttribute('value', '0 0 0 1' )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'cast shadows' )
        if ob.data.type=='HEMI':
            a.setAttribute('value', 'false' ) # HEMI no .shadow_method
        elif ob.data.shadow_method != 'NOSHADOW':
            a.setAttribute('value', 'true' )
            a.setAttribute('value', 'false' )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'light range' )
        a.setAttribute('value', ob.data.distance*2 )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'brightness' )
        a.setAttribute('value', ob.data.energy )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'constant atten' )
        a.setAttribute('value', '0' )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'linear atten' )
        energy = ob.data.energy
        if energy <= 0.0:
            energy = 0.001
        a.setAttribute('value', (1.0/energy)*0.25 )

        a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
        a.setAttribute('name', 'quadratic atten' )
        a.setAttribute('value', '0.0' )

        if ob.data.type=='SPOT':
            outer = math.degrees(ob.data.spot_size) / 2.0
            inner = outer * (1.0-ob.data.spot_blend)

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', 'light inner angle' )
            a.setAttribute('value', '%s'%inner )

            a = doc.createElement('attribute'); c.appendChild(a)
            a.setAttribute('name', 'light outer angle' )
            a.setAttribute('value', '%s' %outer )

## UI export panel

last_export_filepath = ""

class _OgreCommonExport_(_TXML_):

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object and context.mode != 'EDIT_MESH':
            return True

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        # Resolve path from opened .blend if available. It's not if
        # blender normally was opened with "last open scene".
        # After export is done once, remember that path when re-exporting.
        global last_export_filepath
        if last_export_filepath == "":
            # First export during this blender run
            if self.filepath == "" and context.blend_data.filepath != "":
                path, name = os.path.split(context.blend_data.filepath)
                self.filepath = os.path.join(path, name.split('.')[0])
            if self.filepath == "":
                self.filepath = "blender2ogre-export"
            if self.EXPORT_TYPE == "OGRE":
                self.filepath += ".scene"
            elif self.EXPORT_TYPE == "REX":
                self.filepath += ".txml"
            # Sequential export, use the previous path
            self.filepath = last_export_filepath

        # Replace file extension if we have swapped dialogs.
        if self.EXPORT_TYPE == "OGRE":
            self.filepath = self.filepath.replace(".txml", ".scene")
        elif self.EXPORT_TYPE == "REX":
            self.filepath = self.filepath.replace(".scene", ".txml")
        # Update ui setting from the last export, or file config.
        wm = context.window_manager
        fs = wm.fileselect_add(self) # writes to filepath
        return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}

    def execute(self, context):
        # Store this path for later re-export
        global last_export_filepath
        last_export_filepath = self.filepath

        # Run the .scene or .txml export
        self.ogre_export(self.filepath, context)
        return {'FINISHED'}

    def update_ui(self):
        self.EX_SEP_MATS = CONFIG['SEP_MATS']
        self.EX_SCENE = CONFIG['SCENE']
        self.EX_MESH = CONFIG['MESH']
        self.EX_ARM_ANIM = CONFIG['ARM_ANIM']
        self.EX_ARRAY = CONFIG['ARRAY']
        self.EX_DDS_MIPS = CONFIG['DDS_MIPS']
        self.EX_lodLevels = CONFIG['lodLevels']
        self.EX_lodDistance = CONFIG['lodDistance']
        self.EX_lodPercent = CONFIG['lodPercent']
        self.EX_nuextremityPoints = CONFIG['nuextremityPoints']
        self.EX_generateEdgeLists = CONFIG['generateEdgeLists']
        self.EX_generateTangents = CONFIG['generateTangents']
        self.EX_tangentSemantic = CONFIG['tangentSemantic']
        self.EX_tangentUseParity = CONFIG['tangentUseParity']
        self.EX_tangentSplitMirrored = CONFIG['tangentSplitMirrored']
        self.EX_tangentSplitRotated = CONFIG['tangentSplitRotated']
        self.EX_reorganiseBuffers = CONFIG['reorganiseBuffers']
        self.EX_optimiseAnimations = CONFIG['optimiseAnimations']

    # Basic options
    EX_SWAP_AXIS = EnumProperty(
        name='swap axis',
        description='axis swapping mode',
        default= CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'])
    EX_SEP_MATS = BoolProperty(
        name="Separate Materials",
        description="exports a .material for each material (rather than putting all materials in a single .material file)",
        name="Only Deformable Bones",
        description="only exports bones that are deformable. Useful for hiding IK-Bones used in Blender. Warning: Will cause trouble if a deformable bone has a non-deformable parent",
    EX_ONLY_ANIMATED_BONES = BoolProperty(
        name="Only Animated Bones",
        description="only exports bones that have been keyframed, useful for run-time animation blending (example: upper/lower torso split)",
    EX_SCENE = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Scene",
        description="export current scene (OgreDotScene xml)",
    EX_SELONLY = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Selected Only",
        description="export selected",
    EX_FORCE_CAMERA = BoolProperty(
        name="Force Camera",
        description="export active camera",
    EX_FORCE_LAMPS = BoolProperty(
        name="Force Lamps",
        description="export all lamps",
    EX_MESH = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Meshes",
        description="export meshes",
    EX_MESH_OVERWRITE = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Meshes (overwrite)",
        description="export meshes (overwrite existing files)",
    EX_ARM_ANIM = BoolProperty(
        name="Armature Animation",
        description="export armature animations - updates the .skeleton file",
    EX_SHAPE_ANIM = BoolProperty(
        name="Shape Animation",
        description="export shape animations - updates the .mesh file",
    EX_INDEPENDENT_ANIM = BoolProperty(
        name="Independent Animations",
        description="Export each NLA-Strip independently. If unchecked NLA-Strips that overlap influence each other.",
    EX_TRIM_BONE_WEIGHTS = FloatProperty(
        name="Trim Weights",
        description="ignore bone weights below this value (Ogre supports 4 bones per vertex)",
        min=0.0, max=0.5, default=CONFIG['TRIM_BONE_WEIGHTS'] )
    EX_ARRAY = BoolProperty(
        name="Optimize Arrays",
        description="optimize array modifiers as instances (constant offset only)",
    EX_MATERIALS = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Materials",
        description="exports .material script",
    EX_FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT = EnumProperty(
        name='Convert Images',
        description='convert all textures to format',
        default=CONFIG['FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT'] )
    EX_DDS_MIPS = IntProperty(
        name="DDS Mips",
        description="number of mip maps (DDS)",
        min=0, max=16,

    # Mesh options
    EX_lodLevels = IntProperty(
        name="LOD Levels",
        description="MESH number of LOD levels",
        min=0, max=32,
    EX_lodDistance = IntProperty(
        name="LOD Distance",
        description="MESH distance increment to reduce LOD",
        min=0, max=2000, default=CONFIG['lodDistance'])
    EX_lodPercent = IntProperty(
        name="LOD Percentage",
        description="LOD percentage reduction",
        min=0, max=99,
    EX_nuextremityPoints = IntProperty(
        name="Extremity Points",
        description="MESH Extremity Points",
        min=0, max=65536,
    EX_generateEdgeLists = BoolProperty(
        name="Edge Lists",
        description="MESH generate edge lists (for stencil shadows)",
    EX_generateTangents = BoolProperty(
        description="MESH generate tangents",
    EX_tangentSemantic = StringProperty(
        name="Tangent Semantic",
        description="MESH tangent semantic",
    EX_tangentUseParity = IntProperty(
        name="Tangent Parity",
        description="MESH tangent use parity",
        min=0, max=16,
    EX_tangentSplitMirrored = BoolProperty(
        name="Tangent Split Mirrored",
        description="MESH split mirrored tangents",
    EX_tangentSplitRotated = BoolProperty(
        name="Tangent Split Rotated",
        description="MESH split rotated tangents",
    EX_reorganiseBuffers = BoolProperty(
        name="Reorganise Buffers",
        description="MESH reorganise vertex buffers",
    EX_optimiseAnimations = BoolProperty(
        name="Optimize Animations",
        description="MESH optimize animations",
        name="copy shader programs",
        description="when using script inheritance copy the source shader programs to the output path",

    filepath_last = ""
    filepath = StringProperty(
        name="File Path",
        description="Filepath used for exporting file",
        maxlen=1024, default="",

    def dot_material( self, meshes, path='/tmp', mat_file_name='SceneMaterial'):
        material_files = []
        mats = []
        for ob in meshes:
            if len(ob.data.materials):
                for mat in ob.data.materials:
                    if mat not in mats:
                        mats.append( mat )

        if not mats:
            print('WARNING: no materials, not writting .material script'); return []

        M = MISSING_MATERIAL + '\n'
        for mat in mats:
            if mat is None:
            Report.materials.append( material_name(mat) )
                data = generate_material( mat, path=path, copy_programs=True, touch_textures=CONFIG['TOUCH_TEXTURES'] )
                data = generate_material( mat, path=path, touch_textures=CONFIG['TOUCH_TEXTURES'] )

            M += data
            # Write own .material file per material
            if self.EX_SEP_MATS:
                url = self.dot_material_write_separate( mat, data, path )
                material_files.append( url )

        # Write one .material file for everything
        if not self.EX_SEP_MATS:
                url = os.path.join(path, '%s.material' % mat_file_name)
                f = open( url, 'wb' ); f.write( bytes(M,'utf-8') ); f.close()
                print('    - Created material:', url)
                material_files.append( url )
            except Exception as e:
                show_dialog("Invalid material object name: " + mat_file_name)

        return material_files

    def dot_material_write_separate( self, mat, data, path = '/tmp' ):
            url = os.path.join(path, '%s.material' % material_name(mat))
            f = open(url, 'wb'); f.write( bytes(data,'utf-8') ); f.close()
            print('    - Exported Material:', url)
            return url
        except Exception as e:
            show_dialog("Invalid material object name: " + material_name(mat))
            return ""

    def dot_mesh( self, ob, path='/tmp', force_name=None, ignore_shape_animation=False ):
        dot_mesh( ob, path, force_name, ignore_shape_animation=False )

    def ogre_export(self, url, context, force_material_update=[]):
        print ("_"*80)

        # Updating config to latest values?
        global CONFIG
        for name in dir(self):
            if name.startswith('EX_'):
                CONFIG[ name[3:] ] = getattr(self,name)


        print("Processing Scene")
        prefix = url.split('.')[0]
        path = os.path.split(url)[0]

        # Nodes (objects) - gather because macros will change selection state
        objects = []
        linkedgroups = []
        for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
            if ob.subcollision:
            if self.EX_SELONLY and not ob.select:
                if ob.type == 'CAMERA' and self.EX_FORCE_CAMERA:
                elif ob.type == 'LAMP' and self.EX_FORCE_LAMPS:
            if ob.type == 'EMPTY' and ob.dupli_group and ob.dupli_type == 'GROUP':

        # Linked groups - allows 3 levels of nested blender library linking
        temps = []
        for e in linkedgroups:
            grp = e.dupli_group
            subs = []
            for o in grp.objects:
                if o.type=='MESH':
                    subs.append( o )     # TOP-LEVEL
                elif o.type == 'EMPTY' and o.dupli_group and o.dupli_type == 'GROUP':
                    ss = []     # LEVEL2
                    for oo in o.dupli_group.objects:
                        if oo.type=='MESH':
                            ss.append( oo )
                        elif oo.type == 'EMPTY' and oo.dupli_group and oo.dupli_type == 'GROUP':
                            sss = []    # LEVEL3
                            for ooo in oo.dupli_group.objects:
                                if ooo.type=='MESH':
                                    sss.append( ooo )
                            if sss:
                                m = merge_objects( sss, name=oo.name, transform=oo.matrix_world )
                                subs.append( m )
                                temps.append( m )
                    if ss:
                        m = merge_objects( ss, name=o.name, transform=o.matrix_world )
                        subs.append( m )
                        temps.append( m )
            if subs:
                m = merge_objects( subs, name=e.name, transform=e.matrix_world )
                objects.append( m )
                temps.append( m )

        # Find merge groups
        mgroups = []
        mobjects = []
        for ob in objects:
            group = get_merge_group( ob )
            if group:
                for member in group.objects:
                    if member not in mobjects: mobjects.append( member )
                if group not in mgroups: mgroups.append( group )
        for rem in mobjects:
            if rem in objects: objects.remove( rem )

        for group in mgroups:
            merged = merge_group( group )
            objects.append( merged )
            temps.append( merged )

        # Gather roots because ogredotscene supports parents and children
        def _flatten( _c, _f ):
            if _c.parent in objects: _f.append( _c.parent )
            if _c.parent: _flatten( _c.parent, _f )
            else: _f.append( _c )

        roots = []
        meshes = []

        for ob in objects:
            flat = []
            _flatten( ob, flat )
            root = flat[-1]
            if root not in roots:
            if ob.type=='MESH':

        mesh_collision_prims = {}
        mesh_collision_files = {}

        # Track that we don't export same data multiple times
        exported_meshes = []

        if self.EX_MATERIALS:
            print ("  Processing Materials")
            material_file_name_base = os.path.split(url)[1].replace('.scene', '').replace('.txml', '')
            material_files = self.dot_material(meshes + force_material_update, path, material_file_name_base)
            material_files = []

        # realXtend Tundra .txml scene description export
        if self.EXPORT_TYPE == 'REX':
            rex = self.create_tundra_document(context)
            proxies = []
            for ob in objects:
                print("  Processing %s [%s]" % (ob.name, ob.type))
                # This seemingly needs to be done as its done in .scene
                # export. Fixed a bug that no .meshes were exported when doing
                # a Tundra export.
                if ob.type == 'MESH':
                # EC_Light
                if ob.type == 'LAMP':
                    TE = self.tundra_entity(rex, ob, path=path, collision_proxies=proxies)
                    self.tundra_light( TE, ob )
                # EC_Sound
                elif ob.type == 'SPEAKER':
                    TE = self.tundra_entity(rex, ob, path=path, collision_proxies=proxies)
                # EC_Mesh
                elif ob.type == 'MESH' and len(ob.data.tessfaces):
                    if ob.modifiers and ob.modifiers[0].type=='MULTIRES' and ob.use_multires_lod:
                        mod = ob.modifiers[0]
                        basename = ob.name
                        dataname = ob.data.name
                        ID = uid( ob ) # ensure uid
                        TE = self.tundra_entity(rex, ob, path=path, collision_proxies=proxies)

                        for level in range( mod.total_levels+1 ):
                            ob.uid += 1
                            mod.levels = level
                            ob.name = '%s.LOD%s' %(basename,level)
                            ob.data.name = '%s.LOD%s' %(dataname,level)
                            TE = self.tundra_entity(
                                rex, ob, path=path, collision_proxies=proxies, parent=basename,
                                matrix=mathutils.Matrix(), visible=False
                            self.tundra_mesh( TE, ob, url, exported_meshes )

                        ob.uid = ID
                        ob.name = basename
                        ob.data.name = dataname
                        TE = self.tundra_entity( rex, ob, path=path, collision_proxies=proxies )
                        self.tundra_mesh( TE, ob, url, exported_meshes )

            # EC_RigidBody separate collision meshes
            for proxy in proxies:
                    force_name='_collision_%s' %proxy.data.name

            if self.EX_SCENE:
                if not url.endswith('.txml'): 
                    url += '.txml'
                data = rex.toprettyxml()
                f = open( url, 'wb' ); f.write( bytes(data,'utf-8') ); f.close()
                print('  Exported Tundra Scene:', url)

        # Ogre .scene scene description export
        elif self.EXPORT_TYPE == 'OGRE':
            doc = self.create_ogre_document( context, material_files )

            for root in roots:
                print('      - Exporting root node:', root.name)
                    url = url,
                    doc = doc,
                    exported_meshes = exported_meshes,
                    meshes = meshes,
                    mesh_collision_prims = mesh_collision_prims,
                    mesh_collision_files = mesh_collision_files,
                    prefix = prefix,
                    objects = objects,
                    xmlparent = doc._scene_nodes

            if self.EX_SCENE:
                if not url.endswith('.scene'): 
                    url += '.scene'
                data = doc.toprettyxml()
                f = open( url, 'wb' ); f.write( bytes(data,'utf-8') ); f.close()
                print('  Exported Ogre Scene:', url)

        for ob in temps:
            context.scene.objects.unlink( ob )

        # Always save?
        # todo: This does not seem to stick! It might save to disk
        # but the old config defaults are read when this panel is opened!

    def create_ogre_document(self, context, material_files=[] ):
        now = time.time()
        doc = RDocument()
        scn = doc.createElement('scene'); doc.appendChild( scn )
        scn.setAttribute('export_time', str(now))
        scn.setAttribute('formatVersion', '1.0.1')
        bscn = bpy.context.scene

        if '_previous_export_time_' in bscn.keys():
            scn.setAttribute('previous_export_time', str(bscn['_previous_export_time_']))
            scn.setAttribute('previous_export_time', '0')
        bscn[ '_previous_export_time_' ] = now
        scn.setAttribute('exported_by', getpass.getuser())

        nodes = doc.createElement('nodes')
        doc._scene_nodes = nodes
        extern = doc.createElement('externals')
        environ = doc.createElement('environment')
        for n in (nodes,extern,environ):
            scn.appendChild( n )

        # Extern files
        for url in material_files:
            item = doc.createElement('item'); extern.appendChild( item )
            a = doc.createElement('file'); item.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('name', url)

        # Environ settings
        world = context.scene.world
        if world: # multiple scenes - other scenes may not have a world
            _c = {'colourAmbient':world.ambient_color, 'colourBackground':world.horizon_color, 'colourDiffuse':world.horizon_color}
            for ctag in _c:
                a = doc.createElement(ctag); environ.appendChild( a )
                color = _c[ctag]
                a.setAttribute('r', '%s'%color.r)
                a.setAttribute('g', '%s'%color.g)
                a.setAttribute('b', '%s'%color.b)

        if world and world.mist_settings.use_mist:
            a = doc.createElement('fog'); environ.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('linearStart', '%s'%world.mist_settings.start )
            mist_falloff = world.mist_settings.falloff
            if mist_falloff == 'QUADRATIC': a.setAttribute('mode', 'exp')    # on DTD spec (none | exp | exp2 | linear)
            elif mist_falloff == 'LINEAR': a.setAttribute('mode', 'linear')
            else: a.setAttribute('mode', 'exp2')
            #a.setAttribute('mode', world.mist_settings.falloff.lower() )    # not on DTD spec
            a.setAttribute('linearEnd', '%s' %(world.mist_settings.start+world.mist_settings.depth))
            a.setAttribute('expDensity', world.mist_settings.intensity)
            a.setAttribute('colourR', world.horizon_color.r)
            a.setAttribute('colourG', world.horizon_color.g)
            a.setAttribute('colourB', world.horizon_color.b)

        return doc

    # Recursive Node export
    def _node_export( self, ob, url='', doc=None, rex=None, exported_meshes=[], meshes=[], mesh_collision_prims={}, mesh_collision_files={}, prefix='', objects=[], xmlparent=None ):
        o = _ogre_node_helper( doc, ob, objects )

