Feature: added support for bone envelopes.

jmekaelthas 11 years ago
parent 4a69eee64f
commit a2855c1cf0
  1. 2
  2. 17
  3. 133
  4. 97
  5. 71
  6. 448

@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ public class BlenderContext {
public BoneContext getBoneContext(Bone bone) {
for (Entry<Long, BoneContext> entry : boneContexts.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().getBone().equals(bone)) {
if (entry.getValue().getBone().getName().equals(bone.getName())) {
return entry.getValue();

@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.objects.ObjectHelper;
public class BoneContext {
// the flags of the bone
public static final int CONNECTED_TO_PARENT = 0x10;
public static final int CONNECTED_TO_PARENT = 0x0010;
public static final int DEFORM = 0x1000;
* The bones' matrices have, unlike objects', the coordinate system identical to JME's (Y axis is UP, X to the right and Z toward us).
@ -54,6 +55,8 @@ public class BoneContext {
private Bone bone;
/** The length of the bone. */
private float length;
/** The bone's deform envelope. */
private BoneEnvelope boneEnvelope;
* Constructor. Creates the basic set of bone's data.
@ -111,6 +114,11 @@ public class BoneContext {
// and now compute the final bone matrix in world space
globalBoneMatrix = armatureWorldMatrix.mult(globalBoneMatrix);
// load the bone deformation envelope if necessary
if ((flag & DEFORM) == 0) {// if the flag is NOT set then the DEFORM is in use
boneEnvelope = new BoneEnvelope(boneStructure, armatureWorldMatrix, blenderContext.getBlenderKey().isFixUpAxis());
// create the children
List<Structure> childbase = ((Structure) boneStructure.getFieldValue("childbase")).evaluateListBase();
for (Structure child : childbase) {
@ -217,6 +225,13 @@ public class BoneContext {
return boneMatrixInModelSpace;
* @return the vertex assigning envelope of the bone
public BoneEnvelope getBoneEnvelope() {
return boneEnvelope;
* Tells if the bone is of specified property defined by its flag.
* @param flagMask

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.animations;
import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.DynamicArray;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.Structure;
* An implementation of bone envelope. Used when assigning bones to the mesh by envelopes.
* @author Marcin Roguski
public class BoneEnvelope {
/** A defined distance that will be included in the envelope space. */
private float distance;
/** The bone's weight. */
private float weight;
/** The radius of the bone's head. */
private float boneHeadRadius;
/** The radius of the bone's tail. */
private float boneTailRadius;
/** Head position in rest pose in world space. */
private Vector3f head;
/** Tail position in rest pose in world space. */
private Vector3f tail;
* The constructor of bone envelope. It reads all the needed data. Take notice that the positions of head and tail
* are computed in the world space and that the points' positions given for computations should be in world space as well.
* @param boneStructure
* the blender bone structure
* @param armatureWorldMatrix
* the world matrix of the armature object
* @param fixUpAxis
* a variable that tells if we use the Y-is up axis orientation
public BoneEnvelope(Structure boneStructure, Matrix4f armatureWorldMatrix, boolean fixUpAxis) {
distance = ((Number) boneStructure.getFieldValue("dist")).floatValue();
weight = ((Number) boneStructure.getFieldValue("weight")).floatValue();
boneHeadRadius = ((Number) boneStructure.getFieldValue("rad_head")).floatValue();
boneTailRadius = ((Number) boneStructure.getFieldValue("rad_tail")).floatValue();
DynamicArray<Number> headArray = (DynamicArray<Number>) boneStructure.getFieldValue("arm_head");
head = new Vector3f(headArray.get(0).floatValue(), headArray.get(1).floatValue(), headArray.get(2).floatValue());
if (fixUpAxis) {
float z = head.z;
head.z = -head.y;
head.y = z;
armatureWorldMatrix.mult(head, head);// move the head point to global space
DynamicArray<Number> tailArray = (DynamicArray<Number>) boneStructure.getFieldValue("arm_tail");
tail = new Vector3f(tailArray.get(0).floatValue(), tailArray.get(1).floatValue(), tailArray.get(2).floatValue());
if (fixUpAxis) {
float z = tail.z;
tail.z = -tail.y;
tail.y = z;
armatureWorldMatrix.mult(tail, tail);// move the tail point to global space
* The method verifies if the given point is inside the envelope.
