Blender Loader : implemented fixUpAxis for meshes

git-svn-id: 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca
3.0 14 years ago
parent c011a29529
commit bf70599185
  1. 859

@ -72,438 +72,443 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
* @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas)
public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This constructor parses the given blender version and stores the result. Some functionalities may differ in different blender
* versions.
* @param blenderVersion
* the version read from the blend file
public MeshHelper(String blenderVersion) {
* This method reads converts the given structure into mesh. The given structure needs to be filled with the appropriate data.
* @param structure
* the structure we read the mesh from
* @return the mesh feature
* @throws BlenderFileException
public List<Geometry> toMesh(Structure structure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
List<Geometry> geometries = (List<Geometry>) blenderContext.getLoadedFeature(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(),
if (geometries != null) {
List<Geometry> copiedGeometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(geometries.size());
for (Geometry geometry : geometries) {
return copiedGeometries;
// helpers
TextureHelper textureHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(TextureHelper.class);
// reading mesh data
String name = structure.getName();
MeshContext meshContext = new MeshContext();
// reading vertices
Vector3f[] vertices = this.getVertices(structure, blenderContext);
int verticesAmount = vertices.length;
// vertices Colors
List<float[]> verticesColors = this.getVerticesColors(structure, blenderContext);
// reading faces
// the following map sorts faces by material number (because in jme Mesh can have only one material)
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> meshesMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
Pointer pMFace = (Pointer) structure.getFieldValue("mface");
* This constructor parses the given blender version and stores the result. Some functionalities may differ in different blender
* versions.
* @param blenderVersion
* the version read from the blend file
public MeshHelper(String blenderVersion) {
* This method reads converts the given structure into mesh. The given structure needs to be filled with the appropriate data.
* @param structure
* the structure we read the mesh from
* @return the mesh feature
* @throws BlenderFileException
public List<Geometry> toMesh(Structure structure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
List<Geometry> geometries = (List<Geometry>) blenderContext.getLoadedFeature(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(),
if (geometries != null) {
List<Geometry> copiedGeometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(geometries.size());
for (Geometry geometry : geometries) {
return copiedGeometries;
// helpers
TextureHelper textureHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(TextureHelper.class);
// reading mesh data
String name = structure.getName();
MeshContext meshContext = new MeshContext();
// reading vertices
Vector3f[] vertices = this.getVertices(structure, blenderContext);
int verticesAmount = vertices.length;
// vertices Colors
List<float[]> verticesColors = this.getVerticesColors(structure, blenderContext);
// reading faces
// the following map sorts faces by material number (because in jme Mesh can have only one material)
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> meshesMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
Pointer pMFace = (Pointer) structure.getFieldValue("mface");
List<Structure> mFaces = null;
if (pMFace.isNotNull()){
if (pMFace.isNotNull()) {
mFaces = pMFace.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream());
if(mFaces==null || mFaces.size()==0) {
return new ArrayList<Geometry>(0);
if (mFaces == null || mFaces.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList<Geometry>(0);
Pointer pMTFace = (Pointer) structure.getFieldValue("mtface");
List<Vector2f> uvCoordinates = null;
List<Structure> mtFaces = null;
if (pMTFace.isNotNull()) {
mtFaces = pMTFace.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream());
int facesAmount = ((Number) structure.getFieldValue("totface")).intValue();
if (mtFaces.size() != facesAmount) {
throw new BlenderFileException("The amount of faces uv coordinates is not equal to faces amount!");
uvCoordinates = new ArrayList<Vector2f>();
// normalMap merges normals of faces that will be rendered smooth
Map<Vector3f, Vector3f> normalMap = new HashMap<Vector3f, Vector3f>(verticesAmount);
List<Vector3f> normalList = new ArrayList<Vector3f>();
List<Vector3f> vertexList = new ArrayList<Vector3f>();
