@ -242,27 +242,78 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper { |
depth = 1; |
} |
ArrayList<ByteBuffer> dataArray = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(depth); |
TexturePixel[] colors = new TexturePixel[] { new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel() }; |
int[] sizes = image.getMipMapSizes() != null ? image.getMipMapSizes() : new int[1]; |
int[] newMipmapSizes = image.getMipMapSizes() != null ? new int[image.getMipMapSizes().length] : null; |
for (int dataLayerIndex = 0; dataLayerIndex < depth; ++dataLayerIndex) { |
ByteBuffer data = image.getData(dataLayerIndex); |
data.rewind(); |
if(sizes.length == 1) { |
sizes[0] = data.remaining(); |
} |
float widthToHeightRatio = image.getWidth() / image.getHeight();//this should always be constant for each mipmap
List<DDSTexelData> texelDataList = new ArrayList<DDSTexelData>(sizes.length); |
int maxPosition = 0, resultSize = 0; |
for(int sizeIndex=0;sizeIndex<sizes.length;++sizeIndex) { |
maxPosition += sizes[sizeIndex]; |
DDSTexelData texelData = new DDSTexelData(sizes[sizeIndex], widthToHeightRatio, format); |
texelDataList.add(texelData); |
switch (format) { |
case DXT1:// BC1
case DXT1A: |
while (data.position() < maxPosition) { |
TexturePixel[] colors = new TexturePixel[] { new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel() }; |
short c0 = data.getShort(); |
short c1 = data.getShort(); |
int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c0); |
int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c1); |
colors[0].fromARGB8(col0); |
colors[1].fromARGB8(col1); |
if (col0 > col1) { |
// creating color2 = 2/3color0 + 1/3color1
colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); |
colors[2].mult(2); |
colors[2].add(colors[1]); |
colors[2].divide(3); |
// creating color3 = 1/3color0 + 2/3color1;
colors[3].fromPixel(colors[1]); |
colors[3].mult(2); |
colors[3].add(colors[0]); |
colors[3].divide(3); |
} else { |
// creating color2 = 1/2color0 + 1/2color1
colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); |
colors[2].add(colors[1]); |
colors[2].mult(0.5f); |
colors[3].fromARGB8(0); |
} |
int indexes = data.getInt();// 4-byte table with color indexes in decompressed table
texelData.add(colors, indexes); |
} |
break; |
case DXT3:// BC2
while (data.position() < maxPosition) { |
TexturePixel[] colors = new TexturePixel[] { new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel() }; |
long alpha = data.getLong(); |
float[] alphas = new float[16]; |
long alphasIndex = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { |
alphasIndex |= i << i * 4; |
byte a = (byte) ((alpha >> i * 4 & 0x0F) << 4); |
alphas[i] = a >= 0 ? a / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~a / 255.0f; |
} |
short c0 = data.getShort(); |
short c1 = data.getShort(); |
int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c0); |
int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c1); |
colors[0].fromARGB8(col0); |
colors[1].fromARGB8(col1); |
byte[] bytes = new byte[image.getWidth() * image.getHeight() << 2]; |
DDSTexelData texelData = new DDSTexelData(data.remaining() * 8/format.getBitsPerPixel()/16/*data.remaining() / (format.getBitsPerPixel() << 1)*/, |
image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), format != Format.DXT1); |
switch (format) { |
case DXT1:// BC1
case DXT1A: |
while (data.hasRemaining()) { |
short c0 = data.getShort(); |
short c1 = data.getShort(); |
int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c0); |
int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c1); |
colors[0].fromARGB8(col0); |
colors[1].fromARGB8(col1); |
if (col0 > col1) { |
// creating color2 = 2/3color0 + 1/3color1
colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); |
colors[2].mult(2); |
@ -274,118 +325,88 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper { |
colors[3].mult(2); |
colors[3].add(colors[0]); |
colors[3].divide(3); |
} else { |
// creating color2 = 1/2color0 + 1/2color1
int indexes = data.getInt();// 4-byte table with color indexes in decompressed table
texelData.add(colors, indexes, alphas, alphasIndex); |
} |
break; |
case DXT5:// BC3
float[] alphas = new float[8]; |
while (data.position() < maxPosition) { |
TexturePixel[] colors = new TexturePixel[] { new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel(), new TexturePixel() }; |
alphas[0] = data.get() * 255.0f; |
alphas[1] = data.get() * 255.0f; |
long alphaIndices = data.get() | data.get() << 8 | data.get() << 16 | data.get() << 24 | data.get() << 32 | data.get() << 40; |
if (alphas[0] > alphas[1]) {// 6 interpolated alpha values.
