@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
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<!-- for some information on what you could do (e.g. targets to override). --> |
<!-- If you delete this file and reopen the project it will be recreated. --> |
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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ |
Copyright (c) 2007, Michael Bien, Mathias Henze |
All rights reserved. |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, |
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
* Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its contributors may |
be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without |
specific prior written permission. |
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ |
Manifest-Version: 1.0 |
OpenIDE-Module: net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor |
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OpenIDE-Module-Layer: net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/layer.xml |
OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/Bundle.properties |
Name: net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/dataobject/GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader.class |
OpenIDE-Module-Class: Loader |
Name: net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/dataobject/GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader.class |
OpenIDE-Module-Class: Loader |
Name: net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/dataobject/GlslVertexShaderDataLoader.class |
OpenIDE-Module-Class: Loader |
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ |
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*** GENERATED FROM project.xml - DO NOT EDIT *** |
*** EDIT ../build.xml INSTEAD *** |
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# This file is used by a NetBeans-based IDE to track changes in generated files such as build-impl.xml. |
# Do not edit this file. You may delete it but then the IDE will never regenerate such files for you. |
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nbproject/build-impl.xml.stylesheet.CRC32=238281d1@2.67.1 |
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nbm.homepage=http://kenai.com/projects/netbeans-opengl-pack |
nbm.module.author=Mathias Henze, Michael Bien, Dany Rioux |
spec.version.base=3.1.0 |
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<package>net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.lexer</package> |
<package>net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.vocabulary</package> |
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</data> |
</configuration> |
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@ -1 +0,0 @@ |
suite.dir=${basedir}/.. |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category=jMonkeyEngine |
OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=\ |
Provides syntax highlighting and code completion with documentation for jME3 GLSL shader files. |
OpenIDE-Module-Name=GLSL Editor |
OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=Editor for jME3 shader files |
text/x-glsl-fragment-shader=GLSL Fragment Shader |
text/x-glsl-vertex-shader=GLSL Vertex Shader |
text/x-glsl-geometry-shader=GLSL Geometry Shader |
#Layer.xml entries for fonts & colors in Options window: |
NetBeans=NetBeans |
glsl-keyword=Keyword |
glsl-name=Name |
glsl-brace=Brace |
glsl-value=Value |
glsl-curly-brace=Curly brace |
glsl-string-value=String value |
glsl-comment=Comment |
glsl-ml-comment=Multiline comment |
glsl-separator=Separator |
glsl-function=Function |
glsl-whitespace=Whitespace |
glsl-end-of-line=EOL |
glsl-build-in-var=Build in variable |
glsl-build-in-func=Build in function |
glsl-preprocessor=Preprocessor directive |
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor; |
/** |
* Created on 26. March 2007, 00:49 |
* |
*/ |
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; |
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject; |
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor; |
/** |
* Observes an DataObject for document updates and starts compilation automatically. |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public class GlslShaderFileObserver implements DocumentListener { |
private final DataObject observedDao; |
private final static RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor("compiler"); |
private final RequestProcessor.Task compilerTask; |
private boolean runOnDocUpdate = true; |
private int compileDelay = 500; |
public GlslShaderFileObserver(DataObject dao) { |
observedDao = dao; |
compilerTask = RP.create(new Runnable() { |
public void run() { |
// GLSLCompilerService compiler = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(GLSLCompilerService.class);
// compiler.compileShader(new DataObject[] {observedDao}, false);
} |
}); |
compilerTask.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); |
} |
// DocumentListener
public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent arg0) { |
if (runOnDocUpdate) { |
runCompileTask(); |
} |
} |
public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent arg0) { |
if (runOnDocUpdate) { |
runCompileTask(); |
} |
} |
public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent arg0) { |
} |
public final void runCompileTask() { |
compilerTask.schedule(compileDelay); |
} |
public void setCompileDelay(int compileDelay) { |
this.compileDelay = compileDelay; |
} |
public void setRunOnDocUpdate(boolean runOnDocUpdate) { |
this.runOnDocUpdate = runOnDocUpdate; |
} |
} |
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* GlslVocabularyManager.java |
* |
* Created on 12. Februar 2006, 03:37 |
* |
*/ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor; |
import java.io.InputStream; |
import java.util.AbstractSet; |
import java.util.HashMap; |
import java.util.Iterator; |
import java.util.Map; |
import java.util.Set; |
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; |
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.GlslVertexShaderDataLoader; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.vocabulary.GLSLElementDescriptor; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.vocabulary.GLSLVocabulary; |
import org.openide.ErrorManager; |
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; |
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil; |
/** |
* |
* @author mhenze |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public class GlslVocabularyManager { |
private static final ErrorManager LOGGER = ErrorManager.getDefault().getInstance(GlslVocabularyManager.class.getName()); |
private static final HashMap<String, GlslVocabularyManager> instances = new HashMap<String, GlslVocabularyManager>(); |
private static GLSLVocabulary vocabulary = null; |
private final String mimetype; |
private final Set<String> keySet; |
private final Map<String, GLSLElementDescriptor[]> vocabularyExtention; |
/** |
* Creates a new instance of GlslVocabularyManager |
*/ |
private GlslVocabularyManager(String mimetype) { |
if (!mimetype.equals(GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader.REQUIRED_MIME) |
&& !mimetype.equals(GlslVertexShaderDataLoader.REQUIRED_MIME) |
&& !mimetype.equals(GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader.REQUIRED_MIME)) { |
throw new IllegalArgumentException(mimetype + " is no GLSL mime type"); |
} |
this.mimetype = mimetype; |
if (vocabulary == null) { |
loadVocabulary(); |
} |
if (mimetype.equals(GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader.REQUIRED_MIME)) { |
vocabularyExtention = vocabulary.fragmentShaderVocabulary; |
} else if (mimetype.equals(GlslVertexShaderDataLoader.REQUIRED_MIME)) { |
vocabularyExtention = vocabulary.vertexShaderVocabulary; |
} else { |
vocabularyExtention = vocabulary.geometryShaderVocabulary; |
} |
// merges two views
keySet = new AbstractSet<String>() { |
private final Set<String> mainSet = vocabulary.mainVocabulary.keySet(); |
private final Set<String> extSet = vocabularyExtention.keySet(); |
public Iterator<String> iterator() { |
return new Iterator<String>() { |
Iterator<String> mainIt = mainSet.iterator(); |
Iterator<String> extIt = extSet.iterator(); |
public boolean hasNext() { |
return mainIt.hasNext() || extIt.hasNext(); |
} |
public String next() { |
if (mainIt.hasNext()) { |
return mainIt.next(); |
} else { |
return extIt.next(); |
} |
} |
public void remove() { |
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); |
} |
}; |
} |
public int size() { |
return mainSet.size() + extSet.size(); |
} |
}; |
} |
public static GlslVocabularyManager getInstance(String mimetype) { |
GlslVocabularyManager instance = instances.get(mimetype); |
if (instance == null) { |
instance = new GlslVocabularyManager(mimetype); |
instances.put(mimetype, instance); |
} |
return instance; |
} |
private void loadVocabulary() { |
FileObject vocabularyfile = FileUtil.getConfigFile("Editors/" + mimetype + "/vocabulary.xml"); |
if (vocabularyfile != null) { |
InputStream is = null; |
try { |
is = vocabularyfile.getInputStream(); |
// workaround; nb does not allow usage of jdk's jaxb implementation
// => we have to provide JAXB as library wrapper module and load it via module classloader
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.vocabulary", this.getClass().getClassLoader()); |
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); |
vocabulary = (GLSLVocabulary) unmarshaller.unmarshal(is); |
} catch (Exception ex) { |
// create empty vocab
vocabulary = new GLSLVocabulary(); |
LOGGER.notify(ex); |
} finally { |
if (is != null) { |
try { |
is.close(); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
LOGGER.notify(e); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public Set getKeys() { |
return keySet; |
} |
public GLSLElementDescriptor[] getDesc(String key) { |
GLSLElementDescriptor[] desc = vocabulary.mainVocabulary.get(key); |
if (desc == null) { |
desc = vocabularyExtention.get(key); |
} |
return desc; |
} |
} |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
Services/MIMEResolver/GlslVertexShaderResolver.xml=GLSL Vertex Shader Files |
Services/MIMEResolver/GlslFragmentShaderResolver.xml=GLSL Fragment Shader Files |
Services/MIMEResolver/GlslGeometryShaderResolver.xml=GLSL Geometry Shader Files |
Templates/OpenGL/VertexShader.vert=GLSL Vertex Shader File |
Templates/OpenGL/FragmentShader.frag=GLSL Fragment Shader File |
Templates/OpenGL/GeometryShader.geom=GLSL Geometry Shader File |
LBL_glsl_vertex_shader_loader_name=GLSL Vertex Shader Files |
LBL_glsl_fragment_shader_loader_name=GLSL Fragment Shader Files |
LBL_glsl_geometry_shader_loader_name=GLSL Geometry Shader Files |
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectExistsException; |
import org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject; |
import org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader; |
import org.openide.util.NbBundle; |
public class GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader extends UniFileLoader { |
public static final String REQUIRED_MIME = "text/x-glsl-fragment-shader"; |
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; |
public GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader() { |
super("net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.GlslFragmentShaderDataObject"); |
} |
@Override |
protected String defaultDisplayName() { |
return NbBundle.getMessage(GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader.class, "LBL_glsl_fragment_shader_loader_name"); |
} |
@Override |
protected void initialize() { |
super.initialize(); |
getExtensions().addMimeType(REQUIRED_MIME); |
} |
protected MultiDataObject createMultiObject(FileObject primaryFile) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { |
return new GlslFragmentShaderDataObject(primaryFile, this); |
} |
@Override |
protected String actionsContext() { |
return "Loaders/" + REQUIRED_MIME + "/Actions"; |
} |
} |
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import java.awt.Image; |
import java.beans.BeanInfo; |
import java.beans.IntrospectionException; |
import java.beans.Introspector; |
import java.beans.SimpleBeanInfo; |
import org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader; |
import org.openide.util.ImageUtilities; |
public class GlslFragmentShaderDataLoaderBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo { |
public static final String IMAGE_ICON_BASE = "net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/FragmentShaderIcon.gif"; |
@Override |
public BeanInfo[] getAdditionalBeanInfo() { |
try { |
return new BeanInfo[]{Introspector.getBeanInfo(UniFileLoader.class)}; |
} catch (IntrospectionException e) { |
throw new AssertionError(e); |
} |
} |
@Override |
public Image getIcon(int type) { |
if (type == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16 || type == BeanInfo.ICON_MONO_16x16) { |
return ImageUtilities.loadImage(IMAGE_ICON_BASE); |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataNode; |
import org.openide.nodes.Children; |
public class GlslFragmentShaderDataNode extends DataNode |
{ |
public GlslFragmentShaderDataNode(GlslFragmentShaderDataObject obj) |
{ |
super(obj, Children.LEAF); |
setIconBaseWithExtension(GlslFragmentShaderDataLoaderBeanInfo.IMAGE_ICON_BASE); |
} |
// /** Creates a property sheet. */
// protected Sheet createSheet() {
// Sheet s = super.createSheet();
// Sheet.Set ss = s.get(Sheet.PROPERTIES);
// if (ss == null) {
// ss = Sheet.createPropertiesSet();
// s.put(ss);
// }
// // TODO add some relevant properties: ss.put(...)