* @param point
* the point in 3D space (MUST be in a world coordinate space)
* @return <b>true</b> if the point is inside the envelope and <b>false</b> otherwise
public boolean isInEnvelope(Vector3f point) {
Vector3f v = tail.subtract(head);
float boneLength = v.length();
// computing a plane that contains 'point' and v is its normal vector
// the plane's equation is: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0, where v = [A, B, C]
float D = -v.dot(point);
// computing a point where a line that contains head and tail crosses the plane
float temp = -(v.dot(head) + D) / v.dot(v);
Vector3f p = head.add(v.x * temp, v.y * temp, v.z * temp);
// determining if the point p is on the same or other side of head than the tail point
Vector3f headToPointOnLineVector = p.subtract(head);
float headToPointLength = headToPointOnLineVector.length();
float cosinus = headToPointOnLineVector.dot(v) / headToPointLength;// the length of v is already = 1; cosinus should be either 1, 0 or -1
if (cosinus < 0 && headToPointLength > boneHeadRadius || headToPointLength > boneLength + boneTailRadius) {
return false;// the point is outside the anvelope
// now check if the point is inside and envelope
float pointDistanceFromLine = point.subtract(p).length(), maximumDistance = 0;
if (cosinus < 0) {
// checking if the distance from p to point is inside the half sphere defined by head envelope
// compute the distance from the line to the half sphere border
maximumDistance = boneHeadRadius;
} else if (headToPointLength < boneLength) {
// compute the maximum available distance
if (boneTailRadius > boneHeadRadius) {
// compute the distance from head to p
float headToPDistance = p.subtract(head).length();
// from tangens function we have
float x = headToPDistance * ((boneTailRadius - boneHeadRadius) / boneLength);
maximumDistance = x + boneHeadRadius;
} else if (boneTailRadius < boneHeadRadius) {
// compute the distance from head to p
float tailToPDistance = p.subtract(tail).length();
// from tangens function we have
float x = tailToPDistance * ((boneHeadRadius - boneTailRadius) / boneLength);
maximumDistance = x + boneTailRadius;
} else {
maximumDistance = boneTailRadius;
} else {
// checking if the distance from p to point is inside the half sphere defined by tail envelope
maximumDistance = boneTailRadius;
return pointDistanceFromLine <= maximumDistance + distance;
* @return the weight of the bone
public float getWeight() {
return weight;
public String toString() {
return "BoneEnvelope [d=" + distance + ", w=" + weight + ", hr=" + boneHeadRadius + ", tr=" + boneTailRadius + ", (" + head + ") -> (" + tail + ")]";

@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ package com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.meshes;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
@ -14,10 +17,17 @@ import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
* @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas)
public class MeshContext {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MeshContext.class.getName());
/** A map between material index and the geometry. */
private Map<Integer, List<Geometry>> geometries = new HashMap<Integer, List<Geometry>>();
/** The vertex reference map. */
private Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> vertexReferenceMap;
* A vertex group map. The key is the vertex group name and the value is the set of vertex groups.
* Linked hash map is used because the insertion order is important.
private LinkedHashMap<String, VertexGroup> vertexGroups = new LinkedHashMap<String, VertexGroup>();
* Adds a geometry for the specified material index.
@ -85,4 +95,91 @@ public class MeshContext {
public void setVertexReferenceMap(Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> vertexReferenceMap) {
this.vertexReferenceMap = vertexReferenceMap;
* Adds a new empty vertex group to the mesh context.
* @param name
* the name of the vertex group
public void addVertexGroup(String name) {
if (!vertexGroups.containsKey(name)) {
vertexGroups.put(name, new VertexGroup());
} else {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Vertex group already added: {0}", name);
* Adds a vertex to the vertex group with specified index (the index is the order of adding a group).
* @param vertexIndex
* the vertex index
* @param weight
* the vertex weight
* @param vertexGroupIndex
* the index of a vertex group
public void addVertexToGroup(int vertexIndex, float weight, int vertexGroupIndex) {
if (vertexGroupIndex < 0 || vertexGroupIndex >= vertexGroups.size()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid group index: " + vertexGroupIndex);
int counter = 0;
for (Entry<String, VertexGroup> vg : vertexGroups.entrySet()) {
if (vertexGroupIndex == counter) {
vg.getValue().addVertex(vertexIndex, weight);
* Returns a group with given name of null if such group does not exist.
* @param groupName
* the name of a vertex group
* @return vertex group with the given name or null
public VertexGroup getGroup(String groupName) {
return vertexGroups.get(groupName);
* A vertex group class that maps vertex index to its weight in a single group.
* The group will need to be set a bone index in order to prepare proper buffers for the jme mesh.
* But that information is available after the skeleton is loaded.
* @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas)
public static class VertexGroup extends HashMap<Integer, Float> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5601646768279643957L;
/** The index of the bone f the vertex group is to be used for attaching vertices to bones. */
private int boneIndex;
* Adds a mapping between vertex index and its weight.