        # Custom user props
        for prop in ob.items():
            propname, propvalue = prop
            if not propname.startswith('_'):
                user = doc.createElement('user_data')
                o.appendChild( user )
                user.setAttribute( 'name', propname )
                user.setAttribute( 'value', str(propvalue) )
                user.setAttribute( 'type', type(propvalue).__name__ )

        # Custom user props from BGE props by Mind Calamity
        for prop in ob.game.properties:
            e = doc.createElement( 'user_data' )
            o.appendChild( e )
            e.setAttribute('name', prop.name)
            e.setAttribute('value', str(prop.value))
            e.setAttribute('type', type(prop.value).__name__)
        # -- end of Mind Calamity patch

        # BGE subset
        game = doc.createElement('game')
        o.appendChild( game )
        sens = doc.createElement('sensors')
        game.appendChild( sens )
        acts = doc.createElement('actuators')
        game.appendChild( acts )
        for sen in ob.game.sensors:
            sens.appendChild( WrapSensor(sen).xml(doc) )
        for act in ob.game.actuators:
            acts.appendChild( WrapActuator(act).xml(doc) )

        if ob.type == 'MESH':

        if ob.type == 'MESH' and len(ob.data.tessfaces):
            collisionFile = None
            collisionPrim = None
            if ob.data.name in mesh_collision_prims:
                collisionPrim = mesh_collision_prims[ ob.data.name ]
            if ob.data.name in mesh_collision_files:
                collisionFile = mesh_collision_files[ ob.data.name ]

            e = doc.createElement('entity')
            o.appendChild(e); e.setAttribute('name', ob.data.name)
            prefix = ''
            e.setAttribute('meshFile', '%s%s.mesh' %(prefix,ob.data.name) )

            if not collisionPrim and not collisionFile:
                if ob.game.use_collision_bounds:
                    collisionPrim = ob.game.collision_bounds_type.lower()
                    mesh_collision_prims[ ob.data.name ] = collisionPrim
                    for child in ob.children:
                        if child.subcollision and child.name.startswith('DECIMATE'):
                            collisionFile = '%s_collision_%s.mesh' %(prefix,ob.data.name)
                    if collisionFile:
                        mesh_collision_files[ ob.data.name ] = collisionFile
                            force_name='_collision_%s' %ob.data.name

            if collisionPrim:
                e.setAttribute('collisionPrim', collisionPrim )
            elif collisionFile:
                e.setAttribute('collisionFile', collisionFile )

            _mesh_entity_helper( doc, ob, e )

            if self.EX_MESH:
                murl = os.path.join( os.path.split(url)[0], '%s.mesh'%ob.data.name )
                exists = os.path.isfile( murl )
                if not exists or (exists and self.EX_MESH_OVERWRITE):
                    if ob.data.name not in exported_meshes:
                        exported_meshes.append( ob.data.name )
                        self.dot_mesh( ob, os.path.split(url)[0] )

            # Deal with Array modifier
            vecs = [ ob.matrix_world.to_translation() ]
            for mod in ob.modifiers:
                if mod.type == 'ARRAY':
                    if mod.fit_type != 'FIXED_COUNT':
                        print( 'WARNING: unsupport array-modifier type->', mod.fit_type )
                    if not mod.use_constant_offset:
                        print( 'WARNING: unsupport array-modifier mode, must be "constant offset" type' )
                        #v = ob.matrix_world.to_translation()
                        newvecs = []
                        for prev in vecs:
                            for i in range( mod.count-1 ):
                                v = prev + mod.constant_offset_displace
                                newvecs.append( v )
                                ao = _ogre_node_helper( doc, ob, objects, prefix='_array_%s_'%len(vecs+newvecs), pos=v )

                                e = doc.createElement('entity')
                                ao.appendChild(e); e.setAttribute('name', ob.data.name)
                                #if self.EX_MESH_SUBDIR: e.setAttribute('meshFile', 'meshes/%s.mesh' %ob.data.name)
                                e.setAttribute('meshFile', '%s.mesh' %ob.data.name)

                                if collisionPrim: e.setAttribute('collisionPrim', collisionPrim )
                                elif collisionFile: e.setAttribute('collisionFile', collisionFile )
                        vecs += newvecs

        elif ob.type == 'CAMERA':
            Report.cameras.append( ob.name )
            c = doc.createElement('camera')
            o.appendChild(c); c.setAttribute('name', ob.data.name)
            aspx = bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_x
            aspy = bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_y
            sx = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x
            sy = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y
            fovY = 0.0
            if (sx*aspx > sy*aspy):
                fovY = 2*math.atan(sy*aspy*16.0/(ob.data.lens*sx*aspx))
                fovY = 2*math.atan(16.0/ob.data.lens)
            # fov in radians - like OgreMax - requested by cyrfer
            fov = math.radians( fovY*180.0/math.pi )
            c.setAttribute('fov', '%s'%fov)
            c.setAttribute('projectionType', "perspective")
            a = doc.createElement('clipping'); c.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('nearPlaneDist', '%s' %ob.data.clip_start)
            a.setAttribute('farPlaneDist', '%s' %ob.data.clip_end)
            a.setAttribute('near', '%s' %ob.data.clip_start)    # requested by cyrfer
            a.setAttribute('far', '%s' %ob.data.clip_end)

        elif ob.type == 'LAMP' and ob.data.type in 'POINT SPOT SUN'.split():
            Report.lights.append( ob.name )
            l = doc.createElement('light')

            mat = get_parent_matrix(ob, objects).inverted() * ob.matrix_world

            p = doc.createElement('position')   # just to make sure we conform with the DTD
            v = swap( ob.matrix_world.to_translation() )
            p.setAttribute('x', '%6f'%v.x)
            p.setAttribute('y', '%6f'%v.y)
            p.setAttribute('z', '%6f'%v.z)

            if ob.data.type == 'POINT':
                l.setAttribute('type', 'point')
            elif ob.data.type == 'SPOT':
                l.setAttribute('type', 'spot')
            elif ob.data.type == 'SUN':
                l.setAttribute('type', 'directional')

            l.setAttribute('name', ob.name )
            l.setAttribute('powerScale', str(ob.data.energy))

            a = doc.createElement('lightAttenuation'); l.appendChild( a )
            a.setAttribute('range', '5000' )            # is this an Ogre constant?
            a.setAttribute('constant', '1.0')        # TODO support quadratic light
            a.setAttribute('linear', '%s'%(1.0/ob.data.distance))
            a.setAttribute('quadratic', '0.0')

            if ob.data.type in ('SPOT', 'SUN'):
                vector = swap(mathutils.Euler.to_matrix(ob.rotation_euler)[2])
                a = doc.createElement('direction')

            if ob.data.type == 'SPOT':
                a = doc.createElement('spotLightRange')
                a.setAttribute('inner',str( ob.data.spot_size*(1.0-ob.data.spot_blend) ))

            if ob.data.use_diffuse:
                a = doc.createElement('colourDiffuse'); l.appendChild( a )
                a.setAttribute('r', '%s'%ob.data.color.r)
                a.setAttribute('g', '%s'%ob.data.color.g)
                a.setAttribute('b', '%s'%ob.data.color.b)

            if ob.data.use_specular:
                a = doc.createElement('colourSpecular'); l.appendChild( a )
                a.setAttribute('r', '%s'%ob.data.color.r)
                a.setAttribute('g', '%s'%ob.data.color.g)
                a.setAttribute('b', '%s'%ob.data.color.b)

            if ob.data.type != 'HEMI':  # colourShadow is extra, not part of Ogre DTD
                if ob.data.shadow_method != 'NOSHADOW': # Hemi light has no shadow_method
                    a = doc.createElement('colourShadow');l.appendChild( a )
                    a.setAttribute('r', '%s'%ob.data.color.r)
                    a.setAttribute('g', '%s'%ob.data.color.g)
                    a.setAttribute('b', '%s'%ob.data.color.b)

        for child in ob.children:
            self._node_export( child,
                url = url, doc = doc, rex = rex,
                exported_meshes = exported_meshes,
                meshes = meshes,
                mesh_collision_prims = mesh_collision_prims,
                mesh_collision_files = mesh_collision_files,
                prefix = prefix,

## UI panel Ogre export - Subclasses _OgreCommonExport_

class INFO_OT_createOgreExport(bpy.types.Operator, _OgreCommonExport_):
    '''Export Ogre Scene'''
    bl_idname = "ogre.export"
    bl_label = "Export Ogre"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}

    # Basic options
    EX_SWAP_AXIS = EnumProperty(
        name='swap axis',
        description='axis swapping mode',
        default= CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'])
    EX_SEP_MATS = BoolProperty(
        name="Separate Materials",
        description="exports a .material for each material (rather than putting all materials in a single .material file)",
        name="Only Deformable Bones",
        description="only exports bones that are deformable. Useful for hiding IK-Bones used in Blender. Warning: Will cause trouble if a deformable bone has a non-deformable parent",
    EX_ONLY_ANIMATED_BONES = BoolProperty(
        name="Only Animated Bones",
        description="only exports bones that have been keyframed, useful for run-time animation blending (example: upper/lower torso split)",
    EX_SCENE = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Scene",
        description="export current scene (OgreDotScene xml)",
    EX_SELONLY = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Selected Only",
        description="export selected",
    EX_FORCE_CAMERA = BoolProperty(
        name="Force Camera",
        description="export active camera",
    EX_FORCE_LAMPS = BoolProperty(
        name="Force Lamps",
        description="export all lamps",
    EX_MESH = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Meshes",
        description="export meshes",
    EX_MESH_OVERWRITE = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Meshes (overwrite)",
        description="export meshes (overwrite existing files)",
    EX_ARM_ANIM = BoolProperty(
        name="Armature Animation",
        description="export armature animations - updates the .skeleton file",
    EX_SHAPE_ANIM = BoolProperty(
        name="Shape Animation",
        description="export shape animations - updates the .mesh file",
    EX_INDEPENDENT_ANIM = BoolProperty(
        name="Independent Animations",
        description="Export each NLA-Strip independently. If unchecked NLA-Strips that overlap influence each other.",
    EX_TRIM_BONE_WEIGHTS = FloatProperty(
        name="Trim Weights",
        description="ignore bone weights below this value (Ogre supports 4 bones per vertex)",
        min=0.0, max=0.5, default=CONFIG['TRIM_BONE_WEIGHTS'] )
    EX_ARRAY = BoolProperty(
        name="Optimize Arrays",
        description="optimize array modifiers as instances (constant offset only)",
    EX_MATERIALS = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Materials",
        description="exports .material script",
    EX_FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT = EnumProperty(
        name='Convert Images',
        description='convert all textures to format',
        default=CONFIG['FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT'] )
    EX_DDS_MIPS = IntProperty(
        name="DDS Mips",
        description="number of mip maps (DDS)",
        min=0, max=16,

    # Mesh options
    EX_lodLevels = IntProperty(
        name="LOD Levels",
        description="MESH number of LOD levels",
        min=0, max=32,
    EX_lodDistance = IntProperty(
        name="LOD Distance",
        description="MESH distance increment to reduce LOD",
        min=0, max=2000,
    EX_lodPercent = IntProperty(
        name="LOD Percentage",
        description="LOD percentage reduction",
        min=0, max=99,
    EX_nuextremityPoints = IntProperty(
        name="Extremity Points",
        description="MESH Extremity Points",
        min=0, max=65536,
    EX_generateEdgeLists = BoolProperty(
        name="Edge Lists",
        description="MESH generate edge lists (for stencil shadows)",
    EX_generateTangents = BoolProperty(
        description="MESH generate tangents",
    EX_tangentSemantic = StringProperty(
        name="Tangent Semantic",
        description="MESH tangent semantic",
    EX_tangentUseParity = IntProperty(
        name="Tangent Parity",
        description="MESH tangent use parity",
        min=0, max=16,
    EX_tangentSplitMirrored = BoolProperty(
        name="Tangent Split Mirrored",
        description="MESH split mirrored tangents",
    EX_tangentSplitRotated = BoolProperty(
        name="Tangent Split Rotated",
        description="MESH split rotated tangents",
    EX_reorganiseBuffers = BoolProperty(
        name="Reorganise Buffers",
        description="MESH reorganise vertex buffers",
    EX_optimiseAnimations = BoolProperty(
        name="Optimize Animations",
        description="MESH optimize animations",

    filepath= StringProperty(
        name="File Path",
        description="Filepath used for exporting Ogre .scene file",


## UI panel Tundra export - Subclasses _OgreCommonExport_

class INFO_OT_createRealxtendExport( bpy.types.Operator, _OgreCommonExport_):
    '''Export RealXtend Scene'''
    bl_idname = "ogre.export_realxtend"
    bl_label = "Export RealXtend"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}

    EX_SWAP_AXIS = EnumProperty(
        name='swap axis',
        description='axis swapping mode',
        default= CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS']

    # Basic options
    EX_SEP_MATS = BoolProperty(
        name="Separate Materials",
        description="exports a .material for each material (rather than putting all materials in a single .material file)",
        name="Only Deformable Bones",
        description="only exports bones that are deformable. Useful for hiding IK-Bones used in Blender. Warning: Will cause trouble if a deformable bone has a non-deformable parent",
    EX_ONLY_ANIMATED_BONES = BoolProperty(
        name="Only Animated Bones",
        description="only exports bones that have been keyframed, useful for run-time animation blending (example: upper/lower torso split)",
    EX_SCENE = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Scene",
        description="export current scene (OgreDotScene xml)",
    EX_SELONLY = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Selected Only",
        description="export selected",
    EX_FORCE_CAMERA = BoolProperty(
        name="Force Camera",
        description="export active camera",
    EX_FORCE_LAMPS = BoolProperty(
        name="Force Lamps",
        description="export all lamps",
    EX_MESH = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Meshes",
        description="export meshes",
    EX_MESH_OVERWRITE = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Meshes (overwrite)",
        description="export meshes (overwrite existing files)",
    EX_ARM_ANIM = BoolProperty(
        name="Armature Animation",
        description="export armature animations - updates the .skeleton file",
    EX_SHAPE_ANIM = BoolProperty(
        name="Shape Animation",
        description="export shape animations - updates the .mesh file",
    EX_INDEPENDENT_ANIM = BoolProperty(
        name="Independent Animations",
        description="Export each NLA-Strip independently. If unchecked NLA-Strips that overlap influence each other.",
    EX_TRIM_BONE_WEIGHTS = FloatProperty(
        name="Trim Weights",
        description="ignore bone weights below this value (Ogre supports 4 bones per vertex)",
        min=0.0, max=0.5, default=CONFIG['TRIM_BONE_WEIGHTS'] )
    EX_ARRAY = BoolProperty(
        name="Optimize Arrays",
        description="optimize array modifiers as instances (constant offset only)",
    EX_MATERIALS = BoolProperty(
        name="Export Materials",
        description="exports .material script",
    EX_FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT = EnumProperty(
        name='Convert Images',
        description='convert all textures to format',
    EX_DDS_MIPS = IntProperty(
        name="DDS Mips",
        description="number of mip maps (DDS)",
        min=0, max=16,

    # Mesh options
    EX_lodLevels = IntProperty(
        name="LOD Levels",
        description="MESH number of LOD levels",
        min=0, max=32,
    EX_lodDistance = IntProperty(
        name="LOD Distance",
        description="MESH distance increment to reduce LOD",
        min=0, max=2000,
    EX_lodPercent = IntProperty(
        name="LOD Percentage",
        description="LOD percentage reduction",
        min=0, max=99,
    EX_nuextremityPoints = IntProperty(
        name="Extremity Points",
        description="MESH Extremity Points",
        min=0, max=65536,
    EX_generateEdgeLists = BoolProperty(
        name="Edge Lists",
        description="MESH generate edge lists (for stencil shadows)",
    EX_generateTangents = BoolProperty(
        description="MESH generate tangents",
    EX_tangentSemantic = StringProperty(
        name="Tangent Semantic",
        description="MESH tangent semantic",
    EX_tangentUseParity = IntProperty(
        name="Tangent Parity",
        description="MESH tangent use parity",
        min=0, max=16,
    EX_tangentSplitMirrored = BoolProperty(
        name="Tangent Split Mirrored",
        description="MESH split mirrored tangents",
    EX_tangentSplitRotated = BoolProperty(
        name="Tangent Split Rotated",
        description="MESH split rotated tangents",
    EX_reorganiseBuffers = BoolProperty(
        name="Reorganise Buffers",
        description="MESH reorganise vertex buffers",
    EX_optimiseAnimations = BoolProperty(
        name="Optimize Animations",
        description="MESH optimize animations",

    filepath = StringProperty(
        name="File Path",
        description="Filepath used for exporting .txml file",


## Ogre node helper

def _ogre_node_helper( doc, ob, objects, prefix='', pos=None, rot=None, scl=None ):
    # shouldn't this be matrix_local?
    mat = get_parent_matrix(ob, objects).inverted() * ob.matrix_world

    o = doc.createElement('node')
    p = doc.createElement('position')
    q = doc.createElement('rotation')       #('quaternion')
    s = doc.createElement('scale')
    for n in (p,q,s):

    if pos:
        v = swap(pos)
        v = swap( mat.to_translation() )
    p.setAttribute('x', '%6f'%v.x)
    p.setAttribute('y', '%6f'%v.y)
    p.setAttribute('z', '%6f'%v.z)

    if rot:
        v = swap(rot)
        v = swap( mat.to_quaternion() )
    q.setAttribute('qx', '%6f'%v.x)
    q.setAttribute('qy', '%6f'%v.y)
    q.setAttribute('qz', '%6f'%v.z)

    if scl:        # this should not be used
        v = swap(scl)
        x=abs(v.x); y=abs(v.y); z=abs(v.z)
        s.setAttribute('x', '%6f'%x)
        s.setAttribute('y', '%6f'%y)
        s.setAttribute('z', '%6f'%z)
    else:        # scale is different in Ogre from blender - rotation is removed
        ri = mat.to_quaternion().inverted().to_matrix()
        scale = ri.to_4x4() * mat
        v = swap( scale.to_scale() )
        x=abs(v.x); y=abs(v.y); z=abs(v.z)
        s.setAttribute('x', '%6f'%x)
        s.setAttribute('y', '%6f'%y)
        s.setAttribute('z', '%6f'%z)
    return o

