@ -29,18 +29,24 @@
* /
package com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre ;
import com.jme3.asset.* ;
import com.jme3.light.AmbientLight ;
import com.jme3.light.DirectionalLight ;
import com.jme3.light.Light ;
import com.jme3.light.PointLight ;
import com.jme3.light.SpotLight ;
import com.jme3.material.MaterialList ;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA ;
import com.jme3.math.FastMath ;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f ;
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera ;
import com.jme3.scene.CameraNode ;
import com.jme3.scene.LightNode ;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial ;
import com.jme3.scene.control.CameraControl.ControlDirection ;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.ogre.matext.OgreMaterialKey ;
import com.jme3.util.PlaceholderAssets ;
import com.jme3.util.xml.SAXUtil ;
@ -60,8 +66,11 @@ import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
private static final Logger logger = Logger . getLogger ( SceneLoader . class . getName ( ) ) ;
private static final int DEFAULT_CAM_WIDTH = 640 ;
private static final int DEFAULT_CAM_HEIGHT = 480 ;
private static final Logger logger = Logger . getLogger ( SceneLoader . class . getName ( ) ) ;
private SceneMaterialLoader materialLoader = new SceneMaterialLoader ( ) ;
private Stack < String > elementStack = new Stack < String > ( ) ;
private AssetKey key ;
private String sceneName ;
@ -72,10 +81,12 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
private com . jme3 . scene . Node node ;
private com . jme3 . scene . Node entityNode ;
private Light light ;
private Camera camera ;
private CameraNode cameraNode ;
private int nodeIdx = 0 ;
private static volatile int sceneIdx = 0 ;
public SceneLoader ( ) {
public SceneLoader ( ) {
super ( ) ;
@ -87,7 +98,7 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
public void endDocument ( ) {
private void reset ( ) {
private void reset ( ) {
elementStack . clear ( ) ;
nodeIdx = 0 ;
@ -98,30 +109,32 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
node = null ;
entityNode = null ;
light = null ;
camera = null ;
cameraNode = null ;
private void checkTopNode ( String topNode ) throws SAXException {
if ( ! elementStack . peek ( ) . equals ( topNode ) ) {
private void checkTopNode ( String topNode ) throws SAXException {
if ( ! elementStack . peek ( ) . equals ( topNode ) ) {
throw new SAXException ( "dotScene parse error: Expected parent node to be " + topNode ) ;
private Quaternion parseQuat ( Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
if ( attribs . getValue ( "x" ) ! = null ) {
private Quaternion parseQuat ( Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
if ( attribs . getValue ( "x" ) ! = null ) {
// defined as quaternion
float x = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "x" ) ) ;
float y = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "y" ) ) ;
float z = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "z" ) ) ;
float w = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "w" ) ) ;
return new Quaternion ( x , y , z , w ) ;
} else if ( attribs . getValue ( "qx" ) ! = null ) {
return new Quaternion ( x , y , z , w ) ;
} else if ( attribs . getValue ( "qx" ) ! = null ) {
// defined as quaternion with prefix "q"
float x = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "qx" ) ) ;
float y = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "qy" ) ) ;
float z = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "qz" ) ) ;
float w = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "qw" ) ) ;
return new Quaternion ( x , y , z , w ) ;
} else if ( attribs . getValue ( "angle" ) ! = null ) {
return new Quaternion ( x , y , z , w ) ;
} else if ( attribs . getValue ( "angle" ) ! = null ) {
// defined as angle + axis
float angle = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "angle" ) ) ;
float axisX = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "axisX" ) ) ;
@ -130,7 +143,7 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
Quaternion q = new Quaternion ( ) ;
q . fromAngleAxis ( angle , new Vector3f ( axisX , axisY , axisZ ) ) ;
return q ;
} else {
} else {
// defines as 3 angles along XYZ axes
float angleX = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "angleX" ) ) ;
float angleY = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "angleY" ) ) ;
@ -145,9 +158,9 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
checkTopNode ( "light" ) ;
// SpotLight will be supporting a direction-normal, too.
