diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/OSVR.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/OSVR.java
index dce04e7b4..0258998b4 100644
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/OSVR.java
+++ b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/OSVR.java
@@ -1,461 +1,461 @@
-- JVM crashes often.. placing breakpoints during initialization clears it up most of the time (WHY!?)
- - OSVR is just unstable.. any way to improve things?
-- render manager looks good, but left eye seems stretched
- */
-package com.jme3.input.vr;
-import com.jme3.app.VREnvironment;
-import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f;
-import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
-import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions.OSVR_Pose3;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderParams;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ViewportDescription;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary;
-import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSize;
-import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSizeByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
-import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
- * A class that wraps an OSVR system.
- * @author reden - phr00t - https://github.com/phr00t
- * @author Julien Seinturier - (c) 2016 - JOrigin project - http:/www.jorigin.org
- */
-public class OSVR implements VRAPI {
- private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OSVR.class.getName());
- /**
- * The first viewer index.
- */
- public static final int FIRST_VIEWER = 0;
- /**
- * The left eye index.
- */
- public static final int EYE_LEFT = 0;
- /**
- * The right eye index.
- */
- public static final int EYE_RIGHT = 1;
- /**
- * The size of the left eye.
- */
- public static final NativeSize EYE_LEFT_SIZE = new NativeSize(EYE_LEFT);
- /**
- * The size of the right eye.
- */
- public static final NativeSize EYE_RIGHT_SIZE = new NativeSize(EYE_RIGHT);
- /**
- * The default J String.
- */
- public static byte[] defaultJString = { 'j', (byte)0 };
- /**
- * The default OpenGL String.
- */
- public static byte[] OpenGLString = { 'O', 'p', 'e', 'n', 'G', 'L', (byte)0 };
- private final Matrix4f[] eyeMatrix = new Matrix4f[2];
- private PointerByReference grabRM;
- private PointerByReference grabRMOGL;
- private PointerByReference grabRIC;
- OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams;
- OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext context;
- com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.ByValue graphicsLibrary;
- Pointer renderManager, renderManagerOpenGL, renderInfoCollection, registerBufferState;
- OSVRInput VRinput;
- NativeSize numRenderInfo;
- NativeSizeByReference grabNumInfo = new NativeSizeByReference();
- OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue eyeLeftInfo, eyeRightInfo;
- Matrix4f hmdPoseLeftEye;
- Matrix4f hmdPoseRightEye;
- Vector3f hmdPoseLeftEyeVec, hmdPoseRightEyeVec, hmdSeatToStand;
- OSVR_DisplayConfig displayConfig;
- OSVR_Pose3 hmdPose = new OSVR_Pose3();
- Vector3f storePos = new Vector3f();
- Quaternion storeRot = new Quaternion();
- PointerByReference presentState = new PointerByReference();
- OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL openResults = new OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL();
- long glfwContext;
- long renderManagerContext;
- long wglGLFW;
- long wglRM;
- boolean initSuccess = false;
- boolean flipEyes = false;
- private VREnvironment environment = null;
- /**
- * Create a new OSVR system attached to the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}.
- * @param environment the {@link VREnvironment VR environment} to which the input is attached.
- */
- public OSVR(VREnvironment environment){
- this.environment = environment;
- }
- /**
- * Access to the underlying OSVR structures.
- * @param leftView the left viewport.
- * @param rightView the right viewport.
- * @param leftBuffer the left buffer.
- * @param rightBuffer the right buffer.
- * @return true
if the structure are accessible and false
- */
- public boolean handleRenderBufferPresent(OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue leftView, OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue rightView,
- OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue leftBuffer, OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue rightBuffer) {
- if( eyeLeftInfo == null || eyeRightInfo == null ) return false;
- byte retval;
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerStartPresentRenderBuffers(presentState);
- getEyeInfo();
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerPresentRenderBufferOpenGL(presentState.getValue(), leftBuffer, eyeLeftInfo, leftView);
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerPresentRenderBufferOpenGL(presentState.getValue(), rightBuffer, eyeRightInfo, rightView);
- retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerFinishPresentRenderBuffers(renderManager, presentState.getValue(), renderParams, (byte)0);
- return retval == 0; // only check the last error, since if something errored above, the last call won't work & all calls will log to syserr
- }
- @Override
- public boolean initialize() {
- logger.config("Initialize OSVR system.");
- hmdPose.setAutoSynch(false);
- context = OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientInit(defaultJString, 0);
- VRinput = new OSVRInput(environment);
- initSuccess = context != null && VRinput.init();
- if( initSuccess ) {
- PointerByReference grabDisplay = new PointerByReference();
- byte retval = OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetDisplay(context, grabDisplay);
- if( retval != 0 ) {
- System.out.println("OSVR Get Display Error: " + retval);
- initSuccess = false;
- return false;
- }
- displayConfig = new OSVR_DisplayConfig(grabDisplay.getValue());
- System.out.println("Waiting for the display to fully start up, including receiving initial pose update...");
- int i = 400;
- while (OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup(displayConfig) != 0) {
- if( i-- < 0 ) {
- System.out.println("Couldn't get display startup update in time, continuing anyway...");
- break;
- }
- OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientUpdate(context);
- try {
- Thread.sleep(5);
- } catch(Exception e) { }
- }
- System.out.println("OK, display startup status is good!");
- }
- return initSuccess;
- }
- /**
- * Grab the current GLFW context.