## MeshMagick

class MeshMagick(object):
    ''' Usage: MeshMagick [global_options] toolname [tool_options] infile(s) -- [outfile(s)]
    Available Tools
    info - print information about the mesh.
    meshmerge - Merge multiple submeshes into a single mesh.
    optimise - Optimise meshes and skeletons.
    rename - Rename different elements of meshes and skeletons.
    transform - Scale, rotate or otherwise transform a mesh.

    def get_merge_group( ob ):
        return get_merge_group( ob, prefix='magicmerge' )

    def merge( group, path='/tmp', force_name=None ):
        print(' mesh magick - merge ')
        if not os.path.isfile( exe ):
            print( 'ERROR: can not find MeshMagick.exe' )
            print( exe )

        files = []
        for ob in group.objects:
            if ob.data.users == 1:    # single users only
                files.append( os.path.join( path, ob.data.name+'.mesh' ) )
                print( files[-1] )

        opts = 'meshmerge'
        if sys.platform == 'linux2': cmd = '/usr/bin/wine %s %s' %(exe, opts)
        else: cmd = '%s %s' %(exe, opts)
        if force_name: output = force_name + '.mesh'
        else: output = '_%s_.mesh' %group.name
        cmd = cmd.split() + files + ['--', os.path.join(path,output) ]
        subprocess.call( cmd )
        print(' mesh magick - complete ')

## Ogre Command Line Tools Documentation

_ogre_command_line_tools_doc = '''
Usage: OgreXMLConverter [options] sourcefile [destfile]

Available options:
-i             = interactive mode - prompt for options
(The next 4 options are only applicable when converting XML to Mesh)
-l lodlevels   = number of LOD levels
-v lodvalue     = value increment to reduce LOD
-s lodstrategy = LOD strategy to use for this mesh
-p lodpercent  = Percentage triangle reduction amount per LOD
-f lodnumtris  = Fixed vertex reduction per LOD
-e             = DON'T generate edge lists (for stencil shadows)
-r             = DON'T reorganise vertex buffers to OGRE recommended format.
-t             = Generate tangents (for normal mapping)
-td [uvw|tangent]
           = Tangent vertex semantic destination (default tangent)
-ts [3|4]      = Tangent size (3 or 4 components, 4 includes parity, default 3)
-tm            = Split tangent vertices at UV mirror points
-tr            = Split tangent vertices where basis is rotated > 90 degrees
-o             = DON'T optimise out redundant tracks & keyframes
-d3d           = Prefer D3D packed colour formats (default on Windows)
-gl            = Prefer GL packed colour formats (default on non-Windows)
-E endian      = Set endian mode 'big' 'little' or 'native' (default)
-x num         = Generate no more than num eXtremes for every submesh (default 0)
-q             = Quiet mode, less output
-log filename  = name of the log file (default: 'OgreXMLConverter.log')
sourcefile     = name of file to convert
destfile       = optional name of file to write to. If you don't
                 specify this OGRE works it out through the extension
                 and the XML contents if the source is XML. For example
                 test.mesh becomes test.xml, test.xml becomes test.mesh
                 if the XML document root is <mesh> etc.

## Ogre Command Line Tools

def OgreXMLConverter( infile, has_uvs=False ):
    # todo: Show a UI dialog to show this error. It's pretty fatal for normal usage.
    # We should show how to configure the converter location in config panel or tell the default path.
    if not os.path.isfile( exe ):
        print( 'WARNING: can not find OgreXMLConverter (can not convert XXX.mesh.xml to XXX.mesh' )

    basicArguments = ''

    if CONFIG['lodLevels']:
        basicArguments += ' -l %s -v %s -p %s' %(CONFIG['lodLevels'], CONFIG['lodDistance'], CONFIG['lodPercent'])

    if CONFIG['nuextremityPoints'] > 0:
        basicArguments += ' -x %s' %CONFIG['nuextremityPoints']

    if not CONFIG['generateEdgeLists']:
        basicArguments += ' -e'

    # note: OgreXmlConverter fails to convert meshes without UVs
    if CONFIG['generateTangents'] and has_uvs:
        basicArguments += ' -t'
        if CONFIG['tangentSemantic']:
            basicArguments += ' -td %s' %CONFIG['tangentSemantic']
        if CONFIG['tangentUseParity']:
            basicArguments += ' -ts %s' %CONFIG['tangentUseParity']
        if CONFIG['tangentSplitMirrored']:
            basicArguments += ' -tm'
        if CONFIG['tangentSplitRotated']:
            basicArguments += ' -tr'
    if not CONFIG['reorganiseBuffers']:
        basicArguments += ' -r'
    if not CONFIG['optimiseAnimations']:
        basicArguments += ' -o'
    # Make xml converter print less stuff, comment this if you want more debug info out
    basicArguments += ' -q'

    opts = '-log _ogre_debug.txt %s' %basicArguments
    path,name = os.path.split( infile )

    cmd = '%s %s' %(exe, opts)
    cmd = cmd.split() + [infile]
    subprocess.call( cmd )

## Bone

class Bone(object):

    def __init__(self, rbone, pbone, skeleton):
        if CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'] == 'xyz':
            self.fixUpAxis = False
            self.fixUpAxis = True
            if CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'] == '-xzy':      # Tundra 1.x
                self.flipMat = mathutils.Matrix(((-1,0,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,0,1)))
            elif CONFIG['SWAP_AXIS'] == 'xz-y':    # Tundra 2.x current generation
                #self.flipMat = mathutils.Matrix(((1,0,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,0,1)))
                self.flipMat = mathutils.Matrix(((1,0,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,-1,0,0),(0,0,0,1))) # thanks to Waruck
                print( 'ERROR - TODO: axis swap mode not supported with armature animation' )
                assert 0

        self.skeleton = skeleton
        self.name = pbone.name
        self.matrix = rbone.matrix_local.copy() # armature space
        #self.matrix_local = rbone.matrix.copy() # space?

        self.bone = pbone        # safe to hold pointer to pose bone, not edit bone!
        if pbone.parent and not pbone.parent.bone.use_deform and CONFIG['ONLY_DEFORMABLE_BONES']:
            print('warning: bone <%s> has non-deformable parent.' %self.name)

        # todo: Test -> #if pbone.bone.use_inherit_scale: print('warning: bone <%s> is using inherit scaling, Ogre has no support for this' %self.name)
        self.parent = pbone.parent
        self.children = []

    def update(self):        # called on frame update
        pose =  self.bone.matrix.copy()
        self._inverse_total_trans_pose = pose.inverted()
        # calculate difference to parent bone
        if self.parent:
            pose = self.parent._inverse_total_trans_pose* pose
        elif self.fixUpAxis:
            pose = self.flipMat * pose

        self.pose_location =  pose.to_translation() - self.ogre_rest_matrix.to_translation()
        pose = self.inverse_ogre_rest_matrix * pose
        self.pose_rotation = pose.to_quaternion()
        self.pose_scale = pose.to_scale()
        for child in self.children: child.update()

    def rebuild_tree( self ):        # called first on all bones
        if self.parent:
            self.parent = self.skeleton.get_bone( self.parent.name )
            self.parent.children.append( self )

    def compute_rest( self ):    # called after rebuild_tree, recursive roots to leaves
        if self.parent:
            inverseParentMatrix = self.parent.inverse_total_trans
        elif self.fixUpAxis:
            inverseParentMatrix = self.flipMat
            inverseParentMatrix = mathutils.Matrix(((1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)))

        #self.ogre_rest_matrix = self.skeleton.object_space_transformation * self.matrix    # ALLOW ROTATION?
        self.ogre_rest_matrix = self.matrix.copy()
        # store total inverse transformation
        self.inverse_total_trans = self.ogre_rest_matrix.inverted()
        # relative to OGRE parent bone origin
        self.ogre_rest_matrix = inverseParentMatrix * self.ogre_rest_matrix
        self.inverse_ogre_rest_matrix = self.ogre_rest_matrix.inverted()

        # recursion
        for child in self.children:

# Skeleton

class Skeleton(object):
    def get_bone( self, name ):
        for b in self.bones:
            if b.name == name: return b

    def __init__(self, ob ):
        if ob.location.x != 0 or ob.location.y != 0 or ob.location.z != 0:
            Report.warnings.append('ERROR: Mesh (%s): is offset from Armature - zero transform is required' %ob.name)
        if ob.scale.x != 1 or ob.scale.y != 1 or ob.scale.z != 1:
            Report.warnings.append('ERROR: Mesh (%s): has been scaled - scale(1,1,1) is required' %ob.name)

        self.object = ob
        self.bones = []
        mats = {}
        self.arm = arm = ob.find_armature()
        arm.hide = False
        self._restore_layers = list(arm.layers)
        #arm.layers = [True]*20      # can not have anything hidden - REQUIRED?

        for pbone in arm.pose.bones:
            if pbone.bone.use_deform or not CONFIG['ONLY_DEFORMABLE_BONES']:
                mybone = Bone( arm.data.bones[pbone.name] ,pbone, self )
                self.bones.append( mybone )

        if arm.name not in Report.armatures:
            Report.armatures.append( arm.name )

        ## bad idea - allowing rotation of armature, means vertices must also be rotated,
        ## also a bug with applying the rotation, the Z rotation is lost
        #x,y,z = arm.matrix_local.copy().inverted().to_euler()
        #e = mathutils.Euler( (x,z,y) )
        #self.object_space_transformation = e.to_matrix().to_4x4()
        x,y,z = arm.matrix_local.to_euler()
        if x != 0 or y != 0 or z != 0:
            Report.warnings.append('ERROR: Armature: %s is rotated - (rotation is ignored)' %arm.name)

        ## setup bones for Ogre format ##
        for b in self.bones: b.rebuild_tree()
        ## walk bones, convert them ##
        self.roots = []
        ep = 0.0001
        for b in self.bones:
            if not b.parent:
                loc,rot,scl = b.ogre_rest_matrix.decompose()
                #if loc.x or loc.y or loc.z:
                #    Report.warnings.append('ERROR: root bone has non-zero transform (location offset)')
                #if rot.w > ep or rot.x > ep or rot.y > ep or rot.z < 1.0-ep:
                #    Report.warnings.append('ERROR: root bone has non-zero transform (rotation offset)')
                self.roots.append( b )

    def to_xml( self ):
        _fps = float( bpy.context.scene.render.fps )

        doc = RDocument()
        root = doc.createElement('skeleton'); doc.appendChild( root )
        bones = doc.createElement('bones'); root.appendChild( bones )
        bh = doc.createElement('bonehierarchy'); root.appendChild( bh )
        for i,bone in enumerate(self.bones):
            b = doc.createElement('bone')
            b.setAttribute('name', bone.name)
            b.setAttribute('id', str(i) )
            bones.appendChild( b )
            mat = bone.ogre_rest_matrix.copy()
            if bone.parent:
                bp = doc.createElement('boneparent')
                bp.setAttribute('bone', bone.name)
                bp.setAttribute('parent', bone.parent.name)
                bh.appendChild( bp )

            pos = doc.createElement( 'position' ); b.appendChild( pos )
            x,y,z = mat.to_translation()
            pos.setAttribute('x', '%6f' %x )
            pos.setAttribute('y', '%6f' %y )
            pos.setAttribute('z', '%6f' %z )
            rot =  doc.createElement( 'rotation' ) # "rotation", not "rotate"
            b.appendChild( rot )

            q = mat.to_quaternion()
            rot.setAttribute('angle', '%6f' %q.angle )
            axis = doc.createElement('axis'); rot.appendChild( axis )
            x,y,z = q.axis
            axis.setAttribute('x', '%6f' %x )
            axis.setAttribute('y', '%6f' %y )
            axis.setAttribute('z', '%6f' %z )

            # Ogre bones do not have initial scaling? ##
            # note: Ogre bones by default do not pass down their scaling in animation,
            # so in blender all bones are like 'do-not-inherit-scaling'
            if 0:
                scale = doc.createElement('scale'); b.appendChild( scale )
                x,y,z = swap( mat.to_scale() )
                scale.setAttribute('x', str(x))
                scale.setAttribute('y', str(y))
                scale.setAttribute('z', str(z))

        arm = self.arm
        if not arm.animation_data or (arm.animation_data and not arm.animation_data.nla_tracks):  # assume animated via constraints and use blender timeline.
            anims = doc.createElement('animations'); root.appendChild( anims )
            anim = doc.createElement('animation'); anims.appendChild( anim )
            tracks = doc.createElement('tracks'); anim.appendChild( tracks )
            anim.setAttribute('name', 'my_animation')
            start = bpy.context.scene.frame_start; end = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
            anim.setAttribute('length', str( (end-start)/_fps ) )

            _keyframes = {}
            _bonenames_ = []
            for bone in arm.pose.bones:
                if self.get_bone(bone.name):                     #check if the bone was exported
                    _bonenames_.append( bone.name )
                    track = doc.createElement('track')
                    track.setAttribute('bone', bone.name)
                    tracks.appendChild( track )
                    keyframes = doc.createElement('keyframes')
                    track.appendChild( keyframes )
                    _keyframes[ bone.name ] = keyframes

            for frame in range( int(start), int(end)+1, bpy.context.scene.frame_step):
                for bone in self.roots: bone.update()
                print('\t\t Frame:', frame)
                for bonename in _bonenames_:
                    if self.get_bone(bonename):                         #check if the bone was exported
                        bone = self.get_bone( bonename )
                        _loc = bone.pose_location
                        _rot = bone.pose_rotation
                        _scl = bone.pose_scale

                        keyframe = doc.createElement('keyframe')
                        keyframe.setAttribute('time', str((frame-start)/_fps))
                        _keyframes[ bonename ].appendChild( keyframe )
                        trans = doc.createElement('translate')
                        keyframe.appendChild( trans )
                        x,y,z = _loc
                        trans.setAttribute('x', '%6f' %x)
                        trans.setAttribute('y', '%6f' %y)
                        trans.setAttribute('z', '%6f' %z)

                        rot =  doc.createElement( 'rotate' )
                        keyframe.appendChild( rot )
                        q = _rot
                        rot.setAttribute('angle', '%6f' %q.angle )
                        axis = doc.createElement('axis'); rot.appendChild( axis )
                        x,y,z = q.axis
                        axis.setAttribute('x', '%6f' %x )
                        axis.setAttribute('y', '%6f' %y )
                        axis.setAttribute('z', '%6f' %z )

                        scale = doc.createElement('scale')
                        keyframe.appendChild( scale )
                        x,y,z = _scl
                        scale.setAttribute('x', '%6f' %x)
                        scale.setAttribute('y', '%6f' %y)
                        scale.setAttribute('z', '%6f' %z)

        elif arm.animation_data:
            anims = doc.createElement('animations'); root.appendChild( anims )
            if not len( arm.animation_data.nla_tracks ):
                Report.warnings.append('you must assign an NLA strip to armature (%s) that defines the start and end frames' %arm.name)

            if CONFIG['INDEPENDENT_ANIM']:
                for nla in arm.animation_data.nla_tracks:
                    nla.mute = True

            for nla in arm.animation_data.nla_tracks:        # NLA required, lone actions not supported
                if not len(nla.strips): print( 'skipping empty NLA track: %s' %nla.name ); continue
                print('NLA track:',  nla.name)

                if CONFIG['INDEPENDENT_ANIM']:
                    nla.mute = False
                    for strip in nla.strips:
                        strip.mute = True

                for strip in nla.strips:
                    if CONFIG['INDEPENDENT_ANIM']: strip.mute = False
                    print('   strip name:', strip.name)
                    anim = doc.createElement('animation'); anims.appendChild( anim )
                    tracks = doc.createElement('tracks'); anim.appendChild( tracks )
                    Report.armature_animations.append( '%s : %s [start frame=%s  end frame=%s]' %(arm.name, nla.name, strip.frame_start, strip.frame_end) )

                    anim.setAttribute('name', strip.name)                       # USE the strip name
                    anim.setAttribute('length', str( (strip.frame_end-strip.frame_start)/_fps ) )

                    stripbones = []
                    if CONFIG['ONLY_ANIMATED_BONES']:
                        for group in strip.action.groups:        # check if the user has keyed only some of the bones (for anim blending)
                            if group.name in arm.pose.bones: stripbones.append( group.name )
                        if not stripbones:                                    # otherwise we use all bones
                            stripbones = [ bone.name for bone in arm.pose.bones ]
                        stripbones = [ bone.name for bone in arm.pose.bones ]

                    _keyframes = {}
                    for bonename in stripbones:
                        if self.get_bone(bonename):                     #check if the bone was exported
                            track = doc.createElement('track')
                            track.setAttribute('bone', bonename)
                            tracks.appendChild( track )
                            keyframes = doc.createElement('keyframes')
                            track.appendChild( keyframes )
                            _keyframes[ bonename ] = keyframes

                    for frame in range( int(strip.frame_start), int(strip.frame_end)+1, bpy.context.scene.frame_step):#thanks to Vesa
                        for bone in self.roots: bone.update()
                        for bonename in stripbones:
                            if self.get_bone( bonename ):               #check if the bone was exported
                                bone = self.get_bone( bonename )
                                _loc = bone.pose_location
                                _rot = bone.pose_rotation
                                _scl = bone.pose_scale

                                keyframe = doc.createElement('keyframe')
                                keyframe.setAttribute('time', str((frame-strip.frame_start)/_fps))
                                _keyframes[ bonename ].appendChild( keyframe )
                                trans = doc.createElement('translate')
                                keyframe.appendChild( trans )
                                x,y,z = _loc
                                trans.setAttribute('x', '%6f' %x)
                                trans.setAttribute('y', '%6f' %y)
                                trans.setAttribute('z', '%6f' %z)

                                rot =  doc.createElement( 'rotate' )
                                keyframe.appendChild( rot )
                                q = _rot
                                rot.setAttribute('angle', '%6f' %q.angle )
                                axis = doc.createElement('axis'); rot.appendChild( axis )
                                x,y,z = q.axis
                                axis.setAttribute('x', '%6f' %x )
                                axis.setAttribute('y', '%6f' %y )
                                axis.setAttribute('z', '%6f' %z )

