@ -433,8 +433,13 @@ public class VREnvironment {
// we are going to use OpenVR now, not the Oculus Rift
// we are going to use OpenVR now, not the Oculus Rift
// OpenVR does support the Rift
// OpenVR does support the Rift
String OS = System . getProperty ( "os.name" , "generic" ) . toLowerCase ( Locale . ENGLISH ) ;
String OS = System . getProperty ( "os.name" , "generic" ) . toLowerCase ( Locale . ENGLISH ) ;
vrSupportedOS = ! OS . contains ( "nux" ) & & System . getProperty ( "sun.arch.data.model" ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "64" ) ; //for the moment, linux/unix causes crashes, 64-bit only
vrSupportedOS = System . getProperty ( "sun.arch.data.model" ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "64" ) ; //64-bit only
compositorOS = OS . contains ( "indows" ) ;
compositorOS = OS . contains ( "indows" ) | | OS . contains ( "nux" ) ;
if ( OS . contains ( "nux" ) & & vrBinding ! = VRConstants . SETTING_VRAPI_OPENVR_LWJGL_VALUE ) {
logger . severe ( "Only LWJGL VR backend is currently (partially) supported on Linux." ) ;
vrSupportedOS = false ;
if ( vrSupportedOS ) {
if ( vrSupportedOS ) {
if ( vrBinding = = VRConstants . SETTING_VRAPI_OSVR_VALUE ) {
if ( vrBinding = = VRConstants . SETTING_VRAPI_OSVR_VALUE ) {