- */
- public void grabGLFWContext() {
- // get current conext
- wglGLFW = org.lwjgl.opengl.WGL.wglGetCurrentContext();
- glfwContext = org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwGetCurrentContext();
- }
- /**
- * Enable context sharing.
- * @return true
if the context is successfully shared and false
- */
- public boolean shareContext() {
- if( org.lwjgl.opengl.WGL.wglShareLists(wglRM, wglGLFW)) {
- System.out.println("Context sharing success!");
- return true;
- } else {
- System.out.println("Context sharing problem...");
- return false;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public boolean initVRCompositor(boolean allowed) {
- if( !allowed || renderManager != null ) return false;
- grabGLFWContext();
- graphicsLibrary = new com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.ByValue();
- graphicsLibrary.toolkit = null;
- graphicsLibrary.setAutoSynch(false);
- grabRM = new PointerByReference(); grabRMOGL = new PointerByReference();
- byte retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrCreateRenderManagerOpenGL(context, OpenGLString, graphicsLibrary, grabRM, grabRMOGL);
- if( retval == 0 ) {
- renderManager = grabRM.getValue(); renderManagerOpenGL = grabRMOGL.getValue();
- if( renderManager == null || renderManagerOpenGL == null ) {
- System.out.println("Render Manager Created NULL, error!");
- return false;
- }
- openResults.setAutoSynch(false);
- retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerOpenDisplayOpenGL(renderManager, openResults);
- if( retval == 0 ) {
- wglRM = org.lwjgl.opengl.WGL.wglGetCurrentContext();
- renderManagerContext = org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwGetCurrentContext();
- shareContext();
- OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientUpdate(context);
- renderParams = new OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue();
- renderParams.setAutoSynch(false);
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetDefaultRenderParams(renderParams);
- grabRIC = new PointerByReference();
- retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoCollection(renderManager, renderParams, grabRIC);
- if( retval == 0 ) {
- renderInfoCollection = grabRIC.getValue();
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfoInCollection(renderInfoCollection, grabNumInfo);
- numRenderInfo = grabNumInfo.getValue();
- eyeLeftInfo = new OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue();
- eyeRightInfo = new OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue();
- eyeLeftInfo.setAutoSynch(false);
- eyeRightInfo.setAutoSynch(false);
- return true;
- }
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrDestroyRenderManager(renderManager);
- System.out.println("OSVR Render Manager Info Collection Error: " + retval);
- return false;
- }
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrDestroyRenderManager(renderManager);
- System.out.println("OSVR Open Render Manager Display Error: " + retval);
- return false;
- }
- System.out.println("OSVR Create Render Manager Error: " + retval);
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext getVRSystem() {
- return context;
- }
- @Override
- public Pointer getCompositor() {
- return renderManager;
- }
- @Override
- public String getName() {
- return "OSVR";
- }
- @Override
- public VRInputAPI getVRinput() {
- return VRinput;
- }
- @Override
- public void setFlipEyes(boolean set) {
- flipEyes = set;
- }
- @Override
- public void printLatencyInfoToConsole(boolean set) {
- }
- @Override
- public int getDisplayFrequency() {
- return 60; //debug display frequency
- }
- @Override
- public void destroy() {
- if( renderManager != null ) OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrDestroyRenderManager(renderManager);
- if( displayConfig != null ) OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientFreeDisplay(displayConfig);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isInitialized() {
- return initSuccess;
- }
- @Override
- public void reset() {
- // TODO: no native OSVR reset function
- // may need to take current position and negate it from future values
- }
- @Override
- public void getRenderSize(Vector2f store) {
- if( eyeLeftInfo == null || eyeLeftInfo.viewport.width == 0.0 ) {
- store.x = 1280f; store.y = 720f;
- } else {
- store.x = (float)eyeLeftInfo.viewport.width;
- store.y = (float)eyeLeftInfo.viewport.height;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Read and update the eye info from the underlying OSVR system.
