@ -31,17 +31,10 @@
* /
* /
package com.jme3.util ;
package com.jme3.util ;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA ;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector2f ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector4f ;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException ;
import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference ;
import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference ;
import java.lang.ref.Reference ;
import java.lang.ref.Reference ;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue ;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue ;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ;
import java.lang.reflect.Method ;
import java.nio.Buffer ;
import java.nio.Buffer ;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer ;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer ;
import java.nio.ByteOrder ;
import java.nio.ByteOrder ;
@ -51,8 +44,12 @@ import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.LongBuffer ;
import java.nio.LongBuffer ;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer ;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import java.util.logging.Level ;
import java.util.logging.Logger ;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA ;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector2f ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector4f ;
/ * *
/ * *
* < code > BufferUtils < / code > is a helper class for generating nio buffers from
* < code > BufferUtils < / code > is a helper class for generating nio buffers from
@ -62,27 +59,52 @@ import java.util.logging.Logger;
* @version $Id : BufferUtils . java , v 1 . 16 2007 / 10 / 29 16 : 56 : 18 nca Exp $
* @version $Id : BufferUtils . java , v 1 . 16 2007 / 10 / 29 16 : 56 : 18 nca Exp $
* /
* /
public final class BufferUtils {
public final class BufferUtils {
private static BufferAllocator allocator = new PrimitiveAllocator ( ) ;
private static boolean trackDirectMemory = false ;
private static boolean trackDirectMemory = false ;
private static ReferenceQueue < Buffer > removeCollected = new ReferenceQueue < Buffer > ( ) ;
private static ReferenceQueue < Buffer > removeCollected = new ReferenceQueue < Buffer > ( ) ;
private static ConcurrentHashMap < BufferInfo , BufferInfo > trackedBuffers = new ConcurrentHashMap < BufferInfo , BufferInfo > ( ) ;
private static ConcurrentHashMap < BufferInfo , BufferInfo > trackedBuffers = new ConcurrentHashMap < BufferInfo , BufferInfo > ( ) ;
static ClearReferences cleanupthread ;
static ClearReferences cleanupthread ;
private static boolean used ;
static {
try {
allocator = new ReflectionAllocator ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable t ) {
t . printStackTrace ( ) ;
System . err . println ( "Error using ReflectionAllocator" ) ;
/ * *
* Warning ! do only set this before JME is started !
* /
public static void setAllocator ( BufferAllocator allocator ) {
if ( used ) {
throw new IllegalStateException (
"An Buffer was already allocated, since it is quite likely that other dispose methods will create native dangling pointers or other fun things, this is forbidden to be changed at runtime" ) ;
BufferUtils . allocator = allocator ;
/ * *
/ * *
* Set it to true if you want to enable direct memory tracking for debugging purpose .
* Set it to true if you want to enable direct memory tracking for debugging
* Default is false .
* purpose . Default is false . To print direct memory usage use
* To print direct memory usage use BufferUtils . printCurrentDirectMemory ( StringBuilder store ) ;
* BufferUtils . printCurrentDirectMemory ( StringBuilder store ) ;
* @param enabled
* @param enabled
* /
* /
public static void setTrackDirectMemoryEnabled ( boolean enabled ) {
public static void setTrackDirectMemoryEnabled ( boolean enabled ) {
trackDirectMemory = enabled ;
trackDirectMemory = enabled ;
/ * *
/ * *
* Creates a clone of the given buffer . The clone ' s capacity is
* Creates a clone of the given buffer . The clone ' s capacity is equal to the
* equal to the given buffer ' s limit .
* given buffer ' s limit .
