@ -6,21 +6,28 @@ import com.jme3.animation.Skeleton;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetManager ;
import com.jme3.bullet.PhysicsSpace ;
import com.jme3.bullet.collision.shapes.BoxCollisionShape ;
import com.jme3.bullet.collision.shapes.Capsule CollisionShape ;
import com.jme3.bullet.collision.shapes.Hull CollisionShape ;
import com.jme3.bullet.joints.ConeJoint ;
import com.jme3.bullet.joints.PhysicsJoint ;
import com.jme3.bullet.objects.PhysicsRigidBody ;
import com.jme3.export.JmeExporter ;
import com.jme3.export.JmeImporter ;
import com.jme3.math.FastMath ;
import com.jme3.math.Matrix3f ;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion ;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f ;
import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager ;
import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort ;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry ;
import com.jme3.scene.Mesh ;
import com.jme3.scene.Node ;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial ;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Type ;
import com.jme3.scene.control.Control ;
import com.jme3.util.TempVars ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer ;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.LinkedList ;
@ -38,42 +45,60 @@ public class RagdollControl implements PhysicsControl {
protected boolean debug = false ;
protected Quaternion tmp_jointRotation = new Quaternion ( ) ;
protected PhysicsRigidBody baseRigidBody ;
protected float weightThreshold = 1 . 0f ;
protected Spatial targetModel ;
protected Vector3f initPosition ;
protected Quaternion initRotation ;
protected Vector3f initScale ;
//Normen: Think you have the system you want, with movement
//Normen: but the rootBone movement and translation is also accessible like getRootBoneLocation()
//Normen: and you can disable the applying of it
//Normen: setApplyRootBoneMovement(false)
//Normen: when you add a RigidBodyControl..
//Normen: it does this in setSpatial:
//Normen: if (spatial.getcontrol(AnimControl.class)){animControl.setApplyRootBoneMovement(false)
//Normen: and instead reads the current location and sets it to the RigidBody
//Normen: simply said
//Normen: update(){setPhysicsLocation(animControl.getRootBoneLocation())
public RagdollControl ( ) {
public RagdollControl ( float weightThreshold ) {
this . weightThreshold = weightThreshold ;
public void update ( float tpf ) {
if ( ! enabled ) {
return ;
TempVars vars = TempVars . get ( ) ;
assert vars . lock ( ) ;
skeleton . reset ( ) ;
Quaternion q2 = vars . quat1 ;
// skeleton.reset();
for ( PhysicsBoneLink link : boneLinks ) {
// if(link.bone==skeleton.getRoots()[0]){
// Vector3f loc=vars.vect1;
// loc.set(baseRigidBody.getMotionState().getWorldLocation());//.subtractLocal(rootBoneInit);
// ((Geometry)targetModel).setLocalTranslation(loc);
// }
Vector3f p = link . rigidBody . getMotionState ( ) . getWorldLocation ( ) ;
Quaternion q = link . rigidBody . getMotionState ( ) . getWorldRotationQuat ( ) ;
q . toAxes ( vars . tri ) ;
q2 . set ( q ) . multLocal ( link . initalWorldRotation ) . normalize ( ) ;
Vector3f dir = vars . tri [ 2 ] ;
float len = link . length ;
link . bone . setUserTransformsWorld ( p , q2 ) ;
Vector3f parentPos = new Vector3f ( p ) . subtractLocal ( dir . mult ( len / 2f ) ) ;
Vector3f childPos = new Vector3f ( p ) . addLocal ( dir . mult ( len / 2f ) ) ;
Quaternion q2 = q . clone ( ) ;
Quaternion rot = new Quaternion ( ) ;
rot . fromAngles ( FastMath . HALF_PI , 0 , 0 ) ;
q2 . multLocal ( rot ) ;
q2 . normalize ( ) ;
link . parentBone . setUserTransformsWorld ( parentPos , q2 ) ;
if ( link . childBone . getChildren ( ) . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
link . childBone . setUserTransformsWorld ( childPos , q2 . clone ( ) ) ;
assert vars . unlock ( ) ;
public Control cloneForSpatial ( Spatial spatial ) {
@ -81,6 +106,7 @@ public class RagdollControl implements PhysicsControl {