// return s;
// }
} |
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.GlslShaderFileObserver; |
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; |
import javax.swing.text.Document; |
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectExistsException; |
import org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject; |
import org.openide.nodes.CookieSet; |
import org.openide.nodes.Node; |
import org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport; |
import org.openide.text.DataEditorSupport; |
public class GlslFragmentShaderDataObject extends MultiDataObject { |
private final GlslShaderFileObserver observer; |
public GlslFragmentShaderDataObject(FileObject pf, GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { |
super(pf, loader); |
CookieSet cookies = getCookieSet(); |
observer = new GlslShaderFileObserver(this); |
final CloneableEditorSupport support = DataEditorSupport.create(this, getPrimaryEntry(), cookies); |
support.addPropertyChangeListener( |
new PropertyChangeListenerImpl(support)); |
cookies.add((Node.Cookie) support); |
} |
@Override |
protected Node createNodeDelegate() { |
return new GlslFragmentShaderDataNode(this); |
} |
private class PropertyChangeListenerImpl implements PropertyChangeListener { |
private final CloneableEditorSupport support; |
public PropertyChangeListenerImpl(CloneableEditorSupport support) { |
this.support = support; |
} |
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { |
if ("document".equals(event.getPropertyName())) { |
if (event.getNewValue() != null) { |
support.getDocument().addDocumentListener(observer); |
observer.runCompileTask(); |
} else if (event.getOldValue() != null) { |
// cylab: I think this is never called.
// But I don't know if unregistering the observer makes any difference...
((Document) event.getOldValue()).removeDocumentListener(observer); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectExistsException; |
import org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject; |
import org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader; |
import org.openide.util.NbBundle; |
/** |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public class GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader extends UniFileLoader { |
public static final String REQUIRED_MIME = "text/x-glsl-geometry-shader"; |
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; |
public GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader() { |
super("net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.GlslGeometryShaderDataObject"); |
} |
@Override |
protected String defaultDisplayName() { |
return NbBundle.getMessage(GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader.class, "LBL_glsl_geometry_shader_loader_name"); |
} |
@Override |
protected void initialize() { |
super.initialize(); |
getExtensions().addMimeType(REQUIRED_MIME); |
} |
protected MultiDataObject createMultiObject(FileObject primaryFile) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { |
return new GlslGeometryShaderDataObject(primaryFile, this); |
} |
@Override |
protected String actionsContext() { |
return "Loaders/" + REQUIRED_MIME + "/Actions"; |
} |
} |
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import java.awt.Image; |
import java.beans.BeanInfo; |
import java.beans.IntrospectionException; |
import java.beans.Introspector; |
import java.beans.SimpleBeanInfo; |
import org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader; |
import org.openide.util.ImageUtilities; |
/** |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public class GlslGeometryShaderDataLoaderBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo { |
public static final String IMAGE_ICON_BASE = "net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/GeometryShaderIcon.gif"; |
@Override |
public BeanInfo[] getAdditionalBeanInfo() { |
try { |
return new BeanInfo[] {Introspector.getBeanInfo(UniFileLoader.class)}; |
} catch (IntrospectionException e) { |
throw new AssertionError(e); |
} |
} |
@Override |
public Image getIcon(int type) { |
if (type == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16 || type == BeanInfo.ICON_MONO_16x16) { |
return ImageUtilities.loadImage(IMAGE_ICON_BASE); |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataNode; |
import org.openide.nodes.Children; |
import org.openide.util.Lookup; |
/** |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public class GlslGeometryShaderDataNode extends DataNode { |
public GlslGeometryShaderDataNode(GlslGeometryShaderDataObject obj) { |
super(obj, Children.LEAF); |
setIconBaseWithExtension(GlslGeometryShaderDataLoaderBeanInfo.IMAGE_ICON_BASE); |
} |
GlslGeometryShaderDataNode(GlslGeometryShaderDataObject obj, Lookup lookup) { |
super(obj, Children.LEAF, lookup); |
setIconBaseWithExtension(GlslGeometryShaderDataLoaderBeanInfo.IMAGE_ICON_BASE); |
} |
// /** Creates a property sheet. */
// protected Sheet createSheet() {
// Sheet s = super.createSheet();
// Sheet.Set ss = s.get(Sheet.PROPERTIES);
// if (ss == null) {
// ss = Sheet.createPropertiesSet();
// s.put(ss);
// }
// // TODO add some relevant properties: ss.put(...)
// return s;
// }
} |
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; |
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import javax.swing.text.Document; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.GlslShaderFileObserver; |
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectExistsException; |
import org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject; |
import org.openide.nodes.CookieSet; |
import org.openide.nodes.Node; |
import org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport; |
import org.openide.util.Lookup; |
import org.openide.text.DataEditorSupport; |
/** |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public class GlslGeometryShaderDataObject extends MultiDataObject { |
private GlslShaderFileObserver observer; |
public GlslGeometryShaderDataObject(FileObject pf, GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { |
super(pf, loader); |
CookieSet cookies = getCookieSet(); |
observer = new GlslShaderFileObserver(this); |
final CloneableEditorSupport support = DataEditorSupport.create(this, getPrimaryEntry(), cookies); |
support.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListenerImpl(support)); |
cookies.add((Node.Cookie) support); |
} |
@Override |
protected Node createNodeDelegate() { |
return new GlslGeometryShaderDataNode(this, getLookup()); |
} |
@Override |
public Lookup getLookup() { |
return getCookieSet().getLookup(); |
} |
private class PropertyChangeListenerImpl implements PropertyChangeListener { |
private final CloneableEditorSupport support; |
public PropertyChangeListenerImpl(CloneableEditorSupport support) { |
this.support = support; |
} |
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { |
if ("document".equals(event.getPropertyName())) { |
if (event.getNewValue() != null) { |
support.getDocument().addDocumentListener(observer); |
observer.runCompileTask(); |
} else if (event.getOldValue() != null) { |
// cylab: I think this is never called.
// But I don't know if unregistering the observer makes any difference...