* @param buf The buffer to clone
* @param buf
* The buffer to clone
* @return The cloned buffer
* @return The cloned buffer
* /
* /
public static Buffer clone ( Buffer buf ) {
public static Buffer clone ( Buffer buf ) {
@ -102,55 +124,31 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
private static void onBufferAllocated ( Buffer buffer ) {
private static void onBufferAllocated ( Buffer buffer ) {
/ * *
used = true ;
* StackTraceElement [ ] stackTrace = new Throwable ( ) . getStackTrace ( ) ; int
* initialIndex = 0 ;
* for ( int i = 0 ; i < stackTrace . length ; i + + ) { if
* ( ! stackTrace [ i ] . getClassName ( ) . equals ( BufferUtils . class . getName ( ) ) ) {
* initialIndex = i ; break ; } }
* int allocated = buffer . capacity ( ) ; int size = 0 ;
* if ( buffer instanceof FloatBuffer ) { size = 4 ; } else if ( buffer
* instanceof ShortBuffer ) { size = 2 ; } else if ( buffer instanceof
* ByteBuffer ) { size = 1 ; } else if ( buffer instanceof IntBuffer ) { size =
* 4 ; } else if ( buffer instanceof DoubleBuffer ) { size = 8 ; }
* allocated * = size ;
* for ( int i = initialIndex ; i < stackTrace . length ; i + + ) {
* StackTraceElement element = stackTrace [ i ] ; if
* ( element . getClassName ( ) . startsWith ( "java" ) ) { break ; }
* try { Class clazz = Class . forName ( element . getClassName ( ) ) ; if ( i = =
* initialIndex ) {
* System . out . println ( clazz . getSimpleName ( ) + "." + element . getMethodName
* ( ) + "():" + element . getLineNumber ( ) + " allocated " + allocated ) ;
* } else { System . out . println ( " at " +
* clazz . getSimpleName ( ) + "." + element . getMethodName ( ) + "()" ) ; } } catch
* ( ClassNotFoundException ex ) { } }
* /
if ( BufferUtils . trackDirectMemory ) {
if ( BufferUtils . trackDirectMemory ) {
if ( BufferUtils . cleanupthread = = null ) {
if ( BufferUtils . cleanupthread = = null ) {
BufferUtils . cleanupthread = new ClearReferences ( ) ;
BufferUtils . cleanupthread = new ClearReferences ( ) ;
BufferUtils . cleanupthread . start ( ) ;
BufferUtils . cleanupthread . start ( ) ;
if ( buffer instanceof ByteBuffer ) {
if ( buffer instanceof ByteBuffer ) {
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( ByteBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) , buffer , BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( ByteBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) , buffer ,
BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
} else if ( buffer instanceof FloatBuffer ) {
} else if ( buffer instanceof FloatBuffer ) {
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( FloatBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) * 4 , buffer , BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( FloatBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) * 4 , buffer ,
BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
} else if ( buffer instanceof IntBuffer ) {
} else if ( buffer instanceof IntBuffer ) {
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( IntBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) * 4 , buffer , BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( IntBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) * 4 , buffer ,
BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
} else if ( buffer instanceof ShortBuffer ) {
} else if ( buffer instanceof ShortBuffer ) {
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( ShortBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) * 2 , buffer , BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( ShortBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) * 2 , buffer ,
BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
} else if ( buffer instanceof DoubleBuffer ) {
} else if ( buffer instanceof DoubleBuffer ) {
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( DoubleBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) * 8 , buffer , BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferInfo info = new BufferInfo ( DoubleBuffer . class , buffer . capacity ( ) * 8 , buffer ,
BufferUtils . removeCollected ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . put ( info , info ) ;
@ -158,11 +156,12 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
/ * *
/ * *
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of Vector3f objects .
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of Vector3f objects . The
* The FloatBuffer will be 3 * data . length long and contain the vector data
* FloatBuffer will be 3 * data . length long and contain the vector data as
* as data [ 0 ] . x , data [ 0 ] . y , data [ 0 ] . z , data [ 1 ] . x . . . etc .
* data [ 0 ] . x , data [ 0 ] . y , data [ 0 ] . z , data [ 1 ] . x . . . etc .
* @param data array of Vector3f objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* @param data
* array of Vector3f objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* /
* /
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( Vector3f . . . data ) {
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( Vector3f . . . data ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
@ -184,7 +183,8 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of Quaternion objects .
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of Quaternion objects .
* The FloatBuffer will be 4 * data . length long and contain the vector data .
* The FloatBuffer will be 4 * data . length long and contain the vector data .
* @param data array of Quaternion objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* @param data
* array of Quaternion objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* /
* /
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( Quaternion . . . data ) {
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( Quaternion . . . data ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
@ -203,10 +203,11 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
/ * *
/ * *
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of Vector4 objects .
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of Vector4 objects . The
* The FloatBuffer will be 4 * data . length long and contain the vector data .
* FloatBuffer will be 4 * data . length long and contain the vector data .
* @param data array of Vector4 objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* @param data
* array of Vector4 objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* /
* /
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( Vector4f . . . data ) {
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( Vector4f . . . data ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
@ -228,7 +229,8 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of ColorRGBA objects .