- */
- public void getEyeInfo() {
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoFromCollectionOpenGL(renderInfoCollection, EYE_LEFT_SIZE, eyeLeftInfo);
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoFromCollectionOpenGL(renderInfoCollection, EYE_RIGHT_SIZE, eyeRightInfo);
- eyeLeftInfo.read(); eyeRightInfo.read();
- }
- @Override
- public float getFOV(int dir) {
- return 105f; //default FOV
- }
- @Override
- public float getInterpupillaryDistance() {
- return 0.065f; //default IPD
- }
- @Override
- public Quaternion getOrientation() {
- storeRot.set((float)-hmdPose.rotation.data[1],
- (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[2],
- (float)-hmdPose.rotation.data[3],
- (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[0]);
- if( storeRot.equals(Quaternion.ZERO) ) storeRot.set(Quaternion.DIRECTION_Z);
- return storeRot;
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getPosition() {
- storePos.x = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[0];
- storePos.y = (float)hmdPose.translation.data[1];
- storePos.z = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[2];
- return storePos;
- }
- @Override
- public void getPositionAndOrientation(Vector3f storePos, Quaternion storeRot) {
- storePos.x = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[0];
- storePos.y = (float)hmdPose.translation.data[1];
- storePos.z = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[2];
- storeRot.set((float)-hmdPose.rotation.data[1],
- (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[2],
- (float)-hmdPose.rotation.data[3],
- (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[0]);
- if( storeRot.equals(Quaternion.ZERO) ) storeRot.set(Quaternion.DIRECTION_Z);
- }
- @Override
- public void updatePose() {
- if( context == null || displayConfig == null ) return;
- OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientUpdate(context);
- OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerPose(displayConfig, FIRST_VIEWER, hmdPose.getPointer());
- VRinput.updateControllerStates();
- hmdPose.read();
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionLeftEye(Camera cam) {
- if( eyeLeftInfo == null ) return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
- if( eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT] == null ) {
- FloatBuffer tfb = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
- com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(displayConfig, 0, (byte)EYE_LEFT, 0, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar(), (short)0, tfb);
- eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT] = new Matrix4f();
- eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT].set(tfb.get(0), tfb.get(4), tfb.get(8), tfb.get(12),
- tfb.get(1), tfb.get(5), tfb.get(9), tfb.get(13),
- tfb.get(2), tfb.get(6), tfb.get(10), tfb.get(14),
- tfb.get(3), tfb.get(7), tfb.get(11), tfb.get(15));
- }
- return eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT];
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionRightEye(Camera cam) {
- if( eyeRightInfo == null ) return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
- if( eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT] == null ) {
- FloatBuffer tfb = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
- com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(displayConfig, 0, (byte)EYE_RIGHT, 0, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar(), (short)0, tfb);
- eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT] = new Matrix4f();
- eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT].set(tfb.get(0), tfb.get(4), tfb.get(8), tfb.get(12),
- tfb.get(1), tfb.get(5), tfb.get(9), tfb.get(13),
- tfb.get(2), tfb.get(6), tfb.get(10), tfb.get(14),
- tfb.get(3), tfb.get(7), tfb.get(11), tfb.get(15));
- }
- return eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT];
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseLeftEye() {
- if( hmdPoseLeftEyeVec == null ) {
- hmdPoseLeftEyeVec = new Vector3f();
- hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x = 0.065f * -0.5f;
- if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
- }
- return hmdPoseLeftEyeVec;
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseRightEye() {
- if( hmdPoseRightEyeVec == null ) {
- hmdPoseRightEyeVec = new Vector3f();
- hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x = 0.065f * 0.5f;
- if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
- }
- return hmdPoseRightEyeVec;
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getSeatedToAbsolutePosition() {
- return Vector3f.ZERO;
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye() {
- // not actually used internally...
- /*if( hmdPoseLeftEye != null ) {
- return hmdPoseLeftEye;
- } else {
- FloatBuffer mat = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
- OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(displayConfig, FIRST_VIEWER, (byte)EYE_LEFT,
- (short)(OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLVECTORS |
- OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLMAJOR), tempfb);
- hmdPoseLeftEye = new Matrix4f(tempfb.array());
- return hmdPoseLeftEye;
- }*/
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseRightEye() {
- // not actually used internally...
