diff --git a/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/jme3/advanced/collision_and_intersection.html b/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/jme3/advanced/collision_and_intersection.html index e60ce64e5..2f45d2bf8 100644 --- a/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/jme3/advanced/collision_and_intersection.html +++ b/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/jme3/advanced/collision_and_intersection.html @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ A CollisionResult object contains information about the second party of the coll
-Assume you have two collidables a and b and want to detect collisions between them. The collision parties can be Geometries, Nodes with Geometries attached (including the rootNode), Planes, Quads, Lines, or Rays. An important restriction is that you can only collide geometry vs bounding volumes or rays. (This means for example that a must be of Type Node or Geometry and b respectively of Type BoundingBox,BoundingShpere or Ray.) +Assume you have two collidables a and b and want to detect collisions between them. The collision parties can be Geometries, Nodes with Geometries attached (including the rootNode), Planes, Quads, Lines, or Rays. An important restriction is that you can only collide geometry vs bounding volumes or rays. (This means for example that a must be of Type Node or Geometry and b respectively of Type BoundingBox, BoundingSphere or Ray.)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Knowing the distance of the collisions is useful for example when you intersect
- +Collidable
s are meshes and scene graph objects
For HUDs, you basically follow the same instructions as for creating a normal Nifty GUI, you just don't pause the game while the HUD is up.
+ + + +-jME3 is similar to Swing in that for speed and efficiency all changes to the world must be made in a single update thread. This is handled automatically for you if using Controllers or simpleUpdate however whenever you pass work to another thread you need to hand the results back to the main jME3 thread before making any changes to the scene graph. +jME3 is similar to Swing in that for speed and efficiency all changes to the world must be made in a single update thread. This is happening automatically if using Controls and AppSates update metod or simpleUpdate however whenever you pass work to another thread you need to hand the results back to the main jME3 thread before making any changes to the scene graph.
public void rotateGeography(final Geography goe, final Quaternian rot) {
mainApp.enqueue(new Callable<Spatial>() {
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ If the processing thread needs to wait or needs the return value then get(
Multithreading Optimization
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Effectively, each for-loop in the main update loop might be a chance for multith
Java Multithreading
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ The java.util.concurrent package provides a good foundation for multithreading a
Multithreading in jME3
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ To avoid slowdown, we decide to keep the pathfinding operations in the NPC Contr
@@ -101,17 +101,17 @@ Pool size means the executor will keep four threads alive at any time. Having mo
!!! Executor needs to be shut down when the application ends, in order to make the process die properly
-In your simple application you can override the stop method and shutdown the executor :
+In your simple application you can override the destroy method and shutdown the executor:
- public void stop() {
- super.stop();
+ public void destroy() {
+ super.destroy();
Control Class Fields
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Here we also created the Future variable to track the state of this task.
Control Update() Method
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Remember not to mess with the class fields after starting the thread, because th
The Callable
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ private Callable<MyWayList> findWay = new Callable<MyWayList>(
@@ -250,5 +250,5 @@ The cool thing about this approach is that every entity creates one self-contain
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--- a/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/jme3/android.html
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@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ This is a draft of a feature that is work in progress. If you have questions or
User Requirements
-- Android 2.2 device or better
- Android 2.2 device or better with development mode enabled
- Graphic card that supports OpenGL ES 2.0 or better
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ This is a draft of a feature that is work in progress. If you have questions or
JMonkeyEngine3 Android Integration
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ This is a draft of a feature that is work in progress. If you have questions or
jMonkeyEngine SDK Android Integration
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Mobile deployment is a "one-click" option next to Desktop/WebStart/App
Beta Instructions
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Activating the nbandroid plugin in the jMonkeyEngine
Android Considerations
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ You can use the jMonkeyEngine SDK
Using Android specific functions
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ Note that you have to build the whole project once to make (new) classes in the
More Info
@@ -301,5 +301,5 @@ The SDK will later provide t
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--- a/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/jme3/beginner/hello_simpleapplication.html
+++ b/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/jme3/beginner/hello_simpleapplication.html
@@ -13,85 +13,85 @@ Next: Hello Node
-In this tutorial series, we assume that you use the jMonkeyEngine SDK. As an intermediate or advanced Java developer, you will quickly see that, in general, you can develop jMonkeyEngine code in any integrated development environment (NetBeans IDE, Eclipse, IntelliJ) or even from the command line.