// indicates if the material with the specified number should have a texture attached
Map<Integer, Texture> materialNumberToTexture = new HashMap<Integer, Texture>();
// this map's key is the vertex index from 'vertices 'table and the value are indices from 'vertexList'
// positions (it simply tells which vertex is referenced where in the result list)
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> vertexReferenceMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(verticesAmount);
int vertexColorIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mFaces.size(); ++i) {
Structure mFace = mFaces.get(i);
boolean smooth = (((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("flag")).byteValue() & 0x01) != 0x00;
DynamicArray<Number> uvs = null;
boolean materialWithoutTextures = false;
Pointer pImage = null;
if (mtFaces != null) {
Structure mtFace = mtFaces.get(i);
pImage = (Pointer) mtFace.getFieldValue("tpage");
materialWithoutTextures = pImage.isNull();
// uvs always must be added wheater we have texture or not
uvs = (DynamicArray<Number>) mtFace.getFieldValue("uv");
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(0, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(0, 1).floatValue()));
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(1, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(1, 1).floatValue()));
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(2, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(2, 1).floatValue()));
int matNr = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("mat_nr")).intValue();
Integer materialNumber = Integer.valueOf(materialWithoutTextures ? -1 * matNr - 1 : matNr);
List<Integer> indexList = meshesMap.get(materialNumber);
if (indexList == null) {
indexList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
meshesMap.put(materialNumber, indexList);
// attaching image to texture (face can have UV's and image whlie its material may have no texture attached)
if (pImage != null && pImage.isNotNull() && !materialNumberToTexture.containsKey(materialNumber)) {
Texture texture = textureHelper.getTextureFromImage(pImage.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream()).get(0),
if (texture != null) {
materialNumberToTexture.put(materialNumber, texture);
int v1 = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("v1")).intValue();
int v2 = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("v2")).intValue();
int v3 = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("v3")).intValue();
int v4 = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("v4")).intValue();
Vector3f n = FastMath.computeNormal(vertices[v1], vertices[v2], vertices[v3]);
this.addNormal(n, normalMap, smooth, vertices[v1], vertices[v2], vertices[v3]);
this.appendVertexReference(v1, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.appendVertexReference(v2, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.appendVertexReference(v3, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
if (v4 > 0) {
if (uvs != null) {
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(0, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(0, 1).floatValue()));
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(2, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(2, 1).floatValue()));
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(3, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(3, 1).floatValue()));
this.appendVertexReference(v1, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.appendVertexReference(v3, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.appendVertexReference(v4, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.addNormal(n, normalMap, smooth, vertices[v4]);
if (verticesColors != null) {
verticesColors.add(vertexColorIndex + 3, verticesColors.get(vertexColorIndex));
verticesColors.add(vertexColorIndex + 4, verticesColors.get(vertexColorIndex + 2));
vertexColorIndex += 6;
} else {
if (verticesColors != null) {
verticesColors.remove(vertexColorIndex + 3);
vertexColorIndex += 3;
Vector3f[] normals = normalList.toArray(new Vector3f[normalList.size()]);
// reading vertices groups (from the parent)
Structure parent = blenderContext.peekParent();
Structure defbase = (Structure) parent.getFieldValue("defbase");
List<Structure> defs = defbase.evaluateListBase(blenderContext);
String[] verticesGroups = new String[defs.size()];
int defIndex = 0;
for (Structure def : defs) {
verticesGroups[defIndex++] = def.getFieldValue("name").toString();
// reading materials
MaterialHelper materialHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(MaterialHelper.class);
Material[] materials = null;
Material[] nonTexturedMaterials = null;
if ((blenderContext.getBlenderKey().getFeaturesToLoad() & FeaturesToLoad.MATERIALS) != 0) {
materials = materialHelper.getMaterials(structure, blenderContext);