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of ColorRGBA objects .
* The FloatBuffer will be 4 * data . length long and contain the color data .
* The FloatBuffer will be 4 * data . length long and contain the color data .
* @param data array of ColorRGBA objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* @param data
* array of ColorRGBA objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* /
* /
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( ColorRGBA . . . data ) {
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( ColorRGBA . . . data ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
@ -248,7 +250,9 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
/ * *
/ * *
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of float primitives .
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of float primitives .
* @param data array of float primitives to place into a new FloatBuffer
* @param data
* array of float primitives to place into a new FloatBuffer
* /
* /
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( float . . . data ) {
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( float . . . data ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
@ -307,8 +311,7 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
* @param index
* @param index
* the postion to place the data ; in terms of colors not floats
* the postion to place the data ; in terms of colors not floats
* /
* /
public static void setInBuffer ( ColorRGBA color , FloatBuffer buf ,
public static void setInBuffer ( ColorRGBA color , FloatBuffer buf , int index ) {
int index ) {
buf . position ( index * 4 ) ;
buf . position ( index * 4 ) ;
buf . put ( color . r ) ;
buf . put ( color . r ) ;
buf . put ( color . g ) ;
buf . put ( color . g ) ;
@ -317,18 +320,18 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
/ * *
/ * *
* Sets the data contained in the given quaternion into the FloatBuffer at the
* Sets the data contained in the given quaternion into the FloatBuffer at
* specified index .
* the specified index .
* @param quat
* @param quat
* the { @link Quaternion } to insert
* the { @link Quaternion } to insert
* @param buf
* @param buf
* the buffer to insert into
* the buffer to insert into
* @param index
* @param index
* the position to place the data ; in terms of quaternions not floats
* the position to place the data ; in terms of quaternions not
* floats
* /
* /
public static void setInBuffer ( Quaternion quat , FloatBuffer buf ,
public static void setInBuffer ( Quaternion quat , FloatBuffer buf , int index ) {
int index ) {
buf . position ( index * 4 ) ;
buf . position ( index * 4 ) ;
buf . put ( quat . getX ( ) ) ;
buf . put ( quat . getX ( ) ) ;
buf . put ( quat . getY ( ) ) ;
buf . put ( quat . getY ( ) ) ;
@ -347,8 +350,7 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
* @param index
* @param index
* the position to place the data ; in terms of vector4 not floats
* the position to place the data ; in terms of vector4 not floats
* /
* /
public static void setInBuffer ( Vector4f vec , FloatBuffer buf ,
public static void setInBuffer ( Vector4f vec , FloatBuffer buf , int index ) {
int index ) {
buf . position ( index * 4 ) ;
buf . position ( index * 4 ) ;
buf . put ( vec . getX ( ) ) ;
buf . put ( vec . getX ( ) ) ;
buf . put ( vec . getY ( ) ) ;
buf . put ( vec . getY ( ) ) ;
@ -438,8 +440,8 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
/ * *
/ * *
* Copies a Vector3f from one position in the buffer to another . The index
* Copies a Vector3f from one position in the buffer to another . The index
* values are in terms of vector number ( eg , vector number 0 is positions 0 - 2
* values are in terms of vector number ( eg , vector number 0 is positions
* in the FloatBuffer . )
* 0 - 2 in the FloatBuffer . )
* @param buf
* @param buf
* the buffer to copy from / to
* the buffer to copy from / to
@ -534,11 +536,12 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
// // -- VECTOR2F METHODS -- ////
// // -- VECTOR2F METHODS -- ////
/ * *
/ * *
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of Vector2f objects .
* Generate a new FloatBuffer using the given array of Vector2f objects . The
* The FloatBuffer will be 2 * data . length long and contain the vector data
* FloatBuffer will be 2 * data . length long and contain the vector data as
* as data [ 0 ] . x , data [ 0 ] . y , data [ 1 ] . x . . . etc .
* data [ 0 ] . x , data [ 0 ] . y , data [ 1 ] . x . . . etc .