public void setSpatial ( Spatial model ) {
targetModel = model ;
removeFromPhysicsSpace ( ) ;
clearData ( ) ;
// put into bind pose and compute bone transforms in model space
@ -97,21 +123,28 @@ public class RagdollControl implements PhysicsControl {
private void scanSpatial ( Spatial model ) {
AnimControl animControl = model . getControl ( AnimControl . class ) ;
initPosition = model . getLocalTranslation ( ) ;
initRotation = model . getLocalRotation ( ) ;
initScale = model . getLocalScale ( ) ;
skeleton = animControl . getSkeleton ( ) ;
skeleton . resetAndUpdate ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < skeleton . getBoneCount ( ) ; i + + ) {
Bone childBone = skeleton . getBone ( i ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < skeleton . getRoots ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
Bone childBone = skeleton . getRoots ( ) [ i ] ;
childBone . setUserControl ( true ) ;
if ( childBone . getParent ( ) = = null ) {
Vector3f parentPos = childBone . getModelSpacePosition ( ) . add ( model . getWorldTranslation ( ) ) ;
Vector3f parentPos = childBone . getModelSpacePosition ( ) . add ( initPosition ) ;
// Quaternion parentRot= childBone.getModelSpaceRotation().mult(initRotation);
logger . log ( Level . INFO , "Found root bone in skeleton {0}" , skeleton ) ;
baseRigidBody = new PhysicsRigidBody ( new BoxCollisionShape ( Vector3f . UNIT_XYZ . mult ( . 1f ) ) , 1 ) ;
baseRigidBody . setPhysicsLocation ( parentPos ) ;
// baseRigidBody.setPhysicsRotation(parentRot);
boneLinks = boneRecursion ( model , childBone , baseRigidBody , boneLinks , 1 ) ;
return ;
// BoneAnimation myAnimation = new BoneAnimation("boneAnimation", 1000000);
// myAnimation.setTracks(new BoneTrack[0]);
// animControl.addAnim(myAnimation);
@ -120,52 +153,47 @@ public class RagdollControl implements PhysicsControl {
private List < PhysicsBoneLink > boneRecursion ( Spatial model , Bone bone , PhysicsRigidBody parent , List < PhysicsBoneLink > list , int reccount ) {
ArrayList < Bone > children = bone . getChildren ( ) ;
//Allow bone's transformation change outside of animation
bone . setUserControl ( true ) ;
for ( Iterator < Bone > it = children . iterator ( ) ; it . hasNext ( ) ; ) {
Bone childBone = it . next ( ) ;
Bone parentBone = bone ;
Vector3f parentPos = parentBone . getModelSpacePosition ( ) . add ( model . getWorldTranslation ( ) ) ;
Vector3f childPos = childBone . getModelSpacePosition ( ) . add ( model . getWorldTranslation ( ) ) ;
//get location between the two bones (physicscapsule center)
Vector3f jointCenter = parentPos . add ( childPos ) . multLocal ( 0 . 5f ) ;
tmp_jointRotation . lookAt ( childPos . subtract ( parentPos ) , Vector3f . UNIT_Y ) ;
// length of the joint
float height = parentPos . distance ( childPos ) ;
// TODO: joints act funny when bone is too thin??
float radius = height > 2f ? 0 . 4f : height * . 2f ;
CapsuleCollisionShape shape = new CapsuleCollisionShape ( radius , height - ( radius ) , 2 ) ;
PhysicsRigidBody shapeNode = new PhysicsRigidBody ( shape , 10 . 0f / ( float ) reccount ) ;
shapeNode . setPhysicsLocation ( jointCenter ) ;
shapeNode . setPhysicsRotation ( tmp_jointRotation . toRotationMatrix ( ) ) ;
//get world space position of the bone
Vector3f pos = bone . getModelSpacePosition ( ) . add ( model . getLocalTranslation ( ) ) ;
Quaternion rot = bone . getModelSpaceRotation ( ) . mult ( initRotation ) ;
//creating the collision shape from the bone's associated vertices
PhysicsRigidBody shapeNode = new PhysicsRigidBody ( makeShape ( bone , model ) , 10 . 0f / ( float ) reccount ) ;
shapeNode . setPhysicsLocation ( pos ) ;
// shapeNode.setPhysicsRotation(rot);
PhysicsBoneLink link = new PhysicsBoneLink ( ) ;
link . parentBone = parentBone ;
link . childBone = childBone ;
link . bone = bone ;
link . rigidBody = shapeNode ;
link . length = height ;
link . initalWorldRotation = bone . getModelSpaceRotation ( ) . clone ( ) ;
