Implementation changes in texture blending methods.

Prepared for more texture types support (and should be more readable for developers now :) ).

git-svn-id: 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca
3.0 14 years ago
parent 83da85efd3
commit e6532fc7ed
  1. 381
  2. BIN
  3. BIN

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* versions.
* @param blenderVersion
* the version read from the blend file
* the version read from the blend file
public TextureHelper(String blenderVersion) {
@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* its blender type.
* @param tex
* texture structure filled with data
* texture structure filled with data
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the texture that can be used by JME engine
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is somehow invalid or corrupted
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is somehow invalid or corrupted
public Texture getTexture(Structure tex, DataRepository dataRepository) throws BlenderFileException {
Texture result = (Texture) dataRepository.getLoadedFeature(tex.getOldMemoryAddress(), LoadedFeatureDataType.LOADED_FEATURE);
@ -227,13 +227,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the clouds texture. The result is one pixel.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of texture (in pixels)
* the width of texture (in pixels)
* @param height
* the height of texture (in pixels)
* the height of texture (in pixels)
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return generated texture
protected Texture clouds(Structure tex, int width, int height, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -256,8 +256,7 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
width <<= 1;
height <<= 1;
ColorBand colorBand = this.readColorband(tex, dataRepository);
Format format = sType == com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.helpers.v249.NoiseHelper.TEX_COLOR || colorBand != null ? Format.RGB8
: Format.Luminance8;
Format format = sType == com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.helpers.v249.NoiseHelper.TEX_COLOR || colorBand != null ? Format.RGB8 : Format.Luminance8;
int bytesPerPixel = sType == com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.helpers.v249.NoiseHelper.TEX_COLOR || colorBand != null ? 3 : 1;
ByteBuffer data = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(width * height * bytesPerPixel);
@ -272,12 +271,9 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
if (texres.nor != null) {
float nabla = ((Number) tex.getFieldValue("nabla")).floatValue();
// calculate bumpnormal
texres.nor[0] = noiseHelper.bliGTurbulence(noisesize, texvec[0] + nabla, texvec[1], texvec[2], noiseDepth, isHard,
texres.nor[1] = noiseHelper.bliGTurbulence(noisesize, texvec[0], texvec[1] + nabla, texvec[2], noiseDepth, isHard,
texres.nor[2] = noiseHelper.bliGTurbulence(noisesize, texvec[0], texvec[1], texvec[2] + nabla, noiseDepth, isHard,
texres.nor[0] = noiseHelper.bliGTurbulence(noisesize, texvec[0] + nabla, texvec[1], texvec[2], noiseDepth, isHard, noiseBasis);
texres.nor[1] = noiseHelper.bliGTurbulence(noisesize, texvec[0], texvec[1] + nabla, texvec[2], noiseDepth, isHard, noiseBasis);
texres.nor[2] = noiseHelper.bliGTurbulence(noisesize, texvec[0], texvec[1], texvec[2] + nabla, noiseDepth, isHard, noiseBasis);
noiseHelper.texNormalDerivate(colorBand, texres, dataRepository);
noiseHelper.brightnesAndContrastRGB(tex, texres);
@ -307,13 +303,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the wood texture.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of the texture
* the width of the texture
* @param height
* the height of the texture
* the height of the texture
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the generated texture
protected Texture wood(Structure tex, int width, int height, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -364,13 +360,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the marble texture.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of the texture
* the width of the texture
* @param height
* the height of the texture
* the height of the texture
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the generated texture
protected Texture marble(Structure tex, int width, int height, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -421,13 +417,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the magic texture.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of the texture
* the width of the texture
* @param height
* the height of the texture
* the height of the texture
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the generated texture
protected Texture magic(Structure tex, int width, int height, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -515,13 +511,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the blend texture.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of the texture
* the width of the texture
* @param height
* the height of the texture
* the height of the texture
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the generated texture
protected Texture blend(Structure tex, int width, int height, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -604,13 +600,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the stucci texture.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of the texture
* the width of the texture
* @param height
* the height of the texture
* the height of the texture
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the generated texture
protected Texture stucci(Structure tex, int width, int height, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -684,13 +680,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the noise texture.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of the texture
* the width of the texture
* @param height
* the height of the texture
* the height of the texture
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the generated texture
// TODO: correct this one, so it looks more like the texture generated by blender
@ -741,13 +737,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the musgrave texture.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of the texture
* the width of the texture
* @param height
* the height of the texture
* the height of the texture
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the generated texture
protected Texture musgrave(Structure tex, int width, int height, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -801,13 +797,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the voronoi texture.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of the texture
* the width of the texture
* @param height
* the height of the texture
* the height of the texture
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the generated texture
protected Texture voronoi(Structure tex, int width, int height, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -923,13 +919,13 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method generates the distorted noise texture.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param width
* the width of the texture
* the width of the texture
* @param height
* the height of the texture
* the height of the texture
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the generated texture
protected Texture distnoise(Structure tex, int width, int height, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -987,9 +983,9 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method reads the colorband data from the given texture structure.