((Document) event.getOldValue()).removeDocumentListener(observer); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectExistsException; |
import org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject; |
import org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader; |
import org.openide.util.NbBundle; |
public class GlslVertexShaderDataLoader extends UniFileLoader { |
public static final String REQUIRED_MIME = "text/x-glsl-vertex-shader"; |
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; |
public GlslVertexShaderDataLoader() { |
super("net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.GlslVertexShaderDataObject"); |
} |
@Override |
protected String defaultDisplayName() { |
return NbBundle.getMessage(GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader.class, "LBL_glsl_vertex_shader_loader_name"); |
} |
@Override |
protected void initialize() { |
super.initialize(); |
getExtensions().addMimeType(REQUIRED_MIME); |
} |
protected MultiDataObject createMultiObject(FileObject primaryFile) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { |
return new GlslVertexShaderDataObject(primaryFile, this); |
} |
@Override |
protected String actionsContext() { |
return "Loaders/" + REQUIRED_MIME + "/Actions"; |
} |
} |
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import java.awt.Image; |
import java.beans.BeanInfo; |
import java.beans.IntrospectionException; |
import java.beans.Introspector; |
import java.beans.SimpleBeanInfo; |
import org.openide.loaders.UniFileLoader; |
import org.openide.util.ImageUtilities; |
public class GlslVertexShaderDataLoaderBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo { |
public static final String IMAGE_ICON_BASE = "net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/VertexShaderIcon.gif"; |
@Override |
public BeanInfo[] getAdditionalBeanInfo() { |
try { |
return new BeanInfo[]{Introspector.getBeanInfo(UniFileLoader.class)}; |
} catch (IntrospectionException e) { |
throw new AssertionError(e); |
} |
} |
@Override |
public Image getIcon(int type) { |
if (type == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16 || type == BeanInfo.ICON_MONO_16x16) { |
return ImageUtilities.loadImage(IMAGE_ICON_BASE); |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataNode; |
import org.openide.nodes.Children; |
public class GlslVertexShaderDataNode extends DataNode |
{ |
public GlslVertexShaderDataNode(GlslVertexShaderDataObject obj) |
{ |
super(obj, Children.LEAF); |
setIconBaseWithExtension(GlslVertexShaderDataLoaderBeanInfo.IMAGE_ICON_BASE); |
} |
// /** Creates a property sheet. */
// protected Sheet createSheet() {
// Sheet s = super.createSheet();
// Sheet.Set ss = s.get(Sheet.PROPERTIES);
// if (ss == null) {
// ss = Sheet.createPropertiesSet();
// s.put(ss);
// }
// // TODO add some relevant properties: ss.put(...)
// return s;
// }
} |
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.GlslShaderFileObserver; |
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; |
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import javax.swing.text.Document; |
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; |
import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectExistsException; |
import org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject; |
import org.openide.nodes.CookieSet; |
import org.openide.nodes.Node; |
import org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport; |
import org.openide.text.DataEditorSupport; |
public class GlslVertexShaderDataObject extends MultiDataObject { |
private GlslShaderFileObserver observer; |
public GlslVertexShaderDataObject(FileObject pf, GlslVertexShaderDataLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { |
super(pf, loader); |
CookieSet cookies = getCookieSet(); |
observer = new GlslShaderFileObserver(this); |
final CloneableEditorSupport support = DataEditorSupport.create(this, getPrimaryEntry(), cookies); |
support.addPropertyChangeListener( |
new PropertyChangeListenerImpl(support)); |
cookies.add((Node.Cookie) support); |
} |
@Override |
protected Node createNodeDelegate() { |
return new GlslVertexShaderDataNode(this); |
} |
private class PropertyChangeListenerImpl implements PropertyChangeListener { |
private final CloneableEditorSupport support; |
public PropertyChangeListenerImpl(CloneableEditorSupport support) { |
this.support = support; |
} |
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { |
if ("document".equals(event.getPropertyName())) { |
if (event.getNewValue() != null) { |
support.getDocument().addDocumentListener(observer); |
observer.runCompileTask(); |
} else if (event.getOldValue() != null) { |
// cylab: I think this is never called.
// But I don't know if unregistering the observer makes any difference...
((Document) event.getOldValue()).removeDocumentListener(observer); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ |
LBL_SYNTAX_ERROR=Syntax error. |
LBL_UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER=Unexpected character. |
LBL_RESERVED_KEYWORD=Reserved keyword. |
@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ |
################################################################################ |
# OpenGL Shading Language 1.20 GLF file ######################################## |
################################################################################ |
# @date 10.09.2007 # |
# @author Michael Bien # |
# @email mbien@fh-landshut.de # |
################################################################################ |
BUNDLE "net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Bundle" |
## error highlighting ########################################################## |
type:"Error"; |
message:"LBL_SYNTAX_ERROR"; |
} |
MARK:error: { |
type:"Error"; |
} |
MARK:reserved: { |
type:"Warning"; |
} |
FOLD:function_body: { |
fold_display_name:"{...}"; |
} |
FOLD:struct_body: { |
fold_display_name:"{...}"; |
} |
fold_display_name:"/*...*/"; |
} |
BRACE "(:)" |
BRACE "{:}" |
BRACE "[:]" |
COMPLETE "(:)" |
COMPLETE "{:}" |
COMPLETE "[:]" |
INDENT "(:)" |
INDENT "{:}" |
INDENT "[:]" |
INDENT "\\s*(((if|while)\\s*\\(|else\\s*|else\\s+if\\s*\\(|for\\s*\\(.*\\))[^{;]*)" |
SELECTION ( ["a"-"z" "A"-"Z" "0"-"9" "_"] ) |
NAVIGATOR:global_preprocessor: { |
display_name: net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Glsl.createPreprocessorString; |
icon: "net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/preprocessor.png"; |
isLeaf: "true"; |
} |
NAVIGATOR:global_declared_identifier, struct_declarator: { |
display_name: net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Glsl.createFieldDeclarationString; |
icon: "net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/field.gif"; |
isLeaf: "true"; |
} |
NAVIGATOR:function: { |
display_name: net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Glsl.createFunctionDeclarationString; |
icon: "net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/function.gif"; |
isLeaf: "true"; |
} |
#AST { |
# process: net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Glsl.process; |
#} |
# traceSteps:"true"; |
# printRules:"true"; |
# printFirst:"true"; |
#} |
##### GLSL 1.2 grammar ######################################################### |
S = declaration*; |
## constants ################################################################### |
type_specifier = "float" |
| "int" |
| "bool" |
| "vec2" |
| "vec3" |
| "vec4" |
| "bvec2" |
| "bvec3" |
| "bvec4" |
| "ivec2" |
| "ivec3" |
| "ivec4" |
| "mat2" |
| "mat3" |
| "mat4" |
| "mat2x2" |
| "mat2x3" |
| "mat2x4" |
| "mat3x2" |
| "mat3x3" |
| "mat3x4" |
| "mat4x2" |
| "mat4x3" |
| "mat4x4" |
| "sampler1D" |
| "sampler2D" |
| "sampler3D" |
| "samplerCube" |
| "sampler1DShadow" |
| "sampler2DShadow"; |
type_specifier_or_identifier = type_specifier | <IDENTIFIER>; |
type_qualifier = "const"; |
global_type_qualifier = type_qualifier |
| "attribute" # Vertex only. |
| "varying" |
| ("centroid" "varying") |
| ("invariant" ["centroid"] "varying") |
| "uniform"; |
parameter_declaration_qualifier = "in" | "out" | "inout"; |
boolean_literal = "true" | "false"; # TODO move boolean literal to lexer? |
assignment_operator = <EQ> |
| <MOD_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <LEFT_BITSHIFT_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <RIGHT_BITSHIFT_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <AND_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <XOR_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <OR_ASSIGN>; # reserved |
comperator = <LEFT_ANGLE> | <RIGHT_ANGLE> | <LE> | <GE> | <EQEQ> | <NE>; |
operator = <PLUS> |
| <MINUS> |
| <STAR> |
| <SLASH> |
| <AMP> |
| <AMPAMP> |
| <BAR> # reserved |
| <BARBAR> |
| <CARET> # reserved |
| <PERCENT> # reserved |
| <RIGHT_BITSHIFT> # reserved |
| <LEFT_BITSHIFT>; # reserved |
unary_operator = <PLUS> |
| <MINUS> |
| <BANG> |
| <TILDE>; # reserved |
increment_or_decrement_operator = <PLUSPLUS> | <MINUSMINUS>; |
reserved = "asm" |
| "class" |
| "union" |
| "enum" |
| "typedef" |
| "template" |
| "this" |
| "packed" |
| "goto" |
| "switch" |
| "default" |
| "inline" |
| "noinline" |
| "volatile" |
| "public" |
| "static" |
| "extern" |
| "external" |
| "interface" |
| "long" |
| "short" |
| "double" |
| "half" |
| "fixed" |
| "unsigned" |
| "lowp" |
| "mediump" |
| "highp" |
| "precision" |
| "input" |
| "output" |
| "hvec2" |
| "hvec3" |
| "hvec4" |
| "dvec2" |
| "dvec3" |
| "dvec4" |
| "fvec2" |
| "fvec3" |
| "fvec4" |
| "sampler2DRect" |
| "sampler3DRect" |
| "sampler2DRectShadow" |
| "sizeof" |
| "cast" |
| "namespace" |
| "using"; |
## declarations ################################################################ |
declaration = type_specifier_or_identifier [array_index] (function | (global_identifier_list <SEMICOLON>)); |
declaration = "void" function; |
declaration = global_type_qualifier struct_declaration <SEMICOLON>; |
declaration = global_type_qualifier global_type_declaration <SEMICOLON>; |
