ModelImporterVisualPanel2.jCheckBox1.text=copy original model file(s) to project folder
ModelImporterVisualPanel2.jLabel1.text=Import to path:
ModelImporterVisualPanel2.jTextArea1.text=The model will be converted to j3o binary format and copied \nto the project folder including associated texture etc. files.\nThe given path will be used as the root folder for the model.\n\nIf you copy the original model files to the project folder you can re-convert the model at any time by double-clicking it.
ModelImporterVisualPanel1.jTextArea1.text=Note that the following requirements have to be met for a successful import:\n\n* The model format has to be supported, currently OBJ, OgreXML and Blender formats are supported\n\n* The model textures have to be in the same folder as the model or a subfolder\n\n* The textures have to be UV mapped textures\n\n* Only diffuse, normal, specular, parallax and light maps will be imported\n\n* No extended material settings will be imported\n\n* For animations be sure to have a single root bone
ModelImporterVisualPanel1.jTextArea1.text=Note that the following requirements have to be met for a successful import:\n\n* The model format has to be supported\n\n* The model textures have to be in the same folder as the model or a subfolder\n\n* The textures have to be UV mapped textures\n\n* Only diffuse, normal, specular, parallax and light maps will be imported\n\n* No extended material settings will be imported\n\n* For animations be sure to have a single root bone\n\n* For more information press F1
ModelImporterVisualPanel2.jLabel1.text_1=Asset List
ModelImporterVisualPanel2.jLabel2.text=Assets failed to load