@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ import com.jme3.shader.ShaderGenerator;
import com.jme3.shader.ShaderKey ;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture ;
import com.jme3.texture.plugins.TGALoader ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.util.EnumSet ;
import java.util.List ;
@ -75,7 +77,15 @@ import java.util.List;
* < li > { @link TGALoader } - Used to load Targa image files < / li >
* < / ul >
* < p >
* Once the asset has been loaded ,
* Once the asset has been loaded , it will be
* { @link AssetProcessor # postProcess ( com . jme3 . asset . AssetKey , java . lang . Object )
* post - processed } by the { @link AssetKey # getProcessorType ( ) key ' s processor } .
* If the key specifies a { @link AssetKey # getCacheType ( ) cache type } , the asset
* will be cached in the specified cache . Next , the { @link AssetProcessor }
* will be requested to { @link AssetProcessor # createClone ( java . lang . Object ) }
* generate a clone for the asset . Some assets do not require cloning ,
* such as immutable or shared assets . Others , like models , must be cloned
* so that modifications to one instance do not leak onto others .
* /
public interface AssetManager {
@ -100,46 +110,13 @@ public interface AssetManager {
* /
public List < ClassLoader > getClassLoaders ( ) ;
/ * *
* Registers a loader for the given extensions .
* @param loaderClassName
* @param extensions
* @deprecated Please use { @link # registerLoader ( java . lang . Class , java . lang . String [ ] ) }
* together with { @link Class # forName ( java . lang . String ) } to find a class
* and then register it .
* @deprecated Please use { @link # registerLoader ( java . lang . Class , java . lang . String [ ] ) }
* with { @link Class # forName ( java . lang . String ) } instead .
* /
public void registerLoader ( String loaderClassName , String . . . extensions ) ;
/ * *
* Registers an { @link AssetLocator } by using a class name .
* See the { @link AssetManager # registerLocator ( java . lang . String , java . lang . Class ) }
* method for more information .
* @param rootPath The root path from which to locate assets , this
* depends on the implementation of the asset locator .
* A URL based locator will expect a url folder such as "http://www.example.com/"
* while a File based locator will expect a file path ( OS dependent ) .
* @param locatorClassName The full class name of the { @link AssetLocator }
* implementation .
* @deprecated Please use { @link # registerLocator ( java . lang . String , java . lang . Class ) }
* together with { @link Class # forName ( java . lang . String ) } to find a class
* and then register it .
* /
public void registerLocator ( String rootPath , String locatorClassName ) ;
/ * *
* Register an { @link AssetLoader } by using a class object .
* @param loaderClass
* @param extensions
* @param loaderClass The loader class to register .
* @param extensions Which extensions this loader is responsible for loading ,
* if there are already other loaders registered for that extension , they
* will be overridden - there should only be one loader for each extension .
* /
public void registerLoader ( Class < ? extends AssetLoader > loaderClass , String . . . extensions ) ;
@ -161,7 +138,7 @@ public interface AssetManager {
* to the { @link AssetLoader } to load the asset .
* Once a locator is registered , it can be removed via
* { @link # unregisterLocator ( java . lang . String , java . lang . Class ) } .
* @param rootPath Specifies the root path from which to locate assets
* for the given { @link AssetLocator } . The purpose of this parameter
* depends on the type of the { @link AssetLocator } .
@ -206,18 +183,6 @@ public interface AssetManager {
* /
public void clearAssetEventListeners ( ) ;
/ * *
* Set an { @link AssetEventListener } to receive events from this
* < code > AssetManager < / code > . Any currently added listeners are
* cleared and then the given listener is added .
* @param listener The listener to set
* @deprecated Please use { @link # addAssetEventListener ( com . jme3 . asset . AssetEventListener ) }
* to listen for asset events .
* /
public void setAssetEventListener ( AssetEventListener listener ) ;
/ * *
* Manually locates an asset with the given { @link AssetKey } .
* This method should be used for debugging or internal uses .
@ -233,6 +198,23 @@ public interface AssetManager {
* /
public AssetInfo locateAsset ( AssetKey < ? > key ) ;
/ * *
* Load an asset from an { @link InputStream } .
* In some cases it may be required to load an asset from memory
* or arbitrary streams so that registering a custom locator and key
* type is not necessary .
* @param < T > The object type that will be loaded from the AssetKey instance .
* @param key The AssetKey . Note that the asset will not be cached -
* following the same behavior as if { @link AssetKey # getCacheType ( ) } returned null .
* @param inputStream The input stream from which the asset shall be loaded .
* @return The loaded asset .
