MobileCustomizerPanel.jTextArea1.text=You have to disable "Compile on Save" to be able to run the project on a device using the "Android Device" function.\n\nThe android project ("mobile" folder) will be deleted when Android deployment is disabled.
MobileCustomizerPanel.jTextArea1.text=Notes (Press F1 for more information)\n\nThe android application package name can be freely chosen can differ from the main projects package name.\n\nYou have to disable "Compile on Save" under "Compiling" on the left to be able to run the project on a device using the "Android Device" configuration.\n\nThe android project ("mobile" folder) will be deleted when Android deployment is disabled.
MobileCustomizerPanel.jTextField1.toolTipText=The package name used when creating the MainActivity
MobileCustomizerPanel.jTextField1.toolTipText=The package name used when creating the MainActivity
MobileCustomizerPanel.jComboBox1.toolTipText=The android target platform of this project
MobileCustomizerPanel.jComboBox1.toolTipText=The android target platform of this project
MobileCustomizerPanel.jButton2.toolTipText=Run the android target configuration utility
MobileCustomizerPanel.jButton2.toolTipText=Run the android target configuration utility