@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
package com.jme3.gde.scenecomposer ;
package com.jme3.gde.scenecomposer ;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetManager ;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetManager ;
import com.jme3.effect.ParticleEmitter ;
import com.jme3.gde.core.assets.AssetDataObject ;
import com.jme3.gde.core.assets.AssetDataObject ;
import com.jme3.gde.core.assets.ProjectAssetManager ;
import com.jme3.gde.core.assets.ProjectAssetManager ;
import com.jme3.gde.core.assets.SpatialAssetDataObject ;
import com.jme3.gde.core.assets.SpatialAssetDataObject ;
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.scene.Node ;
import com.jme3.scene.Node ;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial ;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.Collection ;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup ;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup ;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder ;
import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder ;
@ -119,6 +121,9 @@ public final class SceneComposerTopComponent extends TopComponent implements Sce
fixedCheckBox = new javax . swing . JCheckBox ( ) ;
fixedCheckBox = new javax . swing . JCheckBox ( ) ;
radiusSpinner = new javax . swing . JSpinner ( ) ;
radiusSpinner = new javax . swing . JSpinner ( ) ;
heightSpinner = new javax . swing . JSpinner ( ) ;
heightSpinner = new javax . swing . JSpinner ( ) ;
jSeparator6 = new javax . swing . JSeparator ( ) ;
jLabel5 = new javax . swing . JLabel ( ) ;
emitButton = new javax . swing . JButton ( ) ;
setBackground ( new java . awt . Color ( 204 , 204 , 204 ) ) ;
setBackground ( new java . awt . Color ( 204 , 204 , 204 ) ) ;
@ -133,8 +138,8 @@ public final class SceneComposerTopComponent extends TopComponent implements Sce
sceneInfoPanel . setLayout ( sceneInfoPanelLayout ) ;
sceneInfoPanel . setLayout ( sceneInfoPanelLayout ) ;
sceneInfoPanelLayout . setHorizontalGroup (
sceneInfoPanelLayout . setHorizontalGroup (
sceneInfoPanelLayout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . LEADING )
sceneInfoPanelLayout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . LEADING )
. addComponent ( sceneInfoLabel1 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 133 , Short . MAX_VALUE )
. addComponent ( sceneInfoLabel1 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 126 , Short . MAX_VALUE )
. addComponent ( sceneInfoLabel2 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 133 , Short . MAX_VALUE )
. addComponent ( sceneInfoLabel2 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 126 , Short . MAX_VALUE )
) ;
) ;
sceneInfoPanelLayout . setVerticalGroup (
sceneInfoPanelLayout . setVerticalGroup (
sceneInfoPanelLayout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . LEADING )
sceneInfoPanelLayout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . LEADING )
@ -399,12 +404,32 @@ public final class SceneComposerTopComponent extends TopComponent implements Sce
heightSpinner . setModel ( new javax . swing . SpinnerNumberModel ( Float . valueOf ( 1 . 8f ) , null , null , Float . valueOf ( 0 . 1f ) ) ) ;
heightSpinner . setModel ( new javax . swing . SpinnerNumberModel ( Float . valueOf ( 1 . 8f ) , null , null , Float . valueOf ( 0 . 1f ) ) ) ;
jToolBar3 . add ( heightSpinner ) ;
jToolBar3 . add ( heightSpinner ) ;
org . openide . awt . Mnemonics . setLocalizedText ( jLabel5 , org . openide . util . NbBundle . getMessage ( SceneComposerTopComponent . class , "SceneComposerTopComponent.jLabel5.text" ) ) ; // NOI18N
org . openide . awt . Mnemonics . setLocalizedText ( emitButton , org . openide . util . NbBundle . getMessage ( SceneComposerTopComponent . class , "SceneComposerTopComponent.emitButton.text" ) ) ; // NOI18N
emitButton . setToolTipText ( org . openide . util . NbBundle . getMessage ( SceneComposerTopComponent . class , "SceneComposerTopComponent.emitButton.toolTipText" ) ) ; // NOI18N
emitButton . addActionListener ( new java . awt . event . ActionListener ( ) {