alphas[2] = (6 * alphas[0] + alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[3] = (5 * alphas[0] + 2 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[4] = (4 * alphas[0] + 3 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[5] = (3 * alphas[0] + 4 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[6] = (2 * alphas[0] + 5 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[7] = (alphas[0] + 6 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
} else { |
alphas[2] = (4 * alphas[0] + alphas[1]) * 0.2f; |
alphas[3] = (3 * alphas[0] + 2 * alphas[1]) * 0.2f; |
alphas[4] = (2 * alphas[0] + 3 * alphas[1]) * 0.2f; |
alphas[5] = (alphas[0] + 4 * alphas[1]) * 0.2f; |
alphas[6] = 0; |
alphas[7] = 1; |
} |
short c0 = data.getShort(); |
short c1 = data.getShort(); |
int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c0); |
int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c1); |
colors[0].fromARGB8(col0); |
colors[1].fromARGB8(col1); |
// creating color2 = 2/3color0 + 1/3color1
colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); |
colors[2].mult(2); |
colors[2].add(colors[1]); |
colors[2].mult(0.5f); |
colors[2].divide(3); |
colors[3].fromARGB8(0); |
} |
int indexes = data.getInt();// 4-byte table with color indexes in decompressed table
texelData.add(colors, indexes); |
} |
break; |
case DXT3:// BC2
while (data.hasRemaining()) { |
long alpha = data.getLong(); |
float[] alphas = new float[16]; |
long alphasIndex = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { |
alphasIndex |= i << i * 4; |
byte a = (byte) ((alpha >> i * 4 & 0x0F) << 4); |
alphas[i] = a >= 0 ? a / 255.0f : 1.0f - ~a / 255.0f; |
} |
// creating color3 = 1/3color0 + 2/3color1;
colors[3].fromPixel(colors[1]); |
colors[3].mult(2); |
colors[3].add(colors[0]); |
colors[3].divide(3); |
short c0 = data.getShort(); |
short c1 = data.getShort(); |
int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c0); |
int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c1); |
colors[0].fromARGB8(col0); |
colors[1].fromARGB8(col1); |
// creating color2 = 2/3color0 + 1/3color1
colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); |
colors[2].mult(2); |
colors[2].add(colors[1]); |
colors[2].divide(3); |
// creating color3 = 1/3color0 + 2/3color1;
colors[3].fromPixel(colors[1]); |
colors[3].mult(2); |
colors[3].add(colors[0]); |
colors[3].divide(3); |
int indexes = data.getInt();// 4-byte table with color indexes in decompressed table
texelData.add(colors, indexes, alphas, alphasIndex); |
} |
break; |
case DXT5:// BC3
float[] alphas = new float[8]; |
while (data.hasRemaining()) { |
alphas[0] = data.get() * 255.0f; |
alphas[1] = data.get() * 255.0f; |
long alphaIndices = data.get() | data.get() << 8 | data.get() << 16 | data.get() << 24 | data.get() << 32 | data.get() << 40; |
if (alphas[0] > alphas[1]) {// 6 interpolated alpha values.
alphas[2] = (6 * alphas[0] + alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[3] = (5 * alphas[0] + 2 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[4] = (4 * alphas[0] + 3 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[5] = (3 * alphas[0] + 4 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[6] = (2 * alphas[0] + 5 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
alphas[7] = (alphas[0] + 6 * alphas[1]) / 7; |
} else { |
alphas[2] = (4 * alphas[0] + alphas[1]) * 0.2f; |
alphas[3] = (3 * alphas[0] + 2 * alphas[1]) * 0.2f; |
alphas[4] = (2 * alphas[0] + 3 * alphas[1]) * 0.2f; |
alphas[5] = (alphas[0] + 4 * alphas[1]) * 0.2f; |
alphas[6] = 0; |
alphas[7] = 1; |
int indexes = data.getInt();// 4-byte table with color indexes in decompressed table
texelData.add(colors, indexes, alphas, alphaIndices); |
} |
short c0 = data.getShort(); |
short c1 = data.getShort(); |
int col0 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c0); |
int col1 = RGB565.RGB565_to_ARGB8(c1); |
colors[0].fromARGB8(col0); |
colors[1].fromARGB8(col1); |
// creating color2 = 2/3color0 + 1/3color1
colors[2].fromPixel(colors[0]); |
colors[2].mult(2); |
colors[2].add(colors[1]); |
colors[2].divide(3); |
// creating color3 = 1/3color0 + 2/3color1;
colors[3].fromPixel(colors[1]); |
colors[3].mult(2); |
colors[3].add(colors[0]); |
colors[3].divide(3); |
int indexes = data.getInt();// 4-byte table with color indexes in decompressed table
texelData.add(colors, indexes, alphas, alphaIndices); |