if ( light instanceof DirectionalLight )
if ( light instanceof DirectionalLight ) {
( ( DirectionalLight ) light ) . setDirection ( parseVector3 ( attribs ) ) ;
else if ( light instanceof SpotLight ) {
} else if ( light instanceof SpotLight ) {
( ( SpotLight ) light ) . setDirection ( parseVector3 ( attribs ) ) ;
@ -157,36 +170,37 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
// for the attenuation. Otherwise derives it from "range"
checkTopNode ( "light" ) ;
if ( light instanceof PointLight | | light instanceof SpotLight ) {
if ( light instanceof PointLight | | light instanceof SpotLight ) {
float range = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "range" ) ) ;
float constant = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "constant" ) ) ;
float linear = parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "linear" ) ) ;
String quadraticStr = attribs . getValue ( "quadratic" ) ;
if ( quadraticStr = = null )
if ( quadraticStr = = null ) {
quadraticStr = attribs . getValue ( "quadric" ) ;
float quadratic = parseFloat ( quadraticStr ) ;
if ( constant = = 1 & & quadratic = = 0 & & linear > 0 ) {
if ( constant = = 1 & & quadratic = = 0 & & linear > 0 ) {
range = 1f / linear ;
if ( light instanceof PointLight ) {
if ( light instanceof PointLight ) {
( ( PointLight ) light ) . setRadius ( range ) ;
} else {
( ( SpotLight ) light ) . setSpotRange ( range ) ;
} else {
( ( SpotLight ) light ) . setSpotRange ( range ) ;
private void parseLightSpotLightRange ( Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
private void parseLightSpotLightRange ( Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
checkTopNode ( "light" ) ;
float outer = SAXUtil . parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "outer" ) ) ;
float inner = SAXUtil . parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "inner" ) ) ;
if ( ! ( light instanceof SpotLight ) ) {
if ( ! ( light instanceof SpotLight ) ) {
throw new SAXException ( "dotScene parse error: spotLightRange "
+ "can only appear under 'spot' light elements" ) ;
@ -197,114 +211,75 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
private void parseLight ( Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
if ( node = = null | | node . getParent ( ) = = null )
if ( node = = null | | node . getParent ( ) = = null ) {
throw new SAXException ( "dotScene parse error: light can only appear under a node" ) ;
checkTopNode ( "node" ) ;
String lightType = parseString ( attribs . getValue ( "type" ) , "point" ) ;
if ( lightType . equals ( "point" ) ) {
if ( lightType . equals ( "point" ) ) {
light = new PointLight ( ) ;
} else if ( lightType . equals ( "directional" ) | | lightType . equals ( "sun" ) ) {
} else if ( lightType . equals ( "directional" ) | | lightType . equals ( "sun" ) ) {
light = new DirectionalLight ( ) ;
// Assuming "normal" property is not provided
( ( DirectionalLight ) light ) . setDirection ( Vector3f . UNIT_Z ) ;
} else if ( lightType . equals ( "spotLight" ) | | lightType . equals ( "spot" ) ) {
( ( DirectionalLight ) light ) . setDirection ( Vector3f . UNIT_Z ) ;
} else if ( lightType . equals ( "spotLight" ) | | lightType . equals ( "spot" ) ) {
light = new SpotLight ( ) ;
} else if ( lightType . equals ( "omni" ) ) {
// XXX: It doesn't seem any exporters actually emit this type?
light = new AmbientLight ( ) ;
} else {
logger . log ( Level . WARNING , "No matching jME3 LightType found for OGRE LightType: {0}" , lightType ) ;
logger . log ( Level . FINEST , "{0} created." , light ) ;
if ( ! parseBool ( attribs . getValue ( "visible" ) , true ) ) {
if ( ! parseBool ( attribs . getValue ( "visible" ) , true ) ) {
// set to disabled
// "attach" it to the parent of this node
if ( light ! = null )
if ( light ! = null ) {
node . getParent ( ) . addLight ( light ) ;
public void startElement ( String uri , String localName , String qName , Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
if ( qName . equals ( "scene" ) ) {
if ( elementStack . size ( ) ! = 0 ) {
throw new SAXException ( "dotScene parse error: 'scene' element must be the root XML element" ) ;
String version = attribs . getValue ( "formatVersion" ) ;
if ( version = = null | | ( ! version . equals ( "1.0.0" ) & & ! version . equals ( "1.0.1" ) ) )
logger . log ( Level . WARNING , "Unrecognized version number"
+ " in dotScene file: {0}" , version ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "nodes" ) ) {
if ( root ! = null ) {
throw new SAXException ( "dotScene parse error: nodes element was specified twice" ) ;
private void parseCameraClipping ( Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
if ( attribs . getValue ( "near" ) ! = null ) {
camera . setFrustumNear ( SAXUtil . parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "near" ) ) ) ;
camera . setFrustumFar ( SAXUtil . parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "far" ) ) ) ;
} else {
camera . setFrustumNear ( SAXUtil . parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "nearPlaneDist" ) ) ) ;
camera . setFrustumFar ( SAXUtil . parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "farPlaneDist" ) ) ) ;
if ( sceneName = = null )
root = new com . jme3 . scene . Node ( "OgreDotScene" + ( + + sceneIdx ) ) ;
root = new com . jme3 . scene . Node ( sceneName + "-scene_node" ) ;
node = root ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "externals" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "scene" ) ;
// Not loaded currently
} else if ( qName . equals ( "item" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "externals" ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "file" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "item" ) ;
// XXX: Currently material file name is based
// on the scene's filename. THIS IS NOT CORRECT.
