Several fixes to animation loading.

git-svn-id: 75d07b2b-3a1a-0410-a2c5-0572b91ccdca
3.0 14 years ago
parent 7c1c6dc065
commit 45d1a0e772
  1. 96

@ -299,9 +299,9 @@ public class ArmatureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
* additional bone transformation which indicates it's mesh parent and armature object transformations
* @return
public Bone[] buildBonesStructure(Long armatureOMA, Matrix4f additionalRootBoneTransformation) {//TODO: uwzględnić wiele szkieletów
public Bone[] buildBonesStructure(Long armatureOMA, Matrix4f additionalRootBoneTransformation) {//TODO: consider many skeletons ???
List<Bone> bones = new ArrayList<Bone>(boneDataRoots.size() + 1);
bones.add(new Bone(null));
bones.add(new Bone(""));
for (BoneTransformationData btd : boneDataRoots) {
this.assignBonesMatrices(btd, additionalRootBoneTransformation, bones);
@ -338,14 +338,46 @@ public class ArmatureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
return true;
* This method retuns the bone tracks for animation.
* @param actionStructure
* the structure containing the tracks
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* @param objectName
* the name of the object that will use these tracks
* @param animationName
* the animation name
* @return a list of tracks for the specified animation
* @throws BlenderFileException
* an exception is thrown when there are problems with the blend
* file
public BoneTrack[] getTracks(Structure actionStructure, DataRepository dataRepository, String objectName, String animationName) throws BlenderFileException {
if (blenderVersion < 250) {
return this.getTracks250(actionStructure, dataRepository, objectName, animationName);
return this.getTracks249(actionStructure, dataRepository, objectName, animationName);
} else {
return this.getTracks249(actionStructure, dataRepository, objectName, animationName);
return this.getTracks250(actionStructure, dataRepository, objectName, animationName);
* This method retuns the bone tracks for animation for blender version 2.50 and higher.
* @param actionStructure
* the structure containing the tracks
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* @param objectName
* the name of the object that will use these tracks
* @param animationName
* the animation name
* @return a list of tracks for the specified animation
* @throws BlenderFileException
* an exception is thrown when there are problems with the blend
* file
private BoneTrack[] getTracks250(Structure actionStructure, DataRepository dataRepository, String objectName, String animationName) throws BlenderFileException {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Getting tracks!");
int fps = dataRepository.getBlenderKey().getFps();
@ -388,43 +420,43 @@ public class ArmatureHelper extends AbstractBlenderHelper {
return tracks.toArray(new BoneTrack[tracks.size()]);
* This method retuns the bone tracks for animation for blender version 2.49 (and probably several lower versions too).
* @param actionStructure
* the structure containing the tracks
* @param dataRepository
* the data repository
* @param objectName
* the name of the object that will use these tracks
* @param animationName
* the animation name
* @return a list of tracks for the specified animation
* @throws BlenderFileException
* an exception is thrown when there are problems with the blend
* file
private BoneTrack[] getTracks249(Structure actionStructure, DataRepository dataRepository, String objectName, String animationName) throws BlenderFileException {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Getting tracks!");
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Getting tracks!");
IpoHelper ipoHelper = dataRepository.getHelper(IpoHelper.class);
int fps = dataRepository.getBlenderKey().getFps();
int[] animationFrames = dataRepository.getBlenderKey().getAnimationFrames(objectName, animationName);
Structure groups = (Structure) actionStructure.getFieldValue("groups");
List<Structure> actionGroups = groups.evaluateListBase(dataRepository);//bActionGroup
if (actionGroups != null && actionGroups.size() > 0 && (bonesMap == null || bonesMap.size() == 0)) {
Structure chanbase = (Structure) actionStructure.getFieldValue("chanbase");
List<Structure> actionChannels = chanbase.evaluateListBase(dataRepository);//bActionChannel
if (actionChannels != null && actionChannels.size() > 0 && (bonesMap == null || bonesMap.size() == 0)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No bones found! Cannot proceed to calculating tracks!");
List<BoneTrack> tracks = new ArrayList<BoneTrack>();
for (Structure actionGroup : actionGroups) {
String name = actionGroup.getFieldValue("name").toString();
for (Structure bActionChannel : actionChannels) {
String name = bActionChannel.getFieldValue("name").toString();
Integer boneIndex = bonesMap.get(name);
if (boneIndex != null) {
List<Structure> channels = ((Structure) actionGroup.getFieldValue("channels")).evaluateListBase(dataRepository);
BezierCurve[] bezierCurves = new BezierCurve[channels.size()];
int channelCounter = 0;
for (Structure c : channels) {
//reading rna path first
BlenderInputStream bis = dataRepository.getInputStream();
int currentPosition = bis.getPosition();
Pointer pRnaPath = (Pointer) c.getFieldValue("rna_path");
FileBlockHeader dataFileBlock = dataRepository.getFileBlock(pRnaPath.getOldMemoryAddress());
String rnaPath = bis.readString();
int arrayIndex = ((Number) c.getFieldValue("array_index")).intValue();
int type = this.getCurveType(rnaPath, arrayIndex);
Pointer pBezTriple = (Pointer) c.getFieldValue("bezt");
List<Structure> bezTriples = pBezTriple.fetchData(dataRepository.getInputStream());
bezierCurves[channelCounter++] = new BezierCurve(type, bezTriples, 2);
Pointer p = (Pointer) bActionChannel.getFieldValue("ipo");
if (!p.isNull()) {
Structure ipoStructure = p.fetchData(dataRepository.getInputStream()).get(0);
Ipo ipo = ipoHelper.createIpo(ipoStructure, dataRepository);
tracks.add(ipo.calculateTrack(boneIndex.intValue(), animationFrames[0], animationFrames[1], fps));
Ipo ipo = new Ipo(bezierCurves);
tracks.add(ipo.calculateTrack(boneIndex.intValue(), animationFrames[0], animationFrames[1], fps));
return tracks.toArray(new BoneTrack[tracks.size()]);
