improve inline documentation in ... trunk

git-svn-id: 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca
sgold 11 years ago
parent 33487ad8cb
commit f5ccf45aed
  1. 97

@ -92,19 +92,26 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
protected CompareMode shadowCompareMode = CompareMode.Hardware;
protected Picture[] dispPic;
protected boolean flushQueues = true;
// define if the fallback material should be used.
* true if the fallback material should be used, otherwise false
protected boolean needsfallBackMaterial = false;
//Name of the post material technique
* name of the post material technique
protected String postTechniqueName = "PostShadow";
//flags to know when to change params in the materials
//a list of material of the post shadow queue geometries.
* list of materials for post shadow queue geometries
protected List<Material> matCache = new ArrayList<Material>();
protected GeometryList sceneReceivers;
protected GeometryList lightReceivers = new GeometryList(new OpaqueComparator());
protected GeometryList shadowMapOccluders = new GeometryList(new OpaqueComparator());
private String[] shadowMapStringCache;
private String[] lightViewStringCache;
//used to skip the post pass when there are no shadow casters.
* true to skip the post pass when there are no shadow casters
protected boolean skipPostPass;
@ -115,14 +122,13 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* Create an abstract shadow renderer, this is to be called in extending
* classes
* Create an abstract shadow renderer. Subclasses invoke this constructor.
* @param assetManager the application asset manager
* @param shadowMapSize the size of the rendered shadow maps (512,1024,2048,
* etc...)
* @param nbShadowMaps the number of shadow maps rendered (the more shadow
* maps the more quality, the less fps).
* maps the more quality, the fewer fps).
protected AbstractShadowRenderer(AssetManager assetManager, int shadowMapSize, int nbShadowMaps) {
@ -189,10 +195,10 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* Sets the filtering mode for shadow edges see {@link EdgeFilteringMode}
* for more info
* Sets the filtering mode for shadow edges. See {@link EdgeFilteringMode}
* for more info.
* @param EdgeFilteringMode
* @param filterMode the desired filter mode (not null)
final public void setEdgeFilteringMode(EdgeFilteringMode filterMode) {
if (filterMode == null) {
@ -216,7 +222,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* returns the the edge filtering mode
* returns the edge filtering mode
* @see EdgeFilteringMode
* @return
@ -226,9 +232,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* sets the shadow compare mode see {@link CompareMode} for more info
* Sets the shadow compare mode. See {@link CompareMode} for more info.
* @param compareMode
* @param compareMode the desired compare mode (not null)
final public void setShadowCompareMode(CompareMode compareMode) {
if (compareMode == null) {
@ -265,7 +271,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
return shadowCompareMode;
//debug function that create a displayable frustrum
* debug function to create a visible frustum
protected Geometry createFrustum(Vector3f[] pts, int i) {
WireFrustum frustum = new WireFrustum(pts);
Geometry frustumMdl = new Geometry("f", frustum);
@ -296,6 +304,12 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
return frustumMdl;
* Initialize this shadow renderer prior to its first update.
* @param rm the render manager
* @param vp the viewport
public void initialize(RenderManager rm, ViewPort vp) {
renderManager = rm;
viewPort = vp;
@ -307,25 +321,31 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* Test whether this shadow renderer has been initialized.
* @return true if initialized, otherwise false
public boolean isInitialized() {
return viewPort != null;
* This mehtod is called once per frame. it is responsible for updating the
* shadow cams according to the light view.
* Invoked once per frame to update the shadow cams according to the light
* view.
* @param viewCam the scene cam
protected abstract void updateShadowCams(Camera viewCam);
* this method must return the geomtryList that contains the oclluders to be
* Returns a subclass-specific geometryList containing the occluders to be
* rendered in the shadow map
* @param shadowMapIndex the index of the shadow map being rendered
* @param sceneOccluders the occluders of the whole scene
* @param sceneReceivers the recievers of the whole scene
* @param sceneReceivers the receivers of the whole scene
* @param shadowMapOcculders
* @return
protected abstract GeometryList getOccludersToRender(int shadowMapIndex, GeometryList sceneOccluders, GeometryList sceneReceivers, GeometryList shadowMapOccluders);
@ -405,7 +425,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
debugfrustums = true;
//debug only : displays depth shadow maps
* For debugging purposes, display depth shadow maps.
protected void displayShadowMap(Renderer r) {
Camera cam = viewPort.getCamera();
renderManager.setCamera(cam, true);
@ -421,8 +443,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* For dubuging purpose Allow to "snapshot" the current frustrum to the
* scene
* For debugging purposes, "snapshot" the current frustum to the scene.
public void displayDebug() {
debug = true;
@ -469,10 +490,10 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* This method is called once per frame and is responsible of setting the
* material parameters than sub class may need to set on the post material
* This method is called once per frame and is responsible for setting any
* material parameters than subclass may need to set on the post material.
* @param material the materail to use for the post shadow pass
* @param material the material to use for the post shadow pass
protected abstract void setMaterialParameters(Material material);
@ -543,7 +564,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* returns the shdaow intensity
* Returns the shadow intensity.
* @see #setShadowIntensity(float shadowIntensity)
* @return shadowIntensity
@ -553,9 +574,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* Set the shadowIntensity, the value should be between 0 and 1, a 0 value
* gives a bright and invisilble shadow, a 1 value gives a pitch black
* shadow, default is 0.7
* Set the shadowIntensity. The value should be between 0 and 1. A 0 value
* gives a bright and invisible shadow, a 1 value gives a pitch black
* shadow. The default is 0.7
* @param shadowIntensity the darkness of the shadow
@ -587,7 +608,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* returns true if the PssmRenderer flushed the shadow queues
* Returns true if this shadow renderer flushes the shadow queues.
* @return flushQueues
@ -596,9 +617,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* Set this to false if you want to use several PssmRederers to have
* multiple shadows cast by multiple light sources. Make sure the last
* PssmRenderer in the stack DO flush the queues, but not the others
* Set flushQueues to false if you have multiple shadow renderers, in order
* for multiple light sources to cast shadows. Make sure the last shadow
* renderer in the stack DOES flush the queues, but not the others.
* @param flushQueues
@ -606,6 +627,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
this.flushQueues = flushQueues;
* De-serialize this instance, for example when loading from a J3O file.
* @param im importer (not null)
public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException {
InputCapsule ic = (InputCapsule) im.getCapsule(this);
assetManager = im.getAssetManager();
@ -621,6 +647,11 @@ public abstract class AbstractShadowRenderer implements SceneProcessor, Savable
* Serialize this instance, for example when saving to a J3O file.
* @param ex exporter (not null)
public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException {
OutputCapsule oc = (OutputCapsule) ex.getCapsule(this);
oc.write(nbShadowMaps, "nbShadowMaps", 1);