* @param data array of Vector2f objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* @param data
* array of Vector2f objects to place into a new FloatBuffer
* /
* /
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( Vector2f . . . data ) {
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( Vector2f . . . data ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
if ( data = = null ) {
@ -643,8 +646,8 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
/ * *
/ * *
* Copies a Vector2f from one position in the buffer to another . The index
* Copies a Vector2f from one position in the buffer to another . The index
* values are in terms of vector number ( eg , vector number 0 is positions 0 - 1
* values are in terms of vector number ( eg , vector number 0 is positions
* in the FloatBuffer . )
* 0 - 1 in the FloatBuffer . )
* @param buf
* @param buf
* the buffer to copy from / to
* the buffer to copy from / to
@ -737,7 +740,7 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
return eq ;
return eq ;
//// -- INT METHODS -- ////
//// -- INT METHODS -- ////
/ * *
/ * *
* Generate a new IntBuffer using the given array of ints . The IntBuffer
* Generate a new IntBuffer using the given array of ints . The IntBuffer
* will be data . length long and contain the int data as data [ 0 ] , data [ 1 ] . . .
* will be data . length long and contain the int data as data [ 0 ] , data [ 1 ] . . .
@ -806,7 +809,7 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
* @return the new DoubleBuffer
* @return the new DoubleBuffer
* /
* /
public static DoubleBuffer createDoubleBuffer ( int size ) {
public static DoubleBuffer createDoubleBuffer ( int size ) {
DoubleBuffer buf = ByteBuffe r. allocateDirect ( 8 * size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asDoubleBuffer ( ) ;
DoubleBuffer buf = allocato r. allocate ( 8 * size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asDoubleBuffer ( ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
return buf ;
return buf ;
@ -869,7 +872,7 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
* @return the new FloatBuffer
* @return the new FloatBuffer
* /
* /
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( int size ) {
public static FloatBuffer createFloatBuffer ( int size ) {
FloatBuffer buf = ByteBuffe r. allocateDirect ( 4 * size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asFloatBuffer ( ) ;
FloatBuffer buf = allocato r. allocate ( 4 * size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asFloatBuffer ( ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
return buf ;
return buf ;
@ -931,7 +934,7 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
* @return the new IntBuffer
* @return the new IntBuffer
* /
* /
public static IntBuffer createIntBuffer ( int size ) {
public static IntBuffer createIntBuffer ( int size ) {
IntBuffer buf = ByteBuffe r. allocateDirect ( 4 * size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asIntBuffer ( ) ;
IntBuffer buf = allocato r. allocate ( 4 * size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asIntBuffer ( ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
return buf ;
return buf ;
@ -994,7 +997,7 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
* @return the new IntBuffer
* @return the new IntBuffer
* /
* /
public static ByteBuffer createByteBuffer ( int size ) {
public static ByteBuffer createByteBuffer ( int size ) {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffe r. allocateDirect ( size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) ;
ByteBuffer buf = allocato r. allocate ( size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
return buf ;
return buf ;
@ -1076,7 +1079,7 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
* @return the new ShortBuffer
* @return the new ShortBuffer
* /
* /
public static ShortBuffer createShortBuffer ( int size ) {
public static ShortBuffer createShortBuffer ( int size ) {
ShortBuffer buf = ByteBuffe r. allocateDirect ( 2 * size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asShortBuffer ( ) ;
ShortBuffer buf = allocato r. allocate ( 2 * size ) . order ( ByteOrder . nativeOrder ( ) ) . asShortBuffer ( ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
buf . clear ( ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
onBufferAllocated ( buf ) ;
return buf ;
return buf ;
@ -1115,9 +1118,9 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
/ * *
/ * *
* Creates a new ShortBuffer with the same contents as the given ShortBuffer .
* Creates a new ShortBuffer with the same contents as the given
* The new ShortBuffer is separate from the old one and changes are not
* ShortBuffer . The new ShortBuffer is separate from the old one and changes
* reflected across . If you want to reflect changes , consider using
* are not reflected across . If you want to reflect changes , consider using
* Buffer . duplicate ( ) .
* Buffer . duplicate ( ) .
* @param buf
* @param buf
@ -1142,12 +1145,18 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
/ * *
/ * *
* Ensures there is at least the < code > required < / code > number of entries left after the current position of the
* Ensures there is at least the < code > required < / code > number of entries
* buffer . If the buffer is too small a larger one is created and the old one copied to the new buffer .
* left after the current position of the buffer . If the buffer is too small
* @param buffer buffer that should be checked / copied ( may be null )
* a larger one is created and the old one copied to the new buffer .
