changed normal and tangent generation for terrain to handle scale, removing artifacts

git-svn-id: 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca
bre..ns 14 years ago
parent 1dbd617d2d
commit fa46b16e87
  1. 108
  2. 87
  3. 21

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.scene.Mesh;
import com.jme3.scene.Mesh.Mode;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Type;
import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
import com.jme3.util.TangentBinormalGenerator;
@ -78,16 +79,19 @@ public class LODGeomap extends GeoMap {
public Mesh createMesh(Vector3f scale, Vector2f tcScale, Vector2f tcOffset, float offsetAmount, int totalSize, boolean center, int lod, boolean rightLod, boolean topLod, boolean leftLod, boolean bottomLod) {
FloatBuffer pb = writeVertexArray(null, scale, center);
FloatBuffer tb = writeTexCoordArray(null, tcOffset, tcScale, offsetAmount, totalSize);
FloatBuffer texb = writeTexCoordArray(null, tcOffset, tcScale, offsetAmount, totalSize);
FloatBuffer nb = writeNormalArray(null, scale);
IntBuffer ib = writeIndexArrayLodDiff(null, lod, rightLod, topLod, leftLod, bottomLod);
FloatBuffer tanb = writeTangentArray(null, scale);
FloatBuffer bb = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(getWidth() * getHeight() * 3);
FloatBuffer tanb = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(getWidth() * getHeight() * 3);
writeTangentArray(tanb, bb, texb, scale);
Mesh m = new Mesh();
m.setBuffer(Type.Position, 3, pb);
m.setBuffer(Type.Normal, 3, nb);
m.setBuffer(Type.Tangent, 3, tanb);
m.setBuffer(Type.TexCoord, 2, tb);
m.setBuffer(Type.Binormal, 3, bb);
m.setBuffer(Type.TexCoord, 2, texb);
m.setBuffer(Type.Index, 3, ib);
@ -624,42 +628,120 @@ public class LODGeomap extends GeoMap {
return num;
public FloatBuffer writeTangentArray(FloatBuffer store, Vector3f scale) {
public FloatBuffer[] writeTangentArray(FloatBuffer tangentStore, FloatBuffer binormalStore, FloatBuffer textureBuffer, Vector3f scale) {
if (!isLoaded()) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (store != null) {
if (store.remaining() < getWidth() * getHeight() * 3) {
if (tangentStore != null) {
if (tangentStore.remaining() < getWidth() * getHeight() * 3) {
throw new BufferUnderflowException();
} else {
store = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(getWidth() * getHeight() * 3);
tangentStore = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(getWidth() * getHeight() * 3);
if (binormalStore != null) {
if (binormalStore.remaining() < getWidth() * getHeight() * 3) {
throw new BufferUnderflowException();
} else {
binormalStore = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(getWidth() * getHeight() * 3);
Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f();
Vector3f binormal = new Vector3f();
Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f();
Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f();
Vector3f v3 = new Vector3f();
Vector2f t1 = new Vector2f();
Vector2f t2 = new Vector2f();
Vector2f t3 = new Vector2f();
scale = Vector3f.UNIT_XYZ;
for (int r = 0; r < getHeight(); r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < getWidth(); c++) {
int texIdx = ((getHeight()-1-r)*getWidth()+c)*2; // pull from the end
int texIdxPrev = ((getHeight()-1-(r-1))*getWidth()+c)*2; // pull from the end
int texIdxNext = ((getHeight()-1-(r+1))*getWidth()+c)*2; // pull from the end
v1.set(c, getValue(c, r), r);
t1.set(textureBuffer.get(texIdx), textureBuffer.get(texIdx+1));
if (r == 0) { // first row
v3.set(c, getValue(c, r), r); // ???
t3.set(textureBuffer.get(texIdxNext), textureBuffer.get(texIdxNext+1)); // ???