+Nesta s??rie de tutoriais, n??s assumimos que voc?? usa o SDK da jMonkeyEngine. Como um desenvolvedor Java intermedi??rio ou avan??ado, voc?? rapidamente ver?? que, em geral, voc?? pode desenvolver c??digo da jMonkeyEngine em qualquer ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado (NetBeans IDE, Eclipse, IntelliJ) ou mesmo da linha de comando.
-OK, let's get ready to create our first jMonkeyEngine3 application.
+OK, Vamos nos aprontar para criar nossa primeira aplica????o jMonkeyEngine3.
-Create a Project
+Crie um Projeto
-In the jMonkeyEngine SDK:
+Na SDK da jMonkeyEngine:
-- Choose File???New Project??? from the main menu.
- Escolha Arquivo (File)???Novo Projeto (New Project)??? do menu principal.
-- In the New Project wizard, select the template JME3???Basic Game. Click Next.
- No assistente de Novo Projeto, selecione o modelo JME3???Jogo B??sico (Basic Game). Clique em prosseguir (Next).
-- Specify a project name, e.g. "HelloWorldTutorial"
- Especifique um nome de projeto, e.g. "HelloWorldTutorial"
-- Specify a path where to store your new project, e.g. a
directory in your home directory.
+ - Especifique um caminho para armazenar seu novo projeto, e.g. um diret??rio projetosjMonkey no seu diret??rio de usu??rio.
-- Click Finish.
- Clique em terminar (Finish).
-If you have questions, read more about Project Creation here.
+Se voc?? tem perguntas, leia mais sobre Cria????o de Projeto aqui.
We recommend to go through the steps yourself, as described in the tutorials. Alternatively, you can create a project based on the JmeTests template in the jMonkeyEngine SDK. It will create a project that already contains the jme3test.helloworld
samples (and many others). For example, you can use the JmeTests project to verify whether you got the solution right.
+N??s recomendamos atravessar os passos voc?? mesmo, como descrito nos tutoriais. Alternativamente, voc?? pode criar um projeto baseado no modelo JmeTests no SDK da jMonkeyEngine. Isto criar?? um projeto que j?? cont??m as amostras jme3test.helloworld (e muitas outras). Por exemplo, voc?? pode usar o projeto JmeTests para verificar se voc?? tem a solu????o certa.
-Write a SimpleApplication
+Escreva uma aplica????o de amostra
-For this tutorial, you want to create a jme3test.helloworld
package in your project, and create a file HelloJME3.java
in it.
+Para este tutorial, voc?? deseja criar um pacote jme3test.helloworld no seu projeto, e criar um arquivo HelloJME3.java
-In the jMonkeyEngine SDK:
+No SDK da jMonkeyEngine:
-- Right-click the Source Packages node of your project.
- D?? um clique com o bot??o direito no n?? pacotes de c??digo-fonte (Source Packages) de seu projeto.
-- Choose New??????Java Class to create a new file.
- Escolha Novo (New)??? ???Classe Java (Java Class) para criar um novo arquivo.
-- Enter the class name:
+ - Digite o nome da classe:
-- Enter the package name:
+ - Digite o nome do pacote:
-- Click Finish.
- Clique em Finalizar (Finish).
-The SDK creates the file HelloJME3.java for you.
+O SDK cria o arquivo HelloJME3.java para voc??.
-Sample Code
+C??digo de Amostra
-Replace the contents of the HelloJME3.java file with the following code:
+Substitua os conte??dos do arquivo HelloJME3.java com o seguinte c??digo:
package jme3test.helloworld;
@@ -125,48 +125,48 @@ public class HelloJME3 extends SimpleApplication {
-Right-click the HelloJME3 class and choose Run. If a jME3 settings dialog pops up, confirm the default settings.