} |
break; |
default: |
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown compressed format: " + format); |
break; |
default: |
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown compressed format: " + format); |
} |
newMipmapSizes[sizeIndex] = texelData.getSizeInBytes(); |
resultSize += texelData.getSizeInBytes(); |
} |
byte[] bytes = new byte[resultSize]; |
int offset = 0; |
byte[] pixelBytes = new byte[4]; |
for (int i = 0; i < image.getWidth(); ++i) { |
for (int j = 0; j < image.getHeight(); ++j) { |
texelData.getRGBA8(i, j, pixelBytes); |
bytes[(j * image.getWidth() + i) * 4] = pixelBytes[0]; |
bytes[(j * image.getWidth() + i) * 4 + 1] = pixelBytes[1]; |
bytes[(j * image.getWidth() + i) * 4 + 2] = pixelBytes[2]; |
bytes[(j * image.getWidth() + i) * 4 + 3] = pixelBytes[3]; |
for(DDSTexelData texelData : texelDataList) { |
for (int i = 0; i < texelData.getPixelWidth(); ++i) { |
for (int j = 0; j < texelData.getPixelHeight(); ++j) { |
if(texelData.getRGBA8(i, j, pixelBytes)) { |
bytes[offset + (j * texelData.getPixelWidth() + i) * 4] = pixelBytes[0]; |
bytes[offset + (j * texelData.getPixelWidth() + i) * 4 + 1] = pixelBytes[1]; |
bytes[offset + (j * texelData.getPixelWidth() + i) * 4 + 2] = pixelBytes[2]; |
bytes[offset + (j * texelData.getPixelWidth() + i) * 4 + 3] = pixelBytes[3]; |
} else { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
offset += texelData.getSizeInBytes(); |
} |
dataArray.add(BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(bytes)); |
} |
Image result = depth > 1 ? new Image(Format.RGBA8, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), depth, dataArray) : |
new Image(Format.RGBA8, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), dataArray.get(0)); |
if(image.getMipMapSizes() != null) { |
result.setMipMapSizes(image.getMipMapSizes().clone()); |
if(newMipmapSizes != null) { |
result.setMipMapSizes(newMipmapSizes); |
} |
return result; |
} |
@ -500,35 +521,40 @@ public class TextureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper { |
float gfac = ((Number) tex.getFieldValue("gfac")).floatValue(); |
float bfac = ((Number) tex.getFieldValue("bfac")).floatValue(); |
float[][] colorBand = new ColorBand(tex, blenderContext).computeValues(); |
int depth = image.getDepth() == 0 ? 1 : image.getDepth(); |
if (colorBand != null) { |
TexturePixel pixel = new TexturePixel(); |
PixelInputOutput imageIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(image.getFormat()); |
for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); ++x) { |
for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); ++y) { |
imageIO.read(image, pixel, x, y); |
int colorbandIndex = (int) (pixel.alpha * 1000.0f); |
pixel.red = colorBand[colorbandIndex][0] * rfac; |
pixel.green = colorBand[colorbandIndex][1] * gfac; |
pixel.blue = colorBand[colorbandIndex][2] * bfac; |
pixel.alpha = colorBand[colorbandIndex][3]; |
imageIO.write(image, pixel, x, y); |
for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < depth; ++layerIndex) { |
for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); ++x) { |
for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); ++y) { |
imageIO.read(image, layerIndex, pixel, x, y); |
int colorbandIndex = (int) (pixel.alpha * 1000.0f); |
pixel.red = colorBand[colorbandIndex][0] * rfac; |
pixel.green = colorBand[colorbandIndex][1] * gfac; |
pixel.blue = colorBand[colorbandIndex][2] * bfac; |
pixel.alpha = colorBand[colorbandIndex][3]; |
imageIO.write(image, layerIndex, pixel, x, y); |
} |
} |
} |
} else if (rfac != 1.0f || gfac != 1.0f || bfac != 1.0f) { |
TexturePixel pixel = new TexturePixel(); |
PixelInputOutput imageIO = PixelIOFactory.getPixelIO(image.getFormat()); |
for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); ++x) { |
for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); ++y) { |
imageIO.read(image, pixel, x, y); |
for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < depth; ++layerIndex) { |
for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); ++x) { |
for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); ++y) { |
imageIO.read(image, layerIndex, pixel, x, y); |
pixel.red *= rfac; |
pixel.green *= gfac; |
pixel.blue *= bfac; |
pixel.red *= rfac; |
pixel.green *= gfac; |
pixel.blue *= bfac; |
imageIO.write(image, pixel, x, y); |
imageIO.write(image, layerIndex, pixel, x, y); |
} |
} |
} |
} |