} else {
v3.set(c, getValue(c, r-1 ), r-1);
t3.set(textureBuffer.get(texIdxPrev), textureBuffer.get(texIdxPrev+1));
if (c == getWidth()-1) { // last column
v2.set(c+1, getValue(c, r ), r); // use same height
t2.set(textureBuffer.get(texIdx), textureBuffer.get(texIdx+1));
} else {
v2.set(c+1, getValue(c+1, r), r);
v2.set(c+1, getValue(c+1, r), r); // one to the right
t2.set(textureBuffer.get(texIdx+2), textureBuffer.get(texIdx+3));
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(tangent, store, (r * getWidth() + c)); // save the tangent
calculateTangent(new Vector3f[]{v1.mult(scale),v2.mult(scale),v3.mult(scale)}, new Vector2f[]{t1,t2,t3}, tangent, binormal);
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(tangent, tangentStore, (r * getWidth() + c)); // save the tangent
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(binormal, binormalStore, (r * getWidth() + c)); // save the binormal
return store;
return new FloatBuffer[]{tangentStore,binormalStore};
* @param v Takes 3 vertexes: root, right, top
* @param t Takes 3 tex coords: root, right, top
* @param tangent that will store the result
* @return the tangent store
public static Vector3f calculateTangent(Vector3f[] v, Vector2f[] t, Vector3f tangent, Vector3f binormal) {
Vector3f edge1 = new Vector3f(); // y=0
Vector3f edge2 = new Vector3f(); // x=0
Vector2f edge1uv = new Vector2f(); // y=0
Vector2f edge2uv = new Vector2f(); // x=0
t[2].subtract(t[0], edge2uv);
t[1].subtract(t[0], edge1uv);
float det = edge1uv.x*edge2uv.y;// - edge1uv.y*edge2uv.x; = 0
boolean normalize = true;
if (Math.abs(det) < 0.0000001f) {
det = 1;
normalize = true;
v[1].subtract(v[0], edge1);
v[2].subtract(v[0], edge2);
float factor = 1/det;
tangent.x = (edge2uv.y*edge1.x)*factor;
tangent.y = 0;
tangent.z = (edge2uv.y*edge1.z)*factor;
if (normalize) tangent.normalizeLocal();
binormal.x = 0;
binormal.y = (edge1uv.x*edge2.y)*factor;
binormal.z = (edge1uv.x*edge2.z)*factor;
if (normalize) binormal.normalizeLocal();
return tangent;
public FloatBuffer writeNormalArray(FloatBuffer store, Vector3f scale) {

@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ import com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.lodcalc.LodCalculatorFactory;
import com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.lodcalc.util.EntropyComputeUtil;
import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
import com.jme3.util.TangentBinormalGenerator;
import com.jme3.util.TangentBinormalGenerator.TriangleData;
import java.util.List;
@ -333,8 +332,13 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
protected void updateNormals() {
FloatBuffer newNormalBuffer = geomap.writeNormalArray(null, getWorldScale());
//FloatBuffer newTangentBuffer = geomap.writeTangentArray(null, getWorldScale());
FloatBuffer newTangentBuffer = null;
FloatBuffer newBinormalBuffer = null;
FloatBuffer[] tb = geomap.writeTangentArray(newTangentBuffer, newBinormalBuffer, (FloatBuffer)getMesh().getBuffer(Type.TexCoord).getData(), getWorldScale());
newTangentBuffer = tb[0];
newBinormalBuffer = tb[1];
@ -359,7 +363,6 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
TerrainPatch topRight,
TerrainPatch topLeft)
Vector3f rootPoint = new Vector3f();
Vector3f rightPoint = new Vector3f();
Vector3f leftPoint = new Vector3f();
@ -372,9 +375,6 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
Vector2f bottomTex = new Vector2f();
Vector3f normal = new Vector3f();
Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f();
int[] indexes = new int[]{0,1,2};
Vector3f[] v = new Vector3f[3];
Vector2f[] t = new Vector2f[3];
int s = this.getSize()-1;
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
if (top == null) {
bottomPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i+1), i+1);
this.getTex(s,i+1, bottomTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, null, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(null, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
bottomPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i+1), i+1);