- /*if( hmdPoseRightEye != null ) {
- return hmdPoseRightEye;
- } else {
- OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(displayConfig, FIRST_VIEWER, (byte)EYE_RIGHT,
- (short)(OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLVECTORS |
- OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLMAJOR), tempfb);
- hmdPoseRightEye = new Matrix4f(tempfb.array());
- return hmdPoseRightEye;
- }*/
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public HmdType getType() {
- return HmdType.OSVR;
- }
+- JVM crashes often.. placing breakpoints during initialization clears it up most of the time (WHY!?)
+ - OSVR is just unstable.. any way to improve things?
+- render manager looks good, but left eye seems stretched
+ */
+package com.jme3.input.vr;
+import com.jme3.app.VREnvironment;
+import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f;
+import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
+import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
+import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
+import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions.OSVR_Pose3;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderParams;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ViewportDescription;
+import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary;
+import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSize;
+import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSizeByReference;
+import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
+import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
+import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ * A class that wraps an OSVR system.
+ * @author reden - phr00t - https://github.com/phr00t
+ * @author Julien Seinturier - (c) 2016 - JOrigin project - http:/www.jorigin.org
+ */
+public class OSVR implements VRAPI {
+ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OSVR.class.getName());
+ /**
+ * The first viewer index.
+ */
+ public static final int FIRST_VIEWER = 0;
+ /**
+ * The left eye index.
+ */
+ public static final int EYE_LEFT = 0;
+ /**
+ * The right eye index.
+ */
+ public static final int EYE_RIGHT = 1;
+ /**
+ * The size of the left eye.
+ */
+ public static final NativeSize EYE_LEFT_SIZE = new NativeSize(EYE_LEFT);
+ /**
+ * The size of the right eye.
+ */
+ public static final NativeSize EYE_RIGHT_SIZE = new NativeSize(EYE_RIGHT);
+ /**
+ * The default J String.
+ */
+ public static byte[] defaultJString = { 'j', (byte)0 };
+ /**
+ * The default OpenGL String.
+ */
+ public static byte[] OpenGLString = { 'O', 'p', 'e', 'n', 'G', 'L', (byte)0 };
+ private final Matrix4f[] eyeMatrix = new Matrix4f[2];
+ private PointerByReference grabRM;
+ private PointerByReference grabRMOGL;
+ private PointerByReference grabRIC;
+ OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams;
+ OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext context;
+ com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.ByValue graphicsLibrary;
+ Pointer renderManager, renderManagerOpenGL, renderInfoCollection, registerBufferState;
+ OSVRInput VRinput;
+ NativeSize numRenderInfo;
+ NativeSizeByReference grabNumInfo = new NativeSizeByReference();
+ OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue eyeLeftInfo, eyeRightInfo;
+ Matrix4f hmdPoseLeftEye;
+ Matrix4f hmdPoseRightEye;
+ Vector3f hmdPoseLeftEyeVec, hmdPoseRightEyeVec, hmdSeatToStand;
+ OSVR_DisplayConfig displayConfig;
+ OSVR_Pose3 hmdPose = new OSVR_Pose3();
+ Vector3f storePos = new Vector3f();
+ Quaternion storeRot = new Quaternion();
+ PointerByReference presentState = new PointerByReference();
+ OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL openResults = new OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL();
+ long glfwContext;
+ long renderManagerContext;
+ long wglGLFW;
+ long wglRM;
+ boolean initSuccess = false;
+ boolean flipEyes = false;
+ private VREnvironment environment = null;
+ /**
+ * Create a new OSVR system attached to the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}.
+ * @param environment the {@link VREnvironment VR environment} to which the input is attached.
+ */
+ public OSVR(VREnvironment environment){
+ this.environment = environment;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Access to the underlying OSVR structures.
+ * @param leftView the left viewport.
+ * @param rightView the right viewport.
+ * @param leftBuffer the left buffer.
+ * @param rightBuffer the right buffer.
