@ -369,196 +369,122 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry { |
Vector3f binormal = new Vector3f(); |
Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(); |
int s = this.getSize()-1; |
if (right != null) { // right side, works its way down
for (int i=0; i<s+1; i++) { |
rootPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i), i); |
leftPoint.set(s-1, this.getHeightmapHeight(s-1,i), i); |
rightPoint.set(s+1, right.getHeightmapHeight(1,i), i); |
rootPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i), 0); |
leftPoint.set(-1, this.getHeightmapHeight(s-1,i), 0); |
rightPoint.set(1, right.getHeightmapHeight(1,i), 0); |
if (i == 0) { // top point
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i+1), 1); |
if (top == null) { |
bottomPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i+1), i+1); |
averageNormalsTangents(null, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
averageNormalsTangents(null, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), s, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(right.getMesh(), 0, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent); |
VertexBuffer tpBB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Binormal); |
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer rightTB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent); |
VertexBuffer rightBB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Binormal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), s); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(tangent, (FloatBuffer)tpTB.getData(), s); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(binormal, (FloatBuffer)tpBB.getData(), s); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)rightNB.getData(), 0); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(tangent, (FloatBuffer)rightTB.getData(), 0); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(binormal, (FloatBuffer)rightBB.getData(), 0);*/ |
} else { |
topPoint.set(s, top.getHeightmapHeight(s,s-1), i-1); |
bottomPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i+1), i+1); |
topPoint.set(0, top.getHeightmapHeight(s,s-1), -1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint,normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), s, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(right.getMesh(), 0, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer tpTB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent); |
VertexBuffer tpBB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Binormal); |
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer rightTB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Tangent); |
VertexBuffer rightBB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Binormal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), s); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)rightNB.getData(), 0);*/ |
setInBuffer(top.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
if (topRight != null) { |
setInBuffer(topRight.getMesh(), (s+1)*s, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer topRightNB = topRight.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)topRightNB.getData(), (s+1)*s); |
topRightNB.setUpdateNeeded();*/ |
// setInBuffer(topRight.getMesh(), (s+1)*s, normal, tangent, binormal);
} |
} |
} else if (i == s) { // bottom point
topPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,s-1), -1); |
if (bottom == null) { |
topPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i-1), i-1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, null, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, null, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(right.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s), normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)rightNB.getData(), (s+1)*(s));*/ |
} else { |
topPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i-1), i-1); |
bottomPoint.set(s, bottom.getHeightmapHeight(s,1), i+1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
bottomPoint.set(0, bottom.getHeightmapHeight(s,1), 1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(right.getMesh(), (s+1)*s, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(bottom.getMesh(), s, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer downNB = bottom.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), (s+1)*(s+1)-1); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)rightNB.getData(), (s+1)*s); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)downNB.getData(), s);*/ |
if (bottomRight != null) { |
setInBuffer(bottomRight.getMesh(), 0, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer bottomRightNB = bottomRight.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)bottomRightNB.getData(), 0); |
bottomRightNB.setUpdateNeeded();*/ |
// setInBuffer(bottomRight.getMesh(), 0, normal, tangent, binormal);
} |
} |
} else { // all in the middle
topPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i-1), i-1); |
bottomPoint.set(s, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i+1), i+1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
topPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i-1), -1); |
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(s,i+1), 1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(right.getMesh(), (s+1)*(i), normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer rightNB = right.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)rightNB.getData(), (s+1)*(i));*/ |
} |
} |
} |
if (left != null) { // left side, works its way down
for (int i=0; i<s+1; i++) { |
rootPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i), i); |
leftPoint.set(-1, left.getHeightmapHeight(s-1,i), i); |
rightPoint.set(1, this.getHeightmapHeight(1,i), i); |
rootPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i), 0); |
leftPoint.set(-1, left.getHeightmapHeight(s-1,i), 0); |
rightPoint.set(1, this.getHeightmapHeight(1,i), 0); |
if (i == 0) { // top point
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i+1), 1); |
if (top == null) { |
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i+1), i+1); |
averageNormalsTangents(null, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
averageNormalsTangents(null, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), 0, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(left.getMesh(), s, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer leftNB = left.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), 0); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)leftNB.getData(), s);*/ |
} else { |
topPoint.set(0, top.getHeightmapHeight(0,s-1), i-1); |
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i+1), i+1); |
topPoint.set(0, top.getHeightmapHeight(0,s-1), -1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), 0, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(left.getMesh(), s, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer leftNB = left.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), 0); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)leftNB.getData(), s);*/ |
setInBuffer(top.getMesh(), (s+1)*s, normal, tangent, binormal); |
if (topLeft != null) { |