* @param index
* the index of the vertex (in JME mesh)
* @param weight
* the weight of the vertex
public void addVertex(int index, float weight) {
this.put(index, weight);
* The method sets the bone index for the current vertex group.
* @param boneIndex
* the index of the bone
public void setBoneIndex(int boneIndex) {
this.boneIndex = boneIndex;
* @return the index of the bone
public int getBoneIndex() {
return boneIndex;

@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* This method reads converts the given structure into mesh. The given structure needs to be filled with the appropriate data.
* @param structure
* @param meshStructure
* the structure we read the mesh from
* @return the mesh feature
* @throws BlenderFileException
public List<Geometry> toMesh(Structure structure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
List<Geometry> geometries = (List<Geometry>) blenderContext.getLoadedFeature(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), LoadedFeatureDataType.LOADED_FEATURE);
public List<Geometry> toMesh(Structure meshStructure, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
List<Geometry> geometries = (List<Geometry>) blenderContext.getLoadedFeature(meshStructure.getOldMemoryAddress(), LoadedFeatureDataType.LOADED_FEATURE);
if (geometries != null) {
List<Geometry> copiedGeometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(geometries.size());
for (Geometry geometry : geometries) {
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
return copiedGeometries;
String name = structure.getName();
String name = meshStructure.getName();
MeshContext meshContext = new MeshContext();
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Reading mesh: {0}.", name);
@ -118,33 +118,22 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
MaterialHelper materialHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(MaterialHelper.class);
MaterialContext[] materials = null;
if ((blenderContext.getBlenderKey().getFeaturesToLoad() & FeaturesToLoad.MATERIALS) != 0) {
materials = materialHelper.getMaterials(structure, blenderContext);
materials = materialHelper.getMaterials(meshStructure, blenderContext);
LOGGER.fine("Reading vertices.");
MeshBuilder meshBuilder = new MeshBuilder(structure, materials, blenderContext);
MeshBuilder meshBuilder = new MeshBuilder(meshStructure, materials, blenderContext);
if (meshBuilder.isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.fine("The geometry is empty.");
geometries = new ArrayList<Geometry>(0);
blenderContext.addLoadedFeatures(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), structure.getName(), structure, geometries);
blenderContext.setMeshContext(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), meshContext);
blenderContext.addLoadedFeatures(meshStructure.getOldMemoryAddress(), meshStructure.getName(), meshStructure, geometries);
blenderContext.setMeshContext(meshStructure.getOldMemoryAddress(), meshContext);
return geometries;
LOGGER.fine("Reading vertices groups (from the Object structure).");
Structure parent = blenderContext.peekParent();
Structure defbase = (Structure) parent.getFieldValue("defbase");
List<Structure> defs = defbase.evaluateListBase();
String[] verticesGroups = new String[defs.size()];
int defIndex = 0;
for (Structure def : defs) {
verticesGroups[defIndex++] = def.getFieldValue("name").toString();
LOGGER.fine("Reading custom properties.");
Properties properties = this.loadProperties(structure, blenderContext);
Properties properties = this.loadProperties(meshStructure, blenderContext);
LOGGER.fine("Generating meshes.");
Map<Integer, List<Mesh>> meshes = meshBuilder.buildMeshes();
@ -162,9 +151,45 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
LOGGER.fine("Reading vertices groups.");// this MUST be done AFTER meshes are built, because otherwise we have no vertex references maps
Structure parent = blenderContext.peekParent();
Structure defbase = (Structure) parent.getFieldValue("defbase");
List<Structure> defs = defbase.evaluateListBase();
for (Structure def : defs) {
Pointer pDvert = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("dvert");// dvert = DeformVERTices
if (pDvert.isNotNull()) {// assigning weights and bone indices
List<Structure> dverts = pDvert.fetchData();
int blenderVertexIndex = 0;
for (Structure dvert : dverts) {
Pointer pDW = (Pointer) dvert.getFieldValue("dw");
if (pDW.isNotNull()) {
List<Structure> dw = pDW.fetchData();
for (Structure deformWeight : dw) {
int groupIndex = ((Number) deformWeight.getFieldValue("def_nr")).intValue();
float weight = ((Number) deformWeight.getFieldValue("weight")).floatValue();
// we need to use JME vertex index here and NOT blender vertex index
for (Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> vertexReferenceMap : meshBuilder.getVertexReferenceMap().entrySet()) {// iterate through the meshes [key is the material index]
for (Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> vertexEntry : vertexReferenceMap.getValue().entrySet()) {// iterate through the vertex references for the specified material
if (vertexEntry.getKey().intValue() == blenderVertexIndex) {// if the indexes match then ...