* @param tex
* the texture structure
* the texture structure
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return read colorband or null if not present
protected ColorBand readColorband(Structure tex, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -1011,25 +1007,24 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method blends the given texture with material color and the defined color in 'map to' panel. As a result of this method a new
* texture is created. The input texture is NOT modified.
* texture is created. The input texture is NOT.
* @param materialColor
* the material diffuse color
* the material diffuse color
* @param texture
* the texture we use in blending
* the texture we use in blending
* @param color
* the color defined for the texture
* the color defined for the texture
* @param affectFactor
* the factor that the color affects the texture (value form 0.0 to 1.0)
* the factor that the color affects the texture (value form 0.0 to 1.0)
* @param blendType
* the blending type
* the blending type
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return new texture that was created after the blending
public Texture blendTexture(float[] materialColor, Texture texture, float[] color, float affectFactor,
int blendType, boolean neg,
DataRepository dataRepository) {
public Texture blendTexture(float[] materialColor, Texture texture, float[] color, float affectFactor, int blendType, boolean neg, DataRepository dataRepository) {
float[] materialColorClone = materialColor.clone();//this array may change, so we copy it
Format format = texture.getImage().getFormat();
ByteBuffer data = texture.getImage().getData(0);
@ -1038,118 +1033,146 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
ByteBuffer newData = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(width * height * 3);
float[] resultPixel = new float[3];
float[] texPixel = new float[3];
int dataIndex = 0;
while (data.hasRemaining()) {
byte pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[0] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[0] = 1.0f - texPixel[0];
if (format == Format.ABGR8) {
//intensity not used at the moment
float tin = this.setupMaterialColor(data, format, neg, materialColorClone);
this.blendPixel(resultPixel, materialColorClone, color, tin, affectFactor, blendType, dataRepository);
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[0] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[1] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[2] * 255.0f));
return new Texture2D(new Image(Format.RGB8, width, height, newData));
* This method alters the material color in a way dependent on the type of the image.
* For example the color remains untouched if the texture is of Luminance type.
* The luminance defines the interaction between the material color and color defined
* for texture blending.
* If the type has 3 or more color channels then the material color is replaces with the texture's
* color and later blended with the defined blend color.
* All alpha values (if present) are ignored and not used during blending.