                                scale = doc.createElement('scale')
                                keyframe.appendChild( scale )
                                x,y,z = _scl
                                scale.setAttribute('x', '%6f' %x)
                                scale.setAttribute('y', '%6f' %y)
                                scale.setAttribute('z', '%6f' %z)

                    if CONFIG['INDEPENDENT_ANIM']: strip.mute = True

                if CONFIG['INDEPENDENT_ANIM']:
                    nla.mute = True
                    for strip in nla.strips:
                        strip.mute = False

            if CONFIG['INDEPENDENT_ANIM']:
                for nla in arm.animation_data.nla_tracks:
                    nla.mute = False

        return doc.toprettyxml()

## Selector extras

class INFO_MT_instances(bpy.types.Menu):
    bl_label = "Instances"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        inst = gather_instances()
        for data in inst:
            ob = inst[data][0]
            op = layout.operator(INFO_MT_instance.bl_idname, text=ob.name) # operator has no variable for button name?
            op.mystring = ob.name

class INFO_MT_instance(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''select instance group'''
    bl_idname = "ogre.select_instances"
    bl_label = "Select Instance Group"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} # Options for this panel type
    mystring= StringProperty(name="MyString", description="hidden string", maxlen=1024, default="my string")

    def poll(cls, context):
        return True

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        print( 'invoke select_instances op', event )
        select_instances( context, self.mystring )
        return {'FINISHED'}

class INFO_MT_groups(bpy.types.Menu):
    bl_label = "Groups"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        for group in bpy.data.groups:
            op = layout.operator(INFO_MT_group.bl_idname, text=group.name)    # operator no variable for button name?
            op.mystring = group.name

class INFO_MT_group(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''select group'''
    bl_idname = "ogre.select_group"
    bl_label = "Select Group"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}                              # Options for this panel type
    mystring= StringProperty(name="MyString", description="hidden string", maxlen=1024, default="my string")

    def poll(cls, context):
        return True

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        select_group( context, self.mystring )
        return {'FINISHED'}

## NVIDIA texture tool documentation

Version 8.30
This program
   compresses images
   creates normal maps from color or alpha
   creates DuDv map
   creates cube maps
   writes out .dds file
   does batch processing
   reads .tga, .bmp, .gif, .ppm, .jpg, .tif, .cel, .dds, .png, .psd, .rgb, *.bw and .rgba
   filters MIP maps

  -profile <profile name> : Read a profile created from the Photoshop plugin
  -quick : use fast compression method
  -quality_normal : normal quality compression
  -quality_production : production quality compression
  -quality_highest : highest quality compression (this can be very slow)
  -rms_threshold <int> : quality RMS error. Above this, an extensive search is performed.
  -prescale <int> <int>: rescale image to this size first
  -rescale <nearest | hi | lo | next_lo>: rescale image to nearest, next highest or next lowest power of two
  -rel_scale <float, float> : relative scale of original image. 0.5 is half size Default 1.0, 1.0

Optional Filtering for rescaling. Default cube filter:
  -clamp <int, int> : maximum image size. image width and height are clamped
  -clampScale <int, int> : maximum image size. image width and height are scaled
  -window <left, top, right, bottom> : window of original window to compress
  -nomipmap : don't generate MIP maps
  -nmips <int> : specify the number of MIP maps to generate
  -rgbe : Image is RGBE format
  -dither : add dithering
  -sharpenMethod <method>: sharpen method MIP maps
  <method> is
        UnSharp <radius, amount, threshold>
        XSharpen <xsharpen_strength, xsharpen_threshold>
  -pause : wait for keyboard on error
  -flip : flip top to bottom
  -timestamp : Update only changed files
  -list <filename> : list of files to convert
  -cubeMap : create cube map .
            Cube faces specified with individual files with -list option
                  positive x, negative x, positive y, negative y, positive z, negative z
                  Use -output option to specify filename
            Cube faces specified in one file.  Use -file to specify input filename

  -volumeMap : create volume texture.
            Volume slices specified with individual files with -list option
                  Use -output option to specify filename
            Volume specified in one file.  Use -file to specify input filename

  -all : all image files in current directory
  -outdir <directory>: output directory
  -deep [directory]: include all subdirectories
  -outsamedir : output directory same as input
  -overwrite : if input is .dds file, overwrite old file
  -forcewrite : write over readonly files
  -file <filename> : input file to process. Accepts wild cards
  -output <filename> : filename to write to [-outfile can also be specified]
  -append <filename_append> : append this string to output filename
  -8  <dxt1c | dxt1a | dxt3 | dxt5 | u1555 | u4444 | u565 | u8888 | u888 | u555 | L8 | A8>  : compress 8 bit images with this format
  -16 <dxt1c | dxt1a | dxt3 | dxt5 | u1555 | u4444 | u565 | u8888 | u888 | u555 | A8L8> : compress 16 bit images with this format
  -24 <dxt1c | dxt1a | dxt3 | dxt5 | u1555 | u4444 | u565 | u8888 | u888 | u555> : compress 24 bit images with this format
  -32 <dxt1c | dxt1a | dxt3 | dxt5 | u1555 | u4444 | u565 | u8888 | u888 | u555> : compress 32 bit images with this format

  -swapRB : swap rb
  -swapRG : swap rg
  -gamma <float value>: gamma correcting during filtering
  -outputScale <float, float, float, float>: scale the output by this (r,g,b,a)
  -outputBias <float, float, float, float>: bias the output by this amount (r,g,b,a)
  -outputWrap : wraps overflow values modulo the output format
  -inputScale <float, float, float, float>: scale the inpput by this (r,g,b,a)
  -inputBias <float, float, float, float>: bias the input by this amount (r,g,b,a)
  -binaryalpha : treat alpha as 0 or 1
  -alpha_threshold <byte>: [0-255] alpha reference value
  -alphaborder : border images with alpha = 0
  -alphaborderLeft : border images with alpha (left) = 0
  -alphaborderRight : border images with alpha (right)= 0
  -alphaborderTop : border images with alpha (top) = 0
  -alphaborderBottom : border images with alpha (bottom)= 0
  -fadeamount <int>: percentage to fade each MIP level. Default 15

  -fadecolor : fade map (color, normal or DuDv) over MIP levels
  -fadetocolor <hex color> : color to fade to
  -custom_fade <n> <n fadeamounts> : set custom fade amount.  n is number number of fade amounts. fadeamount are [0,1]
  -fadealpha : fade alpha over MIP levels
  -fadetoalpha <byte>: [0-255] alpha to fade to
  -border : border images with color
  -bordercolor <hex color> : color for border
  -force4 : force DXT1c to use always four colors
  -weight <float, float, float>: Compression weightings for R G and B
  -luminance :  convert color values to luminance for L8 formats
  -greyScale : Convert to grey scale
  -greyScaleWeights <float, float, float, float>: override greyscale conversion weights of (0.3086, 0.6094, 0.0820, 0)
  -brightness <float, float, float, float>: per channel brightness. Default 0.0  usual range [0,1]
  -contrast <float, float, float, float>: per channel contrast. Default 1.0  usual range [0.5, 1.5]

Texture Format  Default DXT3:
  -dxt1c   : DXT1 (color only)
  -dxt1a   : DXT1 (one bit alpha)
  -dxt3    : DXT3
  -dxt5    : DXT5n
  -u1555   : uncompressed 1:5:5:5
  -u4444   : uncompressed 4:4:4:4
  -u565    : uncompressed 5:6:5
  -u8888   : uncompressed 8:8:8:8
  -u888    : uncompressed 0:8:8:8
  -u555    : uncompressed 0:5:5:5
  -p8c     : paletted 8 bit (256 colors)
  -p8a     : paletted 8 bit (256 colors with alpha)
  -p4c     : paletted 4 bit (16 colors)
  -p4a     : paletted 4 bit (16 colors with alpha)
  -a8      : 8 bit alpha channel
  -cxv8u8  : normal map format
  -v8u8    : EMBM format (8, bit two component signed)
  -v16u16  : EMBM format (16 bit, two component signed)
  -A8L8    : 8 bit alpha channel, 8 bit luminance
  -fp32x4  : fp32 four channels (A32B32G32R32F)
  -fp32    : fp32 one channel (R32F)
  -fp16x4  : fp16 four channels (A16B16G16R16F)
  -dxt5nm  : dxt5 style normal map
  -3Dc     : 3DC
  -g16r16  : 16 bit in, two component
  -g16r16f : 16 bit float, two components

Mip Map Filtering Options. Default box filter:

To make a normal or dudv map, specify one of
  -n4 : normal map 4 sample
  -n3x3 : normal map 3x3 filter
  -n5x5 : normal map 5x5 filter
  -n7x7 : normal map 7x7 filter
  -n9x9 : normal map 9x9 filter
  -dudv : DuDv

and source of height info:
  -alpha : alpha channel
  -rgb : average rgb
  -biased : average rgb biased
  -red : red channel
  -green : green channel
  -blue : blue channel
  -max : max of (r,g,b)
  -colorspace : mix of r,g,b

-norm : normalize mip maps (source is a normal map)

-toHeight : create a height map (source is a normal map)

Normal/DuDv Map dxt:
  -aheight : store calculated height in alpha field
  -aclear : clear alpha channel
  -awhite : set alpha channel = 1.0
  -scale <float> : scale of height map. Default 1.0
  -wrap : wrap texture around. Default off
  -minz <int> : minimum value for up vector [0-255]. Default 0

To make a depth sprite, specify:

and source of depth info:
  -alpha  : alpha channel
  -rgb    : average rgb (default)
  -red    : red channel
  -green  : green channel
  -blue   : blue channel
  -max    : max of (r,g,b)
  -colorspace : mix of r,g,b

Depth Sprite dxt:
  -aheight : store calculated depth in alpha channel
  -aclear : store 0.0 in alpha channel
  -awhite : store 1.0 in alpha channel
  -scale <float> : scale of depth sprite (default 1.0)
  -alpha_modulate : multiplies color by alpha during filtering
  -pre_modulate : multiplies color by alpha before processing

  nvdxt -cubeMap -list cubemapfile.lst -output cubemap.dds
  nvdxt -cubeMap -file cubemapfile.tga
  nvdxt -file test.tga -dxt1c
  nvdxt -file *.tga
  nvdxt -file c:\temp\*.tga
  nvdxt -file temp\*.tga
  nvdxt -file height_field_in_alpha.tga -n3x3 -alpha -scale 10 -wrap
  nvdxt -file grey_scale_height_field.tga -n5x5 -rgb -scale 1.3
  nvdxt -file normal_map.tga -norm
  nvdxt -file image.tga -dudv -fade -fadeamount 10
  nvdxt -all -dxt3 -gamma -outdir .\dds_dir -time
  nvdxt -file *.tga -depth -max -scale 0.5


    import io_export_rogremesh.rogremesh as Rmesh
    Rmesh = None
    print( 'WARNING: "io_export_rogremesh" is missing' )

if Rmesh and Rmesh.rpy.load():
    _USE_RPYTHON_ = True
    _USE_RPYTHON_ = False
    print( 'Rpython module is not cached, you must exit Blender to compile the module:' )
    print( 'cd io_export_rogremesh; python rogremesh.py' )

class VertexNoPos(object):
    def __init__(self, ogre_vidx, nx,ny,nz, r,g,b,ra, vert_uvs):
        self.ogre_vidx = ogre_vidx
        self.nx = nx
        self.ny = ny
        self.nz = nz
        self.r = r
        self.g = g
        self.b = b
        self.ra = ra
        self.vert_uvs = vert_uvs

    '''does not compare ogre_vidx (and position at the moment) [ no need to compare position ]'''
    def __eq__(self, o):
        if self.nx != o.nx or self.ny != o.ny or self.nz != o.nz: return False
        elif self.r != o.r or self.g != o.g or self.b != o.b or self.ra != o.ra: return False
        elif len(self.vert_uvs) != len(o.vert_uvs): return False
        elif self.vert_uvs:
            for i, uv1 in enumerate( self.vert_uvs ):
                uv2 = o.vert_uvs[ i ]
                if uv1 != uv2: return False
        return True

## Creating .mesh

def dot_mesh( ob, path='/tmp', force_name=None, ignore_shape_animation=False, normals=True ):
    start = time.time()
    if not os.path.isdir( path ):
        print('>> Creating working directory', path )
        os.makedirs( path )
    Report.meshes.append( ob.data.name )
    Report.faces += len( ob.data.tessfaces )
    Report.orig_vertices += len( ob.data.vertices )

    cleanup = False
    if ob.modifiers:
        cleanup = True
        copy = ob.copy()
        rem = []
        for mod in copy.modifiers:        # remove armature and array modifiers before collaspe
            if mod.type in 'ARMATURE ARRAY'.split(): rem.append( mod )
        for mod in rem: copy.modifiers.remove( mod )
        # bake mesh
        mesh = copy.to_mesh(bpy.context.scene, True, "PREVIEW")    # collaspe
        copy = ob
        mesh = ob.data

    name = force_name or ob.data.name
    xmlfile = os.path.join(path, '%s.mesh.xml' %name )

    print('      - Generating:', '%s.mesh.xml' %name)
    if _USE_RPYTHON_ and False:
        Rmesh.save( ob, xmlfile )
        f = None
            f = open( xmlfile, 'w' )
        except Exception as e:
            show_dialog("Invalid mesh object name: " + name)

        doc = SimpleSaxWriter(f, 'UTF-8', "mesh", {})

        # Very ugly, have to replace number of vertices later
        doc.start_tag('sharedgeometry', {'vertexcount' : '__TO_BE_REPLACED_VERTEX_COUNT__'})

        print('      - Writing shared geometry')
        doc.start_tag('vertexbuffer', {
                'colours_diffuse' : str(bool( mesh.vertex_colors )),
                'texture_coords' : '%s' % len(mesh.uv_textures) if mesh.uv_textures.active else '0'

        # Vertex colors
        vcolors = None
        vcolors_alpha = None
        if len( mesh.tessface_vertex_colors ):
            vcolors = mesh.tessface_vertex_colors[0]
            for bloc in mesh.tessface_vertex_colors:
                if bloc.name.lower().startswith('alpha'):
                    vcolors_alpha = bloc; break

        # Materials
        materials = []
        for mat in ob.data.materials:
            if mat:
                materials.append( mat )
                print('[WARNING:] Bad material data in', ob)
                materials.append( '_missing_material_' ) # fixed dec22, keep proper index
        if not materials:
            materials.append( '_missing_material_' )
        _sm_faces_ = []
        for matidx, mat in enumerate( materials ):

        # Textures
        dotextures = False
        uvcache = [] # should get a little speed boost by this cache
        if mesh.tessface_uv_textures.active:
            dotextures = True
            for layer in mesh.tessface_uv_textures:
                uvs = []; uvcache.append( uvs ) # layer contains: name, active, data
                for uvface in layer.data:
                    uvs.append( (uvface.uv1, uvface.uv2, uvface.uv3, uvface.uv4) )

        _sm_vertices_ = {}
        _remap_verts_ = []
        numverts = 0

        for F in mesh.tessfaces:
            smooth = F.use_smooth
            faces = _sm_faces_[ F.material_index ]
            # Ogre only supports triangles
            tris = []
            tris.append( (F.vertices[0], F.vertices[1], F.vertices[2]) )
            if len(F.vertices) >= 4: tris.append( (F.vertices[0], F.vertices[2], F.vertices[3]) )
            if dotextures:
                a = []; b = []
                uvtris = [ a, b ]
                for layer in uvcache:
                    uv1, uv2, uv3, uv4 = layer[ F.index ]
                    a.append( (uv1, uv2, uv3) )
                    b.append( (uv1, uv3, uv4) )

            for tidx, tri in enumerate(tris):
                face = []
                for vidx, idx in enumerate(tri):
                    v = mesh.vertices[ idx ]

                    if smooth:
                        nx,ny,nz = swap( v.normal ) # fixed june 17th 2011
                        nx,ny,nz = swap( F.normal )

                    r = 1.0
                    g = 1.0
                    b = 1.0
                    ra = 1.0
                    if vcolors:
                        k = list(F.vertices).index(idx)
                        r,g,b = getattr( vcolors.data[ F.index ], 'color%s'%(k+1) )
                        if vcolors_alpha:
                            ra,ga,ba = getattr( vcolors_alpha.data[ F.index ], 'color%s'%(k+1) )
                            ra = 1.0

                    # Texture maps
                    vert_uvs = []
                    if dotextures:
                        for layer in uvtris[ tidx ]:
                            vert_uvs.append(layer[ vidx ])

                    ''' Check if we already exported that vertex with same normal, do not export in that case,
                        (flat shading in blender seems to work with face normals, so we copy each flat face'
                        vertices, if this vertex with same normals was already exported,
                        todo: maybe not best solution, check other ways (let blender do all the work, or only
                        support smooth shading, what about seems, smoothing groups, materials, ...)
                    vert = VertexNoPos(numverts, nx, ny, nz, r, g, b, ra, vert_uvs)
                    alreadyExported = False
                    if idx in _sm_vertices_:
                        for vert2 in _sm_vertices_[idx]:
                            #does not compare ogre_vidx (and position at the moment)
                            if vert == vert2:
                                alreadyExported = True
                                #print(idx,numverts, nx,ny,nz, r,g,b,ra, vert_uvs, "already exported")
                        if not alreadyExported:
                            #print(numverts, nx,ny,nz, r,g,b,ra, vert_uvs, "appended")
                        _sm_vertices_[idx] = [vert]
                        #print(idx, numverts, nx,ny,nz, r,g,b,ra, vert_uvs, "created")

                    if alreadyExported:

                    numverts += 1
                    _remap_verts_.append( v )

                    x,y,z = swap(v.co)        # xz-y is correct!

                    doc.start_tag('vertex', {})
                    doc.leaf_tag('position', {
                            'x' : '%6f' % x,
                            'y' : '%6f' % y,
                            'z' : '%6f' % z

                    doc.leaf_tag('normal', {
                            'x' : '%6f' % nx,
                            'y' : '%6f' % ny,
                            'z' : '%6f' % nz

                    if vcolors:
                        doc.leaf_tag('colour_diffuse', {'value' : '%6f %6f %6f %6f' % (r,g,b,ra)})