for (Integer jmeVertexIndex : vertexEntry.getValue()) {// ... add all jme vertices to the specified group
meshContext.addVertexToGroup(jmeVertexIndex, weight, groupIndex);
// store the data in blender context before applying the material
blenderContext.addLoadedFeatures(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), structure.getName(), structure, geometries);
blenderContext.setMeshContext(structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), meshContext);
blenderContext.addLoadedFeatures(meshStructure.getOldMemoryAddress(), meshStructure.getName(), meshStructure, geometries);
blenderContext.setMeshContext(meshStructure.getOldMemoryAddress(), meshContext);
// apply materials only when all geometries are in place
if (materials != null) {
@ -175,7 +200,7 @@ public class MeshHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
} else if (materials[materialNumber] != null) {
LinkedHashMap<String, List<Vector2f>> uvCoordinates = meshBuilder.getUVCoordinates(materialNumber);
MaterialContext materialContext = materials[materialNumber];
materialContext.applyMaterial(geometry, structure.getOldMemoryAddress(), uvCoordinates, blenderContext);
materialContext.applyMaterial(geometry, meshStructure.getOldMemoryAddress(), uvCoordinates, blenderContext);
} else {
LOGGER.warning("The importer came accross mesh that points to a null material. Default material is used to prevent loader from crashing, " + "but the model might look not the way it should. Sometimes blender does not assign materials properly. " + "Enter the edit mode and assign materials once more to your faces.");

@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
package com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.modifiers;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.jme3.animation.Bone;
import com.jme3.animation.Skeleton;
import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.Mesh;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Format;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Type;
@ -24,10 +29,13 @@ import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.BlenderContext;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.BlenderContext.LoadedFeatureDataType;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.animations.AnimationHelper;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.animations.BoneContext;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.animations.BoneEnvelope;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.constraints.ConstraintHelper;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.BlenderFileException;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.Pointer;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.file.Structure;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.meshes.MeshContext;
import com.jme3.scene.plugins.blender.meshes.MeshContext.VertexGroup;
import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
@ -39,13 +47,20 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ArmatureModifier.class.getName());
private static final int MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX = 4; // JME
private static final int FLAG_VERTEX_GROUPS = 0x01;
private static final int FLAG_BONE_ENVELOPES = 0x02;
private Structure armatureObject;
private Skeleton skeleton;
private Structure objectStructure;
private Structure meshStructure;
/** The wold transform matrix of the armature object. */
private Matrix4f objectWorldMatrix;
/** Old memory address of the mesh that will have the skeleton applied. */
private Long meshOMA;
/** The variable tells if the vertex groups of the mesh should be used to assign verts to bones. */
private boolean useVertexGroups;
/** The variable tells if the bones' envelopes should be used to assign verts to bones. */
private boolean useBoneEnvelopes;
* This constructor reads animation data from the object structore. The
@ -66,6 +81,11 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
if (this.validate(modifierStructure, blenderContext)) {
Pointer pArmatureObject = (Pointer) modifierStructure.getFieldValue("object");
if (pArmatureObject.isNotNull()) {
int deformflag = ((Number) modifierStructure.getFieldValue("deformflag")).intValue();
useVertexGroups = (deformflag & FLAG_VERTEX_GROUPS) != 0;
useBoneEnvelopes = (deformflag & FLAG_BONE_ENVELOPES) != 0;
modifying = useBoneEnvelopes || useVertexGroups;
if (modifying) {// if neither option is used the modifier will not modify anything anyway
armatureObject = pArmatureObject.fetchData().get(0);
// load skeleton
@ -79,11 +99,17 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
Bone[] bones = bonesList.toArray(new Bone[bonesList.size()]);
skeleton = new Skeleton(bones);
blenderContext.setSkeleton(armatureObject.getOldMemoryAddress(), skeleton);
this.objectStructure = objectStructure;
this.meshStructure = meshStructure;
// read mesh indexes
meshOMA = meshStructure.getOldMemoryAddress();
if (useBoneEnvelopes) {
ConstraintHelper constraintHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(ConstraintHelper.class);
Spatial object = (Spatial) blenderContext.getLoadedFeature(objectStructure.getOldMemoryAddress(), LoadedFeatureDataType.LOADED_FEATURE);
objectWorldMatrix = constraintHelper.toMatrix(object.getWorldTransform(), new Matrix4f());
} else {
modifying = false;
@ -114,35 +140,6 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
bc.buildBone(result, spatialOMA, blenderContext);
* This method returns a map where the key is the object's group index that
* is used by a bone and the key is the bone index in the armature.