* @param data
* the image data
* @param imageFormat
* the format of the image
* @param neg
* defines it the result color should be nagated
* @param materialColor
* the material's color (value may be changed)
* @return texture intensity for the current pixel
protected float setupMaterialColor(ByteBuffer data, Format imageFormat, boolean neg, float[] materialColor) {
// at least one byte is always taken :)
float tin = 0.0f;
byte pixelValue = data.get();
float firstPixelValue = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
switch (imageFormat) {
case ABGR8:
pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[2] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[2] = 1.0f - texPixel[2];
materialColor[2] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[1] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[1] = 1.0f - texPixel[1];
materialColor[1] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[0] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[0] = 1.0f - texPixel[0];
this.blendPixel(resultPixel, materialColor, texPixel, 1.0f, affectFactor, blendType, dataRepository);
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[0] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[1] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[2] * 255.0f));
} else if (format == Format.RGB8) {
materialColor[0] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
case BGR8:
materialColor[2] = firstPixelValue;
pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[1] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[1] = 1.0f - texPixel[1];
materialColor[1] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[2] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[2] = 1.0f - texPixel[2];
float tin = texPixel[0];//(texPixel[0] + texPixel[1] + texPixel[2]) / 3.0f;
this.blendPixel(resultPixel, texPixel, color, tin, affectFactor, blendType, dataRepository);
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[0] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[1] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[2] * 255.0f));
} else if (format == Format.RGBA8) {
pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[1] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[1] = 1.0f - texPixel[1];
pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[2] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[2] = 1.0f - texPixel[2];
data.get(); // ignore alpha
this.blendPixel(resultPixel, materialColor, texPixel, 1.0f, affectFactor, blendType, dataRepository);
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[0] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[1] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[2] * 255.0f));
} else if (format == Format.BGR8) {
texPixel[2] = texPixel[0];
pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[1] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[1] = 1.0f - texPixel[1];
pixelValue = data.get();
texPixel[0] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
if(neg) {
texPixel[0] = 1.0f - texPixel[0];
this.blendPixel(resultPixel, materialColor, texPixel, 1.0f, affectFactor, blendType, dataRepository);
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[0] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[1] * 255.0f));
newData.put(dataIndex++, (byte) (resultPixel[2] * 255.0f));
} else if (format == Format.Luminance8) {
this.blendPixel(resultPixel, materialColor, color, texPixel[0], affectFactor, blendType, dataRepository);
newData.put((byte) (resultPixel[0] * 255.0f));
newData.put((byte) (resultPixel[1] * 255.0f));
newData.put((byte) (resultPixel[2] * 255.0f));
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid texture format for blending operation: " + format);
materialColor[0] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
case RGB8:
materialColor[0] = firstPixelValue;
pixelValue = data.get();
materialColor[1] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
pixelValue = data.get();
materialColor[2] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
case RGBA8:
materialColor[0] = firstPixelValue;
pixelValue = data.get();
materialColor[1] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
pixelValue = data.get();
materialColor[2] = pixelValue >= 0 ? 1.0f - pixelValue / 255.0f : (~pixelValue + 1) / 255.0f;
data.get(); // ignore alpha
case Luminance8:
tin = neg ? 1.0f - firstPixelValue : firstPixelValue;
neg = false;//do not negate the materialColor, it must be unchanged
case Luminance8Alpha8:
tin = neg ? 1.0f - firstPixelValue : firstPixelValue;
neg = false;//do not negate the materialColor, it must be unchanged
data.get(); // ignore alpha
case Luminance16:
case Luminance16Alpha16:
case Alpha16:
case Alpha8:
case ARGB4444:
case Depth:
case Depth16:
case Depth24:
case Depth32:
case Depth32F:
case DXT1:
case DXT1A:
case DXT3:
case DXT5:
case Intensity16:
case Intensity8:
case LATC:
case LTC:
case Luminance16F:
case Luminance16FAlpha16F:
case Luminance32F:
case RGB10:
case RGB111110F:
case RGB16:
case RGB16F:
case RGB16F_to_RGB111110F:
case RGB16F_to_RGB9E5:
case RGB32F:
case RGB565:
case RGB5A1:
case RGB9E5:
case RGBA16:
case RGBA16F:
case RGBA32F:
LOGGER.warning("Image type not yet supported for blending: " + imageFormat);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown image format type: " + imageFormat);
return new Texture2D(new Image(Format.RGB8, width, height, newData));
if (neg) {
materialColor[0] = 1.0f - materialColor[0];
materialColor[1] = 1.0f - materialColor[1];
materialColor[2] = 1.0f - materialColor[2];
return tin;
* This method blends the texture with an appropriate color.