+D?? um clique com o bot??o direito na classe HelloJME3 class e escolha Executar (Run). Se um di??logo de configura????es da jME3 aparecer, confirme as configura????es padr??o.
-- You should see a simple window displaying a 3D cube.
- Voc?? deveria ver uma janela simples exibindo um cubo 3D.
-- Press the WASD keys and move the mouse to navigate around.
- Pressione as teclas WASD keys e mova para navegar ao redor.
-- Look at the FPS text and object count information in the bottom left. You will use this information during development, and you will remove it for the release. (To read the numbers correctly, consider that the 14 lines of text counts as 14 objects with 914 vertices.)
- Olhe no texto do FPS e na informa????o de contagem de objeto na esquerda-fundo. Voc?? usar?? esta informa????o durante o desenvolvimento, e voc?? remover?? ela para a libera????o. (Para ler os n??meros corretamente, considere que as 14 linhas de texto contam como 14 objetos com 914 v??rtices.)
-- Press Escape to close the application.
- Pressione Escape (Esc) para fechar a aplica????o.
-Congratulations! Now let's find out how it works!
+Parab??ns! Agora camos decobrir como isso funciona!
-Understanding the Code
+Compreendendo o c??digo
-The code above has initialized the scene, and started the application.
+O c??digo acima tem inicializado a cena, e iniciado a aplica????o.
-Start the SimpleApplication
+Inicie a SimpleApplication
-Look at the first line. The HelloJME3.java class extends com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication
+Olhe na primeira linha. A classe HelloJME3.java estende com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication
public class HelloJME3 extends SimpleApplication {
// your code...
-Every JME3 game is an instance of com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication
. The SimpleApplication class manages your 3D scene graph and automatically draws it to the screen ??? that is, in short, what a game engine does for you!
+Todo jogo JME3 ?? uma inst??ncia de com.jme3.app.SimpleApplication. A classe SimpleApplication gerencia seu grafo de cena 3D e automaticamente desenha ele para a tela ??? isto ??, em breve, o que uma engine de jogo faz para voc??!
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ This code opens your application window. Let's learn how you put something
Understanding the Terminology
@@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ This code opens your application window. Let's learn how you put something
You want the cube to appear in the center. I create the Box at the origin = at Vector3f.ZERO
If you are unfamiliar with the vocabulary, read more about the Scene Graph here.
Initialize the Scene
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ A typical JME3 game has the following initialization process:
@@ -349,5 +349,5 @@ See also:
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+++ b/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/jme3/external/blender.html
@@ -54,6 +54,81 @@ Its important to note that each used texture will create one separate geometry.
+To create an animation from scratch do the following:
+- Create the model
+- Make sure your models location, rotation and scale is applied and zero / one (see "Model Checklist" below)
+- (Did you know? You can make any model from a box by only using extrusion, this creates very clean meshes)
+- Create the armature bones, don't forget to have one root bone!
+- Start by placing the cursor at zero
+- Go to the Add???Armature???Single Bone menu and create the root bone
+- Select the bone and go to edit mode (press tab)
+- Select the root bone end and press "E" to extrude the bone, then start rigging your model this way
+- Make sure your armatures location, rotation and scale is applied (see "Model Checklist" below) before continuing
+- Make the armature the parent of the model
+- Make sure you are back in object mode (press tab again)
+- First select the model object then select the armature object with shift pressed, then press Ctrl-P
+- When you do this, you can select how the bone groups will be mapped to the model vertices initially
+- Set a new armature constraint in the model "Object Modifiers" settings and select the Armature
+- Voila, your model should move when you move the bones in pose mode
+- Go to the "Dope Sheet" window and select the "Action editor"
+- Add an action by pressing the plus button
+- Create the keyframes (select the model armature and press I) along the timeline
+- Each action will be an animation available via the animation control in jME after the import
+Model Checklist
+Sometimes you do not create the model yourself and often times models from the web are not really made for OpenGL live rendering or not completely compatible with the bone system in jME.