nonTexturedMaterials = materials == null ? null : new Material[materials.length];// fill it when needed
// creating the result meshes
geometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(meshesMap.size());
VertexBuffer verticesBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Type.Position);
verticesBuffer.setupData(Usage.Stream, 3, Format.Float,
BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(vertexList.toArray(new Vector3f[vertexList.size()])));
// initial vertex position (used with animation)
VertexBuffer verticesBind = new VertexBuffer(Type.BindPosePosition);
verticesBind.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.clone(verticesBuffer.getData()));
VertexBuffer normalsBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Type.Normal);
normalsBuffer.setupData(Usage.Stream, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(normals));
// initial normals position (used with animation)
VertexBuffer normalsBind = new VertexBuffer(Type.BindPoseNormal);
normalsBind.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.clone(normalsBuffer.getData()));
VertexBuffer uvCoordsBuffer = null;
if (uvCoordinates != null) {
uvCoordsBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Type.TexCoord);
uvCoordsBuffer.setupData(Usage.Static, 2, Format.Float,
BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(uvCoordinates.toArray(new Vector2f[uvCoordinates.size()])));
Pointer pMTFace = (Pointer) structure.getFieldValue("mtface");
List<Vector2f> uvCoordinates = null;
List<Structure> mtFaces = null;
if (pMTFace.isNotNull()) {
mtFaces = pMTFace.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream());
int facesAmount = ((Number) structure.getFieldValue("totface")).intValue();
if (mtFaces.size() != facesAmount) {
throw new BlenderFileException("The amount of faces uv coordinates is not equal to faces amount!");
uvCoordinates = new ArrayList<Vector2f>();
// normalMap merges normals of faces that will be rendered smooth
Map<Vector3f, Vector3f> normalMap = new HashMap<Vector3f, Vector3f>(verticesAmount);
List<Vector3f> normalList = new ArrayList<Vector3f>();
List<Vector3f> vertexList = new ArrayList<Vector3f>();
// indicates if the material with the specified number should have a texture attached
Map<Integer, Texture> materialNumberToTexture = new HashMap<Integer, Texture>();
// this map's key is the vertex index from 'vertices 'table and the value are indices from 'vertexList'
// positions (it simply tells which vertex is referenced where in the result list)
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> vertexReferenceMap = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(verticesAmount);
int vertexColorIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mFaces.size(); ++i) {
Structure mFace = mFaces.get(i);
boolean smooth = (((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("flag")).byteValue() & 0x01) != 0x00;
DynamicArray<Number> uvs = null;
boolean materialWithoutTextures = false;
Pointer pImage = null;
if (mtFaces != null) {
Structure mtFace = mtFaces.get(i);
pImage = (Pointer) mtFace.getFieldValue("tpage");
materialWithoutTextures = pImage.isNull();
// uvs always must be added wheater we have texture or not
uvs = (DynamicArray<Number>) mtFace.getFieldValue("uv");
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(0, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(0, 1).floatValue()));
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(1, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(1, 1).floatValue()));
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(2, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(2, 1).floatValue()));
int matNr = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("mat_nr")).intValue();
Integer materialNumber = Integer.valueOf(materialWithoutTextures ? -1 * matNr - 1 : matNr);
List<Integer> indexList = meshesMap.get(materialNumber);
if (indexList == null) {
indexList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
meshesMap.put(materialNumber, indexList);
// attaching image to texture (face can have UV's and image whlie its material may have no texture attached)
if (pImage != null && pImage.isNotNull() && !materialNumberToTexture.containsKey(materialNumber)) {
Texture texture = textureHelper.getTextureFromImage(pImage.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream()).get(0),
if (texture != null) {
materialNumberToTexture.put(materialNumber, texture);
int v1 = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("v1")).intValue();
int v2 = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("v2")).intValue();
int v3 = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("v3")).intValue();
int v4 = ((Number) mFace.getFieldValue("v4")).intValue();