* @param defBaseStructure
* a bPose structure of the object
* @return bone group-to-index map
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blender file is somehow
* corrupted
public Map<Integer, Integer> getGroupToBoneIndexMap(Structure defBaseStructure, Skeleton skeleton) throws BlenderFileException {
Map<Integer, Integer> result = null;
if (skeleton.getBoneCount() != 0) {
result = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
List<Structure> deformGroups = defBaseStructure.evaluateListBase();// bDeformGroup
int groupIndex = 0;
for (Structure deformGroup : deformGroups) {
String deformGroupName = deformGroup.getFieldValue("name").toString();
int boneIndex = skeleton.getBoneIndex(deformGroupName);
if (boneIndex >= 0) {
result.put(groupIndex, boneIndex);
return result;
public void apply(Node node, BlenderContext blenderContext) {
@ -153,17 +150,15 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
// setting weights for bones
List<Geometry> geomList = (List<Geometry>) blenderContext.getLoadedFeature(meshOMA, LoadedFeatureDataType.LOADED_FEATURE);
MeshContext meshContext = blenderContext.getMeshContext(meshOMA);
int[] bonesGroups = new int[] { 0 };
for (Geometry geom : geomList) {
int materialIndex = meshContext.getMaterialIndex(geom);
Mesh mesh = geom.getMesh();
try {
VertexBuffer[] buffers = this.readVerticesWeightsData(objectStructure, meshStructure, skeleton, materialIndex, bonesGroups, blenderContext);
MeshWeightsData buffers = this.readVerticesWeightsData(meshContext, skeleton, materialIndex, mesh, blenderContext);
if (buffers != null) {
LOGGER.fine("Generating bind pose and normal buffers.");
@ -180,10 +175,6 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
} catch (BlenderFileException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
invalid = true;
AnimationHelper animationHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(AnimationHelper.class);
@ -193,235 +184,208 @@ import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
* This method reads mesh indexes
* Reads the vertices data and prepares appropriate buffers to be added to the mesh. There is a bone index buffer and weitghts buffer.
* @param objectStructure
* structure of the object that has the armature modifier applied
* @param meshStructure
* the structure of the object's mesh
* @param meshContext
* the mesh context
* @param skeleton
* the current skeleton
* @param materialIndex
* the material index
* @param mesh
* the mesh we create the buffers for
* @param blenderContext
* the blender context
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is
* somehow invalid or corrupted
* @return an instance that aggregates all needed data for the mesh
private VertexBuffer[] readVerticesWeightsData(Structure objectStructure, Structure meshStructure, Skeleton skeleton, int materialIndex, int[] bonesGroups, BlenderContext blenderContext) throws BlenderFileException {
Structure defBase = (Structure) objectStructure.getFieldValue("defbase");
Map<Integer, Integer> groupToBoneIndexMap = this.getGroupToBoneIndexMap(defBase, skeleton);
private MeshWeightsData readVerticesWeightsData(MeshContext meshContext, Skeleton skeleton, int materialIndex, Mesh mesh, BlenderContext blenderContext) {
int vertexListSize = meshContext.getVertexCount(materialIndex);
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> vertexReferenceMap = meshContext.getVertexReferenceMap(materialIndex);
MeshContext meshContext = blenderContext.getMeshContext(meshStructure.getOldMemoryAddress());
Map<String, VertexGroup> vertexGroups = new HashMap<String, VertexGroup>();
Buffer indexes = mesh.getBuffer(Type.Index).getData();
FloatBuffer positions = mesh.getFloatBuffer(Type.Position);
return this.getBoneWeightAndIndexBuffer(meshStructure, meshContext.getVertexCount(materialIndex), bonesGroups, meshContext.getVertexReferenceMap(materialIndex), groupToBoneIndexMap);
int maximumWeightsPerVertex = 0;
if (useVertexGroups) {
LOGGER.fine("Attaching verts to bones using vertex groups.");
for (int boneIndex = 1; boneIndex < skeleton.getBoneCount(); ++boneIndex) {// bone with index 0 is a root bone
Bone bone = skeleton.getBone(boneIndex);
VertexGroup vertexGroup = meshContext.getGroup(bone.getName());
if (vertexGroup != null) {
vertexGroups.put(bone.getName(), vertexGroup);
* This method returns an array of size 2. The first element is a vertex
* buffer holding bone weights for every vertex in the model. The second
* element is a vertex buffer holding bone indices for vertices (the indices
* of bones the vertices are assigned to).
