Properly Read and use inverseBindMatrices for skeleton bind pose.

Nehon 8 years ago committed by Rémy Bouquet
parent 225afd0f92
commit de78c8deb6
  1. 101
  2. 11

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue;
import com.jme3.scene.*;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture2D;
import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
import com.jme3.util.IntMap;
import com.jme3.util.mikktspace.MikktspaceTangentGenerator;
@ -52,9 +51,13 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
private FloatArrayPopulator floatArrayPopulator = new FloatArrayPopulator();
private Vector3fArrayPopulator vector3fArrayPopulator = new Vector3fArrayPopulator();
private QuaternionArrayPopulator quaternionArrayPopulator = new QuaternionArrayPopulator();
private Matrix4fArrayPopulator matrix4fArrayPopulator = new Matrix4fArrayPopulator();
private static Map<String, MaterialAdapter> defaultMaterialAdapters = new HashMap<>();
private boolean useNormalsFlag = false;
private Quaternion tmpQuat = new Quaternion();
private Transform tmpTransforms = new Transform();
private Transform tmpTransforms2 = new Transform();
private Matrix4f tmpMat = new Matrix4f();
Map<SkinData, List<Spatial>> skinnedSpatials = new HashMap<>();
IntMap<SkinBuffers> skinBuffers = new IntMap<>();
@ -246,7 +249,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
} else if (loaded instanceof BoneWrapper) {
//parent is the Armature Node, we have to apply its transforms to the root bone's bind pose and to its animation data
//parent is the Armature Node, we have to apply its transforms to the root bone's animation data
BoneWrapper bw = (BoneWrapper) loaded;
bw.isRoot = true;
SkinData skinData = fetchFromCache("skins", bw.skinIndex, SkinData.class);
@ -789,14 +792,26 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
JsonArray joints = skin.getAsJsonArray("joints");
assertNotNull(joints, "No joints defined for skin");
//inverseBindMatrices are also intentionally ignored. JME computes them from the bind transforms when initializing the skeleton.
//Integer matricesIndex = getAsInteger(skin, "inverseBindMatrices");
//These inverse bind matrices, once inverted again, will give us the real bind pose of the bones (in model space),
//since the skeleton in not guaranteed to be exported in bind pose.
Integer matricesIndex = getAsInteger(skin, "inverseBindMatrices");
Matrix4f[] inverseBindMatrices = null;
if (matricesIndex != null) {
inverseBindMatrices = readAccessorData(matricesIndex, matrix4fArrayPopulator);
} else {
inverseBindMatrices = new Matrix4f[joints.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < inverseBindMatrices.length; i++) {
inverseBindMatrices[i] = new Matrix4f();
Bone[] bones = new Bone[joints.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++) {
int boneIndex = joints.get(i).getAsInt();
//we don't need the inverse bind matrix, we need the bind matrix so let's invert it.
Matrix4f modelBindMatrix = inverseBindMatrices[i].invertLocal();
//TODO actually a regular node or a geometry can be attached to a bone, we have to handle this and attach it to the AttachementNode.
bones[i] = readNodeAsBone(boneIndex, i, index);
bones[i] = readNodeAsBone(boneIndex, i, index, modelBindMatrix);
for (int i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++) {
@ -805,16 +820,55 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
Skeleton skeleton = new Skeleton(bones);
for (Bone bone : skeleton.getRoots()) {
BoneWrapper bw = findBoneWrapper(bone);
computeBindTransforms(bw, skeleton);
SkinData skinData = new SkinData();
skinData.skeletonControl = new SkeletonControl(skeleton);
addToCache("skins", index, skinData, nodes.size());
skinnedSpatials.put(skinData, new ArrayList<Spatial>());
private void computeBindTransforms(BoneWrapper boneWrapper, Skeleton skeleton) {
Bone bone = boneWrapper.bone;
if (bone.getParent() != null) {
//root bone, model transforms are the same as the local transforms
//but for child bones we need to combine it with the parents inverse model transforms.
bone.setBindTransforms(tmpTransforms.getTranslation(), tmpTransforms.getRotation(), tmpTransforms.getScale());