declaration = struct_declaration <SEMICOLON>; |
declaration = global_preprocessor; |
global_identifier_list = global_declared_identifier [array_index] (<COMMA> global_declared_identifier [array_index])*; |
global_declared_identifier = <IDENTIFIER>; |
global_preprocessor = <PREPROCESSOR>; |
struct_declaration = "struct" <IDENTIFIER> struct_body [global_identifier_list]; |
struct_body = "{" (local_type_declaration <SEMICOLON>)+ "}"; |
global_type_declaration = type_specifier_or_identifier [array_index] global_identifier_list [<EQ> expression]; |
type_declaration = type_specifier_or_identifier [array_index] <IDENTIFIER> [array_index] (<COMMA> <IDENTIFIER> [array_index])*; |
local_type_declaration = [type_qualifier] type_declaration; |
## function #################################################################### |
function = <FUNCTION> "(" [parameter_declaration_list] ")" (function_body | <SEMICOLON>); |
function_body = code_block; |
parameter_declaration = [type_qualifier] [parameter_declaration_qualifier] type_specifier_or_identifier ((array_index <IDENTIFIER>) | (<IDENTIFIER> [array_index])); |
parameter_declaration_list = "void" | (parameter_declaration (<COMMA> parameter_declaration)*); |
statement = <PREPROCESSOR>; |
statement = expression_hack <SEMICOLON>; # statement = local_type_declaration [<EQ> expression] <SEMICOLON>; |
statement = conditional_statement; |
statement = "return" [expression] <SEMICOLON>; |
statement = "break" <SEMICOLON>; # break just in loops allowed |
statement = "continue" <SEMICOLON>;# continue just in loops allowed |
statement = "discard" <SEMICOLON>; # Fragment shader only. |
code_block = "{" statement* "}"; |
## expresstions and operations ################################################# |
# ternary operator |
expression = expression1 ["?" expression1 ":" expression1]; |
expression1 = [unary_operator] expression2 operation_or_comparison*; |
expression1 = [unary_operator] "(" expression ")" operation_or_comparison*; |
expression2 = ( [increment_or_decrement_operator] (<IDENTIFIER> | <BUILD_IN_VAR>) (field_access)* [increment_or_decrement_operator] [assignment]) |
| ((function_call | constructor_call) (field_access)*) |
| boolean_literal; |
expression_hack = unary_operator expression1_hack operation_or_comparison*; |
expression_hack = unary_operator "(" expression ")" operation_or_comparison*; |
expression_hack = expression1_hack operation_or_comparison*; |
expression_hack = "(" expression ")" operation_or_comparison*; |
expression_hack = <IDENTIFIER> (field_access)* [increment_or_decrement_operator] [assignment]; |
expression_hack = <IDENTIFIER> (field_access)* <IDENTIFIER> [array_index] (<COMMA> <IDENTIFIER> [array_index])*; |
expression_hack = type_specifier (field_access)* <IDENTIFIER> [array_index] (<COMMA> <IDENTIFIER> [array_index])*; |
expression1_hack = (increment_or_decrement_operator (<IDENTIFIER> | <BUILD_IN_VAR>) (field_access)* [increment_or_decrement_operator] [assignment]) |
| (<BUILD_IN_VAR> (field_access)* [increment_or_decrement_operator] [assignment]) |
| ((function_call | constructor_call) (field_access)*) |
| boolean_literal; |
assignment = assignment_operator expression; |
operation_or_comparison = (comperator | operator) expression; |
field_access = array_index; |
field_access = <DOT> <IDENTIFIER>; |
array_index = "[" [expression] "]"; |
function_call = (<FUNCTION> | <BUILD_IN_FUNC>) "(" [expression_list] ")"; |
# Note constructor call is something like that: vec2(1.0, 2.0) or float[2] (1.0, 2.0) |
constructor_call = type_specifier [array_index] "(" [expression_list] ")"; #TODO custom structs |
expression_list = "void" | (expression (<COMMA> expression)*); |
## code flow ################################################################### |
conditional_statement = if_statement |
| for_statement |
| while_statement |
| do_while_statement; |
# TODO if rule not 100% correct, multiple else allowed even before else if |
if_statement = "if" condition statement_or_code_block ("else" ["if" condition] statement_or_code_block)*; |
while_statement = "while" condition statement_or_code_block; |
do_while_statement = "do" statement_or_code_block "while" condition <SEMICOLON>; |
# TODO for rule could be more restrictive |
for_statement = "for" "(" [[type_specifier] <IDENTIFIER> assignment] <SEMICOLON> [expression] <SEMICOLON> [expression] ")" statement_or_code_block; |
condition = "(" expression ")"; |
statement_or_code_block = (statement | code_block); |
@ -1,390 +0,0 @@ |
################################################################################ |
# OpenGL Shading Language 1.30 GLF file ######################################## |
################################################################################ |
# @date 10.09.2007 # |
# @author Michael Bien # |
# @email mbien@fh-landshut.de # |
################################################################################ |
BUNDLE "net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Bundle" |
## error highlighting ########################################################## |
type:"Error"; |
message:"LBL_SYNTAX_ERROR"; |
} |
MARK:error: { |
type:"Error"; |
} |
MARK:reserved: { |
type:"Warning"; |
} |
FOLD:function_body: { |
fold_display_name:"{...}"; |
} |
FOLD:struct_body: { |
fold_display_name:"{...}"; |
} |
fold_display_name:"/*...*/"; |
} |
BRACE "(:)" |
BRACE "{:}" |
BRACE "[:]" |
COMPLETE "(:)" |
COMPLETE "{:}" |
COMPLETE "[:]" |
INDENT "(:)" |
INDENT "{:}" |
INDENT "[:]" |
INDENT "\\s*(((if|while)\\s*\\(|else\\s*|else\\s+if\\s*\\(|for\\s*\\(.*\\))[^{;]*)" |
SELECTION ( ["a"-"z" "A"-"Z" "0"-"9" "_"] ) |
AST { |
process: net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Glsl.process; |
} |
NAVIGATOR:global_preprocessor: { |
display_name: net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Glsl.createPreprocessorString; |
icon: "net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/preprocessor.png"; |
isLeaf: "true"; |
} |
NAVIGATOR:global_declared_identifier: { |
display_name: net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Glsl.createFieldDeclarationString; |
icon: "net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/field.gif"; |
isLeaf: "true"; |
} |
NAVIGATOR:function: { |
display_name: net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl.Glsl.createFunctionDeclarationString; |
icon: "net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/function.gif"; |
isLeaf: "true"; |
} |
# traceSteps:"true"; |
# printRules:"true"; |
# printFirst:"true"; |
#} |
##### GLSL 1.3 grammar ######################################################### |
S = declaration*; |
## constants ################################################################### |
type_specifier = "float" |
| "int" |
| "uint" |
| "bool" |
| "vec2" |
| "vec3" |
| "vec4" |
| "bvec2" |
| "bvec3" |
| "bvec4" |
| "ivec2" |
| "ivec3" |
| "ivec4" |
| "uvec2" |
| "uvec3" |
| "uvec4" |
| "mat2" |
| "mat3" |
| "mat4" |
| "mat2x2" |
| "mat2x3" |
| "mat2x4" |
| "mat3x2" |
| "mat3x3" |
| "mat3x4" |
| "mat4x2" |
| "mat4x3" |
| "mat4x4" |
| "sampler1D" |
| "sampler2D" |
| "sampler3D" |
| "samplerCube" |
| "sampler1DShadow" |
| "sampler2DShadow" |
| "sampler1DArray" |
| "sampler2DArray" |
| "sampler1DArrayShadow" |
| "sampler2DArrayShadow" |
| "isampler1D" |
| "isampler2D" |
| "isampler3D" |
| "isamplerCube" |
| "isampler1DArray" |
| "isampler2DArray" |
| "usampler1D" |
| "usampler2D" |
| "usampler3D" |
| "usamplerCube" |
| "usampler1DArray" |
| "usampler2DArray"; |
type_specifier_or_identifier = type_specifier | <IDENTIFIER>; |
type_qualifier = "const"; |
interpolation_type_qualifier = "smooth" |
| "flat" |
| "noperspective"; |
inout_type_qualifier = "in" | "out"; |
global_type_qualifier = type_qualifier |
| (inout_type_qualifier ["invariant"] ["centroid"]) |
| (interpolation_type_qualifier ["invariant"] ["centroid"] [inout_type_qualifier]) |
| ("centroid" [interpolation_type_qualifier] [inout_type_qualifier]) |
| ("invariant" ["centroid"] [inout_type_qualifier]) |
| "attribute" # Vertex only. |
| "varying" |
| ("centroid" "varying") |
| ("invariant" ["centroid"] "varying") |
| "uniform"; |
parameter_declaration_qualifier = "in" | "out" | "inout"; |
boolean_literal = "true" | "false"; # TODO move boolean literal to lexer? |
precision_qualifier = "highp" |
| "mediump" |
| "lowp"; |
assignment_operator = <EQ> |
| <MOD_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <LEFT_BITSHIFT_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <RIGHT_BITSHIFT_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <AND_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <XOR_ASSIGN> # reserved |
| <OR_ASSIGN>; # reserved |
comperator = <LEFT_ANGLE> | <RIGHT_ANGLE> | <LE> | <GE> | <EQEQ> | <NE>; |
operator = <PLUS> |
| <MINUS> |
| <STAR> |
| <SLASH> |
| <AMP> |
| <AMPAMP> |
| <BAR> # reserved |
| <BARBAR> |
| <CARET> # reserved |
| <PERCENT> # reserved |
| <RIGHT_BITSHIFT> # reserved |
| <LEFT_BITSHIFT>; # reserved |
unary_operator = <PLUS> |
| <MINUS> |
| <BANG> |
| <TILDE>; # reserved |
increment_or_decrement_operator = <PLUSPLUS> | <MINUSMINUS>; |
reserved = "asm" |
| "common" |
| "partition" |
| "active" |
| "class" |
| "union" |
| "enum" |
| "typedef" |
| "template" |
| "this" |
| "packed" |
| "goto" |
| "inline" |
| "noinline" |
| "volatile" |
| "public" |
| "static" |
| "extern" |
| "external" |
| "interface" |
| "long" |
| "short" |
| "double" |
| "half" |
| "fixed" |
| "unsigned" |
| "superp" |
| "input" |
| "output" |
| "hvec2" |
| "hvec3" |
| "hvec4" |
| "dvec2" |
| "dvec3" |
| "dvec4" |
| "fvec2" |
| "fvec3" |
| "fvec4" |
| "sampler2DRect" |
| "sampler3DRect" |
| "sampler2DRectShadow" |
| "samplerBuffer" |
| "filter" |
| "image1D" |
| "image2D" |
| "image3D" |
| "imageCube" |
| "iimage1D" |
| "iimage2D" |
| "iimage3D" |
| "iimageCube" |
| "uimage1D" |
| "uimage2D" |
| "uimage3D" |
| "uimageCube" |
| "image1DArray" |
| "image2DArray" |
| "iimage1DArray" |
