@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ import com.jme3.asset.*; |
import com.jme3.material.Material; |
import com.jme3.material.RenderState; |
import com.jme3.math.*; |
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera; |
import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue; |
import com.jme3.scene.*; |
import com.jme3.scene.control.CameraControl; |
import com.jme3.texture.Texture; |
import com.jme3.texture.Texture2D; |
import com.jme3.util.IntMap; |
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader { |
private JsonArray samplers; |
private JsonArray animations; |
private JsonArray skins; |
private JsonArray cameras; |
private Material defaultMat; |
private AssetInfo info; |
@ -107,11 +110,12 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader { |
samplers = docRoot.getAsJsonArray("samplers"); |
animations = docRoot.getAsJsonArray("animations"); |
skins = docRoot.getAsJsonArray("skins"); |
cameras = docRoot.getAsJsonArray("cameras"); |
customContentManager.init(this); |
readSkins(); |
readCameras(); |
JsonPrimitive defaultScene = docRoot.getAsJsonPrimitive("scene"); |
@ -219,10 +223,16 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader { |
} else { |
//no mesh, we have a node. Can be a camera node or a regular node.
//TODO handle camera nodes?
Node node = new Node(); |
spatial = node; |
Integer camIndex = getAsInteger(nodeData, "camera"); |
if (camIndex != null) { |
Camera cam = fetchFromCache("cameras", camIndex, Camera.class); |
CameraNode node = new CameraNode(null, cam); |
node.setControlDir(CameraControl.ControlDirection.SpatialToCamera); |
spatial = node; |
} else { |
Node node = new Node(); |
spatial = node; |
} |
} |
Integer skinIndex = getAsInteger(nodeData, "skin"); |
@ -566,6 +576,51 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader { |
return adapter.getMaterial(); |
} |
public void readCameras() { |
if (cameras == null) { |
return; |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) { |
//Can't access resolution here... actually it's a shame we can't access settings from anywhere.
//users will have to call resize ont he camera.
Camera cam = new Camera(1, 1); |
JsonObject camObj = cameras.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); |
String type = getAsString(camObj, "type"); |
assertNotNull(type, "No type defined ofr camera"); |
JsonObject camData = camObj.getAsJsonObject(type); |
if (type.equals("perspective")) { |
float aspectRatio = getAsFloat(camData, "aspectRation", 1f); |
Float yfov = getAsFloat(camData, "yfov"); |
assertNotNull(yfov, "No yfov for perspective camera"); |
Float znear = getAsFloat(camData, "znear"); |
assertNotNull(znear, "No znear for perspective camere"); |
Float zfar = getAsFloat(camData, "zfar", znear * 1000f); |
cam.setFrustumPerspective(yfov * FastMath.RAD_TO_DEG, aspectRatio, znear, zfar); |
cam = customContentManager.readExtension(camData, cam); |
} else { |
Float xmag = getAsFloat(camData, "xmag"); |
assertNotNull(xmag, "No xmag for orthographic camera"); |
Float ymag = getAsFloat(camData, "ymag"); |
assertNotNull(ymag, "No ymag for orthographic camera"); |
Float znear = getAsFloat(camData, "znear"); |
assertNotNull(znear, "No znear for orthographic camere"); |
Float zfar = getAsFloat(camData, "zfar", znear * 1000f); |
assertNotNull(zfar, "No zfar for orthographic camere"); |
cam.setParallelProjection(true); |
cam.setFrustum(znear, zfar, -xmag, xmag, ymag, -ymag); |
cam = customContentManager.readExtension(camData, cam); |
} |
addToCache("cameras", i, cam, cameras.size()); |
} |
} |
public Texture2D readTexture(JsonObject texture) { |
return readTexture(texture, false); |