Vector3f n = FastMath.computeNormal(vertices[v1], vertices[v2], vertices[v3]);
this.addNormal(n, normalMap, smooth, vertices[v1], vertices[v2], vertices[v3]);
this.appendVertexReference(v1, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.appendVertexReference(v2, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.appendVertexReference(v3, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
if (v4 > 0) {
if (uvs != null) {
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(0, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(0, 1).floatValue()));
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(2, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(2, 1).floatValue()));
uvCoordinates.add(new Vector2f(uvs.get(3, 0).floatValue(), uvs.get(3, 1).floatValue()));
this.appendVertexReference(v1, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.appendVertexReference(v3, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.appendVertexReference(v4, vertexList.size(), vertexReferenceMap);
this.addNormal(n, normalMap, smooth, vertices[v4]);
if (verticesColors != null) {
verticesColors.add(vertexColorIndex + 3, verticesColors.get(vertexColorIndex));
verticesColors.add(vertexColorIndex + 4, verticesColors.get(vertexColorIndex + 2));
vertexColorIndex += 6;
} else {
if (verticesColors != null) {
verticesColors.remove(vertexColorIndex + 3);
vertexColorIndex += 3;
Vector3f[] normals = normalList.toArray(new Vector3f[normalList.size()]);
// reading vertices groups (from the parent)
Structure parent = blenderContext.peekParent();
Structure defbase = (Structure) parent.getFieldValue("defbase");
List<Structure> defs = defbase.evaluateListBase(blenderContext);
String[] verticesGroups = new String[defs.size()];
int defIndex = 0;
for (Structure def : defs) {
verticesGroups[defIndex++] = def.getFieldValue("name").toString();
// reading materials
MaterialHelper materialHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(MaterialHelper.class);
Material[] materials = null;
Material[] nonTexturedMaterials = null;
if ((blenderContext.getBlenderKey().getFeaturesToLoad() & FeaturesToLoad.MATERIALS) != 0) {
materials = materialHelper.getMaterials(structure, blenderContext);
nonTexturedMaterials = materials == null ? null : new Material[materials.length];// fill it when needed
// creating the result meshes
geometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(meshesMap.size());
VertexBuffer verticesBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Type.Position);
verticesBuffer.setupData(Usage.Stream, 3, Format.Float,
BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(vertexList.toArray(new Vector3f[vertexList.size()])));
// initial vertex position (used with animation)
VertexBuffer verticesBind = new VertexBuffer(Type.BindPosePosition);
verticesBind.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.clone(verticesBuffer.getData()));
VertexBuffer normalsBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Type.Normal);
normalsBuffer.setupData(Usage.Stream, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(normals));
// initial normals position (used with animation)
VertexBuffer normalsBind = new VertexBuffer(Type.BindPoseNormal);
normalsBind.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, 3, Format.Float, BufferUtils.clone(normalsBuffer.getData()));
VertexBuffer uvCoordsBuffer = null;
if (uvCoordinates != null) {
uvCoordsBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Type.TexCoord);
uvCoordsBuffer.setupData(Usage.Static, 2, Format.Float,
BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(uvCoordinates.toArray(new Vector2f[uvCoordinates.size()])));
//reading custom properties
Properties properties = this.loadProperties(structure, blenderContext);
// generating meshes
FloatBuffer verticesColorsBuffer = this.createFloatBuffer(verticesColors);
for (Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> meshEntry : meshesMap.entrySet()) {
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
// creating vertices indices for this mesh
List<Integer> indexList = meshEntry.getValue();
int[] indices = new int[indexList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < indexList.size(); ++i) {
indices[i] = indexList.get(i).intValue();
// setting vertices
mesh.setBuffer(Type.Index, 1, indices);
// setting vertices colors
if (verticesColorsBuffer != null) {
mesh.setBuffer(Type.Color, 4, verticesColorsBuffer);
// setting faces' normals
// creating the result
Geometry geometry = new Geometry(name + (geometries.size() + 1), mesh);
if (materials != null) {
int materialNumber = meshEntry.getKey().intValue();
Material material;
if (materialNumber >= 0) {
material = materials[materialNumber];
if (materialNumberToTexture.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(materialNumber))) {