+ * @return true
if the structure are accessible and false
+ */
+ public boolean handleRenderBufferPresent(OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue leftView, OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue rightView,
+ OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue leftBuffer, OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue rightBuffer) {
+ if( eyeLeftInfo == null || eyeRightInfo == null ) return false;
+ byte retval;
+ OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerStartPresentRenderBuffers(presentState);
+ getEyeInfo();
+ OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerPresentRenderBufferOpenGL(presentState.getValue(), leftBuffer, eyeLeftInfo, leftView);
+ OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerPresentRenderBufferOpenGL(presentState.getValue(), rightBuffer, eyeRightInfo, rightView);
+ retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerFinishPresentRenderBuffers(renderManager, presentState.getValue(), renderParams, (byte)0);
+ return retval == 0; // only check the last error, since if something errored above, the last call won't work & all calls will log to syserr
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean initialize() {
+ logger.config("Initialize OSVR system.");
+ hmdPose.setAutoSynch(false);
+ context = OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientInit(defaultJString, 0);
+ VRinput = new OSVRInput(environment);
+ initSuccess = context != null && VRinput.init();
+ if( initSuccess ) {
+ PointerByReference grabDisplay = new PointerByReference();
+ byte retval = OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetDisplay(context, grabDisplay);
+ if( retval != 0 ) {
+ System.out.println("OSVR Get Display Error: " + retval);
+ initSuccess = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ displayConfig = new OSVR_DisplayConfig(grabDisplay.getValue());
+ System.out.println("Waiting for the display to fully start up, including receiving initial pose update...");
+ int i = 400;
+ while (OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup(displayConfig) != 0) {
+ if( i-- < 0 ) {
+ System.out.println("Couldn't get display startup update in time, continuing anyway...");
+ break;
+ }
+ OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientUpdate(context);
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(5);
+ } catch(Exception e) { }
+ }
+ System.out.println("OK, display startup status is good!");
+ }
+ return initSuccess;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Grab the current GLFW context.
+ */
+ public void grabGLFWContext() {
+ // get current conext
+ wglGLFW = org.lwjgl.opengl.WGL.wglGetCurrentContext();
+ glfwContext = org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwGetCurrentContext();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enable context sharing.
+ * @return true
if the context is successfully shared and false
+ */
+ public boolean shareContext() {
+ if( org.lwjgl.opengl.WGL.wglShareLists(wglRM, wglGLFW)) {
+ System.out.println("Context sharing success!");
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("Context sharing problem...");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean initVRCompositor(boolean allowed) {
+ if( !allowed || renderManager != null ) return false;
+ grabGLFWContext();
+ graphicsLibrary = new com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.ByValue();
+ graphicsLibrary.toolkit = null;
+ graphicsLibrary.setAutoSynch(false);
+ grabRM = new PointerByReference(); grabRMOGL = new PointerByReference();
+ byte retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrCreateRenderManagerOpenGL(context, OpenGLString, graphicsLibrary, grabRM, grabRMOGL);
+ if( retval == 0 ) {
+ renderManager = grabRM.getValue(); renderManagerOpenGL = grabRMOGL.getValue();
+ if( renderManager == null || renderManagerOpenGL == null ) {
+ System.out.println("Render Manager Created NULL, error!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ openResults.setAutoSynch(false);
+ retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerOpenDisplayOpenGL(renderManager, openResults);
+ if( retval == 0 ) {
+ wglRM = org.lwjgl.opengl.WGL.wglGetCurrentContext();
+ renderManagerContext = org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwGetCurrentContext();
+ shareContext();
+ OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientUpdate(context);
+ renderParams = new OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue();
+ renderParams.setAutoSynch(false);
+ OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetDefaultRenderParams(renderParams);
+ grabRIC = new PointerByReference();
+ retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoCollection(renderManager, renderParams, grabRIC);
+ if( retval == 0 ) {
+ renderInfoCollection = grabRIC.getValue();
+ OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfoInCollection(renderInfoCollection, grabNumInfo);
+ numRenderInfo = grabNumInfo.getValue();
+ eyeLeftInfo = new OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue();
+ eyeRightInfo = new OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue();
+ eyeLeftInfo.setAutoSynch(false);
+ eyeRightInfo.setAutoSynch(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrDestroyRenderManager(renderManager);
+ System.out.println("OSVR Render Manager Info Collection Error: " + retval);
+ return false;
+ }
+ OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrDestroyRenderManager(renderManager);
+ System.out.println("OSVR Open Render Manager Display Error: " + retval);
+ return false;
+ }
+ System.out.println("OSVR Create Render Manager Error: " + retval);
+ return false;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext getVRSystem() {
+ return context;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Pointer getCompositor() {
+ return renderManager;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getName() {
+ return "OSVR";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public VRInputAPI getVRinput() {
+ return VRinput;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setFlipEyes(boolean set) {
+ flipEyes = set;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void printLatencyInfoToConsole(boolean set) {
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getDisplayFrequency() {
+ return 60; //debug display frequency
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void destroy() {
+ if( renderManager != null ) OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrDestroyRenderManager(renderManager);
+ if( displayConfig != null ) OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientFreeDisplay(displayConfig);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean isInitialized() {
+ return initSuccess;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void reset() {
+ // TODO: no native OSVR reset function
+ // may need to take current position and negate it from future values
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getRenderSize(Vector2f store) {
+ if( eyeLeftInfo == null || eyeLeftInfo.viewport.width == 0.0 ) {
+ store.x = 1280f; store.y = 720f;
+ } else {
+ store.x = (float)eyeLeftInfo.viewport.width;
+ store.y = (float)eyeLeftInfo.viewport.height;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Read and update the eye info from the underlying OSVR system.