// To solve, port SceneLoader to use DOM instead of SAX
//String matFile = folderName+attribs.getValue("name");
//try {
// materialList = (MaterialList) assetManager.loadAsset(new OgreMaterialKey(matFile));
//} catch (AssetNotFoundException ex){
// materialList = null;
// logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot locate material file: {0}", matFile);
} else if ( qName . equals ( "node" ) ) {
String curElement = elementStack . peek ( ) ;
if ( ! curElement . equals ( "node" ) & & ! curElement . equals ( "nodes" ) ) {
throw new SAXException ( "dotScene parse error: "
+ "node element can only appear under 'node' or 'nodes'" ) ;
String name = attribs . getValue ( "name" ) ;
if ( name = = null )
name = "OgreNode-" + ( + + nodeIdx ) ;
com . jme3 . scene . Node newNode = new com . jme3 . scene . Node ( name ) ;
if ( node ! = null ) {
node . attachChild ( newNode ) ;
private void parseCamera ( Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
camera = new Camera ( DEFAULT_CAM_WIDTH , DEFAULT_CAM_HEIGHT ) ;
if ( SAXUtil . parseString ( attribs . getValue ( "projectionType" ) , "perspective" ) . equals ( "parallel" ) ) {
camera . setParallelProjection ( true ) ;
node = newNode ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "property" ) ) {
if ( node ! = null ) {
String type = attribs . getValue ( "type" ) ;
String name = attribs . getValue ( "name" ) ;
String data = attribs . getValue ( "data" ) ;
if ( type . equals ( "BOOL" ) ) {
node . setUserData ( name , Boolean . parseBoolean ( data ) | | data . equals ( "1" ) ) ;
} else if ( type . equals ( "FLOAT" ) ) {
node . setUserData ( name , Float . parseFloat ( data ) ) ;
} else if ( type . equals ( "STRING" ) ) {
node . setUserData ( name , data ) ;
} else if ( type . equals ( "INT" ) ) {
node . setUserData ( name , Integer . parseInt ( data ) ) ;
float fov = SAXUtil . parseFloat ( attribs . getValue ( "fov" ) , 45f ) ;
if ( fov < FastMath . PI ) {
// XXX: Most likely, it is in radians..
fov = fov * FastMath . RAD_TO_DEG ;
camera . setFrustumPerspective ( fov , ( float ) DEFAULT_CAM_WIDTH / DEFAULT_CAM_HEIGHT , 1 , 1000 ) ;
cameraNode = new CameraNode ( attribs . getValue ( "name" ) , camera ) ;
cameraNode . setControlDir ( ControlDirection . SpatialToCamera ) ;
node . attachChild ( cameraNode ) ;
node = null ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "entity" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "node" ) ;
private void parseEntity ( Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
String name = attribs . getValue ( "name" ) ;
if ( name = = null )
if ( name = = null ) {
name = "OgreEntity-" + ( + + nodeIdx ) ;
} else {
name + = "-entity" ;
String meshFile = attribs . getValue ( "meshFile" ) ;
if ( meshFile = = null ) {
@ -326,7 +301,7 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
try {
Spatial ogreMesh = assetManager . loadModel ( meshKey ) ;
entityNode . attachChild ( ogreMesh ) ;
} catch ( AssetNotFoundException ex ) {
} catch ( AssetNotFoundException ex ) {
logger . log ( Level . WARNING , "Cannot locate {0} for scene {1}" , new Object [ ] { meshKey , key } ) ;
// Attach placeholder asset.
