git-svn-id: 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca3.0
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<project name="build openal-soft natives" default="all" basedir="../"> |
<!-- load cpp compiler ant task --> |
<taskdef resource="cpptasks.tasks" classpath="lib/antlibs/cpptasks.jar"/> |
<!-- load properties --> |
<property file="nbproject/"/> |
<condition property="ndk-build-name" value="ndk-build.cmd" else="ndk-build"> |
<os family="windows" /> |
</condition> |
<fileset id="lib.jars" dir="${openal-soft.lib.dir}"> |
<include name="**/*.jar"/> |
</fileset> |
<fileset id="lib.jme.jars" dir="${openal-soft.jme.dir}"> |
<include name="**/*.jar"/> |
</fileset> |
<pathconvert property="lib.importpath"> |
<fileset refid="lib.jars"/> |
<fileset refid="lib.jme.jars"/> |
</pathconvert> |
<target name="build-openal-soft-natives" description="builds the native openal-soft library for android" depends="create-native-headers, -create-folders, compile-android"> |
<echo message="Updating native jME3-openal-soft-natives.jar"/> |
<zip basedir="${openal-soft.output.dir}" file="${openal-soft.output.base}/jME3-openal-soft-natives-android.jar" compress="true"/> |
<copy file="${openal-soft.output.base}/jME3-openal-soft-natives-android.jar" todir="dist/opt/native-openal-soft/"/> |
</target> |
<target name="create-native-headers" description="creates the native C++ headers for the java native methods"> |
<javah destdir="${openal-soft.source.dir}" classpath="${}${path.separator}${lib.importpath}"> |
<class name=""/> |
</javah> |
</target> |
<target name="-create-folders" description="creates the needed folders"> |
<mkdir dir="${}"/> |
<mkdir dir="${}/jni"/> |
<mkdir dir="${openal-soft.output.base}"/> |
<mkdir dir="${openal-soft.output.dir}"/> |
</target> |
<target name="compile-android" description="compiles libopenalsoftjme using the Android NDK" depends="-check-android-ndk" if="haveAndoidNdk"> |
<!-- copy OpenAL Soft files into jni directory --> |
<echo>Copying OpenAL Soft source files to build directory from ${openal-soft.include}</echo> |
<copy todir="${}/jni" verbose="true" flatten="false" overwrite="true"> |
<fileset dir="${openal-soft.include}"> |
<include name="**/*.*"/> |
<!-- |
<include name="**/*.cpp"/> |
<include name="**/*.h"/> |
<include name="**/*.cl"/> |
<include name="**/*.c"/> |
<include name="**/*.inc"/> |
<exclude name="/android/*.*"/> |
<include name="**/*.*" /> |
--> |
</fileset> |
</copy> |
<!-- copy jME3 Native OpenAL Soft files into jni directory --> |
<!-- |
<echo>Copying jME3 JNI files for OpenAL Soft to build directory from ${openal-soft.source.dir}</echo> |
<copy todir="build/openal-soft-android/jni" verbose="true" flatten="false" overwrite="true"> |
<fileset dir="${openal-soft.source.dir}"> |
<include name="*.cpp" /> |
<include name="*.h" /> |
<include name="**/*.*" /> |
</fileset> |
</copy> |
--> |
<!-- copy and files into jni directory --> |
<echo>Copying Android Make and JNI files for OpenAL Soft to build directory from ${openal-soft.source.dir}</echo> |
<copy todir="${}/jni" verbose="true" flatten="false" overwrite="true"> |
<fileset dir="${openal-soft.source.dir}"> |
<include name="*.*" /> |
</fileset> |
</copy> |
<!-- |
<copy file="${openal-soft.source.dir}/" todir="build/openal-soft-android/jni" verbose="true"/> |
<copy file="${openal-soft.source.dir}/" todir="build/openal-soft-android/jni" verbose="true"/> |
--> |
<exec executable="${ndk.dir}/${ndk-build-name}" failonerror="true" > |
<!--<arg line="NDK_DEBUG=1"/>--> |
<arg line="TARGET_PLATFORM=android-9"/> |
<arg line="-C ${}/"/> |
</exec> |
<!-- copy resulting library directories to jarcontent directory --> |
<copy todir="${openal-soft.output.dir}" verbose="true" flatten="false"> |
<fileset dir="${}/libs"> |
<include name="**/*.*"/> |
<!--exclude name="**/x86/*.*"/--> |
</fileset> |
</copy> |
</target> |
<target name="-check-android-ndk"> |
<available file="${ndk.dir}/${ndk-build-name}" property="haveAndoidNdk"/> |
</target> |
</project> |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
$label=Native OpenAL Soft |
$ |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
########################################################## |
# these are the ant build properties for openal-soft-jme # |
########################################################## |
# location of Android NDK if available |
ndk.dir=D:/android/android-ndk-r7 |
# directory of OpenAL Soft download |
openal-soft.folder=../openalsoft_1_15_1/openal-soft |
# compile options |
openal-soft.compile.debug=false |
# native header include directories |
|${java.home}/../include |
# dont change these.. |
openal-soft.include=${openal-soft.folder} |
openal-soft.source.dir=src/openal-soft-native/android |
| |
openal-soft.output.base=lib/openal-soft |
openal-soft.output.dir=${openal-soft.output.base}/jarcontent |
openal-soft.jme.dir=dist |
openal-soft.lib.dir=dist/lib |
Reference in new issue