if (material.getMaterialDef().getAssetName().contains("Lighting")) {
if (!materialHelper.hasTexture(material, MaterialHelper.TEXTURE_TYPE_DIFFUSE)) {
material = material.clone();
} else {
if (!materialHelper.hasTexture(material, MaterialHelper.TEXTURE_TYPE_COLOR)) {
material = material.clone();
} else {
materialNumber = -1 * (materialNumber + 1);
if (nonTexturedMaterials[materialNumber] == null) {
nonTexturedMaterials[materialNumber] = materialHelper.getNonTexturedMaterial(materials[materialNumber],
material = nonTexturedMaterials[materialNumber];
if (material.isTransparent()){
//reading custom properties
Properties properties = this.loadProperties(structure, blenderContext);
// generating meshes
FloatBuffer verticesColorsBuffer = this.createFloatBuffer(verticesColors);
for (Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> meshEntry : meshesMap.entrySet()) {
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
// creating vertices indices for this mesh
List<Integer> indexList = meshEntry.getValue();
int[] indices = new int[indexList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < indexList.size(); ++i) {
indices[i] = indexList.get(i).intValue();
// setting vertices
mesh.setBuffer(Type.Index, 1, indices);
// setting vertices colors
if (verticesColorsBuffer != null) {
mesh.setBuffer(Type.Color, 4, verticesColorsBuffer);
// setting faces' normals
// creating the result
Geometry geometry = new Geometry(name + (geometries.size() + 1), mesh);
if (materials != null) {
int materialNumber = meshEntry.getKey().intValue();
Material material;
if (materialNumber >= 0) {
material = materials[materialNumber];
if (materialNumberToTexture.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(materialNumber))) {
if (material.getMaterialDef().getAssetName().contains("Lighting")) {
if (!materialHelper.hasTexture(material, MaterialHelper.TEXTURE_TYPE_DIFFUSE)) {
material = material.clone();
} else {
if (!materialHelper.hasTexture(material, MaterialHelper.TEXTURE_TYPE_COLOR)) {
material = material.clone();
} else {
materialNumber = -1 * (materialNumber + 1);
if (nonTexturedMaterials[materialNumber] == null) {
nonTexturedMaterials[materialNumber] = materialHelper.getNonTexturedMaterial(materials[materialNumber],
material = nonTexturedMaterials[materialNumber];
if (material.isTransparent()) {
} else {
if(properties != null && properties.getValue() != null) {
geometry.setUserData("properties", properties);
//applying uvCoordinates for all the meshes
if (uvCoordsBuffer != null) {
for(Geometry geom : geometries) {
} else {
Map<Material, List<Geometry>> materialMap = new HashMap<Material, List<Geometry>>();
for(Geometry geom : geometries) {
Material material = geom.getMaterial();
List<Geometry> geomsWithCommonMaterial = materialMap.get(material);
if(geomsWithCommonMaterial==null) {
geomsWithCommonMaterial = new ArrayList<Geometry>();
materialMap.put(material, geomsWithCommonMaterial);
for(Entry<Material, List<Geometry>> entry : materialMap.entrySet()) {
MaterialContext materialContext = blenderContext.getMaterialContext(entry.getKey());
if(materialContext != null && materialContext.getTexturesCount()>0) {
VertexBuffer coords = UVCoordinatesGenerator.generateUVCoordinates(materialContext.getUvCoordinatesType(),
materialContext.getProjectionType(), materialContext.getTextureDimension(),
materialContext.getProjection(0), entry.getValue());
//setting the coordinates inside the mesh context
for(Geometry geometry : entry.getValue()) {
meshContext.addUVCoordinates(geometry, coords);
blenderContext.addLoadedFeatures(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), structure.getName(), structure, geometries);
blenderContext.setMeshContext(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), meshContext);
return geometries;
* This method adds a normal to a normals' map. This map is used to merge normals of a vertor that should be rendered smooth.
* @param normalToAdd
* a normal to be added
* @param normalMap
* merges normals of faces that will be rendered smooth; the key is the vertex and the value - its normal vector
* @param smooth
* the variable that indicates wheather to merge normals (creating the smooth mesh) or not
* @param vertices
* a list of vertices read from the blender file
public void addNormal(Vector3f normalToAdd, Map<Vector3f, Vector3f> normalMap, boolean smooth, Vector3f... vertices) {
for (Vector3f v : vertices) {
Vector3f n = normalMap.get(v);
if (!smooth || n == null) {
normalMap.put(v, normalToAdd.clone());
} else {
* This method fills the vertex reference map. The vertices are loaded once and referenced many times in the model. This map is created
* to tell where the basic vertices are referenced in the result vertex lists. The key of the map is the basic vertex index, and its key
* - the reference indices list.