entityNode . attachChild ( PlaceholderAssets . getPlaceholderModel ( assetManager ) ) ;
@ -334,24 +309,115 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
node . attachChild ( entityNode ) ;
node = null ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "position" ) ) {
if ( elementStack . peek ( ) . equals ( "node" ) ) {
private void parseNode ( Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
String name = attribs . getValue ( "name" ) ;
if ( name = = null ) {
name = "OgreNode-" + ( + + nodeIdx ) ;
com . jme3 . scene . Node newNode = new com . jme3 . scene . Node ( name ) ;
if ( node ! = null ) {
node . attachChild ( newNode ) ;
node = newNode ;
public void startElement ( String uri , String localName , String qName , Attributes attribs ) throws SAXException {
if ( qName . equals ( "scene" ) ) {
if ( elementStack . size ( ) ! = 0 ) {
throw new SAXException ( "dotScene parse error: 'scene' element must be the root XML element" ) ;
String version = attribs . getValue ( "formatVersion" ) ;
if ( version = = null | | ( ! version . equals ( "1.0.0" ) & & ! version . equals ( "1.0.1" ) ) ) {
logger . log ( Level . WARNING , "Unrecognized version number"
+ " in dotScene file: {0}" , version ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "nodes" ) ) {
if ( root ! = null ) {
throw new SAXException ( "dotScene parse error: nodes element was specified twice" ) ;
if ( sceneName = = null ) {
root = new com . jme3 . scene . Node ( "OgreDotScene" + ( + + sceneIdx ) ) ;
} else {
root = new com . jme3 . scene . Node ( sceneName + "-scene_node" ) ;
node = root ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "externals" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "scene" ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "item" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "externals" ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "file" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "item" ) ;
// NOTE: This part of the file is ignored, it is parsed
// by SceneMaterialLoader in the first pass.
} else if ( qName . equals ( "node" ) ) {
String curElement = elementStack . peek ( ) ;
if ( ! curElement . equals ( "node" ) & & ! curElement . equals ( "nodes" ) ) {
throw new SAXException ( "dotScene parse error: "
+ "node element can only appear under 'node' or 'nodes'" ) ;
parseNode ( attribs ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "property" ) ) {
if ( node ! = null ) {
String type = attribs . getValue ( "type" ) ;
String name = attribs . getValue ( "name" ) ;
String data = attribs . getValue ( "data" ) ;
if ( type . equals ( "BOOL" ) ) {
node . setUserData ( name , Boolean . parseBoolean ( data ) | | data . equals ( "1" ) ) ;
} else if ( type . equals ( "FLOAT" ) ) {
node . setUserData ( name , Float . parseFloat ( data ) ) ;
} else if ( type . equals ( "STRING" ) ) {
node . setUserData ( name , data ) ;
} else if ( type . equals ( "INT" ) ) {
node . setUserData ( name , Integer . parseInt ( data ) ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "entity" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "node" ) ;
parseEntity ( attribs ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "camera" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "node" ) ;
parseCamera ( attribs ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "clipping" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "camera" ) ;
parseCameraClipping ( attribs ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "position" ) ) {
if ( elementStack . peek ( ) . equals ( "node" ) ) {
node . setLocalTranslation ( SAXUtil . parseVector3 ( attribs ) ) ;
} else if ( elementStack . peek ( ) . equals ( "camera" ) ) {
cameraNode . setLocalTranslation ( SAXUtil . parseVector3 ( attribs ) ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "quaternion" ) | | qName . equals ( "rotation" ) ) {
} else if ( qName . equals ( "quaternion" ) | | qName . equals ( "rotation" ) ) {
node . setLocalRotation ( parseQuat ( attribs ) ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "scale" ) ) {
} else if ( qName . equals ( "scale" ) ) {
node . setLocalScale ( SAXUtil . parseVector3 ( attribs ) ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "light" ) ) {
parseLight ( attribs ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "colourDiffuse" ) | | qName . equals ( "colorDiffuse" ) ) {
if ( elementStack . peek ( ) . equals ( "light" ) ) {
if ( light ! = null ) {
if ( elementStack . peek ( ) . equals ( "light" ) ) {
if ( light ! = null ) {
light . setColor ( parseColor ( attribs ) ) ;
} else {
} else {
checkTopNode ( "environment" ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "colourAmbient" ) | | qName . equals ( "colorAmbient" ) ) {
if ( elementStack . peek ( ) . equals ( "environment" ) ) {
ColorRGBA color = parseColor ( attribs ) ;
if ( ! color . equals ( ColorRGBA . Black ) & & ! color . equals ( ColorRGBA . BlackNoAlpha ) ) {
// Lets add an ambient light to the scene.