public void actionPerformed ( java . awt . event . ActionEvent evt ) {
emitButtonActionPerformed ( evt ) ;
} ) ;
javax . swing . GroupLayout jPanel4Layout = new javax . swing . GroupLayout ( jPanel4 ) ;
javax . swing . GroupLayout jPanel4Layout = new javax . swing . GroupLayout ( jPanel4 ) ;
jPanel4 . setLayout ( jPanel4Layout ) ;
jPanel4 . setLayout ( jPanel4Layout ) ;
jPanel4Layout . setHorizontalGroup (
jPanel4Layout . setHorizontalGroup (
jPanel4Layout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . LEADING )
jPanel4Layout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . LEADING )
. addComponent ( jToolBar2 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 316 , Short . MAX_VALUE )
. addComponent ( jToolBar2 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 323 , Short . MAX_VALUE )
. addComponent ( jToolBar3 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 316 , Short . MAX_VALUE )
. addComponent ( jToolBar3 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 323 , Short . MAX_VALUE )
. addGroup ( jPanel4Layout . createSequentialGroup ( )
. addContainerGap ( )
. addGroup ( jPanel4Layout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . LEADING )
. addGroup ( jPanel4Layout . createSequentialGroup ( )
. addGap ( 10 , 10 , 10 )
. addComponent ( jLabel5 )
. addPreferredGap ( javax . swing . LayoutStyle . ComponentPlacement . RELATED )
. addComponent ( emitButton , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 248 , Short . MAX_VALUE ) )
. addComponent ( jSeparator6 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . DEFAULT_SIZE , 303 , Short . MAX_VALUE ) )
. addContainerGap ( ) )
) ;
) ;
jPanel4Layout . setVerticalGroup (
jPanel4Layout . setVerticalGroup (
jPanel4Layout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . LEADING )
jPanel4Layout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . LEADING )
@ -412,7 +437,13 @@ public final class SceneComposerTopComponent extends TopComponent implements Sce
. addComponent ( jToolBar2 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE , 25 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE )
. addComponent ( jToolBar2 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE , 25 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE )
. addPreferredGap ( javax . swing . LayoutStyle . ComponentPlacement . RELATED )
. addPreferredGap ( javax . swing . LayoutStyle . ComponentPlacement . RELATED )
. addComponent ( jToolBar3 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE , 25 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE )
. addComponent ( jToolBar3 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE , 25 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE )
. addContainerGap ( 83 , Short . MAX_VALUE ) )
. addPreferredGap ( javax . swing . LayoutStyle . ComponentPlacement . RELATED )
. addComponent ( jSeparator6 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE , 10 , javax . swing . GroupLayout . PREFERRED_SIZE )
. addPreferredGap ( javax . swing . LayoutStyle . ComponentPlacement . RELATED )
. addGroup ( jPanel4Layout . createParallelGroup ( javax . swing . GroupLayout . Alignment . BASELINE )
. addComponent ( jLabel5 )
. addComponent ( emitButton ) )
. addContainerGap ( 38 , Short . MAX_VALUE ) )
) ;
) ;
javax . swing . GroupLayout layout = new javax . swing . GroupLayout ( this ) ;
javax . swing . GroupLayout layout = new javax . swing . GroupLayout ( this ) ;
@ -521,12 +552,24 @@ public final class SceneComposerTopComponent extends TopComponent implements Sce
MoveTool tool = new MoveTool ( ) ;
MoveTool tool = new MoveTool ( ) ;
toolController . showEditTool ( tool ) ;
toolController . showEditTool ( tool ) ;
} //GEN-LAST:event_moveButtonActionPerformed
} //GEN-LAST:event_moveButtonActionPerformed
private void emitButtonActionPerformed ( java . awt . event . ActionEvent evt ) { //GEN-FIRST:event_emitButtonActionPerformed
SceneApplication . getApplication ( ) . enqueue ( new Callable < Object > ( ) {
public Object call ( ) throws Exception {
emit ( editorController . getSelectedSpat ( ) . getLookup ( ) . lookup ( Spatial . class ) ) ;