* @param basicVertexIndex
* the index of the vertex from its basic table
* @param resultIndex
* the index of the vertex in its result vertex list
* @param vertexReferenceMap
* the reference map
protected void appendVertexReference(int basicVertexIndex, int resultIndex, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> vertexReferenceMap) {
List<Integer> referenceList = vertexReferenceMap.get(Integer.valueOf(basicVertexIndex));
if (referenceList == null) {
referenceList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
vertexReferenceMap.put(Integer.valueOf(basicVertexIndex), referenceList);
* This method returns the vertices colors. Each vertex is stored in float[4] array.
* @param meshStructure
* the structure containing the mesh data
* @param blenderContext
* the blender context
* @return a list of vertices colors, each color belongs to a single vertex
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is somehow invalid or corrupted
public List<float[]> getVerticesColors(Structure meshStructure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
Pointer pMCol = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("mcol");
List<float[]> verticesColors = null;
List<Structure> mCol = null;
if (pMCol.isNotNull()) {
verticesColors = new LinkedList<float[]>();
mCol = pMCol.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream());
for (Structure color : mCol) {
float r = ((Number) color.getFieldValue("r")).byteValue() / 256.0f;
float g = ((Number) color.getFieldValue("g")).byteValue() / 256.0f;
float b = ((Number) color.getFieldValue("b")).byteValue() / 256.0f;
float a = ((Number) color.getFieldValue("a")).byteValue() / 256.0f;
verticesColors.add(new float[] { b, g, r, a });
return verticesColors;
* This method returns the vertices.
* @param meshStructure
* the structure containing the mesh data
* @param blenderContext
* the blender context
* @return a list of vertices colors, each color belongs to a single vertex
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is somehow invalid or corrupted
public Vector3f[] getVertices(Structure meshStructure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
int verticesAmount = ((Number) meshStructure.getFieldValue("totvert")).intValue();
Vector3f[] vertices = new Vector3f[verticesAmount];
if (verticesAmount == 0) {
return vertices;
Pointer pMVert = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("mvert");
List<Structure> mVerts = pMVert.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream());
for (int i = 0; i < verticesAmount; ++i) {
DynamicArray<Number> coordinates = (DynamicArray<Number>) mVerts.get(i).getFieldValue("co");
vertices[i] = new Vector3f(coordinates.get(0).floatValue(), coordinates.get(1).floatValue(), coordinates.get(2).floatValue());
return vertices;
public boolean shouldBeLoaded(Structure structure, BlenderContext blenderContext) {
return true;
} else {
if (properties != null && properties.getValue() != null) {
geometry.setUserData("properties", properties);
//applying uvCoordinates for all the meshes
if (uvCoordsBuffer != null) {
for (Geometry geom : geometries) {
} else {
Map<Material, List<Geometry>> materialMap = new HashMap<Material, List<Geometry>>();
for (Geometry geom : geometries) {
Material material = geom.getMaterial();
List<Geometry> geomsWithCommonMaterial = materialMap.get(material);
if (geomsWithCommonMaterial == null) {
geomsWithCommonMaterial = new ArrayList<Geometry>();
materialMap.put(material, geomsWithCommonMaterial);
for (Entry<Material, List<Geometry>> entry : materialMap.entrySet()) {
MaterialContext materialContext = blenderContext.getMaterialContext(entry.getKey());
if (materialContext != null && materialContext.getTexturesCount() > 0) {
VertexBuffer coords = UVCoordinatesGenerator.generateUVCoordinates(materialContext.getUvCoordinatesType(),
materialContext.getProjectionType(), materialContext.getTextureDimension(),
materialContext.getProjection(0), entry.getValue());
//setting the coordinates inside the mesh context
for (Geometry geometry : entry.getValue()) {
meshContext.addUVCoordinates(geometry, coords);
blenderContext.addLoadedFeatures(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), structure.getName(), structure, geometries);
blenderContext.setMeshContext(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), meshContext);
return geometries;
* This method adds a normal to a normals' map. This map is used to merge normals of a vertor that should be rendered smooth.