| "iimage2DArray" |
| "uimage1DArray" |
| "uimage2DArray" |
| "image1DShadow" |
| "image2DShadow" |
| "image1DArrayShadow" |
| "image2DArrayShadow" |
| "imageBuffer" |
| "iimageBuffer" |
| "uimageBuffer" |
| "sizeof" |
| "cast" |
| "namespace" |
| "using" |
| "row_major"; |
## declarations ################################################################ |
declaration = [precision_qualifier] type_specifier_or_identifier [array_index] (function | (global_identifier_list [assignment2] <SEMICOLON>)); |
declaration = "void" function; |
declaration = field_declaration <SEMICOLON>; |
declaration = struct_declaration <SEMICOLON>; |
declaration = precision_declaration <SEMICOLON>; |
declaration = global_preprocessor; |
global_identifier_list = global_declared_identifier [array_index] (<COMMA> global_declared_identifier [array_index])*; |
global_declared_identifier = <IDENTIFIER>; |
global_preprocessor = <PREPROCESSOR>; |
field_declaration = ("in" | "uniform") type_specifier_or_identifier <BUILD_IN_VAR> ; |
field_declaration = global_type_qualifier struct_declaration; |
field_declaration = global_type_qualifier global_type_declaration [assignment2]; |
struct_declaration = "struct" <IDENTIFIER> struct_body [global_identifier_list]; |
struct_body = "{" (local_type_declaration <SEMICOLON>)+ "}"; |
global_type_declaration = [precision_qualifier] type_specifier_or_identifier [array_index] global_identifier_list [<EQ> expression]; |
type_declaration = [precision_qualifier] type_specifier_or_identifier [array_index] <IDENTIFIER> [array_index] (<COMMA> <IDENTIFIER> [array_index])*; |
local_type_declaration = [type_qualifier] type_declaration; |
precision_declaration = "precision" precision_qualifier type_specifier; |
## function #################################################################### |
function = <FUNCTION> "(" [parameter_declaration_list] ")" (function_body | <SEMICOLON>); |
function_body = code_block; |
parameter_declaration = [type_qualifier] [parameter_declaration_qualifier] [precision_qualifier] type_specifier_or_identifier ((array_index <IDENTIFIER>) | (<IDENTIFIER> [array_index])); |
parameter_declaration_list = "void" | (parameter_declaration (<COMMA> parameter_declaration)*); |
statement = <PREPROCESSOR>; |
statement = expression_hack <SEMICOLON>; # statement = local_type_declaration [<EQ> expression] <SEMICOLON>; |
statement = conditional_statement; |
statement = "return" [expression] <SEMICOLON>; |
statement = "break" <SEMICOLON>; # break just in loops allowed |
statement = "continue" <SEMICOLON>;# continue just in loops allowed |
statement = "discard" <SEMICOLON>; # Fragment shader only. |
code_block = "{" code_block* "}"; |
code_block = "{" statement* "}"; |
## expresstions and operations ################################################# |
# ternary operator |
expression = expression1 ["?" expression1 ":" expression1]; |
expression1 = [unary_operator] expression2 operation_or_comparison*; |
expression1 = [unary_operator] "(" expression ")" operation_or_comparison*; |
expression2 = ( [increment_or_decrement_operator] (<IDENTIFIER> | <BUILD_IN_VAR>) (field_access)* [increment_or_decrement_operator] [assignment]) |
| ((function_call | constructor_call) (field_access)*) |
| boolean_literal; |
expression_hack = unary_operator expression1_hack operation_or_comparison*; |
expression_hack = unary_operator "(" expression ")" operation_or_comparison*; |
expression_hack = expression1_hack operation_or_comparison*; |
expression_hack = "(" expression ")" operation_or_comparison*; |
expression_hack = <IDENTIFIER> (field_access)* [increment_or_decrement_operator] [assignment]; |
expression_hack = <IDENTIFIER> (field_access)* <IDENTIFIER> [array_index] (<COMMA> <IDENTIFIER> [array_index])*; |
expression_hack = type_specifier (field_access)* <IDENTIFIER> [array_index] (<COMMA> <IDENTIFIER> [array_index])*; |
expression1_hack = (increment_or_decrement_operator (<IDENTIFIER> | <BUILD_IN_VAR>) (field_access)* [increment_or_decrement_operator] [assignment]) |
| (<BUILD_IN_VAR> (field_access)* [increment_or_decrement_operator] [assignment]) |
| ((function_call | constructor_call) (field_access)*) |
| boolean_literal; |
assignment = assignment_operator expression; |
assignment2 = <EQ> expression; |
operation_or_comparison = (comperator | operator) expression; |
field_access = array_index; |
field_access = <DOT> <IDENTIFIER>; |
array_index = "[" [expression] "]"; |
function_call = (<FUNCTION> | <BUILD_IN_FUNC>) "(" [expression_list] ")"; |
# Note constructor call is something like that: vec2(1.0, 2.0) or float[2] (1.0, 2.0) |
constructor_call = type_specifier [array_index] "(" [expression_list] ")"; #TODO custom structs |
expression_list = "void" | (expression (<COMMA> expression)*); |
## code flow ################################################################### |
conditional_statement = if_statement |
| for_statement |
| while_statement |
| do_while_statement |
| switch_statement; |
# TODO if rule not 100% correct, multiple else allowed even before else if |
if_statement = "if" condition statement_or_code_block ("else" ["if" condition] statement_or_code_block)*; |
while_statement = "while" condition statement_or_code_block; |
do_while_statement = "do" statement_or_code_block "while" condition <SEMICOLON>; |
# TODO for rule could be more restrictive |
for_statement = "for" "(" [[type_specifier] <IDENTIFIER> assignment] <SEMICOLON> [expression] <SEMICOLON> [expression] ")" statement_or_code_block; |
switch_statement = "switch" condition "{" case* "}"; |
case = ("case" expression ":" statement*) |
| ("default" ":" statement*); |
condition = "(" expression ")"; |
statement_or_code_block = (statement | code_block); |
@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* Glsl.java |
* |
* Created on 24.09.2007, 00:46:53 |
* |
*/ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.glsl; |
import java.util.HashMap; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Map; |
import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.lexer.GlslTokenId; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.vocabulary.GLSLElementDescriptor; |
import org.netbeans.api.languages.ASTItem; |
import org.netbeans.api.languages.ASTNode; |
import org.netbeans.api.languages.ASTToken; |
import org.netbeans.api.languages.SyntaxContext; |
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.Token; |
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenHierarchy; |
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence; |
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenUtilities; |
/** |
* Utility methods called from GLSL.nbs. |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public final class Glsl { |
private final static String KEYWORD_FONT_COLOR = "<font color=808080>"; |
public final static Map<String, GLSLElementDescriptor> declaredFunctions = new HashMap<String, GLSLElementDescriptor>(); |
private Glsl() { |
} |
/** |
* Assembles a human readable String containing the declaraton of a function. |
* Asumes that the current token of the SyntaxContext represents the function name. |
*/ |
public static final String createFunctionDeclarationString(SyntaxContext context) { |
AbstractDocument document = (AbstractDocument) context.getDocument(); |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
try { |
document.readLock(); |
TokenSequence sequence = TokenHierarchy.get(context.getDocument()).tokenSequence(); |
sequence.move(context.getOffset()); |
sequence.moveNext(); |
sb.append("<html>"); |
int moved = 0; |
while (sequence.movePrevious() && isIgnoredToken(sequence.token())) { |
moved++; |
} |
String type = sequence.token().toString(); |
while (moved-- >= 0) { |
sequence.moveNext(); |
} |
// append function name
sb.append(sequence.token().text()); |
while (!TokenUtilities.equals(sequence.token().text(), "(")) { |
sequence.moveNext(); |
} |
sb.append("("); |
Token token; |
boolean first = true; |
while (sequence.moveNext() && !TokenUtilities.equals(sequence.token().text(), ")")) { |
token = sequence.token(); |
if (!isIgnoredToken(token)) { |
if (first) { |
sb.append(KEYWORD_FONT_COLOR); |
} else if (token.id() != GlslTokenId.COMMA && token.id() != GlslTokenId.BRACKET && token.id() != GlslTokenId.INTEGER_LITERAL) { |
sb.append(" "); |
} |
if (!TokenUtilities.equals(token.text(), "void")) { |
moved = 0; |
while (sequence.moveNext() && isIgnoredToken(sequence.token())) { |
moved++; |
} |
if (sequence.token().id() == GlslTokenId.COMMA || TokenUtilities.equals(sequence.token().text(), ")")) { |
sb.append("</font>"); |
} |
while (moved-- >= 0) { |
sequence.movePrevious(); |
} |
sb.append(token.text()); |
if (token.id() == GlslTokenId.COMMA) { |
sb.append(KEYWORD_FONT_COLOR); |
} |
} |
first = false; |
} |
} |
sb.append("</font>)"); |
if (!"void".equals(type)) { |
sb.append(" : "); |
sb.append(KEYWORD_FONT_COLOR); |
sb.append(type); |
sb.append("</font>"); |
} |
sb.append("</html>"); |
} finally { |
document.readUnlock(); |
} |
return sb.toString(); |
} |
/** |
* Assambles a human readable String containing the declaraton of a field and the field name itself. |
* Asumes that the current token of the SyntaxContext represents the field name. |
*/ |
public static final String createFieldDeclarationString(SyntaxContext context) { |
AbstractDocument document = (AbstractDocument) context.getDocument(); |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); |
try { |
document.readLock(); |
TokenSequence sequence = TokenHierarchy.get(context.getDocument()).tokenSequence(); |
sequence.move(context.getOffset()); |
sequence.moveNext(); |
sb.append("<html>"); |
sb.append(sequence.token().text()); |
sb.append(KEYWORD_FONT_COLOR); |
sb.append(" :"); |
int insertIndex = sb.length(); |
// read forward
int moved = 0; |
Token token; |
while (sequence.moveNext() |
&& sequence.token().id() != GlslTokenId.SEMICOLON |
&& sequence.token().id() != GlslTokenId.COMMA |
&& sequence.token().id() != GlslTokenId.EQ) { |