                    # Texture maps
                    if dotextures:
                        for uv in vert_uvs:
                            doc.leaf_tag('texcoord', {
                                    'u' : '%6f' % uv[0],
                                    'v' : '%6f' % (1.0-uv[1])


                faces.append( (face[0], face[1], face[2]) )

        Report.vertices += numverts

        print('        Done at', timer_diff_str(start), "seconds")
        print('      - Writing submeshes')
        doc.start_tag('submeshes', {})
        for matidx, mat in enumerate( materials ):
            if not len(_sm_faces_[matidx]):
                Report.warnings.append( 'BAD SUBMESH: %s' %ob.name )
                continue # fixes corrupt unused materials

            doc.start_tag('submesh', {
                    'usesharedvertices' : 'true',
                    'material' : material_name(mat),
                    # Maybe better look at index of all faces, if one over 65535 set to true;
                    # Problem: we know it too late, postprocessing of file needed
                    "use32bitindexes" : str(bool(numverts > 65535)),
                    "operationtype" : "triangle_list"
            doc.start_tag('faces', {
                    'count' : str(len(_sm_faces_[matidx]))
            for fidx, (v1, v2, v3) in enumerate(_sm_faces_[matidx]):
                doc.leaf_tag('face', {
                    'v1' : str(v1),
                    'v2' : str(v2),
                    'v3' : str(v3)
            Report.triangles += len(_sm_faces_[matidx])

        ## by MrMagne
        doc.start_tag('submeshnames', {})
        for matidx, mat in enumerate( materials ):
            doc.start_tag('submesh', {
                    'name' : material_name(mat),
                    'index' : str(matidx)
        # -- end of MrMagne's patch
        print('        Done at', timer_diff_str(start), "seconds")
        arm = ob.find_armature()
        if arm:
            doc.leaf_tag('skeletonlink', {
                    'name' : '%s.skeleton' %(force_name or ob.data.name)
            doc.start_tag('boneassignments', {})
            badverts = 0
            for vidx, v in enumerate(_remap_verts_):
                check = 0
                for vgroup in v.groups:
                    if vgroup.weight > CONFIG['TRIM_BONE_WEIGHTS']:
                        bnidx = find_bone_index(copy,arm,vgroup.group)
                        if bnidx is not None:        # allows other vertex groups, not just armature vertex groups
                            doc.leaf_tag('vertexboneassignment', {
                                    'vertexindex' : str(vidx),
                                    'boneindex' : str(bnidx),
                                    'weight' : str(vgroup.weight)
                            check += 1
                if check > 4:
                    badverts += 1
                    print('WARNING: vertex %s is in more than 4 vertex groups (bone weights)\n(this maybe Ogre incompatible)' %vidx)
            if badverts:
                Report.warnings.append( '%s has %s vertices weighted to too many bones (Ogre limits a vertex to 4 bones)\n[try increaseing the Trim-Weights threshold option]' %(mesh.name, badverts) )

        # Updated June3 2011 - shape animation works
        if CONFIG['SHAPE_ANIM'] and ob.data.shape_keys and len(ob.data.shape_keys.key_blocks):
            print('      - Writing shape keys')

            doc.start_tag('poses', {})
            for sidx, skey in enumerate(ob.data.shape_keys.key_blocks):
                if sidx == 0: continue
                if len(skey.data) != len( mesh.vertices ):
                    failure = 'FAILED to save shape animation - you can not use a modifier that changes the vertex count! '
                    failure += '[ mesh : %s ]' %mesh.name
                    Report.warnings.append( failure )
                    print( failure )

                doc.start_tag('pose', {
                        'name' : skey.name,
                        # If target is 'mesh', no index needed, if target is submesh then submesh identified by 'index'
                        #'index' : str(sidx-1),
                        #'index' : '0',
                        'target' : 'mesh'

                for vidx, v in enumerate(_remap_verts_):
                    pv = skey.data[ v.index ]
                    x,y,z = swap( pv.co - v.co )
                    #for i,p in enumerate( skey.data ):
                    #x,y,z = p.co - ob.data.vertices[i].co
                    #x,y,z = swap( ob.data.vertices[i].co - p.co )
                    #if x==.0 and y==.0 and z==.0: continue        # the older exporter optimized this way, is it safe?
                    doc.leaf_tag('poseoffset', {
                            'x' : '%6f' % x,
                            'y' : '%6f' % y,
                            'z' : '%6f' % z,
                            'index' : str(vidx)     # is this required?
            print('        Done at', timer_diff_str(start), "seconds")
            if ob.data.shape_keys.animation_data and len(ob.data.shape_keys.animation_data.nla_tracks):
                print('      - Writing shape animations')
                doc.start_tag('animations', {})
                _fps = float( bpy.context.scene.render.fps )
                for nla in ob.data.shape_keys.animation_data.nla_tracks:
                    for idx, strip in enumerate(nla.strips):
                        doc.start_tag('animation', {
                                'name' : strip.name,
                                'length' : str((strip.frame_end-strip.frame_start)/_fps)
                        doc.start_tag('tracks', {})
                        doc.start_tag('track', {
                                'type' : 'pose',
                                'target' : 'mesh'
                                # If target is 'mesh', no index needed, if target is submesh then submesh identified by 'index'
                                #'index' : str(idx)
                                #'index' : '0'
                        doc.start_tag('keyframes', {})
                        for frame in range( int(strip.frame_start), int(strip.frame_end)+1, bpy.context.scene.frame_step):#thanks to Vesa
                            doc.start_tag('keyframe', {
                                    'time' : str((frame-strip.frame_start)/_fps)
                            for sidx, skey in enumerate( ob.data.shape_keys.key_blocks ):
                                if sidx == 0: continue
                                doc.leaf_tag('poseref', {
                                        'poseindex' : str(sidx-1),
                                        'influence' : str(skey.value)
                print('        Done at', timer_diff_str(start), "seconds")

        ## Clean up and save
        if cleanup:
            del copy
            del mesh
        del _remap_verts_
        del uvcache
        doc.close() # reported by Reyn
        print('      - Created .mesh.xml at', timer_diff_str(start), "seconds")

    # todo: Very ugly, find better way
    def replaceInplace(f,searchExp,replaceExp):
            import fileinput
            for line in fileinput.input(f, inplace=1):
                if searchExp in line:
                    line = line.replace(searchExp,replaceExp)
            fileinput.close() # reported by jakob

    replaceInplace(xmlfile, '__TO_BE_REPLACED_VERTEX_COUNT__' + '"', str(numverts) + '"' )#+ ' ' * (ls - lr))

    # Start .mesh.xml to .mesh convertion tool
    OgreXMLConverter(xmlfile, has_uvs=dotextures)

    if arm and CONFIG['ARM_ANIM']:
        skel = Skeleton( ob )
        data = skel.to_xml()
        name = force_name or ob.data.name
        xmlfile = os.path.join(path, '%s.skeleton.xml' %name )
        f = open( xmlfile, 'wb' )
        f.write( bytes(data,'utf-8') )
        OgreXMLConverter( xmlfile )

    mats = []
    for mat in materials:
        if mat != '_missing_material_': mats.append( mat )

    print('      - Created .mesh in total time', timer_diff_str(start), 'seconds')
    return mats

## Jmonkey preview
## todo: remove jmonkey

class JmonkeyPreviewOp( _OgreCommonExport_, bpy.types.Operator ):
    '''helper to open jMonkey (JME)'''
    bl_idname = 'jmonkey.preview'
    bl_label = "opens JMonkeyEngine in a non-blocking subprocess"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}

    filepath= StringProperty(name="File Path", description="Filepath used for exporting Jmonkey .scene file", maxlen=1024, default="/tmp/preview.txml", subtype='FILE_PATH')

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object: return True

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        global TundraSingleton
        path = '/tmp/preview.scene'
        self.ogre_export( path, context )
        JmonkeyPipe( path )
        return {'FINISHED'}

def JmonkeyPipe( path ):
    root = CONFIG[ 'JMONKEY_ROOT']
    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
        cmd = [ os.path.join( os.path.join( root, 'bin' ), 'jmonkeyplatform.exe' ) ]
        cmd = [ os.path.join( os.path.join( root, 'bin' ), 'jmonkeyplatform' ) ]
    cmd.append( '--nosplash' )
    cmd.append( '--open' )
    cmd.append( path )
    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd)#, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
    return proc

## realXtend Tundra preview
## todo: This only work if the custom py script is enabled in Tundra
## It's nice when it works but PythonScriptModule is not part of the
## default Tundra distro anymore, so this is atm kind of dead.

class TundraPreviewOp( _OgreCommonExport_, bpy.types.Operator ):
    '''helper to open Tundra2 (realXtend)'''
    bl_idname = 'tundra.preview'
    bl_label = "opens Tundra2 in a non-blocking subprocess"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}

    filepath= StringProperty(
        name="File Path",
        description="Filepath used for exporting Tundra .txml file",
    EX_FORCE_CAMERA = BoolProperty(
        name="Force Camera",
        description="export active camera",
    EX_FORCE_LAMPS = BoolProperty(
        name="Force Lamps",
        description="export all lamps",

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object and context.mode != 'EDIT_MESH':
            return True

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        global TundraSingleton
        syncmats = []
        obs = []
        if TundraSingleton:
            actob = context.active_object
            obs = TundraSingleton.deselect_previously_updated(context)
            for ob in obs:
                if ob.type=='MESH':
                    syncmats.append( ob )
                    if ob.name == actob.name:
                        export_mesh( ob, path='/tmp/rex' )

        if not os.path.isdir( '/tmp/rex' ): os.makedirs( '/tmp/rex' )
        path = '/tmp/rex/preview.txml'
        self.ogre_export( path, context, force_material_update=syncmats )
        if not TundraSingleton:
            TundraSingleton = TundraPipe( context )
        elif self.EX_SCENE:
            TundraSingleton.load( context, path )

        for ob in obs:
            ob.select = True # restore selection
        return {'FINISHED'}

TundraSingleton = None

class Tundra_StartPhysicsOp(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''TundraSingleton helper'''
    bl_idname = 'tundra.start_physics'
    bl_label = "start physics"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}

    def poll(cls, context):
        if TundraSingleton: return True
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        return {'FINISHED'}

class Tundra_StopPhysicsOp(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''TundraSingleton helper'''
    bl_idname = 'tundra.stop_physics'
    bl_label = "stop physics"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}

    def poll(cls, context):
        if TundraSingleton: return True
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        return {'FINISHED'}

class Tundra_PhysicsDebugOp(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''TundraSingleton helper'''
    bl_idname = 'tundra.toggle_physics_debug'
    bl_label = "stop physics"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}

    def poll(cls, context):
        if TundraSingleton: return True
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        return {'FINISHED'}

class Tundra_ExitOp(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''TundraSingleton helper'''
    bl_idname = 'tundra.exit'
    bl_label = "quit tundra"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}

    def poll(cls, context):
        if TundraSingleton: return True
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        return {'FINISHED'}

## Server object to talk with realXtend Tundra with UDP
## Requires Tundra to be running a py script.

class Server(object):
    def stream( self, o ):
        b = pickle.dumps( o, protocol=2 ) #protocol2 is python2 compatible
        #print( 'streaming bytes', len(b) )
        n = len( b ); d = STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE - n -4
        if n > STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE:
            print( 'ERROR: STREAM OVERFLOW:', n )
        padding = b'#' * d
        if n < 10: header = '000%s' %n
        elif n < 100: header = '00%s' %n
        elif n < 1000: header = '0%s' %n
        else: header = '%s' %n
        header = bytes( header, 'utf-8' )
        assert len(header) == 4
        w = header + b + padding
        assert len(w) == STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE
        self.buffer.insert(0, w )
        return w

    def multires_lod( self ):
        Ogre builtin LOD sucks for character animation
        ob = bpy.context.active_object
        cam = bpy.context.scene.camera

        if ob and cam and ob.type=='MESH' and ob.use_multires_lod:
            delta = bpy.context.active_object.matrix_world.to_translation() - cam.matrix_world.to_translation()
            dist = delta.length
            #print( 'Distance', dist )
            if ob.modifiers and ob.modifiers[0].type == 'MULTIRES' and ob.modifiers[0].total_levels > 1:
                mod = ob.modifiers[0]
                step = ob.multires_lod_range / mod.total_levels
                level = mod.total_levels - int( dist / step )
                if mod.levels != level: mod.levels = level
                return level

    def sync( self ):   # 153 bytes per object + n bytes for animation names and weights
        LOD = self.multires_lod()

        p = STREAM_PROTO
        i = 0; msg = []
        for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects:
            if ob.type not in ('MESH','LAMP','SPEAKER'): continue
            loc, rot, scale = ob.matrix_world.decompose()
            loc = swap(loc).to_tuple()
            x,y,z = swap( rot.to_euler() )
            rot = (x,y,z)
            x,y,z = swap( scale )
            scale = ( abs(x), abs(y), abs(z) )
            d = { p['ID']:uid(ob), p['POSITION']:loc, p['ROTATION']:rot, p['SCALE']:scale, p['TYPE']:p[ob.type] }
            msg.append( d )

            if ob.name == bpy.context.active_object.name and LOD is not None:
                d[ p['LOD'] ] = LOD

            if ob.type == 'MESH':
                arm = ob.find_armature()
                if arm and arm.animation_data and arm.animation_data.nla_tracks:
                    anim = None
                    d[ p['ANIMATIONS'] ] = state = {}    # animation-name : weight
                    for nla in arm.animation_data.nla_tracks:
                        for strip in nla.strips:
                            if strip.active: state[ strip.name ] = strip.influence
                else: pass      # armature without proper NLA setup
            elif ob.type == 'LAMP':
                d[ p['ENERGY'] ] = ob.data.energy
                d[ p['DISTANCE'] ] = ob.data.distance
            elif ob.type == 'SPEAKER':
                d[ p['VOLUME'] ] = ob.data.volume
                d[ p['MUTE'] ] = ob.data.muted

            if i >= 10: break    # max is 13 objects to stay under 2048 bytes
        return msg

    def __init__(self):
        import socket
        self.buffer = []    # cmd buffer
        self.socket = sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)   # UDP
        host='localhost'; port = 9420
        sock.connect((host, port))
        print('SERVER: socket connected', sock)
        self._handle = None
        self.setup_callback( bpy.context )
        import threading
        self.ready = threading._allocate_lock()
        self.ID = threading._start_new_thread(
            self.loop, (None,)
        print( 'SERVER: thread started')

    def loop(self, none):
        self.active = True
        prev = time.time()
        while self.active:
            if not self.ready.locked(): time.sleep(0.001)    # not threadsafe
            else:    # threadsafe start
                now = time.time()
                if now - prev > 0.066:            # don't flood Tundra
                    actob = None
                    try: actob = bpy.context.active_object
                    except: pass
                    if not actob: continue
                    prev = now
                    sel = bpy.context.active_object
                    msg = self.sync()
                    self.ready.release()          # thread release
                    self.stream( msg )            # releases GIL?
                    if self.buffer:
                        bin = self.buffer.pop()
                            self.socket.sendall( bin )
                            print('SERVER: send data error')
                    else: print( 'SERVER: empty buffer' )
        print('SERVER: thread exit')

    def threadsafe( self, reg ):
        if not TundraSingleton: return
        if not self.ready.locked():
            while self.ready.locked():    # must block to be safe
                time.sleep(0.0001)            # wait for unlock
        else: pass #time.sleep(0.033) dont block

    _handle = None
    def setup_callback( self, context ):        # TODO replace with a proper frame update callback
        print('SERVER: setup frame update callback')
        if self._handle: return self._handle
        for area in bpy.context.window.screen.areas:
            if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
                for reg in area.regions:
                    if reg.type == 'WINDOW':
                        # PRE_VIEW, POST_VIEW, POST_PIXEL
                        self._handle = reg.callback_add(self.threadsafe, (reg,), 'PRE_VIEW' )
                        self._area = area
                        self._region = reg
        if not self._handle:
            print('SERVER: FAILED to setup frame update callback')

def _create_stream_proto():
    proto = {}
    for i,tag in enumerate( tags ):
        proto[ tag ] = chr(i) # up to 256
    return proto

STREAM_PROTO = _create_stream_proto()