//resets the local transforms to bind transforms for all bones.
//then computes the model transforms from local transforms for each bone.
for (Integer childIndex : boneWrapper.children) {
BoneWrapper child = fetchFromCache("nodes", childIndex, BoneWrapper.class);
computeBindTransforms(child, skeleton);
private Bone readNodeAsBone(int nodeIndex, int boneIndex, int skinIndex) throws IOException {
private BoneWrapper findBoneWrapper(Bone bone) {
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
BoneWrapper bw = fetchFromCache("nodes", i, BoneWrapper.class);
if (bw != null && bw.bone == bone) {
return bw;
return null;
private Bone readNodeAsBone(int nodeIndex, int boneIndex, int skinIndex, Matrix4f modelBindMatrix) throws IOException {
BoneWrapper boneWrapper = fetchFromCache("nodes", nodeIndex, BoneWrapper.class);
if (boneWrapper != null) {
@ -829,7 +883,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
Transform boneTransforms = readTransforms(nodeData);
bone.setBindTransforms(boneTransforms.getTranslation(), boneTransforms.getRotation(), boneTransforms.getScale());
addToCache("nodes", nodeIndex, new BoneWrapper(bone, boneIndex, skinIndex), nodes.size());
addToCache("nodes", nodeIndex, new BoneWrapper(bone, boneIndex, skinIndex, modelBindMatrix), nodes.size());
return bone;
@ -844,6 +898,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
BoneWrapper cbw = fetchFromCache("nodes", childIndex, BoneWrapper.class);
if (cbw != null) {
@ -910,12 +965,15 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
Bone bone;
int boneIndex;
int skinIndex;
Matrix4f modelBindMatrix;
boolean isRoot = false;
List<Integer> children = new ArrayList<>();
public BoneWrapper(Bone bone, int boneIndex, int skinIndex) {
public BoneWrapper(Bone bone, int boneIndex, int skinIndex, Matrix4f modelBindMatrix) {
this.bone = bone;
this.boneIndex = boneIndex;
this.skinIndex = skinIndex;
this.modelBindMatrix = modelBindMatrix;
@ -924,11 +982,6 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
public void update(AnimData data) {
Transform bindTransforms = new Transform(bone.getBindPosition(), bone.getBindRotation(), bone.getBindScale());
SkinData skinData = fetchFromCache("skins", skinIndex, SkinData.class);
if (isRoot) {
bone.setBindTransforms(bindTransforms.getTranslation(), bindTransforms.getRotation(), bindTransforms.getScale());
for (int i = 0; i < data.translations.length; i++) {
Transform t = new Transform(data.translations[i], data.rotations[i], data.scales[i]);
@ -1076,13 +1129,23 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
private class JointData {
short[] joints;
int componentSize;
private class Matrix4fArrayPopulator implements Populator<Matrix4f[]> {
public JointData(short[] joints, int componentSize) {
this.joints = joints;
this.componentSize = componentSize;
public Matrix4f[] populate(Integer bufferViewIndex, int componentType, String type, int count, int byteOffset) throws IOException {
int numComponents = getNumberOfComponents(type);
int dataSize = numComponents * count;
Matrix4f[] data = new Matrix4f[count];
if (bufferViewIndex == null) {
//no referenced buffer, specs says to pad the data with zeros.
padBuffer(data, dataSize);
} else {
readBuffer(bufferViewIndex, byteOffset, dataSize, data, numComponents, 4);
return data;

@ -461,7 +461,8 @@ public class GltfUtils {
int arrayIndex = 0;
while (index < end) {
array[arrayIndex] = new Matrix4f(
array[arrayIndex] = toRowMajor(
@ -479,6 +480,7 @@ public class GltfUtils {
//gltf matrix are column major, JME ones are row major.
@ -486,6 +488,13 @@ public class GltfUtils {
public static Matrix4f toRowMajor(float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03,
float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13,
float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23,
float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33) {
return new Matrix4f(m00, m10, m20, m30, m01, m11, m21, m31, m02, m12, m22, m32, m03, m13, m23, m33);
private static LittleEndien getStream(byte[] buffer) {
return new LittleEndien(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer)));
