Using build harness in ${harness.dir}
Suite in ${basedir} with clusters ${}, build cluster ${cluster}, and sorted modules ${modules.sorted}
Must have set at least an application name ('')
Note: As of NetBeans 6.7, you can use the property 'cluster.path' instead of the 'create-platform' target.
You MacOS Application bundle was created at ${dist.dir}/${}.app. For final packaging, use hdiutil or other tools to create a .dmg image.
Alternatively use "zip -yr ${}.app" to create a simple zipped distribution.
Will not delete ${test.user.dir} because ${test.user.dir.lock} still exists; kill any running process and delete lock file if necessary
OSGi support is EXPERIMENTAL for now; see:
Property not set. Test coverage script may be missing in ${harness.dir}.