* @param normalToAdd
* a normal to be added
* @param normalMap
* merges normals of faces that will be rendered smooth; the key is the vertex and the value - its normal vector
* @param smooth
* the variable that indicates wheather to merge normals (creating the smooth mesh) or not
* @param vertices
* a list of vertices read from the blender file
public void addNormal(Vector3f normalToAdd, Map<Vector3f, Vector3f> normalMap, boolean smooth, Vector3f... vertices) {
for (Vector3f v : vertices) {
Vector3f n = normalMap.get(v);
if (!smooth || n == null) {
normalMap.put(v, normalToAdd.clone());
} else {
* This method fills the vertex reference map. The vertices are loaded once and referenced many times in the model. This map is created
* to tell where the basic vertices are referenced in the result vertex lists. The key of the map is the basic vertex index, and its key
* - the reference indices list.
* @param basicVertexIndex
* the index of the vertex from its basic table
* @param resultIndex
* the index of the vertex in its result vertex list
* @param vertexReferenceMap
* the reference map
protected void appendVertexReference(int basicVertexIndex, int resultIndex, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> vertexReferenceMap) {
List<Integer> referenceList = vertexReferenceMap.get(Integer.valueOf(basicVertexIndex));
if (referenceList == null) {
referenceList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
vertexReferenceMap.put(Integer.valueOf(basicVertexIndex), referenceList);
* This method returns the vertices colors. Each vertex is stored in float[4] array.
* @param meshStructure
* the structure containing the mesh data
* @param blenderContext
* the blender context
* @return a list of vertices colors, each color belongs to a single vertex
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is somehow invalid or corrupted
public List<float[]> getVerticesColors(Structure meshStructure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
Pointer pMCol = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("mcol");
List<float[]> verticesColors = null;
List<Structure> mCol = null;
if (pMCol.isNotNull()) {
verticesColors = new LinkedList<float[]>();
mCol = pMCol.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream());
for (Structure color : mCol) {
float r = ((Number) color.getFieldValue("r")).byteValue() / 256.0f;
float g = ((Number) color.getFieldValue("g")).byteValue() / 256.0f;
float b = ((Number) color.getFieldValue("b")).byteValue() / 256.0f;
float a = ((Number) color.getFieldValue("a")).byteValue() / 256.0f;
verticesColors.add(new float[]{b, g, r, a});
return verticesColors;
* This method returns the vertices.
* @param meshStructure
* the structure containing the mesh data
* @param blenderContext
* the blender context
* @return a list of vertices colors, each color belongs to a single vertex
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is somehow invalid or corrupted
public Vector3f[] getVertices(Structure meshStructure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
int verticesAmount = ((Number) meshStructure.getFieldValue("totvert")).intValue();
Vector3f[] vertices = new Vector3f[verticesAmount];
if (verticesAmount == 0) {
return vertices;
Pointer pMVert = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("mvert");
List<Structure> mVerts = pMVert.fetchData(blenderContext.getInputStream());
for (int i = 0; i < verticesAmount; ++i) {
DynamicArray<Number> coordinates = (DynamicArray<Number>) mVerts.get(i).getFieldValue("co");
if (blenderContext.getBlenderKey().isFixUpAxis()) {
vertices[i] = new Vector3f(coordinates.get(0).floatValue(), coordinates.get(2).floatValue(), -coordinates.get(1).floatValue());
} else {
vertices[i] = new Vector3f(coordinates.get(0).floatValue(), coordinates.get(1).floatValue(), coordinates.get(2).floatValue());
return vertices;
public boolean shouldBeLoaded(Structure structure, BlenderContext blenderContext) {
return true;