top.getTex(s,s-1, topTex);
this.getTex(s,i+1, bottomTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
if (bottom == null) {
topPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i-1), i-1);
this.getTex(s,i-1, topTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, null, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, null, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, null, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, null, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
bottomPoint.set(s, bottom.getHeightmapHeight(s,1), i+1);
this.getTex(s,i-1, topTex);
bottom.getTex(s,1, bottomTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
bottomPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i+1), i+1);
this.getTex(s,i-1, topTex);
this.getTex(s,i+1, bottomTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
rightPoint.set(i+1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i+1,s), s);
this.getTex(i-1,s, leftTex);
this.getTex(i+1,s, rightTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer downNB = bottom.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
if (top == null) {
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i+1), i+1);
this.getTex(0,i+1, bottomTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, null, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(null, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer leftNB = left.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i+1), i+1);
top.getTex(0,i-1, topTex);
this.getTex(0,i+1, bottomTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer leftNB = left.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i+1), i+1);
this.getTex(0,i-1, topTex);
this.getTex(0,i+1, bottomTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer leftNB = left.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
rightPoint.set(i+1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i+1,0), 0);
this.getTex(i-1,0, leftTex);
this.getTex(i+1,0, rightTex);
averageNormalsTangents(v, t, indexes, topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, topTex, rootTex, leftTex, bottomTex, rightTex, normal, tangent);
VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent);
VertexBuffer topNB = top.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal);
@ -673,10 +673,12 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
protected void averageNormalsTangents(Vector3f[] v, Vector2f[] t, int[] indexes,
protected void averageNormalsTangents(
Vector3f topPoint,
Vector3f rootPoint,
Vector3f leftPoint, Vector3f bottomPoint, Vector3f rightPoint,
Vector3f leftPoint,
Vector3f bottomPoint,
Vector3f rightPoint,
Vector2f topTex,
Vector2f rootTex,
Vector2f leftTex,
@ -685,65 +687,30 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry {
Vector3f normal,
Vector3f tangent)
Vector3f scale = Vector3f.UNIT_XYZ;//getWorldScale();
v[0] = topPoint;
v[1] = rootPoint;
v[2] = leftPoint;
t[0] = topTex;
t[1] = rootTex;
t[2] = leftTex;
Vector3f scale = getWorldScale();
Vector3f n1 = Vector3f.ZERO;
Vector3f t1 = Vector3f.ZERO;
if (topPoint != null && leftPoint != null) {
TriangleData td1 = TangentBinormalGenerator.processTriangle(indexes, v, t);
n1 = getNormal(topPoint.mult(scale), rootPoint.mult(scale), leftPoint.mult(scale));
t1 = td1.tangent;
v[0] = leftPoint;
v[1] = rootPoint;
v[2] = bottomPoint;
t[0] = leftTex;
t[1] = rootTex;
t[2] = bottomTex;
Vector3f n2 = Vector3f.ZERO;
Vector3f t2 = Vector3f.ZERO;
if (leftPoint != null && bottomPoint != null) {
TriangleData td2 = TangentBinormalGenerator.processTriangle(indexes, v, t);
n2 = getNormal(leftPoint.mult(scale), rootPoint.mult(scale), bottomPoint.mult(scale));
t2 = td2.tangent;
v[0] = bottomPoint;
v[1] = rootPoint;
v[2] = rightPoint;
t[0] = bottomTex;
t[1] = rootTex;
t[2] = rightTex;
Vector3f n3 = Vector3f.ZERO;
Vector3f t3 = Vector3f.ZERO;
if (rightPoint != null && bottomPoint != null) {
TriangleData td3 = TangentBinormalGenerator.processTriangle(indexes, v, t);
n3 = getNormal(bottomPoint.mult(scale), rootPoint.mult(scale), rightPoint.mult(scale));