+ */
+ public void getEyeInfo() {
+ OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoFromCollectionOpenGL(renderInfoCollection, EYE_LEFT_SIZE, eyeLeftInfo);
+ OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoFromCollectionOpenGL(renderInfoCollection, EYE_RIGHT_SIZE, eyeRightInfo);
+ eyeLeftInfo.read(); eyeRightInfo.read();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public float getFOV(int dir) {
+ return 105f; //default FOV
+ }
+ @Override
+ public float getInterpupillaryDistance() {
+ return 0.065f; //default IPD
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Quaternion getOrientation() {
+ storeRot.set((float)hmdPose.rotation.data[1],
+ (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[2],
+ (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[3],
+ (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[0]);
+ if( storeRot.equals(Quaternion.ZERO) ) storeRot.set(Quaternion.DIRECTION_Z);
+ return storeRot;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getPosition() {
+ storePos.x = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[0];
+ storePos.y = (float)hmdPose.translation.data[1];
+ storePos.z = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[2];
+ return storePos;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void getPositionAndOrientation(Vector3f storePos, Quaternion storeRot) {
+ storePos.x = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[0];
+ storePos.y = (float)hmdPose.translation.data[1];
+ storePos.z = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[2];
+ storeRot.set((float)hmdPose.rotation.data[1],
+ (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[2],
+ (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[3],
+ (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[0]);
+ if( storeRot.equals(Quaternion.ZERO) ) storeRot.set(Quaternion.DIRECTION_Z);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void updatePose() {
+ if( context == null || displayConfig == null ) return;
+ OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientUpdate(context);
+ OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerPose(displayConfig, FIRST_VIEWER, hmdPose.getPointer());
+ VRinput.updateControllerStates();
+ hmdPose.read();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionLeftEye(Camera cam) {
+ if( eyeLeftInfo == null ) return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
+ if( eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT] == null ) {
+ FloatBuffer tfb = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
+ com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(displayConfig, 0, (byte)EYE_LEFT, 0, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar(), (short)0, tfb);
+ eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT] = new Matrix4f();
+ eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT].set(tfb.get(0), tfb.get(4), tfb.get(8), tfb.get(12),
+ tfb.get(1), tfb.get(5), tfb.get(9), tfb.get(13),
+ tfb.get(2), tfb.get(6), tfb.get(10), tfb.get(14),
+ tfb.get(3), tfb.get(7), tfb.get(11), tfb.get(15));
+ }
+ return eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionRightEye(Camera cam) {
+ if( eyeRightInfo == null ) return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
+ if( eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT] == null ) {
+ FloatBuffer tfb = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
+ com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(displayConfig, 0, (byte)EYE_RIGHT, 0, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar(), (short)0, tfb);
+ eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT] = new Matrix4f();
+ eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT].set(tfb.get(0), tfb.get(4), tfb.get(8), tfb.get(12),
+ tfb.get(1), tfb.get(5), tfb.get(9), tfb.get(13),
+ tfb.get(2), tfb.get(6), tfb.get(10), tfb.get(14),
+ tfb.get(3), tfb.get(7), tfb.get(11), tfb.get(15));
+ }
+ return eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseLeftEye() {
+ if( hmdPoseLeftEyeVec == null ) {
+ hmdPoseLeftEyeVec = new Vector3f();
+ hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x = 0.065f * -0.5f;
+ if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
+ }
+ return hmdPoseLeftEyeVec;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseRightEye() {
+ if( hmdPoseRightEyeVec == null ) {
+ hmdPoseRightEyeVec = new Vector3f();
+ hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x = 0.065f * 0.5f;
+ if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
+ }
+ return hmdPoseRightEyeVec;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Vector3f getSeatedToAbsolutePosition() {
+ return Vector3f.ZERO;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye() {
+ // not actually used internally...
