glTF. support for glb files (binary self contained gltf)

Nehon 8 years ago
parent ff75671162
commit 2b014d194c
  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 58
  4. 72
  5. 27
  6. 4

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetLoadException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
@ -56,13 +57,13 @@ public class CustomContentManager {
public <T> T readExtensionAndExtras(String name, JsonElement el, T input) throws AssetLoadException {
public <T> T readExtensionAndExtras(String name, JsonElement el, T input) throws AssetLoadException, IOException {
T output = readExtension(name, el, input);
output = readExtras(name, el, output);
return output;
private <T> T readExtension(String name, JsonElement el, T input) throws AssetLoadException {
private <T> T readExtension(String name, JsonElement el, T input) throws AssetLoadException, IOException {
JsonElement extensions = el.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("extensions");
if (extensions == null) {
return input;

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf;
* Base Interface for extension loading implementation.
@ -19,6 +21,6 @@ public interface ExtensionLoader {
* @param input an object containing already loaded data from the element, this is most probably a JME object
* @return An object of the same type as input, containing the data from the input object and the eventual additional data read from the extension
Object handleExtension(GltfLoader loader, String parentName, JsonElement parent, JsonElement extension, Object input);
Object handleExtension(GltfLoader loader, String parentName, JsonElement parent, JsonElement extension, Object input) throws IOException;

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
package com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetInfo;
import com.jme3.util.LittleEndien;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Created by Nehon on 12/09/2017.
public class GlbLoader extends GltfLoader {
private static final int GLTF_MAGIC = 0x46546C67;
private static final int JSON_TYPE = 0x4E4F534A;
private static final int BIN_TYPE = 0x004E4942;
private ArrayList<byte[]> data = new ArrayList<>();
public Object load(AssetInfo assetInfo) throws IOException {
LittleEndien stream = new LittleEndien(new DataInputStream(assetInfo.openStream()));
int magic = stream.readInt();
int version = stream.readInt();
int length = stream.readInt();
System.err.println(magic == GLTF_MAGIC ? "gltf" : "no no no");
byte[] json = null;
//length is the total size, we have to remove the header size (3 integers = 12 bytes).
length -= 12;
while (length > 0) {
int chunkLength = stream.readInt();
int chunkType = stream.readInt();
if (chunkType == JSON_TYPE) {
json = new byte[chunkLength];;
System.err.println(new String(json));
} else {
byte[] bin = new byte[chunkLength];;
//8 is the byte size of the 2 ints chunkLength and chunkType.
length -= chunkLength + 8;
return loadFromStream(assetInfo, new ByteArrayInputStream(json));
protected byte[] getBytes(int bufferIndex, String uri, Integer bufferLength) throws IOException {
return data.get(bufferIndex);