t3 = td3.tangent;
v[0] = rightPoint;
v[1] = rootPoint;
v[2] = topPoint;
t[0] = rightTex;
t[1] = rootTex;
t[2] = topTex;
Vector3f n4 = Vector3f.ZERO;
Vector3f t4 = Vector3f.ZERO;
if (rightPoint != null && topPoint != null) {
TriangleData td4 = TangentBinormalGenerator.processTriangle(indexes, v, t);
n4 = getNormal(rightPoint.mult(scale), rootPoint.mult(scale), topPoint.mult(scale));
t4 = td4.tangent;
Vector3f binormal = new Vector3f();
if (topPoint != null && rightPoint != null)
LODGeomap.calculateTangent(new Vector3f[]{rootPoint.mult(scale),rightPoint.mult(scale),topPoint.mult(scale)}, new Vector2f[]{rootTex,rightTex,topTex}, tangent, binormal);
/*if (rightPoint != null) {
private Vector3f getNormal(Vector3f firstPoint, Vector3f rootPoint, Vector3f secondPoint) {

@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ public class TerrainQuad extends Node implements Terrain {
public TerrainQuad(String name, int patchSize, int size, int totalSize, float[] heightMap, LodCalculatorFactory lodCalculatorFactory) {
this(name, patchSize, size, Vector3f.UNIT_XYZ, heightMap, totalSize, new Vector2f(), 0, lodCalculatorFactory);
affectedAreaBBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3f(0,0,0), size, Float.MAX_VALUE, size);
affectedAreaBBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3f(0,0,0), size*2, Float.MAX_VALUE, size*2);
addControl(new NormalRecalcControl(this));
public TerrainQuad(String name, int patchSize, int size, Vector3f scale, float[] heightMap, LodCalculatorFactory lodCalculatorFactory) {
this(name, patchSize, size, scale, heightMap, size, new Vector2f(), 0, lodCalculatorFactory);
affectedAreaBBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3f(0,0,0), size, Float.MAX_VALUE, size);
affectedAreaBBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3f(0,0,0), size*2, Float.MAX_VALUE, size*2);
addControl(new NormalRecalcControl(this));
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public class TerrainQuad extends Node implements Terrain {
//TODO background-thread this if it ends up being expensive
fixNormals(affectedAreaBBox); // the affected patches
fixNormalEdges(affectedAreaBBox); // the edges between the patches
setNormalRecalcNeeded(null); // set to false
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ public class TerrainQuad extends Node implements Terrain {
} else if (child instanceof TerrainPatch) {
Geometry debug = new Geometry( "Debug " + name,
TangentBinormalGenerator.genTbnLines( ((TerrainPatch)child).getMesh(), 0.1f));
TangentBinormalGenerator.genTbnLines( ((TerrainPatch)child).getMesh(), 0.8f));
@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ public class TerrainQuad extends Node implements Terrain {
patch1.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
// 2 lower left
float[] heightBlock2 = createHeightSubBlock(heightMap, 0, split - 1,
@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ public class TerrainQuad extends Node implements Terrain {
patch2.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
// 3 upper right
float[] heightBlock3 = createHeightSubBlock(heightMap, split - 1, 0,
@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ public class TerrainQuad extends Node implements Terrain {
patch3.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
// 4 lower right
float[] heightBlock4 = createHeightSubBlock(heightMap, split - 1,
@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ public class TerrainQuad extends Node implements Terrain {
patch4.setModelBound(new BoundingBox());
public float[] createHeightSubBlock(float[] heightMap, int x,
@ -878,10 +878,11 @@ public class TerrainQuad extends Node implements Terrain {
protected boolean needToRecalculateNormals() {
if (affectedAreaBBox != null)
return true;
/*if (!lastScale.equals(getWorldScale())) {
if (!lastScale.equals(getWorldScale())) {
affectedAreaBBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3f(0,0,0), size, Float.MAX_VALUE, size);
lastScale = getWorldScale();
return true;
return false;