* @param meshStructure
* the mesh structure object
* @param vertexListSize
* a number of vertices in the model
* @param bonesGroups
* this is an output parameter, it should be a one-sized array;
* the maximum amount of weights per vertex (up to
* @param vertexReferenceMap
* this reference map allows to map the original vertices read
* from blender to vertices that are really in the model; one
* vertex may appear several times in the result model
* @param groupToBoneIndexMap
* this object maps the group index (to which a vertices in
* blender belong) to bone index of the model
* @return arrays of vertices weights and their bone indices and (as an
* output parameter) the maximum amount of weights for a vertex
* @throws BlenderFileException
* this exception is thrown when the blend file structure is
* somehow invalid or corrupted
private VertexBuffer[] getBoneWeightAndIndexBuffer(Structure meshStructure, int vertexListSize, int[] bonesGroups, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> vertexReferenceMap, Map<Integer, Integer> groupToBoneIndexMap) throws BlenderFileException {
bonesGroups[0] = 0;
Pointer pDvert = (Pointer) meshStructure.getFieldValue("dvert");// dvert = DeformVERTices
FloatBuffer weightsFloatData = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(vertexListSize * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX);
ByteBuffer indicesData = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(vertexListSize * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX);
if (useBoneEnvelopes) {
LOGGER.fine("Attaching verts to bones using bone envelopes.");
Vector3f pos = new Vector3f();
if (pDvert.isNotNull()) {// assigning weights and bone indices
boolean warnAboutTooManyVertexWeights = false;
// dverts.size() = verticesAmount (one dvert per vertex in blender)
List<Structure> dverts = pDvert.fetchData();
int vertexIndex = 0;
// use tree map to sort weights from the lowest to the highest ones
TreeMap<Float, Integer> weightToIndexMap = new TreeMap<Float, Integer>();
for (Structure dvert : dverts) {
// we fetch the referenced vertices here
List<Integer> vertexIndices = vertexReferenceMap.get(Integer.valueOf(vertexIndex));
if (vertexIndices != null) {
// total amount of wights assigned to the vertex (max. 4 in JME)
int totweight = ((Number) dvert.getFieldValue("totweight")).intValue();
Pointer pDW = (Pointer) dvert.getFieldValue("dw");
if (totweight > 0 && groupToBoneIndexMap != null) {
int weightIndex = 0;
List<Structure> dw = pDW.fetchData();
for (Structure deformWeight : dw) {
Integer boneIndex = groupToBoneIndexMap.get(((Number) deformWeight.getFieldValue("def_nr")).intValue());
float weight = ((Number) deformWeight.getFieldValue("weight")).floatValue();
// boneIndex == null: it here means that we came
// accross group that has no bone attached to, so
// simply ignore it
// if weight == 0 and weightIndex == 0 then ignore
// the weight (do not set weight = 0 as a first
// weight)
if (boneIndex != null && (weight > 0.0f || weightIndex > 0)) {
if (weight == 0.0f) {
boneIndex = Integer.valueOf(0);
// we apply the weight to all referenced
// vertices
for (Integer index : vertexIndices) {
weightsFloatData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX + weightIndex, weight);
indicesData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX + weightIndex, boneIndex.byteValue());
weightToIndexMap.put(weight, weightIndex);
bonesGroups[0] = Math.max(bonesGroups[0], weightIndex + 1);
} else if (weight > 0) {// if weight is zero the
// simply ignore it
warnAboutTooManyVertexWeights = true;
Entry<Float, Integer> lowestWeightAndIndex = weightToIndexMap.firstEntry();
if (lowestWeightAndIndex != null && lowestWeightAndIndex.getKey() < weight) {
// we apply the weight to all referenced
// vertices
for (Integer index : vertexIndices) {
weightsFloatData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX + lowestWeightAndIndex.getValue(), weight);
indicesData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX + lowestWeightAndIndex.getValue(), boneIndex.byteValue());
weightToIndexMap.put(weight, lowestWeightAndIndex.getValue());
for (int boneIndex = 1; boneIndex < skeleton.getBoneCount(); ++boneIndex) {// bone with index 0 is a root bone
Bone bone = skeleton.getBone(boneIndex);
BoneContext boneContext = blenderContext.getBoneContext(bone);
BoneEnvelope boneEnvelope = boneContext.getBoneEnvelope();
if (boneEnvelope != null) {
VertexGroup vertexGroup = vertexGroups.get(bone.getName());
if (vertexGroup == null) {
vertexGroup = new VertexGroup();
vertexGroups.put(bone.getName(), vertexGroup);
for (Entry<Integer, List<Integer>> entry : vertexReferenceMap.entrySet()) {
List<Integer> vertexIndices = entry.getValue();
for (int j = 0; j < indexes.limit(); ++j) {
int index = indexes instanceof ShortBuffer ? ((ShortBuffer) indexes).get(j) : ((IntBuffer) indexes).get(j);
if (vertexIndices.contains(index)) {// current geometry has the index assigned to the current mesh
int ii = index * 3;
pos.set(positions.get(ii), positions.get(ii + 1), positions.get(ii + 2));
// move the vertex to the global space position
objectWorldMatrix.mult(pos, pos);// TODO: optimize: check every vertex once and apply its references
if (boneEnvelope.isInEnvelope(pos)) {
vertexGroup.addVertex(index, boneEnvelope.getWeight());
} else if (boneIndex == 5) {
System.out.println("Siê nie za³apa³: " + pos);
} else {
// 0.0 weight indicates, do not transform this vertex,
// but keep it in bind pose.