To export an animated model in Blender make sure the following conditions are met:
@@ -130,7 +205,7 @@ Also check out these videos and resources:
NormalMap baking
@@ -140,7 +215,7 @@ Models for live rendering should have a low polygon count. To increase the perce
Blender modeling lowPoly & highPoly
@@ -198,7 +273,7 @@ Now go into Render Tab, and bake a normalMap using same configuration as here:
Fixing the normal colors in Blender
@@ -247,7 +322,7 @@ After rendering, save the file to a destination you want and use it with the JME
LightMap baking
@@ -257,7 +332,7 @@ The goal of this tutorial is to explain briefly how to bake light map in blender
Blender modeling + texturing
@@ -303,7 +378,7 @@ then the light map
Importing the model in the SDK and creating the appropriate material
@@ -332,7 +407,7 @@ The blend file, the ogre xml files and the textures can be found in the download
SkyBox baking
@@ -457,7 +532,7 @@ If you want to do it from code, here is an example:
Further reading
@@ -468,5 +543,5 @@ If you want to do it from code, here is an example:
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@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ iOS deployment works via cross-compilation to native iOS ARM code, there is no v
Note that at the moment this option is in pre-alpha state and the system runs on a null renderer. This means there is no visual output. You can however use the current system to explore the options and test cross-compiling your applications.
+Note that at the moment this option is in pre-alpha state and the system runs on a null renderer. This means there is no visual or audio output. You can however use the current system to explore the options and test cross-compiling your applications.
Enabling iOS deployment
@@ -25,16 +25,21 @@ To enable iOS deployment, go to the project settings and under "Application
-Note: When you do this for the first time or any time that the Avian library and OpenJDK is updated, they will be extracted to your SDK settings folder, wait until it has been extracted before building an iOS-enabled project.
After enabling deployment, a new ios
directory is created in the project root that contains a project
and a src
folder. The ios/project
folder contains an Xcode project that you will use to build and run the final iOS application for both iPhone and iOS. The ios/src
folder contains java and native source files for bridging iOS and native code, you can add .java and .m files with your own iOS code here.
When you enable iOS deployment for the first time or any time that the Avian library and OpenJDK is updated, they will be extracted to your SDK settings folder, wait until it has been extracted before building an iOS-enabled project.
Building the iOS binaries
@@ -51,16 +56,19 @@ After the iOS classpath has been created the avian compiler is used to create a
Running and deploying the application
-To run the application, open the Xcode project in Xcode and press the run button. You can make changes to the UI and native invocation classes in the Xcode project as well. From here you can also deploy the application to your devices or the App Store.
+To run the application, open the Xcode project under ios/project
in Xcode and press the run button. You can make changes to the UI and native invocation classes in the Xcode project as well. From here you can also deploy the application to your devices or the App Store.
Note that you should also adapt the project settings like application name and registration package in Xcode before deploying the final application.
Creating native and java code for iOS
@@ -73,7 +81,7 @@ The JmeAppHarness.java class is initialized and called from native code through
-Effectively native code can reside in both the Xcode project and in the ios/src
folder. To keep the dependencies clean and make code reusable you should try to put generic native code that does not depend on the Xcode project in the ios/src
+Effectively native code can reside in both the Xcode project and in the ios/src
folder. To keep the dependencies clean and make code reusable you should try to put generic native code that does not depend on the Xcode project in the ios/src
folder. You can also mix and match ARC and non-ARC code through this by converting the main project to use ARC and putting code with manual memory management in the ios/src
@@ -89,5 +97,5 @@ Java code for iOS should be in the ios/src
folder as well for clean
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+++ b/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/sdk/code_editor.html
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ While typing Java code in the source code editor, you will see popups that help
-Code Completion
+Code Completion
-- Complete keyword / method / variable: Ctrl-Space (Alternatively use Ctrl-\)
- Complete keyword / method / variable: Ctrl-Space
+Alternatively you can also use Ctrl-\.
