@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public class Ipo {
float [ ] translation = new float [ ] { localTranslation . x , localTranslation . y , localTranslation . z } ;
Quaternion [ ] rotations = new Quaternion [ framesAmount + 1 ] ;
float [ ] quaternionRotation = new float [ ] { localRotation . getX ( ) , localRotation . getY ( ) , localRotation . getZ ( ) , localRotation . getW ( ) , } ;
float [ ] object Rotation = localRotation . toAngles ( null ) ;
float [ ] euler Rotation = localRotation . toAngles ( null ) ;
Vector3f [ ] scales = new Vector3f [ framesAmount + 1 ] ;
float [ ] scale = new float [ ] { localScale . x , localScale . y , localScale . z } ;
float degreeToRadiansFactor = 1 ;
@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ public class Ipo {
yIndex = 2 ;
zIndex = 1 ;
boolean eulerRotationUsed = false , queternionRotationUsed = false ;
// calculating track data
for ( int frame = startFrame ; frame < = stopFrame ; + + frame ) {
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ public class Ipo {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < bezierCurves . length ; + + j ) {
double value = bezierCurves [ j ] . evaluate ( frame , BezierCurve . Y_VALUE ) ;
switch ( bezierCurves [ j ] . getType ( ) ) {
case AC_LOC_X :
translation [ 0 ] = ( float ) value ;
break ;
@ -183,18 +184,21 @@ public class Ipo {
translation [ zIndex ] = ( float ) value ;
break ;
// ROTATION (used with object animation)
case OB_ROT_X :
objectRotation [ 0 ] = ( float ) value * degreeToRadiansFactor ;
eulerRotationUsed = true ;
eulerRotation [ 0 ] = ( float ) value * degreeToRadiansFactor ;
break ;
case OB_ROT_Y :
eulerRotationUsed = true ;
if ( swapAxes & & value ! = 0 ) {
value = - value ;
object Rotation[ yIndex ] = ( float ) value * degreeToRadiansFactor ;
euler Rotation[ yIndex ] = ( float ) value * degreeToRadiansFactor ;
break ;
case OB_ROT_Z :
objectRotation [ zIndex ] = ( float ) value * degreeToRadiansFactor ;
eulerRotationUsed = true ;
eulerRotation [ zIndex ] = ( float ) value * degreeToRadiansFactor ;
break ;
@ -210,12 +214,15 @@ public class Ipo {
// QUATERNION ROTATION (used with bone animation)
case AC_QUAT_W :
queternionRotationUsed = true ;
quaternionRotation [ 3 ] = ( float ) value ;
break ;
case AC_QUAT_X :
queternionRotationUsed = true ;
quaternionRotation [ 0 ] = ( float ) value ;
break ;
case AC_QUAT_Y :
queternionRotationUsed = true ;
if ( swapAxes & & value ! = 0 ) {
value = - value ;
@ -229,7 +236,12 @@ public class Ipo {
translations [ index ] = localRotation . multLocal ( new Vector3f ( translation [ 0 ] , translation [ 1 ] , translation [ 2 ] ) ) ;
rotations [ index ] = spatialTrack ? new Quaternion ( ) . fromAngles ( objectRotation ) : new Quaternion ( quaternionRotation [ 0 ] , quaternionRotation [ 1 ] , quaternionRotation [ 2 ] , quaternionRotation [ 3 ] ) ;
if ( queternionRotationUsed ) {
rotations [ index ] = new Quaternion ( quaternionRotation [ 0 ] , quaternionRotation [ 1 ] , quaternionRotation [ 2 ] , quaternionRotation [ 3 ] ) ;
} else {
rotations [ index ] = new Quaternion ( ) . fromAngles ( eulerRotation ) ;
scales [ index ] = new Vector3f ( scale [ 0 ] , scale [ 1 ] , scale [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( spatialTrack ) {
@ -237,7 +249,12 @@ public class Ipo {
} else {
calculatedTrack = new BoneTrack ( targetIndex , times , translations , rotations , scales ) ;
if ( queternionRotationUsed & & eulerRotationUsed ) {
LOGGER . warning ( "Animation uses both euler and quaternion tracks for rotations. Quaternion rotation is applied. Make sure that this is what you wanted!" ) ;
return calculatedTrack ;