AmbientLight al = new AmbientLight ( ) ;
al . setColor ( color ) ;
root . addLight ( al ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "normal" ) | | qName . equals ( "direction" ) ) {
checkTopNode ( "light" ) ;
parseLightNormal ( attribs ) ;
@ -366,28 +432,31 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
public void endElement ( String uri , String name , String qName ) throws SAXException {
if ( qName . equals ( "node" ) ) {
if ( qName . equals ( "node" ) ) {
node = node . getParent ( ) ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "nodes" ) ) {
} else if ( qName . equals ( "nodes" ) ) {
node = null ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "entity" ) ) {
} else if ( qName . equals ( "entity" ) ) {
node = entityNode . getParent ( ) ;
entityNode = null ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "light" ) ) {
} else if ( qName . equals ( "camera" ) ) {
node = cameraNode . getParent ( ) ;
cameraNode = null ;
} else if ( qName . equals ( "light" ) ) {
// apply the node's world transform on the light..
root . updateGeometricState ( ) ;
if ( light ! = null ) {
if ( light instanceof DirectionalLight ) {
if ( light ! = null ) {
if ( light instanceof DirectionalLight ) {
DirectionalLight dl = ( DirectionalLight ) light ;
Quaternion q = node . getWorldRotation ( ) ;
Vector3f dir = dl . getDirection ( ) ;
q . multLocal ( dir ) ;
dl . setDirection ( dir ) ;
} else if ( light instanceof PointLight ) {
} else if ( light instanceof PointLight ) {
PointLight pl = ( PointLight ) light ;
Vector3f pos = node . getWorldTranslation ( ) ;
pl . setPosition ( pos ) ;
} else if ( light instanceof SpotLight ) {
} else if ( light instanceof SpotLight ) {
SpotLight sl = ( SpotLight ) light ;
Vector3f pos = node . getWorldTranslation ( ) ;
@ -409,10 +478,8 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
public void characters ( char ch [ ] , int start , int length ) {
public Object load ( AssetInfo info ) throws IOException {
try {
try {
key = info . getKey ( ) ;
assetManager = info . getManager ( ) ;
sceneName = key . getName ( ) ;
@ -420,15 +487,25 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
folderName = key . getFolder ( ) ;
sceneName = sceneName . substring ( 0 , sceneName . length ( ) - ext . length ( ) - 1 ) ;
OgreMaterialKey materialKey = new OgreMaterialKey ( sceneName + ".material" ) ;
reset ( ) ;
// == Run 1st pass over XML file to determine material list ==
materialList = materialLoader . load ( assetManager , folderName , info . openStream ( ) ) ;
if ( materialList . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// NOTE: No materials were found by searching the externals section.
// Try finding a similarly named material file in the same folder.
// (Backward compatibility only!)
OgreMaterialKey materialKey = new OgreMaterialKey ( sceneName + ".material" ) ;
try {
materialList = ( MaterialList ) assetManager . loadAsset ( materialKey ) ;
} catch ( AssetNotFoundException ex ) {
} catch ( AssetNotFoundException ex ) {
logger . log ( Level . WARNING , "Cannot locate {0} for scene {1}" , new Object [ ] { materialKey , key } ) ;
materialList = null ;
reset ( ) ;
// == Run 2nd pass to load entities and other objects ==
// Added by larynx 25.06.2011
// Android needs the namespace aware flag set to true
@ -448,13 +525,13 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
r = new InputStreamReader ( info . openStream ( ) ) ;
xr . parse ( new InputSource ( r ) ) ;
} finally {
if ( r ! = null ) {
if ( r ! = null ) {
r . close ( ) ;
return root ;
} catch ( SAXException ex ) {
} catch ( SAXException ex ) {
IOException ioEx = new IOException ( "Error while parsing Ogre3D dotScene" ) ;
ioEx . initCause ( ex ) ;
throw ioEx ;
@ -464,5 +541,4 @@ public class SceneLoader extends DefaultHandler implements AssetLoader {
throw ioEx ;