- Customize Code Completion options: Tools > Options > Editor > Code Completion
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ Code Completion
-Code Generation
+Code Generation
- Auto-fix import statements: Ctrl-Shift-I
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ Code Generation
Semantic and Syntactic Coloring
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ To customize Colors and indentation:
Editor Hints and Quick Fixes (a.k.a. Lightbulbs)
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ Editor hints and quick fixes show as lightbulbs along the left edge of the edito
@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ To display a javadoc popup in the editor, place the caret in a line and press
Navigating the jME3 Source
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ When the JavaDoc does not deliver enough information, you can have a look at the
@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ Tip: Choose Tools > Add to Palette??? from the menu to add your own code snip
Keyboard Shortcuts
@@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ By default, jMonkeyEngine uses the same
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@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ Creating the plugin project (in jMonkeyEngine XML Layer" checkbox
- Press Finish
@@ -71,8 +69,11 @@ You will notice a new file "MyLibrary.xml" is created in the plugins b
-After you are done, you can contribute the plugin in the jMonkeyEngine SDK contribution update center.
+Note that the files in the release folder are not automatically updated when the library changes, you have to pack and replace the jar and zip files manually. See the build script extension in the link below on how you can make your module build script do that automatically.
+After you are done, you can contribute the plugin in the jMonkeyEngine SDK contribution update center.
diff --git a/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/sdk/development/projects_assets.html b/sdk/jme3-core/javahelp/com/jme3/gde/core/docs/sdk/development/projects_assets.html
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@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Most "files" that you encounter in the SDK automatically, you will have to create your own class that extends org.openide.nodes.Node and implement the interface com.jme3.gde.core.sceneexplorer.nodes.AbstractSceneExplorerNode. Then you register that class by adding
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ You will have to create your own class that extends org.openide.nodes.Node and i
-Theres also AbstractSceneExplorerNode which brings some other useful features you might want to include like automatic creation of properly threaded properties etc. JmeSpatial for example bases on it. A simple SceneExplorerNode example for an object extending Spatial would be JmeGeometry (see below). Editors for special variable types can be added using the SceneExplorerPropertyEditor interface, which can be registered as a ServiceProvider as well.
+AbstractSceneExplorerNode brings some other useful features you might want to include like automatic creation of properly threaded properties etc. JmeSpatial for example bases on it. A simple SceneExplorerNode example for an object extending Spatial would be JmeGeometry (see below). Editors for special variable types can be added using the SceneExplorerPropertyEditor interface, which can be registered as a ServiceProvider as well.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ The SceneExplorerNode can be used for Spatial and Control type objects.
@org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider(service=SceneExplorerNode.class) @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public class JmeGeometry extends JmeSpatial { }
@org.openide.util.lookup.ServiceProvider(service=SceneExplorerNode.class) @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ public class JmeGhostControl extends AbstractSceneExplorerNode { }
+You can just build your library locally and update and commit the jar file and javadoc/sources zip files to the contrib repo, the users plugins will automatically be updated with the new jar files. You can however also build the whole library project on the server. +
+As only the module project is being built on the server, any projects that create the actual jar files for library plugins ("normal" projects from the SDK/NetBeans) have to be built from the module build file. To do that simply add the following ant targets to the module build file: @@ -147,5 +151,5 @@ As only the module project is being built on the server, any projects that creat
.-To completely remove and/or reinstall the SDK it is vital that the settings folder is deleted too. The location can be seen through the "about" menu and is as following for the different OS's: +On Windows and Linux make sure you have the latest driver installed. Make sure its the one supplied by the card manufacturer and not just the OS-default one.
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/jmonkeyplatform
-On Windows and Linux make sure you have the latest driver installed. Make sure its the one supplied by the card manufacturer and not just the OS-default one. -
- -
-If you have problems updating the SDK, try deleting all files from jmonkeyplatform/update/download
and/or [settings folder]/update/download
depending on your system (look above for the settings folder location).
+If you have problems updating the SDK, try deleting all files from jmonkeyplatform/update/download
and/or [settings folder]/update/download
depending on your system (see below for the settings folder location).
+To completely remove and/or reinstall the SDK it is vital that the settings folder is deleted too. The location can be seen through the "about" menu and is as following for the different OS's: +
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/jmonkeyplatform