for (Integer index : vertexIndices) {
weightsFloatData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX, 0.0f);
indicesData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX, (byte) 0);
Map<Integer, WeightsAndBoneIndexes> weights = new HashMap<Integer, WeightsAndBoneIndexes>();// [vertex_index; [bone_index; weight]]
if (vertexGroups.size() > 0) {
LOGGER.fine("Gathering vertex groups information to prepare the buffers for the mesh.");
for (VertexGroup vertexGroup : vertexGroups.values()) {
for (Entry<Integer, Float> entry : vertexGroup.entrySet()) {
WeightsAndBoneIndexes vertexWeights = weights.get(entry.getKey());
if (vertexWeights == null) {
vertexWeights = new WeightsAndBoneIndexes();
weights.put(entry.getKey(), vertexWeights);
vertexWeights.put(vertexGroup.getBoneIndex(), entry.getValue());
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Equalizing the amount of weights per vertex to {0} if any of them has more or less.", MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX);
for (Entry<Integer, WeightsAndBoneIndexes> entry : weights.entrySet()) {
maximumWeightsPerVertex = Math.max(maximumWeightsPerVertex, entry.getValue().size());
if (warnAboutTooManyVertexWeights) {
if (maximumWeightsPerVertex > MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} has vertices with more than 4 weights assigned. The model may not behave as it should.", meshStructure.getName());
maximumWeightsPerVertex = MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX;// normalization already made at most 'MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX' weights per vertex
LOGGER.fine("Preparing buffers for the mesh.");
FloatBuffer weightsFloatData = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(vertexListSize * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX);
ByteBuffer indicesData = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(vertexListSize * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX);
for (int i = 0; i < indexes.limit(); ++i) {
int index = indexes instanceof ShortBuffer ? ((ShortBuffer) indexes).get(i) : ((IntBuffer) indexes).get(i);
WeightsAndBoneIndexes weightsAndBoneIndexes = weights.get(index);
if (weightsAndBoneIndexes != null) {
int count = 0;
for (Entry<Integer, Float> entry : weightsAndBoneIndexes.entrySet()) {
weightsFloatData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX + count, entry.getValue());
indicesData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX + count, entry.getKey().byteValue());
} else {
// always bind all vertices to 0-indexed bone
// this bone makes the model look normally if vertices have no bone
// assigned and it is used in object animation, so if we come
// accross object
// animation we can use the 0-indexed bone for this
for (List<Integer> vertexIndexList : vertexReferenceMap.values()) {
// we apply the weight to all referenced vertices
for (Integer index : vertexIndexList) {
// if no bone is assigned to this vertex then attach it to the 0-indexed root bone
weightsFloatData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX, 1.0f);
indicesData.put(index * MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX, (byte) 0);
bonesGroups[0] = Math.max(bonesGroups[0], 1);
this.endBoneAssigns(vertexListSize, weightsFloatData);
VertexBuffer verticesWeights = new VertexBuffer(Type.BoneWeight);
verticesWeights.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, bonesGroups[0], Format.Float, weightsFloatData);
verticesWeights.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, maximumWeightsPerVertex, Format.Float, weightsFloatData);
VertexBuffer verticesWeightsIndices = new VertexBuffer(Type.BoneIndex);
verticesWeightsIndices.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, bonesGroups[0], Format.UnsignedByte, indicesData);
return new VertexBuffer[] { verticesWeights, verticesWeightsIndices };
verticesWeightsIndices.setupData(Usage.CpuOnly, maximumWeightsPerVertex, Format.UnsignedByte, indicesData);
return new MeshWeightsData(maximumWeightsPerVertex, verticesWeights, verticesWeightsIndices);
* A class that gathers the data for mesh bone buffers.
* Added to increase code readability.
* @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas)
private static class MeshWeightsData {
public final int maximumWeightsPerVertex;
public final VertexBuffer verticesWeights;
public final VertexBuffer verticesWeightsIndices;
public MeshWeightsData(int maximumWeightsPerVertex, VertexBuffer verticesWeights, VertexBuffer verticesWeightsIndices) {
this.maximumWeightsPerVertex = maximumWeightsPerVertex;
this.verticesWeights = verticesWeights;
this.verticesWeightsIndices = verticesWeightsIndices;
* Normalizes weights if needed and finds largest amount of weights used for
* all vertices in the buffer.
