Revert "added functionality to use front mounted vive camera"

This reverts commit ae7a134f1e.
Rickard Edén 8 years ago
parent ae7a134f1e
commit 2c044a29c5
  1. 56

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.OpenVRUtil;
import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.TrackedDevicePose_t;
import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VR_IVRCompositor_FnTable;
import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VR_IVRSystem_FnTable;
import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VR_IVRTrackedCamera_FnTable;
import com.jme3.util.VRUtil;
import com.sun.jna.Memory;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
@ -42,20 +41,19 @@ public class OpenVR implements VRAPI {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OpenVR.class.getName());
private static VR_IVRCompositor_FnTable compositorFunctions;
private static VR_IVRTrackedCamera_FnTable cameraFunctions;
private static VR_IVRSystem_FnTable vrsystemFunctions;
private static boolean initSuccess = false;
private static boolean flipEyes = false;
private static IntBuffer hmdDisplayFrequency;
private static TrackedDevicePose_t.ByReference hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference;
protected static TrackedDevicePose_t[] hmdTrackedDevicePoses;
private IntBuffer hmdDisplayFrequency;
private TrackedDevicePose_t.ByReference hmdTrackedDevicePoseReference;
protected TrackedDevicePose_t[] hmdTrackedDevicePoses;
protected static IntByReference hmdErrorStore;
protected IntByReference hmdErrorStore;
private static final Quaternion rotStore = new Quaternion();
private static final Vector3f posStore = new Vector3f();
private final Quaternion rotStore = new Quaternion();
private final Vector3f posStore = new Vector3f();
private static FloatByReference tlastVsync;
@ -67,20 +65,21 @@ public class OpenVR implements VRAPI {
// for debugging latency
private int frames = 0;
protected static Matrix4f[] poseMatrices;
protected Matrix4f[] poseMatrices;
private static final Matrix4f hmdPose = Matrix4f.IDENTITY.clone();
private static Matrix4f hmdProjectionLeftEye;
private static Matrix4f hmdProjectionRightEye;
private static Matrix4f hmdPoseLeftEye;
private static Matrix4f hmdPoseRightEye;
private final Matrix4f hmdPose = Matrix4f.IDENTITY.clone();
private Matrix4f hmdProjectionLeftEye;
private Matrix4f hmdProjectionRightEye;
private Matrix4f hmdPoseLeftEye;
private Matrix4f hmdPoseRightEye;
private static Vector3f hmdPoseLeftEyeVec, hmdPoseRightEyeVec, hmdSeatToStand;
private Vector3f hmdPoseLeftEyeVec, hmdPoseRightEyeVec, hmdSeatToStand;
private float vsyncToPhotons;
private double timePerFrame, frameCountRun;
private long frameCount;
private OpenVRInput VRinput;
private static float vsyncToPhotons;
private static double timePerFrame, frameCountRun;
private static long frameCount;
private static OpenVRInput VRinput;
private VREnvironment environment = null;
@ -108,10 +107,6 @@ public class OpenVR implements VRAPI {
return compositorFunctions;
public VR_IVRTrackedCamera_FnTable getTrackedCamera(){
return cameraFunctions;
public String getName() {
return "OpenVR";
@ -240,21 +235,6 @@ public class OpenVR implements VRAPI {
return compositorFunctions != null;
public void initCamera(boolean allowed) {
hmdErrorStore.setValue(0); // clear the error store
if( allowed && vrsystemFunctions != null ) {
IntByReference intptr = JOpenVRLibrary.VR_GetGenericInterface(JOpenVRLibrary.IVRTrackedCamera_Version, hmdErrorStore);
if (intptr != null){
cameraFunctions = new VR_IVRTrackedCamera_FnTable(intptr.getPointer());
if(cameraFunctions != null && hmdErrorStore.getValue() == 0 ){
logger.config("OpenVR Camera initialized");
public void destroy() {