# this file was generated by blender2ogre #
import tundra, socket, select, pickle
globals().update( %s )
E = {}    # this is just for debugging from the pyconsole

def get_entity(ID):
    scn = tundra.Scene().MainCameraScene()
    return scn.GetEntityRaw( ID )

class Client(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.socket = sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        host='localhost'; port = 9420
        sock.bind((host, port))
        self._animated = {}    # entity ID : { anim-name : weight }

    def update(self, delay):
        global E
        sock = self.socket
        poll = select.select( [ sock ], [], [], 0.01 )
        if not poll[0]: return True
        data = sock.recv( STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE )
        assert len(data) == STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE
        if not data:
            print( 'blender crashed?' )
        header = data[ : 4]
        s = data[ 4 : int(header)+4 ]
        objects = pickle.loads( s )
        scn = tundra.Scene().MainCameraScene()    # replaces GetDefaultScene()
        for ob in objects:
            e = scn.GetEntityRaw( ob[ID] )
            if not e: continue
            x,y,z = ob[POSITION]
            e.placeable.SetPosition( x,y,z )
            x,y,z = ob[SCALE]
            e.placeable.SetScale( x,y,z )
            #e.placeable.SetOrientation( ob[ROTATION] )

            if ob[TYPE] == LAMP:
                e.light.range = ob[ DISTANCE ]
                e.light.brightness = ob[ ENERGY ]
                #e.light.diffColor = !! not wrapped !!
                #e.light.specColor = !! not wrapped !!
            elif ob[TYPE] == SPEAKER:
                e.sound.soundGain = ob[VOLUME]
                #e.sound.soundInnerRadius =
                #e.sound.soundOuterRadius =
                if ob[MUTE]: e.sound.StopSound()
                else: e.sound.PlaySound()   # tundra API needs sound.IsPlaying()

            if ANIMATIONS in ob:
                self.update_animation( e, ob )

            if LOD in ob:
                #print( 'LOD', ob[LOD] )
                index = e.id + ob[LOD] + 1
                for i in range(1,9):
                    elod = get_entity( e.id + i )
                    if elod:
                        if elod.id == index and not elod.placeable.visible:
                            elod.placeable.visible = True
                        elif elod.id != index and elod.placeable.visible:
                            elod.placeable.visible = False

            if ob[ID] not in E: E[ ob[ID] ] = e

    def update_animation( self, e, ob ):
        if ob[ID] not in self._animated:
            self._animated[ ob[ID] ] = {}
        state = self._animated[ ob[ID] ]
        ac = e.animationcontroller
        for aname in ob[ ANIMATIONS ]:
            if aname not in state:      # save weight of new animation
                state[ aname ] = ob[ANIMATIONS][aname]  # weight
        for aname in state:
            if aname not in ob[ANIMATIONS] and ac.IsAnimationActive( aname ):
                ac.StopAnim( aname, '0.0' )
            elif aname in ob[ANIMATIONS]:
                weight = ob[ANIMATIONS][aname]
                if ac.HasAnimationFinished( aname ):
                    ac.PlayLoopedAnim( aname, '1.0', 'false' )      # PlayAnim(...) TODO single playback
                    ok = ac.SetAnimationWeight( aname, weight )
                    state[ aname ] = weight

                if weight != state[ aname ]:
                    ok = ac.SetAnimationWeight( aname, weight )
                    state[ aname ] = weight

client = Client()
tundra.Frame().connect( 'Updated(float)', client.update )
print('blender2ogre plugin ok')

class TundraPipe(object):
    CONFIG_PATH = '/tmp/rex/plugins.xml'
    TUNDRA_SCRIPT_PATH = '/tmp/rex/b2ogre_plugin.py'
    CONFIG_XML = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- plugins.xml is hardcoded to be the default configuration file to load if another file is not specified on the command line with the "config filename.xml" parameter. -->
  <plugin path="OgreRenderingModule" />
  <plugin path="EnvironmentModule" />           <!-- EnvironmentModule depends on OgreRenderingModule -->
  <plugin path="PhysicsModule" />               <!-- PhysicsModule depends on OgreRenderingModule and EnvironmentModule -->
  <plugin path="TundraProtocolModule" />        <!-- TundraProtocolModule depends on OgreRenderingModule -->
  <plugin path="JavascriptModule" />            <!-- JavascriptModule depends on TundraProtocolModule -->
  <plugin path="AssetModule" />                 <!-- AssetModule depends on TundraProtocolModule -->
  <plugin path="AvatarModule" />                <!-- AvatarModule depends on AssetModule and OgreRenderingModule -->
  <plugin path="ECEditorModule" />              <!-- ECEditorModule depends on OgreRenderingModule, TundraProtocolModule, OgreRenderingModule and AssetModule -->
  <plugin path="SkyXHydrax" />                  <!-- SkyXHydrax depends on OgreRenderingModule -->
  <plugin path="OgreAssetEditorModule" />       <!-- OgreAssetEditorModule depends on OgreRenderingModule -->
  <plugin path="DebugStatsModule" />            <!-- DebugStatsModule depends on OgreRenderingModule, EnvironmentModule and AssetModule -->
  <plugin path="SceneWidgetComponents" />       <!-- SceneWidgetComponents depends on OgreRenderingModule and TundraProtocolModule -->
  <plugin path="PythonScriptModule" />

  <!-- TODO: Currently the above <plugin> items are loaded in the order they are specified, but below, the jsplugin items are loaded in an undefined order. Use the order specified here as the load order. -->
  <!-- NOTE: The startup .js scripts are specified only by base name of the file. Don's specify a path here. Place the startup .js scripts to /bin/jsmodules/startup/. -->
  <!-- Important: The file names specified here are case sensitive even on Windows! -->
  <jsplugin path="cameraapplication.js" />
  <jsplugin path="FirstPersonMouseLook.js" />
  <jsplugin path="MenuBar.js" />

  <!-- Python plugins -->
  <!-- <pyplugin path="lib/apitests.py" /> -->          <!-- Runs framework api tests -->
  <pyplugin path="%s" />         <!-- shows qt py console. could enable by default when add to menu etc. for controls, now just shows directly when is enabled here -->

  <option name="--accept_unknown_http_sources" />
  <option name="--accept_unknown_local_sources" />
  <option name="--fpslimit" value="60" />
  <!--  AssetAPI's file system watcher currently disabled because LocalAssetProvider implements
        the same functionality for LocalAssetStorages and HTTPAssetProviders do not yet support live-update. -->
  <option name="--nofilewatcher" />


    def __init__(self, context, debug=False):
        self._physics_debug = True
        self._objects = []
        self.proc = None
        exe = None
        if 'Tundra.exe' in os.listdir( CONFIG['TUNDRA_ROOT'] ):
            exe = os.path.join( CONFIG['TUNDRA_ROOT'], 'Tundra.exe' )
        elif 'Tundra' in os.listdir( CONFIG['TUNDRA_ROOT'] ):
            exe = os.path.join( CONFIG['TUNDRA_ROOT'], 'Tundra' )

        cmd = []
        if not exe:
            print('ERROR: failed to find Tundra executable')
            assert 0
        elif sys.platform.startswith('win'):
            if exe.endswith('.exe'): cmd.append('wine')     # assume user has Wine
            cmd.append( exe )
        if debug:

            cmd.append( '--config' )
            cmd.append( self.CONFIG_PATH )
            with open( self.CONFIG_PATH, 'wb' ) as fp: fp.write( bytes(self.CONFIG_XML,'utf-8') )
            with open( self.TUNDRA_SCRIPT_PATH, 'wb' ) as fp: fp.write( bytes(TUNDRA_SCRIPT,'utf-8') )
            self.server = Server()

        #cmd += ['--file', '/tmp/rex/preview.txml']     # tundra2.1.2 bug loading from --file ignores entity ID's
        cmd.append( '--storage' )
        if sys.platform.startswith('win'): cmd.append( 'C:\\tmp\\rex' )
        else: cmd.append( '/tmp/rex' )
        self.proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=CONFIG['TUNDRA_ROOT'])

        self.physics = True
        if self.proc:
            self.load( context, '/tmp/rex/preview.txml' )

    def deselect_previously_updated(self, context):
        r = []
        for ob in context.selected_objects:
            if ob.name in self._objects: ob.select = False; r.append( ob )
        return r

    def load( self, context, url, clear=False ):
        self._objects += [ob.name for ob in context.selected_objects]
        if clear:
            self.proc.stdin.write( b'loadscene(/tmp/rex/preview.txml,true,true)\n')
            self.proc.stdin.write( b'loadscene(/tmp/rex/preview.txml,false,true)\n')
            global TundraSingleton
            TundraSingleton = None

    def start( self ):
        self.physics = True
        self.proc.stdin.write( b'startphysics\n' )
        try: self.proc.stdin.flush()
            global TundraSingleton
            TundraSingleton = None

    def stop( self ):
        self.physics = False
        self.proc.stdin.write( b'stopphysics\n' )
        try: self.proc.stdin.flush()
            global TundraSingleton
            TundraSingleton = None

    def toggle_physics_debug( self ):
        self._physics_debug = not self._physics_debug
        self.proc.stdin.write( b'physicsdebug\n' )
        try: self.proc.stdin.flush()
            global TundraSingleton
            TundraSingleton = None

    def exit(self):
        self.proc.stdin.write( b'exit\n' )
        global TundraSingleton
        TundraSingleton = None

## More UI

class MENU_preview_material_text(bpy.types.Menu):
    bl_label = 'preview'

    def poll(self,context):
        if context.active_object and context.active_object.active_material:
            return True

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        mat = context.active_object.active_material
        if mat:
            #CONFIG['TOUCH_TEXTURES'] = False
            preview = generate_material( mat )
            for line in preview.splitlines():
                if line.strip():
                    for ww in wordwrap( line ):

class INFO_HT_myheader(bpy.types.Header):
    bl_space_type = 'INFO'
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        wm = context.window_manager
        window = context.window
        scene = context.scene
        rd = scene.render
        ob = context.active_object
        screen = context.screen


        if _USE_JMONKEY_:
            row = layout.row(align=True)
            op = row.operator( 'jmonkey.preview', text='', icon='MONKEY' )

        if _USE_TUNDRA_:
            row = layout.row(align=True)
            op = row.operator( 'tundra.preview', text='', icon='WORLD' )
            if TundraSingleton:
                op = row.operator( 'tundra.preview', text='', icon='META_CUBE' )
                op.EX_SCENE = False
                if not TundraSingleton.physics:
                    op = row.operator( 'tundra.start_physics', text='', icon='PLAY' )
                    op = row.operator( 'tundra.stop_physics', text='', icon='PAUSE' )
                op = row.operator( 'tundra.toggle_physics_debug', text='', icon='MOD_PHYSICS' )
                op = row.operator( 'tundra.exit', text='', icon='CANCEL' )

        op = layout.operator( 'ogremeshy.preview', text='', icon='PLUGIN' ); op.mesh = True

        row = layout.row(align=True)
        sub = row.row(align=True)
        if rd.use_game_engine: sub.menu("INFO_MT_game")
        else: sub.menu("INFO_MT_render")

        row = layout.row(align=False); row.scale_x = 1.25
        row.menu("INFO_MT_instances", icon='NODETREE', text='')
        row.menu("INFO_MT_groups", icon='GROUP', text='')

        if not context.area.show_menus:
            if window.screen.show_fullscreen: layout.operator("screen.back_to_previous", icon='SCREEN_BACK', text="Back to Previous")
            else: layout.template_ID(context.window, "screen", new="screen.new", unlink="screen.delete")
            layout.template_ID(context.screen, "scene", new="scene.new", unlink="scene.delete")

            if rd.has_multiple_engines: layout.prop(rd, "engine", text="")

            layout.menu( "INFO_MT_help" )
            layout.template_ID(context.window, "screen", new="screen.new", unlink="screen.delete")

            if ob:
                row = layout.row(align=True)
                row.prop( ob, 'name', text='' )
                row.prop( ob, 'draw_type', text='' )
                row.prop( ob, 'show_x_ray', text='' )
                row = layout.row()
                row.scale_y = 0.75; row.scale_x = 0.9
                row.prop( ob, 'layers', text='' )

            row = layout.row(align=True); row.scale_x = 1.1
            row.prop(scene.game_settings, 'material_mode', text='')
            row.prop(scene, 'camera', text='')

            layout.menu( 'MENU_preview_material_text', icon='TEXT', text='' )

            layout.menu( "INFO_MT_ogre_docs" )
            layout.operator("wm.window_fullscreen_toggle", icon='FULLSCREEN_ENTER', text="")
            if OgreToggleInterfaceOp.TOGGLE: layout.operator('ogre.toggle_interface', text='Ogre', icon='CHECKBOX_DEHLT')
            else: layout.operator('ogre.toggle_interface', text='Ogre', icon='CHECKBOX_HLT')

def export_menu_func_ogre(self, context):
    op = self.layout.operator(INFO_OT_createOgreExport.bl_idname, text="Ogre3D (.scene and .mesh)")
def export_menu_func_realxtend(self, context):
    op = self.layout.operator(INFO_OT_createRealxtendExport.bl_idname, text="realXtend Tundra (.txml and .mesh)")

    _header_ = bpy.types.INFO_HT_header
    print('---blender2ogre addon enable---')

## Toggle button for blender2ogre UI panels

class OgreToggleInterfaceOp(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''Toggle Ogre UI'''
    bl_idname = "ogre.toggle_interface"
    bl_label = "Ogre UI"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
    TOGGLE = True  #restore_minimal_interface()

    def poll(cls, context):
        return True

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        #global _header_
        if OgreToggleInterfaceOp.TOGGLE: #_header_:
            print( 'ogre.toggle_interface ENABLE' )
            #_header_ = bpy.types.INFO_HT_header
            try: bpy.utils.unregister_class(_header_)
            except: pass
            bpy.utils.unregister_class( INFO_HT_microheader )   # moved to custom header
            OgreToggleInterfaceOp.TOGGLE = False
            print( 'ogre.toggle_interface DISABLE' )
            #bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__); # this is not safe, can segfault blender, why?
            OgreToggleInterfaceOp.TOGGLE = True
        return {'FINISHED'}

class INFO_HT_microheader(bpy.types.Header):
    bl_space_type = 'INFO'
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
            if OgreToggleInterfaceOp.TOGGLE:
                layout.operator('ogre.toggle_interface', text='Ogre', icon='CHECKBOX_DEHLT')
                layout.operator('ogre.toggle_interface', text='Ogre', icon='CHECKBOX_HLT')
        except: pass    # STILL REQUIRED?

def get_minimal_interface_classes():
    return INFO_OT_createOgreExport, INFO_OT_createRealxtendExport, OgreToggleInterfaceOp, MiniReport, INFO_HT_microheader

_USE_TUNDRA_ = False

def restore_minimal_interface():
    #if not hasattr( bpy.ops.ogre..   #always true
    for cls in get_minimal_interface_classes():
        try: bpy.utils.register_class( cls )
        except: pass
    return False

        bpy.utils.register_class( INFO_HT_microheader )
        for op in get_minimal_interface_classes(): bpy.utils.register_class( op )
        return False
        print( 'b2ogre minimal UI already setup' )
        return True

MyShaders = None

def register():
    print('Starting blender2ogre', VERSION)
    global MyShaders, _header_, _USE_TUNDRA_, _USE_JMONKEY_
    #bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)    ## do not load all the ogre panels by default
    #_header_ = bpy.types.INFO_HT_header

    # only test for Tundra2 once - do not do this every panel redraw ##
    if os.path.isdir( CONFIG['TUNDRA_ROOT'] ): _USE_TUNDRA_ = True
    else: _USE_TUNDRA_ = False
    #if os.path.isdir( CONFIG['JMONKEY_ROOT'] ): _USE_JMONKEY_ = True
    #else: _USE_JMONKEY_ = False



    if os.path.isdir( CONFIG['USER_MATERIALS'] ):
        scripts,progs = update_parent_material_path( CONFIG['USER_MATERIALS'] )
        for prog in progs:
            print('Ogre shader program', prog.name)
        print('[WARNING]: Invalid my-shaders path' )

def unregister():
    print('Unloading blender2ogre', VERSION)
    header = _header_
    if header: 

## Blender world panel options for EC_SkyX creation
## todo: EC_SkyX has changes a bit lately, see that
## all these options are still correct and valid
## old todo (?): Move to tundra.py

bpy.types.World.ogre_skyX = BoolProperty(
    name="enable sky", description="ogre sky",
bpy.types.World.ogre_skyX_time = FloatProperty(
    name="Time Multiplier",
    description="change speed of day/night cycle",
    min=0.0, max=5.0
bpy.types.World.ogre_skyX_wind = FloatProperty(
    name="Wind Direction",
    description="change direction of wind",
    min=0.0, max=360.0
bpy.types.World.ogre_skyX_volumetric_clouds = BoolProperty(
    name="volumetric clouds", description="toggle ogre volumetric clouds",
bpy.types.World.ogre_skyX_cloud_density_x = FloatProperty(
    name="Cloud Density X",
    description="change density of volumetric clouds on X",
    min=0.0, max=5.0
bpy.types.World.ogre_skyX_cloud_density_y = FloatProperty(
    name="Cloud Density Y",
    description="change density of volumetric clouds on Y",
    min=0.0, max=5.0

## Sky UI panel

class OgreSkyPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
    bl_context = "world"
    bl_label = "Ogre Sky Settings"

    def poll(cls, context):
        return True

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        box = layout.box()
        box.prop( context.world, 'ogre_skyX' )
        if context.world.ogre_skyX:
            box.prop( context.world, 'ogre_skyX_time' )
            box.prop( context.world, 'ogre_skyX_wind' )
            box.prop( context.world, 'ogre_skyX_volumetric_clouds' )
            if context.world.ogre_skyX_volumetric_clouds:
                box.prop( context.world, 'ogre_skyX_cloud_density_x' )
                box.prop( context.world, 'ogre_skyX_cloud_density_y' )

class OgreProgram(object):
    parses .program scripts
    saves bytes to copy later

    self.name = name of program reference
    self.source = name of shader program (.cg, .glsl)

    def save( self, path ):
        print('saving program to', path)
        f = open( os.path.join(path,self.source), 'wb' )
        f.write(self.source_bytes )
        for name in self.includes:
            f = open( os.path.join(path,name), 'wb' )
            f.write( self.includes[name] )

    PROGRAMS = {}
    SOURCES = {}

    def reload(self): # only one directory is allowed to hold shader programs
        if self.source not in os.listdir( CONFIG['SHADER_PROGRAMS'] ):
            print( 'ERROR: ogre material %s is missing source: %s' %(self.name,self.source) )
            print( CONFIG['SHADER_PROGRAMS'] )
            return False
        url = os.path.join(  CONFIG['SHADER_PROGRAMS'], self.source )
        print('shader source:', url)
        self.source_bytes = open( url, 'rb' ).read()#.decode('utf-8')
        print('shader source num bytes:', len(self.source_bytes))
        data = self.source_bytes.decode('utf-8')

        for line in data.splitlines():  # only cg shaders use the include macro?
            if line.startswith('#include') and line.count('"')==2:
                name = line.split()[-1].replace('"','').strip()
                print('shader includes:', name)
                url = os.path.join(  CONFIG['SHADER_PROGRAMS'], name )
                self.includes[ name ] = open( url, 'rb' ).read()
        return True

    def __init__(self, name='', data=''):
        self.data = data.strip()
        self.source = None
        self.includes = {} # cg files may use #include something.cg

        if self.name in OgreProgram.PROGRAMS:
            print('---copy ogreprogram---', self.name)
            other = OgreProgram.PROGRAMS
            self.source = other.source
            self.data = other.data
            self.entry_point = other.entry_point
            self.profiles = other.profiles

        if data: self.parse( self.data )
        if self.name: OgreProgram.PROGRAMS[ self.name ] = self

    def parse( self, txt ):
        self.data = txt
        print('--parsing ogre shader program--' )
        for line in self.data.splitlines():
            line = line.split('//')[0]
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith('vertex_program') or line.startswith('fragment_program'):
                a, self.name, self.type = line.split()

            elif line.startswith('source'): self.source = line.split()[-1]
            elif line.startswith('entry_point'): self.entry_point = line.split()[-1]
            elif line.startswith('profiles'): self.profiles = line.split()[1:]