* A map between the bone index and the bone's weight.
* @param vertCount
* amount of vertices
* @param weightsFloatData
* weights for vertices
* @author Marcin Roguski (Kaelthas)
private void endBoneAssigns(int vertCount, FloatBuffer weightsFloatData) {
float[] weights = new float[MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX];
for (int v = 0; v < vertCount; ++v) {
private static class WeightsAndBoneIndexes extends HashMap<Integer, Float> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2754299007299077459L;
* The method normalizes the weights and bone indexes data.
* First it truncates the amount to MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX because this is how many weights JME can handle.
* Next it normalizes the weights so that the sum of all verts is 1.
* @param maximumSize
* the maximum size that the data will be truncated to (usually: MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX)
public void normalize(int maximumSize) {
if (this.size() > maximumSize) {// select only the most significant weights
float lowestWeight = Float.MAX_VALUE;
int lowestWeightIndex = -1;
HashMap<Integer, Float> msw = new HashMap<Integer, Float>(maximumSize);// msw = Most Significant Weight
for (Entry<Integer, Float> entry : this.entrySet()) {
if (msw.size() < maximumSize) {
msw.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (entry.getValue() < lowestWeight) {
lowestWeight = entry.getValue();
lowestWeightIndex = entry.getKey();
} else if (entry.getValue() > lowestWeight) {
msw.put(lowestWeightIndex, lowestWeight);
// search again for the lowest weight
lowestWeight = Float.MAX_VALUE;
for (Entry<Integer, Float> e : msw.entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue() < lowestWeight) {
lowestWeight = e.getValue();
lowestWeightIndex = e.getKey();
// replace current weights with the given ones
// normalizing the weights so that the sum of the values is equal to '1'
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX; ++i) {
weights[i] = weightsFloatData.get();
sum += weights[i];
if (sum != 1f && sum != 0.0f) {
weightsFloatData.position(weightsFloatData.position() - MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX);
// compute new vals based on sum
float sumToB = 1f / sum;
for (int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_WEIGHTS_PER_VERTEX; ++i) {
weightsFloatData.put(weights[i] * sumToB);
// This method is now not used because it broke animations.
// Perhaps in the future I will find a solution to this problem.
// I store it here for future use.
// private void loadBonePoses() {
// TempVars tempVars = TempVars.get();
// try {
// Pointer pPose = (Pointer) armatureObject.getFieldValue("pose");
// if (pPose.isNotNull()) {
// LOGGER.fine("Loading the pose of the armature.");
// ObjectHelper objectHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(ObjectHelper.class);
// ConstraintHelper constraintHelper = blenderContext.getHelper(ConstraintHelper.class);
// Structure pose = pPose.fetchData().get(0);
// Structure chanbase = (Structure) pose.getFieldValue("chanbase");
// List<Structure> chans = chanbase.evaluateListBase();
// Transform transform = new Transform();
// for (Structure poseChannel : chans) {
// Pointer pBone = (Pointer) poseChannel.getFieldValue("bone");
// if (pBone.isNull()) {
// throw new BlenderFileException("Cannot find bone for pose channel named: " + poseChannel.getName());
// }
// BoneContext boneContext = blenderContext.getBoneContext(pBone.getOldMemoryAddress());
// LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, "Getting the global pose transformation for bone: {0}", boneContext);
// Matrix4f poseMat = objectHelper.getMatrix(poseChannel, "pose_mat", blenderContext.getBlenderKey().isFixUpAxis());
// Matrix4f armatureWorldMat = objectHelper.getMatrix(armatureObject, "obmat", blenderContext.getBlenderKey().isFixUpAxis());
// Matrix4f boneWorldMat = armatureWorldMat.multLocal(poseMat);
// boneWorldMat.toTranslationVector(tempVars.vect1);
// boneWorldMat.toRotationQuat(tempVars.quat1);
// boneWorldMat.toScaleVector(tempVars.vect2);
// transform.setTranslation(tempVars.vect1);
// transform.setRotation(tempVars.quat1);
// transform.setScale(tempVars.vect2);
// constraintHelper.applyTransform(boneContext.getArmatureObjectOMA(), boneContext.getBone().getName(), Space.CONSTRAINT_SPACE_WORLD, transform);
// }
// }
// } catch (BlenderFileException e) {
// LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Problems occured during pose loading: {0}.", e.getLocalizedMessage());
// } finally {
// tempVars.release();
// }
// }
for (Entry<Integer, Float> entry : this.entrySet()) {
sum += entry.getValue();
if (sum != 0 && sum != 1) {
for (Entry<Integer, Float> entry : this.entrySet()) {
entry.setValue(entry.getValue() / sum);