* @param required minimum number of elements that should be remaining in the returned buffer
* @return a buffer large enough to receive at least the < code > required < / code > number of entries , same position as
* @param buffer
* the input buffer , not null
* buffer that should be checked / copied ( may be null )
* @param required
* minimum number of elements that should be remaining in the
* returned buffer
* @return a buffer large enough to receive at least the
* < code > required < / code > number of entries , same position as the
* input buffer , not null
* /
* /
public static FloatBuffer ensureLargeEnough ( FloatBuffer buffer , int required ) {
public static FloatBuffer ensureLargeEnough ( FloatBuffer buffer , int required ) {
if ( buffer ! = null ) {
if ( buffer ! = null ) {
@ -1165,7 +1174,7 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
return buffer ;
return buffer ;
public static IntBuffer ensureLargeEnough ( IntBuffer buffer , int required ) {
public static IntBuffer ensureLargeEnough ( IntBuffer buffer , int required ) {
if ( buffer ! = null ) {
if ( buffer ! = null ) {
buffer . limit ( buffer . capacity ( ) ) ;
buffer . limit ( buffer . capacity ( ) ) ;
@ -1182,7 +1191,6 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
return buffer ;
return buffer ;
public static ShortBuffer ensureLargeEnough ( ShortBuffer buffer , int required ) {
public static ShortBuffer ensureLargeEnough ( ShortBuffer buffer , int required ) {
if ( buffer ! = null ) {
if ( buffer ! = null ) {
@ -1255,108 +1263,46 @@ public final class BufferUtils {
store . append ( "Existing buffers: " ) . append ( BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . size ( ) ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
store . append ( "Existing buffers: " ) . append ( BufferUtils . trackedBuffers . size ( ) ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
store . append ( "(b: " ) . append ( bBufs ) . append ( " f: " ) . append ( fBufs ) . append ( " i: " ) . append ( iBufs ) . append ( " s: " ) . append ( sBufs ) . append ( " d: " ) . append ( dBufs ) . append ( ")" ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
store . append ( "(b: " ) . append ( bBufs ) . append ( " f: " ) . append ( fBufs ) . append ( " i: " ) . append ( iBufs )
. append ( " s: " ) . append ( sBufs ) . append ( " d: " ) . append ( dBufs ) . append ( ")" ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
store . append ( "Total heap memory held: " ) . append ( heapMem / 1024 ) . append ( "kb\n" ) ;
store . append ( "Total heap memory held: " ) . append ( heapMem / 1024 ) . append ( "kb\n" ) ;
store . append ( "Total direct memory held: " ) . append ( totalHeld / 1024 ) . append ( "kb\n" ) ;
store . append ( "Total direct memory held: " ) . append ( totalHeld / 1024 ) . append ( "kb\n" ) ;
store . append ( "(b: " ) . append ( bBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb f: " ) . append ( fBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb i: " ) . append ( iBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb s: " ) . append ( sBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb d: " ) . append ( dBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb)" ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
store . append ( "(b: " ) . append ( bBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb f: " ) . append ( fBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb i: " )
. append ( iBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb s: " ) . append ( sBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb d: " )
. append ( dBufsM / 1024 ) . append ( "kb)" ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
} else {
} else {
store . append ( "Total heap memory held: " ) . append ( heapMem / 1024 ) . append ( "kb\n" ) ;
store . append ( "Total heap memory held: " ) . append ( heapMem / 1024 ) . append ( "kb\n" ) ;
store . append ( "Only heap memory available, if you want to monitor direct memory use BufferUtils.setTrackDirectMemoryEnabled(true) during initialization." ) . append ( "\n" ) ;
store . append (
"Only heap memory available, if you want to monitor direct memory use BufferUtils.setTrackDirectMemoryEnabled(true) during initialization." )
. append ( "\n" ) ;
if ( printStout ) {
if ( printStout ) {
System . out . println ( store . toString ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( store . toString ( ) ) ;
private static Method cleanerMethod = null ;
private static Method cleanMethod = null ;
private static Method viewedBufferMethod = null ;
private static Method freeMethod = null ;
private static Method loadMethod ( String className , String methodName ) {
try {
Method method = Class . forName ( className ) . getMethod ( methodName ) ;
method . setAccessible ( true ) ;
return method ;
} catch ( NoSuchMethodException ex ) {
return null ; // the method was not found
} catch ( SecurityException ex ) {
return null ; // setAccessible not allowed by security policy
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException ex ) {
return null ; // the direct buffer implementation was not found
static {
// Oracle JRE / OpenJDK
cleanerMethod = loadMethod ( "sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer" , "cleaner" ) ;
cleanMethod = loadMethod ( "sun.misc.Cleaner" , "clean" ) ;
viewedBufferMethod = loadMethod ( "sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer" , "viewedBuffer" ) ;
if ( viewedBufferMethod = = null ) {
// They changed the name in Java 7 (???)