## Ogre Material object(s) that is utilized during export stages

class OgreMaterialScript(object):
    def get_programs(self):
        progs = []
        for name in list(self.vertex_programs.keys()) + list(self.fragment_programs.keys()):
            p = get_shader_program( name )  # OgreProgram.PROGRAMS
            if p: progs.append( p )
        return progs

    def __init__(self, txt, url):
        self.url = url
        self.data = txt.strip()
        self.parent = None
        self.vertex_programs = {}
        self.fragment_programs = {}
        self.texture_units = {}
        self.texture_units_order = []
        self.passes = []

        line = self.data.splitlines()[0]
        assert line.startswith('material')
        if ':' in line:
            line, self.parent = line.split(':')
        self.name = line.split()[-1]
        print( 'new ogre material: %s' %self.name )

        brace = 0
        self.techniques = techs = []
        prog = None  # pick up program params
        tex = None  # pick up texture_unit options, require "texture" ?
        for line in self.data.splitlines():
            #print( line )
            rawline = line
            line = line.split('//')[0]
            line = line.strip()
            if not line: continue

            if line == '{': brace += 1
            elif line == '}': brace -= 1; prog = None; tex = None

            if line.startswith( 'technique' ):
                tech = {'passes':[]}; techs.append( tech )
                if len(line.split()) > 1: tech['technique-name'] = line.split()[-1]
            elif techs:
                if line.startswith('pass'):
                    P = {'texture_units':[], 'vprogram':None, 'fprogram':None, 'body':[]}
                    tech['passes'].append( P )
                    self.passes.append( P )

                elif tech['passes']:
                    P = tech['passes'][-1]
                    P['body'].append( rawline )

                    if line == '{' or line == '}': continue

                    if line.startswith('vertex_program_ref'):
                        prog = P['vprogram'] = {'name':line.split()[-1], 'params':{}}
                        self.vertex_programs[ prog['name'] ] = prog
                    elif line.startswith('fragment_program_ref'):
                        prog = P['fprogram'] = {'name':line.split()[-1], 'params':{}}
                        self.fragment_programs[ prog['name'] ] = prog

                    elif line.startswith('texture_unit'):
                        prog = None
                        tex = {'name':line.split()[-1], 'params':{}}
                        if tex['name'] == 'texture_unit': # ignore unnamed texture units
                            print('WARNING: material %s contains unnamed texture_units' %self.name)
                            print('---unnamed texture units will be ignored---')
                            P['texture_units'].append( tex )
                            self.texture_units[ tex['name'] ] = tex
                            self.texture_units_order.append( tex['name'] )

                    elif prog:
                        p = line.split()[0]
                        if p=='param_named':
                            items = line.split()
                            if len(items) == 4: p, o, t, v = items
                            elif len(items) == 3:
                                p, o, v = items
                                t = 'class'
                            elif len(items) > 4:
                                o = items[1]; t = items[2]
                                v = items[3:]

                            opt = { 'name': o, 'type':t, 'raw_value':v }
                            prog['params'][ o ] = opt
                            if t=='float': opt['value'] = float(v)
                            elif t in 'float2 float3 float4'.split(): opt['value'] = [ float(a) for a in v ]
                            else: print('unknown type:', t)

                    elif tex:   # (not used)
                        tex['params'][ line.split()[0] ] = line.split()[ 1 : ]

        for P in self.passes:
            lines = P['body']
            while lines and ''.join(lines).count('{')!=''.join(lines).count('}'):
                if lines[-1].strip() == '}': lines.pop()
                else: break
            P['body'] = '\n'.join( lines )
            assert P['body'].count('{') == P['body'].count('}')     # if this fails, the parser choked

        #print( self.techniques )
        self.hidden_texture_units = rem = []
        for tex in self.texture_units.values():
            if 'texture' not in tex['params']:
                rem.append( tex )
        for tex in rem:
            print('WARNING: not using texture_unit because it lacks a "texture" parameter', tex['name'])
            self.texture_units.pop( tex['name'] )

        if len(self.techniques)>1:
            print('WARNING: user material %s has more than one technique' %self.url)

    def as_abstract_passes( self ):
        r = []
        for i,P in enumerate(self.passes):
            head = 'abstract pass %s/PASS%s' %(self.name,i)
            r.append( head + '\n' + P['body'] )
        return r

class MaterialScripts(object):
    ENUM_ITEMS = []

    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url
        self.data = ''
        data = open( url, 'rb' ).read()
            self.data = data.decode('utf-8')
            self.data = data.decode('latin-1')

        self.materials = {}
        ## chop up .material file, find all material defs ####
        mats = []
        mat = []
        skip = False    # for now - programs must be defined in .program files, not in the .material
        for line in self.data.splitlines():
            if not line.strip(): continue
            a = line.split()[0]             #NOTE ".split()" strips white space
            if a == 'material':
                mat = []; mats.append( mat )
                mat.append( line )
            elif a in ('vertex_program', 'fragment_program', 'abstract'):
                skip = True
            elif mat and not skip:
                mat.append( line )
            elif skip and line=='}':
                skip = False

        for mat in mats:
            omat = OgreMaterialScript( '\n'.join( mat ), url )
            if omat.name in self.ALL_MATERIALS:
                print( 'WARNING: material %s redefined' %omat.name )
                #print( '--OLD MATERIAL--')
                #print( self.ALL_MATERIALS[ omat.name ].data )
                #print( '--NEW MATERIAL--')
                #print( omat.data )
            self.materials[ omat.name ] = omat
            self.ALL_MATERIALS[ omat.name ] = omat
            if omat.vertex_programs or omat.fragment_programs:  # ignore materials without programs
                self.ENUM_ITEMS.append( (omat.name, omat.name, url) )

    @classmethod # only call after parsing all material scripts
    def reset_rna(self, callback=None):
        bpy.types.Material.ogre_parent_material = EnumProperty(
            name="Script Inheritence",
            description='ogre parent material class',

## Image/texture proecssing

def is_image_postprocessed( image ):
    if CONFIG['FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT'] != 'NONE' or image.use_resize_half or image.use_resize_absolute or image.use_color_quantize or image.use_convert_format:
        return True
        return False

class _image_processing_( object ):
    def _reformat( self, name, image ):
        if image.convert_format != 'NONE':
            name = '%s.%s' %(name[:name.rindex('.')], image.convert_format)
            if image.convert_format == 'dds': name = '_DDS_.%s' %name
        elif image.use_resize_half or image.use_resize_absolute or image.use_color_quantize or image.use_convert_format:
            name = '_magick_.%s' %name
        if CONFIG['FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT'] != 'NONE' and not name.endswith('.dds'):
            name = '%s.%s' %(name[:name.rindex('.')], CONFIG['FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT'])
            if CONFIG['FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT'] == 'dds':
                name = '_DDS_.%s' %name
        return name

    def image_magick( self, texture, infile ):
        print('IMAGE MAGICK', infile )
        if not os.path.isfile( exe ):
            Report.warnings.append( 'ImageMagick not installed!' )
            print( 'ERROR: can not find Image Magick - convert', exe ); return
        cmd = [ exe, infile ]
        ## enforce max size ##
        x,y = texture.image.size
        ax = texture.image.resize_x
        ay = texture.image.resize_y

        if texture.image.use_convert_format and texture.image.convert_format == 'jpg':
            cmd.append( '-quality' )
            cmd.append( '%s' %texture.image.jpeg_quality )

        if texture.image.use_resize_half:
            cmd.append( '-resize' )
            cmd.append( '%sx%s' %(x/2, y/2) )
        elif texture.image.use_resize_absolute and (x>ax or y>ay):
            cmd.append( '-resize' )
            cmd.append( '%sx%s' %(ax,ay) )

            cmd.append( '-resize' )
            cmd.append( str(CONFIG['MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE']) )

        if texture.image.use_color_quantize:
            if texture.image.use_color_quantize_dither:
                cmd.append( '+dither' )
            cmd.append( '-colors' )
            cmd.append( str(texture.image.color_quantize) )

        path,name = os.path.split( infile )
        #if (texture.image.use_convert_format and texture.image.convert_format == 'dds') or CONFIG['FORCE_IMAGE_FORMAT'] == 'dds':
        outfile = os.path.join( path, self._reformat(name,texture.image) )
        if outfile.endswith('.dds'):
            temp = os.path.join( path, '_temp_.png' )
            cmd.append( temp )
            print( 'IMAGE MAGICK: %s' %cmd )
            subprocess.call( cmd )
            self.nvcompress( texture, temp, outfile=outfile )

            cmd.append( outfile )
            print( 'IMAGE MAGICK: %s' %cmd )
            subprocess.call( cmd )

    def nvcompress(self, texture, infile, outfile=None, version=1, fast=False, blocking=True):
        print('[NVCompress DDS Wrapper]', infile )
        assert version in (1,2,3,4,5)
        exe = CONFIG['NVCOMPRESS']
        cmd = [ exe ]

        if texture.use_alpha and texture.image.depth==32:
            cmd.append( '-alpha' )
        if not texture.use_mipmap:
            cmd.append( '-nomips' )

        if texture.use_normal_map:
            cmd.append( '-normal' )
            if version in (1,3):
                cmd.append( '-bc%sn' %version )
                cmd.append( '-bc%s' %version )
            cmd.append( '-bc%s' %version )

        if fast:
            cmd.append( '-fast' )
        cmd.append( infile )

        if outfile: cmd.append( outfile )

        print( cmd )
        if blocking:
            subprocess.call( cmd )
            subprocess.Popen( cmd )

## NVIDIA texture compress documentation

_nvcompress_doc = '''
usage: nvcompress [options] infile [outfile]

Input options:
  -color       The input image is a color map (default).
  -alpha         The input image has an alpha channel used for transparency.
  -normal      The input image is a normal map.
  -tonormal    Convert input to normal map.
  -clamp       Clamp wrapping mode (default).
  -repeat      Repeat wrapping mode.
  -nomips      Disable mipmap generation.

Compression options:
  -fast        Fast compression.
  -nocuda      Do not use cuda compressor.
  -rgb         RGBA format
  -bc1         BC1 format (DXT1)
  -bc1n        BC1 normal map format (DXT1nm)
  -bc1a        BC1 format with binary alpha (DXT1a)
  -bc2         BC2 format (DXT3)
  -bc3         BC3 format (DXT5)
  -bc3n        BC3 normal map format (DXT5nm)
  -bc4         BC4 format (ATI1)
  -bc5         BC5 format (3Dc/ATI2)

class OgreMaterialGenerator( _image_processing_ ):
    def __init__(self, material, path='/tmp', touch_textures=False ):
        self.material = material # top level material
        self.path = path         # copy textures to path
        self.passes = []
        self.touch_textures = touch_textures
        if material.node_tree:
            nodes = bpyShaders.get_subnodes( self.material.node_tree, type='MATERIAL_EXT' )
            for node in nodes:
                if node.material:
                    self.passes.append( node.material )

    def get_active_programs(self):
        r = []
        for mat in self.passes:
            if mat.use_ogre_parent_material and mat.ogre_parent_material:
                usermat = get_ogre_user_material( mat.ogre_parent_material )
                for prog in usermat.get_programs(): r.append( prog )
        return r

    def get_header(self):
        r = []
        for mat in self.passes:
            if mat.use_ogre_parent_material and mat.ogre_parent_material:
                usermat = get_ogre_user_material( mat.ogre_parent_material )
                r.append( '// user material: %s' %usermat.name )
                for prog in usermat.get_programs():
                    r.append( prog.data )
                r.append( '// abstract passes //' )
                r += usermat.as_abstract_passes()
        return '\n'.join( r )

    def get_passes(self):
        r = []
        r.append( self.generate_pass(self.material) )
        for mat in self.passes:
            if mat.use_in_ogre_material_pass: # submaterials
                r.append( self.generate_pass(mat) )
        return r

    def generate_pass( self, mat, pass_name=None ):
        usermat = texnodes = None
        if mat.use_ogre_parent_material and mat.ogre_parent_material:
            usermat = get_ogre_user_material( mat.ogre_parent_material )
            texnodes = bpyShaders.get_texture_subnodes( self.material, mat )

        M = ''
        if not pass_name: pass_name = mat.name
        if usermat:
            M += indent(2, 'pass %s : %s/PASS0' %(pass_name,usermat.name), '{' )
            M += indent(2, 'pass %s'%pass_name, '{' )

        color = mat.diffuse_color
        alpha = 1.0
        if mat.use_transparency:
            alpha = mat.alpha

        slots = get_image_textures( mat )        # returns texture_slot objects (CLASSIC MATERIAL)
        usealpha = False #mat.ogre_depth_write
        for slot in slots:
            #if slot.use_map_alpha and slot.texture.use_alpha: usealpha = True; break
            if slot.texture.use_alpha: usealpha = True; break

        ## force material alpha to 1.0 if textures use_alpha?
        #if usealpha: alpha = 1.0    # let the alpha of the texture control material alpha?

        if mat.use_fixed_pipeline:
            f = mat.ambient
            if mat.use_vertex_color_paint:
                M += indent(3, 'ambient vertexcolour' )
            else:        # fall back to basic material
                M += indent(3, 'ambient %s %s %s %s' %(color.r*f, color.g*f, color.b*f, alpha) )

            f = mat.diffuse_intensity
            if mat.use_vertex_color_paint:
                M += indent(3, 'diffuse vertexcolour' )
            else:        # fall back to basic material
                M += indent(3, 'diffuse %s %s %s %s' %(color.r*f, color.g*f, color.b*f, alpha) )

            f = mat.specular_intensity
            s = mat.specular_color
            M += indent(3, 'specular %s %s %s %s %s' %(s.r*f, s.g*f, s.b*f, alpha, mat.specular_hardness/4.0) )

            f = mat.emit
            if mat.use_shadeless:     # requested by Borris
                M += indent(3, 'emissive %s %s %s 1.0' %(color.r, color.g, color.b) )
            elif mat.use_vertex_color_light:
                M += indent(3, 'emissive vertexcolour' )
                M += indent(3, 'emissive %s %s %s %s' %(color.r*f, color.g*f, color.b*f, alpha) )
            M += '\n' # pretty printing

        if mat.offset_z:
            M += indent(3, 'depth_bias %s'%mat.offset_z )

        for name in dir(mat):   #mat.items() - items returns custom props not pyRNA:
            if name.startswith('ogre_') and name != 'ogre_parent_material':
                var = getattr(mat,name)
                op = name.replace('ogre_', '')
                val = var
                if type(var) == bool:
                    if var: val = 'on'
                    else: val = 'off'
                M += indent( 3, '%s %s' %(op,val) )
        M += '\n' # pretty printing

        if texnodes and usermat.texture_units:
            for i,name in enumerate(usermat.texture_units_order):
                if i<len(texnodes):
                    node = texnodes[i]
                    if node.texture:
                        geo = bpyShaders.get_connected_input_nodes( self.material, node )[0]
                        M += self.generate_texture_unit( node.texture, name=name, uv_layer=geo.uv_layer )
        elif slots:
            for slot in slots:
                M += self.generate_texture_unit( slot.texture, slot=slot )

        M += indent(2, '}' )    # end pass
        return M

    def generate_texture_unit(self, texture, slot=None, name=None, uv_layer=None):
        if not hasattr(texture, 'image'):
            print('WARNING: texture must be of type IMAGE->', texture)
            return ''
        if not texture.image:
            print('WARNING: texture has no image assigned->', texture)
            return ''
        #if slot: print(dir(slot))
        if slot and not slot.use: return ''

        path = self.path    #CONFIG['PATH']

        M = ''; _alphahack = None
        if not name: name = ''      #texture.name   # (its unsafe to use texture block name)
        M += indent(3, 'texture_unit %s' %name, '{' )

        if texture.library: # support library linked textures
            libpath = os.path.split( bpy.path.abspath(texture.library.filepath) )[0]
            iurl = bpy.path.abspath( texture.image.filepath, libpath )
            iurl = bpy.path.abspath( texture.image.filepath )

        postname = texname = os.path.split(iurl)[-1]
        destpath = path

        if texture.image.packed_file:
            orig = texture.image.filepath
            iurl = os.path.join(path, texname)
            if '.' not in iurl:
                print('WARNING: packed image is of unknown type - assuming PNG format')
                iurl += '.png'
                texname = postname = os.path.split(iurl)[-1]

            if not os.path.isfile( iurl ):
                if self.touch_textures:
                    print('MESSAGE: unpacking image: ', iurl)
                    texture.image.filepath = iurl
                    texture.image.filepath = orig
                print('MESSAGE: packed image already in temp, not updating', iurl)

        if is_image_postprocessed( texture.image ):
            postname = self._reformat( texname, texture.image )
            print('MESSAGE: image postproc',postname)

        M += indent(4, 'texture %s' %postname )

        exmode = texture.extension
        if exmode in TextureUnit.tex_address_mode:
            M += indent(4, 'tex_address_mode %s' %TextureUnit.tex_address_mode[exmode] )

        # TODO - hijack nodes for better control?
        if slot:        # classic blender material slot options
            if exmode == 'CLIP': M += indent(4, 'tex_border_colour %s %s %s' %(slot.color.r, slot.color.g, slot.color.b) )
            M += indent(4, 'scale %s %s' %(1.0/slot.scale.x, 1.0/slot.scale.y) )
            if slot.texture_coords == 'REFLECTION':
                if slot.mapping == 'SPHERE':
                    M += indent(4, 'env_map spherical' )
                elif slot.mapping == 'FLAT':
                    M += indent(4, 'env_map planar' )
                else: print('WARNING: <%s> has a non-UV mapping type (%s) and not picked a proper projection type of: Sphere or Flat' %(texture.name, slot.mapping))

            ox,oy,oz = slot.offset
            if ox or oy:
                M += indent(4, 'scroll %s %s' %(ox,oy) )
            if oz:
                M += indent(4, 'rotate %s' %oz )