setInBuffer(topLeft.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer topLeftNB = topLeft.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)topLeftNB.getData(), (s+1)*(s+1)-1); |
topLeftNB.setUpdateNeeded();*/ |
// setInBuffer(topLeft.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal);
} |
} |
} else if (i == s) { // bottom point
topPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i-1), -1); |
if (bottom == null) { |
topPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i-1), i-1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, null, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, null, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s), normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(left.getMesh(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer leftNB = left.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), (s+1)*(s)); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)leftNB.getData(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1);*/ |
setInBuffer(left.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
} else { |
topPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i-1), i-1); |
bottomPoint.set(0, bottom.getHeightmapHeight(0,1), i+1); |
bottomPoint.set(0, bottom.getHeightmapHeight(0,1), 1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s), normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(left.getMesh(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(left.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(bottom.getMesh(), 0, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer leftNB = left.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer downNB = bottom.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), (s+1)*(s)); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)leftNB.getData(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)downNB.getData(), 0);*/ |
if (bottomLeft != null) { |
setInBuffer(bottomLeft.getMesh(), s, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer bottomLeftNB = bottomLeft.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)bottomLeftNB.getData(), s); |
bottomLeftNB.setUpdateNeeded();*/ |
// setInBuffer(bottomLeft.getMesh(), s, normal, tangent, binormal);
} |
} |
} else { // all in the middle
topPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i-1), i-1); |
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i+1), i+1); |
topPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i-1), -1); |
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(0,i+1), 1); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), (s+1)*(i), normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(left.getMesh(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
VertexBuffer leftNB = left.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), (s+1)*(i)); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)leftNB.getData(), (s+1)*(i+1)-1);*/ |
} |
} |
} |
if (top != null) { // top side, works its way right
for (int i=0; i<s+1; i++) { |
rootPoint.set(i, this.getHeightmapHeight(i,0), 0); |
topPoint.set(i, top.getHeightmapHeight(i,s-1), -1); |
bottomPoint.set(i, this.getHeightmapHeight(i,1), 1); |
rootPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(i,0), 0); |
topPoint.set(0, top.getHeightmapHeight(i,s-1), -1); |
bottomPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(i,1), 1); |
if (i == 0) { // left corner
// handled by left side pass
@ -568,53 +494,39 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry { |
// handled by this patch when it does its right side
} else { // all in the middle
leftPoint.set(i-1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i-1,0), 0); |
rightPoint.set(i+1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i+1,0), 0); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
leftPoint.set(-1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i-1,0), 0); |
rightPoint.set(1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i+1,0), 0); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), i, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(top.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s)+i, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), i); |
VertexBuffer topNB = top.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)topNB.getData(), (s+1)*(s)+i);*/ |
} |
} |
} |
if (bottom != null) { // bottom side, works its way right
for (int i=0; i<s+1; i++) { |
rootPoint.set(i, this.getHeightmapHeight(i,s), s); |
topPoint.set(i, this.getHeightmapHeight(i,s-1), s-1); |
bottomPoint.set(i, bottom.getHeightmapHeight(i,1), s+1); |
rootPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(i,s), 0); |
topPoint.set(0, this.getHeightmapHeight(i,s-1), -1); |
bottomPoint.set(0, bottom.getHeightmapHeight(i,1), 1); |
if (i == 0) { // left
// handled by the left side pass
} else if (i == s) { // right
// handled by this patch when it does its right side
// handled by the right side pass
} else { // all in the middle
leftPoint.set(i-1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i-1,s), s); |
rightPoint.set(i+1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i+1,s), s); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, null, null, null, null, null, normal, tangent, binormal); |
leftPoint.set(-1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i-1,s), 0); |
rightPoint.set(1, this.getHeightmapHeight(i+1,s), 0); |
averageNormalsTangents(topPoint, rootPoint, leftPoint, bottomPoint, rightPoint, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(this.getMesh(), (s+1)*(s)+i, normal, tangent, binormal); |
setInBuffer(bottom.getMesh(), i, normal, tangent, binormal); |
/*VertexBuffer tpNB = this.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)tpNB.getData(), (s+1)*(s)+i); |
VertexBuffer downNB = bottom.getMesh().getBuffer(Type.Normal); |
BufferUtils.setInBuffer(normal, (FloatBuffer)downNB.getData(), i);*/ |
} |
} |
} |
} |
protected void averageNormalsTangents( |
@ -623,30 +535,25 @@ public class TerrainPatch extends Geometry { |
Vector3f leftPoint, |
Vector3f bottomPoint, |
Vector3f rightPoint, |
Vector2f topTex, |
Vector2f rootTex, |
Vector2f leftTex, |
Vector2f bottomTex, |
Vector2f rightTex, |
Vector3f normal, |
Vector3f tangent, |
Vector3f binormal) |
{ |
Vector3f scale = getWorldScale(); |
Vector3f n1 = Vector3f.ZERO; |
Vector3f n1 = new Vector3f(0,0,0); |
if (topPoint != null && leftPoint != null) { |
n1.set(calculateNormal(topPoint.mult(scale), rootPoint.mult(scale), leftPoint.mult(scale))); |
} |
Vector3f n2 = Vector3f.ZERO; |
Vector3f n2 = new Vector3f(0,0,0); |
if (leftPoint != null && bottomPoint != null) { |
n2.set(calculateNormal(leftPoint.mult(scale), rootPoint.mult(scale), bottomPoint.mult(scale))); |
} |
Vector3f n3 = Vector3f.ZERO; |
Vector3f n3 = new Vector3f(0,0,0); |
if (rightPoint != null && bottomPoint != null) { |
n3.set(calculateNormal(bottomPoint.mult(scale), rootPoint.mult(scale), rightPoint.mult(scale))); |
} |
Vector3f n4 = Vector3f.ZERO; |
Vector3f n4 = new Vector3f(0,0,0); |
if (rightPoint != null && topPoint != null) { |
n4.set(calculateNormal(rightPoint.mult(scale), rootPoint.mult(scale), topPoint.mult(scale))); |
} |