viewedBufferMethod = loadMethod ( "sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer" , "attachment" ) ;
// Apache Harmony
ByteBuffer bb = BufferUtils . createByteBuffer ( 1 ) ;
Class < ? > clazz = bb . getClass ( ) ;
try {
freeMethod = clazz . getMethod ( "free" ) ;
} catch ( NoSuchMethodException ex ) {
} catch ( SecurityException ex ) {
/ * *
/ * *
* Direct buffers are garbage collected by using a phantom reference and a
* Direct buffers are garbage collected by using a phantom reference and a
* reference queue . Every once a while , the JVM checks the reference queue and
* reference queue . Every once a while , the JVM checks the reference queue
* cleans the direct buffers . However , as this doesn ' t happen
* and cleans the direct buffers . However , as this doesn ' t happen
* immediately after discarding all references to a direct buffer , it ' s
* immediately after discarding all references to a direct buffer , it ' s easy
* easy to OutOfMemoryError yourself using direct buffers . This function
* to OutOfMemoryError yourself using direct buffers .
* explicitly calls the Cleaner method of a direct buffer .
* * /
* @param toBeDestroyed
* The direct buffer that will be "cleaned" . Utilizes reflection .
* /
public static void destroyDirectBuffer ( Buffer toBeDestroyed ) {
public static void destroyDirectBuffer ( Buffer toBeDestroyed ) {
if ( ! isDirect ( toBeDestroyed ) ) {
if ( ! isDirect ( toBeDestroyed ) ) {
return ;
return ;
allocator . destroyDirectBuffer ( toBeDestroyed ) ;
try {
if ( freeMethod ! = null ) {
freeMethod . invoke ( toBeDestroyed ) ;
} else {
Object cleaner = cleanerMethod . invoke ( toBeDestroyed ) ;
if ( cleaner ! = null ) {
cleanMethod . invoke ( cleaner ) ;
} else {
// Try the alternate approach of getting the viewed buffer first
Object viewedBuffer = viewedBufferMethod . invoke ( toBeDestroyed ) ;
if ( viewedBuffer ! = null ) {
destroyDirectBuffer ( ( Buffer ) viewedBuffer ) ;
} else {
Logger . getLogger ( BufferUtils . class . getName ( ) ) . log ( Level . SEVERE , "Buffer cannot be destroyed: {0}" , toBeDestroyed ) ;
} catch ( IllegalAccessException ex ) {
Logger . getLogger ( BufferUtils . class . getName ( ) ) . log ( Level . SEVERE , "{0}" , ex ) ;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
Logger . getLogger ( BufferUtils . class . getName ( ) ) . log ( Level . SEVERE , "{0}" , ex ) ;
} catch ( InvocationTargetException ex ) {
Logger . getLogger ( BufferUtils . class . getName ( ) ) . log ( Level . SEVERE , "{0}" , ex ) ;
} catch ( SecurityException ex ) {
Logger . getLogger ( BufferUtils . class . getName ( ) ) . log ( Level . SEVERE , "{0}" , ex ) ;
/ *
/ *
* FIXME when java 1 . 5 supprt is dropped - replace calls to this method with Buffer . isDirect
* FIXME when java 1 . 5 supprt is dropped - replace calls to this method with
* Buffer . isDirect
* Buffer . isDirect ( ) is only java 6 . Java 5 only have this method on Buffer subclasses :
* Buffer . isDirect ( ) is only java 6 . Java 5 only have this method on Buffer
* FloatBuffer , IntBuffer , ShortBuffer , ByteBuffer , DoubleBuffer , LongBuffer .
* subclasses : FloatBuffer , IntBuffer , ShortBuffer ,
* CharBuffer has been excluded as we don ' t use it .
* ByteBuffer , DoubleBuffer , LongBuffer . CharBuffer has been excluded as we
* don ' t use it .
* /
* /
private static boolean isDirect ( Buffer buf ) {
private static boolean isDirect ( Buffer buf ) {