follow JME's conventional approach to cloning a SpatialTrack

Stephen Gold 7 years ago
parent 3f473d1205
commit f5e11d23b2
  1. 55

@ -41,16 +41,14 @@ import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.util.TempVars;
import com.jme3.util.clone.Cloner;
import com.jme3.util.clone.JmeCloneable;
import java.util.Arrays;
* This class represents the track for spatial animation.
* @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas)
public class SpatialTrack implements Track, JmeCloneable {
public class SpatialTrack implements JmeCloneable, Track {
* Translations of the track.
@ -250,11 +248,16 @@ public class SpatialTrack implements Track, JmeCloneable {
return times == null ? 0 : times[times.length - 1] - times[0];
* Create a clone with the same track spatial.
* @return a new track
public Track clone() {
SpatialTrack copy = (SpatialTrack) jmeClone();
return (Track) copy;
public SpatialTrack clone() {
Cloner cloner = new Cloner();
cloner.setClonedValue(trackSpatial, trackSpatial);
return cloner.clone(this);
@ -270,24 +273,38 @@ public class SpatialTrack implements Track, JmeCloneable {
return trackSpatial;
* Create a shallow clone for the JME cloner.
* @return a new track
public Object jmeClone() {
int tablesLength = times.length;
float[] timesCopy = this.times.clone();
Vector3f[] translationsCopy = this.getTranslations() == null ? null : Arrays.copyOf(this.getTranslations(), tablesLength);
Quaternion[] rotationsCopy = this.getRotations() == null ? null : Arrays.copyOf(this.getRotations(), tablesLength);
Vector3f[] scalesCopy = this.getScales() == null ? null : Arrays.copyOf(this.getScales(), tablesLength);
//need to use the constructor here because of the final fields used in this class
return new SpatialTrack(timesCopy, translationsCopy, rotationsCopy, scalesCopy);
public SpatialTrack jmeClone() {
try {
return (SpatialTrack) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException("Can't clone track", exception);
* Callback from {@link com.jme3.util.clone.Cloner} to convert this
* shallow-cloned track into a deep-cloned one, using the specified cloner
* to resolve copied fields.
* @param cloner the cloner currently cloning this control (not null)
* @param original the track from which this track was shallow-cloned
* (unused)
public void cloneFields(Cloner cloner, Object original) {
this.trackSpatial = cloner.clone(((SpatialTrack) original).trackSpatial);
translations = cloner.clone(translations);
rotations = cloner.clone(rotations);
scales = cloner.clone(scales);
trackSpatial = cloner.clone(trackSpatial);
times = cloner.clone(times);
public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException {
OutputCapsule oc = ex.getCapsule(this);