token = sequence.token(); |
if (!isIgnoredToken(token)) { |
sb.append(token); |
} |
moved++; |
} |
while (moved-- >= 0) { |
sequence.movePrevious(); |
} |
// read backwards throw the declaration
boolean skipToken = false; |
while (sequence.movePrevious() |
&& sequence.token().id() != GlslTokenId.SEMICOLON |
&& sequence.token().id() != GlslTokenId.END_OF_LINE) { |
token = sequence.token(); |
if (!isIgnoredToken(token)) { |
// we have a struct declaration; skip everything between { }
if (token.id() == GlslTokenId.BRACE && TokenUtilities.equals(token.text(), "}")) { |
movePreviousUntil(sequence, GlslTokenId.BRACE, "}", "{"); |
continue; |
} |
// skip token in case of an comma seperated identifier list
if (skipToken) { |
if (token.id() == GlslTokenId.BRACKET |
&& TokenUtilities.equals(token.text(), "]")) { |
movePreviousUntil(sequence, GlslTokenId.BRACKET, "]", "["); |
skipToken = false; |
} else { |
skipToken = false; |
} |
continue; |
} |
if (token.id() == GlslTokenId.COMMA) { |
skipToken = true; |
continue; |
} |
if (!TokenUtilities.equals(token.text(), "struct")) { |
sb.insert(insertIndex, token.text()); |
sb.insert(insertIndex, " "); |
} |
} |
} |
sb.append("</font></html>"); |
} finally { |
document.readUnlock(); |
} |
return sb.toString(); |
} |
public static final String createPreprocessorString(SyntaxContext context) { |
ASTNode node = (ASTNode) context.getASTPath().getLeaf(); |
List<ASTItem> children = node.getChildren(); |
String str = null; |
for (ASTItem item : children) { |
if (isTokenType(item, GlslTokenId.PREPROCESSOR.name())) { |
str = ((ASTToken) item).getIdentifier(); |
} |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { |
char c = str.charAt(i); |
if (c != '#' && !Character.isWhitespace(c)) { |
for (int j = str.length() - 1; j > i; j--) { |
if (!Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(j))) { |
return str.substring(i, j + 1); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return str; |
} |
/** |
* Called from withen GLSL_*.nbs each time the document has been modified. |
*/ |
public static void process(SyntaxContext context) { |
AbstractDocument document = (AbstractDocument) context.getDocument(); |
try { |
document.readLock(); |
// remember all declared functions for auto-completion
synchronized (declaredFunctions) { |
declaredFunctions.clear(); |
} |
List<ASTItem> declarations = context.getASTPath().getLeaf().getChildren(); |
for (ASTItem declaration : declarations) { |
for (ASTItem declarationItem : declaration.getChildren()) { |
if (isNode(declarationItem, "function")) { |
List<ASTItem> functionItems = declarationItem.getChildren(); |
if (functionItems.size() < 3) { |
break; |
} |
ASTItem nameToken = functionItems.get(0); |
if (isTokenType(nameToken, GlslTokenId.FUNCTION.name())) { |
// determine return type
StringBuilder returnType = new StringBuilder(); |
for (ASTItem typeItem : declaration.getChildren()) { |
if (isNode(typeItem, "function")) { |
break; |
} |
if (typeItem instanceof ASTNode) { |
returnType.append(((ASTNode) typeItem).getAsText().trim()); |
} else if (typeItem instanceof ASTToken) { |
final ASTToken t = (ASTToken) typeItem; |
returnType.append(t.getIdentifier().trim()); |
} |
} |
// determine name and parameter list
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); |
name.append("("); |
ASTItem parameterList = functionItems.get(2); |
if (isNode(parameterList, "parameter_declaration_list")) { |
name.append(((ASTNode) parameterList).getAsText()); |
} |
name.append(")"); |
GLSLElementDescriptor elementDesc = new GLSLElementDescriptor( |
GLSLElementDescriptor.Category.USER_FUNC, |
"", |
"", |
name.toString(), |
returnType.toString()); |
name.insert(0, ((ASTToken) nameToken).getIdentifier()); |
synchronized (declaredFunctions) { |
declaredFunctions.put(name.toString(), elementDesc); |
} |
// System.out.println("|"+returnType.toString()+"|"+name.toString()+"|");
} |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} finally { |
document.readUnlock(); |
} |
} |
private static void movePreviousUntil(TokenSequence sequence, GlslTokenId id, String countToken, String stopToken) { |
int counter = 1; |
while (sequence.movePrevious() && counter > 0) { |
if (sequence.token().id() == id) { |
if (TokenUtilities.equals(sequence.token().text(), stopToken)) { |
counter--; |
} else if (TokenUtilities.equals(sequence.token().text(), countToken)) { |
counter++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
private static boolean isIgnoredToken(Token token) { |
return token.id() == GlslTokenId.WHITESPACE |
|| token.id() == GlslTokenId.COMMENT |
|| token.id() == GlslTokenId.PREPROCESSOR; |
} |
private static boolean isNode(ASTItem item, String nodeToken) { |
return item != null && item instanceof ASTNode && ((ASTNode) item).getNT().equals(nodeToken); |
} |
private static boolean isToken(ASTItem item, String id) { |
return item != null && item instanceof ASTToken && ((ASTToken) item).getIdentifier().equals(id); |
} |
private static boolean isTokenType(ASTItem item, String type) { |
return item != null && item instanceof ASTToken && ((ASTToken) item).getTypeName().equals(type); |
} |
} |
@ -1,289 +0,0 @@ |
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<file name="sep-2.instance"> |
<attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="javax.swing.JSeparator"/> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="600"/> |
</file> |
<file name="sep-3.instance"> |
<attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="javax.swing.JSeparator"/> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="900"/> |
</file> |
<file name="sep-4.instance"> |
<attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="javax.swing.JSeparator"/> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="1100"/> |
</file> |
</folder> |
</folder> |
<folder name="x-glsl-fragment-shader"> |
<folder name="Actions"> |
<file name="org-openide-actions-CopyAction.instance"> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="500"/> |
</file> |
<file name="org-openide-actions-CutAction.instance"> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="400"/> |
</file> |
<file name="org-openide-actions-DeleteAction.instance"> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="700"/> |
</file> |
<file name="org-openide-actions-FileSystemAction.instance"> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="200"/> |
</file> |
<file name="org-openide-actions-OpenAction.instance"> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="100"/> |
</file> |
<file name="org-openide-actions-PropertiesAction.instance"> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="1300"/> |
</file> |
<file name="org-openide-actions-RenameAction.instance"> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="800"/> |
</file> |
<file name="org-openide-actions-SaveAsTemplateAction.instance"> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="1000"/> |
</file> |
<file name="org-openide-actions-ToolsAction.instance"> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="1200"/> |
</file> |
<file name="sep-1.instance"> |
<attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="javax.swing.JSeparator"/> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="300"/> |
</file> |
<file name="sep-2.instance"> |
<attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="javax.swing.JSeparator"/> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="600"/> |
</file> |
<file name="sep-3.instance"> |
<attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="javax.swing.JSeparator"/> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="900"/> |
</file> |
<file name="sep-4.instance"> |
<attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="javax.swing.JSeparator"/> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="1100"/> |
</file> |
</folder> |
</folder> |
</folder> |
</folder> |
<folder name="Services"> |
<folder name="MIMEResolver"> |
<file name="GlslFragmentShaderResolver.xml" url="resources/GlslFragmentShaderResolver.xml"> |
<attr name="SystemFileSystem.icon" urlvalue="nbresloc:/net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/FragmentShaderIcon.gif"/> |
<attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.Bundle"/> |
</file> |
<file name="GlslGeometryShaderResolver.xml" url="resources/GlslGeometryShaderResolver.xml"> |
<attr name="SystemFileSystem.icon" urlvalue="nbresloc:/net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/GeometryShaderIcon.gif"/> |
<attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.Bundle"/> |
</file> |
<file name="GlslVertexShaderResolver.xml" url="resources/GlslVertexShaderResolver.xml"> |
<attr name="SystemFileSystem.icon" urlvalue="nbresloc:/net/java/nboglpack/glsleditor/resources/VertexShaderIcon.gif"/> |
<attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.Bundle"/> |
</file> |
</folder> |
</folder> |
<folder name="Templates"> |
<folder name="OpenGL"> |
<file name="FragmentShader.frag" url="resources/FragmentShaderTemplate.frag"> |
<attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.Bundle"/> |
<attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/> |
</file> |
<file name="GeometryShader.geom" url="resources/GeometryShaderTemplate.geom"> |
<attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.Bundle"/> |
<attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/> |
</file> |
<file name="VertexShader.vert" url="resources/VertexShaderTemplate.vert"> |
<attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.Bundle"/> |
<attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/> |
</file> |
<attr name="position" intvalue="2000"/> |
</folder> |
</folder> |
</filesystem> |
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* VertexLanguage.java |
* |
* Created on 19.08.2007, 18:25:24 |
* |
*/ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.lexer; |
import java.util.Collection; |