//TODO: ragdoll mass 1
if ( parent ! = null ) {
//get length of parent
float parentHeight = 0 . 0f ;
//get joint position for parent
Vector3f posToParent = new Vector3f ( ) ;
if ( bone . getParent ( ) ! = null ) {
parentHeight = bone . getParent ( ) . getModelSpacePosition ( ) . add ( model . getWorldTranslation ( ) ) . distance ( parentPos ) ;
bone . getModelSpacePosition ( ) . subtract ( bone . getParent ( ) . getModelSpacePosition ( ) , posToParent ) ;
//local position from parent
link . pivotA = new Vector3f ( 0 , 0 , ( parentHeight * . 5f ) ) ;
//local position from child
link . pivotB = new Vector3f ( 0 , 0 , - ( height * . 5f ) ) ;
//Joint local position from parent
link . pivotA = posToParent ;
//joint local position from current bone
link . pivotB = new Vector3f ( 0 , 0 , 0f ) ;
ConeJoint joint = new ConeJoint ( parent , shapeNode , link . pivotA , link . pivotB ) ;
//TODO make joints editable by user or find a way to correctly compute/import them
joint . setLimit ( FastMath . HALF_PI , FastMath . HALF_PI , 0 . 01f ) ;
link . joint = joint ;
joint . setCollisionBetweenLinkedBodys ( false ) ;
list . add ( link ) ;
for ( Iterator < Bone > it = bone . getChildren ( ) . iterator ( ) ; it . hasNext ( ) ; ) {
Bone childBone = it . next ( ) ;
boneRecursion ( model , childBone , shapeNode , list , reccount + + ) ;
return list ;
@ -194,6 +222,67 @@ public class RagdollControl implements PhysicsControl {
private HullCollisionShape makeShape ( Bone bone , Spatial model ) {
int boneIndex = skeleton . getBoneIndex ( bone ) ;
System . out . println ( boneIndex ) ;
ArrayList < Float > points = new ArrayList < Float > ( ) ;
if ( model instanceof Geometry ) {
Geometry g = ( Geometry ) model ;
points . addAll ( getPoints ( g . getMesh ( ) , boneIndex , bone . getModelSpacePosition ( ) ) ) ;
} else if ( model instanceof Node ) {
Node node = ( Node ) model ;
for ( Spatial s : node . getChildren ( ) ) {
if ( s instanceof Geometry ) {
Geometry g = ( Geometry ) s ;
points . addAll ( getPoints ( g . getMesh ( ) , boneIndex , bone . getModelSpacePosition ( ) ) ) ;
float [ ] p = new float [ points . size ( ) ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < points . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
p [ i ] = points . get ( i ) ;
return new HullCollisionShape ( p ) ;
protected List < Float > getPoints ( Mesh mesh , int boneIndex , Vector3f offset ) {
FloatBuffer vertices = mesh . getFloatBuffer ( Type . Position ) ;
ByteBuffer boneIndices = ( ByteBuffer ) mesh . getBuffer ( Type . BoneIndex ) . getData ( ) ;
FloatBuffer boneWeight = ( FloatBuffer ) mesh . getBuffer ( Type . BoneWeight ) . getData ( ) ;
vertices . rewind ( ) ;
boneIndices . rewind ( ) ;
boneWeight . rewind ( ) ;
ArrayList < Float > results = new ArrayList < Float > ( ) ;
int vertexComponents = mesh . getVertexCount ( ) * 3 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < vertexComponents ; i + = 3 ) {
int k ;
boolean add = false ;
int start = i / 3 * 4 ;
for ( k = start ; k < start + 4 ; k + + ) {
if ( boneIndices . get ( k ) = = boneIndex & & boneWeight . get ( k ) > = weightThreshold ) {
add = true ;
break ;
if ( add ) {
Vector3f pos = new Vector3f ( ) ;
pos . x = vertices . get ( i ) ;
pos . y = vertices . get ( i + 1 ) ;
pos . z = vertices . get ( i + 2 ) ;
pos . subtractLocal ( offset ) ;
results . add ( pos . x ) ;
results . add ( pos . y ) ;
results . add ( pos . z ) ;
return results ;
private void removeFromPhysicsSpace ( ) {
if ( baseRigidBody ! = null ) {
space . remove ( baseRigidBody ) ;
@ -284,14 +373,13 @@ public class RagdollControl implements PhysicsControl {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ( "Not supported yet." ) ;
private static class PhysicsBoneLink {
protected static class PhysicsBoneLink {
Bone childB one;
Bone parentBone ;
Bone b one;
Quaternion initalWorldRotation ;
PhysicsJoint joint ;
PhysicsRigidBody rigidBody ;
Vector3f pivotA ;
Vector3f pivotB ;
float length ;