* @throws AssetLoadException If the { @link AssetLoader } has failed
* to load the asset due to an { @link IOException } or another error .
* /
public < T > T loadAssetFromStream ( AssetKey < T > key , InputStream inputStream ) ;
/ * *
* Load an asset from a key , the asset will be located
* by one of the { @link AssetLocator } implementations provided in the
@ -244,17 +226,18 @@ public interface AssetManager {
* @param < T > The object type that will be loaded from the AssetKey instance .
* @param key The AssetKey
* @return The loaded asset , or null if it was failed to be located
* or loaded .
* @return The loaded asset .
* @throws AssetNotFoundException If all registered locators have failed
* to locate the asset .
* @throws AssetLoadException If the { @link AssetLoader } has failed
* to load the asset due to an { @link IOException } or another error .
* /
public < T > T loadAsset ( AssetKey < T > key ) ;
/ * *
* Load an asset by name , calling this method
* is the same as calling
* < code >
* loadAsset ( new AssetKey ( name ) ) .
* < / code >
* Load an asset by name , calling this method is the same as calling
* < code > loadAsset ( new AssetKey ( name ) ) < / code > .
* @param name The name of the asset to load .
* @return The loaded asset , or null if failed to be loaded .
@ -265,7 +248,7 @@ public interface AssetManager {
/ * *
* Loads texture file , supported types are BMP , JPG , PNG , GIF ,
* TGA and DDS .
* TGA , DDS , PFM , and HDR .
* @param key The { @link TextureKey } to use for loading .
* @return The loaded texture , or null if failed to be loaded .
@ -276,8 +259,10 @@ public interface AssetManager {
/ * *
* Loads texture file , supported types are BMP , JPG , PNG , GIF ,
* TGA and DDS .
* TGA , DDS , PFM , and HDR .
* The texture will be loaded with mip - mapping enabled .
* @param name The name of the texture to load .
* @return The texture that was loaded
@ -306,7 +291,8 @@ public interface AssetManager {
/ * *
* Loads a 3D model with a ModelKey .
* Models can be jME3 object files ( J3O ) or OgreXML / OBJ files .
* Models can be jME3 object files ( J3O ) , OgreXML ( mesh . xml ) , BLEND , FBX
* and OBJ files .
* @param key Asset key of the model to load
* @return The model that was loaded
@ -315,8 +301,9 @@ public interface AssetManager {
public Spatial loadModel ( ModelKey key ) ;
/ * *
* Loads a 3D model . Models can be jME3 object files ( J3O ) or
* OgreXML / OBJ files .
* Loads a 3D model . Models can be jME3 object files ( J3O ) ,
* OgreXML ( mesh . xml ) , BLEND , FBX and OBJ files .
* @param name Asset name of the model to load
* @return The model that was loaded
@ -381,4 +368,53 @@ public interface AssetManager {
* /
public ShaderGenerator getShaderGenerator ( EnumSet < Caps > caps ) ;
/ * *
* Retrieve an asset from the asset cache .
* < b > NOTE : < / b > Do < em > not < / em > modify the returned asset !
* It is the same reference as what is stored in the cache , therefore any
* modifications to it will leak onto assets loaded from the same key in the future .
* @param < T > The object type that will be retrieved from the AssetKey instance .
* @param key The AssetKey to get from the cache .
* @return The cached asset , if found . Otherwise , < code > null < / code > .
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If { @link AssetKey # getCacheType ( ) caching }
* is disabled for the key .
* /
public < T > T getFromCache ( AssetKey < T > key ) ;
/ * *
* Inject an asset into the asset cache .
* < b > NOTE : < / b > Do < em > not < / em > modify the cached asset after storing !
* It is the same reference as what is stored in the cache , therefore any
* modifications to it will leak onto assets loaded from the same key in the future .
* @param < T > The object type of the asset .
* @param key The key where the asset shall be stored .
* @param asset The asset to inject into the cache .
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If { @link AssetKey # getCacheType ( ) caching }
* is disabled for the key .
* /
public < T > void addToCache ( AssetKey < T > key , T asset ) ;
/ * *
* Delete an asset from the asset cache .
* @param < T > The object type of the AssetKey instance .
* @param key The asset key to remove from the cache .
* @return True if the asset key was found in the cache and was removed
* successfully . False if the asset key was not present in the cache .
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If { @link AssetKey # getCacheType ( ) caching }
* is disabled for the key .
* /
public < T > boolean deleteFromCache ( AssetKey < T > key ) ;
/ * *
* Clears the asset cache .
* /
public void clearCache ( ) ;