import java.util.EnumSet; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.GlslVocabularyManager; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.dataobject.GlslVertexShaderDataLoader; |
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.Language; |
import org.netbeans.spi.lexer.LanguageHierarchy; |
import org.netbeans.spi.lexer.Lexer; |
import org.netbeans.spi.lexer.LexerRestartInfo; |
/** |
* OpenGL Shading Language. |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public class Glsl extends LanguageHierarchy<GlslTokenId> { |
public static final Glsl VERTEX_LANGUAGE = new Glsl(GlslVertexShaderDataLoader.REQUIRED_MIME); |
public static final Glsl GEOMETRY_LANGUAGE = new Glsl(GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader.REQUIRED_MIME); |
public static final Glsl FRAGMENT_LANGUAGE = new Glsl(GlslFragmentShaderDataLoader.REQUIRED_MIME); |
private final String mimeType; |
private Glsl(String mimeType) { |
this.mimeType = mimeType; |
} |
@Override |
protected String mimeType() { |
return mimeType; |
} |
@Override |
protected Collection<GlslTokenId> createTokenIds() { |
return EnumSet.allOf(GlslTokenId.class); |
} |
@Override |
protected Lexer<GlslTokenId> createLexer(LexerRestartInfo<GlslTokenId> info) { |
return new GlslLexer(info, GlslVocabularyManager.getInstance(mimeType())); |
} |
public static Language<GlslTokenId> vertexLanguage() { |
return VERTEX_LANGUAGE.language(); |
} |
public static Language<GlslTokenId> fragmentLanguage() { |
return FRAGMENT_LANGUAGE.language(); |
} |
public static Language<GlslTokenId> geometryLanguage() { |
return GEOMETRY_LANGUAGE.language(); |
} |
} |
@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* GlslLexer.java |
* |
* Created on 19.08.2007, 18:31:16 |
* |
*/ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.lexer; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.GlslVocabularyManager; |
import net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.vocabulary.GLSLElementDescriptor; |
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.Token; |
import org.netbeans.spi.lexer.Lexer; |
import org.netbeans.spi.lexer.LexerInput; |
import org.netbeans.spi.lexer.LexerRestartInfo; |
import org.netbeans.spi.lexer.TokenFactory; |
/** |
* Lexer for the OpenGL Shading Language. |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public class GlslLexer implements Lexer<GlslTokenId> { |
private final LexerInput input; |
private final TokenFactory<GlslTokenId> factory; |
private final GlslVocabularyManager manager; |
private final StringBuilder stringBuilder; |
public GlslLexer(LexerRestartInfo<GlslTokenId> info, GlslVocabularyManager manager) { |
this.input = info.input(); |
this.factory = info.tokenFactory(); |
this.manager = manager; |
this.stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); |
} |
@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") |
public Token<GlslTokenId> nextToken() { |
int character = input.read(); |
switch (character) { |
case '(': |
case ')': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.PAREN); |
case '{': |
case '}': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.BRACE); |
case '[': |
case ']': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.BRACKET); |
case '.': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.DOT); |
case ',': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.COMMA); |
case ':': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.COLON); |
case ';': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.SEMICOLON); |
case '?': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.QUESTION); |
case '~': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.TILDE); |
case '*': |
if (input.read() == '=') { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.MUL_ASSIGN); |
} else { |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.STAR); |
} |
case '%': |
if (input.read() == '=') { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.MOD_ASSIGN); |
} else { |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.PERCENT); |
} |
case '!': |
if (input.read() == '=') { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.NE); |
} else { |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.BANG); |
} |
case '=': |
if (input.read() == '=') { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.EQEQ); |
} else { |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.EQ); |
} |
case '^': |
switch (input.read()) { |
case ('^'): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.CARETCARET); |
case ('='): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.XOR_ASSIGN); |
default: |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.CARET); |
} |
case '+': |
switch (input.read()) { |
case ('+'): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.PLUSPLUS); |
case ('='): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.ADD_ASSIGN); |
default: |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.PLUS); |
} |
case '-': |
switch (input.read()) { |
case ('-'): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.MINUSMINUS); |
case ('='): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.SUB_ASSIGN); |
default: |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.MINUS); |
} |
case '&': |
switch (input.read()) { |
case ('&'): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.AMPAMP); |
case ('='): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.AND_ASSIGN); |
default: |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.AMP); |
} |
case '|': |
switch (input.read()) { |
case ('|'): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.BARBAR); |
case ('='): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.OR_ASSIGN); |
default: |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.BAR); |
} |
case '<': |
switch (input.read()) { |
case ('<'): |
if (input.read() == '=') { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.LEFT_BITSHIFT_ASSIGN); |
} else { |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.LEFT_BITSHIFT); |
} |
case ('='): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.LE); |
default: |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.LEFT_ANGLE); |
} |
case '>': |
switch (input.read()) { |
case ('>'): |
if (input.read() == '=') { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.RIGHT_BITSHIFT_ASSIGN); |
} else { |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.RIGHT_BITSHIFT); |
} |
case ('='): |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.GE); |
default: |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.RIGHT_ANGLE); |
} |
case '/': |
int c = input.read(); |
if (c == '/') { |
readRemainingLine(); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.COMMENT); |
} else if (c == '*') { |
return tokenizeMLComment(); |
} else if (c == '=') { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.DIV_ASSIGN); |
} else { |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.SLASH); |
} |
case '#': |
readRemainingLine(); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.PREPROCESSOR); |
case ' ': |
case '\t': |
do { |
character = input.read(); |
} while (character == ' ' || character == '\t'); |
input.backup(1); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.WHITESPACE); |
case '\r': |
input.consumeNewline(); |
case LexerInput.EOF: |
if (input.readLength() == 0) { |
return null; |
} |
case '\n': |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.END_OF_LINE); |
default: |
if (Character.isDigit(character)) { |
return tokenizeNumber(); |
} else if (Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(character)) { |
return tokenizeName(); |
} else { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.error); |
} |
} |
} |
@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") |
private void readRemainingLine() { |
int character = input.read(); |
while (character != LexerInput.EOF) { |
switch (character) { |
case '\r': |
input.consumeNewline(); |
case '\n': |
case LexerInput.EOF: |
return; |
} |
character = input.read(); |
} |
} |
private Token<GlslTokenId> tokenizeMLComment() { |
int character = input.read(); |
while (character != LexerInput.EOF) { |
if (character == '*' && input.read() == '/') { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.ML_COMMENT); |
} |
character = input.read(); |
} |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.ML_COMMENT); |
} |
private Token<GlslTokenId> tokenizeNumber() { |
int character; |
do { |
character = input.read(); |
} while (Character.isDigit(character)); |
if (character == '.') { |
do { |
character = input.read(); |
} while (Character.isDigit(character)); |
if (character != 'f' && character != 'F') { |
input.backup(1); |
} |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.FLOAT_LITERAL); |
} else { |
if (character != 'u' && character != 'U') { |
input.backup(1); |
} |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.INTEGER_LITERAL); |
} |
} |
private Token<GlslTokenId> tokenizeName() { |
if (stringBuilder.length() > 0) { |
stringBuilder.delete(0, stringBuilder.length()); |
} |
// backup everything read
input.backup(input.readLength()); |
// assamble token
char c; |
while (Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(c = ((char) input.read()))) { |
stringBuilder.append(c); |
} |
if (stringBuilder.length() > 0) { |
input.backup(1); |
} |
// categorise token
GLSLElementDescriptor[] desc = manager.getDesc(stringBuilder.toString()); |
if (desc != null) { |
if (desc[0].category != null) { |
if (desc[0].category == GLSLElementDescriptor.Category.BUILD_IN_FUNC) { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.BUILD_IN_FUNC); |
} |
if (desc[0].category == GLSLElementDescriptor.Category.BUILD_IN_VAR) { |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.BUILD_IN_VAR); |
} |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.KEYWORD); |
} |
} |
// check if token = function name
int tokenEnd = input.readLength(); |
int character = input.read(); |
while (true) { |
switch (character) { |
case ' ': |
case '\t': |