return null ;
} ) ;
} //GEN-LAST:event_emitButtonActionPerformed
// Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
// Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
private javax . swing . JButton addCursorButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton addCursorButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton addObjectButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton addObjectButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton camToCursorSelectionButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton camToCursorSelectionButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton createPhysicsMeshButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton createPhysicsMeshButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton cursorToSelectionButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton cursorToSelectionButton ;
private javax . swing . JButton emitButton ;
private javax . swing . JCheckBox fixedCheckBox ;
private javax . swing . JCheckBox fixedCheckBox ;
private javax . swing . JSpinner heightSpinner ;
private javax . swing . JSpinner heightSpinner ;
private javax . swing . JButton jButton1 ;
private javax . swing . JButton jButton1 ;
@ -535,6 +578,7 @@ public final class SceneComposerTopComponent extends TopComponent implements Sce
private javax . swing . JLabel jLabel2 ;
private javax . swing . JLabel jLabel2 ;
private javax . swing . JLabel jLabel3 ;
private javax . swing . JLabel jLabel3 ;
private javax . swing . JLabel jLabel4 ;
private javax . swing . JLabel jLabel4 ;
private javax . swing . JLabel jLabel5 ;
private javax . swing . JList jList1 ;
private javax . swing . JList jList1 ;
private javax . swing . JPanel jPanel3 ;
private javax . swing . JPanel jPanel3 ;
private javax . swing . JPanel jPanel4 ;
private javax . swing . JPanel jPanel4 ;
@ -544,6 +588,7 @@ public final class SceneComposerTopComponent extends TopComponent implements Sce
private javax . swing . JToolBar . Separator jSeparator3 ;
private javax . swing . JToolBar . Separator jSeparator3 ;
private javax . swing . JToolBar . Separator jSeparator4 ;
private javax . swing . JToolBar . Separator jSeparator4 ;
private javax . swing . JToolBar . Separator jSeparator5 ;
private javax . swing . JToolBar . Separator jSeparator5 ;
private javax . swing . JSeparator jSeparator6 ;
private javax . swing . JTextField jTextField1 ;
private javax . swing . JTextField jTextField1 ;
private javax . swing . JToolBar jToolBar1 ;
private javax . swing . JToolBar jToolBar1 ;
private javax . swing . JToolBar jToolBar2 ;
private javax . swing . JToolBar jToolBar2 ;
@ -564,6 +609,19 @@ public final class SceneComposerTopComponent extends TopComponent implements Sce
private javax . swing . ButtonGroup spatialModButtonGroup ;
private javax . swing . ButtonGroup spatialModButtonGroup ;
// End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
// End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
private void emit ( Spatial root ) {
if ( root instanceof ParticleEmitter ) {
( ( ParticleEmitter ) root ) . killAllParticles ( ) ;
( ( ParticleEmitter ) root ) . emitAllParticles ( ) ;
} else if ( root instanceof Node ) {
Node n = ( Node ) root ;
for ( Spatial child : n . getChildren ( ) ) {
emit ( child ) ;
/ * *
/ * *
* Gets default instance . Do not use directly : reserved for * . settings files only ,
* Gets default instance . Do not use directly : reserved for * . settings files only ,
* i . e . deserialization routines ; otherwise you could get a non - deserialized instance .
* i . e . deserialization routines ; otherwise you could get a non - deserialized instance .
@ -808,6 +866,7 @@ public final class SceneComposerTopComponent extends TopComponent implements Sce
private void selectSpatial ( JmeSpatial spatial ) {
private void selectSpatial ( JmeSpatial spatial ) {
if ( spatial = = null ) {
if ( spatial = = null ) {
setSelectedObjectText ( null ) ;
setSelectedObjectText ( null ) ;
setSelectionData ( null ) ;
setSelectionData ( null ) ;