            #if slot.use_map_emission:    # problem, user will want to use emission sometimes
            if slot.use_from_dupli:    # hijacked again - june7th
                M += indent(4, 'rotate_anim %s' %slot.emission_color_factor )
            if slot.use_map_scatter:    # hijacked from volume shaders
                M += indent(4, 'scroll_anim %s %s ' %(slot.density_factor, slot.emission_factor) )

            if slot.uv_layer:
                idx = find_uv_layer_index( slot.uv_layer, self.material )
                M += indent(4, 'tex_coord_set %s' %idx)

            rgba = False
            if texture.image.depth == 32: rgba = True
            btype = slot.blend_type     # TODO - fix this hack if/when slots support pyRNA
            ex = False; texop = None
            if btype in TextureUnit.colour_op:
                if btype=='MIX' and slot.use_map_alpha and not slot.use_stencil:
                    if slot.diffuse_color_factor >= 1.0: texop = 'alpha_blend'
                        texop = TextureUnit.colour_op[ btype ]
                        ex = True
                elif btype=='MIX' and slot.use_map_alpha and slot.use_stencil:
                    texop = 'blend_current_alpha'; ex=True
                elif btype=='MIX' and not slot.use_map_alpha and slot.use_stencil:
                    texop = 'blend_texture_alpha'; ex=True
                    texop = TextureUnit.colour_op[ btype ]
            elif btype in TextureUnit.colour_op_ex:
                    texop = TextureUnit.colour_op_ex[ btype ]
                    ex = True

            if texop and ex:
                if texop == 'blend_manual':
                    factor = 1.0 - slot.diffuse_color_factor
                    M += indent(4, 'colour_op_ex %s src_texture src_current %s' %(texop, factor) )
                    M += indent(4, 'colour_op_ex %s src_texture src_current' %texop )
            elif texop:
                    M += indent(4, 'colour_op %s' %texop )

            if uv_layer:
                idx = find_uv_layer_index( uv_layer )
                M += indent(4, 'tex_coord_set %s' %idx)

        M += indent(3, '}' )

        if self.touch_textures:
            # Copy texture only if newer
            if not os.path.isfile(iurl):
                Report.warnings.append('Missing texture: %s' %iurl )
                desturl = os.path.join( destpath, texname )
                updated = False
                if not os.path.isfile( desturl ) or os.stat( desturl ).st_mtime < os.stat( iurl ).st_mtime:
                    f = open( desturl, 'wb' )
                    f.write( open(iurl,'rb').read() )
                    updated = True
                posturl = os.path.join(destpath,postname)
                if is_image_postprocessed( texture.image ):
                    if not os.path.isfile( posturl ) or updated:
                        self.image_magick( texture, desturl )   # calls nvconvert if required

        return M

class TextureUnit(object):
    colour_op = {
        'MIX'       :   'modulate',        # Ogre Default - was "replace" but that kills lighting
        'ADD'     :   'add',
        'MULTIPLY' : 'modulate',
        #'alpha_blend' : '',
    colour_op_ex = {
        'MIX'       :    'blend_manual',
        'SCREEN': 'modulate_x2',
        'LIGHTEN': 'modulate_x4',
        'SUBTRACT': 'subtract',
        'OVERLAY':    'add_signed',
        'DIFFERENCE': 'dotproduct',        # best match?
        'VALUE': 'blend_diffuse_colour',

    tex_address_mode = {
        'REPEAT': 'wrap',
        'EXTEND': 'clamp',
        'CLIP'       : 'border',
        'CHECKER' : 'mirror'

class PANEL_Object(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
    bl_context = "object"
    bl_label = "Object+"

    def poll(cls, context):
        if _USE_TUNDRA_ and context.active_object:
            return True

    def draw(self, context):
        ob = context.active_object
        layout = self.layout
        box = layout.box()
        box.prop( ob, 'cast_shadows' )

        box.prop( ob, 'use_draw_distance' )
        if ob.use_draw_distance:
            box.prop( ob, 'draw_distance' )
        #if ob.find_armature():
        if ob.type == 'EMPTY':
            box.prop( ob, 'use_avatar' )
            box.prop( ob, 'avatar_reference' )

class PANEL_Speaker(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
    bl_context = "data"
    bl_label = "Sound+"
    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object and context.active_object.type=='SPEAKER': return True
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        box = layout.box()
        box.prop( context.active_object.data, 'play_on_load' )
        box.prop( context.active_object.data, 'loop' )
        box.prop( context.active_object.data, 'use_spatial' )

class PANEL_MultiResLOD(bpy.types.Panel):
    bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
    bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
    bl_context = "modifier"
    bl_label = "Multi-Resolution LOD"
    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object and context.active_object.type=='MESH':
            ob = context.active_object
            if ob.modifiers and ob.modifiers[0].type=='MULTIRES':
                return True
    def draw(self, context):
        ob = context.active_object
        layout = self.layout
        box = layout.box()
        box.prop( ob, 'use_multires_lod' )
        if ob.use_multires_lod:
            box.prop( ob, 'multires_lod_range' )

## Public API (continued)

def material_name( mat ):
    if type(mat) is str: return mat
    elif not mat.library: return mat.name
    else: return mat.name + mat.library.filepath.replace('/','_')

def export_mesh(ob, path='/tmp', force_name=None, ignore_shape_animation=False, normals=True):
    ''' returns materials used by the mesh '''
    return dot_mesh( ob, path, force_name, ignore_shape_animation, normals )

def generate_material(mat, path='/tmp', copy_programs=False, touch_textures=False):
    ''' returns generated material string '''

    safename = material_name(mat) # supports blender library linking
    M = '// %s genrated by blender2ogre %s\n\n' % (mat.name, VERSION)

    M += 'material %s \n{\n' % safename # start material
    if mat.use_shadows:
        M += indent(1, 'receive_shadows on \n')
        M += indent(1, 'receive_shadows off \n')

    M += indent(1, 'technique', '{' ) # technique GLSL, CG
    w = OgreMaterialGenerator(mat, path=path, touch_textures=touch_textures)

    if copy_programs:
        progs = w.get_active_programs()
        for prog in progs:

    header = w.get_header()
    passes = w.get_passes()

    M += '\n'.join(passes)
    M += indent(1, '}' )      # end technique
    M += '}\n'                # end material

    if len(header) > 0:
        return header + '\n' + M
        return M

def get_ogre_user_material( name ):
    if name in MaterialScripts.ALL_MATERIALS:
        return MaterialScripts.ALL_MATERIALS[ name ]

def get_shader_program( name ):
    if name in OgreProgram.PROGRAMS:
        return OgreProgram.PROGRAMS[ name ]
        print('WARNING: no shader program named: %s' %name)

def get_shader_programs():
    return OgreProgram.PROGRAMS.values()

def parse_material_and_program_scripts( path, scripts, progs, missing ):   # recursive
    for name in os.listdir(path):
        url = os.path.join(path,name)
        if os.path.isdir( url ):
            parse_material_and_program_scripts( url, scripts, progs, missing )

        elif os.path.isfile( url ):
            if name.endswith( '.material' ):
                print( '<found material>', url )
                scripts.append( MaterialScripts( url ) )

            if name.endswith('.program'):
                print( '<found program>', url )
                data = open( url, 'rb' ).read().decode('utf-8')

                chk = []; chunks = [ chk ]
                for line in data.splitlines():
                    line = line.split('//')[0]
                    if line.startswith('}'):
                        chk.append( line )
                        chk = []; chunks.append( chk )
                    elif line.strip():
                        chk.append( line )

                for chk in chunks:
                    if not chk: continue
                    p = OgreProgram( data='\n'.join(chk) )
                    if p.source:
                        ok = p.reload()
                        if not ok: missing.append( p )
                        else: progs.append( p )

def update_parent_material_path( path ):
    ''' updates RNA '''
    print( '>>SEARCHING FOR OGRE MATERIALS: %s' %path )
    scripts = []
    progs = []
    missing = []
    parse_material_and_program_scripts( path, scripts, progs, missing )

    if missing:
        print('WARNING: missing shader programs:')
        for p in missing: print(p.name)
    if missing and not progs:
        print('WARNING: no shader programs were found - set "SHADER_PROGRAMS" to your path')

    MaterialScripts.reset_rna( callback=bpyShaders.on_change_parent_material )
    return scripts, progs

def get_subcollision_meshes():
    ''' returns all collision meshes found in the scene '''
    r = []
    for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
        if ob.type=='MESH' and ob.subcollision: r.append( ob )
    return r

def get_objects_with_subcollision():
    ''' returns objects that have active sub-collisions '''
    r = []
    for ob in bpy.context.scene.objects:
        if ob.type=='MESH' and ob.collision_mode not in ('NONE', 'PRIMITIVE'):
            r.append( ob )
    return r

def get_subcollisions(ob):
    prefix = '%s.' %ob.collision_mode
    r = []
    for child in ob.children:
        if child.subcollision and child.name.startswith( prefix ):
            r.append( child )
    return r

class bpyShaders(bpy.types.Operator):
    '''operator: enables material nodes (workaround for not having IDPointers in pyRNA)'''
    bl_idname = "ogre.force_setup_material_passes"
    bl_label = "force bpyShaders"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER'}

    def poll(cls, context):
        if context.active_object and context.active_object.active_material: return True
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        mat = context.active_object.active_material
        mat.use_material_passes = True
        bpyShaders.create_material_passes( mat )
        return {'FINISHED'}

    ## setup from MaterialScripts.reset_rna( callback=bpyShaders.on_change_parent_material )
    def on_change_parent_material(mat,context):
        print('callback', mat.ogre_parent_material)

    def get_subnodes(mat, type='TEXTURE'):
        d = {}
        for node in mat.nodes:
            if node.type==type: d[node.name] = node
        keys = list(d.keys())
        r = []
        for key in keys: r.append( d[key] )
        return r

    def get_texture_subnodes( parent, submaterial=None ):
        if not submaterial: submaterial = parent.active_node_material
        d = {}
        for link in parent.node_tree.links:
            if link.from_node and link.from_node.type=='TEXTURE':
                if link.to_node and link.to_node.type == 'MATERIAL_EXT':
                    if link.to_node.material:
                        if link.to_node.material.name == submaterial.name:
                            node = link.from_node
                            d[node.name] = node
        keys = list(d.keys())           # this breaks if the user renames the node - TODO improve me
        r = []
        for key in keys: r.append( d[key] )
        return r

    def get_connected_input_nodes( material, node ):
        r = []
        for link in material.node_tree.links:
            if link.to_node and link.to_node.name == node.name:
                r.append( link.from_node )
        return r

    def get_or_create_material_passes( mat, n=8 ):
        if not mat.node_tree:
            print('CREATING MATERIAL PASSES', n)
            bpyShaders.create_material_passes( mat, n )

        d = {}      # funky, blender259 had this in order, now blender260 has random order
        for node in mat.node_tree.nodes:
            if node.type == 'MATERIAL_EXT' and node.name.startswith('GEN.'):
                d[node.name] = node
        keys = list(d.keys())
        r = []
        for key in keys: r.append( d[key] )
        return r

    def get_or_create_texture_nodes( mat, n=6 ):    # currently not used
        #print('bpyShaders.get_or_create_texture_nodes( %s, %s )' %(mat,n))
        assert mat.node_tree    # must call create_material_passes first
        m = []
        for node in mat.node_tree.nodes:
            if node.type == 'MATERIAL_EXT' and node.name.startswith('GEN.'):
                m.append( node )
        if not m:
            m = bpyShaders.get_or_create_material_passes(mat)
        r = []
        for link in mat.node_tree.links:
            print(link, link.to_node, link.from_node)
            if link.to_node and link.to_node.name.startswith('GEN.') and link.from_node.type=='TEXTURE':
                r.append( link.from_node )
        if not r:
            print('--missing texture nodes--')
            r = bpyShaders.create_texture_nodes( mat, n )
        return r

    def create_material_passes( mat, n=8, textures=True ):
        #print('bpyShaders.create_material_passes( %s, %s )' %(mat,n))
        mat.use_nodes = True
        tree = mat.node_tree    # valid pointer now

        nodes = bpyShaders.get_subnodes( tree, 'MATERIAL' )  # assign base material
        if nodes and not nodes[0].material:
            nodes[0].material = mat

        r = []
        x = 680
        for i in range( n ):
            node = tree.nodes.new( type='MATERIAL_EXT' )
            node.name = 'GEN.%s' %i
            node.location.x = x; node.location.y = 640
            r.append( node )
            x += 220
        #mat.use_nodes = False  # TODO set user material to default output
        if textures:
            texnodes = bpyShaders.create_texture_nodes( mat )
            print( texnodes )
        return r

    def create_texture_nodes( mat, n=6, geoms=True ):
        #print('bpyShaders.create_texture_nodes( %s )' %mat)
        assert mat.node_tree    # must call create_material_passes first
        mats = bpyShaders.get_or_create_material_passes( mat )
        r = {}; x = 400
        for i,m in enumerate(mats):
            r['material'] = m; r['textures'] = []; r['geoms'] = []
            inputs = []     # other inputs mess up material preview #
            for tag in ['Mirror', 'Ambient', 'Emit', 'SpecTra', 'Ray Mirror', 'Translucency']:
                inputs.append( m.inputs[ tag ] )
            for j in range(n):
                tex = mat.node_tree.nodes.new( type='TEXTURE' )
                tex.name = 'TEX.%s.%s' %(j, m.name)
                tex.location.x = x - (j*16)
                tex.location.y = -(j*230)
                input = inputs[j]; output = tex.outputs['Color']
                link = mat.node_tree.links.new( input, output )
                r['textures'].append( tex )
                if geoms:
                    geo = mat.node_tree.nodes.new( type='GEOMETRY' )
                    link = mat.node_tree.links.new( tex.inputs['Vector'], geo.outputs['UV'] )
                    geo.location.x = x - (j*16) - 250
                    geo.location.y = -(j*250) - 1500
                    r['geoms'].append( geo )
            x += 220
        return r

class PANEL_node_editor_ui( bpy.types.Panel ):
    bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
    bl_region_type = 'UI'
    bl_label = "Ogre Material"

    def poll(self,context):
        if context.space_data.id:
            return True

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        topmat = context.space_data.id             # the top level node_tree
        mat = topmat.active_node_material        # the currently selected sub-material
        if not mat or topmat.name == mat.name:
            self.bl_label = topmat.name
            if not topmat.use_material_passes:
                    text="Ogre Material Layers",
            ogre_material_panel( layout, topmat, show_programs=False )
        elif mat:
            self.bl_label = mat.name
            ogre_material_panel( layout, mat, topmat, show_programs=False )

class PANEL_node_editor_ui_extra( bpy.types.Panel ):
    bl_space_type = 'NODE_EDITOR'
    bl_region_type = 'UI'
    bl_label = "Ogre Material Advanced"
    bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
    def poll(self,context):
        if context.space_data.id: return True
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        topmat = context.space_data.id             # the top level node_tree
        mat = topmat.active_node_material        # the currently selected sub-material
        if mat:
            self.bl_label = mat.name + ' (advanced)'
            ogre_material_panel_extra( layout, mat )
            self.bl_label = topmat.name + ' (advanced)'
            ogre_material_panel_extra( layout, topmat )

def ogre_material_panel_extra( parent, mat ):
    box = parent.box()
    header = box.row()

    if mat.use_fixed_pipeline:
        header.prop( mat, 'use_fixed_pipeline', text='Fixed Pipeline', icon='LAMP_SUN' )
        row = box.row()
        row.prop(mat, "use_vertex_color_paint", text="Vertex Colors")
        row.prop(mat, "use_shadeless")
        if mat.use_shadeless and not mat.use_vertex_color_paint:
            row = box.row()
            row.prop(mat, "diffuse_color", text='')
        elif not mat.use_shadeless:
            if not mat.use_vertex_color_paint:
                row = box.row()
                row.prop(mat, "diffuse_color", text='')
                row.prop(mat, "diffuse_intensity", text='intensity')
            row = box.row()
            row.prop(mat, "specular_color", text='')
            row.prop(mat, "specular_intensity", text='intensity')
            row = box.row()
            row.prop(mat, "specular_hardness")
            row = box.row()
            row.prop(mat, "ambient")
            #row = box.row()
            row.prop(mat, "emit")
        box.prop(mat, 'use_ogre_advanced_options', text='---guru options---' )
        header.prop( mat, 'use_fixed_pipeline', text='', icon='LAMP_SUN' )
        header.prop(mat, 'use_ogre_advanced_options', text='---guru options---' )

    if mat.use_ogre_advanced_options:
        box.prop(mat, 'offset_z')
        box.prop(mat, "use_shadows")
        box.prop(mat, 'ogre_depth_write' )
        for tag in 'ogre_colour_write ogre_lighting ogre_normalise_normals ogre_light_clip_planes ogre_light_scissor ogre_alpha_to_coverage ogre_depth_check'.split():
            box.prop(mat, tag)
        for tag in 'ogre_polygon_mode ogre_shading ogre_cull_hardware ogre_transparent_sorting ogre_illumination_stage ogre_depth_func ogre_scene_blend_op'.split():
            box.prop(mat, tag)

def ogre_material_panel( layout, mat, parent=None, show_programs=True ):
    box = layout.box()
    header = box.row()
    header.prop(mat, 'ogre_scene_blend', text='')
    if mat.ogre_scene_blend and 'alpha' in mat.ogre_scene_blend:
        row = box.row()
        if mat.use_transparency:
            row.prop(mat, "use_transparency", text='')
            row.prop(mat, "alpha")
            row.prop(mat, "use_transparency", text='Transparent')
    if not parent:
        return # only allow on pass1 and higher

    header.prop(mat, 'use_ogre_parent_material', icon='FILE_SCRIPT', text='')

    if mat.use_ogre_parent_material:
        row = box.row()
        row.prop(mat, 'ogre_parent_material', text='')

        s = get_ogre_user_material( mat.ogre_parent_material )  # gets by name
        if s and (s.vertex_programs or s.fragment_programs):
            progs = s.get_programs()
            split = box.row()
            texnodes = None

            if parent:
                texnodes = bpyShaders.get_texture_subnodes( parent, submaterial=mat )
            elif mat.node_tree:
                texnodes = bpyShaders.get_texture_subnodes( mat )   # assume toplevel

            if not progs:
                bx = split.box()
                bx.label( text='(missing shader programs)', icon='ERROR' )
            elif s.texture_units and texnodes:
                bx = split.box()
                for i,name in enumerate(s.texture_units_order):
                    if i<len(texnodes):
                        row = bx.row()
                        #row.label( text=name )
                        tex = texnodes[i]
                        row.prop( tex, 'texture', text=name )
                        if parent:
                            inputs = bpyShaders.get_connected_input_nodes( parent, tex )
                            if inputs:
                                geo = inputs[0]
                                assert geo.type == 'GEOMETRY'
                                row.prop( geo, 'uv_layer', text='UV' )
                        print('WARNING: no slot for texture unit:', name)

            if show_programs and (s.vertex_programs or s.fragment_programs):
                bx = box.box()
                for name in s.vertex_programs:
                    bx.label( text=name )
                for name in s.fragment_programs:
                    bx.label( text=name )

## Blender addon main entry point.
## Allows directly running by "blender --python blender2ogre.py"

if __name__ == "__main__":