+ /*if( hmdPoseLeftEye != null ) {
+ return hmdPoseLeftEye;
+ } else {
+ FloatBuffer mat = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
+ OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(displayConfig, FIRST_VIEWER, (byte)EYE_LEFT,
+ (short)(OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLVECTORS |
+ OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLMAJOR), tempfb);
+ hmdPoseLeftEye = new Matrix4f(tempfb.array());
+ return hmdPoseLeftEye;
+ }*/
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseRightEye() {
+ // not actually used internally...
+ /*if( hmdPoseRightEye != null ) {
+ return hmdPoseRightEye;
+ } else {
+ OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(displayConfig, FIRST_VIEWER, (byte)EYE_RIGHT,
+ (short)(OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLVECTORS |
+ OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLMAJOR), tempfb);
+ hmdPoseRightEye = new Matrix4f(tempfb.array());
+ return hmdPoseRightEye;
+ }*/
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public HmdType getType() {
+ return HmdType.OSVR;
+ }
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/util/VRViewManagerOSVR.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/util/VRViewManagerOSVR.java
index e3d85406e..2019e6210 100644
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/util/VRViewManagerOSVR.java
+++ b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/util/VRViewManagerOSVR.java
@@ -50,18 +50,6 @@ import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VRViewManagerOpenVR.class.getName());
- private Camera leftCamera;
- private ViewPort leftViewport;
- private FilterPostProcessor leftPostProcessor;
- private Texture2D leftEyeTexture;
- private Texture2D leftEyeDepth;
- private Camera rightCamera;
- private ViewPort rightViewport;
- private FilterPostProcessor rightPostProcessor;
- private Texture2D rightEyeTexture;
- private Texture2D rightEyeDepth;
// OpenVR values
private Texture_t leftTextureType;
private Texture_t rightTextureType;
@@ -73,15 +61,10 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue osvr_viewDescRight;
Pointer osvr_rmBufferState;
- //private static boolean useCustomDistortion;
- private float heightAdjustment;
private Texture2D dualEyeTex;
private final PointerByReference grabRBS = new PointerByReference();
- private float resMult = 1f;
//final & temp values for camera calculations
private final Vector3f finalPosition = new Vector3f();
private final Quaternion finalRotation = new Quaternion();
@@ -96,42 +79,6 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
this.environment = environment;
- /**
- * Get the {@link Camera camera} attached to the left eye.
- * @return the {@link Camera camera} attached to the left eye.
- * @see #getRightCamera()
- */
- public Camera getLeftCamera() {
- return leftCamera;
- }
- /**
- * Get the {@link Camera camera} attached to the right eye.
- * @return the {@link Camera camera} attached to the right eye.
- * @see #getLeftCamera()
- */
- public Camera getRightCamera() {
- return rightCamera;
- }
- /**
- * Get the {@link ViewPort viewport} attached to the left eye.
- * @return the {@link ViewPort viewport} attached to the left eye.
- * @see #getRightViewPort()
- */
- public ViewPort getLeftViewPort() {
- return leftViewport;
- }
- /**
- * Get the {@link ViewPort viewport} attached to the right eye.
- * @return the {@link ViewPort viewport} attached to the right eye.
- * @see #getLeftViewPort()
- */
- public ViewPort getRightViewPort() {
- return rightViewport;
- }
* Get the identifier of the left eye texture.
* @return the identifier of the left eye texture.
@@ -162,42 +109,6 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
return (int)dualEyeTex.getImage().getId();
- /**
- * Get the height adjustment to apply to the cameras before rendering.
- * @return the height adjustment to apply to the cameras before rendering.
- * @see #setHeightAdjustment(float)
- */
- public float getHeightAdjustment() {
- return heightAdjustment;
- }
- /**
- * Set the height adjustment to apply to the cameras before rendering.
- * @param amount the height adjustment to apply to the cameras before rendering.
- * @see #getHeightAdjustment()
- */
- public void setHeightAdjustment(float amount) {
- heightAdjustment = amount;
- }
- /**
- * Get the resolution multiplier.
- * @return the resolution multiplier.
- * @see #setResolutionMultiplier(float)
- */
- public float getResolutionMuliplier() {
- return resMult;
- }
- /**
- * Set the resolution multiplier.
- * @param resMult the resolution multiplier.
- * @see #getResolutionMuliplier()
- */
- public void setResolutionMultiplier(float resMult) {
- this.resMult = resMult;
- }
* Initialize the system binds of the textures.