case '\r': |
case '\n': |
character = input.read(); |
break; |
case '(': |
input.backup(input.readLength() - tokenEnd); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.FUNCTION); |
default: |
input.backup(input.readLength() - tokenEnd); |
return factory.createToken(GlslTokenId.IDENTIFIER); |
} |
} |
} |
public Object state() { |
// we don't need states
return null; |
} |
public void release() { |
} |
} |
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* GlslTokenId.java |
* |
* Created on 19.08.2007, 18:09:00 |
* |
*/ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.lexer; |
import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenId; |
/** |
* Enumeration of GLSL token ids. |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public enum GlslTokenId implements TokenId { |
IDENTIFIER("glsl-name"), |
INTEGER_LITERAL("glsl-literal"), |
FLOAT_LITERAL("glsl-literal"), |
FUNCTION("glsl-function"), |
KEYWORD("glsl-keyword"), |
BUILD_IN_FUNC("glsl-build-in-func"), |
BUILD_IN_VAR("glsl-build-in-var"), |
COMMENT("glsl-comment"), |
ML_COMMENT("glsl-comment"), |
PAREN("glsl-paren"), |
BRACE("glsl-brace"), |
BRACKET("glsl-bracket"), |
LEFT_ANGLE("glsl-angle"), |
RIGHT_ANGLE("glsl-angle"), |
SEMICOLON("glsl-separator"), |
COMMA("glsl-separator"), |
DOT("glsl-separator"), |
COLON("glsl-separator"), |
PERCENT("glsl-operation"), |
STAR("glsl-operation"), |
TILDE("glsl-operation"), |
QUESTION("glsl-operation"), |
BANG("glsl-operation"), |
SLASH("glsl-operation"), |
LEFT_BITSHIFT("glsl-operation"), |
RIGHT_BITSHIFT("glsl-operation"), |
PLUS("glsl-operation"), |
PLUSPLUS("glsl-operation"), |
MINUS("glsl-operation"), |
MINUSMINUS("glsl-operation"), |
AMP("glsl-operation"), |
AMPAMP("glsl-operation"), |
EQ("glsl-operation"), |
EQEQ("glsl-operation"), |
NE("glsl-operation"), |
LE("glsl-operation"), |
GE("glsl-operation"), |
BAR("glsl-operation"), |
BARBAR("glsl-operation"), |
CARET("glsl-operation"), |
CARETCARET("glsl-operation"), |
ADD_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
SUB_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
MUL_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
DIV_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
AND_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
OR_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
XOR_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
MOD_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
LEFT_BITSHIFT_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
RIGHT_BITSHIFT_ASSIGN("glsl-operation"), |
WHITESPACE("glsl-whitespace"), |
END_OF_LINE("glsl-end-of-line"), |
PREPROCESSOR("glsl-preprocessor"), |
error("glsl-error"); |
private final String primaryCategory; |
private GlslTokenId(String primaryCategory) { |
this.primaryCategory = primaryCategory; |
} |
public String primaryCategory() { |
return primaryCategory; |
} |
} |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.7 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 607 B |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* fragment shader template |
*/ |
void main() { |
// Set the fragment color for example to gray, alpha 1.0 |
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0); |
} |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 614 B |
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* geometry shader template |
*/ |
#version 120 |
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 : enable |
// a passthrough geometry shader for color and position |
void main(void) { |
for(int i = 0; i < gl_VerticesIn; ++i) { |
// copy color |
gl_FrontColor = gl_FrontColorIn[i]; |
// copy position |
gl_Position = gl_PositionIn[i]; |
// done with the vertex |
EmitVertex(); |
} |
EndPrimitive(); |
} |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ |
// ------ Fragment shader ------ // |
#pragma debug(on) |
varying vec3 normal; |
/* |
* Toon shader |
*/ |
void main() { |
float intensity; |
vec4 color; |
vec3 n = normalize(normal); |
intensity = dot(vec3(gl_LightSource[0].position),n); |
if (intensity > 0.95) |
color = vec4(1.0,0.5,0.5,1.0); |
else if (intensity > 0.5) |
color = vec4(0.6,0.3,0.3,1.0); |
else if (intensity > 0.25) |
color = vec4(0.4,0.2,0.2,1.0); |
else |
color = vec4(0.2,0.1,0.1,1.0); |
gl_FragColor = color; |
} |
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
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<ext name="glsl-fragment"/> |
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</file> |
</MIME-resolver> |
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ |
// ------ Geometry shader ------ // |
#version 120 |
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 : enable |
/* |
* a passthrough geometry shader for color and position |
*/ |
void main() { |
for(int i = 0; i < gl_VerticesIn; ++i) { |
// copy color |
gl_FrontColor = gl_FrontColorIn[i]; |
// copy position |
gl_Position = gl_PositionIn[i]; |
// done with the vertex |
EmitVertex(); |
} |
EndPrimitive(); |
} |
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ |
// ------ Vertex shader ------ // |
#pragma debug(on) |
uniform vec3 LightPosition; |
const float SpecularContribution = 0.3; |
varying float LightIntensity; |
/* |
* main function |
*/ |
void main() { |
vec3 ecPosition = vec3 (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex); |
vec3 tnorm = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal); |
vec3 lightVec = normalize(LightPosition - ecPosition); |
vec3 reflectVec = reflect(-lightVec, tnorm); |
vec3 viewVec = normalize(-ecPosition); |
float diffuse = max(dot(lightVec, tnorm), 0.0); |
float spec = 0.0; |
if (diffuse > 0.0) { |
spec = max(dot(reflectVec, viewVec), 0.0); |
spec = pow(spec, 16.0); |
} |
LightIntensity = 0.7 * diffuse + SpecularContribution * spec; |
gl_Position = ftransform(); |
} |
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ |
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<font style="bold"/> |
</fontcolor> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-brace" default="operator"/> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-value" default="number"/> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-curly-brace" default="operator"/> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-string-value" default="default"/> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-comment" default="comment"/> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-separator" default="operator"/> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-whitespace" default="whitespace"/> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-end-of-line" default="whitespace"/> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-build-in-var" default="string"> |
<font style="bold"/> |
</fontcolor> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-build-in-func" default="identifier"> |
<font style="bold,italic"/> |
</fontcolor> |
<fontcolor name="glsl-preprocessor" foreColor="ff6060D0"> |
<font style="bold,italic" /> |
</fontcolor> |
</fontscolors> |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 163 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 613 B |
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* vertex shader template |
*/ |
void main() { |
// Vertex transformation |
gl_Position = ftransform(); |
} |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 310 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 346 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 432 B |
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* GLSLElementDescriptor.java |
* |
* Created on 03.06.2007, 23:03:57 |
* |
*/ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.vocabulary; |
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; |
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlEnum; |
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; |
/** |
* |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
public class GLSLElementDescriptor { |
@XmlType |
@XmlEnum(String.class) |
public enum Category { |
} |
@XmlElement |
public final Category category; |
@XmlElement(required = true) |
public final String tooltip; |
@XmlElement(required = true) |
public final String doc; |
@XmlElement(required = true) |
public final String arguments; |
@XmlElement(required = true) |
public final String type; |
/** |
* Bean constructor, fields are directly injected. |
*/ |
public GLSLElementDescriptor() { |
category = Category.KEYWORD; |
tooltip = null; |
doc = null; |
arguments = null; |
type = null; |
} |
public GLSLElementDescriptor(Category category, String tooltip, String doc, String arguments, String type) { |
this.category = category; |
this.tooltip = tooltip; |
this.doc = doc; |
this.arguments = arguments; |
this.type = type; |
} |
} |
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ |
/* |
* GLSLVocabulary.java |
* |
* Created on 03.06.2007, 23:03:57 |
* |
*/ |
package net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.vocabulary; |
import java.util.HashMap; |
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; |
/** |
* |
* @author Michael Bien |
*/ |
@XmlRootElement |
public class GLSLVocabulary { |
public final HashMap<String, GLSLElementDescriptor[]> mainVocabulary; |
public final HashMap<String, GLSLElementDescriptor[]> fragmentShaderVocabulary; |
public final HashMap<String, GLSLElementDescriptor[]> vertexShaderVocabulary; |
public final HashMap<String, GLSLElementDescriptor[]> geometryShaderVocabulary; |
public GLSLVocabulary() { |
mainVocabulary = new HashMap<String, GLSLElementDescriptor[]>(); |
vertexShaderVocabulary = new HashMap<String, GLSLElementDescriptor[]>(); |
fragmentShaderVocabulary = new HashMap<String, GLSLElementDescriptor[]>(); |
geometryShaderVocabulary = new HashMap<String, GLSLElementDescriptor[]>(); |
} |
} |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
GLSLElementDescriptor |
GLSLVocabulary |
@ -1 +0,0 @@ |
net.java.nboglpack.glsleditor.GlslGeometryShaderDataLoader |