@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
public Object load(AssetInfo assetInfo) throws IOException {
return loadFromStream(assetInfo, assetInfo.openStream());
protected Object loadFromStream(AssetInfo assetInfo, InputStream stream) throws IOException {
try {
info = assetInfo;
@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
defaultMat.setFloat("Roughness", 1f);
docRoot = new JsonParser().parse(new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(assetInfo.openStream()))).getAsJsonObject();
docRoot = new JsonParser().parse(new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(stream))).getAsJsonObject();
JsonObject asset = docRoot.getAsJsonObject().get("asset").getAsJsonObject();
String generator = getAsString(asset, "generator");
@ -455,7 +460,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
return data;
public void readBuffer(Integer bufferViewIndex, int byteOffset, int count, Object store, int numComponents, VertexBuffer.Format format) throws IOException {
public Object readBuffer(Integer bufferViewIndex, int byteOffset, int count, Object store, int numComponents, VertexBuffer.Format format) throws IOException {
JsonObject bufferView = bufferViews.get(bufferViewIndex).getAsJsonObject();
Integer bufferIndex = getAsInteger(bufferView, "buffer");
@ -473,8 +478,17 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
data = customContentManager.readExtensionAndExtras("bufferView", bufferView, data);
if (store == null) {
store = new byte[byteLength];
if (count == -1) {
count = byteLength;
populateBuffer(store, data, count, byteOffset + bvByteOffset, byteStride, numComponents, format);
return store;
public byte[] readData(int bufferIndex) throws IOException {
@ -489,6 +503,17 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
if (data != null) {
return data;
data = getBytes(bufferIndex, uri, bufferLength);
data = customContentManager.readExtensionAndExtras("buffer", buffer, data);
addToCache("buffers", bufferIndex, data, buffers.size());
return data;
protected byte[] getBytes(int bufferIndex, String uri, Integer bufferLength) throws IOException {
byte[] data;
if (uri != null) {
if (uri.startsWith("data:")) {
//base 64 embed data
@ -505,19 +530,13 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {;
} else {
//no URI we are in a binary file so the data is in the 2nd chunk
//TODO handle binary GLTF (GLB)
throw new AssetLoadException("Binary gltf is not supported yet");
//no URI this should not happen in a gltf file, only in glb files.
throw new AssetLoadException("Buffer " + bufferIndex + " has no uri");
data = customContentManager.readExtensionAndExtras("buffer", buffer, data);
addToCache("buffers", bufferIndex, data, buffers.size());
return data;
public Material readMaterial(int materialIndex) {
public Material readMaterial(int materialIndex) throws IOException {
assertNotNull(materials, "There is no material defined yet a mesh references one");
JsonObject matData = materials.get(materialIndex).getAsJsonObject();
@ -571,7 +590,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
return adapter.getMaterial();
public void readCameras() {
public void readCameras() throws IOException {
if (cameras == null) {
@ -616,12 +635,12 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
public Texture2D readTexture(JsonObject texture) {
public Texture2D readTexture(JsonObject texture) throws IOException {
return readTexture(texture, false);
public Texture2D readTexture(JsonObject texture, boolean flip) {
public Texture2D readTexture(JsonObject texture, boolean flip) throws IOException {
if (texture == null) {
return null;
@ -646,18 +665,24 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
return texture2d;
public Texture2D readImage(int sourceIndex, boolean flip) {
public Texture2D readImage(int sourceIndex, boolean flip) throws IOException {
if (images == null) {
throw new AssetLoadException("No image defined");
JsonObject image = images.get(sourceIndex).getAsJsonObject();
String uri = getAsString(image, "uri");
Integer bufferView = getAsInteger(image, "bufferView");
String mimeType = getAsString(image, "mimeType");
Texture2D result;
if (uri == null) {
//Image is embed in a buffer not supported yet
//TODO support images embed in a buffer
throw new AssetLoadException("Images embed in a buffer are not supported yet");
assertNotNull(bufferView, "Image " + sourceIndex + " should either have an uri or a bufferView");
assertNotNull(mimeType, "Image " + sourceIndex + " should have a mimeType");
byte[] data = (byte[]) readBuffer(bufferView, 0, -1, null, 1, VertexBuffer.Format.Byte);
String extension = mimeType.split("/")[1];
TextureKey key = new TextureKey("image" + sourceIndex + "." + extension, flip);
result = (Texture2D) info.getManager().loadAssetFromStream(key, new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
} else if (uri.startsWith("data:")) {
//base64 encoded image
String[] uriInfo = uri.split(",");
@ -672,11 +697,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
Texture tex = info.getManager().loadTexture(key);
result = (Texture2D) tex;
result = customContentManager.readExtensionAndExtras("image", image, result);
return result;
public void readAnimation(int animationIndex) throws IOException {
@ -844,7 +865,7 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
public Texture2D readSampler(int samplerIndex, Texture2D texture) {
public Texture2D readSampler(int samplerIndex, Texture2D texture) throws IOException {
if (samplers == null) {
throw new AssetLoadException("No samplers defined");
@ -1225,6 +1246,10 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
private class TextureData {
byte[] data;
private interface Populator<T> {
T populate(Integer bufferViewIndex, int componentType, String type, int count, int byteOffset, boolean normalized) throws IOException;
@ -1380,5 +1405,6 @@ public class GltfLoader implements AssetLoader {
return new SkinBuffers(data, format.getComponentSize());

@ -253,10 +253,11 @@ public class GltfUtils {
LittleEndien stream = getStream(source);
if (store instanceof short[]) {
if (store instanceof byte[]) {
populateByteArray((byte[]) store, stream, count, byteOffset, byteStride, numComponents, format);
} else if (store instanceof short[]) {
populateShortArray((short[]) store, stream, count, byteOffset, byteStride, numComponents, format);
} else
if (store instanceof float[]) {
} else if (store instanceof float[]) {
populateFloatArray((float[]) store, stream, count, byteOffset, byteStride, numComponents, format);
} else if (store instanceof Vector3f[]) {
populateVector3fArray((Vector3f[]) store, stream, count, byteOffset, byteStride, numComponents, format);
@ -367,6 +368,26 @@ public class GltfUtils {
private static void populateByteArray(byte[] array, LittleEndien stream, int count, int byteOffset, int byteStride, int numComponents, VertexBuffer.Format format) throws IOException {
int componentSize = format.getComponentSize();
int index = byteOffset;
int dataLength = componentSize * numComponents;
int stride = Math.max(dataLength, byteStride);
int end = count * stride + byteOffset;
int arrayIndex = 0;
while (index < end) {
for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) {
array[arrayIndex] = stream.readByte();
if (dataLength < stride) {
stream.skipBytes(stride - dataLength);
index += stride;
private static void populateShortArray(short[] array, LittleEndien stream, int count, int byteOffset, int byteStride, int numComponents, VertexBuffer.Format format) throws IOException {
int componentSize = format.getComponentSize();
int index = byteOffset;

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetKey;
import static com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.GltfUtils.getAsColor;
import static com.jme3.scene.plugins.gltf.GltfUtils.getAsFloat;
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ public class PBRSpecGlossExtensionLoader implements ExtensionLoader {
private PBRSpecGlossMaterialAdapter materialAdapter = new PBRSpecGlossMaterialAdapter();
public Object handleExtension(GltfLoader loader, String parentName, JsonElement parent, JsonElement extension, Object input) {
public Object handleExtension(GltfLoader loader, String parentName, JsonElement parent, JsonElement extension, Object input) throws IOException {
MaterialAdapter adapter = materialAdapter;
AssetKey key = loader.getInfo().getKey();
//check for a custom adapter for spec/gloss pipeline