@@ -442,8 +353,8 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
// other adjustments
size.x *= xMult;
- size.x *= resMult;
- size.y *= resMult;
+ size.x *= getResolutionMuliplier();
+ size.y *= getResolutionMuliplier();
if( cam.getWidth() != size.x || cam.getHeight() != size.y ){
cam.resize((int)size.x, (int)size.y, false);
@@ -469,10 +380,10 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
- leftEyeTexture = (Texture2D) leftViewport.getOutputFrameBuffer().getColorBuffer().getTexture();
- rightEyeTexture = (Texture2D)rightViewport.getOutputFrameBuffer().getColorBuffer().getTexture();
- leftEyeDepth = (Texture2D) leftViewport.getOutputFrameBuffer().getDepthBuffer().getTexture();
- rightEyeDepth = (Texture2D)rightViewport.getOutputFrameBuffer().getDepthBuffer().getTexture();
+ leftEyeTexture = (Texture2D) getLeftViewPort().getOutputFrameBuffer().getColorBuffer().getTexture();
+ rightEyeTexture = (Texture2D)getRightViewPort().getOutputFrameBuffer().getColorBuffer().getTexture();
+ leftEyeDepth = (Texture2D) getLeftViewPort().getOutputFrameBuffer().getDepthBuffer().getTexture();
+ rightEyeDepth = (Texture2D)getRightViewPort().getOutputFrameBuffer().getDepthBuffer().getTexture();
// main viewport is either going to be a distortion scene or nothing
// mirroring is handled by copying framebuffers
@@ -587,7 +498,7 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
if( obsPosition != null ){
- finalPosition.y += heightAdjustment;
+ finalPosition.y += getHeightAdjustment();
cam.setFrame(finalPosition, finalRotation);
@@ -595,7 +506,7 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
* Handles moving filters from the main view to each eye
public void moveScreenProcessingToEyes() {
- if( rightViewport == null ){
+ if( getRightViewPort() == null ){
@@ -617,7 +528,7 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
* @param sourceViewport the {@link ViewPort viewport} that contains the processors to use.
public void syncScreenProcessing(ViewPort sourceViewport) {
- if( rightViewport == null ){
+ if( getRightViewPort() == null ){
@@ -631,13 +542,13 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
// clear out all filters & processors, to start from scratch
- leftViewport.clearProcessors();
- rightViewport.clearProcessors();
+ getLeftViewPort().clearProcessors();
+ getRightViewPort().clearProcessors();
// if we have no processors to sync, don't add the FilterPostProcessor
if( sourceViewport.getProcessors().isEmpty() ) return;
// add post processors we just made, which are empty
- leftViewport.addProcessor(leftPostProcessor);
- rightViewport.addProcessor(rightPostProcessor);
+ getLeftViewPort().addProcessor(leftPostProcessor);
+ getRightViewPort().addProcessor(rightPostProcessor);
// go through all of the filters in the processors list
// add them to the left viewport processor & clone them to the right
for(SceneProcessor sceneProcessor : sourceViewport.getProcessors()) {
@@ -670,8 +581,8 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
VRDirectionalLightShadowRenderer dlsr = (VRDirectionalLightShadowRenderer) sceneProcessor;
VRDirectionalLightShadowRenderer dlsrRight = dlsr.clone();
- rightViewport.getProcessors().add(0, dlsrRight);
- leftViewport.getProcessors().add(0, sceneProcessor);
+ getRightViewPort().getProcessors().add(0, dlsrRight);
+ getLeftViewPort().getProcessors().add(0, sceneProcessor);
// make sure each has a translucent filter renderer
@@ -718,16 +629,16 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
if( !environment.isInstanceRendering()) {
- leftViewport = setupViewBuffers(leftCamera, LEFT_VIEW_NAME);
+ leftViewPort = setupViewBuffers(leftCamera, LEFT_VIEW_NAME);
rightCamera = leftCamera.clone();
if( environment.getVRHardware() != null ){
- rightViewport = setupViewBuffers(rightCamera, RIGHT_VIEW_NAME);
+ rightViewPort = setupViewBuffers(rightCamera, RIGHT_VIEW_NAME);
} else {
System.err.println("[VRViewManager] THIS CODE NEED CHANGES !!!");
- leftViewport = environment.getApplication().getViewPort();
+ leftViewPort = environment.getApplication().getViewPort();
rightCamera = leftCamera.clone();
if( environment.getVRHardware() != null ){
@@ -742,7 +653,7 @@ public class VRViewManagerOSVR extends AbstractVRViewManager{
// setup gui
- environment.getVRGUIManager().setupGui(leftCamera, rightCamera, leftViewport, rightViewport);
+ environment.getVRGUIManager().setupGui(leftCamera, rightCamera, getLeftViewPort(), getRightViewPort());
if( environment.getVRHardware() != null ) {
// call these to cache the results internally