* @param result
* the result color (variable 'in' in blender source code)
* the result color (variable 'in' in blender source code)
* @param materialColor
* the texture color (variable 'out' in blender source coude)
* the texture color (variable 'out' in blender source coude)
* @param color
* the previous color (variable 'tex' in blender source code)
* the previous color (variable 'tex' in blender source code)
* @param textureIntensity
* texture intensity (variable 'fact' in blender source code)
* texture intensity (variable 'fact' in blender source code)
* @param textureFactor
* texture affection factor (variable 'facg' in blender source code)
* texture affection factor (variable 'facg' in blender source code)
* @param blendtype
* the blend type
* the blend type
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
public void blendPixel(float[] result, float[] materialColor, float[] color, float textureIntensity, float textureFactor,
int blendtype, DataRepository dataRepository) {
public void blendPixel(float[] result, float[] materialColor, float[] color, float textureIntensity, float textureFactor, int blendtype, DataRepository dataRepository) {
float facm, col;
switch (blendtype) {
@ -1275,15 +1298,15 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* The method that performs the ramp blending (whatever it is :P - copied from blender sources).
* @param type
* the ramp type
* the ramp type
* @param rgb
* the rgb value where the result is stored
* the rgb value where the result is stored
* @param fac
* color affection factor
* color affection factor
* @param col
* the texture color
* the texture color
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
public void rampBlend(int type, float[] rgb, float fac, float[] col, DataRepository dataRepository) {
float tmp, facm = 1.0f - fac;
@ -1526,12 +1549,12 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This class returns a texture read from the file or from packed blender data.
* @param image
* image structure filled with data
* image structure filled with data
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the texture that can be used by JME engine
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is somehow invalid or corrupted
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is somehow invalid or corrupted
public Texture getTextureFromImage(Structure image, DataRepository dataRepository) throws BlenderFileException {
Texture result = (Texture) dataRepository.getLoadedFeature(image.getOldMemoryAddress(), LoadedFeatureDataType.LOADED_FEATURE);
@ -1568,9 +1591,9 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method loads the textre from outside the blend file.
* @param name
* the path to the image
* the path to the image
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* the data repository
* @return the loaded image or null if the image cannot be found
protected Texture loadTextureFromFile(String name, DataRepository dataRepository) {
@ -1651,7 +1674,7 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method closes the given stream.
* @param is
* the input stream that is to be closed
* the input stream that is to be closed
protected void closeStream(InputStream is) {
if (is != null) {
@ -1678,11 +1701,11 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method loads the image from the blender file itself. It tries each loader to load the image.
* @param inputStream
* blender input stream
* blender input stream
* @param startPosition
* position in the stream where the image data starts
* position in the stream where the image data starts
* @param flipY
* if the image should be flipped (does not work with DirectX image)
* if the image should be flipped (does not work with DirectX image)
* @return loaded image or null if it could not be loaded
public Image loadImage(BlenderInputStream inputStream, int startPosition, boolean flipY) {
@ -1711,11 +1734,11 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method loads an image of a specified type from the given input stream.
* @param inputStream
* the input stream we read the image from
* the input stream we read the image from
* @param imageType
* the type of the image {@link ImageType}
* the type of the image {@link ImageType}
* @param flipY
* if the image should be flipped (does not work with DirectX image)
* if the image should be flipped (does not work with DirectX image)
* @return loaded image or null if it could not be loaded
public Image loadImage(InputStream inputStream, ImageType imageType, boolean flipY) {
@ -1787,7 +1810,7 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* Constructor. Loads the data from the given structure.
* @param cbdataStructure
* the colorband structure
* the colorband structure
public ColorBand(Structure colorbandStructure) {
@ -1815,7 +1838,7 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* Constructor. Loads the data from the given structure.
* @param cbdataStructure
* the structure containing the CBData object
* the structure containing the CBData object
public CBData(Structure cbdataStructure) {
this.r = ((Number) cbdataStructure.getFieldValue("r")).floatValue();
@ -1833,11 +1856,11 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
public static class GeneratedTextureData {
public ByteBuffer luminanceData;
public ByteBuffer rgbData;
public Format rgbFormat;
public int width;
public int height;
public ByteBuffer luminanceData;
public ByteBuffer rgbData;
public Format rgbFormat;
public int width;
public int height;
public GeneratedTextureData(ByteBuffer luminanceData, ByteBuffer rgbData, Format rgbFormat, int width, int height) {
this.luminanceData = luminanceData;
